THURSDAY, .IUNE II, 1017 THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS PAGE TWO 1 9 a The Springfield News J. C. DIMM, WALTER R. DIMM Editor and Publishers Published Every Monday and Thursday RATES OP SUBSCRIPTION One Year .... $1.60 Blx Months . . .76 Throe months .60 Advertising rates furnished on appli cation. OUR CORRESPONDENTS CAMP CREEK Ruby Crabtre THURSTON, Mrs, DONNA COBURO CEDAR FLAT Walter Edmlston Charles Heck Elsio Anderson Mrs. Anne Morse WEST SPRINGFIELD, Mrs. Clara Childs Member of the Willamette Valley EdltorlaT Association. I THURSDAY. JUNE 14. 1917 NO CAUSE FOR ANXIETY When the European war first opened, there was a disposition In America to fear its effect up on our Industrial and commer cial life, says the Santa Barbara Press. Temporarily, a "slack ing up" was felt In every com munity. People who had build ing projects in mind, hesitated: proposed investments and ven tures of various kinds were de -layed. Then confidence was restored; and within a few months, business was moving along at a greater, instead of a lesser, pace. Fears were soon proved groundless. A repetition of this experience Is now in progress. Our na tional prosperity seems to be so Rightly balanced that the slight est wave in popular thought af fects its equipoise. The Unit ed States enters the war, but under quite different circum stances than accompanied the similar action of European bel ligerents. America has always been an exporting country. The markets of the world are worth more to us now than in time of peace. We will still supply the. allies with war materials and with such foodstuffs as we can spare! and the money that we loan them will be spent here. Our material prosperity should Increase, instead of diminish; and this prosperity will be the more substantial because of the regulation that will naturally de, velop in response to necessity. For one thing food prices may be expected to be reduced, in stead of advanced. As events are turning, there will also be a permanent influ ence for good. Especially thosiv foreign markets that Germany formerly supplied are now look J ing to the United States, altho there is an active commercial competition in Japan. ' Amer ica will also, come. out of v war with trade- firmly establish ed in South America,' ' long a stronghold for. German export ers. Germany's piratical war fare has sacrificed friendship in the southern continent, as well as In the rest of the world. As soon as these facts are im pressed upon the public mind, the uncertainty that just now is much voiced will be replaced by trust, and normal conditions will again prevail. GOVERNMENT NOT PEOPLE In all the hurry, bustle and excitemeci of a great nation springing to arms against a gov ernment which for several years has added insult to injury in Its treatment of our citizens, it 16 a source of pride that seldom Is there to be found in the ut terances of the public men or press comment, a note of hate or bitterness against the Ger man people. There is a gen eral recognition of the fact that .the 65,000,000 people making up the German empire have been educated and drilled into a national philosophy amount ing almost to a religion, that the alms and aspirations of their kaiser accord with the will Of providence and cannot be oth erwlse. Were It possible for the German people to shake off their medieval government, the war would come to an end with in GO days. No one in this country faili to recognize the fact that we are warring against the German people. It was the Prussian determination to extend Teut onic rule over all mankind, that started the war and nothing but the extinction of that insane ambition will end it. Courier, Grants Pass. THE LOOKING GLASS Soliloquizing the Home Guards Wo.yo b(jen hcar,K a mighty lot about our Home (Junrd and nfter those new uniforms what Captain Jensen sent 1 for arrive why you won t oo nnyuouy if you don't wear one of 'em. Everybody says that the Esprit do corps at the traluing Monday night was excellent, whatever that meaus. Capt. Jensen says it wouldn't hurt a bit if they had more men out to prac tice and tho' they do step awfully slow they could sure put the Kaiser to (light Springfield's got a mighty fine Home Guard and if you don't believe it just read this little poem and then sea what you think about it. The Kaiser sat upon hlB throne, ,A very shaky seat, .And groaned a most despairing groan: "At last 1 see defeat. 'Stop Hldenburg und der crown prim.' He heaved a dismal sob, "Ach Hinimel- it's all over now, since Springfield's on the job." Remember Company drills every Mon day and Thursday evening at 7:30 o'clock. Meet at the old opera bouse Permanent officers will be elected r.s soon as enough men sign up. At The Methodist Church. Reverend Danford of the Methodist church will speak on the subject "T'n Failure ot Denominatlonallsm and th? Success of Christianity." Sunday morning. Classified Ads For Sale, Rent, Wanted, Etc. FOR RENT: Big barn cheap. South B Street. 1SS BURQANK seed potatoes for sale al $1.50 per hunderd. Phone 45-F11 ! JOHN PRESHERN, Springfield, R 2 , FIR BALSAM WANTED. We pay current market prices for Fir Balsan Baron Tigo. The comedy Is well Building to begin nt tho hour of 7:30 in clean barrels. State quantity, taken care of by Irving Brooks, who P. M. on tho Uilrd Monday of June, price and shipping point In first Is provided with some clever line, j Z letter. ! Adolf Link as Kosonoff and Robert ( poso of 0ieclng ono Director to serve ORWOOD PAINT COMPANY O'Connor as Rossct are excellent In three years, ono Director to servo one Portland. Oreenn. WANTED: Girl over 16 for general work and to help In the dining room, at Clif's Cafe. FOR SALE. Horse 5 years old, In Epworth League Will Picnic, fine shape, gentle to work single insteail of tho regular social even or double, good saddler, will stand i Jn(; al the c,,urc tho commtteo has anywhere-. Has Wea on the SprJn? pIanne(, a trlp t0 Seavey'8 Ferry, field laundry wagon for over a year. Frda evonlnK Juno 15. Tho con-.. J. W. BAKER, Springfield, Box 19L mMe0 compoB0U- of jeBSlo Walker, WANTED A girl who has had ex perience, to do general housework in small family. Address M, Care of News office, Springfield, Oregon. MANY GOOD POSITIONS Can be had by any ambitious young mao or woman in the field of railway or , commercial telegraphy. We want a number of young men and wossea to prepare for tho telegraph serv ice to fill vacancies caused by un usual drafting of young men for Signal Corps. Prepare to help your country. Write today for full par Uculars. THE RAILWAY TELEGRAPH INS TITUTE. PORTLAND, OREO. TEN WEEK MUSIC COURSE for $7.50. Piano, Elementary Harmony History. One private and one class lesson each week, Juno 10 tj August 20. MARY ASHURST. Rehu Hall, Eugene. FOUND: Ladies white waist and a towel, clean and unlroned. Owner may have same by calling at the ' News office and paying for this ad, FOUND: A purso containing prem ium coupons. Owner may have same by calling at tho News office and paying for this ad, fauTToaTSSaT and on tho easiest terms to bo had. J. O. Holbrook, Springfield. FOR BALE OR TRADE Small fruit ranjeja within sight of CrosweU. Will consMir trado on Springfield resi dence JJMporty. AddreBB, O 31, SprlngflWd News. (THE 0.000 JUDtt. riMDS fj COIOH8.L.I HEARD you I SPEAK OF WMiTINOi SOMt OMtW - ten i ITIS'S CUT TOBACCO. 30 fVC OKCN ICOUTINtt AHP MERC I M YOUR soldier is nil business, from reveille to tnns -no room for excess bnMnjjc with htm. lie hits no use for a birf pluri of coarse lcf, all loaded up with heavy syrup-whut he wants is tobacco satisfaction. I lie little sappy chew of W-B CUT checks up with his, idea what's flood. Out on a lonely outpost, it s nutflity sociable and satisfying; nnd my, how it docs last! M3 by WETMAN.BRUTON COMPANY, 1107 Bte.dwey, N.w York City Real Dramatic Appea In Opera 'Flora Bella" at tho Eugene Theatre. Bright, Tuneful, HumanJuno 20. The chic, Parisian coquetry of Anna Held and the vivacious spirit of Mlwl Hujos are combined in Miss Elcano Henry, prima douua of "Flora Holla' Besides this, Miss Henry possesses u truly excellent voice that Is brilliantly jdlspluyed at various stages of tho opera's score. Miss Henry Is only one of the as sets of "Flora Delia,' which may sin eerely be rated as ono of the bright est, most tuneful and colorful light operas. In advance it promises to be as good as "Princess Pat," and in reality it Is better. Given a romantic story of real dra- matlc and human appeal in a beauti ful Russian setting, the composers, producers, directors and porformers "have united In a big effort to make! the show go. And It goes from tho first lift of tho curtain until tho pret ty little climax at tho finlBh. Entire Cast High Class. The high standard set by Miss Hen ry Is maintained throughout the en tire cast. The chorus Is comely and adequate in voice and number. The music Is captlvaUng and stlrrln.: and the dancing, of which there Is a a i abundance. Is spirited and graceful. j A leaven of wholcsomo comedy bal- lances the performance to perfection, Almost as preiiy anu entrancing p.s Miss Henry Is Miss Lily Leonard no PAimlaOU rtlcrn filtV .T Slt'llll. ,u .. sel is not a marvel us u ienor uui. .i.j plays the male lead with- ease anJ effectiveness, while Mortimer II. Wei don Is the personification of sartorial 1 perfection and makes a smart lookliK their characterizations, and MIbs Jos,' phlne Klrkwood appears as Madame Vera Ludoffska. The special dancing numbers by Grant and Wing arc a revelation. I Ruth Lansbery, Ohloe Woolley, Car men Harwood, and Bernlce Cagloy I assure you of a good time. Bring jail the sandwiches and "dogs" you can possibly eat and perhaps an or- anBe or two. Promptly at seven o'clock they will leave the church KO oe Bure anl i,0 there early. STATE OF OREGON FOR LANE COUNTY Louis M. Fraer, . Plaintiff, j vs. 8UMMONS Violet M. Fraer, ( Defendant, To Violet M. Fraer the above named (Pendant: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON, you are hero by required to appear and answer tho f-ornplalnt filed against you In the alicvo entitled suit within six weeks rom tho date of tho first publication bero;n. and If you full to answer for want thereof, the plaintiff will tako decree against you as prayed for In the complaint dlsolvlng the marriage contract existing between you and the nlaintiff. and elvlnc to tho nlalntlff H1?, ,cnJ a.l3'1 ,:U8f0lly "f I"0 ",lnor and for such other and further relief as to tho court may seem equitable In tho premises. This summons Is published by or der of the Hon. G. F. Sklpworth, Judge of the abovo entitled court, which order Is dated the 29th day of May, 1917, cammanding tills summons to bo published for six weeks In the Springfield News, nnd tho dato of the first publication is the 31st day of May, '1917, and tho date of the last publica tion is the 12th day of July, 1917. L. M. TRAVIS, Attorney for plaintiff. 20 Eighth Ave. East, ft HM Eugene, Oregon. May 31: June 7,14,21,28: July 5,12. Wt TOBACCO OVOAjJ JtlUeANT.VCXJft WM.TY kutyI ALL OI ' IS APPUKCIMEP. I SMAUU HECOMMtNO YOUR promotion, c. ARMY NEEDS MEN OF EVERY TRADE FOR SPECIAL WORK (Continued from page one) tailor. On nil the Imttleidilp then Is a barber shop, and some of them nrc quite elaborately etiulpHd. The tntfn of the various organization are constant ly having their clothe repaired and pressed, nfid the servlivs of the tailors are lu constant demand. Ah barbers and tailors In the army and uury usual ly make more money thuu their civilian brothers there Is little demand for them at present In the country's fighting forces. To Conserve Immature Animals. Two prominent New York clubs have cut veul, lamb and suiklng pig from their menu to help conserve Immature food animals. DAIRYMEN! We paid 50c per pound for butterfat in the cheese factory last month. Does this Interest you?. EUGENE FARMERS CREAMERY Real Estate Transfers. Horace E. Renne ct ux to Curtlu Haydon Tract In township 19 south rango 4 west, $10. Curtis Hayden et ux to Horace W Renne et ux Tract In township 10 south, range 4 west, $10. Jahanna Schwarzchlld et.vlr to Jim se J. Smlthson Lot 10. blk. 108, Wash j burn subdivision to S. I. & P. Co. s -" . t N0TCE OF ANNUAL SCHOOL MEETING Notice Is horeby given to tho legal '.voters of School District No. 19. o' i,i-aiio i;ouniy. atnto of urcgon mat tho annual School meeting of saH nistrrt wi i,u holil nt Lincoln Sclion year, anu one cierK 10 Borve ono yenr and tho transaction of business usual at such meeting. Dated this 29 day of May 1917. I A. P. McKINZEY M. J. DRURY DIst. Clerk Chairman Board of Directors. May 31, Juno 4,7.11,14. LEARN MUSIC AT HOME5 Lessons Free New Method Learn to Play By Note Piano, Organ, Violin, Banjo, Mandolin, Cornet, Harp, 'Cello, Guitar, Piccolo, Clarinet, Trombono, Flu to or to sing. Speclnl Limited Offer of free weekly lessons. You pay only for music and postage, wulch is small. Money back guarantee. No extras. Beginners or advanced pupils. Everything Illustrated, plain, simple, systematic. Free lectures each course. 1C years' success. Start at once. Write for Free booklet to day Now. U. 8. School of Muilc, 225 Fifth Avenue, New York City. W. F. WALKER undertaker" funeral director Office Phone 62; ne.Wence 67-J West Main St. HERBERT . WALKER NOTARY PUBLIC Office In City Hall, 8orlngfleld, Ore Parson's Garage General Repair and Storage Second Hand Cars and Trucks 265 Eighth Ave. West Phone 105 EUGENE, OREGON Karl Heinrich TAILOR Suits Made to Order Alterations, Cleaning and Pressing Opposite Ketels Drug Store Don't Let Your Allies Outdo You in Patriotism In tho third yenr of tho war, Franco stag goring undor terrible burdons, hna otiboorlbod to a now loan four bllllonn of dollaro twlco our flrat Instnlmont. Shall wo lot thlo gal Innt nation, who lo fighting our bnttlos, ohnmo us by nor sncrlflcos? Every rank and every occupation In Prance has eagerly proved forward to aid the gov ernment with Hh savings. An Amerolan In Franco wrltoH, "I have seen an aged street cleaner rest his broom against tho counter or tho hank as ho clipped coupons from small government bonds bought with tho savings or his toll. Alongside him were tired little seamstresseH, women of wealth, hucksters all doing what they could, by saving, to aid their beloved country." Subscribe today for a Liberty Loan Bond of $50 at least! BANK .!' I.. Delivered The Ntw Electric Ufhtrd RANGER Motorbike Model. One et I be Famous Arnnn wa hm aaUUU tlel IS000 In truitln the rreat Vlrat Nallaiul Bulk ot Chleico to suirmntee toyou the faith ful nrrrormanre or c day trial agreement. erm - . rr wmrm. KIWI IVI I I fBmILCU Klin I 'J117 I HI AlBI.BWVVPt III III ! AHwfiini l Villi III MaAYllL'WHlll ATff.lMl I El "ill IIWA mum maw m n Ml ViWx v 1 mi Vv XM ni t. Unrl. A er.rjrwture torlie sod eiMUt,eiMOSsrblf BUt the smJ.1 Hitler AEBIllS Wanietl rv"""l. whlleyourtdesnJrdr It, saahei metier by lnl.i..(lo lour frl.nd.sjnd ntlghbors In "n ANOIII" Ucyclis. o 1 sj. IJ....U tut write t'itf tur xir UtKt rsUltw, sImi full partlrulsrs of our rt new offer OUIIU nil muiioy lo nl. llch.ts prepeld, ihe-ns OClIU nU mwliai lo nI, allcherses prepeia, irn-snnuin - Dicjria jou n ior u r,. Trl.l. Vou csonut nfford lo Vul UtiAm, thee or sundrlM without (lrt bsrrJss whst we oSr. iyH7AI CYCLE COMPANY I Yl r nlf S No. Canal St., CHICAGO SEND To the world in a dress that willcommand respectful attention. Every piece of printed matter you send out must have distinction and character or be lost in the crowd. Our printers will give it the "air" that wins a hearing for the mes sage, and our facilities and skill keep the cost at a moderate mark. Phone us for our messenger. The Springfield News Phone 2 WITH US toYou Free Chooio from 44 atylea, color, and ulic In the famous "KANUKK" UM of bicycle. All are pictured In natural colors In our latest cataloir. There are many other model also In fact themoit com plete line f bicycles In the world, all at FACTORr PUICES, from 1B.7S, 916.95, up. There Is a Mead bicycle to ault the taste of everv rider electric lighted Motorbike models, Racers, Junta for children; Ladles' models too all at prices mntlo possible only oy our racw- dirccwo-riaer selling policy. 30 Days Fni Trial I'a'.L'J RANOCIl" blcjrci you aeieet. ntEIGHT ClIAUOra FULLY I'lUs 1'AID TO YOUR TOWN, for inirtr tlajr roo trial actual rldlnc int. Wo pavreturn cliarse it you ucciae not to Keep II, ana nun no tniri tur wear and tear uuring trial, imh no enort to Influence your decuion. Tho trial Is all at our expense. Factory -to-Rider i'(',oukr RANGER"- If rou decide to keep It l thooUeit and nvxt ucceiiful bicycle concern In the world, with Service de triment that caree for the parte ani repair neda of more than a million riders. With every "RANGER we ship rore a Ccrtltlcata ot Guarantee for Five Years. TIDEO Horns, Decide UsM Oal I I II CO s fits. readr.lo-UM front and rcarwtaecla: Inner Tubee. Tool Kits. ete. Itenalrnarts for all Urrclee and raasUr. brakes, all accurately pictured and deeerlbrd In the sundry parse of the bis new Rsacer Cataloe:. Write for It. It's frcel All the latest I m nor ted and American novelUes In equipment and attachments at price SO lew iriey will siionisn you. YOUR MESSAGE