' fed Mima'" ,h;ri the Wqiklp news :aaoS lt' 4tM ilMK' 4 W. P.WALKR UNDERTARCfOfiC S&J FUNERAL DIRECTOR Office Phone 62 ReMdklca 'ttr ' HERBERT l WALKER SOCIAL EVENTS 4 NOTARY ' ..PUBLIC' Wfte fa City biSi Borlngfleid. Oc Parson's Garage Cfinoral "Repair Una" "Storage -Second HandCare-and Truoki 2C5. Phone 105 EUGENE, OREGON 1 ir w v f V V 4 MR.'.AND MRSt(WftC. MYERS ENTERTAIN. FOR ,SON Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Myers gavo n inosl-tm'16yablos Jriwh party for tholr son Paul, who will loavo soon wltn Uho Thirds Qrejon,t A tholr homo at IlAydpn Urldge last' evening. About sixty DeoDio aucuucu mc aiuiir. dnn&s were playb'd on the lawn attar wlilph refreshments of lco cream and cako were served. ' ". ft- v. - --" OCIRTV The Uereon class of the Christian church will hnvo a picnic at E. te West LMurxisoula-rancU-thU-avonliiR. Thn young pcoplo will bo taken In hay rack SThoso wliS Ave? been plan; Suits? M&t 6rder Alterations, Cleaning and ... rr-,zzr.- - -'i--- Op'posite'KtileK ffnSteTe H ; -I SPRltjC PINE WATCH 9MW 3PAIRING ftUHKt$re ncflMUlteS;, Gertrude jlViftl&$ Koy kln&juMjlpat Coriloy,, At the regular meeting of tho Ro- :njcTsaWicmdny"montng tho proa- 'ideati.pf ,tlul-; RebeUAh Assembly at OroEtOJ. Alr Alaryr-Lancaster, made err of f Icial vjslt toi.thQvlocal lodge f-PSty Eugjjno'Kster.jrasiJnltlated Into ilie lodge. At the close of tho meet- cc c run ui an'aXcavcro Borved I r 1 1 t' l I Li 3 mm 4 f ide i ainiuia.ujuo is meeting with Mrs. fllftydon BridgxV Blood this nftoN CARfeFOlIfiSbiEfctldOS JJR. J.-,E.tRJCHMOND PHONES Office, 3; Residence, 116-J OvBrCotiHii8rcial"Bank; iurch . , Chris H. JenpenK Pastor. ' Our Sunday" school oegins at 9:4o -tEARN-MtfSie-AT-HOMEi Lessons Free New Method Learn to Play By Noe-Piano, .Organ Violin, BanJoMandolia. CoraoL Hart), 'CeUo. Guitar? Piccblo, Clariqet. 'Trtmbonor Flute or to sing. Special Limited Offer of free weekly lessons. ' Vtm pay only for musiaawl posagewuicb Is small. Jlcneyl back, guacanlea "XT!1. sharp. Bo thero next Sunday, marahiBn JMilng service at ll bVjlbckXsUbJect' "Jesus the Christ! as , revealed In tho- New TestamenL Christian EndeavoW meets at 7 o'clock. (Jvvaaliig-servlce-at-S-o'olock subject. "The New Creature," .All Uie Interior work is now completed, and you will be anxious to see thf ninnv Improve ments made In the last threo months. The church has not been closet! a ngbj SUn3ay durjng. yieremodellng. FREE METHODIST CHURCH Reverend Childs, Pastor. The guarterly meeting of the church will ""be iicl(l feuhday. Following ii No extras. ad(iihhors or advanced,1"". ""V" t lUK ua pupils. simple. EvefrthlB illustratedrpTaliT, oe f easi j systeraati,c. Free lectures UeyorondH. II 10 A. M. Preachinii, Doljarhide 11 A M. each course . 1,6 ygars:, success. ,3tart .Saoranient . of Lord's Supper. Preach at once. WriteTor Free- booklet to , ne R " renti nollarhldo 8 00 P V day Now. . :unsT SchooHof- Musio -"?oc?S.n.u. liqnarmuo s.uo i. m. 225 Fifth Avenue, New York City. EceUnQ.Chittlm .Bark. of the people r TkT tir f .A large number rlr-x Tr ' V arid fr LHiIn 1 I J 1 t . j Seven cents a pound of diapeeling chlttlm ktnfe good wage .4. 3 received for t lm 1 o r-1' at t li n tipnonnt i t ti Thorn RErNCErPHONE:,S9.Wr. J f . . M, w n fi a i i ifT thej.lqdecQrbtaries. ,'VtL I By QEORQE ADS u Ah.Vlb.hinW :; , VT?,;,mut ..Qpnylnoo pa,oplo .who ikriok.fjram coataot with Cold Porcelain that a Batb isn't a bad Idea, whether you ar,e eping; t,o get parried or ACTIVITIES Of , OTHER f PY t6kRESPOypEsiTS A Mnrrlage Broker was tmnir to prombto nn Alliance so nn to get hU to the She's, n nice .Girl. Go piece of the Dowry. 116 'wild to the vtmiii: man: lini'ne, hike a Bath, put on your Good Clothes,' giV'ahd talk loner.1 I think It vlll. bj. ,ll rfht," , -Th .,Yiuwr Man was . skeptical. . "Tho trouble IsC he salc, ;f liilifj sm ."lyum niul ,iak a Bath, iiiid then 51ie wouldn't have uie, 1 VeMnst eonvlnw iSooiiTe V llf'Mirlnk from contact with Cold Porcelain1 UiS' a. Bath ln' a, bad. Idea, .whether 'rtw"i ' . '."1 ..V.IV 1. iro K"U'h o g'i lunrruii, ur jiui i Ytf'nhwf- drive houie't.v'u lot'lff 'Nice f eofilehl' lmrHirt'ft'lIt lct tlihl! wWther! T f Hlnti - ' '!' I "W "bin ch thm o by odrt." Ihe' entry o't the United States' meanif Relit War or merely tlu bie'nlhg of a new LToumusMury, we neeii umvernui MUtary Training., This country I llrV In . the production of a good many things, but our fargest and surest crop imp one mat never tans is mc vruii of'lmlf baked Liabilities, between the ages of flfreeii and twenryfive. Whether you llnd him nt the Corner of Fory-srconi and Broadway, or on a Depot riatform In indiaiul, or nicer- Ins an auto through the cornfields of Iaiitas, the dellgbtrul specimen of Young America who has turned 'eight een ail who knows -morn, tbun his Parents, Is the most obtrusive Item In the Picture. Young men are fresh th world over,' but' the' AmerleniV' foib Is- fresher tlian Green' Pnlut( tlmn which nothing tiuld bo frislier:- .So.tuetjnu.'s it Ttmld wew 4h:it,tll the w,ouie.ii wbo Dldp't, Kplsf tulr Boyn to come. i ICOV ,.00,N.rA. J(no 30.1 Tronk Sporoa add1 sonn sawed V, A, Huck'a wood tltlrt wook. Mra. It. W. GuBton rind noil Stownrt Philip, and MJhh Loyim Bargor traim nclfed liusltiosa In tCugeno Saturday. Lewis Gowor ami clilldron, Ruth and Molvln', ware or Sunday inqmlnt botween trnlna.to vslt friends. Air. ami Mm. Alox Lewis transacted buslnoHs, In Eugenn Saturday. Luo Logan of tlila placo has goln .to. 'Mabel to work on tho road. Leo II. Seavoy Ima heou. roinodullug n cottagaJiore that has boon standing vacant' tor-soma time, ' Vo wonder whyT iii' t.i i. Mr. and MrtuJL'L. Sle'phenii aiTiTl daughter Miss lloleu of Camp Crook Vfcru,l?cd,vf8lUng1,Mfs'.' s'lKphtihs imr- e'nWrWf: nnfl Mfs.: jf ll!"lt6nHB(iy.taiif' 1 E."CTNtchoson bought a ri'oNv'lcy- clo thrdliBh' tho "mdrchhWvh'6r6f tf. V, Heck. "" J( ,'fha wpatjiorlioru.lsettlng so warm Umt arjy njUUio ,yflung pvouU nro j;o,lM,K ji'n lR,w.ij",ulnfi ud, uiiyinR,"tho water'ape,".. , , tl, ,.,. E. L. Warren trnnsactod business in Eugene Saturday. " iQulto a rffrw Voung' jMlopIC f fain Mnr cola and Yarnell attended thd'hus'lness tiinntlni? nml MnHnl elviVti Imrn liv Iho t v. iinsiian rjniioa,yor. "f'rs. Horace Nolleth and son, Floyd wore hero ylsjtlng tholr. relatives, vf A. I leek andTamily. , Xhoy'caino Fri day evening and Mrs, Nolioth returned homo Saturday morning but Floyd Htnyml until Sunday afternoon. Air. and Mrs. Ottls AduniH spent Sunduy huru visiting their relatlvoi, Mr. and Mrs. John Di Adauia and fam ily. John and Ottls Adams went flshlnit above tho Mclfentlo Sunday. ' ' Rov. Miss Eolith Whipple of Eugene Bpokc here' Sanday nlornlng on tho Red Cross and In the evening on "Tho Exultation of God's Life." held SUTTON BLDG. - PHONE 20-J Cleaning, Pressing , REPAIRING , Made to Measure Suits " Lemley 5uitHQUe Phone 75 J; School1eting at Hayden Bridge At the meeting of the people of' Jlaydn .Jlrjdgeapdy vicinity Mondav evening Dan Spores was elected o 'djirector ontJhe school board for three iijirsjtiylfrank Bartholomew was e'ected clerk. "'(the o'ood o.udge'ooinsthe w. "V N i 1 i i ,t i . . i i , COLOHEU.PUT ME IN THE IRAMKS OR AMY OTHER, OLD PLACE, CUT SEE THAT WE HAVE PL&rtr OFJ.THE LITTLE tHWTHM SATI5F1ES WE HAVE A FOUR. MONTHS SUPPLY OF1M-B CUT TOBACC hi THEN, I'm 40INQ I TO STAY WITH C THIS RCGlMEHTj rw find are oVawnitogelhcr in.ttearmyfa'ou . out a lot about their likes and dislikes. It's always bceii'a'jIr'c'aTfblacc for the snrcad of W-B CUT popularity. They show each other why you shouldn't take more tlrama little chew of W-B CUT. Every shoedngjcbockrfBll Of sapjta. big yChtwJs jtoo.rich. They take layrB;GUTtrojpg;,nqthing is too good for our soldiers. Kiit by WEYMAN-BRUTONisCOaiPAHT? J107 Bro.Jway, New York City CAMP pREE, - Juno 20. Thero will bo an lc.o crenm social In tho grove back of the church Saturday- evening. IJVerybOdy wo(.j E. Cotton frorii Saloni' preaching services here Sliriilliy. ' Dr. Hebhatl 'Was called "oiit Iiom Monday to seo Mrs. David Stephen's' ' "who is sick ". :' Mr. and Mrs. Lconnrd Stopliens spent, Sunday .wlth( Mrs. Stephens' I parents ;it Dpnna.; , Mrs,, F. V. Brown.waH.il Spring field a)d Eugene visitor Saturday an 1 , Sunday. i , , , y Clilora MaMtorppn gavo tho uIkIiUi grade exams this week. Wr. nhd Mrs'.'- TC." Mat-fernn and delightful ipeelmen of young , .,.,,.,,.. CMni. . n,i,.: America .Td. iyp&rn.d eighteen." (() Bugtno nm( -(),)lirg .Satnnla;, bSiJdkTs raised fhem'Joi. be ViuiUevlllet Mrs. ' Leonard' Stepbt'nrt has boon' -J. PyrormorH. . Nowjjero jlseju-the world f vorj' sick for tho past few days' ' The Jll! I! ' il ll'lt '.li M Tl K ' J A -i . ..( ' i CELEBRATION AT " EUGENE July 4 .Tho jGrpatoat MIItn.ry Rngoant In tho History of this County. Rarndo: Stnrto at'1Q'-A. M. 5EjjpA PATRIOTIC DAY IN PATRIOTIC-WAY -i- iiii.i.i.1 Vl:t It-.' 11-47 f.H ' MUSIC. MIRTH -AND "MiMTCRY IT If you ennnot go. to tho front, pay tribijtpitof,tVtooo yho vlill. RUBlJcSP.EAK.IfJGJ SPORTa AND- OTHERr AMUSEMENTS. .. , . ALL DAY DANtJEAX.THE.NEW ARMORY,,.. ' 'SPE'CIAL ATf PA'CTIONStAT ALLTHEATERS I ' I., I. I III- I " . ' ... '. I I SPECIAL RAJES ;O.N AL,L( RAILRO.ApS lil I'M :i t ui- 1: l.t I. . i f , . .,. TpUBLIC REST ROOMS i 1. K. J, tt .' ' . .I'M y I'M t 1. will be provided for everybody's conifort, i. r t i p i' .. J Ii .i 'tl lNEXT y WEEiS No doubU bQforef-w,fi -will -be able, to -supply you with that longwl56ked for PUMP, to save that Distillate and Gasoline you wastejn an attempt, to fill your car or tractor. .dnlj $."50 . Distillate, Monogram Oils, Grease, etc. STODDAtD- DAYTON GARAGE 8th Ave. East 242 Phone 14S East okHStel -Osbura Half Block Eord.itclxICey..Serke-Statlon.NoJ, . - - ,do. youug Pitoplo ticcepc ho IIhtli-. und In such a tuke it for gninUib wuunor the Sacrlllcx's. inude la the)r behalf. Nowlipro elfet" W the dlrW'ting' advice of Elderly. Pcopla received with such grMMflirured' ('oiflempt, ' - " lhey are too old to spank, but wo can line them tit) and trv to convince them that this World Is' not all Ragtltne'ahd. Cigarettes, ( . . , Wc vau.teacJi thein ttf , respect, ,thc Flag, obiuv. . orders j and gpt -jit leasj a glimmering conception, of: the Eternal 'Law-' of ' Cinipi-nsatiiiti--ithati ht who takes mutt nlno'glve-. i. n- Wo are now at war wltlii- fSermifny. 'o have not:AtrucIr,'back, bgt wo have taken Bhjwh In Ibe "Face, 4'nd either, wo must retaliate or cease to claim r6lu- tjpnsiii,nii'iir6"Tnfiiruiiitiico. ' 'vtti" flrfM-' rlnTe' -4fnf 'CJerm'ilnH 1uive Rfoile aff.hfi'yi'dTtf to ojiviucc'Cmorl-. cans tnijf.ml'st i(j(Ul'.fJr our Rlhtn. or go oiilf.ousiiicKS. j ney imvu vi lated our IIoKpltaUty by At the school election held In tho school house Monday, J. K. PIuMi v-"s .elected as clerk, and 10. MasterHou as a member of tho board of directors. Miss Frances Brown hns returnol to her home hero after a three Weoki visit with friends at Junction City ,and Springfield. SIGNAL ,( , , Junq 20, Last Sunday. nfto.rpoon a numbqr of, p'eqplo. spent, thn ator-j noon here .pleasantly at Uin lmnjo of Austin Edwards. Refreshments of lco cream' and cako. Thosif who wero-presilnt wore:' Mr. and Mrs. Char les Neot and son, Randull, of I.owel!, Ella Edwards and. Ellis EdwprdB, of Campi Crx-eki Mr.' and Mrs. D, 1 Cor'-' bin and wfo and duiighUjr, Margaret. InfumoiiH ! Mlllor, J. Conn and children, RoborJ b'jwarUH Tind' wifo and'hom i., ' .A Blair' Brothers! of . Jaspor passed through thlHiplaco Monday wILU. about J 20Q head of. cattle which thoy uoro laKingi io mo 'uaKnago rango ror 'tna uuiiimor. Bum You r Shoes 1 i.x::: " t i-,evfn JJi.ffWt Styles, in ' : MEIsl'S WORK AND DRESS.SHOES,. 35 WEST 8th ST. HP A If DPnT EUGENE, OREGON 1 JA. VjlLiDlLlV 1 ;".Wo, have akon blo'ws In the face.1; Plots. "They have murdered our Peo pip, 'The have struck down our Iplag. Every time wo "begin to cool down from onoJnsulf, Ui(f JaJided ua Another, Just ns ;0. Slight Tpkbn of Contmpf. Tho, Oeriuapa jiavp -leen the best AHIe of Patriotic Americans. . t'lft l.irdft' Hard ti' convince these Gooll People' that tlfo War Is n Final fittlffjglo'ttftweoii Denpotlam and T)e- mocracyf'-iyni ;tint'lf''.nio 'Allies lo.so dvpry rnh'ti,1'lttld iMnoft&L 'corilcr 'of VplM JsthiVn lnW"t' A rcaO-fo' weatn WWr Djado iu. pinpinx, ' i-pnr n afany ofljliem.wcm Ui beljove Hint nojw aH'WO'Ciioir tlie War wo riro tall' butin un.dlQiflUttiTel over tho Iosh of i'rpportv They wnt to rctrv- the, whdlo thlmp to a Claim Agent. Let 'us show them If wo can t'nlt'Wo aro-flght. Iiit- tofth'fl 'odrt VeH.vWetrstPiue n free g vernnient Wo lire (l"htlng to win I "(I: our FMf Ilesiir t, without wliipt, v-o nro n V- w v ' n. )... i- t j.i ..I v H lit ' l i ( il . ai The Springfield News - i Makes Clubbing Arrangement With The OregwFarmer Offers Unusual Opportunity to Its Readers., AMONG our large cir.de. of readers there are a irrdal many wlio are in terested directly; or indirectly in fruit growiiiKt dairj'inp; and. othcci branches of farming' All of tbese -' - natundly wish lo'kccp ip close touch with ag ricultural tictlvf ticf throtiithout the stnte' and to know about any 'fitfht Which i.s bchi' .waged for the, mciusures Oregon farrttcrd' 11 - ' .....Li t ..ii ......j.. r 1 1... 'ojfe defrfjpcntal to te-pqpitviuidaBricul.tMral. , ' interests of liy.H stale. ' !, Wc have, therefore, made a special dubbin? ' arrnnfeeinfent with TlK 0IU2G0N MEU whereby any farmer or fruilrnYCr, ,. whols one of our regular subscribers and who is not now a HtibseribiU' to THE OlUifJON FwVItMEU, wiU be entitled to receive 1;IIE , OltEGQN FARMER in combination with this paper at the same rate as for this pajicr alone. . . . , . . .... . . .Tliis offer applies to all those who renew or extend JJicir subscriptions its well its 'to all how subscribers. If1 you arc interested dl- - rectly or indirectly in Oregon agrictiltui-e, ,-.v. do not miss this unusual opportunity, but send your order in now, y ' .'', , TUE OREGON FARfllER is tho one farm -w paper which is devoting itself exdMsively. to the farming activities 'and interests of Oregon. It has a "big organization gath ering the news of importance to farmers, ' r dairym.cn, fruitgrowers,.. Htoclcraiscrs, and ' po'tiltrymen; and it Jtas' the ba.ckbbrie, to, 'at tack wrongful methods and combinations aad ' bad legislation, and support honest leaders tond bcrfeffdal measures. Wc are confident that pur readers will congratulate us on ut i , , being- able to make this splendid and at .. jtractiye dubbng offer. ' ' 1 ' SpringField Newe one year Oregon 'Farmer, one year . : :$1.50 -fil.00 a!"' t 0'BW' N .i c I'"." .1t nr '-tir By oiir 'srie'ctal clubbing plan, both for 1.50 , t ppnngfheld, Oregon a -reo.i The Price of Fuel Is Going Op But the . Cost of Gas Never Increases . r I: .. . I '.' .,") ':..': ; We have 'many satjJsfiQd customers who are using , r 1 for COOKING, and HEATING WATER , Telephone; So and we :will send, a representative to expjai , n ) peg on Power Co A. L. INQALL8, ManaQer. V iIjTiorr ( r, ti t -J Vi f' H f'jlpxi i'a 4