The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, March 01, 1917, Image 1

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sure. Knrutry II, I'Olti iorhulnl t.dmnii, Meooud-
VOL. XVI. NO. 10.
) . .
Propo'ooo Alllanco With Moxlca
nnd JapnnJor Conquost
; of Amorlon
V' V i ' '
The States of Texas, Arizona and New
Mexico are to Revert to Former
Washington, Fob. 28.-ln tlio form
VT'.a copy or Instructions koiiI to
rtimn Minister Von Hckhardt Iri
JMyxico City by Alfred Zmiiiidniiiin
airman foreign mlulstor, evidence Is
la tfiO ' hands , of I'rosldont Wilson
showing (hat, Iorlln lmit been seek
ing' to 'arrUKO a Moxlcan-Japuneso
German alllanco to mako war on tho
United 8ates In caso tills country
.atlould bo driven by realtor) of tlio
ruthless uso !of submarines to do
ckiro war on (lonnony.
Tho bait bold out to Mexico is t'to
recovery of tho states of Texas, Art'U'd bud check at tho Dank of Coin
sona and Now Mexico, formorly
Iran territory.
The noto to tho ambassador In Mcx
Iro City was transmitted through
Count von Uornsdorff, Gorman ambus
nailor to tlio United States, recently
Imndod his- passports, whllo President
"Wilson was striving with might and
main to prevent a rupture, of Gorman J
American relations. i
' At tho ramo time tho ambassador
-was instructed to ask tho' Mexican
authorities to act as intormodlarlea
I . .... .1
in, onuoavonng to paten up a peaca
to' subsbquenlly be changed Into an
alllanco, botwocn Japan and Ger
Text of the Instructions.
T1ie text of the copy of tlio la
(.mictions In the hands of tho Unltml
Slates government is as follows
'norlln, January 10, 1917. On tho
(I nit of February wo Intend to bcglii
Btibmarlno warfara unrestricted. In
uptto of this, it is our Intention to
endeavor to keep neutral tlio United
States of America.
"If this attempt Is not successful
wo propose an alllanco on tho follow.
Ing basis with Mexico; That wo shall
m'ako war together and together maka
peace. Wo Jthnll clvo Kenoral flnan
blal support, nnd It Is understood that
Moxlco Is to conquer, the lost tor
rltory In New Mexico, Texas and Arl
zona. Tliu details are left to you for
uottlomehu" , , '
: , Instruction's by Zimmerman1.
."Yoil .uro Instructed to Infonn tbo
pr'efildtmt of Mexico of" the above in
confldenco as soon as it Is certain
Uiat thoro will bo an outbreak of war
-with tho United States nnd suKKect
that tbo. profllclont;of .Mexico! on ills
own Initiative, Should communicate
with Japun, suggesting ttdhorenco at
onco to this plan; and at tho same
tlu)e offer to medluto between Ger
tnany and Japan.
jVPlonno call to tho attontlpn of the
prjBldont of Mexico that tho employ
men of mthloss submarine warfare
nbV promlsos to compol Englnud tu
mako poace within, a, few months.
Tho Republican filibuster on tho
Tovcnuo bill was In full swjng when
anfow minutes 'offer midnight word
r&tchod tho sonato. of tho. Bonsatlonnl
disclosurofl showing Gorninn offortB
oJ enlist Japan and Mexico In wnr
against tho Unltod B(njesaUould (ho
lai)or abandon lis neutrality.
Senate Much Excited '
jlyhe ntfws Bprcad Hko' wlldrira
tlirough the Bonato, chamber and
-caused Intense ,exc!Uo'nienti' Wrcirtoa.l
lu'lovery one's mind waa the probablo
effect It would hajvq upon Uio..tb'lU
gmng tho proiildbnt full ' power to
act against Germany. On all hands
tlio belief was expressed: that should''
tile news prove authentic It would
flying tho ontlro opposition into n
BOlld Una of support behind tho prcBl
1 Joiph Huddletton III.
fjoseph Huddleston a resident "m
Lane county slnco 1858, and brotlior
ofJamos Huddleston, who had the
first storo In Hhigono, is qulto 111 with
tlifl grip at tho Coleman lodging bouu.V
liQjEugonS,; . wjiere i'be nowh'asnhM
aSrtmonts. For tha'ny'yoars Mr. Hud
dlflston lived on his farm near Donna,
1mt a short time ago ho canflo t6
Kifeene to reside Ho Is 80 years of
Springfield Youth, Is Brought tip Be
fore City Recorder.
Upon chargos proforred by Clilof f,t
I'ollco J. U. Kdwards, Herbert Moori,
a mnolr of this clty.was brought boforj
City Recorder 11. 13. Walker In tlio
city hall Monday evening, on a charw
of carrying concealed weapon. Tlio
boy pleaded guilty, and- was fined .!5
but the sontonco was suspended upon
good bohavior.
Tlio occasion for tho chnrge arosa
lltHt Saturday afternoon, when Herbert
itooro nnd u companion went up to
Emerald Heights where a number of
young folks, who woro crijoylng tho
mow by coasting nnd snow flghN,
rnowbajlud tho two. Tho boy bocamo
angry and pulled a loaded revolver
from his pocket. Hln tormentor-!
vT-e'ro silenced and tutor brought tho !
ir.nttor to tho attention of tho chief
of police.
r When broughj boforo tho record or,
the boy testified that ho had not point
pd tho gun at nnyono In pnrlcular, but
that he only meant to scam tho crowd
Bad Check Man Tries Break.
William IJowcn, alias Alfred Had
ley, committed from 1-ano county last
November, was ono of tho insane
asylum patients who, on Sunday uf.
tornoon. .with sovornl othor criminal
Insane attacked tho guards at tho
stato hospital and mado an nUcmpt
to escape uowon Is the man win
appeared Inst summor or fall and pan)
Mo,-:mcrCo, also at tho First National bank
at Springfield, claiming that ho was a
I Canadian soldier on furlough. Ho wad
caught in Illinois and Sheriff Parker
brought htm back hero for trial, but
t boforo the tlmo for trial enmo ho np
. peared to dovolop Bymptotus of In
.sanity and bocamo so bad that ho wan
oxamlnod by two physicians and com
milled to tho asylum by Judge Down,
lu--j -2. ii
' V ',.
Be Formed Here
Springfield Girls Will Be Given.
Chance to Assist in Nation
Wide Preparedness
What tho Honor Guard Is:
A strictly "First' Aid" organization.
In all disasters, local, or national
tho Honor Guard girls will bo ready
to glvo 'practical aid. No ono in
tho organization receives a salary.
Dues arc 25 cents a year to bq sent
to national hoadquartors for tho pur
pose of covering oxponse of print'.ug
stationery, postngo aud the like.
Its purpose to create a spirit of pa.
trfotlsra aud duty; among American
girls Any young womqu boweon tlio
ages of H. nnd'30,y'oars with a knoWl-c-igd
of tho working of her govern
niont, and a recbgnltlon of the? needs
of tier country, and an appreciation
of tlio sacrodnosu of her obligations
is cllgiblo for admission.
Tho code of the Honor Guard is
loyulty ,to country and to.Jha fla,
hqt In morq Up' service IfutlnpVtictical
knowlodgo which they can carry Into
action, In K case of war,, tho girls
would bo competent to' nurse and
care for the families which aro left.
There .aro three bunches: first .aid.
which includes knowing how to cut
aud roll bondages, to disinfect, to do
diet cooking, etc.; home, which umong
othor things takes In . plain sowing.
and tho ctiro'at.chlldreu-nnd practical
education, which prepares for tele
graph operators; tcai-hetthe caro and
driving pf automobile, swimming,
and like diittos, .
There tiro no creeds" nor social re
Flyo thousand nloplK'ra.'of the Guard
aro now workfng In almost every state
in tho Union. nroDarlbsr darnoBtlv and
dfflc.oftlly to idrVo Uctr country In
at Jeast ono definite way Tho slogan
In tnls' state la "One thousand mem
bers for Orniron." anil that tu whnt
M(rfs DimnAvants,:o talk, to the Spring
lie'lS girls abqiit at four Monday after
noon. Should anvono wish in nnm.
f-munfcate-'wjth Miss' !6unn about this
work, sho can bo found at C7G Elev
onthitiVonuQ.t':tn4Eilktino, or can b?
reached by calling, Eugene 2CG-R.
Mill My Start Monday
According to a statement given out
from' tho local oiTIco of tho Booth-f
Kelly Lumbor company at noon today)
.It U expected that the Spriugfiold mill
L will rosumo operations Monday. Tliero
is Hull conBiaorubio snow on the docks,
e.Va'riO.'-a; iroat deal' of .jnow at.
ine camps 'anove, wuicu will mako
it Impc-sslblo for any of the latter,
io, start up immediately. The plnunr
hero startod ostiida)', and et udy
run Is oxpectol.
HlgKUiis of tho Pennsylvania, fliwoivc ftliwie fourteen Inch riOe are
be tigotl against any warship whicVfotackefflpnr coast- , i
Dealers Have Either No Spuds
Or Ohly. Small Stock; Unable ,
to Get Them I
It seems very likely tba tbo Sprlrij
Hold vicinity In common with a groat
many othor sections, will suffer it
potato famlno soon, if thero isn't a
loosening up somewhere Two local
groceries have nd spuds on hand at ticed to have smoke Issuing from It-
li t . i ,,. .k, .
Kit, uuu.ut.-r ub H.-BO mua ono hck
of small onos.
And they can't get
At one Btore, "where they had been
out $cvoral days, it' was said that j
fanner came to them yesterday and
sald.'heliad been ofTered" three and
a quarter cents a pound, but that ho
didnft want to bbther about driving
around wltli his few sacks. "What
do you want for thom?" ho was. asked
"Four cents." ho nnswored.
Orio dealer didn't seem to mind tho
potato scarcity, for "Wo don't need
thom," ho said. "Tho people don't
want them, wo haven't sold any :o
speak of for two weeks. Folks aro
buying rice and beans instead. Rico
vhasn't been as cheap" for four or five
.. .... M 14 t -i -. . ' ....... M
"I've got one spud," ono grocer,
said. "I'm going to havo that mouut
qd and woar It for a stick-pin."
Thoso stores which aro fortunate
linough to have "potatoes on hnndf Hn
riot claim that they' are of tho best
Quality and thoy admit that they are
small also. . ,
Judge says Flegal Land Case Should
Be In Equity Court.
Tho Jury In tho caso of L. E. Flegal
rind othors against' A.' J.. Perkins ah J
Shers in the circuit court Monday af
nioon handed in an instructed vor
S. Coke, whoeard the case, iriatru'c
eu mo jury to uring in sucn a vennet, tp. m. Aanress, miss moicu uowgui, w.
stating thetcaso should havo beon j,A. C. 1:45 p. in, Piano solo, Miss
suit in equity for the specific por -
fonnunco of; a contract. This was a
.caso whorelh tho plaintiffs sued. for
a balance uileced duo on a land sale
contract. The Jury consisted of, the
following: Sam Sorcnson, A. L. Huck,
Rimer. A Lamb, G. V. Holland, E. h.
McRoynolds H, A. Rust, "Charles C;
Whltten, Hi W. Whitney, Janw
Working, Martin, NbffBtnger, J T.
.Vlnlng and H. 13". Walker, .
. ' Quiet, Yes, Very( Very Quiet
, , Here's one, from an .exchange; how
nbnut ItT .-)- - -
: A thtofslcklr little man entered 6a 1
df our. storea recently and tjuietlv i
(muted himself on' a convenient chair.
One of tho clerks annroached and
sked if he wished to purchase any
thing. "Oh, no, 1 Just dropped in for
a' ;few minutes" ho ald.. After halt
u'tj hour had passed the proprietor
approached to stranger and askhd
what ho could do fo him". "Why
ficjthlng that I know of ,w said the man
'iyou Bog?ivBave 'D,rygu prc-atrawn
'(id the doyorJpl-pett9,;ty tn.V
'iet place, Notlplag. tbtti yon 'did
not advertise I thought this would
l4 about tho quietest place I could
flM. ,
W. E.' Dodge ot ux to "A, J, Porklna
tmct tp. 17 S. R. 8 W ?10.
. t tit Jtl M
, -J
Albert Wachsmutfy Who t Lives
in Old Building, is Unhurt '
Damage NotGreat.
A fire alarm was turned &' at 2: 15
this afternoon, when the. od Mount
Hood saloon building located 'on So ith
I Second street, and owned by W. u.
; a ir .e mjLi A 4
tMcFarland of Jadlklns Pdint, was np
wayner waiKins ana Mrs. u. m. urao-
'ban noticed the' fire first, the fire, the bbya i were the first to make" a trall
whistle sounded, and the flr depart 'up the hllL '
ment arrived almost at once. r -
The "bkMe was put out without a
. great deal of trouhle. 'but RteThard.
, to estimate ' the, damage',' since uia
bunding is old' and had parially'burn
ed a ear ago this winter, when It
'caught fire. Albert Waehstriuth', who
lives' in the building was away' from
homo when the fire was discovered.
and he does not know what cauBsd
, It. Mr. Wachsmuth saved his do?
from the house, but got nothing elso
out. However, his effects arp more
Injured by the water than flro. Tho
oxtent of damage to his person 1
,'prop'erty was not known at the tima
? 1 1. . . . r I.
sniuth has lived In tho building about
four years.
INSTITUTE PROGRAM IS OUTi ln? Rt fefUnB e Jtot ""'riorsabdnfo
tmlttee and the Lane County Credit lniI wii-fhus limlUBe, tha
Session of March 10, Promises to Do
. , . .Interesting. One.
Folio wing" Is.. the program fop tho
local teachers' Institute to be heli
Saturday,- March 10, at Springfield.
10:00 a. m, America by' audience,
vocal solo, Miss Lepta. McCracken.
10:15 a. in. Address, Professor C. A.
Gregory, U. of O. 11:00 a. m. Recess
11:10 a. m. Piano sold; Miss Ruth Scott
11:20 a. m. Address, Hon. E. F. Carlton
12:00 to 1:00 Noon hour. 1:00 p. m.
Columbia Gem of the Ocean, audience.
jjvocal solo, Miss Eunice Parker. 1:10
IDorrls Slkos. 1:55 p. m. Reading
Dramatisation, tho 2nd grade Lincoln
. School. 2:30 p. m. Dismissal,
! At the noon recess, a fifteen cent
lunch will bo served by members of
jthe domestic scienco department.
Take,s Charge of Store
, Mr. .and Mrs, D. J. Yates and family
haved! moyed! hero from Wenatchee,
Washington, and have takon charge of
tliejge'rierarstore In West Springfield,
formerly owned by Mrs. Yates' father,
B, T. C611lu'8. The latter has gone to
the Soldiers' home at Rosebur'g. Mrs.
Yfttes- will caro for the store, while
tes mn De onBagea in omer
beon In the grocery bustness on a largS
To Give Literary Program.
An attractive poster In the pot
ofllce announces the follow In tr nro
gram u do given at tno sjpnnguei'i
high school, Saturday evening, March
3,jftt 8 o'ql9ck: recitation, vocal dueta,
pantdmlne play, "piano trio, male qua
tet, and .Pi'ayette Hector.
Married by County Judge.
At tha county, courthouse ronruary .
&ii im. ileddorly V. Church, ot Port
laid .'a'naWsi' Jlntdo:JHiptWjJoC
npnusuoiu waro marnou uy vouuir ,
Judgo H. L. Dolvn.
carried by the dreadnaugiit and would
t "'
Heavy Snow De-nMe. Building Ba. ' AdBitBtetratlofl effloteta, mite
longing to 8. M. 6e4ctard. I t. whlle V" '
give congresrreasonaM tltee to'grraat
S, M. Goddard of this city, received , hlta affirawkiBf' hid' KUthoritj' to
o, telepKono message from his dadga-iarm merchant shjp, anil "use sack
te'r whb lives but at 'Spencer -Butte. other Instruineofaes as 4 tear
flyo miles ''south of Eiigeae, telling, deeni teeasarytUi feept 'Oi" sltsatto;
.t. . . . i . i. M rfift. to nufld tn fa Tan Tn o f f ixr "urfa J
uim Mint .luo vuun imu ucluiuu bj
heavy that bis barn gave way. Tho
were several head of stock In tho
bam but none of them were hurt Ona
horse received a few cuts about tho
'Frank Goddard and Wesley Courtrlght
who,went,out the some 'day to look
after lie stock undertook the' drive
up the hill. but the enow became so
deen that -thev had to leave thi buirim
Jby tho road side and foot it on tc'i
...... ,1
thfi ranch, hbout two mHesTfurtBer:
Lane Scliool- Fail
Postponed 1 Year
Conflicting Dates Makes Plan of
Fair This Year Impractica
ble, Committee Decides
On acount of conflicting dates, tli- '
school fair, which has been an. annual .
eWmt in Lane county for 'a number of
years will be postponed until next'
year. Decision , not to attempt the
school fair was reached Tuesday morn
association. president's authority to Borne extend
It was found that the armory could , The Becond reBtrictlon waa lhe
not be secured for any Satnrdv; of a prov,slon aEalast use ot
.May except. May 19, and this da buWau t0 ,n8are 6h,.
follows bo closely V the eighth grade 5rrylng-mlm,jo01JS; . v
examinations that schools womd hot , The 1aUer pvIstoa ma)r hriBgtte
have suitable- oportunlty to prepaw , ,o anned M Rnd munltna que3
for the. fair Accordingly the Prc'ona ,nto fte nt BUuaTloael
Ject was deferred for a year, and at deye, compncit,on8 when a" vote
that timo It was determined to appoint .
(committees to begin In the fall ?
, that preparations can be made before
. if la iff in in tn rirt thD w"Ylr tiro II
" -V w " T v''
Plans call for a largo number of cash
prizes to be distributed next year.
Hlnkspn's Sued Again.
Two ctrciilt court suits were filed
Monday against A. H. Hinkson. his j , The next stop toward passage at
'wife and others to recover money oa , tjie measure in tho house Is to get a
promissory notes and for the foro-. rule for expedious action. The house
closure of mortages. Tho First Na-'niay walhowever, upon senate ac
tional, bank of Springfield suos for Hon. t
a Judgement ot J15.000, with interest Text ,of'Sena)e' Bill. ,
at tho rate of eight per cent, perl T.h? bill as laid before e sena
annum, $1200 attorney fee and for , would provide: r ' ...J'f v.
'tha fnrhAi Bum nf ici en- tout I i 'That 'commanders and crew of all
paid on mortgaged premises, together ijierchsnt 'T'esselr of the' Unltecl fetates
with interest at the rate of six pet" "and bearing -tWyegistrM of -'the United
cent from November 14. 101.' In the , States, are, ereby putjiorUed jo- anp
other suit the bank seeks the recov , ap4 defend , such vessels against ua
cry ot ?2567.79 with interest at ' ha , lawful f attacks and I the, pwsld&li it
rate o( eight per cent per annum from the tnitecTStateB is Hereby authoHaed
sepiemuer o, iai, vu.oa aa tax mon-i,"!""
ey paid on tha rate of slit per cent
and $250 attorney fees . ,
Rebekahs Entertain President. fthot beMtlwrt
Quito a good crowd, considering thaj' fr.W',
abort BOtlce'.vatteaded a call: sewleW ( It6nj,a!1" " la
of tl,e'iSprfagneld Rfebekah lodge c-ah,18 JWgenanW8scretlflm seem.
Thursday eVenln. iwhen Mrs. Neititfv'ry . and, aesuate tq prpteet
Vattenburg present dt'the RebeWah m tf0 tn ft.aiT&fl -VV&W
J,er:.onty, laBtvnilnute.sinqe, she
had planned, tp go, to Walterville, put
was'bre - vented from dolnte so becauso
!ptthe - ba4 rai8; While' in Springilo.d
wiv w khui ai mo uuiuu o-i xwr.
nd Mrs. W, F. Walker.
( Will Go Limit to Safeguard
American Lives and Prop
erty orvSeas , j
Failure- e twlnakers1 p'nmpiiy W'
Give Mr. WllsJ0r;ull Power
May .Hamper jHim. .. ,
WeWhiKtofi February 2S.--wiji. .
ia the. Gerjnaa crisis Ugbteaed to
th'e ' breakYK piiJnt UiiigW M'rM
deal? Wikfos -WakeW ier'.cogre
make clear its attitude on kie 4a-
cA States rb'asls .i rai4
ivf. wy ? " . V
view congress finally takes. It waa
stated thai before many ikya Amefl
caa ships, JiiriBg 'Ararica gvas aa4
Americaa gnaners, to. defend their
right at sea, -win lie defyingtke perils
of the Gemaii fmbmarlne" sose.
Tonight he adrnkitetratkm took
stock of a long, Hae of action 3 bv
Gernfany, which oae by oe fcav
been added to 'the mass at dispatM
that have stretched .the . patience o?
.... ' " -' U:-'J-! .mm
J Uiis couniry. inew latmtmw), am
jclMs eclra", csasMerM OHHialatlv
'iyr wW form .the sasla of Presldet
1 Wifse-a's derjataaUohs to .'protect
AmAr&T-A!r rJvm-marftt and AntBricftii
a M-te t if
or mem iohows:
The violatloBS of American rlgkt3
by German .submarines culmlnatiag
in the Binklng of the Lacbnla and the
death of two American women. This
was accepted in administralon ciri
cles as tho "over act" that would
mako the fateful "next step" Imperative.-
Committee Sustains President
The house of foreign affairs com
mittee today Upheld President Wilsoa
request for -pow6r to meet the la
ternatlonalsituation but witli two t im
portant restrictions.
I Authorization for use of "other lnv
strumentalltfeB" aside from guns, gaa
M tnhoU8e,bm now stand,. It
, . tn PreB,dent w
rviitne minnaM on tl fill (1(1(1 nn(V
tho guns and gunners tp be used .to
"protect ships and citizens of the
United States ragalnst unlawful' attack;
In thetr" lawful and peaceful pursuits,
on the high seas"
df" "'fi"
, :4,th de'fenstv' a'rnjs.r'e arfa .-aft'.attd
also, wjtn
i the necessary ammunition
'and. means of maklnlr.) UBa ot .them.
.PjreMbfct of theTJaitwl StattMtsr'tW
vh-1 yyms jev
fbi-egolng povlalonB,, the adt'mn, Io
nti vntli tho first Any rl Tan;
iairnufa 6n"r-.g t,0 ' "