The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, April 30, 1917, Image 1

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inij OJT Xv.J.1 iVJl IL-il-iL
it r t KiiriMrr 4irliif.1l't.3reinii, lecoml.
U inMUf un1r net of Oonre ol M rh, 1N7H
VOL. XVI., NO. 27!
Lnno County Agricultural Agont
Outlines Way to Grow
Good Vogotnblos
Anyone Devoting a Little Time Ever
Day Can Successfully Grow a
Small Vegetable Garden
Ily N. 8. Ilohh, Lunu County Agrlcul
tural Agent.
Thero never whs a time In tho his
tory ol our county when our gardens
wurranted more careful attention than
during the present world food short
age and the scarcity of farm holp. This 8amo ground during the samo season
lost factor together with tho unfavor-; known as growing bucccbbIoii crops,
nblo season Is going to Influenco tho Tho early plantings and early matur
production of cereal crops In this' sec-. nti Tvnrlctles can bo fblldwcd by lot
tlouftlurlng tho present year. or and othpr quick' mnturlng crop3
To meet these demands It seems and tho yield for, tho year greatly In
thatsomo means must bo dovlncl srohsed. - This. Is a practlco followed
whoroby substltuios for pnrt-of our , by "moBt truck gardeners and founj
cereal diet can bo had and thus bo very profitable.
Icuso a greater portion of cereals for
Tho movement to encourage tho
smalt vegetable, gurden Is one that Is '
timely and undoubtedly will assist 1
In solving tills problem of Increasing
tho food supply to a certain extent,
especially until tho next harvest time.
Any person who la willing to devote
n little tlmo each day can successful
ly grow a small vcgetablo garden If
ho can give the caro and attention :
necessary, Tho saying that no man j
knows what an aero will produco
holds tho truth with the small veget
able garden. It Is not unreasonable
to expocl a small lot to supply fresh 1
vegetables for a family and nlso sup
ply somo of tho winter vegetables. i
Thero nro sovoral thlngB a person j
should take Into consideration In plant
lug Uio garden If ho Is to get the moat
Benefit for his efforts. '
Oood Seed Ded Important.
Ono of the essentials In the growing
of a small vegetable garden Is a woJl
prepared seed bod. J
Tho bettor prepared tho seed lied H i
the greater will bo tho returns. To '
obtain a good seed bod tho ground
should be plowed fairly deep, If tho
surfaco soil Is deep, and harrowed
until the soli has a good tilth. If
tho. .subsoil Is cloao to tho surfaco ft Sprlngflold-from Carson City, Mich
Is nijvlsablo to plow moro shallow es- jgan two and a half years ago.
. . i-ii.. -i il. ... Mimj ITtmH ttnn hnnn vnrv 111 fnr
pueiany v una smiun . ... ,cr.
Disking before plowing Is a great aid
In pulveriBlng tho ground especially
If the ground ba. a tendency to bo
soddy. This point should not he
overlooked this year aH Borne land
that has" lain Idle for several years
and lias become noddy Is lining util
ized for garden spots On wet ground
If the sod cannot bo torn or worked
up well, after plowing finish by disk-
Ing and harrowing. The larger seed,
od crops and beans, peas, com nnd
od crops and beans, peas, corn nnd
vino crops should bo planted on b.icIi
laud and onions nnd tho smnllor seed
ed crops do host on woll pulvorlr.od
ground nnd will not do so woll on y
ttil lit I let rtw Imtiitt s irs
ly prepared I
Manure the Beet Fertilizer I
A great many questions nro asked
about tho ubo of fertilizers nnd tho
advisability of buying commorclnl
fertilizers. Tho ono best 'fortlllzor
is woll rotted manure and It wo can
obtain this tho worrlos about fertil
izing conso for thorn is no other fortll
zor thut can oqual It for-nil purposos.
It supplies all the, elements of plant
food needed by the various varieties
of vegotabloB and supplies largo quan
titles of humls besldoB. Wliqre vog
otablo matter Is addod to tho garden
soli tho toxturo of It will bo improved
it will bo mndo earlier and will hold from her sister in Scotland that ono
moro moisture. Nono of thoso quol- 0f hor cousins who was a soa captain
jtles aro poBscsBod by any commorclnl on ono of tho steamers was tho vie
fortlllzor; nil aro essential howovor. tlm of a Gorman submarine January
nnd for thoso ronsons alono If for no(io; tho boat was .sunk and all per
o(hor, inanuro Is suporlor as a sluglo ishod Including tho captain oxcopt
fortlllzor, Thoro can ho too much povon men who woro taken Gormau
mnnuro applied to tho land but the ,'prlsonors. Tho young man was ugod
(rouble generally lies on tho other ,
WHO, J BlllU 1UIU iu Kl( Uf id lu uiiij
about 2G0 lo 300 pounds of woll rotted
immure por squnro rod, This should
ho woll worked Into tho soil by moans
of n hoo or roko.
Potash is nn OHBontlnl olomont in .
tho dovolopmont of all food crops and ,
r-nn i.n fiuimiioii hv nmiivlnir wood nsh-
van uo miijiii'u im "I'l'iuift nn,,-
os ut the rato ot V to ao pounds of
lcachod wood notion per square rod.
Nitrate of soda la sometimes used
'for halftoning tho growth especially lo
tho Spring. Tills fortlllzor tends to
mako a quick rank growth. It Is
nppllod to tho row at tho rata of lVi
poundfl to tho miuuro rod. Tlio host
wuy to apply thin substanco Ih by dis
solving In 12 gallons of wattor and
sprinkling tho rows.
Gonornl or complete fertilizers nro
nppllod at tho rato of 10 to 1C pounds
to tlio H(unru rod.
Concerning tho fortlllzor question
from all nidus thu well rotted uiunurc
and tho wood ashes supply all tho In
gredients that .tho commercial fortll
IzufH do at u lowor cost
Minor Facts that Count.
Soaking tho sood boforo planting
will hasten tho germination and short
en tho growing period somewhat
Transplanting Is of advantage to moat
garden crops. Tho practice tends
to produco stockier and mora thrifty
plants. '
Compacting tlio soil after planting
tho seed is Important as It hastens
germination and allows tho establish
ment of bettor root systems.
Succession Crops Give Best Return. 1
Tho planting of two crops on tho '
Cultivation Essential.
Tho surfaco soil should never J)o
allowed to bocomo cniBted In tho
"" vcgotahlo garden. It should
tlrro frequently to allow the air
to penetrate the soil, and to kcop
down tho growth of woods and con
sorvo tho moisture Tho best re
sults In gardening will only be ob
tained through nn abundance of cul
tivation. This to some is the "It"
In successful gardpnng, but when
ono gives tho proper cultivation ho
will bo repaid well for his efforts, ai
this" lack- of cultivation may mean tho
fulluro of the garden.
Clarissa E. Knott
Passed Saturday
Local Woman Dies at Age of 71
Years, Aftor Long Illness;
. Funeral Hold Yesterday
Clarissa E. Knott, of this city
"He'l at tho homo of her son, W. E. j
Knott, qt 9:30 Saturday morning. Shs
was i years of ago, and camo to
some time She Is Burvived by four,
children: Mrs. Robert Wynd Mrs.
George W Craw onl. and W. E Knott.
all of Springfield, and Elmer Knott of
Carson Mich.
Iteverond Chris H. Jensen, of Spring ,.
I1UIU VUi luuau uttui vuiiuutiuu uio
Borvlcos at tho ISrauHtnttor and Mc-
Laughlln chapel nt 2:30 yesterda..
Uurial wa8 mado In tho I. O. O. F.
Mrs. Delbert Crouch Leaves Spring-
field for Indefinite Stay
Mr8, 1 01 rt Saturday (
ovon,nK for NortU Ynklln,. Washing. ,
.ton - t0 J?'" fT0"' W,, U !
tlio Uomurnntlt Ari company. Mrs. !
Crouch will travel with her husban l J
for six months or a year. Tholr
daughtor, Mlsa Tholmu Is with her
grandmother, Mrs, Thomas Applcgnte i
nt Yoncollo, and Is continuing hor
school work. Mr. and Mrs. Henry j
Eugene have rented tho Crouch f
furn,8hod( on Sovonth nnd R
Is Submarine Vlctum
34 years and loft a wife nnd Boveral .
Local Pastor Is Dedicator
Itovoromt Chris II. Jouson pastor of
tho Christian church of this city, do-
llvorod tho dodlcutory sormon at tlw
dodlcntlon of tho Christian church
nt Trout yoBteruay. a uiibkci um
- - - .
r wus sorvod nt tho church nt noon,
As fast ns they cau t completed antl
th t) 8, hnttleNhlii IViiiuylviuiln will be
Preparedness Demonstration of
O. A. C. And S. P. Is Prof
itable to Local People
An enthusiastic audience of stu
dents unci citizens flllod the Bell thea
tor nt ten o'clock this morning for
the "Food Preparedness" demostra
tlon lectures by Oregon Agricultural
Collego instructors. The lectures,
which nro being given In several Var
loy towns, are under tho auspices of
the college and the Southern Pacific
railroad company. They wero Inton-
8ely Interesting and a great deal of
good was gleaned from them by local
lot gardeners and housewives,
Tho substitution of cheaper foods
tor-some which wo ubo now, and tholr
- preparations, the use of flrolesa cook-
and , cgB8 woro 80me
su touchod on
wno oponed meeM
introduced by H. D. Olsen. tra-
.... ' Snlhr
Pacific company.
XT Ion 'Pas tlav anrvrmnteA i r t n r A
All IOO IHIIUJ OUKhvOkUU kilt l 111 vj i j
' , , . , ,
rice, homony, and macaroni, bo used
. ', ... j . . ,
In placo of potatoes, and advocated
T . "lu"8 UBU,l a! f
"'"k Instead of so much meat. She I
also emphasized tho importanco of
using moro vegetables. "Waste' Is
nlso a big featuro In tho present high
cost of living, 8ho said. Seven hu
(,roJ inlllon doUars wa8 chargei, t0
wftsto lnst year; m08t of thl8 wnB due
t0 throwing in tho garbage pall, poor
nrnnnrntlnn anil snrvlco. nnd snollod
food- , 10 hom0i Ml8s Turloj. urg.
cd loUBewivo8 to study food values
efo pinnning tholr meals,
ProfUssor Brown gave a short, but
vory tro8tlng talk on vcgetablo
gardening and said, tho first four es-
"ontlals in good gardening are good
seed, soil nnd fertilizer and a good
plan. Ho urges ovoryone to prosorvo
in every way possible, vegetables, for
wlntor use and advises drying Instead
ot so much canning. Ho also ad
vises using Oregon sood as he be
lloves It Is better adapted to our cli
mate and soil.
Miss Cowglll gave a very . instruc
tive talk ot canning and preservation
'of foods and by practical demonstra
tions showed just how it should ba
dono. Slio canned somo rhubarb and
toW vogotab,OB ftnd moat BhouH
bo canned for future uso.
W. J, White proprietor ot tho Boll
theater announced to the audience
prosent that ho would glvo a freo
ticket good for all performances at
tho Doll theator for n week for tho
best paper by nny boy or girl on thla
- alr craft guns, such this one ox
nut on all our divadnaughta.
Congregation Greatly Suprised
And Saddened At Rev.
Ferris' Decision
The usual congregation of the Bap
tist church mot for worship yesterday
morning and listened with apprecia
tive attention to an earnest and pract
ical message on, "Why unite with tho ,
church;" but wero greatly suprised, j
when at the conclusion tho pastor ten- j
dered his resignation to take effect
the last Sunday in June.
In presenting his resignation, Pas
tor Ferris said In part:
"Wo desire to close our labors
for soveral reasons. I have placed i'
thorn In two groups ot three each,
negative and affirmative. j
"First, because of what you do not '
do: You do not attend prayer ser-'
vice. You do not tithe or execute an 1
adequate financial method. You do 1
not enthuse. I
"Tho second group because of what
you do: You do go elswhere. We
'meet you on various occasions of en-i
tortalnment elsewhere (and gladly too)
but tho fact remains that the same-
. . . . ... . . . . , '
mud-hole lays alike between that placo
, ., . .... , . i
and this. Tho rain that kept you'
. , . . "
"'o rain that soaked you when you
Qr nttcndod oth BOclal
functions. .
"You do get between my guns and
tho onomy. Every careless act os j
touching tho Lord's Day and sacred-,
ness of Ills house and worship Is get-
ting between the message ot the Gos
pel and tho enemy. Paul said, 'I
tarry long (write nt length) that thou j
mayest know how thou oughtest to
bohavo thyself in tho houso ot God, ,
which is tho church of tho Living God,
pillar and ground of truth." j,
Tho pastor gave tho people to real-1,
lzo that ho spoke In loving sollcltudo
for tholr prosperity nnd tho growth ot
God's kingdom as represented by the
Daptlst church, and closed with wordu .
of advice as touching the future.
Rov. and Dr. Ferris camo to thld
charge September, 1915, and have boon
untiring In tholr efforts for spiritual,
moral and civic rightoousness. It i
Is said that bucIi a degree of pro'opor-,
lty has been experienced by the church
ub has not marked its history for
somo years. During the past 13 j
months between 40 and 50 have been
added to tho membership, the greater
part by baptism.
Members ot tho church are expres
sing regret and entertaining tho hope
that tlio ' resignation may bo recon
sidered. Buys Motor Truck
Tho Springfield Food company re
placed Its dollvory team with a 1 ton
Ford motor truck Saturday.
Herbert Moore Is Bound Over to Ju
venlle Court
Herbert Mooro and Eunice Parker,
two well-known young people of this
city, left at a lato hour last Friday
night In Mlsa Margaret Morris' auto
mobile but tholr plans wcro fustrated
when the car became stalled In tho
mud on tho Pacific highway south of
Cottage Orovc. They remained fn
Uio car all night and Saturday morn
Ing drovo back to Cottage Grove, '
where it is alleged Mooro attempted
to sell tho car. He was arrested
there, and both wero brought 1 Eus
cno. Mooro was held for an examination
in the juvenllo court with bail at $500
and the girl was turned over to her
parents. Mooro Is charged In tho J
complaint with "doing an act manlf- J
cstly tended to cause a child to become i
delinquent." 1
The young folks say they had in-1
tended going to California where they' . Lanc county. and the Willamette
expected to work j Valley much moro productive
It is expected that a date for tho 1 ot 'tntta e coming year
hearing will be set tonight, when J. i than eve befor6- Icrewd acreae3
M. Dcavers, who will represent tho ,of bean& and Potatoes .1 .partlcalar
boy. shall have returned from Port-;wH1 o" l 'an(I wher0 topyards
janj i formerly throve. It appears now aa
I If this county w(ll have at least 6,00')
NEWLYWEDS TO LIVE HEREiacres ot Deans as compawd with the
L . former acreage of about COO. The
Mr. and Mrs. William Dawson of A'
bany Arrived Here Yesterday
Mr. and Mrs. William Dawson ar
rived here Yesterday from Albany
and will make their home In Uie
James L. Clark residence on Scconl
street. Mr. Dawson has been employ
ed as a mechanic In the Springfield
garage for Ihe past four months,
going to Albany last Saturday to
bring his bride back with him. The
young people were married In Albany
at tne uapust parsonage oy me uo - -
erend G. W. Young Saturday evening.
Mrs. uawson, nee miflB way nugnes
Is the daughter ot Mr. and' Mri. G
W. Hughes and Mr. Dawson Is the
eon of Mr. and -Mrs. M. F, DaSon.
Both families are prominent In the
business and Bocfal life of Albany.
"Baby Week" Will
Be Observed Here
Interesting Program With Three
Strong Addresses Prepared
For Tuesday Evening
Following Is the program for the
observance ot National Baby Week to
be given here Tuesday evening, Mav
1, 1917, at 7:30 o'clock In tlio Baptist
Song "Lullaby" High School glrla
Address "What the Community can
do for the Welfare of its Babies" Mrs.
It. L. Kirk.
Recitation "Our Flag and Yours"
Dorothy Moore.
Address "Food for the Mother and
Child" Miss Anne McCormick.
Song "Slumber Song" Mrs. J. E.
Address "The Care of Children" Dr.
Eugene Kester.
Dr, Kester will also answer ques
tions asked concerning the care of
Every mother is urged to come out
and hear this program which has been
prepared especially for the mothers.
Mesdames Cora Hlnson, Nina McPher
son, and Ellen Thompson Selected
Delegates were elected by tho Worn -
- . - . .... .
en ot wooucrait. i"ino circle iso. io,
at its last meeting. The convention
will be hold In Roseburg in June and
tho following delegates elected: Mrs.
Cora Hlnson, Mrs. Nina McPherson,
Mrs. Ellen Thompson, and nUqrnatos,
Mrs. A. D. Ruddlman, Mrs. Emily
Dorlty nnd Mrs, Lily Klzcr.
All Get Palmer Buttons
Mtsg Nora J. Sorenson sent In 50 afternoon, when It met the lopal Boftth'
pupils' drills from tho sovonth and Kelly team on tho Sprlngfled gnjundn
olghth grades for tho 25-d.rllI Palmpr, jn tho fjrst baseball game'of ihe soason
button, and announces that each pupil on a Wot and oozy field. Tho score,
was successful In being awarded the at the end ot the fifth stood 11 to 3
emblem. Greater interest Is beng jn fav0r of the Mud Flatters .
takon Jn writing this year than la , ; r-i,
any year previous, not only In thoso , Wll Help Saye Anlrnafs . ,
two grades, but throught the whole ' "To meet the '( emergency wfylch ex
school. Isis the Supervisors or the 'Natloiial
. Forests In Oregon and Washington
Boy Injured In Fall have boon authorized to open thorn to
Harry Regan cut a gash In his head, llye.i stock; which, e short of teed earl
bruised ono Bholdor nnd the left arm for than the usual date, whonover U
to tho olbow, whon tho bicycle on ( can bo dono without material Injury
which ho was coasting Friday ovonlng ' to Uio early grass0?. The "orn t
sklddod, throwing htm to tho group-' Fen Ice wlil mnko every effort to i 1
Nono of tho In'"-' -, -'s, bit th etccUmT r scvlct thrlr nulaialu
.it ,u j. In ', jfrom ttaryftl.
, .
, ,.,. ,
. Crowors of County Will Plant
Over 6,000 Acres of Beans
And Many" of Potatoes i J
, 1 1 Jt
. )
Working of Ground for Spuds, Beans
And Grain Begun In Earnest;
Seed Potatoes Are Short ;
increase in me laiv poiaio yieiu over
the 1916 yield cannot be estimated
at this time, but it will be appreclabla
says E. E. Morrison, local dealer and
grower. Last year there were bet
ter than 300 cars of the tubers ehfy
ped from this neighborhood alone,
and this figure will be enormously
Famers in this vicinity are com
mencing in earnest tho grubbing out
of the hop vines and the working ot
j tho g,.ound for food cropsv
1 seavey has plowed up 100 acrea ot
h0pSf wnile Tom scavey Is .taking
- out M. entire vard of nrobablv 30
acres, north of Springfield. IL A.
Brady, who resides eaBt of CreswelT
"has grubbed out 40' acres of hops. The
Palmer brothers, who operate the'
Campbell-Walker yard between here
and Judkln's Point have taken out 25
or 30 acres. Glen Anderson will grow
potatoes or beans on a 10 acre tract
In Douglas 'Gardens which used to ba
a bopyard. E. E. Morrison will dls
up two small yards, eight acres at
Dedman's Ferry, and 10 on the Hugh.
Sandgathe place north of McKenzlo
Besides this wholesale replanting
' of hop yards, men and women are
both busy in this whole section put
ting in temporary early crops such,
as lettuce, peas, onions, and other per
ishable vegetables. Many amateur
gardeners are beginning, to see some
results of their labors, some families
in this city already enjoying the sight
of green shoots above the ground.
Quite a lot of grain will be eowq
this year also. Contrary to runior
it is not too late for wheat Every,
where the season is about five weeki
backward this year, However, Go7
ornor Wlthyombe's brother, who haa
made a study of conditions and Wb4
has kept, records, has made a state
ment to the effect that a late Spring
does not make any difference In crops.
If they had been gotten In earlier, the
frosts would have Injured the first
shoots. 11
A worse difficulty than the lateness
of tho season is the shortness ot the
seed potato supply, Mr, Morrisoa
says there are not enough seed pota
toes In the county, If all were planted,
to raiso sufficient potatoes for the 19
17 consumption, although tho growers
will have more. this year than they
have ever had In previous years. It
, 18 Mr- Morrison's opinion that the
wliriln TTnltnri Rtntoa will lift InnVlnrp
, ..... -
io Orogon and Washington for pota
toes next year,
Local Boys Lose First Baseball Game
of Season on Oozy Field
Tho "Mud Flat" team from Eugerio
proved to b'e In Its element yesterday