rilURBDAY, MAY 10,1017 SD FOUR i JMszzsm : ll Sunshine Route Open Window Way through California MT. SHASTA SAN FRANCISCO YOSEMITE VALLEY LOS ANGELES ORANGE EMPIRE and many other attractions Costs Little More Ask local ngont for Information John M. Scott, General Passenger Agent Portland, Oregon Southern Pacific Lines 1 JEWELRY FOR GRADUATION See our window display for our suggestions of ap propriate gifto for the June Graduate. FOR HER FOR HIM Bracelet Watches Diamond Lavallieres Agate Pendants Gold Brooches Tiffany Rings Agate Rings Gold Watches Waldemar Chains Scarf Pins Signet Rings Gold Knives Gold Cuff Links ROOF JEWELER AND OPTICIAN J. J. BROWNING Creamery Block Dealer in HAY, GRAIN, FLOUR, SEEDS, SALT, MILL FEED, OIL MEAL, SOY BEAN MEAL ALFALFA MEAL (Sweet and Dry) POULTRY SUPPLIES ROLLED OATS, CHICK FEED SEEEDS In Package or Bulk True to Name and Kind Give Us A Trial WATCH FOR PURPLE MASK NEW SONG HITS IN PLAY "September Morn" It Full of Catch Mutlc and Lyrics The offering nt the Eugene thoiihro Monday night May 14, will bo tho dancing festival, "Soptombor Morn," with Un wealth of song, tnlrth, melody happiness and Joy. Tho book of lyr ics Is by Arthur Qlllcsplo an tho music by Aubrey Stauttor, two youns men who fairly outdid thonuolvoa In this successful musical play for there are no loas than stx emphatic song hits. Tho title chosen from tho fa mous painting by Paul Chasbas uorvoi Its purposo In tho story only mid thU novol entnlnmeut will prove a treat to theatregoers. Tho story has to do with one Uu dolph Plnstrlc. masquerading us mi artist who sets claim to the orlgona tor of tho famous painting. Com plications arise wherein Plnstrlc gets himself Into nit sorts of troublo through tho appearance of an uctross. who claims to bo the orlglnntor and actually was tho lady who bathed In tho open. Thero are a dozen prin cipals and tho show goes with a hurrah, from the rise of tho curtain. Tho lending comedy rolo Is In tho hands of nimble William Moore, who has played In many Urodwny succes ses supported by nn bxcollont ens' and n sprightly singing and dancing chorus who trip through tho seeming ly difficult dancing and ensemble uum bors fotchingly. Among the many song hits that are now being whistled throughout tho country nro: "Oh! You September Morn," When a Llttlo Boy Loves a Llttlo Girl." "A Sparerlb from tho Butcher Shop of Life." "Beautiful Dreams I'm Dreaming,"'" "In Paree," "Where Is tho Pleasure In Wine ami Song If tho Woman is Not Thoro?" etc. "Septcmbor Morn" scored a long run at tho LaSallo Opera Houso (Chi cago) and Is making Its Western toil in all its merry making. BAPTIST CHURCH C. L. Hoskett of Eugene, will preach at tho Baptist church Sunday morning at 11 o'clock and Walter Bailey In the evening, at 7:30. Evorybody welcome. METHODIST CHURCH. In tho morning, a "Mother's Day" sermon will bo given." "Sin And Tho Remedy" Is tho theme for tho evening worship. There will be special music. Card of Thanks We want to thank all our friends 1 1 Springfield who gave us their sympa thy and help during' tho illness and death of our father. MH. AND MRS. AL MONTGOMERY. Real Estate Transfers. Ella M. Hollingsworth to Timothy Howard, lots G and 7 blk. 12 Douglas Gardens $500. Dora L. Machen et vlr to Chnrles B. Schontz et ux lots 11, 12, blk. 1. Valley View add. Springfield JC000. James C. Parker, sheriff, to J. W. Machen, lots 11, 12 blk. 3 Valley Vlov add. Springfield. FEATURING IX CURD AND FRANCIS FORD In one of the best serials they were ever in At BellTheatre, May 30 Prices 5c and 10c NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE ON EXECUTION Notice Is hereby given that by virtue of an Execution and Order of Sale iBHued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Lane County. on the 8th day of May 1917, on a judgment rendered In said Court for said County on the 8th day of May 1917, In an action wherein tho Plain tiff C. H. Bohm recovered Judgment against the Defendant Bruno Ricdel for the sum of Ninety Six and 75-100 ($96.75) Dollars and the further sum of Fourteen and NO-100 ($14.00) Dol lars cost, disbursements and Interest on said Judgment at 6 per cent per annum from the 8th day of May 1917, which said Judgment was enrolled and docketed in the Clerks office of I said Court on the 8th day of May, 1917, and said Execution to mo direct er commanding me In the name of tho State of Oregon, to sell the following described real property to-wlt; Beginning at tho Southwest corner of lot 17 In the "Plat of Frederic" In the County of Lane State of Oregon, I as the same appears on file in the of , flee of the County Clerk of said Coun ty and State, running thence East along tho South Boundary lino of said Lot Seventeen (17) to the Southeast corner of said Lot 17; thence North and along the East boundary line of said Lot 17, a distance of 253.44 feet; thence West parallel with and 212.64 ft from the North Boundary lino of said Lot 17, a distance of 409.69 It. more or less to the West boundary lino of said Lot 17, thence South along the West boundary line a distance of 255.C9 ft more of less to tho place of beginning containing 2.364 acres tho samo being the South 2.364 acres of Lot 17 aforesaid, all In Lane County, Oregon, as shown by deed to Bruno Rledel, recorded In Vol 113, page 433, on March 7 1917, in Deed records of Lane County, Oregon. NOW THEREFORE. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON and In compliance with said Execution and Order of Salo, Iwill on Saturday tho 10th day of Juno 1917, at the hour of ono o'clock p. ru. on said day at the Southwest door of the County Court house at Eugene, Lane County, Ore gon, offer for sale and sell, subject to redemption all the right title, and Interest of the above named Defend ant Bruno Rledel In and to tho above described real property. JAMES C. PARKER, Sheriff of Lane Coanty, Oregon Hv D. A Elklns, Deputy. May 10,17,24,31; Juno 7, NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE ON EXECUTION Notlco Is hereby given that by vlrtuo of nn Execution Issued out of tho Circuit Court of tho Stnto of Oregon, for Lnno County on tho 8th day of May 1917 and by mo rocotvod tho 8th day of May 1917, In nn action whoro In on tho 2flth day of Novombor 1009, In tho Justlco Court for Kugono Jus tlco District, Mount Hood Browing Company, a corporation, rocovored Judgment against thu Defendant John Stownrt, for tho sum of $119.10 with tntoreat at tho ralo of 6 per cent por annum from tho 26th day of Novem ber, 1909. together with coats amount ing to tho sum of $5.60 a transcript of which Judgment was enrolled nnd docketed In tho office of tho Clork of tho Circuit Court on tho 3rd day of December, 1909. and said Execution to mo directed commanding mo In tho immo of tho Stnto of Oregon that out of tho personal property of said Defendant, or. If HUlllelont could not bo found, then out of tJio real property belonging to said Defendant In Lnno County, Oregon, on or after tho said 3rd day of December, 1909, Being unable to find sufficient or any personal property belonging to said Defendant, 1 did, on the Sth day of May. 1917, levy on the following de scribed roul property to wit; Beginning 33 feet 3 inches North of tho Southeast comer of Lot .1, Block 10 Mulligan's. Donation to Lanu County. Oregon, run thoiue West 160 feet, thence North 26 feet, thence East ICO root and thence South 26 feet to the place of beginning all in Lane County. Oregon. NOW THEREFORE. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON and in compliance with said Execution nnd In order to satisfy said Judgment, costs, nnd accruing costs 1 will on Saturday tho 9th day of June, 1917, between the hours of U o'clock a. m. nnd 4 o'clock p. in. towlt; nt ono o'clock p. m. on said day at the Southwest door of the County Courthouso In Eugeno, Lnno County, Oregon, orfer for snlo for cash, subject to rodomptlon, nil tho right, title and Interest of tho above named Defend ant In and to tho above described real property. JAMES C. PARKER. Sheriff of Lane County, Oregon By D. A. Elklns, Deputy. May 10,17.24.31; Juno 7. Estate of Ctarrlssa E. Knott, Deceased NOTICE TO CREDIT0R3 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that William E. Knott tins been by the County Court of tho Stnto of Oregon In nnd for Lnno County, appointed administrator, with tho will nnncaod. of tho Estate of Clarrlssa E. Knott, deceased. All persona having claims against the eatato of said deceased aro here by notified to present the anmo, duly verified, at tho Law Offlco of A. E. Whoeler In Eugene. Oregon, wjthln six months from this 10th day of May, 1917. WILLIAM E. KNOTT. Administrator. A. E. Wheeler, Attorney. May 10, 17. 24, 31; Juno 7. For Your Own Good Buy Standard Tires; Goodrich, Diamond, Firoatono, Goodyear, U. S and othot'B. It payu CO pur cent pro fit in thu out). Dlntlllato, Monogram Oil, UreaaeB, etc. STODDARD-DAYTON GARAGE 8th Avo. East 2 t2 I,,lono 1,s JCrtBt of Hotel OBburn Half Ulock Ford Switch Key Service Station No. 1 SOLE DIS TRIBUTORS OF THE WELWORTH THE NATIONALLY FAVORED $2.00 BLOUSE ONE OF THE NEW WELWORTH MODELS ONLY $2.00 Wo have built tip a very largo following for our $2.00 Blouses. Tills Ih but' tho natural result of of fering at all times such really remarkable values a condition due to the fact that wo are closely co operating with the makers In such a way as to asHuro the new wanted styles and that makus possible large savings in making and selling costs. Pleasing, Youthful models of excellent quality voile, trimmed with lace, tucks, hem stitching, pretty cuff and collars. Largo Bavlngs can always bo effected by buying Dlousea here. Welworth Blouaes . .$2.00 Wlrthmor Waista . .$1.00 LARGE'S 865 Willamette St., Eugene, Ore. PHONE 525 Tho Store that Solb Wooltox ATTENTION BEAN GROWERS We Quote Seed Beans as Follows: Lady Washing on Variety Limas -Bayos -Pinks -Red Mexicans 1 8c per lb. 15c per lb. 12c per lb. 12c per lb. 11c per lb. THE ABOVE QUOTATIONS F. O. B. OUR WAREHOUSE. WE HAVE A GOOD STOCK OF ALL THESE VARIETIES, BUT SUGGEST THAT YOU PLACE YOUR ORDER IMMEDIATELY AS WE FIND QUITE A NUMBER OF THE GROWERS HAVE NOT, aB yet. PROVIDED THEMSELVES WITH SEED EUGENE BRANCH Allen & Lewis, Inc. The Price of Fuel Is Going Up But the Cost of Gas Never Increases We have many satisfied customers who are using 6AS for C00KIN6, and HEATING WATER Telephone 58 and we will send a representative to explain Oregon Power Co. A. L. INGALL8, Manager, i