THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS THURSDAY, DEC, 21, 101(5. FAGS TWO V Tin SpriitfiiU Niws J. C. DIMM, WALTER R. DIMM Editors and Publishers Published Every Monday and Thursday RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION One Year .... J1.50 Six Months .... .75 Thrco .months , .50 Advertising rates furnished on appli cation. OUR CORRESPONDENTS CAMP CREEK Ruby Crabtree MAItCOLA Audrey Lewis THURSTON, Mrs. Walter Ednlsten DONNA Charles Heck COBURO Elslo Anderson CEDAR' FLAT -. .Mrs. Annd Morse WEST SPRINGFIELD. Hn. Clara Chllds Member of th .Willamette Valley Editorial AaMclatlon. THURSDAY, DEC. 21, 1916. BUYING AT HOME. Some of the Springfield mer chants have been complaining that they are not holding the Christmas shoppers this year ) and that much of the business has'been going, to Eugene. Dur ing, the last few days practically eyery car that comes from across the river brings local people laden with Christmas bun dies. Money earned in Spring field Is taken out of this com munity and spent in support of the merchants of another com-ibeen munlty. Wlmt lc the. fiiicn nf thte lark llUll?Ith the citizens of Springfield? Is It that the merchants do not carry the kind of goods the buy ers. Remand? .Are tjbe Christmas -gopde, that are, being offered this years goods? Are they dis played in such a manner that the buyers will be attracted? The Christmas shopper this year is not looking so much for Gejrman mechanical toys that "Work as he is looking for the at tc'tlVe substantial gifts that Will be of good practical use to the Johnys and Marys who will receive them. The Christmas Shopper now-a-days is looking for good substantial buys and is not raking the counters for cheap shoddy bargains. Do the merchants of Springfield have the kind of merchandise in stock that appeals enough to the buy er to have him leave his money at the stores and take the mer chandise. If the mecbants have the kind of goods in stock that the buy ing public demands, do they adr. Vertlse sufficiently? -The mer chant in the large city 'spends several weeks giving practical aid and suggestions foj6hris't mas buying in vlarge full-page ads in the papers. Tha merch ants of the larger towns spend hundreds of dollars to attract buyers to their stores from com munities for miles around. They have been pursuing this method of publicity and have increased It every year. It pays or they would have stopped it long ago. Eugene merchants are advertis ing in the Eugene papers and in several other papers in the coun ty. Eugene is 'getting most of Lane county's Christmas trade. If the merchants of this town ever .hope to keep the trade, es pecially In dry goods, they will havo to tell people what they have to sell. All the goods cannot be displayed in the win dows and the customers will not spend their time making the rounds of stores in search of, certain articles when they know just wbere they pan get the same thing in Eugene. Use the home paper, use circulars, letters, bill, boards, use posters use anything that will tell he people what they can purchase in SpHngficid' at prices as low as, any In ojber towns. . Advertising is not a matter of staging bargain sales. Its greatest Talue Ilea In lt edii- cational qualities. Tho buyers of Springfield need only to bo convinced that they can do their Bhopplng to advantage at homo and they will. not go four or a hundred miles away to make heir purchases. 5 BAPTIST CHURCH. .Reverend W. Norton Fetrls, minis ter. Iltble school at 10:00 n. in. A Christmas lesson that should Interest everyone. Let' every one enter Into tho meaning of this occasion and show ourselves happy In Jesus by trustful and obedient spirits. Mrs. John Fitx- gcrald, superintendent Dlvlno wor ship and Christmas sennon nt 11:00 n. m. Dr. Koenoy Ferris will preach. Senior and junior meetings at 6:30 p. m. Evening service of song and ser mon 7:30. Dr. Ferris will again speak and will gtvo "The convict's Christ, mas," by Will Carlton, a gem In lit erature. Special music by chorus. All are cordially Invited. Strangers al ways welcpiuo. Has Best Shopping Day Yet "1 had the best Christmas shopping day this season today," said John 'Ho tels, with a liappy look, last evening Mr. Hotels Bald that stationery, Pari sian Ivory toilet pieces and books wora among the best sellers, and that not only townspeople, but many out-of-town folks were In during the day. Mr. Ketela has attractive goods, and especlally gooa d,8play8 wlnJow trlms Chrictmas Gifts Begin To Go Eastward Christmas packages bound tor thoiKon east and middle west principally, are beginning to come tn ns fast as they employes. Monday was tho first big day, and there has been quite a steady . stream since Nafnrniiv. thA rnn. frt. nnln.M In .lift n , n , . 1, n --. gradually Browlng heavler ing the week. However, it Is said fleld, Oregon, run thenco oast 133 'tho present po3tof8ce force will bojfeot; thenco north 63 feet; thenco ladecuate to handle the nlcreased bus.- j west 133 feet; thenco south 63 feet ness. Incoming packages have been somewhat slower, although more are coming In now than there were tho first of the week, when for two days there was practically no eastern mall. Tho Gleaners made a visit to the county farm today, taking Christmas candles and fruits to the Inmates. Classified Ads For Sale, Rent Wanted, Etc. FARM LOANS At the lowest rate and on the easiest terms to be had. J. C. Holbrook, Springfield. GIRL WANTED For general house work Mrs. J. L. Clark, Phone 118-w. FOR SALE Big Durham cow, E. R. Kepner FOR INFORMATION regarding home stead entries In Central Oregon, write enclosing stamped envelope to A. O. King or D. D. Tussing, Broth ers, Oregon. cIJckIwalsT? horn pure bred O. A'. C. strain, six months old, $1.00 each. Call at 710, C street. ... "FOR SALE Practically new Oliror f rprt. ,.,,,. c lfn.t.l.. I- ' -Typewriter number 5. Machine is, equipped with tabulator and back spacer. It is Jn good running order, j Call at the News office and have If demonstrated. Terms. NOTICE FOR PUBtlCATION. Department of the Interior, U. S, Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon. NOTICE is hereby given that Cecelia i A. Fish, of Vida, Oregon, who, on July ' ?f th? s,Jt"c5n p"c'flc CraPa"Jr be 25, 1910, mado Homestead Entry.Ser-. lZ Ins South from the NW. cor lal, No. 06458. for the NWK of SE4. : l? of saM claim, and run. South EA of SW and T nt X of ?ort!nn f0 and Lot 4 of. sec on mette Meridian, has filed notice oil intention to make Final Five-year ' Proof, to establish claim to the land nhnv .lpni-HhBrf Wor 1 T H.wlll 17 Pnmmlcolnna, o, t,'lo 'mo , rni,stii rrc.rnn nr. II.. OJ.V. A.. lantmpv 1017 UhHllVi vivbwu. Vil MID .1111 HUT Ul Claimant names as witnesses: Den Mlnnoy, of Vlda. Oregon. Matt RIckman, of Vida, Oregon. &o T:n, of Eulenroregon Robert C Shepard, of Eugerie, Ore gon. W. H. CANON, Register. Dec. 18,21,2D,28;Jan. 1,4,8,11,16,18.22. CALL FOR WARRANTS j Notice is hereby given that inter- est ceases December 22, 1916, on all warrants herein specified Issued by tho Town of Springfield: Street Im- provement warrants up to and in- ciuuing numoer iiw, uenerai runa warrants up 10 uuu mciuaing num ber 6780; special warrants numbers 5916, 6142 and 6734. Warrants will be redeemed by tho treasurer at tho office of tho Springfield News. WALTER R. DIMM, Treasurer. Dec. 18, 21, 25, 28. NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT FOR THE improvement !of south sec ond street from the cen ter Cine of south "e" street southerly to , the city limits. .Notlco la hereby given to tho owners of. property,, liable for. the Improve ment' of South Second, Street, from the center line of South "B" Strset southerly to tho City limits, In Spring field, Oregon, that on December ISth, 1910, tho Common Council passed Or dinance No. 432 levying an assess ment for tho Improvement of tho said streijt by grading and macadamis ing, tho same, and tha snld assessment was entered upon tho Docket of Town Liens on tho 13th ,day of December 1916. By tho tonus of Uio Charter tho said assessment Is now duo and must bo paid on or boforo tho 13th, day or January 191", or tho proporty will bo sold for tho payment thereof: Pro vided, howovor, it shall bo lawful for tho owner of any proporty so assess ed for such Improvement In tho sum of $25.00 or more, nt any Unto with in ten daya after tho first publication of this notlco, winch ton a ays win exnlra on tho 25th. day of Docombor 1910, to fiTo with tho Town Rocordor a writton application to pay tho said assessment In ton annual Installments, tn accordance with tho Bancroft Act. The owner ship, description of pro perty and amount of assessment are as follows r Currlo Olness and G. E. Erlckson, Tho cast 160 feet 6f. Tract "A". VIIl amctto Holghts Addition to Spring field, Oregon, 1106.46. Carrto Olncs and Q. E. Erlckson, Beginning at tho northeast corner of Tract "A" Wiljamotto Heights Adr dltion to Springfield, Oregon; thenco north 33 feet; thonce. west 160 feet; thenco south 33 feet and thenco east 160 feet to placo of beginning, $15.54. Sadie M. Perkins.' Tho cast 160 feet of tho North 249.3 feet of Tract "B" in WlUametto Heights Addition to Springfield, Oregon, $117.43. Herbert Derrick, -Lot 3 In Block 2 $8.43. 1 Herbert Derrick, Lot 4 In Block 2, $66.93. William and Junia K. Beals, Lot 5 in Block 2,'$33.17. F. S. Allen. Lot C in Block 2. $33,72 All of the nhovo brtngln AVIllametto Heights Addition to Springfield, Oro- Fred R. Waters, Beginning at tho northwest corner of lot 1 In blocR 4 to Springfield, Oregon; run thence ent 130 feel. Uience south 63 foot: thence West 130 feet and thence north C3 feet to the place of beginning. $33.54 i j. a. voungrcen. ueginning ni mo JSSU John C. Mullen. West hnlf of lot 1 In block 4 In Willamette Heights Addition to Springfield. Oregon, ex cept tract sold to Fred R. Wators. described in deed record Vol. 91. page 196 of Lane County, Oregon, $.56. C. A. Machen. Tho north one half of the west one half of lot 2 in block 4 in WlUametto Heights Addition to Springfield, Oregon, $31.36. All of tho aforesaid lots and Blocks are in Willamette Heights Addition to the Town of Springfield, Oregon. 'Dato of first publication, December 14th, 1916. HERBERT E. WALKER. Town Recorder. Doc, 14, 21. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Lane County. D. H. Pierce & Barney May, Plaintiffs against The Unknown Heirs at Law of David Arthur and Mary J. Arthur, Deceased; SUMMON? and Also All Other rer- bohb and Parties unknown 1 claiming any right, title estate, lien or interest inf the real estate described inl the Complaint; Defendants To tho Unknown Heirs at Law of David Arthur and Mary J. Arthur, do ceased, and All other Persons and Par ties unknown, claiming any right, title, estate, lien or interest In the real pro perty described in the complaint and herein; Defendants: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE bOF OREGON: You aro hereby ro- nulred tc annear and answer the com plaint filed against you in tho nbovo entitled suit on or before tho 30th day vl UTOHUUOIl li71Ui UUU II JUU lull U ,0 BMwePf foc t thereof, plaintiffs wju take decree against you as prayed for in bald compluint, viz. That their title bo'foreyer quieted to tho following described lands, in Lane Cojinty, Oregon iowit: Begin ning at tho intersection of tho West line of tho David Arthur and Wife donation land Claim in Tp. 18 South rng. 2 West of wil. Bier, with tho sltb "no of the railroad right of way C"H- aIl ".uu cub., XNurwi hfc to th(j fiouth no of Ba,d ra,road JM ? & 9!l?L&in&a u. 7..Y , V V 'B a"f r'BUl, lino, luiereai or eaiuio 'n tO the Same. 1 UIB. BUIUUlt This, sunjmpns Is served by publl- vunuu iiicruui uiiuu Kavii wuun lur bis i I . . . , . , successive weeks in tho Springfield News by order of Hon. John S. Coko, Judge of said Court, mado November jVAW thereof was mode on the ICth day of November, 1916. A. E, WHEELER Attorney fpr Plaintiffs. Nov. 16, 23, 30; Dec. 7, 14, 21. - Ar,. IMr- ,,,.-,. el.nnlP Dr- ADALINE KEENEY FERRIS Homeopathic Physician and Surgeon Office. Daptlst Parsonage Corner Secpnd and C Streets. HOURS: U TO 12 PHONE it W. F. WALKER UNDERTAKER FUNERAL DIRECTOR Office Phone 6Z; Relcience 67-J West Main St. Gleaning, Pressing , REPAIRING Made to Measure Suite Lemley Suit House Phone 75 CHRISTMAS CAKE Lot us do your Baking for tho . x Holidays. GENUINE FRUIT CAKE 25 conts per pound Placo your order now. We will liave a fine selection of PIES, LAY.ER CAKES AND COOKIES. Springfield Bakery A. WESALOWSKA, Prop CAREFUL. CONSQIENTIOUS Dentistry DR. J. E. RICHMOND PHONES Office, 3; Residence, 11cM Over Commercial Bank, Springfield. Oregon. DR. N. W. EMERY DENTIST ' SUTTON BLDG. - PHONE 2(KI HERBERT E. WALKER NOTARY PUBLIC 9 fries to City Hall. Springfield, Or Go East Union Pacific System OREGQN-WASHINGTON . LIMITED Leaves. Portland Union Station . 10 A.M. Daily via the Famous Columbia River Route The only Through-to-Chlcago train electrically lighted, automatically protected. WM. McMURRY General Passenger Agent PORTLAND I HUH COOK 1 A' ureg IT IS EASIER TO PAY YOUR BILLS WITH A CHECK; IT LOOKS BETTER IT QIVES YOU STAN DING IN YOUR COMMUNITY. . .IT IS CONVENIENT TO MAIL A CHECK FOR THE EXACT AMOUNT. THAT CHECK IS A RECEIPT. ..BESIDES THAT THE BANK IS HELPING YOU KEEP YOUR AC COUNTS STRAIGHT. ..THE BEST FRIEND YOU HAVE IS YOUR MONEY, NEXT TO IT IS THE BANK ER WHO CAN ADVISE YOU FREE OF CHARGE A BOUT MONEY MATTERS. BANK WITH US REMEMBER- The subscription prices of most standard magazines will be raised after 'the first of the year. Your should be placed before December 28. I make rates that will meet all competition. WALTER Phone 2 Your Christmas Table Load your Christmas tabjo with fresh,puro,heaUh ful , high quality, grocerjes .from our Htoro, and you and your friends will sit down to as raro a feast as Epicures can possibly provide. ' Although tho quality of our groceries is the highes't, our prltes aro the low est the best can bo sold for, . Give us yqur grocery business, arid you will give up all your business. Bo cause you will find our groceries good. The Fifth Street Grocery THOS. SIKES, Prep. , i .J el . on WITH Power R. DIMM Springfield News Office PHONE 22 A. i r f' o i i GAS G r c