The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, December 28, 1916, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    TI Illlta DAY, DISC. 28, 1010.
New Year Gifts
With each HUcccedlhB year tho prcflonUillon of Now
Year tokens IncreaBCH. Tho custom has bocomo a
popular voguo.
Our Btock of liolltlay goodg contnlim many practical
and UHOful ftoma that will mako oxccllont Now Year
Overlooked Obligations
Tho Now Year affords on opportunity for giving some
thing to tho overlooked friend, or a roturn gift to
somoouo who has thoughtfully rcmombercd you.
xPorfumos, Statlonory, Toilet Ooods, Now Year Cards,
"Calendars, Eto.
Mako your selections now.
f Town and Vicinity
Mr. and Mra. Norwood Cox spent
Christmas with friends at Salem.
1 H. 13. Morrison went to Crcowotl on
ibuslncwi this moraine.
,. Uuy your firat does grain hay at J.
.J. Drownings Food 8toro.
K. Jonoph Bcoflold, of tho Eugon
Chemical Works has moved to Spring .
now ana uvea on lvony uouiovnru.
Mr. Jeannotto Richardson spent' Ma, of Bprlngflold spent Christmas at
Christmas with hor aon at Cottagu tho homo of Jol,n Mn8on-
aro0, I Aro you Rotting 6 por cent on your
MIsh Edith Holcomb Is confined to grocorlos? If not, why not? You
hor homo with a aovoro cobo of ton-J can at Sncod's.
B"B j Charloa Kirk eon of Mr. and Mrs.
John and I'otor Lamberty of Albany it. L. Kirk left Monday night for
spent Chrlatmna with their mothor, Cheney. Washington to spend tho vn
Mro. Nate Howe. j cation with his aunt, Miss Elslo Kirk.
Mrs. Mary Maglll who has been vis-j Prof R. u Klrk loft Tuesday night
uing at uouna mis returned 10 nor
Jamca Clark and son Joseph spent
Christmas with Mrs. Clark and hor
mother, Mrs. Klluboth Stewart.
Don't forgot the 5 per cent cash
" dladount at Sneod'a grocery.
Mrs. K. C Fitch of Portland la visit-
Ins at the homo of her mother, Mrs.
Esther M. Johnson.
C-oorga Schiegnor of Ooodland, Kan
sas la vlaltlng at tho home of his daugh
ter, Mra. C. K. Swart and family.
Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Wolf of Astor'a
spent Christmas at tho homo of Mrs.
' A. S. Walker.
Oliver Johnson returned Mondav
night from a Christmas visit with
frionda nt Itosuburg.
John Kettles, local Pharmacist, spent
Christmaa day at tho homo of his par
ents at Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Wllllama and
family spoilt Christmas with tho family
, of Whitton Swnfford at Eugouo.
Thomna Slkoa and family nlo Christ
Mima dinner nt (ho homo of Mr. and
,MrB. A. W. Tldd nt Eugcno.
Got your Ilnnk'otball shoos at Wolf
.and Mlllor'B
i", Mr. und Mrs. Henry Wagner woro
'down from Haydon Bridgo shopping
on" Tuoeday. '.
Tho Sprlngllold Food company ship,
pod a car ofwhoat to Portland tho
first of this wook.
Mrs. Vln Williams la In vory poor
health, at hor homo at Sovonth and
C stroots.
Mr. and Mrs. 0. E. Nbot of Wondllng
woro vlaltlng relatives hero Saturday
and Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. E; Fox loft Sunday
for Sweet Homo to spend tho holidays
with rolatlvoa.
Thirty mombors of tho lmmodlato
Lansborry family gathered at tho homo
of Claud Lansborry on Christmas day.
Thoy woro all present whon tho sum
.tuous ChrlstmaB dinner wns sorvod,
Men's English Walking Shoes
In Tan with Tan
With White Composition Soles and Rubber Heels. With
Leather Soles and Leather Heels. In Black with White
Composition Soles and Rubber Heels. With Black Com-
if position Soles and
Also Fine Sport Patent Leather Shoes J
Shoe Repairing
Miss Lcata Hurt of Portland la visit
ing at the homo of MIhh Iluth 8cott.
Dora to Mr. and Mrs: J. V. Goddard
this afternoon a son. It tipped the
scales at seven pounds.
Tho flooth-Kolly Lumber mill at
Springfield opened Wednesday after
being cloaod down over Cbrlstmaa.
Mlaa Ethel Mulligan of Oregon City
Is vlaltlng at tho home of her cousin,
MIbb Lillian Mulligan.
Qrnnt Oxlov of allien. Minnie Schc.
eubergcr of Adlr, Oklahoma, and I.
for Portland whoro ho la in attend
ance at tho State Teachers' Conven
tion. Tho Mapleton high school team pas
sed through hero Wednesday morn
ing on its way to Thurston to play
basketball thero Inst night.
Miss Marlon Harper la spending Iho
week In Portland attending tho ses
sions of the Stato Teachers' Asso
ciation and vlaltlng witli her sister.
John Dlmm has Installed a system
of electrlc'call bolls in tho new Metho
dist church for Sunday school pur
poses. Cold nights. Hot drinks, nt Egg)
Professor William. Sutton of Duron,
Oregon has been down during tho
last fow days looking after property
Mr. and Mra. Howard Parsons came
in from North Ilend Saturday to spend
Christmaa with Mrs. Parson's mothc,
Mrs. A. S. Walker.
Goorgo nurnott of Jaapor spent
Chrlstmus at tho homo of Mr. and Mm.
S, II. linker. Mr. Uurnett is a bru
thor to Mrs. linker.
O. E .Munscll of Wenatcheo, Wash-
lngton, spent the Christmas holiday.
at tho homo of his sister, Mrs, Edgar
Mark Young nnd family came down
from Albany Saturday to spend Christ
maa with Mr. Young's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Ira Young.
Glovos, shirts, overalls, wollcn sox
and tin pants at Wolf and Minor's.
H. C. Mountjoy of Portland Is spen
ding tho Christmaa holidays with hlu
brother, Walter Mountjoy of Spring,
Sarga Sneed and wlfo spout Christ,
mas witli Mrs. Sneod's parents, Mr.
nnd Mrs. H. M. Nixon, at Wost Spring
flold. C. E. Lyon, managor of tho Spring
flold Feed company hns tradod his
Michigan auto for a now flvo passonger
Composition Soles and Rubber Heels.
Rubber Heels.
' : ' Ufa V-'
tA , VJ ,U''H
Mlldrod Thompson of Eugene had
her tonsils and ndonolds removed by
a local physician Wednesday aftor
hoon. Dr. W, H. Pollard rolurncd Tuesday
from Tlgardavlllo whoro ho spent
Christmaa with tils mother, Mrs. Jo-
hannah Woods.
Mrs, M. J. Ululr returned to hnr
homo Tuesday from Urownavllle when
alio has boon visiting her daughter,
Mrs. Hughes.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fisher and
dnughtor left Sunday for HarrlHburg
to upend tho holidays with Mrs. Fish
or's mother.
Tho bout on earth.
Menthol Cough Drops.
Mrs. Starks of South D street Is
enjoying a visit from hor -daughter
and family, Mra. Christy, thoy arrivol
last week.
T. C. Wolf, who has been living
on the J. C. Dlmm berry farm at Crcs-
well has moved to Springfield and
will work iu the Wolf and Miller har
ness and shoo storo.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul D. Dlmm and
little daughter returned to Portland
Monday evening after spending two
days at tho homo of Mr. Dlmm'a par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Dlmm.
David Recce of Aumavlllo was In
Springfield on business from Saturday
until Tuesday of this ,week. Mr.
Iteeco formerly lived' In tho Stewart
addition''. '
Tho family of Jasen Hyat which is
being looked after by Springfield peo
plo docs not live at West Springfield
but aro located in tho Walker houso
at tho end of Main street.
Miss Myrtlo Huntley, came over
from Eugene Tuesday to attend the
cantata and vlult tho remainder of the
week with hor grandmother, Mrs. A.
E. Huntley.
Mr. and Mrs. Earnest Maybe af
Walton arrived In town Wednesday
the 20th thoy dopsrled Saturday for
Monroe to spend Christmaa with Mrs.
Maybo's sister, Mrs. Einfeldt.
Wjo have tho best Loggers' shoon
in this end of the valley at only ?8,"j0.
Wolf and Miller.
Reverend M. F. Chllda will leave for
Woodburn tomorrow to conduct a 'aer
ies of Bible meetings at that place
for about two weeks. His pulpit ac
WcBt Springfield wUl bo Oiled by
members of his congregation.
O. I. Burnott, who conducts tho flour
mill at Jasper, was found partially
unconscious in tho mill Wednesday
and was brought to the homo of his
sister, Mrs. S. II. Dakcr. Mr. Durnctt
la in bettor health today.
J. C. Holbrook and family went to
Creawoll Monday to attend tho wed
ding of Miss Madgn Holbrook, daugh
ter of J. F. Holbrook to W. E.-Hol-brook
of Hornbrook, California. Tho
mnrrlago took place at tho homo of
the bride's brother, Letcher Holbrook,
Good reliable fire Insurance. No as
soaamcnts; no membership fee. Pay
onca and you are dene. ii. E. Walker
at tho City Hall.
Wilbur Hyland, logging contractor,
who Is getting out logs from his camp
a mllo west of Notl, on the Coos Day
branch of tho Southern Pacific, Tor.
tho Ilooth-Kelly Lumber company's
mill nt Springfield, will ship six
Boven carloads each day, instead of
two or throo, as heretofore.
Wo are making very attractlvo pri
ces on Flour and Feed in quantities
of BOO pounds or more. Prices that
our competitors cannot irtoet. Wo
buy right and In largo quantities. If
you aro offered feed for less than W3
ask for It, tako a samplo oflt and com.
paro with our stock. Our prices are
lowost possible consltent with tho
quality of feed wo are offering to oar
customers. Our feed comes from
Eastern Washington and Oregon, and
the feed mado from tho hnrdwheat
of that section Is not to be compared
with tho feeds produced in the Wllla
motto Valley, Comp in and let us
show you tho difference. Thero Is
tho same dlffcrenco In flour. Wo
court your criticism. Highest quali
ty Poultry Supplies at lowest prices,
War', n jy-iiW33agw.r r-
Main Street
Distinguished Physician Pastes A way
Suddenly A Long Life 6
ur. u. a. I'aino, retired pnysiciun
anu rormer bUgeno lanH president,
died suddenly at his home at 1050 commercial flold during tho last few
Pearl street yesterday forenoon at 1 WCeks whereby United State capital
11:30 o'clock of apoplexy, aged (d .gts have attempted to obtain control
yoar,' (of several large news print manufac
Dr. Paine while ho had been in poor turing companies, according to a cor
health for a number of years, was, up ; respondent of the Commercial and Fi
to a few minutes beforo death came, as ! nancial Chronicle, who writes:
well as usual and had been down town
during tho" forenoon. Ho bad been In
uio unuou mates ixauonai oanK, oi
jwhlch ho wns a stockholder, about 11 (new group 0r capitalists last week ob
i'clock, to sign a number of papers. tancd control of the Wyagamack Pulp
mo waiKea nomo ana lying down m
his room, expired without pain or
struggle. His wife found aim breath.
in? mil laikL nnrl nantilv itimmnnM
physician, but he died before the phy
sician reached the residence,
Dr. Paine has been a resident of Eu
gene since 1888, when he came west
to practice medicine. He has spent
most of his time since that date In
active practlco at that place. He serr
od a flvo year term as superintendent
of the Oregon insane hospital at Sa
lem. Lacy Copenhaver, M. Lucina Rich
ardson, Martha Copenhaver and Lev-
illo Copenhaver of Springfield are in
Portland attending tho State Teachers
association meeting and are registered
nt the Hotel Portland. In addition
to tho regular sessions there will be
a big banquet Thursday evening for
400 teachers followed by a reception
by the Oregon Congress of Mothers
at the Chamber of Commerce.
A most delightful Christmas pro
gram was given at tho Hayden Bridge
school bouse Friday evening, by tho
Hayden Bridge school. Some of the
best selections were a recitation by
Mr. Bartliolemew, recitation, Walter
Scott; ghost drill, recitation by Harold
Boessen, and a dialogue of the Ru?
gle's Christmas. , Santa Claus ended
; B "
for thoso present
Henry Swarts Marries.
Henry W. Swarts of Springfield and
Miss, Alma Mills of Montavilla, it
Portland were married at Portland cn
Christmaa eve. Mr. Swarts Is well
known in Sprlngllold and Is a saw
filer for the Booth-Kelly Lumber com -
pany. The young couple will mako
their home In Springfield.
Sugar Drops Ten Cents More.
Local orgecrs report a decline ot
ten cents per hundred pounds on sugar
making the price now $7.85 per sack.
The commodity has been dropping
a little at a time for about five weeks
now, the price a month ago having
been $8.90.
Veteran Receives Back Pension.
John E. Butler, a Civil war veteran
of Lano county, hns been granted back
pension amounting to $417.31, accord-,
Ing to advices from Washington, D, C.
Ho Is a member of J. W. Geary post,
G. A. R.
New Milk Prices.
r. ;... t. i. ,m
glvo you tho benefit of our saving in
time In keeping books and collecting
accounts, and In loss of bad accounts
by selling milk tickets for cash, as
12 1 qt tickets $1.00 .08 1-3 por qt.
26 lqt. tickets $2.00 & .07 per qt
40 1 qt. tickets $3.00 Q .07 per qt.
10 . pt. tickets $.60 .05 per pt.
22 1 pt. tickets $1.00 0 .04 per pt.
35 1 pt. tickets $1.50 ,04 2-7 per pt.
48 1 pt. tickets $2.00 Q .04 1-$ per pt.
Brook Farm Dairy
Phono 10f3 GEO. A. DORRIS
Get on
F' you want to .ucceed
111 life ou must know
what 1 1 new in business and Indus-
irv. In invention unil crlrnre.
Oct out of tlio rut; cet on the flrliig line. Read
Popular Science
themoit Intercitlnfnnd useful Ruiratlne, sad
ma biixckt money vrotui. every uiuuia
300 Pictures 300 Articles
all for only 15 cent. All tho new Ideu and
tnvcutloni .In electricity and wlrtlrw. In
automobile and acroplanei, in ihopwoik and
in rurmuiff, mux in niacumcry. - . .
,. HvwtoRuk.tVnft.t bom. WMreieTery
mopui, mclud.n reirlccralori, poultry count,
furniture, automobile thop repairs, etc
It li full of tnonev-makinir. strn-uTlnr Ideal.
U U vrntt.n in plain tnclUh for ca ud fcya,
JS Conti a Copy $1,50 a Year
rtrt It from a newsdealer or vriW direct to
I'opularScltnce Montlily, tio Fourth Are., N.Y.
rnrn yr"',i'''M''r,,1,n
i Ut pvXii aaJ nU t ttf.
Believed They Seek Control of News
Print Situation; Great Signifi
cance In Financial World,
a movement of uncommon slgnlfi
'rnnrn hn .lovMnnoI In tho CnnnMnn
"In some instances these efforts
have succeeded, and in others the
; negotiations aro vet in Drocross. A
and Paper company, and the Brompton
pulp and Paper company ls known to
be undergoing EecrgtxM'Mon the
plan of which will shortly be announc
ed. It Is understood that the Canadian
Paper company has received tempting
offers from American Interests. The
company has a low capitalization, au
thorized preferred stock of $400,000
and $600,000 of common, not alt ot
which has been Issued, and thero are
two bond issues, aggregatnlg $350,000.
"Meanwhile extension of plants i
the keynote of most of the pulp and
paper mills. The Chicoutlmt Pulp com
pany, a subsidiary of the North Ameri
can Pulp and Paper company, w'lll In
crease its pulp mill capacity from 80,
000 tons annually to 130,000 tons, mak
ing ittbe largest exporter of mech
anical pulp In America and the second
largest in the world. Another North
American company subsidiary, the St.
Lawrence Pulp and Lumber corpor
ation, will Increase its output from
37,600 to 75,000 tons annually, which,
the management asserts, will make It
tho largest jiulp mill in the world.
These are merely Illustrations of the
expansion upon which many other
pulp and paper corporations have en
tered. "While there are some Canadian
financiers who fear that the Canadian
I DU, lnaIIStrv mav . nn
. other deluge of overcapitalization such
as ocurred between 1010 and 1912,
when several big corporations were
'-'.merged" to the edge of bankruptcy,
others are confident that the stock job-
Der Is playing a minor part in the
names associated with' the hew boards
' or directors are those of well known
American Investors."
Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Kirk entertained
at a Christmas dinner party Monday.
The guests were Prof, and Mrs. F.
E. Ayer and daughter Miss Peggy, of
Eugene, Mrs. Josephine Ayer of Green,
In the evening they enjoyed a party
at the Rex theatre at Eugene.
In The Circuit Court of The State of
Oregon For Lane County;
Ruth Sexton, Plaintiff
Arch V. Sexton, Defendant
To Arch W. Sexton, the above nam-
ed defendent:
OREGON, you aro hereby required to
appear and answer the complaint filed
against you In the above entitled suit
first publication of this summons, nnd
if you fall to answer, for want thereof,
plaintiff will take a decree against you
as prayed for in the complaint, to-wit:
That tho marriage contract now ex
isting between you and the plaintiff
bo dlssoKed and for an order giving
to the plaintiff the exclusive care and
custody of the two minor children
of said marriage, to-wit: Erma Sex
ton and Fern Sexton, and for such
other and further relief as to the court
may seem equitable In the premises,
and for her costs and disbursements
in this suit.
This summons Is published by order
oft the Hon. Q. F. Sklpworth, Judge
of tho above entitled court, which
f said order was dated at Eugene, Ore
gon, on the 26th day of December,
t1916, commanding this Bummons to be
(published for six weeks In the Spring
illeld News, a newspaper of general
circulation, published at Springfield,
Lane county. Oregon. The date ot
me lira i puuucation or. mis Bummons
is the 28th day of December, 191G,
Attorney for plaintiff.
Dec, 28; Jan. 4,11,18,25; Feb. 1,8.
Oregon Share Large to Start.
Because ot the minimum guarantees
of $5000 to $10,000 to tho smaller
states, the appropriations for the first
year excoed tho round figures ot $500,.
000, this excess decreasing from year
to year, as the annual proportion ot
each stato grows up to its minimum.
Wliilo Oregon's appropriations for
salaries of teachers will increaso in a
fow years beyond tho $5000 minimum
guarantee, its population in compari
son to that ot tho United States Is so
small that its maximum allotment for
toachors' training would reach only
$7300 in 10 years, making necessary a
bpoclal nllotmont ot $2700 a year ot
federal funds from that time on to
gir.o Oregon the minimum guarant ot
$10,000 a year for this purpoMi
Departeat e Whi interior, U. JC
1m4 Office at Ilescfewg, Oregoa,
Dtceintor 22, iSlf.
NOTICE l hereby gives that MdrtC
Rer Mirager, ot VMa, Oregon, who, o
ABgiHt 6, 1313, mode JJomesteail Ba
try, Serial, No. W73, fer Lots 1, 2,
3 and SWU of NE4 of; Scctioa ,
Township 17S, Range 3R., Willamett
Meridian, has filed notice of Intention
to mako Final Threo-7Ctr Proof, to es
tablish claim to tho land above des
cribed, beforo I. P, Hewitt, U. 8. Com
missioner, at his ofllco, at Eugene,
Oregon on the 27th day of January,
Claimant names as witnesses:
Auldern Low, of VHa, Oregon'.
Mllo M. Thomson, of Vida, Oregon.
James A. Resides, of Vida, Oregon.
Carey W. Tbomsoa, of Vida, Oregon.
W. II. CANON, Register.
Dec. 25,28; Jan. 1,4,8,11,15,18,22.
Notice 1 hereby .given that Inter
est ceases December X, 1916, on all
warrants hereto specified Issued fejr
the Town of Springfield: Street Im
provement w arraats- up to and la
eladiag aamber 7199; General Fast
warrants up to and" Including Ban
ner 6780; special warms ts numbers
6916, 6142 and 6734. Warrants will
be redeemed by the treasurer at the
office ot the Springfield News.
Dec. 18, 2L 25, 28. .
Department of the Interior, 'II. 8,
Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon.
December 15, 1916.
NOTICE ls hereby given that Cecelia,
A. Fish, of Vida, Oregon, who, on July
25, 1910, made Homestead Entry .Ser
ial. No. 06458, for the NWU of SEU.
E of SW4 and Lot 4 of, Section
30, Township 16S, Range 2E, Willa
mette Meridian, has, filed notice ot
intention to make Final Fire-year
Proof, to establish claim to the land
above described, before I. P. Hewitt.
(J. S. Commissioner, at his office, at
Eugene, Oregon, on the 24th day of.
January, 1917.
Claimant names as witnesses:
Ben Mlnney, ot Vida, Oregon.
Matt Rickman, of Vida, Oregon.
George T. Mason, of Eugene, Oregea
Robert C. Sbepard, ot Eugene, Ore
gon. W. H. CANON., Register.
Dec. 18,21,25,28;Jn. 1,4.8,11.1548C.
Our stock, of Groceries is
all fresh and deDendable.
We put our gaurantee
back of every article we sell
and insure satisfaction.
Our prices are as low as
is consistent with- the grade
of goods we parry.
"' t. ..
Give- us a call.-
Nice & Mi
We deliver all orders
PHONES Office, 3; Residence, 116-J
Over Commercial Bank
Springfield. Oregon.
Homeopathic Physician and 8urge
Office, Baptist Parsonage
Corner Second and C Streets
Office Phone 62; Residence 670
West Main St.
Cleaning, Pressing?
Made to Measure Suite
Lemley. Suit House
Phone 75
?NHe In City Hall, Sp &te.