The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, July 02, 1917, Image 1

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    (Tnlvprnllvof Orr-jron
.DojjL of Journallom
I, It'irut KttirMrr'il.l9H,t 1ifliiii(iM,(fiKnn, .pond
Um mullc rumUr net ol failure of M rli, 1S7K
VOL. XVI., NO. 37.
Hoard Sermon on "Liborty nnd
. , , i n . .
Independence" by Pastor, f
Rov. Chris H. Jonson
"Proclaim Liberty Throuohout All ths
Und Unto All the Inhabitant.
Thereof" Wa Text
Tho uiciiiborM of tho Homo Uunrd
wuro kuuhIh nt tho ChrlHtlan church
laHt nlfiht whon tho pastor, Jtov. Clirlii'tijC Orifi.M which bus been
ili juiinuii, ju uuuui'u u nui iiiuii in uv-
conlunco with thu munduUi of Pre
1 f I. ...... I.
- - -
Ident WIIhoii thut nil churchos throiiKl
out tho Innd hold putrlollc Horvlcui
In greeting thu niomliers of tho
Homo Guard and the coiiKregatlou
Mr, Jensen said In part:
WU liru K1UU lu Kli.Mii mi hiiku uh
nudlonce nnd ospocluHy tho inon In tho
front Boats. Wo wolcomo the mom '
born of tho Homo Qunrd who aro prefl'i
out. Tho Homo Guard Is a pntrn
tlo organization composed of him
Inoss men, of professional men, of
inon above tho draft ago and men uou.w
I... .1 p.. It ,tnt Tli..u.. Minn i.e. milll.
l,U UhUi tln. ...i... ...... .........
trained lu military tactics and may
bo called upon lu case of need.
"Liborty and Indepundenco" was tho
thumo of tho nddrosH ami tho text
"Proclaim liborty throughout nil tin
land unto nil tho Inhabitants thure
of," Ih found lu Leviticus, 25: 10.
Tho words of this text are Inocrlbed
upon tho liberty bell and' when you
study thorn you will understand why
theso patriotic wordfl were used. The
boll was used to proclaim liborty. i
In tho year of Jublleo all slave
... 1 . n.. f... In. ...... It. '
nillSL UO bUl lier. Wll liujii;iiuui;u
Day, July 4th, wo must think back
1G0 years when this nation was n.t
free from tho bounduge which had
Jnstenod Its j?rlp upon It.
I tun glad that in nil those years
Hits nation Iihb nevur l.eon engageu
In a war for coniiuest, but for liberty
and JuBtlco. I want to bring to you
tho' similarity in which tho children
of Israel wero delivered and the lib
or israo wero uomorou an.
orty which wo enjoy. On Indopend
orty which o oujoj . u ""-'""
once Day this country was so free
utvi uri" w ......v.. ...w .
... 1, r,.,i ii... hniuliiM
till, uunniii v -' - - -
of tho Israelites who wore held In
slavery to the o r tuxeu nnu ouir
liurdenod 13 colonies, men compare.,
rJuo is h d ,
man who Is held in s n. '
Ttnllnf rnmn tlirnllllll AlOBCS 10 IIIO
children of lBrnel. Mosch was tralnud
in all tho wisdom of Egypt. He wna
commissioned to bring those peopli
out of boundago nnd vnmiulsh tholr
r- .llln n-nu .. Inmlor iinnnliitid
whon tho 13 colonies noedod a loador
most. That man was George Wash
. r it i.
ington. At Valley Forgo where tho
Irion undorwont gent privation It was
Goorgo Washington who hold them
togothor. Is It any wonder ho wan
called tho "Father of his country."
Christ Is tho loader of tho man who
1b burdonod with sin. "Como unto mo
nil yo that uro woury nnd henvy hid
!ii nnd I will glvo you rest."
Mr. Jensen told of tho persecution
or tho pooplo of Egypt, of tho pluguoB
that wor"o visited upon thorn und of
tjio edict of King Pharlo to slay all
tho first born of ovcry household,
of how Moses had led his pooplo
Sro ugh U.o Hod sea nnd how the
III rOll Eli Ull) IVUU ouu miiu nun
afmyB of Pharlo had perished. Ho
then told of how tho American people
Sere kept ln alavory by tho mothor
country and of how thoy declared their
Indopondonco on July 4th.
Mr Tnnnnn tlinn referred to tho
..... - ' AllgUIUU, Vllllllll IllU Oliui.b . .
things that led up to tho present war, ,aflt weok Vsltliig Mr. DovUt's sister
ojt tho many atrocltlos that wore com iMr8 M Thompson. Mr. and Mm
mlttod agalnBt humanity nnd of how Dovitt havo started on a throo montli3
l6ylty sooms to hnvb grippod tho Amer- Mp through AlaBka and Canada. On
lean pooplo and of how thoy Htaudtholr roturn ,10inQ thoy w(i travol
bohlnd tho presldont. 'through Michigan nnd othor eastern
Wo aro engaged ln a war agalnBt ,)0t8i
sin, against Iniquity and ovory muii '
should bo llnod up on tho side of . Marriage Are Issued
right. Wo aro approaching that dny Mnrrlago licenses wore Issued to
yhlch moaiiB bo much to us as a cocn jeans, of Eugono and Esthsr M.
ilatlon tho day wo acquired our Indo' putmnn, of Waltorvlllo. Frederick
pondonco a day 'which wo lovo. Leslie Hako nnd Emma Post, both
I bellovo out of this present war, 0f Sprltigfiold.
... , .... ...... ...nt
oau UB It is, , wonuunui uiiiisa win t
como. Thoro will bo world-wldo dom
ocracy, no uuch a thing na king. Thoro
will bo world-wldo poaco. I bellovo
thoro will be 110 woie blood ohod, no
moro war. In connection with world
wldo penco and world wldo domoo
miv ilinrn will tin nnn trrnnt nnil
UlfllUI, UlUILfli
May God hasten thut dny when
I Allah ufirlil i l.t-micrlintll uHI lui n rmrn
I illmi fur tho pooplo who lovu lilm to '
II vo In mid nil the iiooplo who uro
to emtio aftur uh.
A imrfiiirlfitii n'liii'il witrn mint, iltir
" -"o o
lug tliu Horvlcu nuioug which wns a
nolo, "I Tako My Gun and Fight for
Vou" by Floyd Nolph, and u quartet
composed of Mrs. J. C. Holhrook, Et'i-
Iyn ,,owoni ov (,hrH Jmum nM(,
i;. H. Morrison sung "Houveuly Futhir
II...... If.. A a .1... i,la
lll'l.l i'n. 4iii.;i ium nun uiu nun
lllk' HOtlK.
.Money Ha. Come In Freely Thl. Year
8he Parkcr
i ,0 ,lHt tax turnover of any slao
'until thi) Hucond half of thu taxes arj
, colluded In October wiih inuilo hy
sttcrlff J. C. Pnrkor to Treasurer 3.
Taylor Friday. Tho huiii of
recently wiih turned over to tho trea-
....... rlilu ... I. i1U' Itiii it...
liiui, i imo null i' iiiiiuvii in tu iiiu
following funds:
stnt(, ,id county 123,383.01
'school district. G.G72.2) ;
'.ij,,in i.leh kcIiooIh 228.01 1
Ilond districts 883.03 :
orl of HltlHlltW , .... ;I7U.7
forest flro patrol 79.!)!i
Total $35.0GC.2G
Collotlons have been good all year,
.says, tho sheriff, which Indicates a
. con,iHlon of the country
KMr)nurH lmvo ull rccclvcil ,llRh prCCH
for their products and a largo ntim- j
Lui- f t It. tin tinvn rn It I Mi nit I nVnu If
full Instead of paying the first half !
In tho spring nnd the other halt fa
the fall.
Springfield Boy
Dies in Service
Corporal Boswoll
B. Tollivor
Passes Away at Syracuse
Now York, Juno 28
. , ...... ,
-- -
"" i
., , e v..... '
I'UIllllllllllIK tWMl 1. 111 ill .1JHH.IITO, - V
York, that llossell II. Tollivor hud
died there on June 28 of brouchlul
.............Mi.. ni....iiH,.d wim a inninlipr
r4mi, tfnirv and
nromoled to the rank or cor-
I n P" "
Joined tho army about ono year ago
. Boswell Tollivor Is survived by bis
tattooed all
1 . ..."
n l, in WobI.,0... wanted to 8.1 out ot
0.,..,;i ...1 ..f i.i. nr.. 1... i.....t i.i..k n hn Cot In.
ii n iiihiiuiii ... ...n
left ror war service. uopons sumv And If you didn't have your roriuno
tllut 110 lllul nmAa good in tho army t old by one who know both tho past
and had won much respect from tho nn,i future, you didn't get all the fun
officers nnd fellow soldiers. HlH;you could have out of tho evening.
remains will be shipped to Walker's MUs ,,()lkn( Ul0 fat ,aily was 8uro
cllllPOl Illld IllturniCIlt will 1)0 llliutl
from thero on tho arrival of tho body ,
rtiki link ntiur 1 ..
t I Will LIU W
Tower. Now Support Wires
Tun imi'nrH tn enrrv tho IiIkIi ten-
U,. ..In. i. l,. Il.'.n .ior tin. Wllliitiinlln '
.Ivor lust below the trolly bridge yt
this city, lmvo been completed ir.i.l I An ovonlng wouldn't bo fiulshed if
men wore ut work Saturday ufternuon , there wasn't something to cat so a
cutting tho current In on tho now booth whoro you could buy candy, lc-3
lino. Tho lino ncross tho rlvor is r. 1 cream, und orangeado wnif thought
largo galvnnizud steel cublo nearly , fully provided by tho committee. It
threo quni tora of an Inch lu dlnmotor ; wns natural for such n booth to bo
and It carries electrical current from ;
tho nowor Plant at Wultorvllle to
Eugouo city's electric load was car-
rlod by the Oregon Power company
... 1
Saturday afternoon wh Mo U.o change
was being made The 1 wires wero
formerly attached to the trolley bridge
On Trip to Ala.ka
Dr. and Mra. T. G. Dovitt of Loi
. n..n. .1. .. r.u .inv.
Real Estate Transfer.
( Mnry A. Lnndon to Charlos H. Lnn
dan, Int. In lots 20,27,28,29,30, Mar
cola 11. ,
l'liotr by Aliirritan Vrnnn AmjclHtlon,
t inier tho stars and bars wive, and widow, of Confederate veterans at Atlanta show their loyalty to the Unloa
by making n Htnr Spnngled Banner to be prescnW to the first Georgia regiment to bo sent to France.
Double Attraction of Musical
and Carnival Makes $16
for Home Guard
The Home Guard Is richer by about
10 00 1,10 ,ct Prof 11 ,na,,e on ,,HS (,ou,
"u a"""" .uUD
leal recital at the Methodist churcn
iiuu tlio carnival neiu ai mo out op-ioincers ciecieu 10 servo uiu- aasuum
ora house. tlon aro as follows: A." W. Bertsch,
Tho "ohs" and 'ahs" which wero president; c. W. Hansen, vlce-prei-hoard
from the people as they em- 'Went; Hobs Mathews, secretary-treas-orged
from tho different side shows rer. C. U. Hastlugs and G. W. XeiT
of tho carnival Friday night showa.f i'ogctller wltfrfhe officers above-na-
. . . . ,1 .... 1 , 1 1 . ,ln. Tmnr.l nf HirA.
wiiat a groat buccosb ii was. tno
jokes and songs tho darkoyg gave
getting ready for their mlnstral show
were Just llko tho regular coon
songs and Jokes of tho South. "Pray j,
;For Do Light to Go Out" and "LltUe
Liza Juno" were somo of the songi
which floated out to tno enrs or mo
olir.a)ltuI.Bll alii0nce.
And then, thuro wero the "Seven
..... ....... ,... ,
... .. ....... i. I
vvonuera. now injsiuriuuH n
us " viewed thu wonderful Blue Jays
San Dlugo. tho Bzzuard Pekin. Chinu. j
Two Snipes. Liverpool and the Bed
"t fr fiv cuntB' You certain-"
,.v Kt , he wor.l, of your money. I
,d l.v Kl lllti worm or your money. tuioiieu an lerruory ijuib t-asL ui .m.- irom slar lonnisu. Mtu m mo fauit of their own, were unanie to at
o ' Next, if vou took them nil in, wns , meridian between townships two and . dents who took part showed exception-1 tend training schools for regular
Is tho Wild Man from Borneo and somo lree, or including practically all the ai ability and training. '
nrmy non-commissioned officers in
i. of his tribe. Tho "Wild Man" sure '.territory between Springfield and uttlo Fern Bowden won enthuslas- 'Aprn, 1917. Maximum age limit 50
jr looked wild for ho was tattooed all .Thurston. I tic applauso. She Is only nine years iyears
.... I , - 1 I ii nUim 1i lir nvnroalnn nnn . ... . 1
Z"""' . ...... ..,..nniniJ
rrom 2ri00 ,,oundB to 9G0 pounds in
thu last fow days she was still largo
enough to croato a sensation. Tho
fish pond was another attraction nnd
., .. ,, , I
lii prizes as wiiisui-H uun
y Kot
'dolls for only a nicklo.
very popular wun so mnny pruuj
girls reiuiy 10 sou you anyiiiiug
. . . 1
wanted thero.
: , , ,
Financially tho carnival was a sue-
cess, the Homo Guards having clearcl
about $1G,00 which will bo turned In
to tho fund for equipment.
Moving to Klamath Fall.
Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Beaver
yesterday morning for Klamath Falls
whore thoy will make tholr homo, Mr,
Boaver was ln business hero for over
two yearg In tho hnrdwaro firm of
Boavor-Herndon. For the past four
months ho has boon omployod In tho
'Chambers' Hardware store ln Eugene.
Ho has nccopted a position na sales
'mnn In tho Klnmnth torrltory for tho
Falling McCalllum Hardware com
'pnny. 8older Takes Bride
' Cecil JeniiB, son ot Mr, nnd Mrs.
Loo Joans, ot Eugono, mid Miss Esth
er M. Putmnn. ot Waltorvlllo, wore
'mnrrlod nt tho Jeans homo Saturday
nftornoon by Judgo J. Q, Wolls.
groom Is a United States Boldlor, sta
tioned ot Vancouver, Wash., having
eullutod only u fow woeks ago.
Association Allowed All Terri
. tory Laying Between Thurs
ton and Springfield
The farmers of the McKenzie val
ley, bent on lending first aid to their
iiplclihors. have organized a federal
yann loan association at Thurston. Tho
tors. Charles Grant. Grant Hendricks
Jul I-'- - Withers wero appointed,
'tho board of appraisers.
Nineteen applications, approximate ,
ing $32,000. have been received, a
'the properties examined and approved
lor tne several amounis aaKeu. .u-
idltional rctiuests have been made for
loans iouuiub ouuv.
.... I.u
rtrl.... . ... ,1,- .......... I ... I .1 .... n.llh
uwtciB m mumuuuu u .......
ho Eugene farm loan board Saturday
to agree upon boundaries embracing
tho McKonzie district. It was do-
cided that the local association ba
allotted all territory lying east of .he
. .. . T-7 ... .
t A. P. Nelson Receives Painful In
Jury When Cars Jam Together
A. P. Nelson received a badly crush- "ounK People: mT. Maximum age limit 50 years,
ed foot Friday when a speeder loaded Violin Solo-De Berlot-Concerto No.l Men who havo quailfled for com
...m. una tnn nf whtni. he wac ri- Fom Bowdon mission undor General Orders No. 42,
' . 13 .
'ding ran Into another speeder alsoj
. ... .1 m 1 . ........ .1 1
loauou wun ties. 1 nv umi oi'douu.
stopped at the crossing at Third and
Main streets to allow the street-car
n nnsn Tim oiM-onil car. on wlllCU
r.PNeison TasUtlng did not iow
,.., a 1,,
to pass. The second car, on whlcn
., , xti. ,nt
iiiiiwii mill ill 1. iiuiauii a tuui, vuunii
I'botwocn the ties on tho two speeders.
U ,.., Inbot, try tUn off I nf Ml
Southern Pacific physician for treat-1
Civil Service Examination
. Tho Unltca States Civil Servico
. 1.A -
' t-O,umlsa,on announces uun. uh u bui-
I il.IUIIb 41I1MXJ v. ..... .v -
h 0ri
stonographer8 will not oe secured
vom,nn whin, w held
J " need8 Qf
Juno 30, 1917, to meet tho needs of j
tho public Bervlce, an examination
luiB been announced to bo held at
forty of tho prlnclpnl cities ln tho
Northwest on July 7th.
; Marcola Win. Game
' , . ! .!
sunuay uuurnuuu 1110 ihuk-um uu
Creswell baseball teams played at
Creswoll. The game was a victory
for Marcola. tho score being 4 to 2.
Both teams played a good game.
Boy. Have Fl.hlng Trip
Ivan McKlnney, Pcery Illchardson,
and Claudo SIgnor returned Saturday
from a three days' fishing trip. Thoy
'report excellent fishing having caught
ono hundred fine fish.
Booth-Kelly Mill Will Clow
Tim rtnntb-Kellv mill will close this
1 - -
ovonlng to bo closed until next Mon-
day morning for tho Fourth ot July
vacation. However tho planer will
-.i. ils ; Iq-x'x ."?r f.v "a? day
for tne second reserve outcers irain-
STEEL GIRDERS ON WAY ing camp at San Francisco.
Croln0 Betwe"e71ve.t Sprinflfleld ' appointees for Lane county aro
and Go.hen to Be Remodeled Bndage. Bank of Commerce
. P. E. Snodgrass, First National bank;
The steel girders for the Southern , 1- L. Goodrich. First National bank;
Pacific bridge between West Spring- E. D. Paine, United States National
field and Goshen, where the Pacific t bank.
highway passes beneath it, will arrive Applications will be received up
about the middle of July, according to July 15 and under no circumslan'
to word received by the county court ces will any bo received after that
Friday from the railway company. jday, according to instructions recelv
The couhty court about a year ago . ed by the committee.
rnlmllt Mio hlcrhurnv nt that nnlnt sn mi.- .m t.. Iiol In
. .. u . b mw ...... -. m
jie to pass beneath this trestle Instead
oi pae&iut; uter mo Kiaun a ic j"
north of there, thus eliminating ono
ol uiu iuubc uttuticiuuo -i uaouibj
I nnn rnlintv.
Lane county.
The railway company and the coun
ty will share the expense of changing
the trestle.
Students Give
. D ! 1
X leasing r.eCltal
Home Uuard Henem rrogr am
Given By Music Students
Is Big Succes
. . ll.
... i . 1 . irlla.i.nrrh
1I10 piuKrum bic.i u
Crocker, president of the Pacific Con-
Borvatory of Music, Friday evening
at the Methodist church for the bene-'
nt of the Home Guard was a success
trom start tofinlsh. Each of the stu-;
tic applause. She Is only nine years
'old but nlays with the expresion and
ea80 ot a much older person All
of the numbers wore much appreciate-
in lan-o uiifltpnrn nrpsent. FoT-
...w .
lowing is the program rendered by the
i ti.. Cninrol Mnrch Mlrrnnne
i tauu Mv.w ...... o -
(b) Love's Awakening
i'- Solo-Scene
I Ella McCurry
Florence iMliier
. Violin Solo, (a) Mazurka... -BacKman
t fiti vn ca 'nnnin.iiur kiiiiiii '
" '
Robert Haney
1 Violin Solo, (a) Souvenir Drdla '
(b) Traumoret . Schumaa
Fern Bowden
Piano Solo, (a) Mountain Stream .
-Sydney Smith
. .
(b) Bustle ot bprmg.... smuing
llnit1a Tlmi'ilnn
, Extra Solo, Serenade .-Drdla
Uobert Haney
pacuy lor toauersuip, mm bid doh;
Violin Solo, (a) Menuet ....Beethoven a,)apted for military service in com-
(b) Gypsy Danco Ern8t' missioned grade. Maximum ago limit
Forn Bowden l44 yoar8
Writing of Tax Rolls Begin. I
Tho work of writing
rolls has been started at tno omco
rntv AnnniiRor Burton The
1"? 22
. . n.. rm,
ftn ho rells last Thursday.
wrlt,nB tho rolls last Ttiursaay.
RrUevlna on McKenxle River
atmnn TrinvrtBhi of Eueeno nassod
through Springfield Saturday with
his survoying ouuiu aiaruus m.
. 1 1 . r 1 . 1 H. , 1. n I
Glen Anderson farm oast ot town they
surveyed north to the high banks on
tho McKentlo.
Six Men Take Examination.
inino h.M n TMri.nn inHt week.
only six men took examinations, out
of 35 teachers, n much smaller pro-
--liu h,r ! ft'
.Eugene Bankers Who Constitute
Examining Board Will Meet
Every Afternoon
All Applicant, for Admission Mutt
Apply to Committee in Person
not Later than July 15
Thirty-seven committees of bankers
In as many Oregon towns have beei
yarned by the state committee of ths
,mllitary training camps association.
yto receive and pass on applications,
l lie CJUiuiiuaiiuuD niu uv . ...
tno Eugene Chamber of Commerco
every atternoon at a:au o oiock except
Sundays anj holidays, beginning to
. .-,
Tne men cnosen tor mis iraiuiug
camp, which begins August 27, will
b"e- selected with a view to appoint
ment as line officers, higher in ranx
than lieutenant.
Y Tho -followlng,InfQnnation-aava
. who are .eligible for appointment to
tnis camD Is Btven ln tne Instructiona
received by the committee:
Members of the officers' reserve
corps (line sections) who, through nc
fault of their own were unable to at-
rf of a,so re.
tend the first scries of camps; also re-
' serve officers of staff corps under 50
,-ears of age with at least, two month
.service In war and wlio have had ex
perience in Infantry, cavalry or artil-
- Non-commissioned officers of tho
TeEUiar army recommended in March,
191? ror temporary appointment in
" f d who throuen no
fault of thctr own were unable t0 at-
Resigned officers of the regular
mv. mniimum ace limit 50 years.
arm., age Umlt 50 year8,
Me of nr0Der qualifications mads
Men of proper qualifications made
....... . - - . i. , An-n.
eugiiue lor uie uuiucib icaw.a v.vji
( by tho army appropriation of May 12,
. . ri
, war uepanniem, 19x0. iuujiiuiuiu ut,u
jimlt 50 years-
citizens of the United States who
havo had vmr 8erviC0 jn the present
. nttirnrs nr nnn-rnmmissioned
war as onicurs or uuu-cuiuuudbiuudu
tnc of the line in the armies of
mo.i nnwers. Maximum ace Urn t
Allied nowers. Max mum age limit
44 years
Men of exceptional qualifications
who tendered their service to tho
govornment prior to June 5, 1917, and
who have been listed under G. O. 37,
war department. Maximum afo llm't
50 years.
UltlteilD Willi YUlUUUIt? lllllliaij v.v-
.,0rience and adaptability for com-
I. . . ... . 1 1
viiussiuueu Bruno ui i-mtciia uu
demonstrated marked ability and ca
missioned grade or citizens who havo
paclty for leadership, and aro clearly
According to instructions recoiveu
bv the committee every candidate
ust file his application with this com
. mllltarv train
ch a body Is named In every town
,af 2500 people or T.'l
dght state8 fnm wh,ch candldttte8
L" w "0 orawn tor too 0,u u
camp. From thoso committees appit-
Ration blanks must bo secured
Roof. Are Belno Treated
Three men have begun the spray.
Ing of tho roofB ot sovoral buildings
In town. A pneumatic palntor a
used to spray the boiling tar on the
roof. Work was begun on tho Peory.
Wlnzonrlod building Saturday and tho
biddings occupied by tho garago and
Wlnzonrled and Dunlap store will
also bo Bprayod. t