THURSDAY, PRO. 21, 1016. C NEVCH , SUBSTITUTE : Town and Vioihitv ? - v L Ijateat Reprlnta 60 cents at PeeryV ,Mrt I(oIon Martin or British Colum. lila.arrlrod hero Tuesday noon to ! iy until after the holiday with her parents, Mr. and Mra. U. A. Wnsliburno ,,MIsb Amlo Young and MIb Efllo Ithodos oxpoct to leavo tomorrow oven ins'for their honion'ln Portland, whoro thoy will remain until aftor tho holl- uays. t Got your Uankotbalt alioei at Wolf iirwf Mlllra ' iiiPPr aoorco MvcHsay of Lebanon arriv ed Tuosday nftornnon to commencn tho plumbing work In tho two hoimoi which ar'o under construction for MIbh Margarut Motrin, Mr. ond Mrs. 0. V. Hsglmann nro In receipt of nn unusual Christmas gift Yfhlch thoy nro sharing wltli their friends, a box of applos of tho "Dell clous" varloty from Wonatchoo, Wash. Ingtou. A rango, heater, rug, rockor, sow ing machine and many other artlclos In my store will make your wlfo hap py and homo brighter. J. C. Holbrook. lleman Oaks of Cottago Grovo Is In tho city looking around. Mr. Oakcn was formerly In tho blcyclo repair busjhoss hero, and he may decide to Muter business In this city again. " vfi Walker, grand warden of the Odd, Follows, paid tho Odd Follows of Vonota an offlclal visit Saturday night. Last mlnuto Christmas gifts, sta tjonorfy candy, and j porfumo. At Ketbls. 2tms. MIbb Bobs Palmer expects to loavo tomorrow ovenlng for ho homo ut Fossil, Oregon, whoro ho will opon-1 tho holidays. CHRISTMAS GROCERIES ' Wo have a fjplcndld assort ment of fresh , CHRISTMAS CANDIES at 15 and 20 cents per pound. FRESH ENGLISH WALNUTS 20 cents per pound. Best California Walnuts 25 cents per pound, ! ' Brazil nuts 20 cerita pound, Cocoanuts 15 cents each. CALIFORNIA. NAVAL ORANGES 30-40-50 cents per dozen. ;Nice& Miller "Wo deliver all orders." Now is the time !to buy the boy .'some new I shoes before the Jprices advance. fl KEEP A KODAK PIC TUHE OP YOUft LIFE, A file of your "Kodak" plcturon will provldo n pictorial Malory of your life. It will .enable you (o retain tho laccn, acnnoM and Incidents which nro doar to you. Iluttor got ono iloslra hlo Rift llko a camera than a dozen lower ones A catnora In a real "fam ily Rirt'nB It appeal to people of all ngoa. PHBNE 31 i Uovorond J. T, Mooro loft Tuesday evening for a few days' business trip to Portland. j Xmas stationery bought before tho I ralso at peery'a I Mr. and Mrs. Walter Tomsot word visitors, at. tho homo of Mr. and Mm, j Claude Knott one day tho ilrst of the week. I Mr. and Mrs. Bort Rolmenschncldor roturnod homo to Wendllng yesterday morning after having spent severs! days horo. Mrs. Kholmcnschnolder Is nn aunt of Wolby Stevens. Tho wator tank In tho, kitchen of tho new Methodist church bursted Tuesday afternoon, probably from pro Insure, since thoro was no flro at tho tlmo. Gloves, shirts, overalls, wollcn sox nnd tin pnntB at Wolf nnd Miller's. , Practically all tho open cars wanted nro being secured from tho Southern Pacific company now, It was said at tho local olllco of tho Ilooth-Kelly Lumber company, but almost no box cars can bo secured. Duy your. Christmas candies at Eggl. inann's Candy Kitchen tho purest home-made goods for tho least money. Rumor Jias It that Mrs, M. L. France has Just received a brand now auto mobile. Mrs. Doctor Kestor left for Port land yesterday to spend a few days at the homo of her daughters, Mrt. W. 8. Thurlow and Mrs. B. a. Jarvls. Slio will roturn Friday. XmaB boxes at Peery'a Mrs, Kdcsso Cox and llttlo daugh ter, Johannn, returned from San Fran, ctsco, Sunday afternoon. Don't forgot tho Christmas enter tainment, Saturday night at tho Bap tist church. Program by tho Sun day school; a treat for every pupil, and n royal good tlmo for every body. I have sonio beautiful oil hand paint, ed pictures, on heavy cnnvnsB at a tvory reasonable Christmas price. Soi J them. J. O. Holbrook. 4 W. H. Grflln was In from Fall Crook . Tuosday. I Ed Dowd went to Oakrldgo Mondny ovchlng whoro he has a position on tho Noto Hill ranch. . 1 Knmost Moo Ih confluod to his homo with nn attack of grip. ) JolmLorali nnd Gcorgo Barnes wont to RrowimvUlo Tuosday . morning on business; ' j ' Tho poy bWi 'for tho Glonwood school InLWost .Sprlnsflold I8V nearly completed. Work wns commenced lunt Saturday! ' Tho shod Is 24x40 nnd 12 feet high, J. O. Cherry la superintending tho work. W) havo tho' best Loggers' ahoaa In this end of tho valley nt only J8.U0. Wolf and Mlllor. , Rny Dally Is ablo to bo about again without his crutches. ' Judgo T. Harris, of tho Oregon Su preme court, attended tho funornl of Mrs. Wolby Stovons, Tuesday. MARRIED At the olllto 6f tho Jus tlco of tho poaco In Eugeno Dccom bor 10,1010, Carl Dohne, of Vidn, and Miss Tilda Emmorlck, of Waltor. vllle, Judgo J. Q. WoIIb officiatlnt;. Mrs. L, Counts of Qoburg, la spend ing a tow duys hero with bor daughtor Mra, Frank Sldwoll. Fifth and Main First-Glas W.A.Hall Mrs, Zell Caalrill, chief operator at the local telephone exchange, has returned to her duties, after an ab sence of thrco weoks becauso of Ill ness. Good reliable fire Insurance, No as sessments so mombcrshlp fee. Pay obcv uad yoU ar dene. II. K. Walker at tbo City Tlall. Charllo Ray roturncd to tils homo In Portland Tuesday. J, It. Whlto, district manngor of thtf Oregon Power company, was up from Albany on business yesterday, Mrs. N. Whlto was In from tho VI tun Addition yostorday, doing somo Christ, mas shopping. Xmas Seals and Stlrkeri, at PccryV Among tho out-of-town shoppers yes terday wero Sam Goddard, Waltcrvllle, M J. Wcarln, WaltcrvHIo; II. W. Swnfford, Donna; and Tom Sololm, Camp Creek. Old-fashioned mixed Christmas can. dy, two pounds for a quarter at 'Eggl mann's Candy Kitchen. J. Arnette and family have mov ed to this city from Nowberg and are living In J. W. 8 tan Igor's furnished house on Sixth and D streets. Lcnllo Mack, electric foreman for the Oregon Power company, ' Is In Junction City this week, putting In some extensions. Mrs. Mary Elliott was down from Lowell doing her Christmas shopping yesterday. ..Buy Useful Presents for your family and friends for Xmas and people will havo a good opinion of your Judgment I havo them. J. C. Holbrook. Mayor E. E. Morrison spent yester day In Salem, where ho was in atten dance nt a meeting of the Oregon Hop grower's association, of which ho is a dlroctor, Ed Schwcaring and Arthur .Eastern wore In from WaltcrvHIo, nnd. Harry Wlthors was In from Natron yesterday. Miss Jcnno Tumor of Mnrcola la horo visiting MIbb Gertrude Carter. Waltor Grimn, won of Mr. and Mm. R, N. Grlffln of this city, while work ing in tho woods at tho Mabel camp Monday morning, severed tho tendon of tho left foot with his axe. Ho was brought to Springfield where the wound Is being cared for at tbo local hospi tal. James Hart was in from his farm eight miles up tho McKenzio yester d&y'. J. E. Jones of Blaklovlllo was doing somo Christmas shopping ,tn town yes terday. r Last minute vChHstmas,ElftB,-' sta tionery, candy, and perfume. At Kotols, 2tms. A. Mlddloton returned home yester day from Lancaster, Ohio, where ha went to attend his father's funeral. Mr. Mlddloton has also visited rela tives In the cast, being absont about Ave weeks altogether. Nifty porfumes in boxes at Pcery'3 fc Mr. and Mrs. Paul I). Dimm and small daughter, Mary Dorothea, nro oxpocted from Portland Saturday even ing to spend Christmas with Mr. Dlmm's parents, Mr. and Mrs, J. C. Dimm. Old-fashioned mixed Christmas can dy, two pounds for a quarter atEggi inann's Candy Kitchen. Mr. nnd Mrs. Josse Scavey and baby, who camo from Corvallls to nttend the funeral of Mra. Wolby Stevens, expect to return home todny. j. E. Hill who resides near Coburg brought In a wagon load of live turkeys to tho Swart a and Waahburnc meat market this morning. Grand Warden W. F. Walker, paid his olllclal visit to tho Creswcll Odd Fellows last evening, being accompnn. led by Fred Barnard, H. A. Korf, and Dr. J. E. Richmond. .Cupid Flour $2.00. Others ask $2.40. Johnson's Best $1.70. Others ask $1.80. Every sack guaranteed, Why pay more? Sprlngilold Feed Com pany. Mr. and Mrs. C, E, Goodalo returned homo to Portland Tuosday evening, af tor having attended tho funeral of Mr. Goodolo's sister Mrs. Wolby Stovons. Mrs. S. Thornton, 1b visiting for a fow dayB with her nloce TMrs. J. B King, at Eugeno. , M. V. Endlcott of this city on Mo.i. day tradod a houso and lot. In Mnrcola Leather is on the upward trend Have some good values for . men and boys. for a vacant lot la fiprlagfleld near tho Lincoln school from Bert Rhelmen- ftCltneldur of Wendllng. Tho consider. ntlon was fSGO. Tho Booth-Kolly will bo closed down two days, Monday and Tuesday, to allow its men to enjoy a CJirlstrnm holiday. Don't forget tho f per cent cash discount at Snood's grocery, John WCnricd leaves tomorrow to spend Christmas with Mrs. Wizen rlod and their daughter, Mrs. Jo'j Lemon, In Portland, Itovcrond J, W. Perkins, Juvinllo offi cer, slates that he would ,bo glad (j havo tho ladles In tho Stewart Addi tion look after the needs of the C. A, Dales family. Mr, Bales is HI In u hospital in Washington, and the fami ly Is very much in need of aid. Aro you getting 5 per cent on your groceries? If not, why not? Yon can at Sneod's. Ira Nice purchased a Ford from tho Springfield garage today. The latest word received from Webb Walsh, eon of Mrs. J. H. Brummette of this city, who recently underwent an operation, is that he is very low land bis recovery la uncertain. Mrs. Brummette Is now with him at Jasper.' I Tho Christmas message at tho Meth odist church will be given at 11:00 o'clock Sunday morning by the pastor Reverend James T. Moore. Special Christmas music wll bo a feature of tho service. Snccd's is the placo to buy your Xmag candles and nuts. j E. E, Kcpncr has sold one of his houses which stands at the corner of A nnd Fifth streets to Mrs. Brain bridge, and tho latter Is having it mov. ed to Ninth and L strcots, where she' will havo It remodeled. J. W. Bar ringer Is doing the moving. Just aa wo were going to press we rocelyed word that Mr, Walsh passed away about noon today. Tho body is being brought to Springfield but definite arrangements for the funeral have not been completed. FEDERAL AID FOR VOCATIONAL WORK BEFORE CONGRESS (Continued from page one) Jocts it would receive $500 the 'first year and $10,000 in the tenth year and thereafter. The total for th"e first, year would, therefore, be $15,000 for the llrst year, gradually Increasing to $53,. 800 in tho tenth year and thereafter, or. a total for the first ten years of $341. 230. " Travel on Low Round Trip HOLIDAY FARES Go home for Xmas Stay for New Years Day. Our low round triu Holiday tickets allow ybu'Dlen'tv df time, All oomts 4n OREGON"-' CALiFORNIA-' $ WASHINGTON and IDAHO Holiday Sale Dates Between Oregon noints Deo. 22 to 25 inc: Dec. 30 to Jan. 1 Inc. Return limit Jan. 3, 1917. To California points Dec. 21 to 23 Inc; Dec, ?.5 to 28 inc. Return limit 15 days from date of sale. Td Pacific Northwest points in WashlnRton and Idaho Dec. 22 to 25 inq. Return limit Jan. 3, 1917. Ask local Agent for time of trains, fares, etc. John M. Scott. G. P. A. Portland, Ore. SOUTHERN PACIFIC LINES FOOTBALL . , CirrrYft we Pannculwnntn APPRO VC3 Ml ' at my GIVE a man a chance whether he is on the force or a private citizen. It's the satisfaction, the good tobacco taste that wins him over to W-B CUT chewing. There are other things that help: the gentlemanly appearance lhat the little, chew permits; the casing up on so much grinding and spitting; last and not least, the economy but it's the tobacco satisfaction that turns the trick every time. Christmas Greeting Beginning December 16, 1916 We Will Give With livery Cash Purchase 5 per cent Discount 3 per cent Thirty Days No discount on Sugar by the sack. We are not advancing our price on our groceries and then giving you discount But are simply giving you the discount gratis Mrs. E. V. Sneed &Sons Christmas Wo VinvA nn rHsinlnv 'proprlate'3toas' Gifts! Look at some of these Solid Gold Rings Brooches Lavalliers Scarf Pins Cuff Buttons Tie Clasps Gold Pilled Pencils Lodge Emblems Hand Painted China D. W. ROOF, Jeweler I' NEW SERVICE: We are authorized under the Federal Reserve Law to act as an Executor, Administrator, Guardian or Trustee. , This Is & new service our officers will be glad to discuss with you. t FIRST NATIONAL BANK, EUGENE, OREGON. Subscribe for The SPECIAL JEWELRY SALE We are offering amazing bar-, gains in the best standard Jew elry, Hvhich e had to take over on account Seven Jewel Elgin Watches $4.60 Rogers 1847 Silverware Walt ham, Howard, Hamilton Watches Diamonds, Rings Wholesale prices while, this stock lasts IMI O DDCTCCI CTD JL QAM "V. THC KfAftTKHrt AMP MMUAJUsf wt, mm writ 1 Suggestions mnnv nrtliTpj that mal'A an- f suggestions. Ivory-Sets Bracelet Watches Cut Glass Silver Ware Waterman Pens Thimbles Pearl Knives Clocks Springfield News Repair nig Via I ft UMWUIi W WWII -R HARDWARE MERCHANTS j Pfts&der.u, oi.. Jiin.Mst j