"PAGE TWO The Springfield News J. C. DIMM, WALTER R. DIMM Editors and Publishers Published Every Monday and Thursday RATES OP SUBSCRIPTION One Year ?l-50 Six Months Three months 60 Advertising rates furnished on appti cation. OUR CORRESPONDENTS CAMP CREEK Ruby Crabtre No moro striking vindication0 of a national industrial policy could be afforded than this pres ent demonstration of the world's need of the American manufoc turer, of the American working man, of the American producer. It is upon Uie products of the mills, tho factories and the farms of the United States that tho 75 1 Issues of thl8 war depend. More than upon our Army, more than upon our Navy, though their service and their sacrifice will be upon an unparalleled scale. the issues of this war depend up Cut Clover Now f and Avoid Midge This Is tho Advico of tho Oregon Agricultural Collogo at Corvnllis. W. F. WALKER UNDERTAKER FUNERAL DIRECTOR Office Phune 82; Pe'ltfence 67J West Main St. THURSTON, Mrs. Walter Edrnlston t, liro,U,ctIvo industries of Kn .. a. ftin lne TlnnL I comma Elsio Anderson ! r country, and that we have CEDAR PLAT Mrs. Anno Morse 'these industries today i9 due to WEST SPRINGFIELD, f the fact that throughout most Mrs. Clara Chiids of our history we have maintain : ed a policy of encouraging and ' protecting American farming Member of the Willamette Valley Editorial Association. MONDAY, JUNE . IS, 1917 I(xl m tlie ni8tory of our coun- trvr tli tnrmt priMrnl nprirwl in VALUE OF INDUSTRY IN WAR Ul0 hlgtory of the worlcL (Dy Wm. B. H. Dowse) j man fn)n th(J ,,ighest offlcial We stand tonight on the thres-; to the humblest citizen should hold of a new epoch in our his-, render to the country the best tor. We have been tested be-"servlce of which he is capable; fore In the Ares of war, but these anil every nian capable of ren svars have been waged at home ,erjng service should be given or near our borders, and we ' his chnnce whether it is hoeing fought to establish our indepen-;a row of corn or ieadUig a bri dence and maintain our integri- gade on tne battlefields of ty as a nation. Our independ- France. ence and our national existence j are at stake in this conflict, but we have entered the war to main jhe lookin, glass J tain international obligations and to defend democracy. v..,..!..!...,..,..,..,... All the instrumentalities of the j nation must be mobilized for service in the great task to Captain Jensen, Spick iinJ span Which we have set our hands. 1 "al something to do for every man. Our army, gallantly led and with ! ,., . - , ' , 1 , it With military hat and wooden gun the ranks filled with the world s j He put the Kalgor on the run bravest men, can be depended , upon to uphold the best tradi- Aeh, Hlnnuel wasn't it fine tions Of the service, but a great As sharp shooter Kepner toed Uie line. deal of work is needed to make . r , .. .. . . . , Spv.r.gfieiu s safe from aero attack it adequate m numbers, equip-slncu Lleutenant Klrk !s on theJr track ment and training. The Unit- j . ed States Navy has covered it-'After those uniforms arrive the civil- self with glory in all our wars OREGON AGRICULTURAL COL LEGE, Corvnllis, Juno 16. (Special I "Wo would ndvtso Unit tho clovor bo cut now In tho fields whuro It Is do sired to produce- a seed crop," vrlto Mr. C. W. Creel, scientific ontomolo plral assistant of tho U, S. O. A. in a recent communication to Professor Lovett, entomologist at O. A. C. On nervations in the Held have been inndo nt various points In Lane, Honto'i, Linn, Clacknmns, Washington, Polk and Yamhill counties, by government ' exports. "The brood of- tho seed I midge is much later thnn usual," ho continues, "but for tho hpst result. the clover should be cut now." Wo ' find that tho aphis also Is not so ha 1 on clover cut earlier and tho posslbil- ity of rains Inter which might delay Uie cutting beyond tho mldgo-freo data makes it advisable to cut at this time." Those desiring moro complete data j on the niidgo should write to O. A. C. for the bulletin No. 303 on clovor seed pests. Soliloquizing the Home Guards Fourth-Class Postmaster Examination The United States Civil Service Com mission has announced an examination to be held ut Eugene, Oregon, on Juno 22, 1917, as a result of which It is J expected to make certification to fill a contemplated vacancy In Uio post tion of fourth-class postmaster at Jas per, Oregon, and other vacancies as they may occur at that office, unle.n it ihsll be decided in tho interests of the service to flu tho vacancy by re instatement. Tho compensation of the postmaster at this office was $214 for the last fiscal year. and to a ship and to a man it will do its duty. The pity is And in the years to come, the annua encampment of the Homo, Guards will Classified Ads For Sale, Rent, Wanted, Etc. that there are not more ship3 ! be some event and more men, for a greater task has never been assigned tolneme,nber the dri11 tonisUt at 7:30- it- i-- u e ! Every male member of the town is el our Navy than that which faces gible to enlIatmenL it today. 11UUU5U jemo vi. iiiubk wu, , merchant marine has been allow ed to decline and we must im provise the means of ocean trans portation. The lesson of thes- recent 'ears should not be for gotten. All legitimate means of government encouragement of shipping and ship-building Bhould be"utilized to prevent any catastrophe iu the future, and public sentiment should be arou sed in earnest support of uni versal military training. So far as its industries are' concerned the United States is better prepared for this emerg ency than it is in any other way. Taught by the bitter experience8 of our struggle for independ ence, the fathers of the nation realized the absolute necessity of diversified industries and they HERBERT E. WALKER NOTARY PUBLIC fflc in City Hall. Borlngflold, Ore Parson's Garage Gonornl Ropair and Storage Socond Hand Cars and Trucks 2GG Eighth Avo. West Phono 105 EUGENE, OREGON Karl Heinrich TAILOR Suits Mado to Order Alterations, Cleaning and Pressing Opposito Hotels Drug Storo I'HM him 1 fiiy htwiw ii LEARN MUSIC AT HOME! Lessons Free New Method Learn to Play lly Note Piano, Organ, Violin. Ranjo, Mandolin, Cornot, Harp, 'Cello, Guitar, Piccolo, Clarinet, Trombono, Fluto or to sing. Special Limited Offer of freo weekly lessons. You pay only for music and postngo, wulch Is small. Money back guarnntoo No extras. Reglnnora or advanced pupils. Kvorythlng Illustrated, plain simple systematic, Froo lecturer each course 16 yonra' success. Start at onco. Write for Freo booklet to day Now. U. 8. School of Music. 225 Fifth Avenue, New York City. DAIRYMEN! We paid 50c per pound for butterfnt in the cheese factory last month. Does this Interest you?. EUGENB FARMERS CREAMERY NEW SERVICE: We are authorized under the Federal Reserve Law to act as an Executor, Administrator, Guardian or Trustee. This is a new service our olllcers will be glad to discuss with you. FIRST NATIONAL BANK, EUGENE, OREGON. LOST Alligator skin pocket book be tween Fourth street and the riv3r bridge Saturday morning. Leave at News office. WAEiJPbVt housework. I am 20 years old and experienced. Vera Cox. Phone 44-F13. LOST Friday on the street a gold watch charm bearing the letters M. W. A. Return to News office. FIR BALSAM WANTED. We pay current market prices for Fir Hainan In clean barrels. State quantity, price and shipping point in first letter. ORWOOD PAINT COMPANY Portland, Oregon.. adopted a definite and success- for "sALR-iiorTe'ryeadTin lui policy 91 encouragement and protection of manufactores. We owe it to their wise fore thought and to the deliberate judgment of the American el ectorate, expressed Bo often at our national elections, that our industries are so capable today of meeting the demands of this critical hour. We had to fight for the establishment of these industries and .their successful operation throughout the past hundred years against the bit terest opposition of the older manufacturing nations of the world. And Great Britain, the nation that hoped to be the work shop of the world and that tried most persistently to prevent our .industrial development Is as glad as we are today that her efforts to crush our industries in their infancy falied and that our ef forts to become a great manu facturing nation succeeded, for it is upon these American indus tries the product of a century of Protection, that Great Bri tain and her allies depend in this time-of. need. tine shape, gentle to work singli or double, good saddler, will stand anywh&re. Has been on the Spring field laundry wagon for over a year. J. W. BAKER, Springfield, Box 191. mTnT?Tdod'T had by any ambitious young maa or woman in the field of railway o. commercial telegraphy. We wunt a number of young men and women to prepare for tho telegraph serv ice to fill vacancies caused by un usual drafting of young men for Signal Corps. Prepare to help your country. Write today for full par ticulars. THE RAILWAY TELEGRAPH INS TITUTE. PORTLAND, OREG. J. J. BROWNING Creamery Block Dealer in HAY, GRAIN, FLOUR, SEEDS, SALT, MILL FEED, OIL MEAL, SOY BEAN MEAL ALFALFA MEAL (Sweet and Dry) POULTRY SUPPLIES ROLLED OATS, CHICK FEED SEEEDS In Package or Bulk True to Name and Kind Give Us A Trial EUGENE THEATRE WEDNESDAY, JUNE 20 THE MOST NOTABLE MUSICAL EVENT OF THE ENTIRE YEAR FOUND: Ladles white waist and a towel, clean and unlroned. Owner may have same by calling at the j News offlco and paying for this ad. I FOUND: A puree containing prem ium coupons. Owner may have same by calling at the News office and paying for this ad. faiwloaThTa and on the easiest terms to be had. J. O. Holbrook, Springfield. FolTaAuToTT ratjph within sight of Creswoll. Will confnhfer trade on Springfield resi dence JMoperty. Address, O 81, SprlngfTSra News. JOHN CORT, Presents: u 5 lJKJt ivx. BELLA" THE NEW YORK CASINO THEATRE MUSICAL COMEDY SUCCESS Supported by the original New York cast. Direct from the Casino theatre. Mail Orders Now. Prices $2.00, $1.50, $1,C0; and 50c Seat Sale, Tuesday, June 19th. 10 A. M. yUa old, (MjL tftf JUST LOOK AT THIS PICTURE AND DO A LITTLE "THINKING." THEN YOU WILL BANK YOUR MONEY. BANK WITH US Delivered toYou Free T itaMi.virai i m v wt t Mr mm am. Hit if Ml li I CRfigflHIl w mm wi K w& UW 1WAWH www vvm m urn wttwi i mj n m I National Bask of CMciko Vv.BJVav day trial aerfcinent. VKJiaiP Choose from 44 styles, colors, unci sizes in tho ruinous "KANUhii" Lino of bicycles. All nro pictured . in tmturnl colors In our Intent cntnlotr. Thoro are many other models iilno In fact tliotiioHt com plete lino efiiicyclcs in the world, nil nt FACTOKr PRICKS, from $15.70, $10.05, up. There is n Mead bicycle to suit tho taste of every rider- electric lighted Motorbike models, Racers, Juniors for children; Ladles' models too- all at rices mado possible only uy our i-aciory-dlrect-to-rldcr selling policy. 30 Days Free Trial Hi RANGER " blcTcIo jrou aolrct, HKIGIIT CRAIiaKS FULLY I'ltK- 1'AIU TO YOUIt TOWN, for thirty days froo trial actual riding teat. Wo pay return cnarges 7 u'cian not to keep It, and mans no entree lor wear and tear during trial. Wo maka no effort to Influence your drcmon. Tho trial la all at our cxpeme. Factory -fo-Rider ?rayLkr "RANGER If you deide loUrep li lt thaoklait and moet eucceiaful bicjcU concern In the world, with a Service de partment that caret for the ptrlt and repair neodi of more then a million rtdtrt. With every "HANGER" we (hip tore a ccruiicais Of VHara&KO lor live Years. T ID C Horns, Electric Ut W Out I int.Oi ilia. readr.to-UM front and raxruheela. Inner Tube. Tool Kile, etc- tc Ileoelr parte for all Ucvelee and router- brakee. all accurately pictured and doecribed In Uie eUDdry nun of the bia- new lUiactr Cetalos. Write for It. Il'e frttt All the Itttit IfnDorted and American noveltlea In eaulnment anil attachmcnte at Drlcee DO law tney will aiiooiin you. ni I a m n Hi J (rtriwhtrt tsrlJ tod eihlUfRAHOCR" UtytlM. rUlwt the mmbl Rltler AgenlS Wanted nl. hlleyeurl4.tni.nlylt1l..mybylt.r..im yourfrltnili tod nlihUri In "RAHQCH" blcycltt. ( I i JM, but write llty for our Ulut ttltkv. tlo full ptrllcultrt of eurartal nw olliw Send No money ). n.h.,.., .P.i,th.-TiiHQtn"hi.,ci. ou ..u.t us so o.. r.. t.ii. you cannot .Hon! to bur a blccl. tint or tundriet without drit btrnina whtl we otIr. CYCLE COMPANY S No. Canal St., CHICAGO MEAD SEND YOUR MESSAGE To the world in a dress that will command respectful attention. Every piece of printed matter you send out must have distinction and character or be lost in the crowd. Our printers will give it the "air" that wins a hearing for the mes sage, and our facilities and skill keep the cost at a moderate mark. Phone us for our messenger. The Springfield News Phone 2