The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, May 14, 1917, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    MONDAY, MAY 14, 101,7
Smart New Season's
Designs in Stationery
Stationery HtyloH change with tlio HcaKOiiHJtiHt an HtylcK
In clothes clmiiKO. Let, your lotter convoy the ImprcB
hIoii tlmt you uru tttrlctly up-to-dato regarding Btatlon
ory Htyleii. Notwithstanding tlio advanced prlecH or
all paper Htockn wo cum offer you
at prices Hint are rcafionablo. Tlio goods which wo
aro now Hhowlng include the now shades, textures
ami shapes.
Box Pnporo, Bulk Paporo nnd Fancy
Tnblots With Envolopoa to Match
Come In and Inspect those papersyou'll
lie impressed with their stylish tone.
WJP' & dmk PH0NE
' wi:
I Town and Vicinity
Mrs. Eugene Kt'Htor Bpont tlio week
end In Portland with hor daughter
Philip Bishop of Wendling la Hpond
ing a fow duya In town.
A Ilnrry Benton of Corvnllln waH res
l0Jstored nt tho Elite on Saturday.
Ilmnpton llroa. will pay 20 to 2R
cents per pound for lildos 1i nd 25 conts
pur hundred for Iron.
MIhh Luclllo C'opunhnvor, a tonchor
In tho Wendling schools, epont tho
wook end nl hor homo hero.
J. II. Curr of Dexter visited nt tho
homo of his dauKhtor Mrn. Jchh Cal
kltiH for n fow day Intst wook.
Mrn. It. L. EdmonMon of Portland
spent tho wcok end with hor son J.
C. Mullen and family.
Joo Iloutln Haves today for his
homo In Hayflold, Wisconsin, nftor a
throo months visit with relatives hero.
Mr. nnd Mrs. B. B. Martin havo
rented the M. J. McKlIn homo, fur
nished and moved In Saturday.
Lot us fix you up for that HtOo
finning thlp up tho McKonzIo. A
full lino of fishing tncklo nnd anRloro'
euppllos. M. C. Breeder & Son.
Mrn. A. M. Jacobs loft Sunday fnr
a ahort vlnlt with rolatlvea In Port
land. Dr. KuRcno Kcntor will return, th'i
ovonlnR from a short hunlncHB trip
lo Vancouver, Washington.
Mm. Unrhnra DnrllnR returned yon-
terday from a visit at tho homo of
Mrn. Cash Mead, on tho McKonzIo ,
Oood rollablo fire Insurance No an
sosfimcnta; no membership foo. Pay
onco and you nro dene. II. E. Walker
at tho City Hall.
Mrs. Pearlo Ovlatto who was op
orated on a fow weokH ago has
suffered ft relapse and Is confined to
hor hod ngaln.
A. Middloton haaNJuBt put In a co
niont walk, In front of his proporty
on A street botwecn Fifth, nnd Sixth.
Mr. Cupp occuplOH tho residence
Mr. nnd Mrs. Holler, Ilohort Day
nnd MIhh Mosslo Day, all of Kugoin
drovo over to spend Snturdayjvcnlnit
with Mr. nnd Mrs. Georgo Catching.
Frank Alexander who llva.i Just
south of Springfield Junction In suf
fering with a sovoro case of appendi
citis. Now is tho tlmo' of year to think
about sleeping out of doors nnd nlso
I to plan for that camping trip. Soo
M. O. Ilrosslor & Son for a complete
lino of tho best tonts mado.
A telegram received, a fow dnya
ngo, by O. D. Koesoy atatoB that there
is no improvement In his mothora
condition, littlo hope bolng hold for
her recovery.
Mrs. M. J. McKlIn and son Hownrd
Cotton loft Saturday evening for Wood
California, whoro thoy Intend mak
ing their homo for a while. Mr.
McKlIn Is omployod thoro.
Tho little son of B. II, Ncot under
went an oporntlon at tlio local hos
pital Saturday morning" for tho re
moval of ndonolds. Ho Is reported
(is getting along flno.
Clayton Harbor of Wendling camo
down Sattthlay to spond a fow dnya
with his friend, Dan Fishor. Mr.
Barbor oxpocts to enlist In tho Coast
i '
Whooping Cough
Ono of tho moat successful prepara
tions in ubo for this dlaoaso 1b Cham
borlaln's Cough Remedy. 8. W. Me
Clinton, Blandon Springs,' Ala.,' writes,
"Our baby had whooping eough an
bad ag most any baby could bare It.
I gave him Cbamborlain'a Cough Rom
ody and it noon trot him 11." Ob
tainable everywhere.
Anna i;iyuu nan m inn ouwh lureu i
wiih off duty Friday nnd Saturday
nnd assisted In edltltiR tho Bmcrald
while attendlnR the Junior Keok Bnd
nt tho University of Oregon.
O. W. Ilranfield shinned hie house
hold roo.Ih to u point near Baker Sat-
urday ho with his family will
follow nt once. They will Jlva on n
Mock farm ,
Hubert Nolnon who has bo. mi em
ployed ul tho Oregon Powo." com
pany for a year moved his fnn.lly
Friday to tho O. W. UranfleiJ larm
at DouglnK (Jardeiis. -
Yates who ban I:en co-aluctlnj
lore at West Sprlngfu'bl left
tho store
Saturday with bis family for UVnn
tehee, Washington, where he will on
gage In farm work.
Tlio A. K. Y. Tennln club expecU
to huvo a meeting noon and elect nuvr
officers for tho season. They nro
getting tho court In shape nnd plan
nlng for Homo good games a little lat
er. J. W, Haker and family expect lo
move Into tho Peery npartmentn over
the Springfield library this week. Mr.
Peery has had tho rooms remodeled
papered and nnd put in first claim
condition for occupancy.
Tho I.nno County Dental association
will banquet at the Ostium hotel in
Kugeno this evening. Dr. Ucno
Cllnu of Portland, president of tho 1
State Dental society will bo prendnt .
and hold an Instructive clinic
Uuy your sugar at tho Spring
ffold Feed company's store nnd snvo
Word received hero last wook from
Mfirl Vmtfii fnrmnrlv nt iUi t tiVinft
,, lhlU ,8 Iocntml nt oaUund.
,,... ... ., . . , i.
i California, nnd likes It there vcrv
much. Mrs. Young Is visiting her
father in Portland, hut will go to
California later.
Tho JItnoy Boclnl that was to havo
boon given by tho Progressive 22
Frldny evening, was some what of a
failure owing to tho "porformern" fall
Ing to appear. However thoso pres
ent spent a social ovcnlng nnd all re
port having n good tlmo. A lunch
was Borved.
E. E. Morrison took n lond of about
30 girls to bis hop yard Saturday mom
Ing where thoy began work training
hops. Thoro will bo about two weeku
work. Mr. Morrison will havo thorn
taken back and forth In tho Sutton
Last Friday evening, two largo
touring curs, enrouto from California
to Portland stopped nt tho Auto camp
at Second nnd Main streets but did
not remain for Uio renBon that tho
grounds had not boon put In contlltlon
yet for tho senson.
Mrs. N. W. - Emory presented tho
News office with a beautiful boquot
of white lilaCH last Saturday. They
wore very much apprlclatod nnd If
NoWB reporter No. 2 haB not proporly
ponormeu nor uuiy ii is uocnuBO or
tho Bweot scented aroma going to hor
hoad. 1
Bran $1.25 per Back. Flour Food
and Hay ut lowest prices posslblo nt
this tlmo. Lot us figure with you
ugalnst tho High Cost of Living.
Springfield Food compnny.
Francos Lnmborty leaves today for
Albnqy whoro ho will attond tho wod
ding of hU brothor Potor Lamborty
who marries Miss Inns Curl.
A Symbol of Health
Tho Pytliugorlans of Anciont qreoco
atb simple food, practiced tomporanco
and purity, As a badgo thoy used
tho flvo polntod Btar which thoy re
garded an a symbol of health. A
red flvo polntod star appears on each
nnckago of Chamberlain's Tablets,
and still fulfils its anclpnt mission as
a symbol of health. If you aro trou
bled with Indigestion, blllousnosB "Or
constipation, Sot it packago of those
tablets front your druggist. You will
bo Burprlsod' at tho quick rollof which
thoy afford. Obtuluablo everywhere.
Ultra m mora Catarrh In thta cactim ot
ih eounlry tlmti nil ellitr DInuw put
towathtr, and until tlio last few rtrt
tint supposed to lw) Incurable. For
fireat many )mr doctor pronounced It
ocnl dUeum nnil prmorlbwl local rcme
dim, and by rnnmiitilly fiilllnit to euro
vltli lorn I ticatnuuit, prnnouncril It Incur
abln, Holnnco lina proven Catarrh to bo a,
connlltutloiml i1laraa, nnd tbereforo re
tiilri coiiKtltutlnnal trratrncnt. I lull'
I'nlnrili Cure, manufactured by F. J.
(Iiuncy ft Co., Toledo, Ohio, la tlio only
Conatltutlorinl rurn on the market. It I
taken Internally. It acta directly on Hie
blood and inucoiia aurfacea of the ayatetn.
They ofTor one hundred dollara for nny
man It falla to cure. Send for circular
nd teatlmonlala.
AddrrMI P. J. CHCNRr A CO., Tolo. O.
Rol4 by rrull, 7tc
Take Haifa 1'amlly I'lll for coronation.
Quito ft crowd from hero nltcnded
tlio UroHa danco, In Eugcno, Saturday
J. K.
Fox leaves today for Marsh-
MrH. I),' W. Hoof returned to hor
homo .Saturday morning after enjoy
Iiiko woekH vlnlt ut tho homo of Mr.
nnd MrH. C. W. Hanson.
A. C. KnlKht nnd family arc mov
I n K to tho ranch on tho Inland near tho
Clark and Wnshburno hopyardn.
Wilbur Vnrnoll filed a null In tho
Lnno county circuit court Saturdav
iiRalnnt Jnmcn A. Cowdcn to forccloso
a land nalc contract, Involving a farm
near llnydeii Ilrldgo. Property val
ued nt $0200 Is Involved In tho suit.
planting. It will Brow un cnonnoua
crop of hay or forage for feed. Sow
lri to 20 "IH- lcr ucro- Springfield
i Feed company.
1 Three young men of Portland, win
aro unite well known hero, hovo en
tered the training camp at the Pre
sidio, San Francisco, to earn rescrvo
officer's commissions. They nro John
Clark Ilurgurd and William Norman
iiurgnrd, nephews of Mrs. IS. A. Wash-
burno, nnd Krnesl A. Wild. Mr.
Wild worked In tho mill here all lust
J. U.Alexander
homo by Illness.
Is confined to hU
Tho large plate glass window on tho
south side of iho John F. Hotels drug
tjtorc.hns a small hole pierced 'through
about a foot front tho base of tho win
dow. Tho hole Is made from a bullet
shot and Is of mysterious origin.
Nothing of nny value was In the win
dow' at tho time only u display of
bnn twin , boxes.
Mrs. Cnry M. Eyler, a resident nt
Springfield, was operated upon Satur
daymornlng at the Eugene hospital.
1 Georgo W. Smith of Nntfon, is suf
forlngfrom a stroke of paralysis re
ceived a week ago.
A. .-WI -Lonsbery departed Sntunlay
for Bouthorn Oregon where ho will re-
main for a short tlmo.
I No. 1 Oat Hay at the Springfield
Feed company.
Mr. and Mrs. Cbas Tyron, of Smith
, Illvor, California, on Saturday bought
the Palmer brother's ranch, which Is
I located west of Springfield onthn
j Willamette river. Mr. Tryon is a
cousin of Mrs. F. E. Lenhnrt.
i The eighth grade examinations in
tho schools of tho county will be hold
on Thursday nnd Friday of this week
according to nnnouncemont of E. J.
Mooro, county school superintendent.
A. I. O'lteilly, head of tho schools
nt Murcolu reports tho following pupllc
ia receiving Palmer penmanship a
wnrds: Iva M. Titus, Dela Wilklns,
Poarl Wnlkor, LaVollo Bargor, Jenn'a
Tnrnnr Miwn tv Wnrlfinnn I.nln TTnn.
nls, Mahol Smith. Audrey Lewis. Lot-
i im,v nniin rwM inni
u t'ibl'iuiiu i a a.iaaau u ie i ia a w a
Randall Scott won tho ouc-mllo race
In tho company field meet Saturday
I afternoon in Eugene.
Mrs. Georgo Settlo received spme
bad brulHOs Saturday night when buo
oponed tho wrong door nt the local
post offico and fell down a flight of
steps into the basement. Her in
juries are not serious.
I Mrs. M. M. Weber visited hor n"'h-
Mr8i J( a Ktcliolsou In Mohnv.i:
H. W. Burtonwho has been at Al
bany for a couple of wooks selling tho
White sowing machine came down Sat
urday and spent Sunday in town. Ho
returned to Allien' this morning.
Mrs. J. C. Mullen mado n buslnow
trip to Albany to-dny.
Miss Mao Lyon underwent a major
operation at the Mercoy hospltol In
Eugono this morning, a Springfield
physician, attending. She is dolns
nlcoly tho doctor said,
'Chamberlain's Tablets Have Done
Wonders for Me."
"I htve been a sufforer from gto1
mach (rouble for a number of yoars,
and although I have used a great num
ber of romotlloa recommended for this
complaint, Cbamborlaln's Tablets U
tho first medicine that has given mo
posltlvo and lasting relief," writns Mr3
Anna Kndin, Sponcorporf, N. Y. "Hmm
berlnln'B' Tablets have done wonders
for me and I valuo thorn very h'shly. '
Obtainable everywhere.
MIir Hazol E. Scott, superintendent
of tho Springfield hospital, I expect
oil to return tonight from a two-day
vlnlt at hor homo In Salem.
A number of local Elks will attend
a boxing match and jollification of tho
order In Eugene tomorrow night.
Tho Springfield Planing mill com
pany delivered a tiny Ico cream no
of tahlo and four chairs In mission
Htylo to the BgRlmann Candy Klthccn
Tho Springfield Food company un
loaded a largo cargo of feed at ls
wnrohouno Thursday of last week.
II. F. Oaken who had arranged to !
orgnnlzo a Sunday school class at tho
Christian church ycaterday, was called
to Cottago Grove on account of tin
IIIiichh of his wlfo, Saturday. Ho
will organize tho class next Sunday
and ho Invites all hoys between tno i
ngos of 8 and 12 who aro not now .
connected with any Sunday school in
join bs clann.
We have decided to closo out our
stock of Harness, Straps, and Snaps.
Farmers this In tho tlmo to lay in a ;
supply of Snaps and Duckies. Dur-
Ing thin sale we will also give you ,
a liberal discount of 10 per cent on I
shoes. Snlo will continue Indefinite-'
ly. Wo will continue the oiling and ,
repairing of harness and shoes. Wolf
& Miller.
(Continued from page one)
Oregon-100 pounds'Bt. 08 per pound,
MarqulB Mr. E. Zlelcsch, Parker,
Oregon 1E0 bushels excellent quality
nt J2.G& per hushel.f. o. h. Parker.
Foineyy-Mr. wI'a.' Persey. Falls
City, Oregon $2.50 per bushel f. o. h.
Marquis C. A. Darringer, Corvalln,
II. 2 14 or 15 sacks at market price.
Early Morn, Telephone, American
Wonder. Little Marvel Gill Bros.
Seed Co., 1. j
Field Peas (Brown) Bert Mason,
lone, Oregon, 3000 lbs. at.C'c .
As Information comes I if, this list
wil bo superseded. If you know nf ,
other good lots of seed, kindly let mo
know as. promptly as possible. If yoa
get seed.lot mo know.
Listen Leaguers!
Tlio Epworth League Efficiency Con
test which started at the beginning of
the year, ended Sunday evening, May
The members of the League were
dovideil into two divisions; the Reds
and Whites.
Members of both sides worked faith
fully but the Reds were victorious
winning by one hundred points.
The losing sldo will servo a banquet
to tho members Friday evening May
A charge of fifteen cents will
bo made each one, and no one will he
served who has not handed his nntni
to tho committee by Friday noon.
Committee Ib, Mrs. Pollard, Mrs.
Van Vnlzah, Mr. W. S. Wright, Wal
ter Bocsen and Lacy Copenhaver.
The News Is Readable
The News is In receipt of a letter
from n8ubscriber In which ho com
monds the paper as follows: "Ypu
certainly publish a very readable pap
er and your editorials aro right. Suro
tho farmer and town lotter shouid
plant thlB year.
"A friend in S. Missouri, same mall
08 yur last ,8SUe' writes he pa,d J3 B
for a bushel of very common seed.
potatoes to plant,
"FRED C. ROUSE, Salem, Oregon."
City May Arjain Bocdms ths Capital of
a Jewish State.,
Jerusalem, the holy city of both Jews
and Christians, is likely us a result of
this war to be permanently lost to the
Turks, who already have been deprived
i of Mecca, the holy place of the Moham.
medans. That the undent city which
was for so long the i-entcr of the wor
still of Jchovuh may again become the
rpnlfnl of u Jewish state under tho pro-ti-vliou
of the allied pinvera Is mure
than a possibility.
Jerusalem was taken by the Sara
cens in tEi7 and held by them until the
period of tho crusades. After with
standing for years tho medieval cru
saders, whoso quest was the holy scp
ulcher, Jerusalem was at last rescued
In 1009. the crusaders also putting
70.000 "Infidels" to death. A Christian
kingdom was founded, which continued
until 1187, when tho Saracens uuder
Saludln captured Jerusalem.
Suladlu's behavior was In marked
contrast to that of tho Christian cap
tors of Jerusalem, for he proclaimed a
general amnesty and permitted the sur
viving Christians to depart unhnrmed.
In 1'Jl" Jerusalem wus taken by the
Turks, but was sunentUned to the Em
jieror Frederick II, hi J228. Tho cru
snders aguln entered Jerusalem In 1243,
but it was taken from the Christians lu
tho latter part of tho century. Four
centuries ago tho Turks gained undis
puted possession of Jerusalem, and, ox.
ccpt for tho brief period in 1700 when
It was held by the Freuch under Bona
piiru the ancient Jewish capital over
since (mo been heneath the Hug of the
Otloiuuu empire.
Fewer Eggs are
required with
nUTAL powder
In many recipes the number of eggs may be reduced
with excellent results by using an additional quantity
of Royal Baking Powder, about a teaspoon, for each egg
omitted. The following recipe is a practical example:
lVi curt near
!4teapoon lt
1 cup tugar
2 w
Z qure melted chocolate
The old method called for 4 err ajd no balls? powder
DIRECTIONS Sift flour, baking powder and salt together three
times. Beat whole eggs. Add slowly sugar, then boiling water
slowly; add next vanilla, melted chocolate and melted shortening,
ullhoul beating. Sift in dry ingredients, and fold in as lightly as
possible. Pour Into large baking pan lined with oiled paper, and
bake in slow oven twenty minutes. When done, turn out on
damp, hot cloth, spread with white icing and roll.
Booklet ol reelpe which ecoaomtre In egs and other
exvenaive lngrcdlenla mailed free.
All Men Between the Ages of 21 am!
30 Must Register
U'n, mni-olinlfl nnJ t 1 1
, . ..u. luamuam uuu ic6""i8 'u unB.1 none' 8 siore; v. a. joansou, w.
titles and townB of the county were
I named Friday by Sheriff J. C. Parker
" w"'"' ;
aro members of the county military
( board who have char8e of tho taking
the r census for tho army draft
of men between the ages of 21 and
30. The marshalls for Springfield,
Leaburg, Goshen, Marcola and Mabel
are ag follows:
Springfield, John C. Mullen in
charge, at Winzenrled and Peery hall.
H. M. Stewart, Herbert' Walker, 5.
Dr. N. VV. Emery
Cleaning, Pressing
Made to Measure Suits
Lemley Suit House
Phone 75
, office Phont 6C;
feidence 67-J
West Main St.
We are authorized under the Federal Reserve
Law to act as an Executor, Administrator, Guardian
or Trustee.
This is a new service our officers will be glad to
discuss with you.
Buy Your Shoes
Seven different styles in
At $3.50 a Pair
We have all sizes
35 WEST 8th ST. T1 A AO If DCDT
EUGENE, OREGON' 1. . VjljLiD&fX 1
Creamery Block
Dealer in
(Sweet and Dry)
In Package or Bulk
Truo to Name and KJnrf
Give Us A Trial
Sponge Roll
2 tableapoona melted ahortcnlnc
H cup hot water
1 teaspoon vanilla
2 traipoont Royal Baking
US William St, Hew York
E. Morrison, D. S. Reals.
Lcaburg, H. F. Mcllwain in charge,,
at Harrill hall; J, J. Pepiot, W. B.
Scott. Sr. ,
I Goshen; A, Hemenway In charge
. . . . . - .
R. Lamb.
Coburg; J. D. Wlgle, in charge at
Wendling; John Mather In charge
at Booth-Kolly store; ,G. C. Sumner..
t H. L. Barber.
Marcola; Walter Price In chargav
at F. W. Titus store building; F.
Titus, Ivan Saunders, R. E. Morris,.
Sherman Spong.
Mabel; J. M. Shelby in charge at
"ostoffice building; J. .C Kennedy..
J. W. Klnman.
O. R. Guliion, M. D.
Practice Limited tl
Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat
Graduate Nurge Attending
306, White Temple, Eugene.
Springfield Garage
Repairing a Specialty
Main, bet. Fourth and Fifth. Phone 1t
Office fn City Hall. Sorlngfleld, Ore.'
,- -