The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, February 22, 1917, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    THURSDAY, IHfln, 22, 1017.
Otir Htoro is often referred to an the "Purcol Vpai
Phimnncy," bbcmiHo It Ib gonornlly known that wo de
vote ( much tlino Mid attention to mall ordcrH. Wo
imtuntlly tnlco pride In tlio promptiiofis nnd dispatch
with which nuill orders are filled and, forwarded. Send
ub your orders for
which aro usually carried In an up-to-dtito drug store.
Proocrlptlono and Roclpoo may al3o bo sent by mail.
J m , . . . J
10WH JUKI VlClHliy
. ...
Carl Tyler loft Sunday evening for
Colfax, Washington.
Mrs. a 13, Knott Is Quito 111 at her
homo at tho cud of Fifth street.
, . . .
Mailo Gibson spent Sunday at Don
na with her grandmothor, Mra. Allon.
Mrs. W. II. Gulley was In from
Waltorvlllo tho first of tho weok
Mado at Egglmnnn's chocolnto-dip
pod chorrlos, olghtycents a pound.
Mrs. C. Whitlock Is moving out to
Douglas Gardens.
Waltor H. Ilcrndon Is now with tho
M. G. Brosslor aud Son hardwaro com.
Itoy Ilolvcrson returned from tho BOmo money now. Try one. J. C. Hoi
slogging district or Washington Tuos brook.
day morning. I
I W. F. Howell, who was Injured tit
Buy your groceries at Snood's. They tho Booth Kelly mill somotlmo in
?glvo C cash discount. 'December, und who has been In the
Miss Ollvn Mooro of Rmrene Is nnnn.1 l'l'Pll most Of tho tlino since, is
Ing tho week In Sprlngnold and visit
ng her sstor, Mrs. Will Bishop.
J. F. Standard of Wcndllug was ad'
mlttod to tho Eugene hospital for modi
cal treatment tho first of tho weok.
Clinton Conley Is confined to his
.homo with tho chicken pox nnd tonsil
Think right, talk right, do right and
buy right," from Wolf and MHler
A good crowd enjoyed the Ilobokah
social evening Monday night,
A'a, B's, nnd C's entertained.
son, returned yesterday to their homo
In Portland Tuosday morning nfter a
wook's visit with frlonds hero.
Tho local schools aro not cIob.kI
today, but patriotic programs nrcj
being given.
Buy your first class grain hay at J
J. Browning's Food Storo. ..
J. V. Fry, who has boon sufforlnK
with an attack of qtilnzpy, was ablo to
bo out of doors again yesterday.
A commlttco
( a npnnnrtMir tnn im '
v'""r '
-.Epwnrth Lcaguo
'Friday ovonlng.
social to ho
Mnrk Kndlcott, of tho1 O. K. barber
shop hns niovod his 'resldoucb' from'
.Sovonlh nnd G streets' to Fifth nnd
G stroots,
Stop that cough I with Egglii'innn'a
mothol cough drops.
I). It. Fish, a rqCont nowcomorrtol
this soctlon from Junction City, was
In town from his rnnoh nt Prunovillo
. Tlio daughtor of Frank W- Titus, n
merchant of Mnrcola, who was sorloiw tho cfodltors.
,ly 111 with, pnoumonla, has ontlroly ,
rocovorod. Uovorond nnd Mrs. Forrja loft by
1 .early train ytostordny morning for
Crood Brnttnln nnd Lloyd McKay l ebnnon and North Palostlno whoro
loft, Sunday nlijht for Portland on , they attonil soolal functions of Bap
;routo to Hlnhmond, Cal., whoro they (tlst young pooplus soclotlos on Thurs
oxpoot omploymont.' .day nnd 'Friday ovonlngs. nnd wl'l
. , locottpy''UiQ pulplta on tho comtntr
npni lorgoc our Hununy qpocini
clilnkon dinner from 12 until 3
Mr. and' Mrs. Qporgo Valoor and
daughtor, who wont to Richmond, Call
farnln, a yenr ago, rsturnod to Sprint;.
field yostqrdny, '
Mrs. E. It). Brattnln returned Tuen
' day from Mnploton, whoro she spent
a fortnight visiting hor dnughtor,.Mr.
Otto Rico, nnd family,
i Mrs. Jcsslo Nowmnn nnd son Mamil
ro.Curnod to their' homo In Portland
Tiionilay morning after A vcok's vUlt
with f nonda iioro.
.. Mr. and Mra, A. M. Boavor loft Tuon
day4 mornhig for a shprt visit with
rolatlvos nt IClnmath Falls niul Ash.
land, Thoy will return nbonj; MnroH
1, when Mr. Beavor wJl tako up hi?
dutlos with tho Chnmboro' hardware
company of Eugono,' with whom ha
has roccntly accepted a position.
Tho roply of tho KIschorBoutln Luin
Iter company to tho nniiwor of tli
findant In tho suit of tho lumber
I'ttny against B. ICImcr Itussoll for
CJ(JB( hag fllc(, n lho crcut
fttr entntinnv in Mm nniwflp nf dm rt.
for dam
. ,, , , . t '
Walter . I Iorndon formerly of tho
leaver llorndon hardwaro company
li now with M. 0. UrcsHlor and Bon.
vhoro ho will bo pleased to groat hltl
'old frlonds and patrons M. C. Dressier and Son have taken
. , ,ovcp tho U)clt of tho Beaver Horndon
Reverend Ferris, has word from Dr. hardware company, and aro flow bettor.
i J!ylZ "l" T1 er to servo tho publte
mo in Sprlngnold about March IS
I for ovanKollntlci mqotlngs according;
to announcement
Claronco 1 1 111 plans to roturn to hli
school at Camp Creek next Monday
after having spent two weeks at his
homo horo, engaged In onjoylng tho
A now shipment of Now Homo sew
Jng machine, lust In. Tou can mako
v"0"'" wul Bradually.
Josso Baker, former owner of tho
Springfield Times about threo year
ngo, and who now lives In Portland, is
i visiting at tho homo of his brother, It.
M. Baker.
, For Men's and vBoya' work, dress
or hi cut shoes, or first class repairing
soo W. A. Hall, tho shoo doctor. Main
betwoen Cth and Cth.
Mrs. Ernest Derrick and baby aro
,horo from Alaoa nnd aro visiting at
tho homo of hor sister in law, Mr.
Charles Ha nit, and mothor In law,
Mrs. Derrick.
J.C. Burns who hns been very III
mo tlmo Is slowly Improving.
Sunday Mr. Burns was nb!o to drlvo
to tho homo of his ilnughter, Mrs. J
W. Baker, to spend tho day,
Mndo at Egglnmnn's chocolate-dip
pod cherries, olghtycents a pound
Mr. and Mra. M. A. Young and chll
dren arrived horo yostordny from Gnr
vals to Join Mr, Young, who hns boon
hero for about two weeks, nnd who
1 has boon nromirlnir to nnnn n rnnfn-
.. I
unnnrv m inn wrv iiniififnr.
According to n lolophono mossngo
from Strnud Ujpp, of Camp Crook,
thoro wro nine Inches of Know ov
tho lovol tltoro yosterdoj'. Cnmp
Creelt -Is 'i t, mllos from Springfield
nnd at, a higher olovatlon.
. ',' e
Aro you tuldnir ndvnntniro nf thnl
i , if- -
6 discount nt Snood's
. . ,, . .
1,e nn,t "leuUK or tho creditors
of Fo MP,0 bankrupt, woa hold In
itno olllco of 3- a' Wolls. Justice of
tho poaco In Eugono Monday nftorhoo-t
I, 'P. Nlcklln was elected trustee for
ihIh tlnyTlioy return or Montlny.
Good rdllnblo llro insurance. No
POBKinoiita:ino membership foo. Pay
oiioj itnd you are done. 11. K Walker,
at the City Tlnll.
A numbor of local Odd Fellow
wont to Eugono Tuesday ovonlng to.
nttond n commjttoo mooting In tho 1,
iQ, O. IVhall, (Arrangements aro bf
hjg madjl'to I19I1I an Odd Fblloys p'.c
itlo ln'tI),o Hour, futuro,
v.Tbo ypdy'ot)Mra. Elizabeth La Bluo
Vl'fo of W. A. LnBluo of Indian Crook
who dlod at tho Morcy hospital on
Monday' was nhlppod thin, mornlnir
from tlio Wnlltor undortnklng unrlors
whom it had boon proparod for burinl
t Monroe, whoro tho funOrol will bo
hold today. m
Mru. E, M, Dury.oe, who recently
unrterwqnt an. operation at th'o Spring
flold hospital, was removed to hor
homo on A strodt betwoen Seventh
and Eighth yestorday.
. If. . Walker Is ftufferlss from aa
attack of tho grip,
Earl Lnxlon returned to Springfield
tho first of the week.
MIm Olive Moore
Eugene is
dressmaking hero this week,
Mado at Kgglmann'a ebocolato-dirr
pod cherries, olghtycents a pound.
J. C. Burns In fcolnfg a llttlo hotter
thin morning than ho was yostorday.
Itemcirtbor tho 13. B. U. gled ciub
at tho Christian church tonight.
(Earl Mooro on Saturday purchased
a now Chovrotot car from Eugono,
Now Homo and Now Ttoyal Sowing
Machines makomllllons of homos hap
py. They aro fully guaranteed. The
prlco Is right. It will pay you to
Investigate J. C, Holbrook.
Joo Wnkoflold and, Floyd, JJcnnlne
ton of HI uo Illvor wore In Springfield
cu Tuesday, y
The Pprlngflold Food company ship
pod In ono cat; of cemont and ono
car of land plaster tho past week.
Yostorday morning tho barometer
at Sutloy's meat piarkot registered
lie lowost In four years, predicting
cold weather In tho next 24 hours.
Tho Infant eon of Mr. and Mrs. John
Dostor of Douglas Gardens, died Sun-
with a complcto line of hardware
The Springfield garago reports tho
sale of a Ford auomobllo to Thomas
McKlnrts of Douglas Gardens yester
day. Lot us flguro with you on that
Cament Job. Wo have a fresh stock
of tho best Cement In tho market.
We aro prepared also to handlo alt
orders for Land Plaster at towcet
prices. Springfield Feed Co.
Spaod and Rang of Viiloi Three
Ti'moi That of Destroyer.
Wnshlngton. Hour Admiral Peary,
chulrmun of the Natlonul Aerial Coast
Patrol Commission, when the break
with Germany came emphasized tho
bearing of the critical international
situation on tho necessity for nn ade
quate acropluno coast patrol.
"If congress," ho went on, "should
order tho ltiKiiedlate moblllzatlou of al.
ulr men In tho country und tho training
of .",000 aviators, should enlist tho varl-
oils nerlul organizations and interests
of tho country In registering applicants
aud should make mandator' tho train'
lug of 2,500 uviators In six mouths aud
of this entire 5,000 In a year it would
go for toward remedying n present de
fect In our defense whli-b presents pos.
slullltles of the gravest danger.
"Tho aeroplane wll) be tho quickest I Of the 111,071,070 men from eighteen
nnd cheaiK-st nntldoto for tho subiua- to forty-tlvo years, old -15.35 per cent
rlne. Its speed ai d range o: vision nro are single, widowed or divorced (435
threo times that of the fastest destroy- I per cent being single). If this percent
er.;. It can detec t and fo'.low n subma- age bo applied to the 10,535,040 the
rlr.o that Is entirely lurl:-.iblc to nny ilguro urrlvetl at after deductions for
surract, craft. It tan i!enroy the sub- Sickness, physical defects and1 Indus
marine when It comes near tho stirruce. 1 trlul 'nect'ssltles-thc number available
One thousand hydroaeroplanes along ; for service becomes 4,778.030, or 22.7
our Atlai)tlt'.coast wilt donblp tho cfil- percent or the entire number of mabs
elelicy of our destroyers uud mosquito ; from eighteen Tb forty-tlvo. This Is
tleotnnd ncreu.o tint vcluo ot our Coast
protection from 200 to 300 per cent"
Phptooraphlo Films.
The photographic film was developed
h)1tho larger sense liy' t heritor. Han
nibal Goodwin."- 'i'hfe uiah made possi
ble movliiir .pictures, jjoortwln died
poor poorer than If he had novor lu-'i
vented niiytuliiKyitfJur a long fight In
nip courts Willi a iiliotosiapliU- com
pnny that founht his rlghi to obtain n
I- . -
Curious Extint Animal.
Tho Ainblyptida was one or the most
L'UI'loils Ol' till) I'XtlMrt kIiii'Iii nf inntn.
nml. They were the sle of the ele- 1
puani aim nail live toes 011 eaiii toit
ending In hoofs .Instead of nails. Pe-
mains of these have been fouud In
Ihilaiid. but the besi .specimens have
come from North America.
, Clock TaUos Vacation,
Mlddlep'oit, O.-Morgnn .Johnson, a
nowsimiicr dli trlbutor hero, bought a
clock lu 1881. it ran aloiiK very cheer
fully until ubotit nine .yejirs 1130; whoa
it sibpnptt stoilt slJII. "Np nnjbnnVof
norsliailon would Btu.t it- nffutn. The
olliov (lay his sister Kettu was (lustlriu;
wim mo Unmim to touch it, wu,e
gjiou, It tr;efl off Jw, vhJaniHj; ai'nt
llrat, and iflias been H:eeplnu.Kood lime
j ml striking tho hours over hI'jk'u.
0 '
Nolsonvllle, N. Y. - rhlllp
Oarfllner bniko his rlBht.nru In
his linsto to Jump from' u Uiov
Iiik trat.i when a wanton brooio
lifted his hut tlu'DURli tho car
window and lauded It In li
climip of woods, DespUo his'
Injury- ho JJoAuwl when he found
tho4i)'l'lcoe. lie Inid sow'ed in
sldo tho band ?ShJ In bills.'
0000000000 30000000
Defense Council Figures We Can
Raise 4 77fl 050
iiauc t,,,u,jw.
Still Greater Number Might . Be Put
Under Arms In Re
cruiting Oldor Men, Lowering of
Phytlcal Standards and Placing Wo
men In Men's Jobs.
New l'ork. An nimy of 4,78,000 of
men between cigliteou and fdrty-llve
years old n ror military service Is
avnllnblo hi this country, according to
the cHtlinnfo of an Investigating staff
of tlio executive com tnltti'o of tbo may-
or's committee on nutlouul defense.
A still jgrcuter n timber nilglit be put
under nrins In a serious emergency, ac
cording to the committee's report, by
tbo recruiting of older men, by tho
lowering of physical standards and by
the employ went of women iu occupa
Uons now open only to men.
Tho task of ctttlmutlug the total re
sources of the nation In men available
for military scrvlco between the ages
of eighteen and forty-five. Inclusive, is
complex. . For into this calculation
thefc enter many uncertain factors. In
addition to the morbidity rate and the
physical rejection rate there is to bo
considered the dependency of families
and the need of men of mature years
in tbo business and industry of the
In 1010 the males from eighteen to
forty-flve years old In tho United States
numbered 21,071,07a Although approx-
imateIy l,(XX) were aliens and there-
officials of tho census bureau consider
that the Increase In population be
tween 1010 and the summer of 1010
has about compensated for these.
Through a deduction of 2Vj I'cr cent
for morbidity, the, total of 21,071,070
becomes 0,511,300, nnd through a de
duction of about 12Vj per cent for puys-
leal defects there is a further reduction
to 38,007,050.
Tho census table: showing the num
ber of men In various occupations
farmers, factory workers, miners.
physicians, lawyers, railroad employ
ees, clerks, public officials and so on
have been carefully examined, and the
effort hns becji made to rea"h an ap
proximate estimate of the number that
could bo simrcd for military duty In a ;
serious emergency. This leads to th?
estimate that 17,000.000 out of the XO,
091,501 employed, or 53-1 per cent. :
could be brought Into'sep'lce if needed.
And this iterccutagc applied to the 18,-
O07.0S0 physically fit between eighteen
nnd forty-live yrars oid rIvcs 10,53.",-0-10.
Still unconsidered, however. Is mnr-
Itul condition or doondeucy. Though
unmarried men have dependents, then- '
arc married men who arc In such clr
i cumstuiK-e.s that they can do military ;
I service without Imiwdlug hardship
' upon their families. How nearly tho
latter come to offsetting tho former ,
cannot lie stated even approximately. ,
In this nlculatlon all the single, wid
owed, and divorced men aro assumed
I to be available and' all the married
men unavailable. !
about ono out of live.
in the attempts to estimate n' na
tion's human military resources it hns
been lMrne in mind that the result tie-
lends upon highly elastic fnctors.
j Dpon the seriousness of the emergency
which faces' u nation must depend in t
grant'a proportion of extmip-
; tlons from mllUary duty.
The -xeutivo couimltteo is composed. j
or WUlnrd Straight, clirtlrmun; Clere-
I"d. H.; Bodjie. William t. Dymnn,
Mnjor Francis G. London, John Mltcii-
oll, Geoiw W. Perkins, cx-SiHTOtan' t)f
War Henry L. .SUpison, Alfred B-'
Smith and Alexander Jl. White.
Socialist Assomblymsn Asks Its Also
SuqoosU Ear Trumpet.
Albany,. N. v.- jSoth:!M Aenembly'J.'l. W&Uehom ". U.u
s",sw.ted to Hn- clw'.v 1' t'te osembly
that aat No. 140, whl. li "he occupies,
"be 1 aluted ivd."
'WIin 1 drew tho stoat at the begin
ning of the session," lie explained, "I
wiu told It vaw occutt by Socialist
AKxeinblyman ShiplacoCf or Brooldjn ypat fo I feakl why not 4ialut It
roil and ese!vo, It for any Socialist'
who may bo (Iected'to the assembly In
the futrnv." .
Wiiltehoru. who couualns tlmt,lho
cannot wt, favorable m tlon an n reso
lution iiifctvut tliii; the 1'ublJc Buildings
OoDUulMston to hJpioe tho acoustics
of the R.'svuibiy clmmber, now svigjjgjits
thut saih iiswmblyman bo ,snpplod
with nn ear trumput at statu expense.
Goos's Crop Held 1027.
Sf, 1.6uis.-Vl,ion John 13,-1. Ernst
killed a filft kooo ho found In ItH crop
a half doliar. tweni.v vix qumtoVH,
twenty-sin dimes. tMi'tecn liMels.and
two pennies. This i o -lujr'cHl banh
aviis (i Christmas l'iini-, ;. on Krust by '
the Cl'.i;'l0.v l'.' nf u I'm i'1'y sim'c wlnjro 1
he H ilijcf ' i'iv v is r refund.
h Ri'iwt c(ui.-i(!oi tholM .' a piose
lucltides till- Imlln-t.' Tlio total of tin'
-o'.sa's savlu, 'v. .i . .'""...'7.
Reverend W. N. Ferris, minister.
Bible school at 10:H ft. hi. Mrs. 3.
1'ltzgerald, superintendent, Divine wnr
ship at 11:00 a. m. Sermon by Brother
Arthur Pengra, Let his many friend?
r-oto thIfl and Klvo hlm a g00(1 audienco
Sonlor and Junior meetings C;30 p. m,
Evening scrvlco of song and sermon
7:30 nl "rothcr Pcngra will agald
feak. Music by chorus choir, A
cordial Invitation s extended to all.
Chris II. Jensen, pasor,' Sunday
school at 9:45. C. E. meets at C:30
tp. m. Subjects for noxt Lord's Day
services as follows: Morning 11 a.
m. "Go Forward;" Evonlng, 7:30 P -
m. a Miunigni conversion." special f
nuirlc V tho quartette, preceding
the rcriJi'r.. You aro Invited to attend
Assistant Is Selected.
C. C. Calkins, lately graduated from
0. A. C. and formerly In charge of tho
farm experiment station at Moro, Or.,
bas been selected to act as assistant
1 to NAItobb. county agricultural agent
Tho United States government pays
half the erpenses, of assistants wher.j
they aro needed and the state ani
caunty pa'yB tho, balance. Tho work
in the local office has become so heavy
that Mr. Rohb needed a helper and
Mr. Calkins was chosen.
Nelson Family Leaves.
Mr, and Mrs. Jack Nelson and fami
ly left Saturday night for Raymond,
Wash., where Mra. Nelson will Jola
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George
Smith, formerly of Springfield. Mr.
tfelson will continue to - Milwaukee,
Wl to attend t0 lmportont business.
hIa helnhlp propertjr
,,?a.t 18 ,n dts?ute' whch he m
laim. For tho first time In 19 years
Mr. Nelson is returning to his homo.
Has More Cancer Trouble.
In a letter from Molvln Fenwlcjc
dated February-17 at Santiago to Will
Bishop, be says: "Leave tho 20th
! for Savanab, Mo. More cancer trna-
ble. Wife will come home, leaving
hero today. Melvln Layton ate sup
per with us last night. He is oay
! of the soldiers at Fort Rosencran.
Peas are In market here and all kinds
! of fresh vegetable. Springfield will
look good to me wbon I get back."
Farmers and Dairymen
,,. . -..M.-.-.-...,... ..... ,t m
We have taken over the
' . -. , .
agency for the
Cream Separator
arid carry them in stock
together with the parte and fittings.
Weaiso carry a.
Line of Daify Supplies
' S
Friday, February 23, 1917
I t 8:00 o'CIpck S
Cottage Grove High. I
J ( ' 'Last Game of the Season I
Admission 25 Cents
PHONES Office, 3; fles4ltnv 1H)
Over Commercial Barvk, ,
Springfield. Oreton-. '
t Office (n City Hall. Sprlngnold, Ora
" "' 1111 ' ' " 1 "
Homeopathic Physician and Surge
Office, Baptist Parsonage
Corner Second and C Street
You can't afford to bake
our own bread;
Try out: the plan of fcttirtg
is do all your baking and sea
Tor yourself "if it isn't chean
ir and more satisfactory!
Springfield Bakery
With the
High Cost
of Wheat
8:00 o'Glock