The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, January 01, 1917, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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page iimefc
We Thank You
Ah wo croon the threshold of a now your, wo
wish to thank those who havo honored tin with their
confidence and trade during tlio year- that Is gono.
Wo Btrivo always to protect and proniolo tho
intorcutu of our frioudH and customers in ovory way
and wo aro gratified to note the geuoroUH response
which UiIh policy hringH.
During tho coming year wo Hliull malto ovory
effort to servo you ovon hotter than wo havo in tho
Wo oxtond to all olncoro wlohoo for a happy, hoalthy
and prosporouo Now Yoar.
' W
: Town and Vioinity
Wllraot Foster of Portland Is visi
ting with friends In this city.
Mrs. N. II. nutlur Is suffering much
pain as a result of a recent fall.
Mr, and Mrs. J. K. Fox aro visiting
frlomla In Bweet Home.
Claud Nystrom In confined to his
homo with a sovoro case of tonsllltls.
C. Mountjoy, of Portland, Is spend
ing tho holidays with his brother 2.
T. Mounjoy and family.
(Jrand Warden W. V. Walker was
entertained Saturday nvenlng by tho
I. O. O. V. lodgo In Cottage drove
J. C. Johnson and family of Goshon,
spent Christmas week In Koscburg vis
iting relatives.
Miss Esther Campbell returned to
day from Jennings Lodge where sho
spent the holidays.
C. E. Ewers, Illnchly, Powods, was
registered at tho American hotel yos
tcrday. Miss Myrtle Huntley of Eugeno has
been visiting at tho home of nor Oran.
dmothor, Ann E. Huntley.
Mrs. L. E. banks and HtUe daughter.
Juno, are visiting MrB. Dank's fathor,
John Tate at Vlda.
Duy your first class grain hay at J.
J. Browning's Peed Store.
Little Mlssos Evelyn Faith and Vlo
let Loena Domplor aro visiting at
tho home of an aunt at Newhorg.
Mrs. L. J. Lopley entertained tho
UdlCB of tho Aid society of the Chris
tian church Friday afternoon.
Tho Springflold Feed company ship
ped n car of hops Saturday and a car
of wheat to California for Marion Pow.
ell tlio same day.
Mrs. Suo Olio returned from Port
land Saturday noon, whero sho spent
tho wook visiting her daughter, Mrs.
0, E, McDonald, and family.
Miss Estella Martin departed yes
terday morning for Brownsville whero
sho Is spending Now Year's day vie-.
King friends.
Don't forgot tho 5 por cont cash
discbunt at Snc,cd's grocory.
A number of Springfield old time
frlonds' attended tho funoral'of Dr.
D. A. 1'alno which wns hold In Eugeno
Friday afternoon.
J. W. Collin roturned to his duties
at tho Booth-Kelly Lumber company
mill after nn nbsenco of seven woolen,
mn noil liv n nnrlnun lllncg.
Wto hnvo tho best Loggers' shooi
In this end of the valloy at only 8.U0.
Wolf nnd Mlllor.
Tho family of Dr. W, II. Polard ar
rived homo Saturday evening after
spondlng tho holidays with rolntlvoj
at Tlgarduvlllo and at Knlama, Wash.
It. Horr, piano leachor of Salem, has
been visiting at the homo of Mr. and
Mrs. T. W. Hnlght during tho last fow
; Wednesday night will bo installa
tion of oincors at tho United Artisans,
All members aro roquoatod to bo
Oct your BaBlcotball shoos at Wolf
nnd Minor's
Mr. and Mrs. JossHansard havo ro
turned to thalr homo nt Lobanon nftor
a throo weoks1 visit with Mrs. Hans
ard's mother, Mrs. I). E. Darling.
Tho following woro guests at tho
Springflold hotol yesterday: Frod Shop
herd, J, D, Fobs, Portland; Mr. and
Mrs. 3, E. Konnorly, Loaburg; W. C.
Mljlor, and Frank MeBeo.
Good rolnblp flro Insurance. No as
BBjSsments; no membership feo. Pay
once and you are dene. H. E. ' Walker
Frlonds havo received word from
Mrs. U. q. .JtfcEihnny Baying that Mr.
McElhany, wW has beeu vory poorly
.after-a recent operatloni Is much lra
p'royed." "They are at Wntortown,
JBouth Dakota.
Tho C. V, C's, nn organization of
Harold Peory roturned Thursday af
ter a short visit at Sclo and Portland.
Joe Lusby spont ycstenlay at Cor
vnlllfl visiting with friends.
Mrs, Hose Montgomery is spending
New Year's with her daughter, Mrs.
Herbert Snood, at Waltervllle.
Mrs. L. Mny will bo hostess for tho
Kensington club on Friday uftcrooon,
January 5.
Olovos, shirts, overalls, wollcn sox
and tin nnntu nt U'nlf ntul Mllli.r'ii
I The majority of the local business
houses closed at noon for tho remain-
dor o ftoday, Now Year's.
I II. C. Montjoy of Portland roturned
home toduy after a weeks visit at tho
homo of his father, 54. T. Mountjoy.
Mr. nnd Mrs. William Earlo of Port
land aro guests hero at tho home of
Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Honvor.
Miss Lester Burt returned to her
homo nt Portland Friday evening after
having spent a fow days here as a
guest ofMIss Iluth Scott.
Mrs. Eddeeso Cox and small daugh
ter, Miss Johanna, returned home Sat
urday evening after a visit of a few
days with relatives at Sclo.'
Frank Parrish, who Is quite 111 with
pneumonia, passed n good night and
Is resting no in d what easier this morn
ing. Tho best on earth.
Menthol Cough Drops.
W. C. Parker was called to Portland
yesterday by tho Budden death of a
married ulster who resided in that
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Parsons re
turned to North Bend yesterday after
having spent a week here visiting at
tho home of Mrs. Parson's mother,
Xlrs. S. L. WyMker.
Mini Penrl Snook came down from
Fall Crcdlr this morning, nnd expects
to ninko this city her homo for tho
remainder of tho winter. She will
nttend the Eugeno Business college.
, Are you getting G por cent on your
groceries? If not, why not? "You
can nt Snood's.
young ntun who nttend tho Methodist
Sunday school, wilt hold tholr jlrst
regular meeting at the home of John
Dlmin, Junior, on Seventh nnd C
stroots Wednesday evening.
Mrs. Ira Tnnton and children of
JInrrlsburg and Mrs, Tnnton's brother
Ucnl Mountjoy of Eugeno visited at
tho homo of tholr undo, '.. T. Mount
Joy Saturday.
Tho local Epworth Leaguo chapter
will furnish tho singing for tho
oral of Willis Brown and Jackson
Brown, which will bo hold from tho
W. F. Walker undertaking parlors
commencing at 2 o'clock tomorrow.
Rovorend H. C. Ethel filled tho pul
pit nt tho Free Methodist church on
tho west sldo yosordny morning on
account of tho nbsenco of Rovorend M.
F. Chtlds, tho pastor, who is down tho
valloy holding Blblo raootlngs.
0. E. Smiles roturaod homo yostorday
morning from Kltson Springs, whero
hoping to got rollof from tho Bovoro
attack of rhoumatlBm from which ho
Is suffering. Ho Is llttlo Improved
however nnd Is still conflnod to hU
Miss Bornlco Ingalls, who has been
spending tho holidays with hor parents
Mr. and Mrs. A. L, Ingalls, roturnod to
Soattlo, whoro sho Ib a student at
tho University of Washington. Miss
Ingalls was rocontly olocted president
of tho womon's gloo club.
Chamberlain's Cough Romedy Mont
"I havo taken a groat many bottlos
of 'Chamberlain's Cough Romedy and
ovory time It has curod mo, I havo
found It most effectual for n hacking
cough nnd for colde Affor taking
It a cough always disappears," wrltos
J, R. Moore, Lost Valloy, Ga. Ob
tainable overywhoro,
Beware of Ointments for
Catarrh that Contain Mercury
an mercury will itirrly destroy Ilia fna
of ntnell anil completely dentnirn (ha
wnoio nytirm wiiau enterinK It throujrii
His murnii surface. Mich article should
never ui unco except on prescriptions
from rcpulnblo plylclnn, n (ho damage
nicy win no m ten low 10 inn soon you
ran pnmiltily dcrlvn from tliern, Hall's
Culnrrh Curs, mnntifnctiirril liy V. J,
Cheney A Co., Toledo, O., ronlalnr no
mercury, nn.l In tUen Inlernnlly, acting
directly upon thn blood nnd inticoun sur-
rnces or the syntem, in buying Itnll'a
Cstnrrh Cure ho ur you get Ihn xenu
Inc. It I tnken Internnlly nnd nmd In
Toledo. Ohio, by V. J. Cheney ft Co, Te
tlmnnlnla free.
Hold by nrupelut. Prlca 78o per bottle.
Taku lUII'i t'arnlly I'llli for eoattlpstlon.
Tho following persons woro regit
tercd at tho Elllo hotel yostorday:
Mrs. Ilort Doano and family, Jasper;
0. W. Llvcsay, Lebanon; E. H. Heat
on, Marcola; and C. A. Elspass, Eu
geno, .
Charles Kirk son of Mr. and Mrs.
H. L. Kirk Is exnoctcd homo from
(Chnnoy, Washington, whero ho has
I I i i ..a . .
, bcon visiting at tho home of an nunt
jMIss Elslo Kirk, who Is an Instructor
In tlio Chancy Normal school.
D. S. Deals, cashier of tho Spring
field First National Dank, received
a largo lemon from friends at Pasa
dena, California, on Christmas day
that welghod 24 ounces and measured
15 Inches In circumference. Tho
lemon Is on display at tho Nows Office
Vanco Cngley returned to Portland
. i . k t i . . it. . . .... . . .
iouy auer nuviug vwicu in mis cuy
since Friday evening with relative
nnd friends. Mr. Cngley, who has
a position as "Ad" man on tho Morn
ing Orcgonlon, says ho likes Portland
fine, but he'd rather llvo In Springfield.
Continued from page one.
cal school which
Is to be built nt
Portland, JuO.000 is requested for a i Lunchford. Mm. Pred Hlnson, Del
new building before tho $50,000 which i Hlnson, nnd Mr. nnd Mrs. Andrew
was appropriated by tho Inst Jeglsln-' Nystrom. Gladys Nystrom, Earl Ny
turo for tho school ls spent. Tho last strom, Claud Nystrom, Floyd Nystrom;
appropriation was contingent upon I Man-In Nystrom, and Herman Ny
$2G,000 being raised from other sourc-1 Btrom.
cs to be added to tho appropriation. It I
Is announced thnt this sum has Just ' TO ENTERTAIN TONIGHT
been completed, so I7G.000 will now bo 1 AT NEW YEAR PARTY
available and Mr. Taxpayer pointed j Invitations are out for a New Year's
out that the legislature could wait , party tot this evening, when Miss Eu-
untll that was UBed up before making i nice Parker will be hostess at her
another appropriation (or now build home on Fifth and B streets. Games
Inga. land light refreshments will be In-
This does not affect tho school's j
request for J78,8QG for current expen-
dlturcs. I26.C05 for roDlacoments an.l
betterments and supplies, and J.120J !
for contincenclea. '
State Normal Aaka SF.6.000 M.r. i
By Its regular millage tax and feea'Baugh, Miss Duttce Fischer, Norman' Night' ' N
the Oregon State . Normal at Mon- Byrne. Miss Jean Fischer. Gordon , Addrcss - ' J T,:'
mouth will receive approximately $87- Byrne. Miss Wanna McKtnney. Rey :c "Four Tleasons for Peter's Fall, j
GOO. and It In JiMklnc- fnr nn rwlritHnnnl Ilallv (TorKort Mnnr. nnrf xllDrnD SOlO Mabel Duryee
180,000 for now buildings. Mr. Tax- Claire and Faith Holdridge of Cres
payer would eliminate tho request well.
for $50,000 for onlnrging the woraon'a I
dormitory and $6000 for street pav- GLEN WOLLEY IS HOST
The suggested slash In the Oregon '
Stnt hnxnitm Annmnrintinn an.
plies to requests for now buildings,
Tho suggested cut Is the request for
$65,000 for nn addition to tho rccelv-
Inic warn. ,
u n4nwnnn uA e
UApuj ui otftjo lllU W I O li V
Tuberculosis hospital can easily get Puncn, caKo ana cookios wore servo-i
along without tho $14,300 It is ask- at a lato hour. Those who were pre
lng for now buildings, ono being a sent wore: Misses Lcota McCracken.
now pnvllion. nnothor a born nnd tho Edna Fisher, Edna Duryee, DorrU
other a resldencu for tho superln
tendenti -
Tho .Oregon Historical sqciety Is
asking for twice, tho amount , It ie -
coived from the Inst legislature. It U
asking for $24,280, which is said to
be nt least $10,000 moro than shou'd
bo nllowod.
Continued from page ouu.
UP ln cooperation with tho local cltl-
fun-izcns nnd sporting clubs, and will be
Issued by tho Secretary of Airrlculturo.
It is understood that regulated fish-!
lng will bo allowed, but tho number
of permits Issued tho first season will
bo purely experimental, slnco tho cap
acity of the streams Is not known.
Says Mining Prospects Better.
M. N. Thompson, a mining promoter
with headquarters at Baker, Is In the
city for a short vUlt with Mrs. Thomp
son nnd tholr llttlo daughter MIbs
Gladys. Mining is picking Up, Mr.
Thompson says, and tho outlook for
the now year ls brlghtor than it has
boon for many years.
Royal Neighbors Lodge,
Each officer and tho nowly elected
olllcors of thcRoynl Neighbor lodgo
ls requested to report for practice
at ho W. O. W. hall Tuesday nftor
noon at 3 o'clock sharp.
Many Springflold poople are sur
prised at tho QUICK action of simple
buckthorn bark, glycorlno, etc., as
mixed In Aldor-i-kn. This simple rem
edy .nets on. BOTH uppor nnd lowor
bowel, removing such surprising foul
matter that ONltf: SPOONFUL reUoves
almost ANY C;ASp. constipation, sour,
stomncli or cad. A fbw-dosoa of loir
rollove or 'prflVont appcndicitlu; A.'
short treatmont holpa chronic s'nmrh
trouble. Tho INSTANT easy action
of AldorM-ka ls asonishlng. M M.
l eery Druic Co. i
Society Doings
Ono of tlio most charming affairs
lnf tho mtnunn wan ihn marrlnirn nt
,n ca" wft0 1,10 marriago or
miss iioia u. ixyairom anu Mr, ucorgo
Lloyd, at tho homo of ilio bride's
rnrents, Mr, and Mrs. Androw Ny
strom, at tlio lattors home on E atrcot
font Thursday afternoon.
Tho bride woro a beautiful blue
crcpo-do-chlno drew a and carried a
brides boquet of pink and whlto car
nations. Tho rooms wcro tastefully decorat
ed In mistletoe and an Immense tissue
bell hung In tlio center of tho parlor,
beneath which the. Impresslvo ring
ceremony was solemnized. Ilevorend
1 w N- Forr,B officiated and little Oiad-
I Vn Mvnimm Ia vlnw linn aA
Dainty refreshments consisting of
variety of delicious cakes, cider, and
oranges, were served to the guests.
Immediately after tho ceremony th-j
bride and groom left for Missoula,
Montana, whero tho groom holds an
engineering position. He Is a cousin
of Mrs. Herbert WjUker of. this city.
Several of the guests accompanied the
brido and groom to Eugene, where,
as' they boarded Ihn train thnv were
i - -
morry poUcd wlth rice. Mr
Mrs. Lloyd carry the well wishes of
their many friends with them to their
how home.
The Invited guests were: Mr. and
Mrs. Tom Nesbltt, Mr. and Mrs. Ed-
ward of Wcndllng, Mr. and Mrs, Bob
Campbell of Wendllng, Mr. and Mrs.
Herbert Walker, Miss Mary Humphrey
of Irving, Mrs. Joe Jackson of Eu
i gene, Howard Humphrey of Wendl
lng, Miss Coral Shahan, Mrs. W.
eluded In the evenings Jollity. The
Invited guests for this evening In-
eludes: MIb. nnatricn ITolhrnnU c.n-i-A
Brattaln, Miss Doris Slkes, Winifred
Mnv vnifn vv mi.u nntk s
Mia. I.oot Mrrraekpn mil Tlrvlpn.
A very delightful party was given by !
Glen Wollcr at his home on east Main I
strcot Saturday evening. The even-1
lnB was spent playing rook and othf r
Bamca which wore very much enjoyed
oy uio youne peopio presenu neireBii-'"
tnont rnnRlntlne nf nnnrnrn hnlln.
" . r t .
Lyburger, Chlole Wolley, and Ruth I
1 Scotf, Mossers Ray Bally, waiter Gos- i
slor, William Hill, William Rodenbo, J
.aml Gel Wolley.
Made in Springfield
The House of Quality
Wg wish our patrons
A Happy and Prosperous NewwYear
For light, heat and power.
"Made In Springfield,"
Oregon Power Co.
tp.SprlngHold with Brgopd, up-to-date otook of ,
liaud-niado harness nnd accessories, and am
ready to . sorve my old 'customers ngaln and ,
welcome now, . ones. Shpo repairing done
. . hotter Jor leas, money. This Is nay ssealalty.
I "' AW J'slikta VtrjM.
:1 Between Main and A, next doer to Slkes
of the Season
A number of tho frlonds of Miss
Lena Newton, who taught In tho Sprin-
crflftlfl aril nn I m rmi tnn mn -w ml - ,..t t.
at tho home of her parents at Eugene
Friday afternoon. Most of the tlmo :
was spent talking over the good times
of last year and In song. Those who
were In tho party were: Misses Lillian
Mulligan, Dorrls Slkes, Ooldle Jones,
Luclle Smith, Dortlo Bruce, Ituth Scott,
Olive Smith, Beatrice Holbrook, Lena
Tllton and Mls8 Nowton.
On Sunday Mr. and Mr.s M. M '
Male entertained the following rela
tives at dinner: Mr. and Mrs. C. E. '
Urattaln, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. PattI !
son, Mr. and Mrs. Ophlr Brown and I
children, of Eucene, Mrs f!lnr Mnlo 1
Mr. J. B. Malo, Florence, Edna, Mel-
vlllo and Frank Pattlson, Lois Joyce,
Miriam and Lucille Male, and Grace .
and Ivan Male. j
Tho ladles of the needlecraft- club
are to be hostesses for a New Year's
dinner and party for their husbands
at the home of Mrs. Carl Fischer on
Emerald Heights, this evening. The
affair, whli-h Is to begin at seven
o'clock. Is an annual occasion and If
being eagerly looked forward to.
Miss Lena B. Newton, formerly con
nected with tho Springfield high school
' was a dinner guest at the home of
! Superintendent and Mrs. R. L. Kirk
yesterday noon.
Mrs. N. A. Ashworth and son, John,
entertained Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Male,
Mrs. McDIvctt, J. B. Male apd Grac9
and Ivan Male at dinner on Friday
Misses Estella Martin and Florence
E. Coffin were dinner guests at the
home of MJss Lulu Gile Friday even
bonR 8
Rev. H. C. Ethel
Olive Smith
i Scr,Ptu:,e Reading .
I Ferris, Psalm 84.
-Rev. W- N
H'mn "Watchman Tell Us Of the
T. II-
Reading Dr. Keeny Ferris
"The Convict's Christmas."
Open Forum:
R. S. Smith, Rev. II. C. Ethel
Solo Eunice Parker
Address Rev. W. Norton Ferris
WUMU6 ' Itur
The new 5"ear was ushered ln with
a short song service. A largo number
Found a Sure Thing.
1. B. Wlxon, Farmers Mills; nT Y.
has used Chamberlain's Tablets for I
years for disorders of the stomach and
liver ana says, cnamoenain's -i noiets
are the best I have ever used," Ob-
talnable everywhere.
Buggies, Wagons, Haofes. Harness. Saddles,
Horses and Cattle for sale
I buy and sell all kinds of junk
Phone 29 South 2 and A Streets
The Booth
valine for your
Build Your Health in
Good Bread
Our bread ia the sweetest, tho
whitest, the purest and
the best that can be
Try our raisin, and-rye bread.
Thoy make the children
happy and healthy. . '
The taste tells.-
Springfield Bakery
Our stock of Groceries is
all fresh and dependable.
We put our gaurantee
back of every article we sell
and insure satisfaction.
Our prices are'as low as
is consistent with the grade
of goods we carry.
Give us a call.
We deliver all orders.
' Springfield Garage
H. SANDGATHE Proprietor
Repairing a Specialty
Matai beV p&jrth ted Plfth. Phone 11
PHONES Office, 3; Residence, 11W
j Qver Commercial Bank,
I Sorinefield. Oreeon.
Kelly Lumber Co.
4 foot Slab Wood. $2.00
per Cord at the Mill
Springfield Flour Mills
BAKORE Hard Wheat Patent
me. Dot acnualnted. Yon will "Ilka ma. Beat
meaey at aay flour fe SprhtgflWd.
. You know I am well liked by sj bre4. witrM.
Wo give you mora for your monex ln flour &&
ef all kinds tl an any otbor placq hi lew.