The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, March 12, 1917, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    MONDAY? ..MAltOH ..1L ..M7.
f. '' V ' T ''ft
. Perfect Complexion
A good complexion muni como from within. If
yonr Hkln Ih willow and yon hnvo pimples or other skin
oruplloiiH, nil of the cold cream, lotions and other prep
arations for external uso cannot ponutbly help. You
nuiBt Hrst correct tho condition of your blood. Tho
bad blood may bo caused by Indigestion, constipation,
' llvor and Itldhoy troubles or other ailments.
You should Ilnd out from your physician Just
what tho trouble Is. Ho will probably recommend tho
uso of some good tonic or blood purifier which may bo
found In our Mock. Our lino is complete
: Town and Vicinity
Qbarlea Landing ot M areola was
berti.on.buelncM this morning,
Tilnk VHtttt; talk right, do right and
jjgrtilbU from. Wolf and Miller,
0 D.'Varrler of Blakleyvnto wu In
tonrn Friday.
Hare you seen thoso 16 and 20 cent
teela at the Variety storo.
aVj. rerklns and Welby Stoven
returned Saturday evening from a busl
nes trip to San Francisco.
Cy Ilurton Is moving from his home
to tho Jennlo Smltson liouso on Second
and C streets.
Heady for first spring showing of
oxcluslvo millinery. In nil tho luliwt
shapes and colors. Mrs. M. N, IMiomp
soiu Horn to Mr. nnd Mrs. Arthur II.
Pongrst of 1384 Willamette direct In
Eugeno Thursday March 8, n son.
Qcorgo A, Dorrls Is much Improved
after nn Illness suffering from pneu-
Good children's 1C cont ncrvlco hoo
at tho Variety storo.
Thoro will bo n regular morhly 1
council mooting this evening, begin- f
i.r n 7.10 nvinnv
t lv w v
ti.i tij in..u-
cutiivm imviu lumuiuiuiu iviiinirt.
own tho old skating rink for E.
orrlson this morning.
Stop that coughl with Egglmann'n
molhol cough drops.
Tho regular bills wore approved at
a schoo board mooting Jiuld tho first
of last wook.
' Jaiiios Laxton received his now
DnilL-n rnr Rntlirrlnv mill hn nnd Mm.
. . ..
Iaxton.nud Cdwlnn Parsons ilrov'o to
Junction City In It yesterday.
Lndlos aro Invltod to call and sec
for thomsolvos that tho stylos aro
right nnd tho prices reasonable. Mm.
M, Nt Thompson. .
y Marion Adams and MIsb Ida Cox
assisted at tho Cox and Cox depart
ment store on Saturday.
1 Mrs. Arthur McCrackcn has return
ed from Whoolor Oregon, nf tor" spend
ing a month with lior husband lioro.
. .Mrs. lSlbort Scott loft yesterday
for Carvallls Whoro sho will visit
with a brothor who Is 111.
Stop ruining your foo(. and shoos
with run-ovor heels: See Wolf and
Afillor for tho patent hool-strulghtonor
ifty cents a pair.
' C. E. Swarts will rocolvo his now
Dodgo car today or tomorrow and
promlsos to bo nblo to climb a fir
tree wiUi it soon.
h. A iinnninn nf iim Nnvniir Wnrtra
ot'Vancouyor Is horo ropalririg sowing
... . . .. . ..
machines; thoso desiring work of this
kind dono. phono hotol Springfield,
Ed Snvngo of Marcola passed thru
Bprlngflold this morning on his way to
Lebna whoro ho has omploymout In a
John Soavoy has purchased a Bean
gasollno cnglno, which ho will uso
with all of his crops. Tho engine,
will tako tho placo of six horsas.
If you need somo odd dlshos look
ovor tho lino of dlshos at tho Varloty
When to Take Chamberlain's Tablets
When you fool dull nnd stupid nftor.
(eatlng , ; ' 1
When constipated or bilious.
When you hnvo a sick hoadacho,
Whon you "have a sour stomach,
When you bolch after eating.
When nervous or despondent.
t When you have no relish for your
When your liver Is torpid,
Obtainable everywhere,
Miss" Ruth Weslfair and Miss Mary
(WcCormaek, University students wera
Springfield visitors Saturday-
Mrs. Ida Hacer has purchased a
home at 168 South. I) street front tier
Two. Ill i tt . .
invH. niuvit iiajicr anu ubb movou
here from Eucrne, Mr. llagor has
i - j
gone to Idaho,
Pot Men's ttii Boys' work, dro
or bt cut shoee, or first Class repairing
se AV, A.. Han, Aks.hoe doctor, Main
ketweea 6th' and 6th.
A brother ot W. E. Knott has Jut
.arrive h".;rom .M,ChLn. Vl
niu. ma niomgr, Mrs. u. tu. ivnou,
who Is 11.
The local W. C.' T. U. Is planning on
holding an all day Instltuto to bo .ioM
here some tlmo In April. Tho date has
not been arranged yet.
You don't need to go to Eugeno for
nn up to tho nilnuto hat. I can glvo
you tho samo stylo at a much more
rcasonalilo prlco. You arc Invited to
call. Mrs. M. N. Thompson.
Mrs. JoHcph Lobluo haH returned Id
lior home in Junction City after hav-
L'"K spent several days with her daugu-
tors, lioro.
Miss Eunlco Par); or haB been dp-
.-pointed to act as a representative in
(tho orgiiulzatton work of tho Girl's
Honor Gunnl In Springfield,
. ,, ......
A "ovv shipment of Now Home sew
ing machine,, Just In. You can malto j
Romn mnnnv now. Trv nnn. T C. Ilnl. '
mil Rodcnbo has a noet now side-
l'cnr for his motorcycle, tho addition
having been construcled In Spring-
'Jlold by A. E. Senscnoy.
Mr. and Mrs. Joss Allen and fnmllv
aro moving from tho houso In whlnn ;
thoy havo boon living on tho corner I
nf Sixth nnd E ntrnnlB n n rnRlilniir. 1
on First nnd D.
Something now: Thoso trouble 1 .
win. wchk nrciios .ei won anu Miner
fix them wltfi n tmlr of "Common
i.i. i ...
Sense" arcli Supports. All lcathor.
$2.50 tho pair. '
Mr. nnd Mrs. L. E. Wortz of An
Inuf, Oregon havo moved to Spring'
field, nnd nro looking for n resldetico,
slnco Mr. Wortz has employment in
tho, mill here ami tlioy will mnko Sprliv
gfleld tlielr !iomo.
Good reliable fire Insurance. No as
scssmcnts; no membership fco. ' Pay
'onco end you are tlcno. H E.Walker
at tho City Ilall.T
Mrs. Lucius Miller of Rod Wing.
MInnesotn visited ovor TMiursday night
tand Frhlay at tho homo of an olcbtiniu
menu, Mrs. a, ll. HaKer. MrB. Miller
Is spending somo tlmo at tho home of
her son, Dr. T. II. Mlllor In Eugene,
Now Home and Now Royal Sewlnr
Machlnoa mnko millions of homos hnpi'
Py Thoy are fully guarantood. Tho '
.P"Ico is right. It will pay you to
.l ... t rt I. l
nvostlgato. J, C. Holbrook
Millard Tripp, who resides on
........ ,.. ... unv.,u vu.wu j
dozen Plymouth Rock hons for which .
ho rocolvod $42.07. Tho honB weighed
ovor sovon pounds nploco.
Gonoral ronnlr shon Iron and wool
work. Horsoshoolng a spoclnlty. Hamp
ton Bros. South Second and A Sts.
At a Fodorntlon of Insurnnco, rbcour
,Iy organized In Eugene by tho Insur
i unco men of tho county, Jobs A, Allon
or this city made vlco prosldont. Tho
organization Is for tho purposo of
protoctlng tho lntorosts of tho Insur
nnco buslnes.
8lan of Good' Digestion.
Whon you seo a cheerful and happy
old lndy you may know thut sho 1ms
good digestion. If your digestion Is
Impaired or if you do not relish your
monls tako a doso of Chamborlaln'd
Tauiots. Thoy Btrongthen the stom
ach, lmprovo tho digestion and cmuc
a gontlo movomont of the bowels, Ob
tainable everywhere,
, Aiuiara iripp, w 10 restuoB on a," . ,
branch a mllo oast of town Wednesday 1,10 .re"r of ln.," B0 ot
' ' . .tln ntn tn nHniltin " A i A fill In '.Itl
We offer One Hundred Dollars
Reward for any case of Catarrh
that cannot bo cured by Hall's
Catarrh Curo
V.J, CHHNKT & CO.. Toledo. O.
We, tlis linilVrnlitiici), have known K. J,
rjimpy for tho lam It yearn, And bailors
lilm perfectly lionornbf In nil bunlnesa
trnnntiotlon and financially uble to curry
out nnv nbllcnllnm tnnda bv hi firm.
UAH's Catarrh Cnro l taken Internally,
ioicijo, u.
arlliiff illrorliv iiiinri ilia blood and mil"
conn mirfncr of ijm ytm. Ttiitlmonlata
sent frrr, I'rlro 76 renin per bottle. Hold
by nil DrURKtulii.
Tak llalk Family
'III far eonetlpatlon.
M. C. Brcssior, anil nan wish tt known
that tlioy liavo on tholr staff a factory
export of long oxporlonco In tho re
pairing unil rebuilding of sewing ma
chines, and arc prepared to give care
ful attention to work of .this kind,
! Any part for any machlno furnished , wonderland, so that guests assert
'on short notico. All work warranted they had visited Japan that after
land wo are hero to make it good. Al-0011- MrB. John Kennlo and Mls
i so havo in stock the world rcnowno.t Bertha Donnel of Ktacald Park, and
wjiiin Rnwinir Mnriitnoa fla wolt as a ' the following club members enjoyed
1 largo stock of second hand machines
of noarly cvory make. Prices right . J- mckhh, i. u. Larimer, j. m. tvi
and oaav terms. Call or tihono . throw, A. P. McKlnzoy, William Rous4,
B. C. Hills atato deputy game war -
den, states that In two days time ho
(has received 143 signers In Springfield
Pand Eugene who have subscribed
amounts from $.2C to Ilfto be offered
. l . ...In..lli.i with- IhA t a tn
,M wujuuitwn t.
reward' of foO for the arrest of per-
l ' Jh.'mIii.. , 1. .IjJmI t '
sons dynamiting tho steams fo 'fish.'
Mr. Hills expects to get a muchtonger
)Jit befo'ro he has finished.
Dr. and Mrs. U. P. Mortcnsen are
moving into the Johnson house be-.t
tween Seventh, and Eighth on B street l
1 ,7" , , : m r v.n . r a fnmi
lust vacated by Mr. Evans and rami -
V"5 r:1. '-I8
, on num. uuu .. ,
J. McCrackcn.
Annual Institute
Attended by 100
Mooting More Saturday Is Prof-
itablo and fK Success From
Every Point.
Tho annual Springfield Instltuto hold.
at tho Lincoln school on Saturday
I (I VI 1 it IUU V mj Mt 7
last was well attended and a ?rcat
success from every point ot view,
More than 100 touchers were present,!
Including many from Eugeno,
The domestic sclonco department 1
of tho public school served n cafeteria
I Innnli In mnrn tlinn fin npfltlln at noon.
., n P,nHH nf ciriB BOrVO,i
. ... . . !
,n Rmnllor luncli to tno out OI town
. 1 ,..,
innnlinra and n few Invltod RUestS
- ... i. t, .1. i. 1,..,
from this city. Both ot. these lun-,
cheons wore complimented very highly J
by tho visitors. 'I
Tho program of the day wag as fol-
1 lows:
Sons. America Audlenso
Vocnl BOlo Lcota McCracken
Address Prof. Gregory, U. of C. Qn,.u
,,1'inilU BU1U - ivun. u.u.v
Address Holcn Cowglll,- O. A. 0.
So"B. Columbia Gem of tho qecan
I' nuitui.-3 (
A . .1 1 An n.i
" Parker
Vocal. solo Eunlco I arKor
i . . ..i
Address Asst. State bupt. t.. r.j
Carlton I
Piano solo Dorrls Slkos'
Dramatization, "The Sleeping Beauty' ,
v Second Grade pupils of Mlftt
Bartlctt's room.
Tho host of tho day was tho dp-
,pearunco of theso youngsters of tho
second grade. Tholr dramntlzatlo.-i
was Well prepared and splendidly rend
Horse Case on Trial.
Tho caso of W- M. Morris against
John Seavoy ai,d othprs.mombers of
..tho Bolglum Horso company. Is nojv
up for trial, n Jury consisting of the
following was empannlod: James
.M. worning, v. w. juckboh, uunva
C. Whltton, Jos. Bryan. Sam Soren-.
f son, E. J. Ivle, W, H. Whitney, J, T.
'Vlnlng. O. W. Holland. Elmer A. Lamb
J cflinrles A. Burden nnd C. F. Fassott.
TJ,t8 a cnBo wherein the plaintiff
mind thn defendant for tho recovery
0f vurlous buius of money alleged' duo
. .. .
nwnnd. hv thn defendants He seeks
, -r .1 I oo 1
other, $48.75 In another and $33 In
tho last.
Offers His Theatre.
W. J. White has generously donated
tho Boll thontro for tho uso of tho grow
ora and business men who havo been
invited horo for a potato mooting noxt
Wednesday by E. E. Morrison. Ac
cordingly, tho afternoon lectures will
bo hold thoro Instead of in tho Wood
riion hall na first planned, nnd tho
bnnquot will bo hold In tho lotlgo liall.
Mr. Morrison atatos that It looks a
though at least 200 people will be hero
for tho mooting.
How to Prevent Croup.
When tho child is subject to attacks
of croup, see to It that he eats a llgbt
'evening meal, ub an overloaded stom
ach may bring on an attack, also
watcU for the first symptom hoars;)
noss, and give Chamberlain's Cough
'Remedy as soon as tho child becomes
hoarse. Obtainable everywhere.
Society Doings
One of tho happiest afternoons tho
I'rlBcllla club has enjoyed octirrcd on
(l-"rldny when Mrs.I'rul J. Brattrln, hos
tess ror mo aiternon, instead or enter
talnlng at her homo In tho usual man
nor, took lior guests to a matlneo at
tho Rex theatre In Eugene and after
ward to tho Ostium hotol, where they
partook of a delicious two courso lun
cheon, served In tho Japanese room
'Carnations and ferns made tho dining
room bright and springlike, whllo tho
Jnpanoso chlnaware and other apolnt
mcnls helped crcato a sort of delight-
M"- Drattaln's hospltiilty: Mesdames
i Walter Herndon, D. 8, Beats, William
, Donaldson, and Normand Howard,
rh next mettlnr of tturPriscllU club
wm j,e nei,i 0B Friday, March 23, when
Mrs.Wllllam: Donaldson will entertain
ftt her borne on P Street between 8ev-j
. , ... . . .
ema ana .ignm. mere is u in ifiavl
Patrick of snake tame and other saints .sent .were: Meadamea W. P. Walker,
x - . . .... . ... a u- rt - - - m. n r. .tt
nt RHn win hn Kmmiri at
'that tune. ,
Plans were made for tho coming
1 cY Christian Endeavor con-
1 , ' , ... . .
SSSr mon?h
,t,. n,,),!, ,i -
at the regular monthly business meet-l
Ing of tho local C. E. society held allhe "Progressive 22" at tie Odd Fcl
homo of Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Buck- 'lows parlors Friday evening March 9,
tin tn nn fitrhtii nn,i a itnwi. cvf.inv
evening. After the business meeting
an unusually enjoyable social was In
j order. An unlquo Idea was tjiat of
asking each member to como prepared
to suggest some game or obher amuse-
.nt to last 10 o, minute, ,e
utiuuiirr uiiubuui nau wuu uiul ui uur
lnc a two coursA luncheon, the first
course furnished -by the girls and U10
other by the boys. Some of Uio zi-
suits were rather queer, but very
"eatable" Those who enjoyed tho
Franco nnd Fonnnr
Nc,Ho Nxon Hclen R - obertg
. ' ' Tnn
qonsenev Mra c H Jtanpnl
.... ' . ,
Bucknum, and little son Earl.
A very charming Idea which Is nU'o
quuc a now ono was inni carncu out
' . .
In the centrepiece for the table around
mJly n iher Reverend
and Mrs. W. M. Case gathered to cole-
brate Mr. and Mrs. Dlmm's stiver wed-
m,B ann'versnry at me uimm nome
ion Sovenm ana C streets Friday even-
lnB' 0n n bed of plnk' wns drapod
! sonle Of tllo White silk from Mrs.
Real Estate Transfers.
G. G. Stevens et ux to John H,
. .... . -
,T .V i mi , -c 7
Hunt's addition to Springfield; $27B0.
llr.irnr nf nl .I'nrr nr Int 1 tilnplr V
w It jepi,Cott et ux to John-FT: i
Bower et ux 9&.4G acres township 13,
-80Utn rang0 u we8t. j10f
wjuinm Jcphcott to W. R.
9C.4G acres township 16, south range
11 west; $1. (
John H. Bower et ux to W, R. Jeohv
cott et ux Part of lot 14, block 2t
Hunt's addition to Springfield;.' $10.
Margaret Morris, administrator, to
M. A. Nlcollo 1C0.02 acres township
17, south range 2 west; $10,410.
Seeka Health Here.
Mr. nnd Mrs, R, T. Crawford ar
rived hero yesterday morn Inc. and
lwlll make their homo with tholr daugh
ier, wra. j, ainrKs on wast wain
street. Mr. and Mrs. Crawford lived,
here five or six years ago, and then
wont to California In the Los Angolos
roglon, In hopes that tho chango would
improve Mr. Crawford's health. Later
'thov moved to Central California and
'modo tholr home with Mrs. Crawford's
decided that Mr. Crawford had felt
, , . .
.bo,tter a o0rf on' ? docl 10
I'wnliinn In Cnnin nilnl.l miinw .tlll nln
I i .u
horo several months at least.
Mrs. Crouch Returns.
Mrs. uoiuort Crouch returnod Sit'-
I.urday after a six weeks' absence spent
In Portland nnd Washington points
.with Mr. Crouch. Sho brought her
slstor's (Mrs. C. R, Beckloy of Port
land) smnlt twins homo with hor for
n visit. Mrs. Crouch Intends to re
main hero about six wooks now.
To Start Addition Next Week.
Everthlng Is about In readiness to
begin building thoproposcd addition
;to tho local Christian church tho fore
part of noxt week. The lumber wlU
bo haulod to tho grounds and other'
preliminaries attended to this wook.
Camp To Start Wednesday,
According to Information given at
tho Booth Kelly Lumber company.,
office In Eugene, It Is thought that
work nt tho camns above WendHmy
j will be resumed Wednesday.
of the Season
f)lmm s wedding gown, whllo upon jnmeB A, jajbert, do
that reposed the dainty kid slippers ceased,
sho had worn twenty five years ago I Plaintiff,
lhat day. Bosldo them reposed tho
White kid gloves In which Mr. Dlmm.
ad probably turned and twisted tho
weuaing ring. The slippers wero
iiuuu ryim iur8, uio nimy ica iroin
the bridal gown, and some prlmroro
blooms. When the pink ana wniin
bestrcamered light abovo was turned
n, the effect was very beautiful.
Mrs. Edgar E. Martin was at home
to tho members of the Needlccraft
club and a number of additional gues's
last Thursday afternoon As
needlework was the chief consldera-
tion 'of the meeting, while gome very
chofco selections on tho VIctrola were
fmjoyed during the afternoon. The
painouc idea was carnea out in tne
decorating the ice cream and red
t white and blue candles which -were
.Included 1b the two course' luncheon
i served. Tiny hatchets were given as
iavcrS. Guests of- the club were
Mesdames .Ralrii Martin, A. MJIagen,
tr O ni..V.
m.o uihu wciuucio ii
A. Mi Beaver, R. P. Mortensea, II. B,
Walker, T .E; Richmond, Robert Drury
;0. H. Jarrett, George Catching, R. L.
Kirk, snd the hostess, Mrs. Martin.
The club will meet -with Mrs. Mao
.Stevenson' on Thursday, March 22.
' .
I pnnnnP.HfilVR 22 has
r Mrs. J. H. Brummette entertained
"the evening was spent with card games
and fancy -work. A short business
session was called. After which toe
, hostess, assisted by Mrs. t. W. btruom
,served refreshments. A good time
, wa.s enjoyed by all. Members pre-
y " "
Ki!fn TlnnnlflRnn. .innn K nrf isonrcf-i
Mien Lonaiuon, juiiu rwori, uearBu
mi . 1.1 . - I .
Hkyden, Mabel Gay, Nellie RlchmonJ,
Hill, Emily Dority. Pearl
Walker. Bertie Walker, Mary Camp -
,,eU Vma McLean and Mrs. J. II.
orummeue. invited guests were: i-.
- V, Strubln. nnd the Misses Sylvia'
''.Strubln and Helen Stevens. .
1 Invitations are out for a SL Patricks
J dance for which the Idlllio club will
jo 1UO81 lor oaiuruuy uveuinK. murcu
17. The dance, which is scheduled
to begin at 8:30 o'clock, will bo given
in Stevens hall.
The Artisan Sewing club will meet
next with Mrs. Vlrgle Townsend on
Thursday afternoon.
The foreign missionary society -of
tho M. E. church will meet tomorro.v
afternoon at 2:30 at tho home ot Mrj.
S. H. Baker. AH ladles are invltod.
Installing New Frog
An extra gang ot workmen under
the direction of J. Schultz, foreman,
' .
began work putting in a new frog at
tho Third street crossing Friday morn
ing. Flagmen1 were stationed, at Sec
ond and Fourth streets warning the
traffic to be diverted on A street. The
, street cars relayed passengers at Th'rd
stroet, an ancient yellow car of tho
circus variety transferring them east
to Tonth street. However, the reg
ular cars wero able to get through
by Friday evening.
Cadman Tsianina
Armory Eugene, Wed. Mar. 14
8:15 P. M.
Great American Composer. Great American Indian
Admission 50c, 35c, 25c .
Reserved seats now on sale at Y. M. C A.
Now, Not i
from" now, is the time to pick up tiro bargains. Our
Eastern cousins start digging out there cars this
month. Then they will not part with these gifts.
Ono,33x4 non skid, $21.00, One 30x3 rion skid, $12.00
Stoddard Dayton Garage '
8th Ave. E. 242 Phone 148 East of Hotel Osburn Halt Elic'
Margaret MrrwadrailW
lstratrlx with tho wlU
annoxed of tho estate of
A T Ufnh:' T t wi
UeV 9 I P Ness, W. L.
Ben'ham, Harriet Ford',1
ma Aianon J. I'oweii,
Defendants, '
fo W. L. Hen ham, Defendant:
OHEGHN: YoU are hereby summoned'
I and required to appear and answer
the complaint of plaintiff In the above
cntltlod suit on or before tho last dajf,
,'of the tlmo prescribed in the orden
for publication of this summons hora-.
I tnnf Inr rfittirraii in. fnurlt- rin nr luk.
fore March 12, 1917, anoTyou are horo?
by notified that If you all so to at
'Pcar or answer, for want thereof, tke
'1n the complaint, viat for a decref
.Hhat there be due on a 'certaincasH
tract dated March, ?1, 1914, betweess
,p.Nc8,the sum oMU.WO.M and tetee
test Ihereo at eight per cent rfom,Der,
enber l, J914JJ243.W Uxee aad six mt,
cent Interest thereon Irom March 21
il915:J199.8$ tafes and laterest at eti
Der cent from April .S.lSieand that the
Court fix 4 time with la which said
sums or money asa laterest ana cost
of this suit be BalCfey. tae last sctfr
defendants, and that iisleee 'bM4cP9T-
ment be made aa decreed, ey the Cevrc
within the time dearee4. by the Cenct
that -eaid last Bassed Mi eadaats f.Mt
each ot taem, ana aetvasd every 944
on clalmlRg aay. jigbt,. tRIe .or late
est wbatsover m aaa to tie lailffi
'coyered by said coatiaet iy. throfllk
or under them, be decreed to have las.
feltod all rikbtl title 'aacT Interest there
in , and forever enjoined from
ing any Interest or claim thereto, a
such other rejlef as may seera meot
and equitable.
Thla summons Is served bj pabll
catlon thereof la the VSpringflehl
News" a newspape or general cir-
dilation tiubllshed In Lane Countr.
f Oregon, under' and by virtue of a
, order of tbe Jonombto O, F. 8kg-
Courtt ,jated janUary 26, 1317, directs
jng publication of paid summons oocw
a week for six weeks, which order;
h2 compiaint orjfore six weeki
irOXXl aajO OL UIO II rat puunuauuuin.
4t.i .mnia
this summons. - t
1 The date of the first publication
of thU summoUaanuarymT.
1 Attorneys, for PlaintitC
Jan. 29; Feb. 5,12,19,26, Mch. 5,12;
Flour. Feed, Hay . and. PouUry supj-.
Piles at lowest prices.'. We buy is
car Iot8; tet UB 8470 you nilddl'
man's profit. Free city aeuvery oat'
. everything we sell.
Springfield Fee'
Springfield Garage,
H. SANDCATHE Proprietory .
Repairing a Specialty
Main, bet Fourth and Fifth. Phone XT
78, A. M. F., Ancient an
Accepted Scottish Rite Uni
versal and Symbolic Frew
Masons meets first an,d thirct
Frjday evening in W. O. W.
halL Visiting brothers -weir
P. A. Johnson
Chas. Kingswell .
R. W. M.
O. R. Guliion,
Practice Limited tl
Eye, Ear, Nose and Thxoati
Graduate Nurse Attending-:
3 06, J White Temple, Eugenevi