Vnlvmtty o Orjgon 25 0 "I V'livil Kvirmrjr Ji, iDLiHarlngnall rir)n, noond tliM rtutterundcr net of Conirro o( M reli, 147V SPRINGFIELD, LANE COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, DEC. 21, 1910. VOL. XV. NO. 94 THI NEWS LJ U U .'VI 'LILI I Y v 7 PRESIDENT MAKES EFFORT TO TERMINATE GREAT Focjernl Exooutlvo Sends Porson , allPrepRrod Documents To , ;., Each Of Belligerent f ' 'A Nations. . 3 .. . Acf ION INDEPENDENT OF OFFERS MADE BY GERMANY '- '. ' s 1 1 Warring Nations Asked To Join Pro- League To Enforce World Peace Action of Neutral Anured. Washington, Doc. 20, I'rpaldent Wil y son ns chlof executive of tho grcatost nation which has boon nblo to keen freo from tliu European wnr, has tak on tho Initiative to rostoro and inula tain world peace llo Iioh directly addressed all of thu bolllgercnts and ncutraU on tho subject. Independent of tho pence sugges tions made by tho Teutonic allies, ' the. prccldont has called on tho bol llgercnts to "learn how near Uio hav on of pcaco may be for which alt mankind longs with an Intonso and Increasing longing." Ho does not proposo pcaco, neither does ho offer mediation. llo docs however, call upon tho bclligoronts to "compare views as to tho torms" on which tho war can bo ended. Announcement of tho action ot tho president was inado personally by Secretary ot State Lansing. Tho greatest secrecy had enshrouded tho action of tho chlof executive. - Tho not was prepared by him personally after conferring with his cabinet and was 'sent In codo on Monday to tho. United Statcs'-ainbassa'dors and min isters, Tho note In part, to tho ontento, with the variation found In that to Germany indicated by paronthcsls, In ns follows: "Department of State, Washington, Dec. lS.lDlG.-Tho Secretary of Stut-i to Ambassador W, II. Pago (J. W. Gerard): "Tho president . directs mo to send you tho following communication lo bo presented Immediately to tho min ister of foreign affairs of tho gov ernment to which you aro accredited, "Tho president ol tho United States has instructed mo to suggest to hi majesty's government (Imperial Gor man government) a courso of action with rogard to the present war which ho hopos that tho Dritlsb government (Imperial German government) will take under consideration as suggested In the roost friendly spirit and as coming not only from a friend, but also coming from the representative ot a neutral nation whose Interests havo been most seriously affected by the war and whoso concern for Its early conclusion arises out of , mani fest necessity to determine how best to safeguard these Interests if tho war Is to continue Move Fully independent, "Tho suggestion which I am in structed to mako the president has long had in mind to offer. Ho Is somowhat embarrassed to offer it at this particular timo becauso It may now scorn to havo boon prompted by tho rocont overtures ot tho central powers (In tho Gorman noto; 'Prompt ed by a desire to play a part in con nection with tho rocont overtures of tho Central powers'). "It is in fact in no way associated with them In its origin and tho pres ident would havo delayed offering it until thoso overtures had boon an swered (in tho dorman note 'It has In fact been In no way suggested by I them in its origin and tho president would havo delayed offorlng It until thoso ovortures have boon Independent, ly answered') but for tho fact that It also concerns tho quostton ot peace nud-may best bo considered In connoc tion -with other proposals which havo tho samo ond in view. "Tho president can only beg that his suggestion bo considered entirely on Its own merltB and as If It had been r made In other circumstances. ""The president suggests that an ' early occasion bo sought to call out from all nations now at war such fran avowal of their .respective vlewa an lio the terms upon which the war wight l oouoludod and tko arraignments frwhtch would bo doomed satisfactory an Swuraatoo .agakurt, its renewal or the W kindling or any similar conflict In tho futuro as would mako it posslbjo frankly to comparo tbom. "lio Is Indlfforcnt as to thu means taken to accomplish this. Ho would bo happy himself to servo or oven to tako tho inltlntlvo to in Its accomplish ment in any way that might prove ac ceptable but ho has no dcslro to do tonnlno tho method or tho Instrumen tality, Ono wsy would bo as accept able ns nnothor If only tho great ob Joct ho has It. mind bo obtained. "Knch would bo Joolous of tho for mation of any mora rival leagues to preserve amuncertaln balanco of power amidst multiplying suspicions, but each Is 1 ready to consider tho forma tion of a loaguo of nations to Insuro peaco and Justice throughout tho world. "IJcfora that final step can bo taken, however, each deems It nocessary first to scttlo tho issues ot tho present war upon tonus which will certainly safe guard tho Independence, tho territorial Intogrity and the political and commor. clal freedom of the nations involved. "Tho life of the entire world has boon profoundly affected, Every part of tho great family ot mankind has felt tho burden and tho terror ot this unprecedented contest of arms. No nation In tho civilized world can ba said In truth to stand outsldo Its in fluence or to bo safo ngalnst Its dis turbing effects. And yet tho concreto objects for which it Is being wagod havo never been definitely stated. ' "Tho leaders ot tho sovora) belliger ents have, as has boon said, stated thoso objects in general terms. "Out stated. In general erms, they soom tho same on both sides. "Tho president Is not proposing peaco; ho Is not even offering medi ation. .He lat merely proposing that soundings be . taken In onlertliat we mny learn, tho neutral nations with tho bolllgoronts, how near tho haven of pcaco may lio for which all man kind longs with an intense and Increasing- longing. Tho spirit In which ho speaks and tho objects which ho seeks will bo understood by all con cerned, and ho confidently hopes for i rospouso which will bring n now light into tho affairs of thcNworld." (Signed) "Lansing." WILL ACCEPT PROPOSAL THINKS GERMAN PAPER Amsterdam, Dec. 10, (via London) Tho Frankfurter Zoltung says that It finds It dl mailt to bolleyo that tho peace proposal ot the Central Powers will be answered negatively, and pro ceeds to point out tho mannctin which both sides can bogin negotiations. "It ! Imposslblo'says the nowpapor "that the views ot both bellgercnt par ties should bo similar as regards what constitutes a suitable basis for last ing peace, but there were times be fore the war when wo' appeared toNba within an approximate distance ot dis covering such a basts. Ot courso the war has altered much In Qio views held 'cbnderhin'g' all these things, but tho differences cannot bo insuperable and Germany and her allies do not consider thorn Insuperable, "If the Entente Governments are really pursuing tho atm which they havo often announced to tho world, thoy must seize tho opportunity to reconcile their aim with that of tho Conral Powers. Neither of tho com batants haB collapsed, and an adjust ment botween thorn can only tako placo by agreement. "Wo do not demand or command as victors, but mako a proposal and expect an answer and countor-propo-sals, Tho precise object ot our pro posal is to bring the bollgorents to a common council table, whore the mis understandings can bo cleared up." "Prince of Peace" Almost Ready. - Almost ovorytlilng is yln readiness for a perfect prosentatldn ot tho beau tiful cantata, "Tho Prince of Peaco' which will bo given in tho Methodist church Tuesday evening, Docombpr 26. Profossor O, E, Glass has boon devoting much timo to training tho two choruses which will take part, Soloists will bo Mrs. A, Mlddloton, Mrs, V. M. Case ot Eugono, Ira Man vlllo ot Eugono, auu Profossor Homy Filer ot tho Eugene Dlblo University.. The committee in charge of the can. tata is compeeed of Mrs. II. G. Vau Valsah, Reverend V N, Forrls, and Maypr B. E. Morrison. Thoro is no admission charge but an offering wffl bo Ukoi to vy expanses, DISTRIBUTE SCHOOL MONEY Springfield Schools Will Receive About $405 of Amount. A. P. McKlnzoy, local school clork has computed that Springflold's share of tho rocontly announced distribu tion of school money will bo $405, although ho has not yet received an ordor on tho county treasurer for tho money. Tho distribution made by County Superintendent R J. Mooro was equivalent to CO cents pur pupil In tho various districts of tho county. The Springfield district of tho county has 000 children of school age. Tho money distributed at this timo also Includes tho teachers' Institute certificates which aro worth $5 each. There was ItTtho neighborhood of $10, 000 In tho county treasurer's hands in Uio school fund and as tho law pro-. vldos that tho superintendent may make a distribution whenever ho sees fit, Superintendent Mooro concludes that tho money could be usod to ad-, vantago If placed In tho hands of tho different school1 clerks. SET DATE FOR NEXT , EIGHTH GRADE EXAM EARLY NEXT MONTH Superintendent E. J. Moore Announces County Schedules For Jan- uary 1C and 10. Tho date for tho next eighth grade examinations throughout tho county will bo January 18 and 19, 1917, ac cording to an announcement Just made by E. J. Moore, county superintendent Tho program for 'tho examinations is ns follows: Thursday Arithmetic, writing, lan guage, agriculture and spelling. Friday Physiology, history, geogra phy, civil government and reading. Tho sources of questions for 1917 are as follows, according to announcement of Uio superintendent. Agriculture: Courso or Stud"y in Agriculture: It the applicant has a good garden. or hasilono any credita ble woTkVlri agVlcultureV (he teacher may give, 30 per cent for such work, nnd tho pupil may only answer seven questions in ngriculture. If the pupil docs not mako a passing grade In this subject, tho county superintendent may not glvo moro than 25 per cent for a creditable exhibit, which the ap plicant may havo mado at a district county or state fair. Arithmetic Complete Arithmetic, Wutson and 'Whito: No questions will be taken from tho following subjects; Exact interest, compound interest, merchants dl8Count,exchango tho metric system, dutios, stqeks, bonds;, involution, evolution, square root, evolution by factoring, applica tions of square root, areas ot trape zoids, study ot prisms, tudy ot the cyl inder, similar surfaces, longitude and time, standard time, and the appendix. Civil government Civil Govern ment, Relnsch. and Current Events: (Soe rule IX for conducting elg'.h grade, final examinations,) Grammar Kimball's Elementary English, Book II, History A School History of tho United States, Mace,' and Current Events. Physlc-logy Graded Lessons in Phy stolog'y and Hygiene, Krohn. (See rule XX for conducting elgth wrade Anal examinations.) Reading The teacher will send to the county superintendent tho class standing ot tho applicant in reading which will be taken by tho superin tendent as the applicant's grade. Spelling Champion Spelling Book, Hicks. Writing Specimens of penmanship, or a Palmer certificate. 'CUBS' AND 'SCOOP' CLUBS. Organizations Formed at School ofJou rnallsm, University of Wisconsin. Tho students In tho course In Jour nalism at tho University of Wisconsin have just organized two new press clubs, one consisting ot tho sixty 11 rat ear students in tho Journalism clnsses who call themselves tho Cubs' elab, and tho other, composed ot sophomores Juniors, seniors and graduate students christening Itself tho Scoops, Will Labor In Two Fields. By spoclul renuoat Rovorond Fer ris und wlfo, Dr. Keeney Forrls will supply the pulpit ot North Palestine church each alternate Sunday, thus caring for that, fiold in connection with Uiolr work In Sprlngtlold. Reg ular sorvlces oach Lords day will be maintained hero, Pastor and Mrs, Ferris alternating 'In tho samo, Spe cial rovlyal meetings will bo hold on both Qelds. E BEFORE CONGRESS Measure Is Next In Economic Advancement Program Of Wilson Administration. TWO BILLS 'Agrjulture, Trade and Industrial Sub Jeets and Home Economics Basis of Granting of Funds. Femoral aid for Industrial and agrl cultural training, so that Master Av erage Doy and Miss Average Girl may bo bftter fitted for the battle of lite, Is the next measuse of economic ad vancement to which the Wilson admin istration Is committed, and it will no doubt bo enacted Into law before the present session ot congress adjourns. This is based on the thought "that tho schools (at present) are largely planned for the few who prepare for college, rather than for the largo num ber who go Into Industry.' The quota tion Is from the report of the house committee on education in favor of the Hughes vocational eduration bllL Two Bills on Subject. Thoro are two leading bills on tho subject receiving the attention of con gress, Besides tho Hughes bill Is the measure isiuereu oy senator hoko Smith, ot Georgia, which was passed by the senate at the last session of cinbress. The general principle ot tho two bills is the same. Tho Hughes bill proposes an appro- jirmuuu o i,uuU,wUU 01 leuemi mnus for the first fiscal year, Increasing each year for 10 years until a maximum ot 7.0qWKHI is reached a8 a yearly ap- poruonraeni 10 uio in aaai- FED Ffl VOCATIONAL WORK tion, it provides $200,000 annually for tlon8 ad chrysanthemums predomina a federal bureau for vocational educa-'ted ,n floral dlspiay, a few rosea tion, in whoso hands tho work of ad- and fl0wers of other varieties ministration would bo placed. alg0 belng seen The !n which Under this bill the grants would be tho remains of Mrs. Stevens rest, is made in three classes; first, for salar ies of teachors and supervisors of agrl-; cultural subjects; second, for salaries' of teachers of trade and Industrial subjects and homo economics; third, 1 for tho training of teachers for these subjects, 1 Three Classes of Teaching. I For tho first purpose, agricultural teaching, the appropriation to tho states would begin at $500,000 and in crease by $250,000 a year until $3,000, 000 Is reached. For the second class ot salaries of trade and Industrial teachers, the same allowance Is made. For tho training of teachers the appro-' priatlon proposed It $500,000 the first) year and an Increaso of $200,000 a year until $1,000,000 is reached, In each case the states will be re- quired to match the federal approprla- cities to attend the funeral, were; C. cated amply today when we are hit tion dollar for dollar, after accepting ,E. Goodale, a brother aBd.Mrs.Goodalo by a snowstorm -and. have not enough, the conditions of tho grant by their , of Portland; James Goodale. another laborers to clean the streets legislative authorlUes. Tho states brother,and Mrs, Geedale. of Woodbury "There la a great scarcity ot i are to provide for the custody and dis- Judge T. Harris, from Salem;. Mr. skilled labor tor railroad and other bursoments ot the allotted funds, and aBtl Mrs- Jesse Seavey, Corvallls; and construction work. It America shuts formulate plana in conformity with the provlslons ot tho federal, statute. Schools aided will be thoso under, pnnii atmn HaiK Miinisii.TrT- i public supervision or control, under college grade, and such as are do-; v signed to prepare boys and girls over i 14 years of age for useful pursuits, They may be all day schools. In which , nMntlnnlli. knlf kn . I, ...111 , ,. ' hv.., ... u ip vocauonai training, pan HW, schools for workers over 14 years of ago. or night schools for young work- ors over 1G vearB of ace. If tho plan laid down in the Hughes bill ot teachers of agricultural subjects wlll be apportioned on tho basis of rural population ot the states; salar ies ot trades teachers on the basis of urban population, and appropriations for training teachers on the basis ot total population. It Is, proposed, how ever, that uo state shall receive loss than $5000 the first year, nor less than $10,000 at the end of 10 years for each of tho threo divisions. Oregon' Total $341,230 Under this plan, Oregon would re- ceivo ror salaries or teacaera in agn- tunB to catch tbe BmaU flBger , cultural subjecis $6000 the first year ,eft 4 a trim-saw at he Booth s'1'1 22,200 tho tenth year and there-lKel,y mUl TvHMHjay mernmg, wHU after, For salaries of teachers of thQ result that the Ume.was ahn(t trades and homo economics It would an(1 lno e partially cut la Jk rocolvo $501)0 tho first year and $2l,W0 SUouW jing unlooked fer ktf la the tenth year und thereafter. For only B Btlllness f lie the training of toachors In these M ffioml)er H heals, hH thet- CortI oq j.;iso three FINDS NEW PAPER SOURCE. Process That Makes .Over Ola" News' papers Is A Succete. Tho high cost of print paper is larg ly roponsible for bringing Intd (ho limelight Dr. Thomas Jasperson of Neenah, Wis., who is confident ho has invented a process whereby old news papers are transformed Into pure white ! stock, to be again used for newspaper . VTu' i iuo process removes an inn irom I the old newspapers, and they aro ground up, made Jnto pulp and run inrougn a papermaning macnine, com--r ' Ing out !mmalcn!ate, whiter than tho CONSIDERED or'e'n8' Palcr' Dr Jasperson "work (cd more than four years before he (perfected talji cosi pound. He com pleted his work about a year ago, Then ho persuaded a paper manu facturer at Kalamazoo, Mich., -to make a tcsL The result was a success. A few weeks ago the mill ot the com bined Locks Paper company made one ( run of the Jasperson paper. It was usea in puDiicauon ot tne Neenah ' per, and reMU wai a flnn, whto aBd ot a excellent quality. FRIENDS GATHER TO GIVE LAST TRIBUTE TO MRS. W. STEVENS Overflow Crowd And Beautiful Flow ers Help Show General Esteem In Which She Was Held. . As one token of the general esteem in which Mrs. Ida Goodale Stevens was held, is the fact that the number of relative and friends who attended ithe funera, TuC8(1ay afternoon could not all find seating room,- and tho home at Mill and E streets is an tan usually large one. Another evidence that Mrs. Stevens' loss Is felt by the entire community cunt a tha littBIltlflll fin rat Afferiara. whlch wero arranged upon and Twlthm the caet. An especial beautiful plece a wreath. from the Knights and Ladle, of Security, of which order Mr n memfcSr. tlar a half couch ot cream velour plush. After tho service at the home at 1:30 o'clock by Reverend J. S. Mc Callum of Eugene, the mourners gath ered at the Masonic cemetery in Eu- gene( hore the Knights and Ladi$s 0 sCCUritv crave their service followed by a prayer from Reverend McCallum. The pallbearers were: O. B. Kessey, M. M. Peery, Jesse Seavey, Harry M. Stewart, W. L. McCullocb, and B. A. Washburno. W. F. Walker had charg of the funeral arrangements. The banks of this city closed at one o'clock for the remainder of the day, and the other business houses were closed from 1:30 until 3:00. so that all might pay their last respects to the deceased. Among those who came from, ether Mr- 8nd Mrs- Dert Rholmschnelder ot Wendllng. YOUNG PEOPLE PLAN GIFT ..,., ,, .will r-roviuc r-acndgc e or sweets tor Each Person at Countv Farm. , , .v . ions of the own- 1, tte Cat J ' . 1 Young Peoplo, and The Christian En - ,,,., RnMviiv hnnrtnrt tncnth. Jn a Joct whercb cach of 2fi ,nniates at hf C0UntJP f wlu .... . ,.J1 0 banTn figs daZ 1 25 cents in silver. Each society , .. Drovldo 8evcn DacvaEes. the re- ma!ning flve Delng taken caro of by a number of young men who havo offered this service. In addition to tbo gift packages, the residents at the farm aro to en- Joy another pleasure from local young neoDle. for four young ladles havo each volunteered to bako a cako for them. Delbert BucknUm Lacerates Finger. Delbert Bucknum had the mlsfor- teaarag pHyaklM, MANY OPPOSED 10 LITERAGY FEATURE IMMIGRANT BILL Call Measure With Teet Claus As Passed By Senate, A Det triment To Country, UNSKILLED LAIOR NEEDED AtterneyKWfrr. Says Ms44flatfcM of. H . M eb re Wjw Net; f . Satisfactory. ' The pasaage by the Ssate e- th Immigrant bill, with the literacy tet Is very likely to work arfeM hard ship for this country, if it beeosaea a law. according to person who havo opposed this restrKive feature. Taos's Interviewed yesterday were united Ik saying that the bill waa against the best Interests of the country as well as unfortunate for Evropeass who might seek a re-fage here from re'.l. jgious and political persecatfoB. I "I think the passage ot the Immigra tion bill with the literacy clause would be very unfortunate and detrimental to the best interests of this country." said Max J. Kohler, attorney, who has appeared before Congress to opposa the measureiBd has written extea-f slrely ob the subject "The cowatry particularly seeds. Immigrants who have been deprived by cendiltoBS x broed ot epportaalty for book-learning because they ean be reHed npoite '" the normal laker wMefc.awr country requires, working on our farms and n oar mines, excavating fqr cwr build. 4fava onri ha IIVb "During the last normal year ot im- migration before the war which, ended June 30. 1914, there were upward of " 302,640 .farmers and farm laborers who came over here oat of a total ot 1.21S,. 000 immigrants, and in addition to these there were 320,000 representing the wives and. children of these far mers. The illiteracy was particular ly great among those. "It is true that exemption of victims of religious persecution in the birl was designed to exempt particularly Arme nians and Russian and Roumanian Jews, but unfortunately the Senate, at the last moment, modified even that provision in the House bill, so as to make it unduly complicated and unsatisfactory from an administrative point of view," Professor Vlttorio Racca of New York University, formerly Professor of Economics at the University ut Rome, said: "My. idea la that it would oral measure i(i normal times It would be a mistake for the United States to pass such a measure, but bow it ja even a reater mistake because la 'this country there Is such a great tack of unskilled tabor. This ladU 0ut cheap labor indefinitely the con- ditlon will be like building without a i foundation. The uniteu mates ai- ready has adequate means to prevent unuesiraDio auens ana paupers iron coming to this country. However. I think there will not be a great tide of a"or the r Eur- ,? 1 10 wori at Mmil fitril r. t nil " " , Louis Marshall satd he was as strong 'ly as ever opposed to the "teracy test bnt Pfer red not t to view of the fact that there was to be a conference committee of the House g M1SlJta SCBat deal with this question. Grand Patriarch Will Visit Here. On Friday evening, local membert ot tho G. A. R. Encampment and of tho I. O. O. F, lodge are looking for ward to a big meettug, when the Grand Patrarch ot the Encampment will mako his annual visit to this city. Th members of the Progressive 22, the' degree staff of the Refcekaka, will serve a .banquet to both the Encamp, meat and the Subordinate lodge., The affair, which la to be held la the Odd Fellewa hall, will comxaemoe at eight e'clock. Tbe cowhwed glee clube ot the Ka peae Bible University will give an. ratorical, musical, and vocal, prefyam, at the First ChrUtiaa chiirth la Ku dae, hmBc at 8:15. o'etaelc tkhf , vvteUag. .iUM -3