The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, April 30, 1917, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    MONDAY, APRIL 30, 1017
The Testimony
UOUSANDS of prcncripdonn placed on our flics
loatlfy iih to tho confldonco thL physicians and
tho general public hnvo In our ability to render
Superior Prescription Service
Wo upcclallzo In HiIh department of our business and
kucp right tip-to-duto In equipment and mcthodH.
A bolter Block of prescription drags cannot bo found
You are hiHured quality, accuracy and reaBonablo
ore. M&tirr&jy
Free Barn for Horses
Free Food Darn ncrofis tho
Btrcot from tho J. H. MoitIh
stables. Call at Hampton HroB.
Hhop. Second and A streets,
Springfield, Oregon.
I Town and Vicinity j
O. D. Woodworth, an Albany drug
glut, wnB vlttltlng In Sprlngtlotd tho
Inlter part of tho week.
J. U White, dlntrlct manager of the
Oregon rower company, was horo
from Albany Thursday.
I 8. Winfrey, accompanied by bis
daughter Bather, waa In from Lowe'l
Two big shipments of ahocs just
arrived. Wolf & Miller..
W, J. l'cngra, who resides two mllcj
wost of Springfield, left Saturday for
a few daya' visit at Oakridgo.
Tho heavy wind of Saturday after
noon blow down tho awning In front
or Egglmann'n Candy Kitchen.
Mm. LouU Flock was In town on
business from Oakridgo Saturday.
TIIOROUGWHIED llarred Itock egg
for hatchlrg good layers. $1.0')
for IS, II. B. Walker
Mr. Crlotz. tho now filer at tho
Booth-Kelly Lumber company mill and
family nro movlng'lnto tho Tom Ohl
son property on C Btrcot.
Cecil Calkins returned Thursday
mornltiK from a IiurIiiohh trip to Spo-
Mm. Chrlntlno SorotiHon Is nlilo to
ho up and around again uftur bavin-;
boon 111 In bed for ft week, suffcrlns
with lumbago. j
Who wants n fine llambeltonlnn
Alloy to drive for Jier kooplng. En
qulro I. ofllco box 99. Sprlngflold.
Tho Springriold and Eugono Honor
Guard girls have secured 50 acres of
land In tho vlrlnlty o ftho two cltlc
nntl will plant it in potatoes nnn navy
, M. C. IlresHlor has Just completed
tho building or n now wood-house ot
hlH homo on I) Htrect.
Clir Lylmrger has gone to Marsh
flold. whoro ho hns secured a posl-
tlon having charge or n cook o
thoro. Mr. Lybargor Is n Hno chef
and no doubt will plcuso tho boarders.
General ropnlr shop Iron and woo I
work. Horseshoeing a specialty. Hamp
ton Bros. South Second and A Sts.
Tho civil sorvlco commission an
nounces that an examination will bo
held nt Point Torrnco, on tho Siuslaw,
In Lano county, for tho position ot
poBtmastor of Hint town. Tho com
pensation for tho oftlco last year
amounted to $210.
President H. E, Pitta of tho Spring
flold Pinning mill company plans to
loavo about Wednesday for a ten-day
busInoBB trip to Portland and Wash
ington points.
Mrs. Lona Urowson and daughter,
Miss Ireno, havo returned to tholr
hnmn In WnltnrvlHn after on In vine
a visit at tho homo of Mrs. Drownson'u
brothor W. Thompson, and family.
Wo Boll soods that growl Also
all kinds of commercial fertilizers
that .will holp your crops townatura
earllor, Sprlngflold Feed company."
Examination for fourth-class post
master for Waltorvlllo, Oregon, -will
fee hold In Eugono on May -26, 1917.
Compensation for postmaster at that
office last year was $298, Applicants
must rosldo within territory sorted
by tho office Application blanks,
form 1753, can bo secured from United
States civil sorvlco commission, Wash-,
iagton, D. D,
Tho Sprlngflold Feed company re
ceived n car of cement at Ha ware
keuao this morning,
Mrs. S. Splcer, of Mnrcola, Is vln
Jtlng her parcntn, Mr. and Mrs. N. W.
Gay and family,
Mra. Maud Hansard left yesterday
for Morcodo California, to Join Mr.
Hansard. 8ho has been visiting horo
for a tow dayu with her mother, Mrs.
I). E. Darling.
A big sack of salted peanuts at tin
Variety store.
Orand Warden W. F. Walker paid '
an official visit to tho I. O. O. F.
lodge at Detroit Friday night and to
tho lodge at Tangent Saturday night
.. -r-,. yf, .. , w ,,J
....... . . , . .....
has been namod John Franklin. I
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Vaughn anJ
family have moved to Bugcnc.
Henry McCultum has moved from
Klamath Falls to Weed, California.
Mnt. MCuUum left yesterday for
. i
Charles Tryon Is hero from Smith
'Illver, California, looking for a loc.v j
'tjfon, and v&r.ltfng with his cousl.i
Mm, F. B. Lenhart.
Wo want wheat, oats and hay. Al-
so small whltq beans. What have
you to offer? Sprlngflold Feed com-
"Grandpa" Montgomery, who is In
a very serious tormiiion, coimnuo-j
about the Bitmo, growing weaker, tt
anything. Ho hud a bad spell Sat
urday night, but Hcems to bo holding
his own again now.
Another evidence of Spring. Two
utito IohiIh of tourists stopped nt tha
Springfield Camp grounds over night,
going on to Portland this morning.
A. J. Perkins camo up from Portland
Sunday evening, on business. Mrs.
PerkltiH, la expected tho last ot tho
I week.
I A. L. Ingalls, manager tor tho Ore
gon Power company at this point, Iuu
purchftBud u hlg tour Overland auto
mobile. Good rcllablo flrG insurance. No as
sessments; no memourouip ice. ray
oaCxj aml you ur ,i,,ne.
it. K. wuiitur
,al tnfi ijall.
Miss Theda Perkins spent tho weok
end In Portland with relatives un.t
Tho farmors scarcely take tlmo to
come to town now that tho flno
weather Is of boneflt to them In all
'n0B of 8etullllK unil Bnn,cn).(B. Thoy
. wn,u,,. vnP, , n',nP , ,.
uKo working ovortlmo In order to get
an much dono as possible j
Miss Lulu Gilo, a trained nurso of,
this city Is giving lectures to tho Unl-
verslty of Oregon girls,-'who have
taken tho Hod Crosa worfi. Sho will
also have charge of tho Rod Cross '
volunteer class as soon as it Is more
fully organized.
John Preschorn of this city has pur
chased a light Six Overland car.
Tho ladles of tho Baptist church
and ocngrcgntlon will bo entertain"'!
at the Baptist parsonage noxt Wednoa
day afternoon, that being tho dao
of tho regular mooting of tho ladica
aid. I
JIuvo you soon tho groat 15 cent
bargans in granite ware at tho Varle-
Mr. Ed Ayors of Junction City was
a caller nt tho Baptise Parsonago Sun
day afternoon,
Mrs. O. H. Blakoloy and daughter
Anna wore In from Marcola Saturday.
Safe Medicine for Children,
"Is it safo?" 1b the first question to
'bo considered when buying cough
modlcino for children. Chamborlain'd
Cough Itemedy has long boon a favor,
(to with mothers of ?oung children aa
It contains no opium or other narcotic,
and may ha given to a child aa confi
dently as an adulL It la plosant to
take too. which Is of great importanco
when a modlcino must bo givon to
young chtldron. This remedy Is most
effectual in rolloving coughs, colda
lind croup. Obtainable ovorywhore.
Deafness Cannot Be Cured
S. loon I application, aa thr cannot itich
tht dlfaaa portion o( th aar. Tbr It
nljr on way to our Amlhr, nl tht la
by .toiiatllullonal rainadlra. , Dafnca la
oauMd by an lnflam1 condition of tha mu
rout llnlnc of the Kuataehlan Tub. Whrn
thla tub la Inflamrri you haw A rumbllnt
und vr Imprrfaci nanrlnr, and whan It la
rnllraly elud,. Dtafntaa la Jh rrault. and
unit ih. Inflammation efi ba lakn out
and thl tuba ratnrrd ta It normal condi
tion, litarlnK wilt t dratmrrd forarcrs nlno
raara nut of tn ara Caned if catarrh,
which la nolhln- tint an Inflamtd condition
of tha mucoua aurfacta.
W will Klv On Hundred Dollare for any
caa of Drafnr (cauard by catntrht that
cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cut.
Rend for olrculare, free,
r. J. CIIKNKr A CO., Toledo, Ohio.
flold by Druvclele, He,
Taka Jlall'a Varulir fill for constipation.
MIsh Opal Whltoloy a student at
tho university, who lives on Bast
Main street will glvo a lecture on
"Nearer to tho Heart of Naturo" at
tho Lincoln school building on Wed
nesday evening, May 2, nt 8 o'clock.
An admission of 10 cents will bo chart;
ed. MIhh Whltoloy Is taking this
moans of raising funds for tho com
pletion of her education.
Clinton Conloy dlstr'butcd now Lano
county directories for tho Pacific Tel
ephono and Telegraph company Sat
Prof. M. S. Plttman, of tho Oregon
State Normal school will deliver tho
annual commencement addross for
tho Sprlngflold high school on Juno
8, 1917.
Creed Urattuln lms returned from
Los Angeles and has taken a position
In tho First National bank of this city,
beginning his new duties Saturday.
Fred Thomas left Saturday for Wend
ling whero ho will bo employed In the
Booth-Kelly machine shops.
w , , .
Mrs. Mary Warren, of Douglas Oar-
dens, who underwent a major opera-
tlon at tho Springfield hospital Friday
morning, Is recovering nicely.
E. E.Kepner Is painting and fixing
up tho Interior of tho Variety store.
I Miss Paulino Lux, a nurse at tho
Springfield hospital, has gone t hv
homo in East Salem to spend a short
Floyd Martin of Marcola wa.
brouKht to tho Springfield hospital
i Friday, suffering from a alight frac
ture of tho skull over the right eye,
caused by the kick of a horse. Tho
boy Is doing nicely now.
-n..n o.t Mr.
Mr. and Mrs. It. F. Stdwcll and Mrs.
Frank Sldwell visited with relative?
and friends at Coburg over Sunday.
H. v. Burton left today for Albany
"whero ho will be busy for tho next
fow weeks In looking after tho busi
ness or tho Whlto Sewing machine
company, for which M. C. Dressier and
Son arc ngonts at that polnL
Harry Klcfor on Suturday rebuilt
, tho sidewalk torn away In front of
i'tho Sprlngflold gantgo when the gnH-
ollno tank wits recently put In.
1 Mrs. Dolbert Crouch and daughter,
Ml bb Tholma, mtulo t trip to Yoncallu
on Friday. Mrs. Crouch returned
Joo Clark of Monmouth. Oregon, has
Joined tho marine corps and loft Mon
day tor Maro Island, San Francisco.
Mr. Clark Is a brothor or Will Clark
or this city aiui rormoly lived heo.
Tho Inrant child or Mr. and Mrs.
Ophlro Brown, or Eugene, lies In n
critical condition at its homo on Thir
teenth Btrcot Tho little ono Is the
only grandson ot Mr. and Mrs. C. G.
Brattnln or this city.
Iloy Hitter or Mabel was In town
Saturday.' Ho Is undecided as to
future plans, but may go to Coos Bay.
Harold Poory, Mrs. M. M. Pcory.
Mrs. Edosso M. Cox, and small daugh
ter, Joanno, motored to Sclo Saturday
and returned today, spending tho In-
terval with relatives and friends thori.
J. C. Mullen reports that tho Sprin,;
, flold Honor Guard girls havo bee-j
given a lot of 96 foot on Ninth and
C streets belonging to C. E. McLean,
which thoy will plant to foodstutr
j Immediately.
' Mrs. Wlllko8kl Is recovering from
a recent Illness.
Mrs. Dovlno Is hero trom Jasper
vicltlng at tho homo of hor daughter,
Mrs. W. C. Parker. Tho twompnth
old daughter of Mr. and Mra, Parkor
waa slightly hotter Saturday.
J. H. Carr, or Dexter, returned to hl
homo yostorday attor apondlng several
days visiting nt the homo of hUaugh
tor, Mrs. Jossto Calkins.
Dick Sprong arrived from Roddlnr, j
Cnllfornln, Thurndny morning, whora
ho hao boon ror tho past yoar. IIo
will visit ItlB mother, Mrs. Isabella
Why Conatloatlon Injures.
Tho nowola aro tho natural bo-aw-ago
nysUmi of tho body. When th v
become olmtsueted by constlpntinn .
part of tho poisonous matter wlilrh
they should carry off la nlmoriio'l ti
tho pyntt'in. making yon fool dull ui i '
stupid, unci intnrXurlns wlth'thu 'Up j
tlon and apnluiilolliig ot food. T!i
condition l0 quickly-roJiWAri bv r.b"
berlaln'3 Tabling. Obtainable .
Tho dcmostratlon of an autoped Fri
day at tho Booth-Kelly Lumber com
pany mill and alo about tho afreet,
proved Quito intoroitlng to many spoc,i
Utora. J, C. Parker, E. B. Martin,
and Joo Lunbay were among thond
trying out tho machlno.
, Got A License That's All
A marrlago license was issued on?
day last week to Captain C. J. Dodd
of tills "city and Mrs. A. Franco3
Hawks of Pasadona, California. Up
on being questioned several days lat
er, Mr. Dodd admitted tho license,
tliut said It was llko becoming, natural
ized, that this waa only taking out tho
j'flrst papers and that neither ho nor
'Mrs. Hawks know when tho wedding
t would (ako place, or If It over would.
( Mrs. Hawksls staying at the Van
I Valzah homo and Is hero to spend
tho summon
Local Man Married
MAIIIHED: At tho homo or tho
officiating minister In Eugcno, April
25, 1917, Myron II. Bambrldge, ot
'Springriold, and Miss Eva Myher.,
of Eugene, Reverend II. B. Dorks of
ficiating. a
About 50 young folks participated
In a happy occasion when the Epworth
League held its regular monthly so
cial at the Methodist church parlors
Friday evening. Games, charades,
and an unusual guessing gamo featur
ing purloined baby pictures provided
lots ot fun. Doughnuts and cocoi
wcro enjoyed as refreshments. At
tho cabinet' and business meeting
which preceded the social, the follow'
Ing now officers were elected: pres
ident, Vance Cagley; 1st vice, Orson
Vaughn: 2nd vice, Mr, W. T. Wright;
3rd vice, Francis Bartlott; 4th vice,
Jessie Walker; Secretary, Oswald Ols
son; Treasurer, Dorris Slkes; Pub
licity manager, Paul Scott; Reporter,
John Dimm; Librarian, Rcta Johnson;
Organist. Carman Harwood; Cholrlstei'
Lcota McCracken. The committee
In charge of the social consisted of
Orson Vaughn, Vance Cagley, May
Lyon, and Dorris Sfkcs.
Tho delightfully warm weather of
the past few days gave rise to an
'open aid' party given Friday night
at tho Glenwood school Iioubo In West
Springfield by tho Glenwood Literary
society. It seems as though Spring
has qbme In earnest when such dc
lfghtrul out door parties as this one
are again able to bo enjoyed. The
young rolks enjoying the affair were:
Roy Harington, Ray Vincent. Ha
Alexander, Roy Vincent, Henry Bea
man, John Alexander, Ben Davidson.
Clarece Fandrum; Ray Dean, Helen
Fay. Floy Collins, Lula Hampton, Ha
zel Richmond Dola Vincent. May Frit,
Thelma Ellison, Hazel Dean, Florenca
Furuset, Beula Hnrbert, Mable Weller,
and Mrs. Henry Beaman.
Tho Kensington club was enter
taincd at tho homo of Mrs. N. W,
Emory Friday afternoon. Cherry
blossoms niailo tho rooms guy and
fragrant. An unusually pleasant
afternoon, was enjoyed and a dainty
lunch served. The guests of the club
were Mrs. S. A. Dauford, Mrs, O. II
Jarrett and Mrs. W. L. Dunlap. Mem
hers present wcro Mrs. J. F. Goddard.
Mrs. L. May, Mrs. F. Dressier, Mrs
C. E. Lyon, Mrs. II. A. Korf, Mrs. J.
C. Holbrook, Mrs, W. H. Witney,
Mrs. J. W. Cofrin, Mrs. C. E. Swart3
and Miss Edna Swarts. The next
mooting will bo hold at the homo ot
Mrs. J. C. Holbrook.
Mrs. M. M. Peery was hostess to
tho 500 club at her home Thursday
attornoon. Floworlng curront In pro
fusion added a pretty bright touch lo
the rooms, whero a pleasant attornoon
was devoted to cards. Tho high
scoro 'ell to Mrs. C. E. Swarts. A
dainty lunch was served. Thoso at
tending were Mrs. A. M. Beaver, Mrs.
W. C. Robhan, Mrs. W, L. McCulloch,
Mrs. C. E. Wheaton, Mrs. C. E. Swarta
Mrs, J. E . Stewart, Mrs. I. V. Jack
son, Mra. II, Woods, Miss Edna Swart j
Guosta ot tho club wqro Mrs. J. A.
Cox, Mrs. Moo Stevenson and Mrs.
nort Vincent of Eugono.
About 2B of tho young people gath
itwi nt tho homo of Mrs. Emma Olson
flfonrfny evening aa a nuprlso for Mr,
an' Mr?. I5r"re ? Lnnsbery, nowly
. -'n ',ftr a ploseiit evonlng and
-(r,enr"nts, an old tlmo serenade)
whk Indulged In until tho groom ap-.-' 'l5. treatn.
Tho RIlHaes Ettlo J. Rhodes, Bess
Pnhnnr, Amlo Young and Floronco
Coffin woro rntertalnod at tho houw
ot Mlsa I.ula Gilo Saturday evonln.;.
A Jolly tlmo was enjoyed.
You Can Make ExccUcnt Cake
with Fewer Eggs
Just use an additional quantity of Royal Baking
Powder, about a teaspoon, in place of each egg
omitted. This applies equally well to nearly all baked,. .
foods. Try the following recipe according to the
new way:
Old Way
1 cup auf ar
H cup milk
2 cup flour
2 teaipocn Royal Baking Powder
3 ecea
H cup ahortenlnc
1 ttaipoon flavoring
Makes 1 Large 2-Laycr Caka
DIRECTIONS Cream the augar and abort nlng together.then mix In the rgg.
After elfting th flour and Royal Bating Powder together two or three time,
add it alltothemiiture. Gradoany add tha milk and beat with epoon until
you have a amooth pour batter. Add the flavoring. Pourlntogrea4layerca
tlna and bake In a moderately hot oven for twenty minute. Thta cak I best
baked In two lay era. Put tog etbrwitbcreamfiUineand spread with wtilte Icing
made from Cream of Tartar, derived from grapes.
No Alum No Phosphate
Real Estate Transfers. j
Martin Hollo to George D. Vallic
ct ux Lot 1, block 6, Kelly addition
to Springfield; 2000. ,
George D. Vallier et ux to Lester
Valller Lot 1, block 6, Kelly's addi
tion to Springfield; $10.
Florence Douglas et al to B. A.
Washbunie et al Lots 9, 10, Triock
Springfield Garage
Repairing a Specialty
Main, bet. Fourth and Fifth. Phone It
Office Flioni 6; "elence 67-
West Main at.
A complete line of
Varnishes, Etc.
We anticipated the High Prices in all Paint Products, so
bought last Fall, before the raise, over twice the amount'
for a normal stock. We did this for the protection of
our customers and can now quote as follows:
S. W. P. House Paint $2.75 per gallon.
Commonwealth Bam Red . . (p $1.65 per gallon.
Commonwealth Barn'Gray . . $2.00 per gallon.
S. W. P. Shingle Stain Browns .... $1.10 in 5's
S. W. P. Shingle Stain Greens $1.15 in 5s
Creosote Paint S W. P. All Shades . . $1.60 in l's
Linseed Oil ... $1.30. Turpentine . . . $1.10.
Understand the above Prices apply only on stock ore
hand. Better buy now and have it set aside.
Chambers Hardware Co,
Eugene, Oregon
Creamery Block
Dealer in
(Sweet and Dry)
In Package or Bulk
True to Name and Kind
Oive Us A Trial
New Way
1 tvp augar
1 cup rr.llk
2 cop floor
A teaepoona Royal Baaing Powder
2 tableepoone ahertening
1 tepot,n flavoring
18, Douglas Gardens; 1.
Simon Klovdahl to George 0
Lareon et ux Interest In lot 12,
block 22, Emerald Heights addlttar
to Springfield; $189.
D. A. Pain, exqeutor, to George
B. Larson et ux Lot 12, block22:
Emerald Heights addition to Sprlsfls
fleld. POBEUT BUIlNS Lodge. No.
78, A. M. F Ancient and
Accepted Scottish Rite UjeV
versal and Symbolic Ttw
Masons meets first and third
Friday evening in W. O. W.
halL ViBitlBg brothers kV-
P. A. Johnson
Cbas. KlngswelF ,
R. W. SE.
O. R. Gullion, M.Di
Practice Limited tl
Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat.
Graduate Nurse Attending,.
306, White Temple, Eugene,
Paints t