The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, June 28, 1917, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    THmfiDAV.iJtfN 28, 1917,
Wo have adopted an a Hlogan
"Business as usual"
The farmer's slogan Bhould bo
"Greater and better crpp"
Other IndtiBtrlcH iihould udopt Hlmllar slogans, and
thou wo bhould all live up to them ho that tho best
IntcrcHlH of our community may bo coiiHorvcd. Wo
can render our greutoHt Borvlco to tlio Govornmont by
hooping ah IndUBtrlOH moving.
Co-operation Ib nocoBBary, It Ib time when wo should
all work together for tho common good of tho
community. Patronize homo dealers. Keep tho
money at homo.
Wo aro ready to do our part by supplying high
grade drug storo goodo at prices that aro right.
J. Cyr mado a business trip to Mr
bol today.
Mm. J. P. Fry I entertaining (he
I'lno Neodlo club at hor house at t)u
Kllto hotol thin afternoon.
That good, cloan, old Virginia 8A8
AFJIAS In ton cont packages at Poo
rfa. '
John Aloxandar han begun work In
tho warehouse at tho Southern I'a
clflc ofNco.
Walter Price of Marcola mado n
: Town and Vicinity i
llcvorcnd J- T. Mooro of Huydon
Iirldgo was u town yesterday.
Hoy Mcachoin killed thrco bear,
across the river from Lvuburg Sunduy.
Marvin Grecnborgcr of Yoncolla in
visiting friends In Springflold.
Buy your shoes and men's clothing
from Wolf Si Miller.
Onirics Carson spent tho week end
with his parents,
Mri. W. P. Elliott of Fall Creek
pent Wednesday In Springfield.
W. II. Warner nnd family of Tn
coma are camping at tho corner of, 8toa iiarWt, daughter of Mrs. Uosj
Seventh nnd Main streets. They will , McKny ,, ,)Cnn vcry in with ton
begin conducting Advent, Christian h11Uub tho paHt wut.k
meetings Sunday In their largo tent.
Mrs. A. Valler who was dismissed
Mr. und Mrs. James A. Cox of tho .'from tho local hospital last week In
firm of Cox und Cox on Monday ubIo to bo out of the house now.
movod to the house on Sixth nnd A I i.oota McCruckcn, one or the 1917
streets vacated by J. C. I'nrkcr last ' graduates of Springfield high schoo!
week. will teach In tho school at Veneta next
. . 'year.
ine cost oi paini ooes noi uepenu Tho Uoo,h.Kclly truck run by
V. W. Prentice, Plaintiff,
Israel F. Clifford, Alford Clifford, Hel
en Scott, Ella Scott, Harold Mitch
ell, Charles C. Clifford, ICIIen Clif
ford, Alfred C. Clifford, and Ellen
Clifford as Guardian of said Alfred
C. Clifford, Defendants.
To tho Above Named Defendant:
OF OHEaON, you nnd ench of you
aro hereby summoned to answer tho
complaint of tho plaintiff filed against
you In tha above entitled causa and
i iiitf Mrlfttlrt sftv urnnlB tmm iVirt first!
business .trip to Springfield Wodno publication "of Ihli T summons and li
day. you fall so to answer, plaintiff will
. . . Atake Judgment against you for the j
, A. N. Lewis who, has been working roller demanded In the complaint, viz: i
on Silk Creek above Cottugo Crovo that tho sum of $200, expended by
has returned to Springfield. I plaintiff nnd ono Allen In perfecting
tho title of land sold to them and their i
Mrs. It. W. Smith who was opor- assigns by Samuel Clifford, with Int-
ated on at the local hospital Monday XlJiilSA
Is Improving nicely . CK,n nt polnl m feet nn,j 4 lnch
,,, oh cast and C feet south of the Inter-
Those registered nt the Kllto aro eccUon of tho ca8l nc of Mm 8trcet
B. O. Huntloy, J. C. Turner, Chas. E. Und the north lino of 10th Avenue,
Hunch, If. It. Gardner. A. Swanson. , Bast, In the city of Eugcno, Oregon,'
t and run thence north 73 feet, thenco
(u..... u. ...u....u.., nw. , . , .1. ....... ......,U 79 I
Is vlHltlng at the Bd. IJuryca home
Mr. Qulnn may locate here.
thence west G6.C6 feet to the place
.of beginning, and that wild land be ,
sold according to law and tha prac-.
tlco of this court to satisfy such lien, '
the costs of this suit and of such sale,
.and for such other relief as may boj
Just, This summons Is served upon '
you by publication by virtue of an
ordor made by Hon. O. F. Sklpworth,
Circuit Judge, June 14, 1917, direct-1
Ing that this summons be served by .
publishing the same once In each
week for six successive weeks in the ,
Springfield News, nnd requiring you 1
to appear and answer the complaint !
In said cause within six weeks from '
tho first publication thereof. Tills
entirely upon tho price you pay P"" Oliver Johnson was not worked yes-1 summons Is so first published Juno j
gallon nut wnni ii is worm in ncau ,-.,. v ,,, rnmnnnv hovinir divided
nrying nnu preserving your norao. wo . u, trnler on u.
sell I'hoenlx pure paint. Absolutely
guaranteed. J. C. HOLHUOOK
M. M. Pecry returned, Tuesday at
tornoon from the Crown mines near
I 1 1 . I. .. 1 1. f I 1 . . -.t, 1.-1. f
"riJSSZ . h B-tlan, nobert Peery, a broth-1
cr of Mr. I'ecry is manager of tho I
or mnr" at Christian Endeavor Sun
day evening. Special music
Lubricating oil pcll price, bring
a big can. J. C. Holbrook.
Itoy Irwin, from the Ilooth-Kolly
camp nt Wendllng is visiting relatives
In Springfield.
Ellen Lambert and Vera Sonseney
visited with friends in Marcola over
Good reliable Are tntmranc. No a
eptfOetitB; no membership fee. Pay
oncq and you are dene. 1L E. Walker
at tb'o City HalL
A marriage license was Issued Tues
day to Eraia Fny Goble formerly of
this plaoo and Wm. Gooding of Aurora.
A marriag license was Issued Tuos
doy to Vernon Le Itoy Hucka and Mat
tlo Elizabeth Potter of Wnltorvllle.
Rubber gloves 35 cents a pair at
Lou Irwin of this city woo taken
to tho Eugene hospital yesterday for
modlcal treatment.
A. Mlddleton left TuoBdny for Port
land whore be will spend several dnys
transacting business.
Stnck your haysand salt It boforo It
is baled. It will feed bettor and it
will soil better. We can furnish tho
salt at lowest prices. Springfield Fool
Mrs. Paul Drnttaln Is prepnrlng to
leavo for eastern Oregon about tho
first of the month to bo gono Indefin
itely. George Carson, who has boon work
ing In Walton for some time, linn
como to Springfield to stay until af
ter tho Fourth of July.
The section crew has been busv
this week repairing the Hide track ut
Miss Margaret Itiley, n teacher In
tha Albany schools, is spending tho
vacation with Mrs. Georgo Catching.
A. Mlddleton expects to leave for
Portland on business.
Hugh Sandgathe who has been liv
ing on South Fourth street on Emer
ald Heights Is moving to the house
between Sixth and Seventh vacated
by Alice McKlnzey.
Letters advertised at tho Post Of-
the Flschor-Houtln mill. They aro ! c i Martha Sossucn, Geo. SwarU
putting In entirely new ties, nnd havo
used u carlaod of gravel for ballast.
Another big shipment of shoos Just
arrived. Wolf and Miller.
Mrs. Martin, sister of Charles King
well, the florest, of West Springfield,
left for Alberta, Canada, whoro she
will Join her husband and children.
Mrs. Murtln Iiub spent tho pust winter Vancouver where Bhc has been visit.
In Springfield. jng hor son who Is In the army there.
Mr. and Mrs. Ilen Skinner havo
taken a baby boy from tho ChlldrenV
Homo in Portland. Mrs. Skinner
arrived from Portland with the child
Mr. J. II. Wulters, L. V. uurgayne, a
charge of one cent will bo mado on
all advertised letters.
Prof. h. L. Kirk will leavo Sunday
for Salem where ho will help grade
tho papers of the teachers who hav.i
taken tho stato examinations. Mr.
Kirk Is a member of tho state ex
amining board.
Mrs. Ousted returned Monday from
Stacy Russell, county clerk,
In Springfield yestorday having his
car overhauled before taking a trip
to Weed, California where ho will
visit George Lnmar a former resident
of Springfield.
.Vow is the time to secure a stylish '
hat at a great reduced price. ' Mra. I
Thompson's Millinery Store. '
last evening.
Amongt hose registered at th"
Springfield hotel this week are K
'J. Lorraine. S. I). Larimer, II. C. Juv-
Inall of Yoncolla, Lester McPherson
of Salem, N. L. Carter, Jack II. Hlntu
(ot Canton, Ohio, and B. L. Kleiner o'
Carson pronched nt Marcola Alvadore, Ore,
Sunday evonlng on tho subject "Who-
Big stock of hats nnd caps
"nrrovo." Wolf nnd Miller.
Mrs. Jonnlo Smith returned Sat
urday from Portland whero sho has
been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Geor
go MuthewH.
T. J. McCracken nnd Hoy Mooch
em havo completed tho bnrn which
they havo been building for W. H.
Graves at Leaburg.
llargana In millinery nt Mrs. Thomp
son's Millinery Store,
ilarold Peery, Mrs. Sarah Morris,
and K. Morris loft Wednesday for
a wooks visit in Portland.
A four-yonr old Jersey cow belong
ing to J. A. Cowden of Donna tested
C.5 nt tho locnl creamery today. Th3
cow gives 48 lbs buttor fnt dally.
A largo shipment of beds Just re
ceived, ordered from tho East soma
tlmo ngo, real bargains let us show
thorn to you. J. C. Holbrook.
Just received a carload of Scratch
Food. Food it und you will rocolva
moro returns on your Investment. Cu
pld Hardwhont 1-utent Flour is only
?2.8B ut our store. All our foods aro
lower priced. If ynu trado with us
wo will both bo beneflttod by tho trans
Action. Springfield Feed company.
Mrs. Sarah Johnson Is very 111 nt
hor homo on East Main street.
Mrs, C. Carson returned to hor homo
at Walton Sunday niter a weeks visit
The front of the building occupied
soever Will May Come." Sho is plan .by W. A. Hall, the shoe man nnd own
ning to orgnnlzo a music club, a rend- '.cd by O. II. Kessey Is being painted
ing club, a tennis club, a sewing club, '.black and white. Frank Adams and
etc to rejuvennte
tics of thut place.
the uoclnl uctlvl
Self-filling fountain pens $1.00
Peery's. '
.Frank Fisher are doing the work.
Mrs. L. M. Cagley and baby, who
I have been visiting In Kansas and Iowa
for two mouths are expected homo
MIbh Margaret Morris who lives on
tho late James A. Bbbort place near
Huydon Drldgo Is planning to build
a now house. The old ono has booa
moved from Its former sito and tho
now one will bo located In (ho snmo
place Ulds nro being advertised for.
WANTED Good dry Cuscarn Hark.
Wo pay top price. Also 3 or 4
tonB looso Clover Hay. Springfield
Feed company.
Tho Dound-to-WIn class of tho Chris
tlan class will havo a picnic along
tho Willamette river Friday evening.
This picnic Is the result of a Junk
contest In which tho Reds wore Je-
fun I ml Tim H1imh will hn ontnrtnlnnd
Dr. Eugene Kestor Tuesday morning by (h(J ,oainB do wUh n pcno HaroU,
u H ..rm. franco Is tho leader of tho losers und
ennnnt in the United States army. ;wmnm McCuUocIl ,CB(lor of the vlo.
However ho does not oxpoct to bo jorfl
cnlled to sorvlco for several months. ' '
Mrs. C. A. Unrnott, daughter Nevada j yw o. W. AND VOMEN
and Miss Mabol Fandrem spent Sun-'op WOODCRAFT PICNIC
uny in conngo urovo. . Tuesday evenlnc tho mombors of
tho Woodmen of tho World and their
Early soft cherries will begin to t
rlvn at tho ennnerv of tho Eucnnn
Fruit Growers' association today or craft and thelr 'aminos Picnicked in
Attorney for Plaintiff.
June,28;JuIy 5,12,2C;Aug.2,9.
Notlco is hereby given that the
undorslgned, administratrix of the es
tate of B. F. Hendricks, deceased, has
filed her final account for the final
settlement of tho said estate in the
County Court of the Stato of Oregon
for Lano County, and that Thursday
Lthe 19(h day of July. 1917. at the
Court Room of said Court In Eugene,
'Oregon, at 10 o'clock In the fore
noon of said day has been, by sad
Court, fixed as tho time and place
for hearing objections thereto, and
for final settlement of said estate,
hy order made and entered of record
tho 12th day of Jiine. 1917. a'
Administratrix of tho estate of B.
F. HcndrickB. deceased.
Juno 21,28; July 5.12,19.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for Lane County.
Palsy M. Jensen, Plaintiff, )
vs (
Andrew Jensen, Defendant, )
- To Andrew Jensen, tho defendant:
OREGON: You nro hereby summoned
nnd required to appear and answer
the complaint of plaintiff's, filed a
gainst you In the above entitled Court
nnd cause on or before six weeks from
June 14, 1917, the date of the first
publication of this Summons. And
you are hereby notified that if you
fail to appear and answer said com
Dlaint within the Umo aforesaid the
plaintiff will apply to tho Court for.
the relief prayeu ror in piainturs com
plaint, to wlt;-
For a decree from said Court forev
er dissolving the marriage contract
and the bonds of matrimony hereto
fore and now existing between tho
plaintiff and the defendant and grant
tng the plaintiff an absolute divorce
from tho defendant nnd ordering her
name changod to Daisy Hollenbeck
nnd for such other and further relief
as to tho Court may seem equitable,
In the premises.
This summons Ib published once each
week for" six consecutive nnd succes
sive weeks in the Springfield News,
by order of tho Hon. G. F. Sklpworth,
Judco of tho nbovo entitled Court,
which said order Ib dated April 30, ,
Attorney for plaintiff, j
. n- r n . . 1 - C n fit )
jnae is; iuiy o,i,ii,-u.
Louis M. Fraor.
Violet M. Fraor,
To Violet M. Fraer the above named
defondant: IN THE NAME OF THE
STATE OF OREGON, you are here
by required to appear and nnswer tho ,
romnlalnr filcil sgninst you in tne
families nnd tho Women of Wood-1 above entitled suit within six weeks ,
null Wlu (uuv ui iiiu urai uujiwutiuii
tomorrow and tho first run will prob
ably bo mado Saturday, according to
employes of tho plant.
Your money back if Corn Solvent
falls to got that pnrn, 25 cents at
Pocry'fl. j
C. I. Gorrlo, Sr., o'f Douglas Gar
dons, received word of tho death of
tho grovo back of thq flour mill. Of
course tho eats were tho main ovent
of tho evening and a largo and much
onjoyod picnic suppor was served.
Noarly 150 people woro present to
enjoy tho good tlmo.
Yostordny Ethol Klngwoll and hor
his nophow, G. W. Gorlo, who was Sun(lny 8Cn0ol class picnicked at Sea
killed In tho Dutto, Mont,, mlno dlsas- voy.a ForrVi Tho ,mrty 8tart0d in
tor of sovernl wooka ago. Ho was 35 tho n,ornng nml cnmo homo jnt0 in
yours of ago and had boon marrlod . tho nrt0rnoon. A rogulnr picnic din
thrco months. nor or sandwiches, cake, wolnlos, suck
Got your films dovoloped at Peery's ' orB' nnd lonionado wna much onjoyod.
Hot wator bottles guaranteed for . TI,0B0 w,1 attended woro Noll NoIboii,
two years at Peery'fl. Lowoll Noblo, Carol Parker, John Hal-
soy, Joo Bally, Lnworonco Moo, Itob-
Mr. and Mrs. Elliott and daughter 0rt Palmer, and their teacher, Bthfl
Mrs. Snvago of Colfax, Washington , Klngwoll.
are visiting Mrs. Elliott's mother Mrs.
Charlos A. nurgoss at Haydnn Bridge.
J, W. Arnott and family of D atrool
will movo to Portland noxt week
whoro Mr. Arnott oxpocta to secure
omptoymont In tho ship yards.
MM. Carl Fischer ontortnlned Mr.
nnd Mrs. Fred Fischer of Marcola
muI Miss Mlnnlo FUlg at dlnnor Sun
day nvoutng nt hor homo on Emormd
1. : I . rnll ,A ......... n r '
want thereof, the plaintiff will tako
decrei against you as prayed for In
tho complaint dlsolvlng tho marrlago
contract existing botwoen you and tho
plaintiff, nnd giving to Uio plaintiff
tho care and custody of the minor i
child of said marriage, Marion Fraer, I
and for such other and further relief i
as to tho court may seem equitable in !
tho premises,
This summons Is published by or-,
dor of tho Hon, G, F. Sklpworth,
Judgo of tho nbovo entitled court.
which order is dated tho 29tu day ot
May, 1917, cnmmandlng this summons
to be published for six weeks in tho
Springfield Nows, nnd tho date of tho
first publication is tho 31st day ot May,
1917, and tho dato of tho last publica
tion Is tho l?h dav of July, 1917.
Attorney for plaintiff.
20 Eighth Avo. East, Mllfl
Eugone, Oregon.
May Si: Juno 7,14,21,28: July 5.12,
I havo sold out my grocery business
nnd I tnko this method of notifying
nil persons Indebted to mo to call at
tho Commercial Stato Bank and settle
tholr accounts.
Juno 26.
Musical Recital
Methodist Church
Friday, June 29, 7:30 P. M,
FERN BOWDEN, Child Violinist
ELLA McCURRY, Violinist
Pupils of Pacific Convervatory of Music
Proceeds for Home Guard
Home Guard Carnival
After the entertainment at the
Methodist Church
Old Opera Hons?, 9 P. M.
Fun - Frolic - Mirth
Many Points in July
Independence Day, Jjily 4
On Sale July.3 antf -4. Return..July 5 -
between all Southern Pacific stations in Oregon
N.E. A. Annual Convention
Portland, Ore., July 7-14, inc.
On Sale July 6-13, inc. Return July 18
from all Southern Pacific Oregon' stations to Portland
On Sale on various dates in June, July, Aug. and Sept.
Liberal Stopovers. Limit 3 months
Newport and Tillamook Beaches
On Sale Daily. Return Limit Oct. 31
Week End On Sale Saturday and Sunday. Return Monday
See our local agent for information
John M. Scott, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon.
Southern Pacific Lines
605-609 Willamette Street
Men's Union suits $1.25
value $1
Ladies' White Top Shoes,
Havana brown and gray
not $10, but our price,
only $6.95
Ladies' Sample Oxfords and
Pumps $1.25 to $2.95
Sizes 2ij to 4i.
Ladies' White Petticoats,
our price 65c and 75c
Ladies' White hose, 2 for 35
Same in black 2 for .... 35c
Ladies' black hose 2 for 25c
Ladies' white pumps, high
heel, rubber sole and heel,
while they last $2.50
Ladies' white Mary Jane
pumps, welt sole $3 value,
always $2.25
Men's Panama hats $5 val
ue for $3.50 and $3.95
Eugene, Oregon:
Men's Panama hats, $6:
values for $4.95
Men's dress shoes see what
we offer for .... $3.45, $3.8i
Neolin or Leather Soles
Men's work shirts, our
price 50c 60c 75c 85c
See our $14.50 Men's suits
Men's fine dress shoes, R.
E. Z $5.50 to $7.50
Men's Work shoes, here
always $2.25 to $9.75
See our Men's hats, here at
.... $2.25, $2.45 and $2.85 .
Men's tailor-made suits at
$17.50 to $22.50
Why pay more
Men's shirts, $1.25 val. $1
Men's sport shirts 65c
Men's $1.50 and $1.75 shirts
at $1.25
Men's black Sox 10c
Men's Silk Top hats only
We fire authorized under the Federal Reservo
Law to act as an Executor, Administrator, Guardian
or Trustee.
This is a new service our officers will be glad to
discuss with you.
Eugene Sample Store