The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, June 28, 1917, Image 1

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Iltim-l KMiruirrttl.PHMt 4rlit'til't.0f mron, aiierond
Un miller under ot or l'oniri. ol M reb, U7
VOL. XVI., NO. 36.
Hnrd Day's Military Grind Road
My Brings Sloop to Mon
at Vancouver
IV Mil' ai'iMMI
FERN HOWDEN, Child Violinist
A1YHTL12 DOWDBN, Pianist
Each Man Mutt Work 14 Hour In
Preparation for the Making .
of u Soldier
For tin) benefit of tliii readers of
tlio News wu hunt kIvo iiii Interview
with Major E. L. Daley who Iiuh
charge of thu training of mon for war
duty nt Vuncouvor barracks. Several
ot Springfield's young men aro now
In trnlnitiK at Vuncouvor mid tht.i
Intorviow will glvo our readers ti
bettor understand of juut now thii
boys upend thulr llmu nt thu training
camp, rrrrzrrzrzrrrrzrzrrrrzrrrr:
"Thoro Ib no Insomnia among tho FAMILY MOVES TO IDAHO
inun In this company," says Major E.
L. Daley who, on Mondoy, iiBsuinotl Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Machen and Son
command o( tho compuny of resorvj and Daughter Leave Town
officers completing tholr trnlnliiK at ,
Vuncouvor burrackH. "Tho mon havo Mrs- J- W. Mchon. iluughter. Ma.--Much
a strenuous day that thoy nil Jrl' (, William loft Wednes.
want to hit tholr beds nt 9 o'clock l!a' rr llolao, Idaho, whero they will
whun thu first opportunity Ih offered. ",1,k "olr " Mr Machen left
They can remain up In quarters until n,)r" u,M,ut two 'nontliH ngo nnd h.n Additional Subscriptions Secur
10 o'clock, but fow uvall themselves '"BnK!l ' buying and BCllln;;
of tho oxtru hour. And tho men have ' tck '' "w omo.
onlorH to roport Immediately nny oc . Mr n"1' MrB- Muchen came to
nslou on which they cannot sloop." ! Springfield from Detroit. Michigan
Major Duley, is In chnnto of the n,,"l V(,rB ? While hern
InHtructlon of tho 13f men trying for Mr- Muchen Iiub been engaged In tho
New Springfield Organization
Ha3 Been Effected and Offi
cers Are Elected
Husband Royally Entertain Ladle
at Picnic Party at Seavy'a
Ferry Last Evening
Will appear In Music Recital at the Methodist Church Friday, June 29, 7:30 P. M.
e'd by the Committee Not
Heretofore Published
The final wlndup of the campaign
for lied Cross funds netted the com
tary Pageant for Coast
Guards" July 4th
"My dear Sir:
"For two years past our devoted
wives have at New Years prepared
to entertain us with feasting, song,
and a pleasant evening.
"Most of us have been present each
, time and have done full Justice to the
entertainment which the ladles have
"And what have we done In return
for such an outpouring of love and
affection, and a desire to show th?
other ladies what fine cooks (hey are?
"Not a thing, gents, not a thing
except to provide clothes, board, and
anrl latrine all- I)ia or!rl InM
wun is cuaner memners. an au- iQ whlch a iawfuy wedded husband
lllary to the Lane county chapter of jJn entJtled
tho American Ited Cross was organ- "Now, gents, walk up and be sports!
Ued last evening at Thurston. Miss ,L , entertatn these ,adIes wIth -
Eugene Will Put On Great MiliriC. C. Itowe was elected president, j p,cnIc, Let U8 ,nvUe tQ ono
irs. Margaret uray. wcrmar: , -" 0r our sylvan dells and entertain them
Olive Taylor, theasurer; Mrs. Eliza-1 w,th song and story and deck
both Gray, Mrs. Ellen Needham and i wlth garmnds
Mrs. Etnei vnrnen, memDers oi me
work committee.
Rev. H. W. Davis, Mr. and Mrs. I
Formed Last Night With 12 Charter
Members on Rolls
or.iui,,u I,. ti. ..wi,...r .luiuin., huyliiK ami selling of stock and was .-
, .......... Interested In the sine crusher at tho ' "'" ' Ul Springfield district $3.V , principal feature of tho Fourth of Charles Runyon. of
"Wo have a flno hunch of men ' foot Of Main street. Ho also ownel 74'17- ... . !ju'y celebration In Eugene, planned tho raoeting to assist
tnilnlug hero They aro ronsclentlmi'i iulle '' f realestate In tho bus- Tho following Is a list or contribu- " A farewell YOthe- members of the tlon of the auxiliary
and v..rv stun thuv lake cvorv drill InesH section of town. tors In addition to those published In Oregon Coast artillery, of whom there j During the big dri
Tho greatest military pagent In the
history of Lane county is to be tho ; Elmer Pain. Harry Devereaux and
Eugene, attended
in the organiza-
thoy purtlclpute In, every pleco of Marjorio- anil William aro wen .Mommy s issue oi tne imows.
work thoy do they do with nil tholr known In the community. Tho form-'a Mlddlctun
hearts. These men havo all hud civil. r graduated from the state Unlver-1 Hell Theatre lleneflt
mechanical or electrical engineer
training In civil life, ami are the pick
of tho country. They fully ronllKo Hl,'" llllu
what Is before them and before tho
country and thoro Is no exertion ovo
looked toward protection. Kunl and
vim murk the execution of every
"Tho discipline Is very strict and
tho men have llttlo Itmo for leisure,
only an hour a day. They work H
hourB. Considering tho great struln
ono would expect a Tew of then to
break over, but not u ripple of nnv
kind Iiuh broken Into tho rogular
"Tho training tho men receive hero
Is similar to that of tho Wost Point
cadot, only, of course, In tho Hire.)
slty In Etigeuo In Juno nnd the latter
from tho local high school at tho
Drinking Fountain
for Springfield
J. It. l athrop l.'JO
lluzi'l Scott 5.00
L. M. Cngley
Andrew Moe
E. S. l'utton
t E. Lyon
Mrs. ('. E. Wheaton
E. E. Tullar
Mrs. Klovdahl
1.00 I
are almost 400 In tho county, anJ
who will bo called to the colors July
15. The general headquarters staf
and the Second and Third companies
of Eugene and the cpmpany or Cot
tage Grove are to be guests o' honor.
A great manifestation of loyalty to
the nation by tho people of Lane
county is planned.
"If you enn not go tothe tr.rit,
pay tribute to those who can go" Is
tho rallying cry which has heeu adopt
e for Ited Cross
funds last week. Thurston raised
$327.20, or 5127.20 more than it was
asked for.
Town Orders New Fixtures
Which Will Bo Placed at Com
mercial Bank Corner
V E ' Urattain " 2.50 I 0(1 ,)" the colmltee of Eugene chain-
' ,.' ,. o'nn ! I'er of commerce which has charge of
.M. J . 1 UWUIl f
Uert Harper ..:
Southern Pacific
Will Move Tank
"Respectfully yours
"The Committee
P. S. Keep this from your wifo
as long as possible."
The above communication was re
ceived by about a .dozen prominent
men citizens of our town through the
mail last week. These men were
the husbands of the ladies who bo
I long to the Needlccraft club and these
i same men are now known as an aux
iliary to the Needlecraft. Several
days later the wives of all these men
received the following mysterious dos
ument through the mail also.
j "Yourself and family are most re
luctlantly invited to spend the after-
Engines on Both Lines Will Be noon and evening of Wednesday, June
... i plans for tho celebration and they
O. II . Jerrett 25.011
Ava Moore 3.00
Ed llringham 2.b0
Ed Wolls 3.00
Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Stroud
expect n great spontaneous response
from tho people of tho county in
Furnished With Oil From
Blair Street Yards
27th. 1917, as the guests of the Needle
craft Auxiliary. Conveyances will bo
i provided at 4:00 o'clock that after
noon to convey you to an unknown
1 destination. You will bring your
oil family to the meeting place, the re3-
Sprlngflcld will havo n drlnkln:;
fountain. The mutter wus laken up . M- Paul Urattain
cadot, only, of course, In tho Hire.) llt C0Uiicll meeting some time ngo. Hackott are to bo entertainment features. In-. first of tho week but today stopped 'apparel as tho initiation ceremony
jnonUis thoy spend In training, they nmI wa8 ,)mce,i tho hands of tho (Mrs. Davenport 1 eluding a varied program of events i work owing to the fact that all of the will include a journey over the burn-
loarn much more than tho West Fire nnd Water commltteo compose'! Mrs. Riloy Snodgniss I or n patriotic nature An alt day . oil had not been pumped out. Ing sands ot the desarL
Point cadet does In the same Hum. r j. w. Coffin, M. C. Dressier, and .""d Klntzley ' dnnce will be In progress at the arm- Tho tank which is about 14 feet ' "Disrespectfully,
The Southern Pacific gravity
Tho Eugene and Cottage Gma lanK wnicn is oeing iorn uown win mence ot tne Most rsobie u. w. Dis
bands and the Radiator drum corps , bo moved to the company yards on penser, W. H. Pollard, at the dea
i'' Eugene will furnish the music In .Blair street in Eugene. The men Ignated hour. Kindly avoid undue
connection with the celebratlon There ,have been at work on it since the and ostentatious display of wearing
To give an Idea oh to how the men M. M. Poory.
spend tho day and how busy thoy ure Tho fountnln was ordered through
tho schedule now In use Is given: . M. C. Dressier and Sou from tin
Mrs. Hossormnn . .5)
Mrs. Eliza Hall 5.00
I l.uello Copenheaver 3.00
a. m
., first call; 5:20 to 0:30, rovolllo lllulr Oranlto company of Ashland. ! l-ucy Copenhavor 5.00
Mrs. L. K. Page 5.00
Artisans Lodge ?5.00
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. linker l.oO
Mrs. M. E. Castel 1.00 j
Mr. nnd Mrs, Goorgo Catching
M. J
formation, noticing burrucks nnd TIiIh granite Is considered about thu Mrs. A. Lopennaor ...
grounds, and work about quarters; beBt In tho United States. Thoro , Ms. Luclna Richardson 1.00
.an l.rnnkfnnl! 7 to 7:30. nliyslctil will ho ono faucuL Tho price is Win. Lansbory 5.00
ftTnrpinn- 7!40 in 8:40. rifle and Dlstol an Introductory nrlcu to Snringflold. ' P. M. McPherson
prnctlco for ono platoon j rjdlng It will bo placed nt tho corner of
horsohnck for socond platoon; equltn Fourth und Main streets at tho Com
Hon, third platoon; 8:40 to 9:40, quiz inerciul Htuto bunk building. At
and conference on "Tho Engineer In present It Is nt tho sldo of tho bank
"War"- 9:40 to 10, Infantry drill; 1 awaiting Installation. Long nnd
10:10 to 10:45, pontoon drill, nils- Cross will havo charge of tho In--collonoouB
bridge building, etc.; 11:45 stalling of thu fountain.
to 12, inspection of quartors by rcg-
ular army officer; 12, dinner; 1:16, W,lll Get Back Tax Money of That Lane county and tho other
IU 1OV IUUDH umuii , .r
mlnos, saps, bombproofs, bmshwork, . counties of tho state
..... . A a tnniilul 111 n f 1 LI lf f fl f
roconnalsnnco nnd sketching; :m io,
r, officers' call, known as "troulilo .fornlu
t,n,,r in which unv difficulties may tho government
be reported; 5, suppor; C:30. retreat. ' States supremo court decision, will
with arms; C to 7, roloase rrom quar- kui wi
tors, tho only froo hour of tho day; nollot ot county officials Interested.
7 to 9. compulsory study and ovonlng Luna county's buck taxes duo from
conforonco 1 1,10 Bvornment on this land aro ovor
From Saturday nt noon until 7:30 00,000.
Sunday ovonlng the mon are allowoil
to do as thoy ploaso
... . . . . 1.11. tlnmnnw .
ory. Public speeklng in tne parK own auuuu mo ....: uuiu
und sports will also be provided. i will have to be taKen apart to do
"The Commltteo."
Very much mystified but willing to
That the nation Is at war and Lino movod across tho bridge. It will tak wnatever came the women and
county men nro to respond to tho " bo loaded on Iioubo moving trucks and tneIr famiues gathered at the dea-
colors In such large numbers within hnuled by horses. The crow undo- gnated meeting place at the appoint-
the vory nour future are reasons tho charge of John McGeo will prob. ed tjme Much to the suprise of tlie
which make tho celobratton ot the ( ably have tho tank ready to move ,nen tne ia(lloa woro most becoming
Fourth of July this year duhly Impor- ( next week. 1 red, whlto, and blue hats, carried
tnnt. An official of the company stated rcd( whlte( and biue para80iB an,i
Monday that the romovnl of tho tank balloons. Tho "unknown destlna-
Liberty Bond Money Due (d not necessarily mena that there tlon.. was Seavey's Ferry. Several
For those who aro buying Llbertv .nuld be no oil tank nt Snrlncfleld In .i. .,..,.! i..j ,.i ,o..
tnrhun buu Romls on tho -instnllmont plan, dovte- ,i,e f,,iUre hut that there could bo .i.i .., , .i i.h
Mr. and Mrs. 1 S. Collins , ed by tho government, tho first In- tme soved by having all engines take tho piaco In readlness for tho arrival
mi mrs, v.uorgu v.iui.i.ii.h , Htalluients aro now due. . 0n nt Blair street Instead of here ot tho rest of tho party Gamea
Ilrury 10.00 Tnia installment Is 18 per cent, a ns nll encines aro now laid un In ,.,
Mrs. W. R. Dawson l.uo , deposit of two per cont ot the bond's tl)Q yards at Blair street. Therefore Dron tho Handkerchief" and other
. .i n i. i,1 inill.. r. nn , , , i ,.i . . i n i .... 1
.mo, v.. iov,nv. vuiuu iiuviuK uueu puui uu BuuBi;ii- a tank was 11
. ' "I V'. " ............ . I1I1UU 1111. 111. UUCU 11 11 1 11 Ull DUIIOVIIU' O , II TI If U Jin 1 TT1 111 CM 1 It I M IIMI'HKNIIV 117 1 1 1 . 1 ....
, ,, . ' .... . i" " .--- 1 8ucn games were enjoyeu. ivuuuL
In which aro Maggie brunco - tlon prior to June 15, The govern-'tilQ now yarrta and ns It is very hard 6.30 0.clock tno men served a 8Um.
... w... ...... imuku.pi ineui circmurn buuo mm uio ueiiuouo t0 get steel at tne present time, u was ,,tU0U8 cnjc 8UDDer of three coursos.
grunt, wnicn reverts unci; 10 , Mrs. Anna uionuennmg i.uu cro duo Juno 28, but this means the f decided to move tho tank from here ,?iiwl- u trlo mB.
by a rocont United T. M. Grubbs 2.00 mon0y mU8t bo in tho federal reserve 'nnri take it to Blair street, who-rt 1 Bi,.f rn
' H...I1..,. fllffl., ! ni i i. . nr 1.1... l !.. . .. .. . . .L i
muiiui ui""" -. uiiimo ur ut iv uaiinitiu" u lusn, uuio, i could serve tno engines on noia i
Hill 1.00 1
Association Gets Charter
. I Tlin charter for the I.nnn Cotintv
As there is no target range at m Lo aMO0,Bton WM
Vancouver, the company will .rocolvod from s kBne Tuo8day ,)y
taken to Clackamas later or t o n of
actual rlflo and pistol practl co, Uw nHBOclatlou. ThlH chartcr ls tho
drill now being handled with lummy, n(j lmndrm, und forty.thrd BrantoJ
'Bno"8, , , . . .., ''since tho national farm lonn act wan
. Ono foaturo that adds vim to tho concross
(ft drill is tho fact that about 40 out of .PUBsod by congress.
Uio 135 now training will bo soloctod from tho second training camp, which
to actually eorvo as commissioned opons on August 20, will bo sent to
.officers. Nono of theso mon bus been Vancouver for final training Is un
picked yet, nor will thoy likely be,docldod. The rainy weuthor would
until tho training ls much furUior.bur much out-of-door work during
along, Tho men will bo soloclod by tho lattor part of tho camp, It Is ox
Major Daloy 'poctod, and for that reuson spmo Cal
Whotuor tho ere ..""cr company ifornlu city may bo seloctod.
Mrs. Pratt llolvorson 2.00
Mrs. E. M. Johnson 5.00
Sllns N. Keonoy 10.00
R. L. Kirk 25.00
F. E. Lonhnrt 10.00
Mrs. L. J. Lopley 5.00
J. II. Malo 5.00
Estella Martin 2.00
Mrs, Rose McKny 3.00
Mrs. J. Machon - 2.00
John Nlco 5.00
Oswnld Olson 3.00
W. 11. Parks 2.00
Mtb. Palmor 1.00
Mrs. Ruby Paris 25
Mrs. Nclllo Rngan 1.00
Mary J. Roberts
J. P. Robly 2.00
Asa H. Straight 1.00
Tnthony Saul 5X0
llobort Shultz 2.00
(f,('iiTij"td. op Pafo Two)
Building New Dry Shed
Tho now shod for stacking lum
ber which was commencod at the '
Court Decision Is Rendered
A dnrlulnn rendered bv Judce J. W.
Hooth-Kelly Mill about a month "ago , nmlUm ot tUo olrcult court, ln tho
Is well under way toward completion. case of GeorgQ D Wnrd aga,n8t Jam(;s
The building ls 40 feet by 200 fee y h an(, ErnCBt Lyon8( nu,etln,
nnd Is built on tho West end of tho mle to 640 acro8 of ,and , t,,e M(W
dook' , ' hawk valley, ended litigation that has
been In tho courts ovor this land for
I Ion vnnrft rir trmrn Thn 1tlrin decid-
ed the case in favor of Ward, quiet- flnBh0d the clearing away of the frag
Ing the title to tho land, and aecioea monts Tno ia(jos Voted tho men
that the defendants had no Interest royai entertainers,
i- I.
IU II. rrhr. Ai.lllo.., tn MomllnKm f
whlplt seems to havo sprung up only
Fisnermen Have uooa luck i
I). A. Washburne, Joss Soavey, and
Welby Stevens spent yesterday fish
ing In tho Willamette river from Oak
ridge to Lowell, Judging from the
results, ovor 100 fish, thoy say that
fishing is flno.
Back Taxes Are Paid
Sheriff J. C. Parker yesterday
turned ovor to County Treasurer S.
W. Taylor, $253.62 paid rocontly ns
1913 taxes, $5S9 72 ns 1914 taxes and
$12,103.99 as 1915 taxec
Fruit salad
Second Course
Chicken Pie
Baked beans
Mashed potatoes and gravey
Third Course
Ice Cream
After supper they sat around tha
camp-fire until the gentlemen had
Will Close the 4th of July
The business houses of Springfield
within the last few days has car-
Inlnlv TTimlrt mnnli nm?rAnn Thn
, will be closed all day on the Fourth , offcon of th,B MW ftnd my8terloU3
.o! omy. y poupw u w.. w 0,.Ran,zation aro noyal Grand Whir
a tend the celebrations at different f, UH B Wa,Uer, NobIo Tnlg.
.places or spend the day in the woods , ...
' a this way be able to do so. I (Continued on page twol