1 k SUM ) ) Mil-. r- 0 MONDAY,', MARCH -sn'r ,u.j i ;J ;.niv it. i- .UiU A.I Thin retried v Id reliable lionioH. An InfUBlon, math? sassafras a real value aB a dcpuratlvo that la, It aids 111 oxpcl ling waato niattor from UiQ .Bystonu It, ..thcror.Q, will rid the bloud of Impurities and brace you. (up generally. , -. v Wo have a lino lot of carefully selected SoBBilfraa RooUUark. Uho SaiiBafraa Tea 'for a while lis your morning beverage - v rsjr. r-n SlUSriTUTC a : Town and Vicinity II. W. Whitney lina "boon flufforln with tho Krlppo for tJirco or four duyf. Cox jinil Cox rocolvod n shlpmonl of now oprlng kooiIh Saturday. Mr, A. II. Crump wan taken to tho Sprlngflold hoapltnl Krlduy ovcnlni;. Got you a pair of wlilto ruhhor Holed Ktnmy Lou pumps at Wolfnnd Mlllor J, 0. Mullqn left 1 rlday o n bust liens trip to Kasturn UrcRon. J, C. Dlmm ntlonded a tneotlnR of tho Willamette Vnlloy Kdltorlal nssn elation hold nt'Alliany Saturday. Mrs. M. W. Cawtliorn of Salom In horo vlnitlnK hor dauRhtor, MIhh Flor onco Cawthorn. Stop that counhf with Ksglmann's mothol cough drops. Mr. and Mrs, W. C. llratlalnjiro hor0 from Tonankot WiihIiIiikIoii, for u vis It with relntlvoH nnd friends. Chns. Durgons and b. Crawford of Krosno, Cnllfoniln, woro reglstorod at tho Splngflold hotel Saturday. K. F. Drachor of Corvnllls was rcg istcrod at bho Sprlngflcld hotel Satur day. THOn.OlJOIinn.HD Uarrcd Rock cbks '(YlfA for hatching good layers. 11.00 for 15. II. K. Walker. J. S. Montgomery father of Al Mont gomory of tho Sprlngllold hotol was taken 111 Saturday. I. I A number of local peoplo attended tho band danco at tho Bugoho armory Kriuay evening. On April 0, Grand Master Honry L. WoBtbrook Is oxpoctcd to visit tho Springfield lodgo of I. O. O. P. FOR RENT: Now modern flvo room bungalow, Closo in. Hoasonablo rent GORE and ROWE Mr, and Mrs. Earl Tltua who llvo 011 East Main stoot nro. tho parents of nn. eight pound daughter, born Wed ncsday. '' Tho pubjlo school will obsorvo thU week ns "Patriotic wook.!' Amonjj other things tho sludonts will hear talks by' prominent cltleons. Frank Lajoro of Marcola Is rocov orlng nlcoly from a major operation which iho underwent nt tho Spring floli) hoBpltal Friday; fhjymk G6od rollablo flro Insurance. No as DUDDU1VUID, 1114, ,.WU4UV,DU,l' wv onca and you nro deno. II. E. Walker at tho City Hnll Robert Huckaby vho has -boon liv ing at Hayden JJrldgo loft Friday for Walla Walty yilioro ho will do farm, work. Tho JJrnttaln Land company hold n call mooting on tho afternoon of Marclj. 23, .nnlattondod . to .lncldohtal. builinoBB. f Rovorond W. N. Ferris spoilt Sun day at Palostlno and Wollsdal preach ing at .tho. former placa in tho '"morn Ing, nnd at WolUdalo at night.. For Mon's nnd Roys' work, dross or III cut Bhoos, or flrat class repairing soo W. 'A.lfall, tho Bho'o doctor, Main bo('woen Cth and flth. . ,'. ,. r . John C, TVIIllor a rosident of Spring flold. loft Friday for Hond , vh6ro J10 will spond Boirio time on uubWbb and visiting. . lfl MlsBoillo Boavor roturnod to dal cm yes'fbfda'y after a wooks visit with olativos and friends hero. MIsb leaver 1b1 a. stuilnt at 'Wlllaniotto iril The Flschdr Ddutln'lumbek-ompanv is moving its logging camp from Rally to aicntlua, 41 miles from Spring field and a nillo this eldo of Richard eon on tho WlHamotto PaclQc, Stlllman prutt was in from the JJA A XM ht i - v uvui ts nnd ta still used In many la'c'd In man ffqin saHBafraa baric haa PHONE 1 - - 1 s T'lschor Uoutln camp near Dcpna Sat urdny and reportod that the? snow hn l about dlwtppcared and that tlio men had been working this week. Mrs. C. A. Towmtond has Rono lo Kugono to nurso for two weeks. Mrs. (leorgo Catching is caring for her children while Mrs. Townsend Is ab Bt'llL A nnur utiliimniil nf N'rtW HoilKl SC , J it muchlno'g Just in.VYdu can mnlto , tome monoy now, -Try one, a. iioij rook. j Taylor llrothors of Thurston mar kotod eight hogs on Saturday whlcli 'welgiTod 230 pounds each nnd which ,woro each 210 days old. hbventotf'u cents a' pound was obtained. j Mrs. Annlo Knox and family nro planning to move Into tho Honry Co U property on Fifth street recent ly vacated by C. B. Salos and family about tho nrst of tho month. j Charles Hobo -has .moved back to Springfield from Shcdds nnd Is llv lag at homo with his parents Mr. and Mrs. John Iloso, and Is working at tha Ilooth Kelly mill. Stop ruining your foot and shoes with runovor hoels: See WollPnnd Milor for tho rotont hcel-strafghtcncr Fifty cents" a pair. Mrs. J. T. Illvotl of Lincoln Nob.,' arrived Friday afterrtoon, having been called by tho serious Illness of her another, Mrs. J. I. Barbro. Sho had not learned of hor mother's death tn til she arrived hero. Honry McCullom and family leu Friday for Klamath Falls whoro thoy will mako thqlr homo. Mrs. Mo Cullum hxs 'bccn visiting ln Eugone or ft fuw ,iagi o, D. Metcalf has ronlctl u.o property vacatod by tho McCollums. , George Williams had his tonsils and adenoids removed Saturday morning Tho local tcnchorB Instltuto &3hod uled at Elmlra for today has boon lndetlnltcly posponcd on account of the bad weather nnd nn epidemic of measles. Something now: Those trouble! with weak arches lot Wolf and Miller fix them with n pnlr of "Common Sense" arch supports. ; 'All ..leathor. 2.60-tho pair.- Tho following persons wero reals terod at tne upringnoiu uoioi on dny: Mrs. F. E. Lajorio, C. b. Taylo-, Mrs. C. Hanthorn, John Trottor, S. R, Ibarmor, Al Sidimons, Wultor Bailey, Dick Hllman of Matol and W. A. bans berry of Grants Pass. J. E. Stowart of this city Is tho owner of tho Jorsoy cow impounded by tho Eugcno pollco Thursday. W. W. Korn of Springfield, was dls ntlssed Friday aftor receiving troat in out nt tho Eugono Hospital. Nows hns boon received hero by Rnlinrl Rlilwnli Hint bin Rnn In Inw Frank- Henlpy, or spoicnno, wliilQ ria )ng op a eppodor, was badly lnjurod nnd was taken to tho Spokano hospl tab v .Now Hoo and (Now Royal Sewlv Mn'chinos mako millions of homes b py. Thoy nro fully jgnarmtopd. T prte.o Ih right. It ytl' "oy " ' 'nvOBtJg(ifo. J, C. lloibrrck. . Hi' ".' ( Elmor Furusot UnlJorsltyi;otoVoKbl1 'H spqnt Haturuay ami Huimay nt vxo homo of his parents,, Mr. and Mr. j II, Furusot. Mi(. Flrtispt totiirnl id" hla 'work In Portlnnd. arid stoto (that ho oxpectB to go tBw9'll'f?rli,l soon, unless war Is doclarod. in 'whlnli enso ho will onllgt. ; Slqn of Good Digestion. When you soo a cheerful and hanpv oU lady you may know that tiq b. l.good digestion. If your dlgostlon J Jmpnirod or if you do not rollsh vir moals (ako n doso of Cbambo.l Tablets. Thoy Btrcngthnn tli$ s'o ach, improve tho digestion nn'i cv c a gontlo movoment of tho bowols. fM tajna.ble everywhere, .4. ! . iHow'sThia?' .!- ! W offer' One'WiintJred Dollar K6wkrd 'fot any case of Catarrh ifet cannot ,bd cured' by HrII'h Catarrh GUroP 1 P. J, CIIKNET & CO., Toledo.. Wfi, tliflundtriluneil, liavo known K. ,J. i!hrney for the Inul 15 ytnrn, nmi Mleve Mm. perfectly honorable In nil tunM rnnaacllon and financially phln Id carry out any obligation wiado ty III flrmj . NATIOtfAb HANIC OK COMMHHCH. Tolmlo -O.' Inll'n Catarrh Curo In faknn Internally, nctln directly upon tlio blood and mu coim lurfncd of ihnayalem. TValltnonlala nt frc. I'rlrn 75 rents per botlle. Hold liy nil PriiRKlKln, Tnk Hull a family Mil for -orufpllon. TI10 following Blka attended the bout in KiiKcno TJiurndny ovcnlng- i William Mcculloch, Dr. JtoMian, C. V. j KKRlmann, Ooo. Dorrln, Loslor Valllc, ! Itl)oy BnodRrnBB. Vlnltom from horo wcro: EH HolvarHon, Archlo Harriet, V. N. Snfcly William Safely, Uort Nlckum and Hinory HIcJmrdRon. , Iot many armors canto In Satur ' uay morning uocauso 01 1110 storm. J Among t'hOHo who did bravo tho'raln ' wero: 3ako Ilutii, R. S. Wynd, O. W. t Spawn. J. A. No'wman, Frank Harthol cniew, It. C. Cavlt, I3ort Kopnor, Virgil Moon A. Fischer and Henry Ostor houdt. f j, Tho Willamette Valley Potato Grow I ors' association was duly organized at Irish Bend nnd n set of by laws adopted Tuesday. Tho mooting was tcnlled by U10 president, ulrd Illcard, , ami there was a largo altondanco of j growers. Bight now' members woro ! admitted, making a total of 27 mem 1 bors to start with. Gonornl repair shop Irpn nnd woo.l work. Horseshoeing n spcclnlty, Hamp ton Bros. South Second nnd A Sts. , Mr and 'Mrs Sarga Sliced wero sur prlsod by a "baby shower" planned ami carled out by tho 0 E girls last Saturday night ' " MbM Florence Darling has gone to Lebanon too visit with h'or sister, Mrs Jess Hansard, thri'o or four weeks Mrs A J Adainds camo homo from the logging camp at Marcola yestcrdoy and will spend a few weeks In Spring field . Hoi; son -Marlon- Adams nccojn panjod, her but returned, this morning The Springfield and Eugcno' honor guard girls will glvo a benefit dnnco Jit; the Eiigeno armory Wednesday night Dr J E Richmond loft tills morning .doing called by ijie Bovero Illness of a slstor, Cor.il Richmond Miss Frances Bartlcctt, spent the wqek end with Mr and Mrs(E M;.Young at waitorviiio Mrs it A Jones of Los Angeles, Call fornla Is 'hero for nn extended visit to- hor parents Mr and Mrs A E Bartlett John McDonald of Iukstor N Da kota and Robert 3 Qulnn- of Johns town, N Dakota, aro" vlsltlug George Spawn and family When to Take Chamberlain's Tablets When you fool dull and stupid aftor eating. Whon constlpatpd or bilious. When you havo a sick headache. When you havo a sour stomach. When you belch nftor eating. When you havo indigestion. When nervous or despondont. When you havo no rollsh for your moals. Whon your llvor Is torpid. Obtainable pvcrywhoro. Get on the Firingf One F yml Wintto taettei In life lou miutknuw what U ncV In Imilnrux and Indu- irv. In liivpnllnn unit Ir-lir. Oct out of tlio rut; t? t on tlie llrtue line. Read Fbpul arSdence Monthly tlienost Interntlnsand uieful maentlne, and tlio tit.ckt uioney'a wortli. Krery uivuUt 300 Picture 3Q0 ArtlcJos nlLfor onlylSccnta. All tho new Idem and liiTcntlom In electricity and wlrelcM. Ill nutnmoblles and acrupunet, in tliopworlc anil in Ifariulns, and in machinery. llowlomaliothlnatatlioina. topfisetevery monlh, IncluUmit rrfrlperaton, poultry lioueir. lurniiuru, amutuvuiivtiivi tvi"!, vv II IU 1 UIUl,UIllC)-IIIUItlll,,,l.'l'Ht. luv." It ii mlin In pltdn Lniluhforincnaod lot. 15 CenU Copy--$1.CO n Year rv.t I, Km., n nrnwl-nliii. nr vrff rllrm-f tn I yularS.i-jnco Mont.ily, sss Kourtlt Ave., N.V. AVCu. (:r fisAnt tai QtaUaa tUi t)tr. Spsingfield Garage Incorporated i ' Htooairlms.a Spcolnltv FORD STUDEBAKER Main, bet. Fourth and Fifth. Phone 11. aPRlriGFIELD, OREGON ' : S -u . . an 1 ii TV Asqulr tft'Hfelt 'MSWIfijf' Um '11 Xha Ysu Esrn. ! Amcfltsna. Are hot ns thrifty, as the IkkijiIo of many other . imtlons. tHVr lugrf bunk slailstlcs show- tbl. Our money gownAQo easily., cvt'ti lu nor mn'l times. , We et'd the gnrbago psljs .no, (wjII.(. Wo. Ignore the llllio shorl ciiln flf economy. Wc forget tho (jonl Ing rii'luy I'luy'lii our ciJdyinei'it' of the Juesertt fair dny. And if savings bank reports aro not enough, turn to tho figure of tho actu lie. Heo bow fotv men, for instance rend) tho period of natural retirement wifh enough of ait estao accumulated, 10 keep ihein through the rcnmlutiig years of their lives, Soo hoy; many aro compelled to (oil for a daily pit 'unco hcyqiid the tjuio when they tbotild have the privilege of retiring to tune 011 the Income of their savings or ore left struiided because unable to work. All Industry Is built on the savings of tlioo wild at some time have learn ed 1 tho wisdom of putting aside some portion of their earnings as an invest ment. Abolition of thrift would mean tho abolition of organized business. It woiijd- liardly be an exaggeration to ay it : jjoiild mean the abollUon of cir lllxutlon Itself. Save-save a little. Get the habit of spending less than your Income Mulse someSinnker your friend. Hare 1 stake in the community. Stretch the pay envelope a little farther than merely to the next pay day. Uuy a home, Oont't float: anchor! Trite words, these. Certainly. But It Is astonishing how many people there are lu the I'nlted States who have nci'er taken them to bearfc Clevcland I'lnlii Dealer. MAN AND HIS NECKTIE. Tho Mystery That Clonka tho Fats of Diacarfled Cravats. Every morning we stiuid before the mlrrdr, flap the large end over nnd around, push It behind nnd up draw It carefully through. 'It becomes a habit, and yet. like dining. It bus. a x-crtain fascination. The keen pleasure of a uew and uncreui-ed cravat helps to million whofe week blighter. And that dread day when a white spot appear In the center of the front of our favor Itc green one or when the beloved brown parts Internally and while ni lieajlng the same without tells us that It If . gone roiTVcr--tliat day our coffer Is bitter and the .mercury low. Butt we never cruelly desjert a faith ful frleud. For n couple of times after the wjitlc pot appears wc try to He It farther up or low down, usually with pathetically Ineffectual results. And then we pasture It back somewhere on the rack wklt the bow ties tbnt-urc not to our taste any more nnd the selec tlous made by a worthy aunt nt a re duction sale and let i enjoy a quiet old age. Somehow eventually It disappears We do not know bow. Perhaps a care lens maid drops It in 11 wustcbiisket or a plotting wife males way with It. Rut most probably, like old wutche and college textbooks, It has some un .siaui heaven of. Hs own whither It is wufted after its life amoug us Is over -Atlantic Monthly. Got Hla Answer. She was n demure little woman, with a baby. As the car was crowded with ihoppers, she did not put up the little oucv who was old enough to sit up, ou the seat beside, her. She carried it on. her lop nnd made room for a tierce looking bjg man,, with n. newspaper. The child kicked Us tiny legs lu delight ut the strange things it saw while rid ing along, and Its shoes rubbed the '.nan's trousers. "Perhaps, madam," he exclaimed, "you Imagine that this conveyance l tour private carriage Vi "Oh, no; I don't." was tho prompt re lily. "If It was you, wouldn't be riding lu It." Copying Our National Parks. Spain Is to have uationnl parks Simi lar to tk6te ln the United States. Pur. sun nt to a recent law the government will select especially plcturesquo tract of laud. Incorporate ' them lu a, na tional park system, arrange for suit able means of communication In order (hat visitors may reach them easily and preserve the natural features of such tracts from deterioration. Ad vancing tho project its sponsors called attention to the Yellowstone, Yoseiult. Geiicral Grant. Crater Lako and other national parks In this country. Poor Economy. "When I bought my phonograph I Had an Idea that wo'd save money by hearing good music nt fiome," "Well, didn't you?" "Not n bit of It. Every tlmo wp get b record- that wo like my wlfo is never gutlsllcd until we havo gone to a con cert or tho opera and heard the samo music nt first htiiid, and every tlmo we do (hat sho hears u lo,t moro music she wonts records) of -New York World. Effiolenoy. Willis Hump tins a very up to date ofllce. Gluts Yes, He has'ono of theso oUlco systems where you can And Just what you wunt Avbtm you don't want It by looking whero It wouldn't bo if you did wuut lt.-Llfe, , C . . . r i.. 1 1 vt- ;-) . . I In New -York. "Tho'wbuiau across tho hall from us Is dead." "How did you flud that outT" "Why, I happened to see It In ihfcf paper." Life. fhfbrfulncss Is nn exact wearing Hnility It has been called "the bright vfeutlior of tho heart " Samuel Smiles Cleaning! ,;Pr$iiirig n .mn- ii - 1 .REPAIRING i Made to MeasufV SUIU - Lemley " Suit, Houie 7: Realise it is the; aiidi only . Chain of 25 Sample Stores or Real ' 8a: gain Stores in the Northwest, don't - u consider you'haye seeli f e& ' ; Bargains in Shoes and Cloiliing until you see them at tlie Sample JJtore Sale 365 days in the year - BJ Men's Neolln Solet Slides, at Men's Neolln Sole Shoes, lit Men's Sample Shoes. $5 and Men's Dress and Work Shoes at $2".?5, $3,, $3.50, $3.65 and up to : , r- $9.75 Men btly your suits now, the price Is Jower than It yill be later $1,0, $11, $12.50, $14.50, $16.50, $17.50 and up to $220 Men's hats at . ..-,,$1 -95, $2.25, $2.45 "arid - LL ..;..,. r- $2.85 jLadies Sample Shoes at prices way below their value. .We invite comparison. 'Low prices mean, nothing If quality Ig Jacking. .r i . . . Eugene Sample Store 605-609 Willamette Street, Eugene, Oregon I GARDE The season of the year , is nbw at hand when thoughts of garden mak ing are uppermost in' many minds We ? -carry- a comple.te stock consisting of shovels, spades, rakes, weeders, hoes snd forks, lawn rakes,turf edgers and pru ning shears. J. C. HOLBROOK Springfield, Oregon New FOOTER Distinctive styles that 'pleWse Colors whites, two ton$ ,and blacks,, ' V :i ;" All sizes necessary for-propel til ting, backed up Li best experience in fookserv' Xmmt Profes sionai and courteous service m ..u am M Mai AW V CAREFUL. CONCIENT(OUf DENTISTRY DR JE. RICHMOND , Z.r 1 Over CQmmrcia'iankv Srprlnjjfieltf. dr!aon. . $3.45 : rrr-v $3.'ci5. $G values, at $3.8o' i i- t. . t N TOOLS KEEN KUTTER Shears, Carpenter Tobls'and Knives A full line of KEEN KUTTER goods. They need no other guarantee than the name. Spring by years of ku . i ,11 ..' ! 11 - Hanan w formen and SI 1. v. 1 iff