THURSDAY, JANUARY, 4. 101" PAGE TWO THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS n The SpringfiiM News J. C. DIMM, WALTER R. DIMM Editors and Publishers Published Every Monday and Thursday RATES OP SUBSCRIPTION One Toar .... J1.50 Btx Months . . .75 Three months 60 Advertising ratos furnished on application. OUR CORRESPONDENTS CAMP CREEK Ruby Crabtreo MAJICOLA Audrey Lowls THURSTON, Mrs. Walter Edralston DONNA Charles Heck COOURQ Elsie Anderson CEDAR FLAT Mrs. Anno Morso WEST SPRINQFIELD, Hit. Clara Chllds Portland papers Illustrate tho wider employment of display space by con- corns whlch havo nothing to sell. yet havo occasion to reach tho public with a message. Ono was tho an-, noUnccment of a bank which told Us customers and others, through tho advertising columns, that it had laid In n stock of crisp now bills, fresh from tho United Statos treasurer, and tho other was an appeal by the Union Pacific railway to shippers, begging them to holp rollovo car shortage by loading cars to tholr highest capacity, and novor to con sign lcs3 than a carload as a carload. In neither caso was profit an Id FOREST NOTES Forest Notes As tho result of studies which havo bocn mndo nt tho Forest Products Laboratory on methods of handling wood chips Buitabto tor paper pulp, It Is announced that Wisconsin pnpor companies are now negotiating with tho railroads for shipment to their factories of experimental trntnloads of chips of western woods nil up ted to pnpor making. Previous Investigations by tho Korea contivo to advertise, Tho bank Service havo demonstrated mat goon wanted to do a service tho kind of grades of pnpor can bo inado from service that croatos good will, a val-'n number of western woods. Tho ox uablo asset in any business. Tho rail-1 Ports now estimate, that somo of theso road hud an Important message, and woods, when cut Into chips and dried Member of the Wlltametts Valley EdUorlal Association. desired prompt and wide response; hence it employed tho most effective and yet tho least oxponstve agency available. It could havo stuck to the old, cunibersomo, costlier mothod of sending circulars. Doubtloss theso would have brought results, but the results would have been Blower and Notice To Water Consumers, Should it bocomo nocossary In enno of emergency to shut off tho city water, flvo short blasts of tho flro whlBtlo, repeated onco, will bo given. When service is restored to normal ono short blnat will bo given. Wo would ndvlso that you draw n supply of water Immediately after tho flro blasts nro given, OREGON POWER CO. i - i i THURSDAtfVJANUARY, 4, 1917 rr "nailer in tao aggregate. apart from commercialism: The public welfare bureau, coming before tho and bated, can bo delivered to tho mills tn Wisconsin at a very small advance over the cost of chips mado from local timber. It a favorable freight rato can be obtained, they say, tho great quantity of pulpwood on tho National Forests should prove to be a constdorablo factor in supplying favor, ably located papor mills with tho nec essary raw material. In Wisconsin alono, it is stated, thcrols an annual market for over 300,000 cords of pulp-wood. Uncle 6am's Farm. If Uncle Sam Is no longer "rich enough to give us all a farm," as tho song, familiar in tho sixties, and born probably of the homestoad law of 1SG2, hath it, he is not yet landless. THE ELECTION RETURNS. On another page of this Issue public for subscriptions, used diB- ... . .n 'play advertising space several days the News publishes a complla-, ;uccc88ion M d&y publlshlnc m tloh of the recent presidential new message. It was tho most of Vote by States. Some of its ' 'ectivo way of arresting public at i l j ' ntlon. . significances are pointed out, Hug0 Mucn8torben5i tho hare. President Wilson's popu-, distlnauished psychologist of Har-i oiiroor jo thf larc-'vard- who died recenUy. wroto an . Secretary Lane counts somewhat mom lar Ote Of ,llb,-Jo IS me larg psychology of ndvor.jthan 250.000,000 acres of public land, est ever given to a candidate for jtlslng ln whlch he pod out the, and thnt mostly In "the arid region' the office The total vote this value of an announcement, presented waiting for irrigation. A slzablo tract , . briefly and with typographical at-'but what a mcro patch compared, year has been greatly swelled by , tractlvenCM dtsUnctly separated j say, with a million-odd square miles woman suffrage and shows clear from everything else on the page. , of 0,0 Louisiana Purchnso. reckoning l fnrt h firsr HniP the immense and- 03 11 were ln an enclosure by, Oregon In it, as the Land Office al ly for the first time tne immense way8 hag reckoned ..Dolng a possibilities Of the woman vote. ls attracted, an,i jf ne js at aii n. J Offlce business" will soon bo an un At the last presidential election terested he is enabled to concentrate ,' recognized fossil of speoch. In a , u 1 .i0ffrfl:lil mind, for a brief period, on the!few years the land office will hnvc no only six states had equal suffrage nresented or small business to do. In less than in 1916, there were twice that, ConsIstenl advertisers have no necd!ten 'ears Ptily. no public land of . . 1. ' mnapniipnrn will lip nvnllahlR for tho number, one i OUrth Of tne U11-. ror Muensterberg's analysis. They . ry mm oi,, know the results of applying hl3 theor ion. Since 1912 the States , other fo,k who no merchandl8Q Which, have added women to to sell, but still want to reach the their'voters are Illinois, Kansas. Publlc b 010 m08t expedious and , , economical route, are fast learning uregun muuuum, ftiuumi, "" to buy and use display advertising Nevada. I space. Portland Telegram, The President's popular plu rality is less than that received by either Taft. Roosevelt, or Mc- Kinley. but It Is the largest ever f"1"11' the m?T 01 e daI meat Is begnintng to be an issue of some received by a Democratic candi- imp0ftatitf fa ltyniiy rrfiintenanw. date. GroVer Cleveland's in what Prices have mounted and are mount .. . ., , j j Ing to an inconvenient level, and the was then called tne "lanasuae butcher.8 bllI ,8 absordIng too large year of 1892, was 380,810. No a share of the average dally Income. o,n,iofa O;fhor T?onnhll- Germany is Just now undertaking can, Whig or Democrat, until Thero ls t0 be no raeat consumed in McKinley's time received any- the empire for eight weeks; this with , , ... a view to the conservation of exist- thing like Wilson's plurality ex- lng supplle6 and a8 an economy against cept Grant, who in the year when excessive prices. the Democratic Party was wre- , w4hlIe thre J n ,raDe auth- lty to command a like public absten Cked with Greeley, 1872, receiv- 8ion in America, tho rising prices ed 762,991. In fact, until the ve Imposed a limited meat diet , , -n s i on Uiousands of American families advent of Bryan as a Presiden- as a matter of economIe neCessity. tial candidate got the country i The United States government Is in the habit of casting enormous U8t now investigating charges madjj majorities against him, the. elec- price8 are controlled by the packers, toral pluralities seldom ranged Here In this granary of the world, inn nnn nnn nnn wttl1 our Srpat grazing areas and over 100,000 or 200,000 for any- aBrlcuUura, lndU8try( meat Jor tha body. Cleveland in 1888 had world might be produced. But pack- 98,017 plurality over Harrison; ' ers tel1 us tnat the annual 8"PPes ,are decreasing in the face of an In In 1884 he had 62,683 over Baine creased demand. War conditions have raised the prlc. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, U. 8. 'Innd Olllcu at Ilosoburg, Oregon, Docembor 22, 1010. NOTICE Is horoby given that Morti mer Mungcr, ot Vldn, Oregon, who, on August C, 1913, roado Homestead En try. Serial, No. 0S073, for Lots 1, 2, 3 and SWU of NHU of, Soctlon 0, Township 178, Range 313., Wlltnmotto Meridian, has tiled notloe of Intention to mnko Final Three-year Proof, to es tablish claim to tho land nbovo des cribed, botoro I. P. Howltt, U. 8. Com missioner, at his oflloo, at Eugono, Oregon on tha C7th day ot January, 1917. Claimant nanoa aa witnesooa: Auldera Low, ot Ylda, Oregoa. Mllo M. Thomson, ot Ylda, Oregon, Jameif A. Realdea, of Vtda, Oregon. Carey W. Thomson, of Vlda, Oregon. W. H. CANON. Register. Dec 26,23; Jan. 1,4,8.11,16,18,22. MEAT SHORTAGE. While the dally bread still remains within the reasonable reach ot tin consequence will be available for tho homesteader. There will be still plenty of Western "desert," that mys torious region since so shrunken, that used to sprawl vaguely over the old American atlases, and Mr. Lane is sure that this can be tapped for water In the last fiscal year more than 19,000,000 acres ot public land was taken up. So tho homesteaders are still active. It will be a good thing for American farming when there is no more publlc land. Scientific, in' tensive cultivation, is what is most needed. The Department of Agricult ure is doing mighty good work hi teaching the farmers that. Real Estate Transfers. Lillian Currier et vlr to W. L. Orr Part of lot 3, C. Cole's first add. lo a course of dieting by official order. ' Marcola $10. E. B. Kepncr to Florence E. Wilbur Part of blk. 7, Kelly's add. to Spring field, $1500. Jefferson Howard to Charles M. Dor lty Part of block 7, extended survey of Springfield, $1. S. in 1880 Garfield had 7,018 over! Handcock; in 1870 Tilden had J STIS 250,935 over Hayes; in 1865 level of meat prices is duo to this Grant had 305,456 over Sey-!0"86- But whether or not the pack- Inour. One of the most significant thingB in the returns Is the fall ing off of the Socialist vote from 901,873 in 1912 to about 750,000 Bays the New York Times. For many elections the Socialist vote steadily, though slowly, increas ed. A falling off was hardly expected but a slower Increase was loolced for. NEW PHASES OF ADVERTISING. Every few days the reader of a news paper observes entirely new uses for display advertising. Times was when display advertisements were confined to merchants and manufacturers who had something to sell. ThU is true today ot advertisements in weekly. Irapers and magazines devoted to lit erature of good, bad and Indifferent Qualities, but with the daily press no Buch limitation exists. For instance churches use regularly the advertis ing columns ot the "daily paper to an nounce Sunday serricea ln precisely he same manner that theatres us tkem, XK9 jw l.teA t ftdvorUsijis fa- advance, it is evident that American farmers are not living up to their possibilities In the production of llvj stock, and that a lucrative field is open to the producing Interests of the country. Seattle Post Intelligencer. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, U. Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon. December 15, 1910. NOTICE is hereby glvon that Cecelia A. Fish, of Vida, Oregon, who, on July 25, 1910, mado Homestead Entry.Ser ial. No. 06458, for the NW& of SBV4, E, of SW'4 and Lot 4 of, Section 30, Township ICS, Range 2E, Willa mette Meridian, has filed notice of Intention to mnko Final Five-year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, beforoI. P. Howltt, U. S. Commissioner, at his office, at Eugene, Oregon, on tho 24th day of January, 1917. Claimant names as witnesses: Ben MInnoy, of Vlda, Oregon. Matt RIckman, ot Vlda, Oregon. George T. Mason, of Eugene, Oregon Robert C. Shopard, of Eugene, Ore gon. W. H. CANON, Register. Dec. 18,21,25,28; Jan. 1,4.8,11,15,18,22. Health NEWS DO YOU KNOW THAT Tho constitution of the United States dosen't mention health 7 , Procrastination lu sanltary reform ls tho thief of health? Not everybody "can achieve great-' ness but everybody can be clean? If you sow a hygienic habit yoi reap health and you attain longevity? Railway cars coulS be sanitary If it weren't for the people in them? America's typhoTdfever bill is more than $270,000,000 a year? The full dinner pail is the enemy of tuberculosis? Real Estate Transfer. A. J. D. Zumwftlt'ot ux to Jeannotte Richardson Part of block 8, Kelly's Addltloa t flKiigfleld, 31609. Get on TFvoii went' 1 In lifo l gu must what linesv In limine 3 and Indni- U) 111 ii.tllliui! uuu tcirnic. Get out of the rut; ret on the Orion line. Rud Popular Science Morrtnly the most Intemtlngranrl iiMful matatlne, and Uie biisietl money worm, livery uuuu 300 Pictures 300 Articles oil for onlr 13 cent. All tho new Ideal nd Invention! In electricity end wlreleu, In automoiilles ana aeropune. in anoptrwa anu In funulDg, aiid In ouichJnerr, llawtomakatUsnatbemt, tOpafcteTery month, including- refrleeraton, poultry boiuee, furniture, automobile Uon repair, etc It; a fnUof money-realilnr, Up-utlnr Idea. written la pUlu Eaablt for man aod awja, 15 Cenu a Copy 91.50 8 Yuur Met It from n nendeler or writ direct tn fopularScUnce Monthly, & Fourth Ave., N.Tt CD TP T i tnr(i U r Mi u. w n The Circuit Court of Tho State of Oregon For Lane County. . Ruth Sexton, Plaintiff vs Arch V: Soxton, Defendant SUMMONS I 10 rcn . aoxiun, me noovo nam ed defendent: IN THE NAME OP THE STATE OF ! OREGON, you nro hereby required to appear and answer tho complaint tiled I against you ln tho above entitled suit i within six weeks from tho date of tho ! H ret publication ot this summons, and If you full to answer, for want thorcof, plaintiff will tnko n decree against you as praycu for m tiie complaint, to-wlt: That tho mnrrlago contract now ex isting botween you and tho plaintiff I bo dissolved and for an order giving J to tho plaintiff tho exclusive care and custody ot tho two minor children of said marrlago, to-wlt: Erma Sex 1 ton nnd Porn Sexton, and for such other and further relief as to tho court may soem equitable in tho premises, and for her costs and disbursements ln this suit. This summons is published by order of tho Hon. O. F. Sklpworth, Judgo of tho above entitled court, which said order was dated at Eugene, Ore gon, on tho 26th day of December, 1916, commanding this summons to bo published for six weeks in the Spring Mold News, a nowspaper of general circulation, published at 8prlngflold, Lane .county. Oregon. The date of tho first publication of this summons Is the 28th day or December, 1916. L. M. TRAVIS, Attorney for plaintiff. Dec, 28; Jan. 4,11,18,25; Feb, 1,8. mm r aaTn I 'sv-. CV" HOW CAN A CAREFUL MAN ALLOW HIMSELF TO DRIFT INTO DEBT? DEBT 13 AS DANCEROU8 AS A DISEASE. IT IS A DISEASE. A FLY ON A PIECE OF FLY PAPER SOME TIMES FREES HIMSELF WHEN HE IS ONLY ON THE EDGE. BUT "DEBT" IS A MONSTER THAT IS HARD TO GET FREE FROM. .IT IS SO EASY TO "CHARGE IT." DON'T DO IT; PUT A LITTLE MONEY IN THE BANK INSTEAD. BANK WITH US MA- iVf " Go East Union Pacific System OREGON-WASHINGTON LIMITED Leaves Portland Union Station 10 A.M. Daily via the Famous Columbia River Route The only Through-to-Chlcago train iilectrically lighted, automatically protected. WM.McMURRAY General Passenger Agent PORTLAND HUH B IT IS EASY TO TALK It Is Just aa easy for ono firm to "Talk" na It It for another, but'when It comes to backing up our state ment we are "thero with tho groceries." Wo intend to Btay right here at tho old stand and continue to fur nish our patrons with tho purest and freshest grocer ies that can be bought and to glvo honest weight, hon est menBuro, and honest prices for their honest mon ey. Why not buy your groceries from us. I The Fifth Street Grocery THOS. SIKES, Prop. PHONE 22 HERBERT E. WALKER NOTARY PUBLIC Offfco in City Hall, Springfield, ore Cleaning, Pressing REPAIRING Mado to Measure Suits Lemley Suit House Phone 75 ' 1 a I DR. N. W. EMERY DENTIST 8UTTON BLDI. . PHONK W-J NEW SERVICE: We are authorized under tho Federal Resorvo Law to act as an Executor, Administrator, Guardian or TruBtee. This Is a new service our ofllcers will bo glad to discuBs with you. FIRST NATIONAL BANK, EUGENE, OREGON. What Will the New Year Bring? More business fpr you if you go after it right. And good printing helps the "rightness" very much. Try our kind of printing in 1917 the kind that represents you as you should be represented. Costs no more than it is worth. Th Springfield News Pkmie 2