The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, December 25, 1916, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    MONDAY, DEC. 25, 1010,
New Year Gifts
With each succeeding year tho presentation of Now
Ycnr tokens Increases. Tho custom has become a
popular voguo.
Our stock of holiday goods contains many practical
and iiueful Items that will ninko oxcollent Now Yoar
Overlooked Obligations
Tho Now Yoar affords an opportunity for giving some
thing to tho overlooked friend, or a roturn gift to
nomcono who has thoughtfully remembered yout
Perfumes, Stationery, Toilet Goods, New Year Cards,
Calendars, Eto.
Mnko your selections now.
miii mm mi in i mm m
'Mm U toeni Catarrh In thU mi
MM-eawrtty thnn nU otlir 3U4m nrt
tewrthaf, and until tlis last few 7MM
nn suppecd to fo Incurable, rer
Teat many years doctors pronounced It
local dfseaan and prescribed local reme
din, and by constantly falllnar to. our
with local treatment, pronounced It Incur
aiiic. CHoneo lina proven Catarrh to bo a
comtltutlonal disease, and therefor" r.
quire ciiiiKllIiilloiinl treatment. Ifftlra
Catarrh tnanufncitired by K. J.
Cheney & Co., Toledo, O o, la tho only
Constitutional cur on the market It U
taken Internnlly. It ncu directly on the
blood and mueous aurfarra of the eystem.
They offer ot" hundred dollara for any
case It fall In cure. Hend for clrculara
and teatlmonlal
AditrrMt F, J. CHENI5T A CO., Toledo. O.
Bald hy rrl.Kll, lie.
Take Hall a Family 1'IIU for coronation.
I Town and Vicinity
James Cdwilon ot Mohawk spent
Saturday in -Sprnlgftold.
Don't forget tlio D per cent cash
discount at Sneed'a grocery.
Andrew Nystrom of Wendllng was shopping on Saturday,
Nifty perfumes In boxes at Pecry'i
Loo DavU of Douclan Gardens was
In 'Springflold shoplng on Saturday.
Tho llttlo non of Mr. and Mra. Rob
toy la qulto III with pneumonia.
Are you gutting 6 par cent on your
groceries? If not, why not? You
can at Snood's.
MUSOpat Whlloly left Friday for
Winchester whoro she will spend tho
ClirlfitiiiiiH holidays with friends.
Latest Iloprlntn 00 cents at Poory'a
Mrs. Thomas Jonos and daughter,
Doris, of Fossil, aro npondlng tho
ChriBtmns holidays with Mrs. John
Got your Baskotball ahooa at Wolf
and Miller's
MIsb Clytlo Hal), rcportor on tho
Njws, is spondlng tho Christmas holi
days with relatives at Falls City.
Shorty Lansborry Is In from Wend
ling to spond Christmas with his par
eats. Xrnas stationery bought beforo tho
rl(? At Peery's
Th Dobth-Kolly camp' closed Fri
day f.venlng for tho Christmas soaBon
and pill not rosutno operations until
Last mlnuto Christmas gifts, sta
tjjonenry candy, and jperfumo. At
Ketels. 2tms.
Tho FIschor-Doutln mill and camp
closed Friday ovonlng and will remain
closed until tomorrow to glvo tholr
employes a clmnco to colobrato tho
Christinas season.
Gloves, shirts, ovoralls, wollcn box
and tin pants at Wolf and Mlllor'B.
Misses Kato Lansborry, Gr.nco Male,
and Myrtlo Coponhuvor who aro atten
ding tho Stato Normal school at Mon
mouth camo homo Saturday to spond
tho, Christmas hldiys with. Uiolr
parontB in Springflold.
Buy your Christmas candlos at Eggl
mann's Candy Kitchen tho purest
homo-mndo goods for (ho loam monoy.
It. L. Kirk, superintendent of tho
Springfield schools will go to Port
land tho first of this weok to attend
tlio sessions of tho Stato Teachorso'
Association covuntton.
Xmns boxes at Poory's
(MIss Mary Hagor of Flschor's Camp
had hor tonsils and adenoids removed
by, a local physlclnn Saturday af tor
noon. Ollvor Root of Wendllng camo la
Saturday to spend ChriBtmns with his
,W)o havo tho boot Loggors' shoon
in. this end of tho valloy at only $8.1)0.
WoU and Miller.
Miss Imogeno Miller of Sacramento,
California, Is spending the holidays
at" the homo of hor brother; Ransom
Mrs. Adams ofWInborry, was op
erated on at tho Eugono hospital Fri
day' for appendicitis, Sho Is recov
ering in flno ahapo.
Airs. Walter Prlco of Marcola will
pond Christmas with her mothor, Mrs.
Joliannah Woods, at Tlgardsvlllo.
Xmas Seals and 8tlckin. at Peery's
Mra. Suo Olio and hor daughter, MIm
Lulu Oilo, departed Thursday for Port
land, whoro they will spond Christmas
with friends.
Old-faahlonod mixed Christmas can.
dy, two pounds for a ouartor at Eggl
mann's Candy Kitchen.
Miss Amlo O. Young and Miss Efllo
J. Rhodes loft Friday af'rnoon for
tholr homos In Portland, whoro thoy
will spond tho holidays.
Last mlnuto Christmas gifts, sta
tionery, candy, and porfumo. At
Ketels. 2tms. -
Miss Doss Palmer and her sister,
Lucy Palmor, who Is a studont at tho
University ot Oregon, left for tholr
homo in Fossil, Ore., whoro thoy will
spend tho Christmas vacation,
Old-fashlonod mixed Christmas can
dy, two pounds for a quarter at Eggl
mann's Candy Kltchon.
Mr. and Mrs. Melvln Fenwlck leave
Saturday morning for San Diego, Cali
fornia, whoro they will enjoy tho sun
ny south for period of sovoral months.
Miss Mary Dartlolt, ot Portland, ar
rived Tuesday and will spend Christ
mas at tho homo of her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. A. E. Dartlett, and family.
Cupid Flour $2.00. Others ask $2.40.
Johnson's Dost $1.00. Others ask
$1.80. Every sack guaranteed. Why
pay more? Springfield Feed Com
pany. C. E. Lyon, ot the Springflold Feed
company has two lemons on display
tho smallest of which weighs 16 oun
ces and is 12 inches; In dlamotcr. Thoy
wero sent from Corning California
by Mr. Lyon's father. Those lemon
are ot tho Pandarosa varioty.
Dr. and Mrs. W. II. Pollard and
children will Bpcnd Christmas with
Dr. Pollard's mothor, Mrs. Joannah
Woods at Tlgarsvlllo. Mrs. Pollard
will go on to Kalama, Washington
and vslt with hor sister, Mra. Ar
thur M. Drown.
Good reliable (Ire Insurance. No as
sessments; no membership too. Pay
oncd and you aro done. H. E. Walker
at (ho City Hall."
Wo aro making very attractive prl
cob on Flour and Feed In quantities
of 500 pounds or more. Prices that
our competitors cannot moot. Wo
buy right and In largo quantities. If
you aro offered food for leas than W3
ask for It, tako a samplo ofit and com.
paro with our stock. Our prlcos are
lowest posslblo coqaltcnt with tho
quality of feed wo nro offering to oar
customers. Our feed comes from
Eastern Washington and Oregon, and
tho food mado from tho flnrdwhoat
ot that section Is not to be compared
with tho foods produced In tho Wllla
motto Valloy. Conio in and lot us
show you tho dlfforenco. Thero Is
tho samo differenco in Hour. Wo
court your criticism. Highest quali
ty Poultry Supplies at loweBt prices.
Tho senior clasii ot tho Springflold
high school was entertained at the
homo of tho Misses Edna, Winona and
Winifred Piatt, at Douglas Gardens
Friday evening. Tho happy young
people woro taken from town to the
seat of tholr enjoyment by Sutton'.
auto truck. Tho ovealng was spent
playing games and In eating candy.
pop corn, nuts and other goodies.
Tho happy occasion was nearly spoil
od whon two masked robbers wore
reported to bo lurking in tho shadows
of the road. An armed guard sat
J with tho driver all the way homo and
tho chaperon had her flashlight ready
(for Immodlato uso. Those who on
joyod tho hospitality ot tho Piatt sis-
Iters wero: the Misses Vera Williams,
Doris Bikes, Matilda Grunlng, Lillian
Mulligan, Esther Draltaln, Lcota Mc-
'Cracken, Edna PJatt, Winona Piatt,
Winifred Piatt, Mcssers William Rod
enbo, Floyd Dartlett, Virgil Slgnor,
lLowls Grandy, Walter Dalloy, Win I.
frcd Mny.
Dr. and Mrs. N. W. Emery entor
talnod a numbor ot their friends at i
I real old fashioned Christmas troo par
ty at their" homo on south Second
street Thursday evening. The main
ovent of tho evening was tho coming
of Santa, who in bis red wOllen suit
I trimmed with ermtno, brought many
'surprises for tho guests. A beauti
ful fir treo, lighted with candles and
laden with gifts, added to tho cheer
of the occasion. SanU was very
Ioxacting in giving out the presents on
this occasion he Insisted that each
person who received a package should
!read a verso aloud beforo ho could
lay claim to tho tor dog, or cat. or
'Kodak," or broom, or A. B. C. book.
(After Santa had waited for the tumult
to subside ho took flashlight pictures
of his guests to show tho brownies
up north what Springflold people look
llko. After Santa had completed his
visit tho hostess served delicious re
freshments to hor guests. Tboso
who enjoyed tho party wero Dr. and
Mra. W. II. Pollard, Miss Frances
Elizabeth Dakor ot Hood River, MI33
Efllo Rhodes Miss Vera Williams,
Miss Esther Campboll, Wjaltcr Dlmm,
and Dr. and Mrs. N. W. Emery.
Cough Medicine for Children.
Mrs. Hugh Cook, Scottsvlllo, N. Y.,
says: "About flvo years ago when
wo wero Hying in Garbutt, N. Y 1
1 doctored two of my children sufforln
from colds wltlfChamborlaln's Cough
' Remedy and found it Just as represent
ed In every way. It promptly chockod
their coughing and cured tholr coliUi
quicker than nnythlug I ever used.'
! Obtainable everywhere.
Springflold pooplo should know that
a fow dosos of simple buckthorn bark,
glycerine, etc., as mixed in Aldor-l-ka
often reliovo or prevent appendicitis.
This simple mixture removes such sur
prising foul matter that ONE SPOON
FUL relievos almost ANY CASE con
stipation, sour stomach or gas. A
short treatment helps chronic stom
ach trouble Aldor-l-ka has easiest
and most thorough action ot anything
wo ovor sold. M, M. Poory Drug Co.
New Milk Prices.
Commencing January 1st we will
glvo you the benefit ot our saving in
tlnio In keeping books and collecting
accounts. And in loss of bad accounts
by selling milk tickets, for cash, as
12 1 qt tickets $1.00 .08 1-3 per qt
20 lqt. tickets $2.00 & .01 per qt.
40 1 qt. tickets $3.00 & .07i per qt.
10 . pt. tickets $.60 .05 per pt.
1 22 1 pt. tickets $1.00 .04Va per pt.
35 1 pt. tickets $1.60 .04 2-7 per pt.
J 48 1 pt, tickets $2.00 3 .04 1-0 per pt.
I Brook Farm Dairy
Phono 10f3 GEO. A. DORRIS
Good For Constipation.
Chamberlains Tnblots aro excel
lent for constipation. They aro pleas
ant to tako and mild nnd gontlo In
effect. Obtainable everywhere
To our Patrons:
A Merry Christmas
A Happy New Year
W. A. HALL ' -
Men's and Boys' Shoes
Repairing a Specialty
Main Between 6th and 6tn
flTucfimy g&eitmrj, $ce: 2G, 8:15' a'typcR
1st. Tenor
1st. Bass
2nd. Tenor
2nd. Bass.
.' . ' i . ; iX
Part I
1. Hymn 636 "Watchman, tell us of the nighL" MMason
Chorus, Choir and Congregation, tall standing)
2. Prayer, Rev. J. T. Moore
3. Scripture Reading Islah 53 . Rev. N. W. Ferris
4. Scripture Reading Luke 2 ..Rev. C. H. Jensen
5. Hymn 123 "Silent Night." . Gruber
Chorus and High School Choir
6. Duet, "Thero was Joy in Heaven.' Smart
Soprano, Jean Fischor, Ruth Scott
Alto, Edna Duryee, Mabel Duryee.
7. Quartet, Hymn 112, 'There's a song In the air."
. Harrington
Mesdames Case and MldiMeton
Mcssers Filer and Mahvllle
8. Song (in unison) "That sweet story of old" ..Wes
Alice Kerr, Juanlta Knight, Ruth Nunn. Esther Tuck,
, Keith Emmons. Frances Moon
9. Hymn ISO "All ball.the power of Jesus name" -Holder
Chorus, Choir and Congregation (all standing)
Part II
t -
No. 1. Chorus.
Sing, O heavens, and be Joyful, O earth,
Break forth Into singing, O mountains.
Soprano Solo.
For the Lord hath comforted his people
And will have mercy upon his afflicted.
Soprano and Alto Duet.
For tho Lord hath comforted his p-ople
And will havo mercy upon his afflicted.
Therefore, cry out and shout, thou inhabitant of Zion.
For groat is tho Holy One of Israel
In the midst of thee.
No. 2. Bass Solo.
For behold! a King shall reign in righteousness and
Princes shall rule In Judgment.
A king, long time foretold,
Shall reign In righteousness,
And princes shall in Judgment rule
And not In wickedness;
As rivers in a parched pbico,
Where water thero ia none,
Or shadow In a weary land,
Shall be that promised One.
As from the world a hiding-place
. A covert from tho storm,
In Bethlehem, in Judah's sunny clime,
Shall como that glorious form;
The sinbound captives ho will free
And bid their souls rejoice,
The lame shall walk, the blind shall see,
And all obey his voice.
No. 3. .Quartet.
And thero shall como forth a rod
Out of 'tho stem ot Jesse
And a branch shall grow out ot his roots,
And tho Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon blm
And he Bhnll save his people from their sins.
And thore shall como forth a rol
Out of tho stem of Jesso
And tho Srirlt of the Lord shall rest upon him
And ho shall save his people from tholr sins.
No. 4. Tenor Solo and Chorus.
Tenor Solo. ,
Eoar thou not! Thou art highly favored.
Be not troubled I Gladly Hear! ,
. ..God is with thoe!
Blessod above all other women,
Let the tidings glvo tlieo choer!
Fear not! For tho Lord is with thee,
Thou art favored in hia sight!
Thino shall be son and .savior
Who shall bo a shining light.
Son ot God and of the Highest,
Ho shall be tho Prlnco of Peace,
His shall be the' throne of David,
And his Kingdom never cease:
Fear thou not! God is with thee!
No. 5. Contralto Solo
Hull! Bethlehem, city ot David,
Blessed art thou;
Though humble and lowly
Yot shalt thou bo exalted. .
For thou art chosen to be tho abode
Of tho Holy Ono of Israel,
And out of thoo shall rise
The lleht of tho world.
Hall) Bethlehem, city ot David,
Blessed art Hum;
Though humblo and lowly
Yet shalt thou bo exalted.
Blessed art thou,
No, I.
Men's Quartet.
O Bight, so calra asd holy,
Upon Judcan plains,
When sbopherd's cars woro greeted,
Dy moroUhan earthly strains;
'While they listened all aroand thorn
Such a wondrous glory stone,
'Twas thus the mighty angr-1
Would make his presflnco known.
O wondrous night, so softly bright!
O night, so calm and holyl
O holy nightl q holy night!
O night, so calm and holy,
So bcatutiful and bright!
The watchers sure wero blenscd
Who saw thy glorious HgbL
And sweeter far the music
Tho wond'rlng shepherd's beard,
Thau human art has yielded,
Or song of tropic bird.
O night, so calm and holy,
So bcatutiful to seo!
No other nightly season
Was ever like to theo!
While tho guarded flock lies sleeping.
And the stars are shining clear,
The shepherds beard sweet music,
'Tls heaven's angelic choir.
O wondrous night, so softly bright!
O night, so calm and boly !
O boly night! O boly night!
No. 7, Solos, Duet, Quartet, Chorus and Devble Cheru.
Soprano Solo. - .,
There were shepherds abiding la the field, koopteg
watch over their flocks by night.
Men's Quartet.
Keeping watch over their flocks by night
Soprano. Solo.
And lo! the angel of tho Lord came upon them asd
the glory of the Lord shone around them; and taey
were sore afraid.
Men's Quartet
And they were sore afraid.
Soprano Solo. .....
And the an eel said unto them: Fear not for behold. I
bring you good, tidings of great Joy wbloh shall be'to-'sll
ceoDle: for unto you, in ine city ot jjavia, is oars &
Savior, which Is Christ the Lord.
Men's Chorus. ,
And suddenly there was with tho angel a mulUtadt;
of the heavenly host, praising God and saying: .
Double Chorus.
Glory to God! Glory to' God!
Hark the angel voices cry 1
Glory be to God on high.
Peace on earth and mercy mild,
God and sinners reconciled.
Joyful all ye nations rise
Join the triumph of the skies,
With th' angelic host proclaim,
Christ is born In Bethlehem.
Soprano and Tenor Duet , - .
Hall the heav'n-born Prince ot Peace!
Hail the Sun of righteousness!
Rls'n with healing in his wings,
Light and life to all he brings.
Double Chorus.
Glory to God! Glory to, God!
Hark the angel , voices .cry .
Glory be to God on High! (
Single Chorus.
Glory b6 to God on High! "
Double Chorus, ":,
Glory be to God on High!
No. 8- Soprano and Alto Duet.
Duet -
Behold yon star In heav'n's blue dome, beaming sorbrIgaty
Its mellow radlence shedding celestial light; ' r
O star, so bright, so fair,
What tldincs dost thou bear? t
Tellest thou of peace r gory war?
Tidings -of peace to all mankind I bring
As I guide the wise men to the new-born King.
Tidings of peace to mankind I bring;
Yes, gentle peace to all mankind I bring.
O wonderful star! O wonderful start
Yes, gentle peace, peace to all mankind thou dost brinf
Duet '
Guiding the wise men to the now-borc King.
It is the star ot Bethlehem- '
The star of faith, ot hope, and love. 1
O star, shine on In glory,
Guide us to the new-born King.
Behold yon star in heav'n's blue dome, beaming so bright,
Its "mellow radlence shedding celestial light;
Bright star of hope! Bright star ot hope! , J
Shine on In radiant glory! Shine on! Shine on!
No. 9. Men's Chorus. I
Come three kings from tho Orient, 1
With gifts of gold and jewels rare;
What's their quest from their homes so far?
Why to Salem's gates repair? I
On they march through the city streets,
By hope sustained, though travel worn; !
On they march through the city.
On they march, on they march '
To the lowly manger home
Seeking the Christ-child,
That had as Jewish king been born,
That thoy might worship him, t
And with Jewels rich adorn. '
Still they followed the radiant star
Which had led them all tbe weary way, 1
Till they came to Bethlehem, "
Where tho sleeping Child-king lay! '
No. 10. Soprano Solo.
O blessed Lord, accept ub,
As now we como to thee,
To thank thee tor thy goodness
And tor thy pord'nlng grace so troo.
O 'Jesus ever precious,
O shepherd ever kind!
Thy very name is music
To ear, and heart, and mind.
Our love and adoration
With gladsome hearts we bring,
And pralso to thoe wo offer,
Our everlasting King,
Tho riches and the glory
That thou in heaven hadst known,
Thou laldst aside, dear Savior,
For our transgessions to atone.
As llttlo child thou camwt,
The Lord ot lords thou art,
Now be thy throno established
In every human heart.
No. 11.
Final Chorus.
Blessed bo the Lord God ot Israel
For ho hath Yisited and redeemed his people
And hath raised up a mighty salvation for us.
In tho house pt his servant DvW;
And ho spako by the moutU ot JaJl holy prppheta
Which have been tlnce the world began, ,
That we should be saved from our enemies.
And from, the hands ot all that hate us.
Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
Sing praises to the God of our salvation!
Ob, pralso his name, Hallelujah I
Oh, praise the God ot our Balvatlon!
Hallolujah! Amen.