The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, May 24, 1917, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    THURSDAY, MAY 24, 1017
Cim lio I" f u",i c;.r ntilm..l on ur rnnn. You can
rapidly Inrrenw tlio vtIi;ht of your liogi, In-cf ratllo ami idioeH
you ran grrntly Incrcnno tlio tnlllc (low of your cow you can
K)t moru work from vour liornca through tho ueo of
Auk iiii rtlmut tlifrt doncndnble, 27 ywir old twnnrntlnn.
Int uk It'll you how it him iimcJo lilg extra jiroflU and wived grain
fml for thousands of farmers.
nun p"
'I Towa and Vicinity
Mlwi Mabol lluryoo haa boon III
for a fow days with a bilious nHock.
Oct your fllniH developed at I'ocryV
Ilubbor glovoH 35 cents n pair at
Poory'H ,
Marvin HtoTcns, a Southorn Pacific
tunnel limpoctor, wan In Sprlnfl ud on
Land plaato- and Cement at tho
bprlngllold Feed company.
' A car of land pluater urrlvcd at tho
BprinKdold Food company's wnrc.'iouMJ
today. ,
I.ohIIo Mack, Oregon Power elec
trical foroman, wan In Junction City
on bUHlncBB yoHtorday.
Good rullablo tiro tnmirnnco. No
aosHtucntn; no mcnibomhlp too. Pay
oncu and you are deno. H. K. Walker
at tho City Hall.
Clair McIIonry loft Monday noon
for Melville, Montana, where ho ox
pocta to have employment.
"Doko" Mulligan, loft for San Fran-
cIsco Wudnosday evening, whuro ho
will upend tho summer. . I
Mrs. Mllo Attcrbury of Onkrldgo Is
receiving medical treatment at tho
Springfield hospital.
Mrs. Ocorgo Crawford, who resides
noar Uila city, is undergoing medical
treatment at thn Et ilngtloliI hospital.
UoIIcIouh, refreshing Ico cream bo
fiasnt Egglmann's .
Miss Mno Lyon Is nwvorlng very
r.ulckly from hor rocont iteration, be
ing up nnd nround thu hoiiHO today.
-MrH. V. H. Ilcamnn has taken n
position as principal of tho Florence
high school for next year,
: Wo have n small nmount of King
Phillip Sood Corn. This iB a very
;uick maturing corn. Send In your
ordor now. Sprlngflold Food com
pany. Ooorgo Smith, who hns boon ill for
somo tlmo, passed a bad night last
night, h Ih slstor said.
H.tndaos nt Kgglmann's cao'f bo
Tom Moroly o! Marcola, who haa
boon rocoiving trcatmont at tlio local
hospital, la rocovorlng nicely from a
nttack of pneumonia.
Z. D, Dodson of Marcola, who suf
fered a broken log when struck by
a log some tlmo ago, Is doing nlco
ly. Ho Is at tho Sprlngflold hospital.
Solf-fllllng fountain pons f 1.00 at
Mr. and Mrs. C. Wertz returned
from Yoncalla Monday ovenlng ac
companied by thoir two llttlo nolcos.
Dr. W. O. Johnson from Marcola
was In Sprlngflold on business yes
terday. You Farmers, our Stock of Straps
la gottlng low, Bottor fit up boforo
thoy nro all gono. Wolf & Mlllor.
Dr. W. C. rtobhan mado a profes
sional visit to Oakrldgo Tuesday or
tnlng. T. J. OravoB of McCoy la visit In j
his daughtor, Mrs. W. C. Robham, and
attending the Grand Lodgo Bosalon,
Mrs, Poston Is recovering from a
rocont operation performed at tho
Sprlngflold hospital, nnd will soon bo
able to return home,
nr 1 ui
Horn: To Mr. and Mra. h.flt. Per
klna of Wendllng, a baby daughter,
on May 20.'
Your money back If Corn Solvent
fallit to Rct'-tlMit corn, 25 cent at;
Tim mull daughter of Mr. and Mtf.
Kti'rv itl iirnlHon In quite 111 with
xtomach ooiblo.
Mra. J. W. linker's many friends
will bo grieved to hear that alio has
HUffured a rolapHu and Ih again con
fined to bed. j
Tho Bonlnr clans of tho Springfield
high Hchool wont to Eugene Wednoa
day evening to poxo for a class pic
ture to bo placed In (ho annual.
PURE MILK Sweet Milk for the Ba
by Oerry Cream and Whipping Cream
always on hand. Brook Farm Oalry.
Pnone 10 V 3.
I Milt Lyons of Mnrcola was admit
ted to the Spriiiglluld hospital on
Tucsduy to receive treatment for pnj'i
1j. A. Sehono, who rosldcs on i
Springfield rural routo, Is at tho
Sprlngtleld hospital to recluvo modi
cal attention. '
Hot water bottles guaranteed for
two years nt Pocry's. .
Mrs. II. A. HichardAia. who lus
,,Jcn loro for tj10 ,)nBt WOl f n-turn
ti t0 j,or homo at Wilder. lOnho. to
Harvo Lnjolo of Marcola was hero
yosterday to commit u physician, sines
ho Is nurturing from appendfcltiB. Mrs.
Lajola accompanied him.
j (Icorgu Smith, of Natron, who sur
I fcrcd n paralytic stroke somo tlmo
ago Ih slightly improved, according
to tho local pjiyslclan who Is attend
i ing him.
Our Milk and Cream is not only En
dorsed but used Exclusively by the
hospital nnd by our Leading Doctors.
I Honesty and Purity our motto. ItrooK
Farm Dairy, Will nisbop, manager.
j A. J. Prlco nnd family nnd Alvln
' Prlco and family of Marcola vjsltcd
with Mr. and Mrs. M. V. Kndicott on
I Sunday,
Word has boon received horo from
I. F. Chllds who is nt Medford, saying
that ho will bo pastor of tho West
Sprlngflold Freo Methodist, church
again next year.
Egglmann's for quality. -
A California family traveling north
stopped at tho locnl auto grounds last
I evening. Thoy Btnto tho roads aro
vory nau through I'aBS creek canyon,
Jimmy Hood loft Tuosday -ovenlng
( for Hlchmond, California, and will
eponu a iow unys l nuosonurg.
Gordon Soeds, Fertilizers, Tomato,
rnlilmcfn nnil flnllllf Inwni- nlnntu Ujicwi
era anil wheel hoeB, etc. Wo carry
everything that is nocousary to pro
duco n good garden. Sprlngflold Feed
Henry Lyons returned to Marcola
today nftor visiting for n fow days
with his brother, Milt,, who Is at tho
Sprlngflold hospital, v.
v Mr. and Mrs. J, W, Koy acuompnr
lod by their llttlo daughtor, Mury, of
Waltorvlllo, woro shopping in town
Uia morning;
Mr, and Mrs. A. L. Iugalls motored
to Portland Sunday to moot thoir
daughtor, Ilornico, who 1b returning
from tho University of Washington.
Miss Ingalla was ono of tho numbor
of girls who recolved thoir crodits
In ndvnnco so that thoy might worJ
in gardona or farms at homo,
J Mr. nnd Mrx. A. L, InsviH roturnrd
from Portland TueRdny arciniinnlbl
by thulr daughter, Uornlo), who Iikh
I'ron attending tlio Unlvoriity of tVnvh
! Inrton, and Mm. J. W. Dclfcl mid
! children, of I'ortlnnd. Mrs. Dai'il will
vlait horo for a wook or two
That good, clean, old Virginia SAS
AFItAB In ton cent packagos at Peo
Dr. Loo Wood of Amity visited with
Doctors W. It. Pollard and W. C. Hob
ban Tuesday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Sobrol of tho Alsoa
country over on tho coast, aro horo
to attend tho grand lodge sesslofn.
Thoy visited hero Tuesday at tho
homo of thoir cousin, N. W. Oay,
Mrs. T, J. McCrackcn left Monday
for n brief visit with friends In Port-,
land. Hor daughter, Miss Lcotu will '
remain with MlsK Avis Thompson ilur-;
Ing her nbsonco.
Mrs, Fred Moshler of Portland, u
Hlstor-ln-law of Mrs Lawronco May
arrived Tuosday ovenlng and will re
main for a short visit. Mr. and Mrs.
Moshler formorly roslded horo.
1-Vorythlng has raised but the prlro
:t good, fresh candy at Kgglmnnn'o.
Tho school nt Natron closed yes
terday, after a successful term. An
appropriate program was arranged by
tho teacher, MIhh Barbara Holler, of
this city.
j Mrs. Mallnda J. Ulalr passed througa
. Sprlngflold Tuesday morning enrouto
to her homo in Portland. Sho waa
returning from Medford, where sho aU
tended tho Free Methodist conference.
Mrs. Mock, of Eugene, has been
visiting at tho homo of her son, Guy
Mock, and wife, who rcsldo tit Hie
DoughiB homo In Douglas Gardens.
John Lnmberty Is oxpcqtcd to ar
rive hero from Albany soon to Join
Mrs. Lamborty who has been visit
ing for some tlmo at 'tho home of N.
A. Howe. Mr. and Mrs. Lamborty
then plan to enjoy a few days out
ing at one of tho springs up tho Mc
Kenzey river.
Died At hor homo nor Dcadmond'a
ferry nt 12:10 n. m. May 221 1917,
Miss Harden Aldrop, daughtor of Mr.
nnd Mrs. P. O. Aldrop, aged 20 yeara
Tho funeral will bo hold Saturday,
with interment In tho Coburg ccme
1 tory.
Fred Hlnson has Just completed nj
tiulldlng 20X24, at me rear or nts
I home, which is divided Into three
' rooms, ono for tho garage, woodshed,
nnd store house. Ho will commenca
tho painting soon, also tho laying of
a cement approach.
Mrs. Hen F. Skinner returned Tues
day night from a ten days' visit in
Portland with friends and. relatives.
John Dimm Jr., is spending a fow
days vncatlon in Portland visiting
' at tho homo of his brother, Paul Q.
' Mrs. P. C. Johnson, who hns been
visiting hor brohor, E. Wells and ,
family, for tlm past four weeks, ro-j
turned to hor homo Tuesday momlnc
in Hurt, Iowa. This Is tho first almo In
' 41 years that Mr. WellB and his sis
ter have visited each other.
A striking feature of tho front win-
dow display of tho Egglmann Candy
I Kitchen Is an Immcnsa Hebckah lodge
emblem, mado of taffy in tho national
colors.' Tho novelty was mado by
Charles F. Eggltnnnn and wifl bo pra
scntcd to Uio members of tho local
lodgo Juanlta Ilob'okah number 85
next Monday ov.onlng.
, C. I. Gorrio, Jd., rocelved n painful
' wound In tho stomach Sunday even
j Ing whon upon returning home und
stabling his horse, ho started on tho
run to tho houso, stumbled nid fell
upon tho harrow which was in tho
barn lot. Fortunately tho injury
, was lessened by tho blunt end of tho
harrow tooth being in nn upright posi
tion. Ho will bo confined to hln
j bod for Bovcrnl days.
Josso Adrian who drives tno n ito
Htugo up tho McKenzla river each ''iy
smashed tho bones of his rlgh foot
i yesterday when ho droppod n barml
oil on the member Mr. Adrian
will probably bo laid up for two or
I throo wooka. Ho and W. Honry Ad
r'nn of tho Sprlngflold garage nro bro
Ono shipment ot'markors for gravoa
of old BoldlorB has boon received and j
distributed, according to Frank, I
mombor of tho J. W. Goary post. An- j
other sot Is oxpoctod from govoruimnt '
j headquarters at Washington soon. Tin'
markers woro distributed In tho Odd
fellows', Masonic, Springflold nnd
1'loaBnnt Hill comotorlos. Evory grao '
will bo mnrkod by Decoration D.iy j
Whon eho slipped on a rock nnd foil
laBt Sunday. Mrs. Dextor Sparks, of
nine Itlvor, broke hor right arm noar
ho wrist. Sho Is In Eugono now ha.
Ing tho arm attondod to. Mr. Spark3
was driving cattle across tho river,
whon ho was thrown from Ms bo"3o.
Mrs, Spnrka rushed to his aid and
sllppod nnd foil on a rock. Tho nrm
broke whon sho put It to tho ground 1
tq keep from falling,.
8. If. HeltzuP of Htnyton and Al
fred I). Crliifcb of Portland, grand
lodgo visitor weio vfoltora In Spring
lold yodtordnv. They alato Uiat tlio
gardening In Hnrlngfleld In far ahead
of that-In Portland
Irs. Mlnnlo Ilradlcy arrived Tuck
day from Seattlo and will visit tlw
remainder of tho week with her sis
tor, Mrs. John C, Parker nnd family,
O, W. Mllllcan of Waltcrvlllo re
cently sold the old opera houso In
this city and tho lot on which It
sUinds at third and Main streets to
the First National bank or Eugcno.
Wo have dccldod to clone out our
stock of Harness, Straps, and Snaps,
Farmers thin Is tho tlmo to lay in s.
supply of Snaps and Duckies. Dur
ing this nalo wo will also give you
a liberal discount of 10 per cent on
shoes. Sale will contlnuo Indefinite
ly, We will continue tho oiling and
repairing of harness and shoes. Wolf
& Mlllor.
As previously announced, wo began
to mako cheese Monday. It is going
to bo a big thing to the milk producer.
Those that can, sell milk; those that
can't, sell us your cream. Wo pay
tho highest prlco, pay on tho Port
land market and work on tho co-operative
Sunday school 10 a. m. Preaching
at 11 a. ra. Arthur Pengra will speak
at tho morning service. B. Y. P. D.
at 7 p. m. president. Homer Chase will
lead the Young People's meeting. Wal
ter Dallcy will speak at the evening
Chris II. Jensen, pastor. Sunday
school at 9:45 a. m. Morning sorvico
11 o'clock. Endeavor meets at 7
o'clock. Evening Borvlce 8 o'clock.
Subject of morning service: "A moral
man's conversion." Evening sermon:
"The mistakes of Lot." Something
new in the way of Midweek s5rvlce3
beginning next Wednesday evening.
Watch for the announcement. We
Invito you to meet with us in all of
these services.
A surprise party In honor of W. B.
McKlnney's birthday was given by
the"Sunshlne Glrls,"hls Sunday school
class, on tho evening of Monday, Mai?
21. Mr. McKlnney received manv
beautiful presents. Tho ovonlng was
spent in playing Rook, after which
punch, cako and fruits wero enjoyed
Those present were: Geneva Skeels,
Hazel Hayden, Alice Reynolds, Mina
Bauer, Fern Travis, Laurel Grlflln,
Blanch Lnthrop, Esther Galloway, Dor
tha Holbrook, and Eva Manwaring.
Mrs. C. E. Swarts is entertaining
tho membor8 of tho Five Hundred
club and Mcsdnmes John Edwards,
W. N. Long, H. W. Whitney, and B.
A. Washburne as additional guests,
at her homo on Fifth and E streets
this afternoon. Brightly-colored flow
ers make tho rooms doubly inviting.
Miss Edna Swarts is helping hor moth
er serve.
Want Autos and Rigs.
Tho ladles f thoe G. A. R, circle
and tho mon of tho G. A. R. post do
sire that alt who have automobiles
nnd teams which they will donate to
take tho members to tho cemetery
on Decoration Day, May 30, meet nt
W. O. W. hall at 10 o'clock a. m. All
chlldron nro requested to pleaso gath
er flowers and bring thorn to tho W.
O. W. hall not later than 9:30.
Vo take considerable pride
In tho completeness of our
stock of groceries.
Especially sanitary, Is our
mode of handling perishable
Our prices aro as low as
may bo expected at this time
of unsettled market condl-
Try our prompt service.
Nice & Miller
Phono 41
ffle In City Hall, Borlnflfleld, Ort
Buy Your Shoes
Seven different styles in
At $3.50 a Pair
We have all sizes
35 WEST 8th 2T.
Who is the mysterious -tjonibody" that baffles the shrewd
detectivtf Who was the "Raffles" that purloined the
pearl necklace. Which was the real woman? Were
there two? Or was the one woman so olever as to be
able to fake a perfect double? Why did she or they
wear a "Purple Mask" and what did the mask indicaie?
An! the questions seem queer to you but they are all ex
plained in the greatest Universal Serial.
Wednesday, May 30
We Have Moved
We wish to announce that we have moved to our
new location at East Ninth and Pearl streets, where
we are in a position to give better service than ever
before, We also carry a complete line of
Overland and Willys-Knight
Automobiles and Supplies
having latest facilitiesTeven to a ladies' rest room.
Sherman Hayes
E. Ninth and Pearl Sts. Eugeno, Oregon
Creamery Block
Dealer in
(Sweet and Dry)
In Package or Bulk
' True to Name and Kind r-'..
Give Us A Trial ,
Office Phone 62; fleMdence 07-4
Wett Main St
' xeiuxt