The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, April 23, 1917, Image 1

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CturAl'Ka'iriurjr II, liultuilflM.OrnK"1'' mterond
lunttvrumltr tel of CAtigrs ol M rh, 17W
VOL., XVI, NO. 23
Mans Mooting Hold Thursday
Night Marks tho Boginning
of Organizod Work
County Agent, County School Superln.
tendent, 8ucceiful Farmer, May.
or nnd Many Citizens Speak
Much enthusiasm wan exhibited 1y
tho hundred or moro citizens who at
tended a mass meotliiK In tho assem.
bly hall of the Lincoln school Thuri-
.l.iv nvmiliii, tt inlflftr flu ninltor
.....ivniht v.rv nvllblft foSt of
ground In thin city and vicinity. Thn
nppcal was " Help Springfield do hor
Bharo for tho Nation's food supply In
tho oncoming crisis." Tho theme
of tho inooUiiB was expressed by
Frank Chaso of tho Chase Gardom
on tho Illvor Road, whon ho said:
" Evorybody who has a llttlo tlni'i,
should link himself up with a llttlo
ground, and thoroughly culttvato It"
j c Mullen was made chalrmun of
a commltto to IIhI tho lots In tho city
by ascertaining tho ownership. Mr
Mullen l to solccl tho oUier members.
M M Pccry. J V Fry, nnd Mrs D M
Goro aro members of another com
mittee which Is to Investigate tho seod
question. Mayor B B Morrison, Mm
Luclna Richardson, nnd Miss Efflo
Rhodes as n general committee will
keep tho mattor moving and work outl
a deflnlto plan.
Contrary to tho usual result of moot
lugs of this kind, much reu usablo
Information was gained, and n fairly
VZ (ounclnmn M M Peery sug
cd out. Councilman M m i eery hub.
Rested that tho City omplny someone
to plow and cultlvnto lots for persons
who aro not ublo to pny tho Initial ,
cost. This nmoiint can bo ropnlil
the city Intor. Mr Peory, as well as
other speakers, urged that lot owners
bo very reasonable In the matter of
.bi., r..i r,.r limit- unused nlots.
n limu.ii.r Htniml. however, that from
$C0 to ?75 worth of food can bo grown
on a slnglo lot by proper attention to,
planting and cultivating.
County Agent N S Robb offered
fum valuable suggestions. Ho said
ho bolloved tho vacant lots should
bo given to those who could use thorn,
m i ... .1... Imvu nml clrlu flhnill.l
ireu, aim w ,,u"
IlianagO 111 WIIOIO or pun. iiiu uuui-
vntlngortnopiot. .o 8m .
a ureat futuro for Lnno county In the
wera also profitable
tin until n litlt
iotln on lot gardening which Is Just
. . nnlit.i itn .imrMirnil nt liln
Many Bpcnkors said wo, as a people,
wnrn iiHlntr too much ment, and sug
gosted tho raising of our own vognta-
bles ntn smallor cost and using vcr.
otnblos to a groatur dogroo than wo
do now, would mntorlaliy reduco tho
. .....1 r nllf
.Tiio part www- mu y ",n
can Play In this mattor, was touched
upon by Mrs Luclna Richardson, who
' . ' . . t.i
mild in part: "tiio uoya ar
Instead of saying. "Anyone tan rnmo state the Irst draft will bouquets " filled several small niako on ordinary cigarette In water,
u garden," many speukers ndmltlu 1 not affect tho men of tho stnte. A ,ho fIora, ,ecea wera Then I injected under a cat's skin, a
that tho Job wuh u hard ono and need Already In threo branches of tho . ecJn, ,)eaut 0'ne B.)olllng hypodermic syringe full of this tobac
od a good deal of work and time nnd Klnto military aystom aro moro thani tho u Ue and u4 ol co Juice, in a few minutes the cat be-
Intelligent planning. Councilman M enough men to fill tho quota demand . . ' n.'gan to quiver, then tremble, then it
rnCOUTmoKa:r h t 10 cVZ,; co
"JTSJn'M ut $1.50 each and 13 bob cat
IT, n,? nTthrlft and "advocate o
tho lessons of thrift .and advocate tho t
Idea of Ucginn.ngsc. oo, . - -"J
llor and closing earlier, in order lo
Klvo tho children moro ttmo to work
tho ground at homo
"Doys and girls loso interest very
easily, and tho work must bo made (
Interesting, or you cannot koop them
at It," ndvlsod Suporlutondont R L
Kirk, who said that without tho co.
operation, of tho, paxonta, chldron
will novor havo gardens. "Wo do
pond too much on tho butchor and tho
grocer, and must revlso our methods
of living," was ono of Mr Kirk's con
"Economy" might woll havo boon
the title of Miss Anno McCormlck's
(domestic sc(onco instructor) talk,
MIbb McCormlck spoko of canning
pons, beans, and other vegetables, bus
gostlng ways of using corn meal, touch
ed on tho enro of food In tho homo,
and told about tho porsorvlng of eggs
In water glass,
Mayor 13 K Morrison gavo boiiio ,
Rood polntors on tho raising of potn
toon, on tho conserving of the wasto
In peeling, unU advlsod prospcctlro
growon not to try to ihIbo cabhago
for tho mnrkot, as ho did not think It
would ho a profltalilo crop.
Not only was tho utilizing of wasto
lands udvocutod to liolp pull down tho
high cost of living for Hprlngflol.l
people; Iho movnnioiit has n bigger
iilgnlfleniieo. Attorney J C Million
put IiIh finger on It when ho Hatd,
"Wo must produco tho food If wo
would win Hid hnttlo." IJy raising
food HtuffH on nn Intonitlvo scalo, tho
American people will inako It Impos
Nllilo that thoy hIiiiII over need foar
tho fuinluo which hnn stared practl.
cully ovory European nation In tho
County School Superintendent B
J Mooro null! we uniHt consider this
matter In a practical way. Wo munt
ime plenty of wntter, nnd with proper
cultivation, results will he assured.
Recorder II 13 Walker spoko ulontj
"the Hanio lino, adding a few words
about tho richness of the soil of 8p
rliiKfleld, "It will grow anything,"
he said, "bill It must bo cultivated." I
At the end of tho mooting, which
was presided over by Mrs W Q Hill,
president of tho Parent-Teachers' ns J
soclatlon, thero was somo lively qucs.
tlonlng nnd answering on matters j
pertaining to gardening and to rals-
Jng chlckons whon tho price of wheat i
Ih so high, nnd other things relating
to economic living.
Donkey Engine Breaks Down
Glen Anderson broko tho main shaft
of his logging engine which he Is nov
oporntlng nt tho gravel pit near Ni
tron for tho Flscher-Routln Lumber
company, and his crow wcro forcod
' to shut down from Friday morning
i .1.1- ..,,.,i.,n. ,i, it UimiFiit
tho damogo could bo repaired Thoj,cd "A ,uan without an enemy, who
crow of about twolvo men passed
through Springfield early Friday morn
Drafting Law Not
to Affect Oregon
Owing to Well-Filled Condition'
of Military Units, First
Draft Won't Apply
Oregon's apportionment undor tho
proposed draft system wl. o n
men. but owing to the well filled con-.
Million of tho military units of tho
ed by tho government. Under tho
plan of tho war department, the or-
ganized military units will bo counted
In tho first draft. I
Tho 3d Infantry hns been recruit.1
cd to Its full war strength of 2002
men loss 11 rejected becauso
have dependants. Tho coast nrtillery
onrn.. Iina tinmi rm'rilttnri in 1!100 mon
,.0 ...... .
mm cmuuku iiuiuud uiu uii uiu ii'Biiii j
of 1911 mon. Two hundred and
nliAni1u tti it uminilrrili nt nvnlrv .
UII Villi; W VtU W'lllMUl VII V I
which numbors 400 men. Tho Oro-
en., iinvnl itilllllii linn n full rnnin1n-
., ' ; " :
lory, battery A, has a strength of 11J
men and can easily reach ltn war ,
Htrongth of 190 mon.
Gets $52 In Bounties
Tho sum of 52 n bounties on tho i
hides ofprodntory nnlmals was col.;.
..,.. .
loctiul Friday nflurnoon by Hurry n ,
: ' ; , . , .
Hayes, well-known guide and trappor
of McKonzIo Ilrldgo. Mr Hayes took
lo llm offlco of tho county clerk two
hides for which ho was paid $2 each.
r , n of fh" rml.
n . .; r l'
r weighed nearly 200 pounds,
$10,000 Deal Pending
deal Is ponding whereby C
Snont of iayotto, Idaho, will acqulro
bQ gprng(old rock crU8hor nnd tho
J V Mnchon resldenco on Valley View
lu exchange to J W Mnchon for 80
acres of alfalfa land at Payotto. Mr.
Shontz was horo two wooks ago In con
noctlon with the trade, nnd will re-
turn In about 10 tlays.
stdoratlon Is $10,000,
The con.
Will Begin Full Time Soon
According to Information given out
fyu tho local Dooth-Kolly Lumber comp
Lany's offlco Saturday, tho mill hora
will begin running on full time some
'time this week. This moans that
thoro will bo 10 working hours instoad
pf olght as has boon the enso since tho
beginning of tho stormy wonther on
Fobruary 19.
I'liotu liv American I'rcm Aoclntlon.
The French liner Itochiiinbcnu arrived In America with the above and another gun fore and aft and was be
lieved lo be nrmlng contrary to International law. but the government permitted her to make her tort at New York.
Milton G. Bally "A Man Without
An Enemy," Interred In
Last Resting Place
Probably the most impressive fun
eral cortage ever seen In this city was
that which followed Uio casket bear
ing the remains of ono of tho most
bolovod citizens, Milton G. Daily, cat
was placed lu his last rcsUng place
In the Masonic cemetery at Eugene
yesterday. The procession which
followed the hearse consisted of 1
automobiles bearing relatives and
friends, while two special street car?
bore his fraternal brothers and sis
ters and fellow-members of tho Fire
men organization.
Receding the procession to tho bur
. . . n-ii- wn imi.i in ii
lal place, a service was held in the
Methodist church, which was filled In
overflowing. The gray casket which
reposed at mo iront oi mo cnurcn wn3
covered with lilies, the symbol of
.nflni.tlnn llnl.l.. 1 I, ......... .1 ., ,1
. President's picture,
"... . . ' . . .
... .
of Friendship, Love, and Truth of
the organizations to which Mr. Bally
composed of Mrs.
i's class of 22 girls
. ...
Tho choir was
Uernlce Van Valzah'i
',r8, '"" vuizan ai uio piano. ino
service was begun at two p'clock by
an anthem from tho girls, following
Mrs. Van Valzah at the piano.
Dr. S. A. Danford offered
prayer. Tho choir rendered "Face
A d fry rio t will hnlinlrl liv rnnn In
when i awako, win,
lhy likeness.,,
Following n prayer by Rev. J. T.
Moore, Mrs. J. E. Richmond sang'Tln
Lord Knows Dost." The service end
ed with a piano solo which Mrs. Van
Valzah played whtlo tho casket was
uncovered nnd those left behind were
Riven an opportunity tor a last iook i
nt tho beloved face,
Natron Youth Dies
llryon Smith. nged21 years, died at
m, homo at Natron at 5:30 o'clock
t Pnia being thn
? Tho young man
rvlved by his parents, Mr. nnd Mrs.
wmnm 8mUi am, twQ 8l8tor8i RMa
Smith, and Mrs. Lena Taliaferro. In-,
torment wilt be made in the Mt. Ver- -
cemetary at 11 o'clock tomorrow. I
Reverend J. W. Perkins preaching tho
sermon. W. F. Walker Is in chnrgo
of funeral arrangements.
Interesting Lecture Coming
Tomorrow evening, beginning at
8 o'clock at tho local M. E. church
Reverend and Mrs. G. II. Parkinson
of Eugono will give an Illustrated lee-
turo on a"Missionary trip around tho
world." With their 70 colored slides
tho visitors will show soma of tho
missionary progress of the M. E.
.church In tho last 70 years, Thero.
(a no admission charge, but a collec
tion will bo taken,
Real Estate Transfers
Jns. C. Parker Sheriff to A. O. Wood
cocklot 1 blk. 10 Springfield. $24,04.
A. P. Woodcock to Albert S, Weaver .
lot 1 blk. 10 Springfield, $1,
Mrs. Mary B. Campbell's Paper
On Cigarettes Shows Time
And Thought
Following are salient points of u
masterful address delivered at the ro
cent all-day W C T U meeting In this
city by Mrs Mary B Campbell, prc3 1
dlent of the Lane County Women's
j Christian Temperance Union
Physical and Mental danger of the
The London Lancet (perhaps the
formost medical Journal of the world,;
has this to say, "The furfural formed
In one Virginia Cigarette may amount
to as much as that found in two fluid
ounces. whisky and furfural Is stated
to be about SO times as polsoncs ns
ordnnrv alconoI and n 8maH dose8
causes symptons of transient irritation ;
such as tremors nnd twichlng, whilo
in adequate quantities it causes epi
leptic fits or convulsions, and general
muscular paralysis."
Here is what Dr. David Paulson
has to say for nicotine in the cigar
ette. "I soked enough tobacco to
1 1 1 , !, rt I
,mu ""
kutea !t d,ed v,olent convulsions.
i Thousands of boys are trying tills
experiment upon themselves with Just
nS 8Uro' tho losa l,un,ediate results.
N'ow those nolsons weaken the heart
.now tnose poisons weanen uie ueun
- - .
acll and ,n the nervea. or which
the birain ,s 1 10 cen,ral 8tat,on; hard-
en u, .u,,...-.
and bowel trouble, stunts the boy a
KHAiifth ntwl inabna n fill 11 a rrt OUT ftr
and maKes a aui.ara out on
him. He can not keep his mind oi
a a promom 10 ,s leacuer, u
M . . . . . .
ureaK lo nis purenia, unu iuoo
the state.
Why a boy should not smoke.
1 Cigarettes in any form hinder tho
growth and injure tho nerves and
' 2 Cigarettes foster the tobacco habit
an,i lnay make him a slave to it.
a T, ciKar0M0 habit does not holp
a boy in life work, and may prevent
I him from obtaining a good position in
i 4 Almost nil rellublo business lious.
es refuse to employ boys who smoko ,
5 Tho following are among tho pols
ons and drugs used in the manufac
ture of the cigarette: arsenic, croosoto
nlcot,ne. 0Dl"m' Baltpetro. tonca i.a
yorlng and rum, all of which are harm
6 Clgaretto smoking makes a boy
dull and stupid, Impairs his memory
and prevents his advanco in school.
7 Smoking creates an unnatural
thirst which may lead to tho drinking
of Intoxicating liquor.
8 Smoking !s a selfish habit which
may cause annoyance, discomfort, ond
distress to others. i
9 Tobacco affects the oye, ear, nose,
and also tho heart.
10 It costs moro than most boys can
afford to pay to have their nerves and
health rulnod.
11 Smoking is a useless and erpen
slvo habit, and always does harm In
a greater or loBsert degreo,
12 It Is also a filthy habit and do.
files the body, and anything that do
nies tno nouy is a sin against, uou
j who created man in 111b ora imec.
cs of the movement was manifested
MINISTER IS INSTRUCTOR at th0 f,rst regular meeting of the
j Springfield auxiliary to the Nations)
Chris H Jensen Will Lead U.O Boys Red Cross association, which waa held.
In Signal Practice In the Woodmen hall, begfnning a(
Reverend Chris H Jensen, pastor of three o'clock last Saturday afternoon.
the Christian church of this city will At this time, four new members, Mlsj
bo tho instructor of the seventh courso Edna B" Swarts, Mrs Vina McLean
installed at the University of Oregon ' Mrs H E Walker. Reverend Henry C
to equip students mentally and phys-' Ethel, were taken In, making the total
'ically for war service. The course local membership 27 up to date,
in signal practicing and Instruction The object of the Saturday meeting
will be given one period each week. was merely to become further organ.
Mr. Jensen, who is himself a special ized. to solicit members, and Hko tha
students at the University, has had 1 soldier boys to stand ready for orders
five year's training in the United ' when they come. Because of the
States navy, and ono and one half ' hasty organization of chapters In so
years In the Collfornia militia. j many cities, the Pacific coast head.
The course is to bo a supplement quarters at San Francisco are over
to the work in military science, for ' whelmed with work, and it will taka
which the registrar reports a largo some Ume to get supplies to the var,
number of students have enrolled. ious county headquarters. Mean.
Regular credit is to be given. j while, the latter are organizing, and
the slogan Just now is "Get New Mom
N. S. Robb to Help
Labor Situation
Office of Lane County Agent Is
Made Branch of Portland
Employment Bureau
' The labor situation on the farms Is
becoming serious In many sections of
the state. In some localities the
supply will be inadequate to plant tho
normal acreage of crops this season,
especially if the enlistment tor tha
army continues, .which is altogether
To meet the situation ana to assist
in obtaining farm help for Lane Coun
ty, the office of 'the County Agent has
been designated as a branch office of
the Public Employment bureau of Por
,nnd The office will assist in oh -
I heIp for famB where ever
, puaaiuiu.
persons deslrlnB employment should
I make thelr wantg knowtl to N S Robb,
Lane Agricultural Agent. Eug
i '
. .. T VI .
i ... ... . . .l
j , . MW or ,n the futuro ahou,d lot
. u. u ,,.
eating tho same to the office of the
County Agent In Eugene.
Tho office of tho public employment
bureau of Portland Is working in closo
cooperation with the various chamber
of commerce, state school officials
and tho Governor of the state In giv
ing assistance to this problem.
Notice to Organizations
In the future, the News will adopt
tho policy of asking payment for
"u '
- ...l.I.t. nnnJ tlm ttnttnnl
uuu reuu iiku uii uuvurunuuicuu iivi
I tices aro still welcome In tho columns
of tho paper, but it Is only desired
that they be wTltteu moro as news
items, than as advertisements. This
will be of advantage to organizations
as woll as to tho .paper, since such
nMlnno In a nnwa fnrm nnn ho nldOAfl
In a more conspicious placo in the pap-
Taken to Hospital
A tramp whoso name Is unknown
was taken to the Springfield hospital
Saturday for treatment for pneumonia.'
He was found at Cottage Grove in a '
bad condition and was sent to Eugene
on the afternoon train. Dr. W. t.
Cheshire, county physician, took
charge of him and brought him to the '
local hospital at the expense of the
pperated Upon at Eugene Hospital
Mrs. J. D. Boardsley, of Eugene,, and
Mrs. C. H. Marrow, a resident of Mar-
cola, wero operatod upon at tho Eu-
gono hospital Friday, and are conva-
At First Regular Meeting Heid
Last Saturday, Definite t
Plans Are Made
National Headquarters Are Rushedj
So Branches Can Do Little But
Organize at Present
i i
A great deal of interest in all phaa-
hers." Until Ihey can help in other
ways, each person will be aiding sin.
ply' by paying his dollar to become
member. ,
It has been decided that meetings
shall bo held hereafter at the W O W
hall each Saturday afternoon, begin.
nirig at three o'clock. Probably phy
t sicians and nurses will address future
'meetings. Dr. W. C Rebhan has al.
I ready offered his services for Instruct
Ing a class in Red Cross training,
Mrs Bernice. Van Valzah, who aa
chairman of the local organization
presided, gave a paper on Why Every,
one Should Join the Red Cross," and
Mrs J C Dlmm, secretary, reported
on the Red Cross mass meeting held
in Eugene, the county headquarters,
Monday night.
At the Saturday meeting the follo'V
ing committees were appointed: En
tertainment, Miss Edna Swarts, chair-
man, with tho teachers as her assist.
' ants; Executive.Mrs
chairman. Mrs Geon
v, , n j
Clark Wheaton,
Ceoree Catchtne. Mrs
N w Emery, and Mrs J C Holbrook;
n y nuivif, uuu o j
'and a committee on membership which
Is to visit all tho different clubs and
organizations of the city In the next
two wecks to members, ,s com
. .
d of Mls8 Nora Soren80n, chaIr
i,.. v
' mnn XTloa lpain f?ftmTilll MIrh VAin
erend Henry C Ethcll.
! Div"e s"' C,ontfstrned
uivorce buii 01 uuuu a i raver, ui
Springfield, against Ruben Traver was
heard by Judge Skipworth in tho
circuit court t Friday afternoon and
moming1 In her complaint, Mrs.
Travor alleges cruel and Inhuman
, treatment. She asks that her name,
j Onda Sorber, bo restored and that she
be granted $10 a month alimony.
Mr. Travor contests tho case d
nying all charges of cruelty.
Norman Byrne Enlists
Norman Byrno, son of Mr and Mrs
L J Byrno of Glenwood, a freshman
in tho University of Oregon and proa
ident of the C F C'st a class of boya
in the M E Sunday School, has en
listed in the marine servlco, loaves
in tho morning for Portland, from
whore ho will go tr Mare Island for,
a 12 weeks' training courso.
Woodmen Plan Big Time
Quito a time Is being planned by
iocai woodmen for next Tuesday
night, when they will entertain mem.
bers and their families with a pragram
to be followed by refreshments. Dla
trict Superintendent Kennedy will atr
trad the meeting. The commltteo
in charge consists of H E Walker, Ar.
thur Clark, and Harry Bird.
Has 14 Candidate!
? At present, there are 14 Candidates
'for membership Into tho Springfield
Woodmen of the World lodge. Thosa
'ore to be initiated on the alghth of May
with any others who may bo ollglblcj
i by that time,.