The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, March 22, 1917, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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JHundreds Joined When Break
With Germany Came.
'-Mr Low Works tnsrastlcally t CT
Orflanlistioni to Tako Up Training
Instituted For Womsn by Navy
Lsagus English Girla Rsndsr Assist
ano In War.
New Vorfc.-nundrcds of slrls and
-roung women have Joined tbo National
Girl Scouts since tlio outbreak With
'Germany, nnd Mrs. Juliette Low, the
rational president, announced from tho
Sicadquartors, 52? Fifth avenue, this
lty, that to meet any emergency tho
organization will bo recruited up to the
.strength of tbo Hoy Scouts of America.
Sirs. Low telegraphed to Elliott Wads
rorth,' vice chnlrman of the American
Bed Cross at Washington, offering tho
services of the girl scouts. They are
0 co-operate with the nearest Hed
Cross branch.
It Is Mrs. Low's ambition to make
ike girl scouts, already 100.000 strong,
lis greatest girl's organization In the
-world. Mrs. Low is prominent socially
3n England and Scotland as well as In
Zlite country.
The Girl Scouts of America is tho
-aarue as the Girl Guides of England
and the contlncpt nnd is adapted to 11
ane same need In girl life that the boy
;oout movement Oils for lads. Mrs.
Low became interested In this work
:Sor girls through her observation of
rzhv boy scout movement in England ,
ty Sir Kobert Uadeu-l'owcll and the
-almost simultaneously similar move
ment fjr girls started by bis sister
-SklUs Agnes Raden-Poweil. Sir Robert
aml bis sUter visited Mrs. Low upor
Jjer estates In Scotland and assisted
Sji-r In starting the work among the .
-Scottish lassies. They have recently j
o:ue Into the advisory board t the !
.American organization.
-Airs. Low Ls now working energett
utally to get the organizations In (he va
tIous cities tn take up the training In
stituted for women by the Navy leaguo.
J.bc has arranged for classes of girl
evoau to take these courses and has
' offered prizes In that connection.
Mrs. Low saw tin necessity for this
vork after watching the assistance
rendered their country by tha girls of
'-Eiigliijirt during the progress of the
lBmvi?iin War. Slip says there are In
numerable things thai girls' can do In
wartime to help their country If they
Bro nroiinrli- trhi(vt
'Mrs. Low will hold meetings In the
- dtlas she visits utuler the auxptres of
tbe wumou's clubs. All women who
are interacted In the movemont looklim
4o the uplift of American girlhood are
qlnvlted to utlend these meeting. Girl
?rom educational Institutions are eape- i
olnlly Invited, as are nNo college soro- I
(rltltw aud associations of college wo
luien. Mrs. Low. n brilliant speaker. Is
in demnnd both In the west uml the
-reust to explain the work.
Mrs.- I)w hns great hopes that her
a-islt to America at this time will be
' be means of arousing considerable in
' rerest In the movement among the wo
men of'the land. It Is the purpose of
Mrs. Low to explain the great good to
i "be accomplished among the girls of the
.land through an organization of this
YaTud and to tell something of the
tilings that have already been accom
plished in England and other European
K4nto Wtsr Longer Coats and Not
aXSoiuuibus, O. Coats will be much
itouger, shoulders will be wider, with
r bo padding, and costs will be high at
the -waist lino In men's suits this com-
big season, according to styles set here
by the fashions committee of the Inter-
national Custom Cutters' association.
The cut tare say trousers will bo wld-
er, waistcoats will bo cut low and will
t&e tight at the waist Hue, and browns
will be the proper shade for spring
- clothes, They rIro Indicated (hat tbs
UKorfolk Jspket will agaJu bo popular.
Coburg, March 21. Walter Tyler
loft for Klamath Falls Tuesday.
Ray Pirtlo motored to Eugene- on
'Tuosday morning on business.
Mr. Darr, traveling agent for tho
Truo Blue biscuit com pa ay transacted
business In town Monday.
H. M. Anderson and wlfo motored
to Kugcuo Monday on business.
Marjorlo Durfllngor a student of
the Kugeno high school visited rela
tives hero Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Anderson nnd
son, Charlos and Mr. nnd Mrs. Tom
Van Duyn motored to Marcola Sunday
on buslnss. o
Mrs. Cal Johnson and Mrs, Guy
Simmons wore business callers In En-
Ken o Saturday.
The members of tho city council
met In the city hall Monday evening.
A largo number nttonded tho danco
given by N. J. Nelson Jr. Saturday
Tho Apostolic Faith mission will
hold meetings in the I. O. O. F. hall
for the following week.
Mrs. Oharles Dempsey of Wendltng
is visiting her mother, Mrs. Willi l
Healy thlo week.
II. M. Anderson and William Kin
cart motored to Rowland and Harris
burg Tuesday on business.
Mr. C. E. Neely of Grants Pasi,
Oregon, transacted business in tho
city Monday.
The Commercial club met in the
city hall Tuesday evening.
Walter Drury motored to Eugono
Monday on business.
Mrs. L. Loncoy was a business eU
er In Eugene yesterday.
Rex Losy motored to Eugene Mon
day afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tyler and
son Walter and Ltly Anderson motor
ed to Albany Sunday to visit relatives
there, returning the same day.
E. Durninger of Eugene visited
relatives here Sunday.
Many people of this vicinity are
suffering with the whooping coush.
Marcola News Notes.
March, 19. The hardtlme dance slv
en in the local hall Saturday evening
drew one of the largest crowds of tha
season. The old time dances were
given the preference and these found
especial favor with the older folk.
Plans are already on foot to give a
similar affair in the near future for
the benefit of the base ball team.
Marcola's baseball aggregation for
mally opened the season here yester
day and celebrated the event by de
feating Wendllng 10 to 8. An abund
ance of good material ls available this
season and as usual tho little mill
city will give a good account of her
self. Walter Fischer was elected manager
M. Johnson, secretary treasurer, and
Pat Cassldy, captain.
Mrs. M. E. Swiggett, of Los Angeles
is spending the day In our city.
W. R. Price. Alva Hill and Torn
McMahon returned here yesterday
from a trip to lower valley points.
Logging operations were "resumed
this morning and the mill will com
mence tomorrow, both divisions of
the Fischer concern having been clos
ed on account of deep snow.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Fischer and
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fischer jr. spent
Saturday in Eugene and SpringfleU,
making the trip by auto.
Dr. W. C. Itebhan of Springfield was
a caller hero the latter part of the
Supt. OReilley o( the local school
spent the weekend In Eugene.
Mrs. Ella Healy was taken to tha
Springfield hospital Friday. She was
accompanied by her daughter, Mra.
Tulu Duncan.
Classified Ads
For Sale, Rent, Wanted, Etc.
FOR EXCHANGE; A six room ihouse
city water, electric lights, gas. Frut
trees beginning to bear. Woubl
be glad to exchange for like value
in Springfield. Call at 305 Pearl
street, Eugene. Come at north
door A. M. E. L. Hopkins.
FOR SALE or trade for horse, good
two seated rubber tired surrey. In
quire of J. J. Browning.
FOUND: A purse containing prem
lum coupons. Owner may have same
by calling at tbo News office and
paying for this ad.
FOR SALE Practically now Oltvor
Typewriter number 5, Machine to
equipped with tabulator and bock
spacer. It is in good running order.
Call at the News office and have it
demonstrated. Tonus.
FARM LOANS At tho lowest raw
and on tho easiest terms to bo h.iJ.
J. C. ilolbrook, Springfield.
Camp Crook, March SO. Mr. and
Mrs. David Stephens woro in Eugono
and Springflold on buslnoas Thursday
Oren Mastorson wont to Junction
City Friday to ntond a danco.
Miss LUsto Kennedy is hero visit
Ing hor slstor, Mrs. R. L. Stophonr.
Tho Epworth Lcaguo hold a social
at tho church hero Friday. Thorj
were about 40 present.
School Is closod now on account
of tho lllnoss of tho toachor, Mr.
Marlon Chase was a Eugono visitor
Mrs. F. W. Drown was n Waltorvlllo
visitor Tuosday.
Mrs. J. J. Chaso spent Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Stophons.
Mr. and' Mrs. David Stophons and
daughter Ornco nnd Loin Crabtroo
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Jack nnd family.
Miss Ornco Stophons ihns boon ap
pointed as leader of tho Lenguo next
Mrs. Myrnn Craig wns in Eugono
last week having somo dental work
Lester Nye, who has been working
In Eugene is homo now.
David Jacoby, who dlod at his home
near Jasper.Sunday morning was born
In tho state of Ohio, November 2.
1S44, and aged 72 years and four
months. While young his pnronia
moved to Indiana where he lived o.i
the home farm until 1S69 when hn
came to Oregon, stopping first with
Mr. Cruzan of Cloverdnlo. Shortly nf
terwnrd he began working for Cor
nelius Hills, of Jaspor. Ho married
Mr. Hill's daughter, Henrietta, and
moved to the placo where thoy ro
sided until his death. Dcsldcs hi.
wife he leaves three sons, ono daugh
tor, one granddaughter and one granu
son, four brothers nnd four sistoii
all residing In Missouri yMi the ex
ception of one sister who lives tn
Indiana. He also leaves a host of
friends who will ever remember Jilni
as a loving husband, a very dear
thoughtful father, a good neighbor
and friend. Early in lifo lie unltod
with tho Presbyterian church nnd re
mained in that faith until ills death.
Two llttlo daughtora preceded his
death, one in infancy and the other
at the age of ten years. The funeral
services were held Monday mornliv.;
conducted by tho Springfield I. O. O.
F. Lodge No. 70 of which lie was u
member. Burial was mado In tho Mt.
Vernon cemetery.
Reverend W. N. Ferris, minister.
Bible school 10 n. m. Mrs. J. Fitzgerald
superintendent Dlvlno worship 11
a. ni. Sermon by Dr. W. p. Driver
Special service of sqng and sermo.i
In Chapel car at 3 p. m. Senior and
junior meetings at 6:45 p. m. Evening-
evangelistic service at 7:30 p. m. Rov.
and Mrs. Driver will sing at all thes
services. Do not miss the opportuni
ty of hearing gifted people. You w
cordially- Invited, strangers always w
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for Lane County.
Susie E. Macklin. Plaintiff,
Charles H. Macklin, Defendant,
To Charles H. Macklin. dofendan,
OREGON, you nro hereby required
to appear and nnswerlhe plaintiff's
complaint Died against you in the
above entitled Court and cause, on or
before six weeks from the date of the
first publication of this summons,
which dnto is Thursday, March 15,
1917, and if you all to appear and
answer said complaint within said
time, the plaintiff will apply to the
Court for the relief prayed for In
plaintiff's complaint and for full re
lief to-wlt: For a decree from said
Court forever dissolving the marriage
contract and the bonds of matrimony
now existing between the plaintiff
and the defendant, aud granting tho
plaintiff nn absolute divorce from the
defendant, and granting tho plaintiff
tho care, custody nnd control of Dal
las. Andrew, William nnd Lloyd Mack
lin, minor children of said marriage,
and for such other relief as to tho
Court may seem equitable
This summons is published by or
der of tho Honor G F. Sklpworth,
judge of said Court, dated March 12,
1917, ordering publication thereof for
six consecutive and success
ive weeks in the Springfield News,
a paper qf general circulation is
sued in Springfield, Lane County .Ore
Attorney for nlaintiff.
Mch. 10,22,29; April 5,12,19,26.
In the matter of I Notice of Hearing
the Estate of Ion Final Account
Ruth V. Grant, I of Administrator.
Deceased. I
WHEREAS, the undersigned Henry
Grant, Administrator of the said es
tate, has filed herein his final account
and the Hon. H, L. Down. Judge of
said Court, by order dated February
zuth. 1917. nas appointed the ZStn
day of Mnrch. 1917. at 10:00 A. M.
for hearing objections to said final
ccount and settlement thereof;
NOTICE Is hereby given that all
ereons having objections to said final
ccount as filed will appear on said
ate and enter their objections thore
o, or said administration will be then
Henry Grant, Admlnlstntnr
Swafford and McGlnnls, Attorno
ob. 22, Mch. l.S.lS.Sa.
inilian M. Qlbson.
Winifred J, Qlbson,
To Winifred J. Qlbson tho nbovo
nnmod dofondnnt:
OREGON: You nro hereby summoned
nnd roqutrod to appear and answer
tho complaint of plaintiff in tho nbovo
ontltlod suit on or boforo tho last day
of tho time proscribed In tho order
for publication of this summon here
inafter referred to, to-wtt! On or bo
foro tho 20th day of April 1017, and you
aro huroby notified that It you fall so"
to appear nnd answer, for want thereof
tho plaintiff will npply to tho nbovo
ontltlod court for tho rollof prnyod for
tn hor complaint, vis; That tho bonds
of Matrimony now existing botweun
plaintiff and dofondnnt bo forovor din
solved and ihald for naught: That
plaintiff bo nwnrdod the caro nnd cus
tody of tho minor children, Mazto
Gibson and Eino Gibson nnd that tho
plaintiff have such bthor rollof as to
tho Court nmy seem meet and oqult
This sumnionH Is served upon you
by publication thereof in tho "Spring
field Naws" a nowspapor of gonoral
circulation published In Luno County,
Oregon, under nnd by virtue of an
order of the Honorable O. F. Skip
worth, Judgo of tho nbovo entitled
Court, dated March 14. 1917, direct
ing tho said publication once a week
for six weeks, which prder requires
you to appear and answer tho com
plaint on or before six weeks from tho
dato of the first publication of this
summons, to.wtt: March 1", 1917.
Attorney for plaintiff.
Men. 15,22.29; April 6.12,19.20.
tho undersigned, has been appointed
by tho County Court of Lane County,
Oregon, as administrator of tho es
tate or Wllllnm 11. Lewis and Mary
A. Lewis, deceasvd.
All persons hnvlng claims against
tho estate of said William II. Lowls
or Mary A. Lewis, aro hereby noti
fied to present tho samo duly verified
to tho Administrator, at his otllco,
No. 21, E. 9tii Ave., Eugono, Oregon,
on or before bIx months from tha
dato of the first publication of this
notice, which Is March IS. 1917.
Mch. 15,22,29; April 5,12.
Read tho News Classified ads.
McMorran & Washbnrne Cordially Invite All Springfield to Attend Their
Windows Are Uncovered at 7 P. M
Our display manager, cMr. Hobart and assistants ,have been
S working for weeks to win the prize in the window display con
test and 3e T&ant you to nelp judge the display.
All of the newest merchandise will be on display. Every
window containing suggestions of value to you.
filled instantly
and attended to
by expert shoppers.
Special inducements all next week in
Tiro prlcoB nro far worno than food prlcoH, If you MUST
IIAV12 TII13M tho hlRh nrlcuH must Uo paid. Thoy may
not bo aH high NOW uh LATHll. Tho Hoonor you
Invest tho bettor. Tho nioiit truthful Information Roe
wrong onco in a while. Could you lose on this at
any rnte? Now 1b tho Unto to buyl
8th Avo. East 212 Phono US
East of Hotel OBburn Half Dlock
Ford Switch Koy Sorvlco Station No. 1
r 1
Now is the Time to Visit
Hor bounty, hor brilliant city life, hor Joy
oub sunshlno, hor focltmUtiK haze of hstory- -all
draw you on. People never tiro of re
discovering California and never will. Sho
Is nn old, old land, yet ever young. Go there.
RofroBh mind and body. See that your
tickets read
Shasta Route
Portland to San Francisco
California Express
Shnsta Llm Itod San Francisco Express
This route offere a remarkable
Bcrvlco of comfort and enjoy
ment. Steel cars, rock-ballasted
road-bed. Past Mt.
Shasta, Shasta Springs and
other wonders.
Ask for Booklots, Helpful and Instructive
JOHN M. SCOTT, General Passenger
Agent, Portland, Oregon.
Southern Pacific Lines
This store as usual offers best buying opportuni
ties. Our stocks are largo, our service unexcellod
and our prices positively tho lowest, considering
quality. We absolutely' guaranteo every articlo
that leaves the store and assure you of complete
satisfaction when trading here.
Oregon Power Co.
Phono your or
dors to us. We
will bo glad to
ship goods by ro
turn mail.
all departments