The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, February 05, 1917, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    MONDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1017.
Stationery and
Every word In your letter takes n reflection from
tho stationery uaod, If you want your letters to re
flect tiiHto, refinement und'dlgnlty tlicn uho
Highland Llnon.
This lino of Htutloncry Is up-to-dato an to stylo
and form, and novel and attractive In texture.
It him Individuality.
Beware of Ointments for
Catarrh that Contain Mercury
n mercury will aurly tfeitroy tli am
of atnell and completely derawce tha
wlioln iyittn when anlarltiK It throuirli
tha mucou aurfaceii, Hucli article should
never bo timti) nn prescription!
from ronutnblo phyalclnttn, no tho damago
tlicy will do lit ln fold lo the Rood you
ran poMlbly derlvo fiorn them, Hull's
Catarrh Cure, mnnufnctiirrd W .V 3.
Clirncy & Co,. Tolrto, (),. contnlnr no
mercury, and In tnkrn Internnlly, acting
directly upon tho blood nnd miicoun tir
faces of tha nyitem. In buying Hull's
Catarrh Cure bo ura you et tho genu
Ino. It In taken Inlernnlly nnd mndt In
Toledo, Ohio, by F, J, Cheney & Co. Tea
tlmonlal free.
Hold by DrupelHU. Trice 75a per bottle,
Tak Itali a Family Fllli for conallpatlon.
f Tfown and Vicinity,
JT. -C. Burns Is still qulto III.
John Ilryan waa In from Prunovlllo
Walter Kdnilston wns down frotu
ion Kalu'duy.
Mro. A. 1. McKcnzoy Is assisting
( f -
with Invoicing at Hampton's storo,
Duy your flrot c(ibb grain hay at J
J. Ilrownlng'a Food Store.
Miss Gladys I.oach has been III with
tho grip at hor homo In Kugcno.
Harry Shcn Ihim hnd nn attack of
tho grip.
"Grandma" Ilurton In qulto III
bor homo on Second and 13 streets.
Hugh Lnnsbury who hns boon em
ployed nt Wondllng has ralurnod home.
Iluy your grocorloH at Snood's. They
glvo C cauh discount.
Mr. and Mrs.
baby 1h qulto III.
V, E. Wllkorson's
Mm. ICd CoIIIiib Ih 111 with pneumon
ia. j. Hill of tho Brown Lumber com
pany of Cottage Grove una a business
visitor In Sprlngllold Saturday.
A fcctlon crow Is nt work flxliu up
the trtrrtf, and nu.king otlior
repairs tit tho local railroad yards
Stop that cough! with Kgglmann'n
mnftinl inntli ftrnnu
It .. S ... ... . . .
i, c., uio, lormcny 01 west spring
flold, lH now nt DiioH. cm ployod by
tho Flschor-Houtln .lumber compnny.
'Tho Klschcr-Uoutlu camp at Unity,
which has boon shut down for a fow
dnya bocouBo of heavy snows, expected
to start up again today.
Mrs. W. H. arlffln and daughter, Mts8
Clara, woro in from Full Crook Fri
day In oidor that Miss Griflln might
have medical attention.
J. T. Sumraervlllo representing tho
MlMi.wvnku Woole.i manufacturing
company, wns In Sprlngflold cnlll'ig
on local merchants Saturday.
Tho 'otal Booth-Kelly Lumbor cotv
pany'H plant is hu ing no difficulty
in hccurjng nil tho cars It wants Junt
For Men's nnd Boys' work, dress
or hi cut shoos, or first clnRS ropalrlng
boo V. A. Hall, tho shoe doctor, Main
between Cth and Cth.
On Fridny afternoon, tho driver of
a gravol truck rnn his car Into tho
front wall of tho Sprlngflold garago,
oroaKing a water raucot.
Jee Clerk, former recorder of Spring
flold, Is reported as bolng seriously
111 at hU homo on Broadway and
Fifth stroots.
Mrs. William Llghtfoot of Portland
and Miss Graco Emory of Douglas
Gardens where guests of MlsB Lola
Barr on Saturday.
Mrs. G. M. Blackburn of Goshon, loft
for Sheridan Friday whore sho will
undergo an oporntion. It is hoped
sho will bo greatly improved.
P, A. Hampton, cue of tho purchu
era of Ed Domplor's blacksmith and
horseshoeing shop.hafirontodandmovotl
onto tlm Knll i.ropmly In West Spn iz
fcld. Are you taking advantage of that
5 discount at Snood's
A ballast train Is now working be
tween Albany and otlior main points
and tho Natron pit. The work of
ballasting the romalndor of tho Wend
ling lino la to be dono now,
Tho following persons wcro regis
tred at tho Sprlngflold hotel Friday:
E, Edwards, Hepnor; Chas. Llvoa
lay, Salom; C. W. Powell and wife,
A. Cook, Jack Starks, Portland; J, C,
Brill, Portland; M. A. IUchter, Port
land; and W. 0. Miller, Woodbnrn.
Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Box of Albany
aro spending today at tho home of
J. C. Holbrook.
Mrs. William Bonner, of tho Central
hotol In Eugono, and four daughters,
spent Saturday evening In Sprlngflold
as. guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Eggl
mann. Wo now havo a shipment of Nebras
ka corn on hand. Tho Sprlngflold
Flour mill.
Tho chicken dlnnor scheduled for
Fobruary 12 by tho ladles of the G. .
11. has been postponed becnuso of tha
fact that there ls so much sickness
In tho town.
Mr, and Mrs. Heubcn Howard ami
family, who moved to Sprlngflold from
Kentucky nbout a year ago, havo ship
pod their household goods to Bond
where they oxpect to make their home.
A carload of hops was shipped by
way or tho Oregon Electric to tho
oust Thursday by James Hayes, Eu
gono agent of tho J. W. Seavoy Hop
Good rellnblo tiro Insurance. No as
soasmonts; no membership foo. Pay
on ca and you aro dono. 11. E. Walker
at tho City Hall.
Georgo Englnnd of ProBcott, well
known In Sprlngflold, underwent nn
operation In Portlnnd on InBt Thurs
tiny, and s reported to hnvo been got
ting along qulto well slnco.
Frank Barrett of tho local Oregon
Power expected to leave about
today for tho company's olllco nt Al
bany whero ho will be employed In tho
Cox and Cox Exclusive ngents of
BiiHlcr Brown Hose. Now spring
stock now In. No advance In our
Llttlo four-year-old Volma Johnson
Is qulto low with pneumonia at tha
homo 'of her parents, Mr. nnd Mn
Lcsllo Johnson. Tho child hns been
111 for soveral days, and Is In a serious
Mrs, S. S, Potter, who nns been
receiving training under tho especial
supervision of Ellsworth Crocker, head
of tho Pacific Conscorvntory of Muslo
plans to opon.a muslclnl studio ut'her
homo on Fourth and E streets In th'i
city, ubout March 1.
' Spiiio cuts nro mora oxpcnslvo than
oUiers. Cheap cuta aro often mora
palatablo and economical for certain
purposes. Let uB cut your meat and
oxponsos nt tho same tintot wo know
how. Swarts and Washhurno.
Mrs. Claudo Nott of this city won
flrat prize for hor costume at Uto Fire'
men's masquorado ball given in Co
burg Fridny overling. Mrs. Nott was
drossed as a Spanish senorlta. Quif
a number of Sprlngflold folks were In
attondanco at tho dance, nnd a very
enjoyablo time 1& roportcd.
Garden and Flold Seeds hnvo ar
rlvcd. Como In nnd look over our
largo stock. It Is time to put In
thoso Sweet Peas. Wo havo both
mixed and straight colors In bulk
this year. Also a Dwnrf for bedding
Wo will bo ploased to tako your order
for Bulbs, Plants, Schrubs, etc., for
prompt delivery. Sprlngflold Feed
Mrs. B. F. Smith of Fall Creek hnd
or of tho right hand bocauso of a gun
groonous dovolopmont. Mrs. Smith
burned tho linger first, then Infection
sot in lator, and an effort was mado
to treat it last wook, but it could not
bo saved and was amputated by a local
physician on Frjday.
Al Perkins camo down from Port
lnnd on business yostcnlny,
Arthur Holland loft for Portland
Oliver Wesley Johnson spent Friday
until today at llosoburg.
Mr, and Mrs. It. I). Wilson spent
tho weokond in Croswell.
Just received a large shipment nf
Bustor Brown Hobo. Wo bought ear
ly. Now Hobo, samo old prices. Sea
Window. Cox and Cox. Exclusive
J, C. Mutlen roturncd this morning
from a thrco days' business trip to
Portland. '
Miss Madellno Meyers of Corvallli
spent tho weekend In Sprlngflold as a
guost at tho homo of Mrs. Seth H.
Iloyal Neighbors club will meet to
morrow (Tuesday) afternoon with Mm ,
Gardner on A street between Fourth
and Fifth.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Verno Stewart of Jan
per and Mrs. C. F. Egglmnnn motored
to Goshen nnd vlslstod with friend
thoro Saturday evening.
Mrs. A. D. Iluddimnn will be hostes.
West Sliio, Fobruary 3, U. F. Col
litis left Thursday for the Soldiers
Homo at llosoburg. 1
Hoy Harrington of Gresham, Oregon
Is visiting his sister, Mrs. George
Crawford, (
Tho friends of Miss Hazel Bailey ;
will bo pleased to know that sho 1 '
very much Improved and Is able to bo 1
about tho houso again. Tho quaran
tlno was removed. Sunday.
Albert Carpenter Is having electric
lights Installed In their homo.
Friday afternoon resulted In tho affir
mative winning. Tho speakers for
tho affirmative woro Wllla Edmlston,
Helen Tcachout and Alex Mathews of
Thurston. Laura Iluth, Jack no we,
and Freddie Gray of Davis upheld
tho negative.
Mrs. Preston Cobb recently received
tho sad news, from Oklahoma of tha
death of her grandparents fromtha
effects of grip. Their deaths were
two dayB apart.
Cedar Flat February 3 Quito a few
of Georgo Easton's friends gave him
a surprise party Wednesday. They
played games and had refreshments at
12 o'clock. Everyone bad a good
Miss Ida Mounts Is here from East
ern Oregon visiting her sister, Mrs.
L. Baker.
Mrs. Grant Hendricks is recovering
from a spell of grip.
VAj are having real winter weather
up here on the McKenzle. There Is
about two inches of snow on tho ground
William Cooloy and Mrs. Heckins
i went to Springfield Friday.
I Mrs. George PInkcrton was taken to
the Sprlngtlcld hospital Saturday morn
' lng to undergo an operation.
to tho Pino Necdlo club at her homo , u.n ,,own from inAax onn
ui uti auuiiib siruei in r,uKunu, next. tjay tn(()
iiii-nuiiy iiiiuniuuii, l enruurj u.
nnd relumed to hor homo yostorday.
Mrs, Arthur Kolly of Lorane wn
operated upon this morning. Mrs.
Kelly's condition Is very good.
Henry McDnnlels was ablo to re
turn to his homo at Marcola yes
terday. Mrs. F, S. Apger of Marcola Is doln,?
nicely nftor undorgolng an operation
Mrs. Plnkerton of Thurston under
went nn operation yesterday.
Tuesday Night, Feb. 13
The return of the ever popular favorite
offers the most talked of play of the century
ie Bird of Paradise
By Richard Walton Tully, Author of
"Omar the Tent Maker"
A Play of a Woman's Soul
Love Story of Hawaii
Hear the Hawaiian Singers and Players
See the Wonderful "Vocano Scene
Mail Orders Received Ndw
Owing to the many requests for reservations
secure your seats early
Prices Orchestra $1.50,$1.00. Balcony $1.50,$1 .00,50c
For a Bilious Attack.
Wihon you havp a sovoro hoadacho
accompanied by a coated tongue, loath
ing of food, constipation, torpid Ilvor,
vomiting of partly digestod food and
then bllo, you may know that you
havo a sevoro bilious attack. Whllo
you may bo qulto sick thoro Is much
consolation In knowing that relief may
bo had by taking three of Chambor
laln's Tablets. They aro prompt and
effectual, Obtalnnblc everywhere.
Molvln Necdham of Pleasant Hill
.. t . I . . .1 . ...lit. 1. I ..
At th. Rnrlnnfl.lH Mn.n!,l Vimiuu UUI II.Blll " tJaiuuu. c-
Mrs. Al Montgomery was dismissed ! "rn'nB, home loday accompanied b
I ills niiiier.
' Mrs. M. E. Russell Is visiting her son,
B. F. IlUBsell, superintendent of th?
i county farm.
! Mro. George Piatt and llttlo son.
I Willie and Melvln, are visiting Mm.
j Piatt's mother, Mrs. A. LewlB, at Cor
vail Is.
j J. H. Legore of North Powder, !s
j visiting ut the home of Mr. and Mr?.
: A. Miller. When he left home about
two weeks ago tho thermometer regis
tered 38 below zero and there was two
feet of snow.
Tho J. T. Harblt family are conval
escing from the grip.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Preston Cobb are ill
. with" the grip.
I Hoss Mathews collided with a street
Anonymous Letter Received. car in Eugene last Saturday and -ha.1
The Sprlngflold Nows Is In receipt his big truck badly damaged,
of a very sensible communication con MrsVtfoo Bertsch entertained at dlu
coming the present high school build, nor last Friday evening, Mrs. Ira Gray
Ing In this city, and whllo tho pnper nnd Mrs. M. J. McKHn of Springfield.,
deslrog to publish tho letter, It Is un-i MrS, Stanley Gray entertained at!
Signed, excepting for "A Booster for dinner Sunday: Mr. and Mrs. bein '
Sprlngtleld, Oregon." Not for pubil- Dniry nud llttlo daughter of Jasper;
cation, but mcroiy for Its own proto.v Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Martin and daugh
tlon, tho pnper muBt have tho writer's ter, Maxlno, of Klamath Falls; and
nnmo, nnd If ho will just communlcnt'S Miss Margaret Mathews.
It to tho paper, so wo know who the Mrs. Al. Weaver of Davis visited lost
writer Is, the article will be given spae , Friday with Mrs. Walter Edmlnston.
In the News immediately.
Two Purchase Fords.
The Sprlngflold garage reports tho
snlo of' a Ford touring enr to Phillip
Saul, and n Ford to J. E. Stewurt, on
oses Feb. 13, 9 P.M. Sharp
$100.00 in Gold
$50 .00 Diamond Ring
$25.00 Gold Watch
Tha Genuine Old Time Cak Never Had
a Hole In It.
Why will some persons persist In
sinking of the holes In doughnut? !
The real, genuine article never had a
hole in It. My memory goes buck to
1810 and earlier, nud my boyhood ex-
pcrlcucc extended over n good part of j
Falrlled, Lltchtleld and New Haven
counties, Conn., nnd Westchester coun- I
ty. N. V., up to 1S50. Our mothers nt
inut nine nre to ua regnrucu as i la
best authority on old fashioned Amer
ican cookery-.
Tho doughnut of Hint period consist
ed of brend dough raised overnight
with hop meal cakes, or "cmptlus,"
sweetened with brown sugar, short
ened n little nud fried to u rich brown
In leaf lard nud wcro somcwlint lnrirer I
than a goose egg and nbout the samo
shape. These were known nmong the i
old Dutch New Yorkers and nro de
scribed In Barber's "History of New
York." published nbout 1840.
"Wonder cakes" were similar, with a
little more shortening and sweetening.
The dough wns rolled about threo-
quarters of an Inch thick, cut Into
squares of three Inches, with three
silts, which wcro pressed apart Into
a fantastic shape, nnd were the Idol
ized Subbatb day lunch, eaten under
tho maplo tree or the borso shed be
tween tho morning and afternoon serv
Icoa. I first remember crullers twisted and
with holes when I came to New York
In 185-1. Tho very uamo of dough
nut Is suggestive of a round or oval
shaped urtlclc.-O. P. Benedict lu Now
York Times.
I Prof. G. F. Sykes of O. A. C. and
j county agriculturist N. S. Rdbb mot i
with tho Thurston Improvement club !
: Tuesday ovening to discuss tho best
I way of eradicating the mole and gopb
i er pest.
I Tho 'debate. Resolved that Clay was
a greater statosman than Webster
held at tho Davis school- house last
Vote Schedule for Balance of Contest.
February 4 to 7 Inclusive.
new old
1 years $1.50 650 325
2 years $3.00 -2100 -. 1050
3 years $4.50 3600 1800
4 years $6.00 6700 3350
5 years $7.50 - 10500 5250
10 years $15.00 23000 11500
February 8 to 10 Inclusive.
new old
1 years $1.50 600 300
2 years $3.00 2000 1000
3 years $4.50 3500 1750
4 years $6.00 6500 3250
5 years $7.50 10000, 5000
10 years $15.00 22000 11000
February 11 to 13 .Inclusive.
new old
1 years $1.50 500 250
2 years $3.00 1750 875
3 years $4.50 3000 1500
4 years $6.00 6000 3000 -
5 years $7.50 9000 4500 -10
years $15.00 20000 10000
Why Dlieaio la Cauted by Faar.
An eminent wcdlcul uutliorlty ouco
niudo tho statement that u great deal
of contagion Is duo largely to nervous
apprehension und fear. Terror causes
radical changes lu tho secretions utid
ucrvo cells, and whllo tho possibility Is
not tbo direct cuuso of disease It cer
tainly Is suUlcIent to put tho person lu
tho proper condition to bo uttneked bv
tho prevailing malady.
It la a well understood fact thut ox
cosslve auger Infuses a toxic element
into tho secretions. Fear UcHtro.vs tho
reslstlvo capability and. us It weiv. lets
down the druwbrldgo und imikus way
ror tuo enemy,
Made in Springfield
The House of Quality HAMPX0N BROTHERS I
fiTfi n that cough with Buggies, Wagons, Hacks, Harness, Saddles, I
S U EGGIMANN'S . wHrees f d fr fj6 I
OUl Menthol Cough Drop, We buy SeU 011 kinds of junk I
Charles Elliott is still with the shop
EGQI MANN'S CANDY KITCHEN phone 51 Phone 29 South 2 and A Streets
E L E CTRI CITY e Booth Kelly Lumber Co.
I For light, heat and power.
"Made in Sprlngflold." F0R
4 foot SlabjWood. $2.00
Oregon rower Co. per cord atthe mhi
Shoes, Harness, Socks and Springfield Flour Milk
Overalls Miller's Sh08 Grease nBfKoE,
Try tae. Get acquainted. You will like me. Beat
valbe tor yqur jftoaejr e My Bern la SprlngfiaM.
i Wolf &; Miller noxalu
Harness Shop You 1 aB well lftd by an bread makers.
cnniMrrin rt norrnw We glre yoH more lor your, monoy In flour and feei
$ SPRINGFIELD, - - OREGON et all ktada tLan another place, la tew.