The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, April 09, 1917, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    MONDAY,,. APRIL 0, 1017.
PAGE TtUlim'
Wo have cfltabllHhcd a mall order ncrvlco which
enubleii uh to deliver drugs ut your door In tho gamo
lime which It would rcqulro you to mako tho trip lo
our Htorc and back.
Our largo Htoclc Iniiurca an adequate niiHortniont
from which to Boloct, and largo buying enables ub to
maku very low prices.
Send us an order for anything you need In the
drug Hue. You'll bo pleased with our service
Wo dolivor by moaoongor In tho city.
vv I. mm . nnr 4j.da t-i ' Try
: Town and Vicinity
Raster lllos, Oregon grapo, dafo.
dlls and Spring (lowers inado th0 Dap
Uit church lovely for tho Kastor sor
vices yosterday.
Jou I.usby lias rented tho J. L. Boylo
property on I) street between KiftJ
k and Sixth, and Is fitting It up. Ho
' says ho In going to run "Uaohotor'n
Mr. and Mrs. Tear Adams of Jun.i
tlon City are visiting at tho homo of
Mr. and Mrs. O. V. Carson on East
MaJn street.
An Ico cream social was given at
tho Olenwood school In West Spring
flold Saturday evening.
A steady string of shoea coming
and going at Wolf and Millers.
Mrs. C. E. Fischer went to Sheridan
Saturday to visit over Saturday and
Sunday with Mr. Fischer.
Archlo Mnchen camo In Saturday
noon and visited at homo a short
Umo, returning to Marahfleld yester
day noon.
Oliver W. Johnson spent tho week
end In Portland transacting business
and vlsllng with friends.
THOHOUOIinUKD Darrod Rock eggs
for hatching good layers. $1.00
for 15. H. B. Walker
MIhb Marjory Knott of this city sang
tho anthem: "Oh Tako My Life airl
Let It He" nt the Knstor sorvlco at hj
Christian church In Eugeno last oven,
The Golden llule sewing socloty
moots with Mrs. A. J. Cownrt at her
homo on Fifth street tomorrow nftor
J. Sidney Montgomery Is vory low;
thoru has been no improvement In hla
condition for several days.
D W. Crltos of Aberdeen nnd P. II.
Gray of ottngo Orovo were regjstood at
tho Ellto hotel yostoday.
Miss Theda Perkins of this city
spent tha week.end in Portland.
Who wants n flno llamboltonlan
fllloy to drlvo for Jinr keeping. Eu
qulro P. oflleo box 09. Springfield.
Tho Misses Ornco Malo, Knto I.nns
berry and Ollvo Smith rotuniod 'o
Monmouth today after having spent
tho ICn8tef recosB nt their homes hero.
Winifred May, son of Mr, and Mrs
Lawrence Mny, wiho has for tho paat
seven months been book.koopor nt
tho First National bank, loft otdny for
Vancouver 0 enlist in a flold nrtillory
corps of the regular U S army.
Tho following porsons wore regis
torod at tho Springfield hotol yoster
day; S. B. Lnlmcr, J. C. Trotter, Mr.
and Mrs. Poolo, Miss Wallaco, Davtd
and Vail, Jonnlo and Walter, Sam and
Qeorgo. Mr. J. I). Harris, A. Brant, D.
W. Stolberg of Wondllng nnd Harry
Corsaw of Marcola.
General rnpnir shop Iron and wool
work, llorseshoolng a specialty. Hamp
ton Droa. South Second and A Sts.
Frod Lomloy, of tho preflslng par.
lore, has In his possession an o'd
coin, which his grandfather, J. T.
Witters, now deconsod, brought with
him across tho plains In 1864, fron
Arkansas Tho coin Is a flvo.dollar
gold ploco a trtflo larger than tho
piooea of today. It was mintod In
1824, and made from Georgia gold.
skin grafting operation Friday for
which Dill Rodonbo gavo skin.
Indigestion nearly always disturb
the sloop moro or loss, and 1b often
tho combo of Insomnia, Eat a light
upper with llttlo It any meat, and
no milk; also tako one of Ohambor
Iain's Tablots Immediately aftor au
per, and see. If you do not rost muc'i
better, Obtainable ovcrywhoro.
Tho will of tho Into David Jacoby,
who died March 18, 1917, at tho ago
of 72 yettrs and leaving an estato
valued at $3200 hus been admitted to
probato Ills widow, Henrietta Jaco
by, Is named executrix of tho will
without bonds and tho property Is let
to her. Upon hor denth It hnl bo
divided share and share nllko between
tho children as follows: Leota I)
Maggie S John E., Galncy E. and
Ethel It.
A special prayer and pralso service
will bo hold In the Baptist church
next Thursday evening at 7:4C p. m.
'Brother Walter Bailey wi!! speak un l
conduct tho meeting. Tills sorvlco
will bo of particular Interest, and help.
Jul alike o all. It Is earnestly desired
that the new convert bo present ati
tho older members of tho church.
Charles Sylvester of Lane spent tho
weekend here on business.
Largest stock and complete lino of
all kinds of Garden, Field and Grass
'8eeds. Com pic to lino of Fertilizers
'Including ,tho "concentrated" GRO-,
MORE. 2 pound packages 35 cents.
25 pound sacks 12.00. No filler -
pounds equals 100 pounds of other
kinds. The best that money can buy
'Springfield Food company. Free do
C. A. Burgess was In from Hnyden
Bridge Saturday.
Tho Central Baptist association con.
venes at PalosUno .from Wednesday
untllSaturdny. Ilov. and Dr. Ferris
will bo In attendanco at this conven
tion, each having a place upon '''Ho
Dr. Eugeno Hosier, a native of Cana
dn, has filed with the county clerk his
potltlon for final naturalization pa.
For Men's and Boys' work, droas
or hi cut shoos, or first class repairing
soo W. A. Hall, tho bhoo doctor, Main
botween 4th and 5th. .
Miss Merle ( Nininio spent the
Easter vacation at her homo In Al.
Grand Warden W. F. Wnlkor mndo
an official visit to the Odd Follo'v
lodgo nt HnlRoy Saturday night.
Miss Mnry Rouso spcu tho
wockend with hor sister nt Salem..
Jack Llttoll, a former Springfield
resident, wns hero for a fow hotis Fri
day on his wny to Marshfiold.
Wot woathor will bring a good crop
of Blugs In tho gardon. Try our Slu
Dostoyor. It was a success last yoarv
Fully guaranteed. Wo keop all kinds
of insoctlcidos, Houso Plant Ferttl'i
Miss Eunlco Parkor has boon madi
first lioutennnt and MIrs Edith Hoi
comb, second lioutennnt of Company
3, of tho Girls' Honor Guard Thorn
aro 32 girls In Mils company, utul about
300 In tho entire Guard.
Alox Gahnm, of Juneau, Alaska,
purchased n lot on East Main streot
tho first of tho weok.
W. F. Wnlkor Is ihavlng a 50-font
room added to tho undertaking pnrlors
on Main and MlU'sreota. F, F, Bar.
nard and Ed Collins aro doing tho car.
pouter work,
Gooko BnrnoB and daughter, Mrs,
Zolla Cnntoll loft Thursday for La.
Grando, Or., whoro they will attend to
business for a fow days,
A. J, PorMns, who has oxtonslvo
properties In Springtlold, has boon
horo a fow days attending to business,
Whlla flioro ho Is at tho homo of his
fnthor, J. W. PorklnB.
Spring Is 'ooked upon by many as
tho most delightful season of tho year,
but this cannot be said of tho rheumat
lc. Tho cold and damp woathor
brings on ivtmimatlc pains which aro
anything but ploasant, Thoy can
bo rejlavlod, however, By applying
Chamberlain's Liniment, Obtainable
DMfness Cannot Be Cured
by loral application!, thy mimI taaeh
Ib dlataatd portion of l)n'r. Tbra la
nlr on war to eura rtaarnraa, and that I
br conatllutlonal riMilM Iaf n,u It
ciiiHd by an Inflamed condition of tha mu
coua llnlnc of tha Ituatachlan Tub. Whan
thla tuba la Inllamcit you hava a rumbling
ound or lmprfet nwirlna, and whan It la
rullfflr eloaail, IJ.afnua la Ih rrault. and
unUaa tha Inflammation can t takrn out
am) thla tuba rtiiorrd to Ma normal condi
tion, hfirlnf rill b dfilrqjrd, foryr nln
raara out of tn ar caiixr(tbr Catarrli
which la nothlnr but an Inflamed condllluii
of tha mucoua aurfacaa.
Wi will Birr On Itundrad Dollara for anr
eaaa of tliilnm (cauard by raurrli) that
cannot b eurad by Hall' Catarrh Cute.
Ilnd for circular, fraa.
r, 3. rnr.NKX A CO., Toldo, Ohio.
flold b Druaalcta, Ha.
TaJta Hall'a 1'ainliy rill for eonatlpatlon
Tha Misses Efflo J. Rhodes and
Amfo O. Young loft on tho Oregon
Electric Friday ovonlng to enjoy tho
Easter vacation at their homes In
Ed Nlnnls of Douglas, Alaska spent
. fow days with Don Goro and left for
his homo Thursday,
Frank L11J0I0 was nblo to return o
his ihonio In Marcola Friday after hav
ing undergone an operation for hcrni.i
tat tho Springfield hospital cccnUy.
Mr. Lajola Is still vory weak.
A number of local girls who havo
Joined tho Girls Honor Guard havo
signed up for actual service, and may
1 got a chance to sovo as nurses, auto
drivers, and In other capacities.
' Good reliable fire insurance. No as
sessments; no membership feo. Pay
ioncvi and you are deno. H. E. Walker
at fho City HalL
Two neat window signs aro beln,?
painted on tho window ledgo of tho
now store occupied by W. A. Hall tho
'shoo doctor.
! Lester Hill has enlisted In the third
' company C. A C. of tho O. N. O.
Millon Bally undorwent another
Mrs. S. R. Purvance of Cottag.)
(Grovo ha been visiting In Spring.
field for a week
Four of tho Winters children, at
( Goshen, Ruby, ago one year, Ray, ago
i(2, Chester, ago 3 and Elvln age 4, are
sick with whooping cough. The Win
ters homo was quarantined yesterday
by Dr. W. L. Cheuhlro. county hoali'i
I W. t D. Franklin of Seavcy's hop.
1 -.t purchased a Ford automobilo
from tho Springfield garage on Sata.
1 day.
1 Buy your garden seeds now and be
ready to plant when tho weather clears
Tho season will bo lato and it will
ho profitable to "got fiusy" ho first
good day. Come In and select your
seed now while you hnvo time to
make a caroful selection and whlla
you havo time to make a careful so
lection and while our stock Is com
i(ploto. Buy ln bulk nnd savo mono.
J Hnvo you looked through our largo
bulk Seed Case? Springfield Feed
I company.
j Mrs. Mary D. Palmer hns on display
In tho building recently vacated by
I tho rSplngflold Racket store, her ovi
j work In china painting nnd also that
fof a number ofhor pupils. Realistic
and conventional designs aro used in
; all Bhapes nnd sizes of china, nnd tho
work Is excellent.
Mrs. Arthur Demurest of Black
Butte, (logon purchased eleven acres
of Improved land one nnd ono.half
miles from Cottugo Grove. Thursday
through Gore & Rowo of this city.
A now suction hoso has been at
tached to tho city water wagon.-
Miss Esther Cnmpboll loft on th?
nftornoon train Friday for Jennings
Lodge to spend tho Enster yacaUon
with tho homo folks
Adna H. Sig'nor has resigned his po
sition as waroliouso man at the S. P.
dopot Ho Is undecided as to future
C. P. Miller and N. O. Nottleton
wore dologatos from the Sprlngflold
camp to the county convention of tho
Modorn Woodmen of America Uield ut
Marcola reconUy.
The city firemen held their regular
meeting ln the city hall Tuesday even.
Ing, Election of officers was quickly
dlsposod of as all old otflcors wore re.
oloctod ns follows: Chief, Jesso Smit
son; secretary, C. E. Whoaton nnd
treasurer, M. G. Bally A banquet 13
bolng planned for tho near future.
Tho Collins homo ln West Sprlng
flold has boon quarantined by Dr. W.
L. Choshlro, county health officor.
Richard Collins, ago 8' years, and
Gladys Collins, ago .6 years, aro 11)
with scarlet fovor
Miss Eunlco Parker was among tho
Honor Guard girls who sold Easter
oggs at tho Fank E Dunn storo In En.
gone Saturday.
Why Constipation Injures.
Tho bowelB aro tho natural sowar
age system of tho body. Whon thoy
bocomo obstsucted by constipation n
part of tho poisonous matter which
thoy should carry off is absorbed into
tho system, making you feel dull and
stupid, and interfering with tho dlgo?
tlon and assimilating ot food. Thla
condition is" quickly relieve by Chart
berlaln's Tablots, Obtainable ovary
Tho Bouthern Pacific company lias
H, i. Ilcplrid of Harrisburg at work ro.
pairing tho railroad crossing posts
about the city.
Margaret Morris. administratrix of
tho estate of tho lato James A. Ebbort,
filed her seml-annnal accoont with
County Judge Ilrown Friday. T19
estate shows a balance of $54,779.70.
Camp Creek League Meets
Tho Lengtto held Its business meet
Ing at the 'homo of Mr. and Mrs. Wal
tor Stephens, After the business
1 transactions wcro completed tho ev
1 cnlng was spent with games an t
"cats" Those present were: Mr
and Mrs. R. L. Stephens, Mr. and
j Mrs. C. Jack, and the Misses Grace
I Stephens, Myrtle Farnhnm, Paulino
' ur.. Alma Jrtk Harriet Gosslcr z
!al!tr I ut ry, Lola and Ruby Crab
true, Cliloia Maslcrson. Lizzie Hen
I n! liny, and A ssers Cnester Nye, Dn
' vM MophiSMU, George Hartley, Ojv
1 Clirulle. '.it.ler, Elvln and Toby ftti-
plums. Bert Iwby", Roy Pennoy a.i 1
. Ranald CUim
I Safe Medicine for Children.
I "In It safe?" is the first question lo
'be considered when buying cough
modlclne for children. Chamberlain'd
Cough Remedy has long been a favor.
' Ito wlUi mothers of young children as
It contains no opium or other narcotic,
and may bo given to a child qs confl.
dently as an adult. It Is plesant to
take too, which Is of great Importanca
when a medicine must be given to
young children. Thig remedy is most
effectual In relieving coughs, colds
and croup. Obtainable everywhere.
Mr. and Mrs. Marion Chase were
in Eugene on business Wednesday.
E. C. Hill deputy gome warden,
was through here Wednesday.
Miss Lula Nyo Is visiting with her
sister, Mrs. Will Ruth of Waltervlllc.
Orn Masterson Is working for Will
kerson of Hay den bridge.
I Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Hartley were
'Eugene visitors Tuesday.
I Mr. and Mrs. J.J. Chase and daugh
1 ter, Clara, are here visiting now.
Have Interesting Debate
Miss Nina Bosscn, a high scho'il
pupil teacher, had an Interesting de
' bate In her geography class Friday
I on tho question: 'R'colved That a
Young Englishman with 2,000 pounds
to Invest can find a better opportunity
in Australia than in Canada." The
I boys had tho afljrmative side, and tho
girls, the negative. The latter were
better talkers, decided Mrs. J. C. Pur
kcr and Miss Anne McCormick, judges
Wheel Drops Off
At about four o'clock Friday after
' noon, as Frank Nickum was driving
' tho Springfield Feed company's dellv
' ery wagon along Main street at a good
' clip, the right rear wheel off. The
wagon is old and the load of cement
j which wns being delivered was too
I much of a strain for the rotten wood.
, Tho extent of the damage will be ou'v
the price of a new wheel.
Klondike Molemute Provod Hia Valua
When Out of Dog Pound.
Portland, Ore.-The big maleiuute
from the Klondike, who looked hopeful
ly out of one eye through the picket
fence nt the do pound three weeks
ago, Is out ut White Salmon now, eat
ing up coyotes nnd between times chas
ing rabbits for c"erelse.
Ho wns n ro0ulur new thought dog.
Ho knew positively that he was nn aui
fual of merit; that he had never met
hia better in a fair fight, that death ln
tho electric box. might come to the dogs
that had lost hope 'and that howled
through the night hours nnd whined
pltcously by tiny, but to him never.
Two mouths there never weakened his
faith In himself, but it made him a llt
tlo moro willing to accept tho lore of a
new master, when one should come.
He did come, and that sort of started
things out at Canyon road, and for
days and dnys other masters rame and
dogs went out from the Institution at
the rate of six a day, and there wouldu't
be an uuimnl there now If It hadn't
been that others wcro brought In bull
dogs, Alrednles, terriers and -onie are
Just plain tlogs, who want to have
some one they can love.
Farmer Discovers Gold In Iron Pot Two
Feet Under Ground.
Milwaukee. Seven thousand dollars
In gold was tho trensure John Rugow
ski, a truck farmer, found hidden two
feet underground while working In his
gnrden near Manitowoc, Wis.
Rugowskl struck nn old iron kettle
with a shovel and, digging It nn, cure
lessly cast It aside, wheu he spied the
glittering money.
Now tho question arises to vbom
does tho money belong, becnu60 Rugow
skl Is only 11 tenant 011 the farm. The
proiterty Is owned by the estate of the
lato John Meyer, which Is still being
settled, Heirs of tho estate claim the
treasure, but Rugowskl intimates that
possession Is nine points of the law,
and whoever gets the money from him
will have trouble.
For years tho farm was owned by a
man nnmctl Huck, an eccentric charac
ter, who bad no faith In banks. It Is
ho who Is thought to have bidden the
wealth. Tho property ba changed
tuimla u. number of tlmc&
Oriental girls in the weird and fan.
tastlc dances of the Orient further en.
nance the Alexandera attraction play
'ing for three days at the Eugene
'theater commencing Thursday, -April
The Alexander attraction is a mys
tery show greatly out of the ordinary
and playing only the lager houses on
the Coast In securing this John Cort
attraction the management of the Ea.
gene theater offers a road show, the
class of which (has not been offered at
the Eugene theater this season.
The Alexander performance Ig di
vided into two parts; the first part be
Cleaning, Pressing,
Made to Measure Suits
I PmlpV Slllf HnllCe
JL-emiey UIl nOUSe
Phone 75
Wt Are Headquarters for
Fishing Tackle
We are prepared to supply you
with all kinds of fishing tackle.
Rods, lines, reels, hooks, spoons,
insects, flies and baskets.
Knives of every description. Pocket knives, par
ing knives, butcher knives, carving sets.
Springfield, Oregon
If so we wish to demonstrate that our
is different from any you have had.
We havo installed special machinery for this depart
ment, and have many satisfied customers.
We ask you for a trial order. If you are not satisfied
in every way with this work, No charge will be made.
Work in this department picked up Monday will bo
delivered Wednesday A. M.
3 DAYS . h , !
Ing a series of the most astounding
and baffling feats of magic ever of
fercd on an American stage The
second part of the performance Is
termed the Simla Seance. Darin j
this performance Alexander offers
himself as the White Mathama of
crystal seer anc performs a series ot
the most awe-inspiring and 'puzzling
mind pedictions, and seance mysteries
ever witnessed 1
Oriental dances and songs are ln
troduced during tho Simla Scanco f
the Hindu setting.
A ladles' matinee is the attraction
Saturday. This matinee Is for ladle
only and girls under 16 years of ag
will positively not bo admitted to titj
carefuu conscentious
PHONES-Office, 3; Residence,
0ver commercial Bank, ,
Springfield. Oregon. J
We carry the old relia-
ble line of
Keen Kutter