The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, December 11, 1916, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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MONDAY, DEC. It. 1916.
floooipts From Timber Sales Net
$1,4C0,000 Which is 20 Per
t Cent Increase.
(Federal Government It Building Up
. Timber Resource And Making.
J Use of National Resources.
National Forest administration last
year was characterlied, according to'
Forester Henry S. Graves, Chief 'or
the Forest Service, In bis annual re?
port which has Just been published.
Jy an Increase of more than $340,000
a Receipts, which totaled over $200.
W0, by rapid progress In land classi
fication, by a material advanco in de-
clrnuent work, in which road build
teg is one of the largest factors, anil
fey relatively small losses from forest
J&rts. .
The receipts from timber were over
yi.400,000, a 20 per cent increase, while
grazing receipts wore $1,200,000. and
. Jtrater power rentals brought in J100,
$m. "At present," says Mr. Graves,
the receipts from the National For
ests are approximately three-fourths
tot what It costs to protect them and
"carry on the current business. In
addition to this cost, howover, there
are expenses which are primarily in
the nature of investments.' Roads
and other improvements, reforestation
'of denuded lands, and classification
iand survey work examples. "All
expenses connected with the National
Forests, including these Investment
expenses as well as the cost of op
eratloh, approximately $5,275,000."
The business on the National For
ests, Mr. Graves states, is on a thor
oughly sound basis. "An ""efficient
organization has been built p tor
bandle the work of protection of : the
Forests and of developing the resource
The rapidly increasing use of the For
ests polnls not only to constantly
greater service to the public, but "also
to increased financial returns."
A steady Increase In the returns
trom the National Forests ls expect
ed 'by the Chief Eorester, In spite
of. the unstable and unhealthy con
dition of the lumber market a steady
and increasing local demand for? Na
tional Forest timber Is created by the
upbuilding of the country. This de
xnand will be constantly growing even
thourh sales for the general market
will fluctuate with the prevailing busi
ness conditions.
The returns from j
grazing will Increase as more stocc
xxses the Forests, in consequence of
rango improvement and the develop
ment of new range, It is stated.
A moderate annual Increase for three
3ears In the grazing fee U contem
plated which, if
put into operation,
-will eventually bring the grazing re- f
ceipis to a more than $2,000,000 a (
;year. as compared with approximately .
51,200,000 In the fiscal year 1916. It
is pointed out that when regulation
of grazing on the Forests began a
low scale of charges was adopted,
"During the last ten years the vnluo
of the forage to the stockmen has
materially Increased because of tin
improvd, methods of handling the stock
-which have been Introduced. Vh
some readjustment of grazing has tak.
en place, there haB been no general
.advance In the rates,
' . Instances are quoted which show
that grazing fees on private or Indian (
riands adjacent to the National For-;
-ests are much higher than those charg-
.1 t . y-i i if l '
eu uv me uuvenuuum lur ixmiunai ,
Rarest range. In one locality In
Jlontana, It Is stated, 81 cnets a head
was paid for grazing sheep on Indian
lands, while a charge of only 13
"Scents per head was made on near
ly National Forest lands. In the
,iaame place the rat con cattle was $3
on Indian land, as against 54 cents
on the National Forest
('The great demand for grazing prl
"veleges on a majority of the Nation
al Forest," says the report, "far o:t
ceeds the carrying capacity, and the
.demand is on the increase. Under
these conditions the stockmen UBlng
;the National Forest ranges are en
'joying special priveleges over those
'vho must pay for range on a compet
iitlve basis or do without. It Is an
jjostablished principle of National For
rest administration that the . man who
i as -accorded the privelege of exclusive
jse of land or niaterjal for a commet
jilal profit shallpay the public in pro
!;portlon to the value of what be ro
ceives. It is become plain .that in
i crease of the benefits, derived by
, tockmen from' National Forest admin.
;lstratlon without a commensurate In
Urease In the charge for the grazing
(fjri,VQlege has created a situation which',
calls for. readjustments. Boforo final
action Is taken nn opportunity vrllt bo
Riven for all parties Interested to bo
Managers' meeting of tho Sunday
School- Ilaskctlmll League at Dr. Pol
lard's ofllco, seven o'clock
City Council at tho city hall nt S:00,
Rehearsal for Union Gantatn at the
Christian church nt :730. Al singers
The Artisan Ladles' Sowing club
will meet with Mrs. Ada B. Van Val-
xnh at tho corner of Socond and A
streets, two o'clock.
I Mooting of tho parents of school
children Is called for 7:30 at Lincoln
school to discuss means of raising
funds' to construct n play shed.
Annual business mooting of tho Ep
worth League at tho Methodist church
at 7:30.
Basketball, Opera Iioubo 8:00. Booth
Kelly vs. 'Christians; Christians vs.
Methodists. t
Dolnga In. Oregon "Newspaperdom"
The Trlbuno Is the name of a now
paper recently started at Turner by
Pearl Hasslor.
G. J. Taylor has sold the Mollalla
Pioneer to H. H. Palmer, recontlr
connected with tpio Dillon (Mont.)
S. L. Moorhead has severed his con.
nectlon with the St. Helens Mist and
has purchased the Acorn Press, a Job
printing plant In Portland. S. C. Mor
ton has succcded Mr. Moorhead as ed
itor and manager of the St. Helens
. W. H. Hornlbrook, formerly publish
er of the Albany Dally Herald, has re.
signed as American minister at Slam
and will return to Albany and assume
the management of the Democrat In
The Oregon City Enterprise recently
celebrated its fiftieth birthday. The En
terprise is one of tho oldest surviving
newspapers of the Pacific northwest
Receive Gun Shell From Border.
An object of much curiosity among
friends and. neighbors Is the shell from
a three Inch machine gun, which has
been received by Mr. and Mrs. C. I.
Gorrie from their son, Tom, who 1s
At Calexlco, The shell which Is em.
pty; having' been picked up after tar-
ski pracuce, is inree incnes across
and twelve Inches long. Mr. Gorrie,
who is a member of Battery A, writes
that he will probably not be able to
come home Christmas. The men
have been in service since June 27,
the date on which they passed through
Eugene on their way to the border.
Mrs. Mlghton To Sail For Hawaii.
Mrs. F. C. Mlehtnn. whn tin a luwn
vl8,t,ng herJ for pagt twQ
at the home of hor mother, Mrs. Rose
Montgomery, left this morning for
Portland, where she Will spend a week
on business. Mrs. Montgomery will
follow her there in a few days with
the two small daughters. Ruth and
Rosemarie, and from that point the
visitors will sail for Hawaii on thn
twentieth. The many friends of Mrs.
Mlghton, who will be remembered as
Miss Myra Shelley, a graduate of the
Eugene Bible University, will be glad
to hear of her complete recovery from
her recent Illness.
Danger Signal
If tho fire bell should ring would yoa
run .and stop It or go and help to put
out the flro? It la much the same
way with a cough. A cough Is a
danger signal as much as a fire bell.
You should no more .try to suppress
it than to stop a fire bell when It In
ringing, but should cure the dieeasa
tnat causes the coughing. This can
neary always be done by taking Cham-
l)0 aln'a Coueh nrnntwlw M,n i,ovn
used it with the most beneficial results
It is especially valuable for the per
sistent cough that so often follows
a bad cold or an attack of the grip.
Mrs. Thomas Seeching, Andrews Ind,,
writes: "During the winter my hus
band takes cold easily and coughs and
coughs. Chamberlain's Cough Rem
edy is the best medicine for breaking
up these attacks and you cannot get
him to take any other.'1 . Obtainable
Sadie M. Perkins, executrix of the
Last Will and testament and estate
of Minnie Knhler, deceased, has filed
in the County Court of tho State of
Oregon for Lano County her final ac
count of tho proceedings as executrix,
and said Court has fixed and appoint
ed Saturday tho 13th day of January
1917, at the hour of 10 o'clock A.
as tho day and tlmo for hearing ob
jections to said final account and the
settlement thereof. All persons are
horeby notified that nil objections to
said fluul account must be In writing'
and filed with tho Clerk of said Court
on or before said day and time,
Sadie M. Perkins, Executrix of the
Last Will, and Testament and es
tetojofM(irio Kahier, deceased.
Frank' A. Depue," Attorney for estate.
Dec'rt, li,'20; Tan; 1, 8,
Nervout -Woman,
Whon tho nervousness Is caused by
constipation, ns often Is tho case, you
will go't quick reltof by taking Cha
berlnln's Tablets. Thcso tablets also
improve tho digestion. Obtainable
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, For Lane County
11. L. Studloy, Plaintiff,
Clara B. Luso. John Doo Luso, Emma
Not, John Doo Net. Lofa Livingston,
John Doo Livingston. Stanford Pro
bio, Jano Doo Problo, nnd City of Eu
gono, a municipal corporation, and
all porsons unknown, it any, having
or claiming an intorost or estato In
and to tho horolnaftor doscrlbod
real property Defendants.
To Clnra E. Lubo, John Doo Luso,
Emma Nol John Doo Not. Lofa Llv
Ingston, John Doo Livingston, Stanford
j-ruuiu, juiiu uod I'rcDie. nnn 10 nil
porsons unknown, if any, having or
claiming an Interest or estato In and
. . . . i , . . .
to tho horolnafer described real pro
perty, tno noovo naroou uorenunnts.
OREGON: You are hereby notified
that H. L. Studloy tho holder of Cer
tificate or Delinquency numbered 1S0S
Issued on tho 7th day of October 1913
by tho Tax Collector 6f tho County of
Lane, Stato of Oregon, for tho amount
of $32.78, tho same being Uio amount
then uuo and delinquent for taxes for
the year 1912 together with ponalty,
Intorost and costs thereon upon tho
real property assessed to you. of which
you are the owner as appears of re
cord, situatou in said County and
Stato, and particularly bounded and
doscrlbed as follows, to-wlt:
T.ntn nnmhnr nnn nnrl twn I A M
In block number two (2) In Falrmount, '
now a part of tho city of Eugono, Lano '
county, Stato of Oregon
You are further notified that said
m. it. stuuioy nas paiu taxes on said
promlsos for prior or subsequent years
witn tno rate or interest on said
amounts as follows:
On March 21, 1914, tho sum of $30.00
taxes ror the roar of Ills.
On March 31. 1915, tho sum of $.
taxes ror tho year or 1914.
On April 5, 1916, the sura of $26.55
taxes ror the year of 1915.
All or said amounts bear interest
from date of payment at the rate of
15 per annum.
Said defendants as tho owner of tho
legal title or tho above described pro
perty as tho same appears of record,
and each of the other persons above
named are hereby further notified that
H. L. Studloy will apply to the Circuit
Court of the County and State afore
said for a decree foreclosing tho lien
against the property above described.
and mentioned in said certificate. And
you are hereby summoned to appear
within sixty days aftor tho first' publi
cation of this summons oxcluslve df
the day of said first publication, and
dcrend this action or pay the -amount
uuo as above shown together with
costs and accrued interest and in
case of your failure to do co, a decreo
will be rendered foreclosing the Hen
of said taxes and costs against tho
land and premises above named.
This summons Is published by order
of the. Honorable G. F. Skloworth
Judge ot tho Circuit Court or tho Stato
or Oregon for the County of Lano and
said order wna made and dato'd this
17th day or November 1916 and the
date ot first publication or tills sum
mons Is the 20th day ot November 1910
All process and papers In this pro
ceeding may bo served upon the un
dersigned residing within the State
or Oregon, at tho address hereafter
Attorney for Plaintiff
Address Eugene, Oregon.
Nov. 20,27;Dec.4.11,18,25;Jan.l,8,15,22
Classified Ads
For Sale, Rent, Wanted, Eti.
FARM LOANS At the lowest rata
and on the easiest terms to be had.
J: C. Holbrook, Springfield.
FOR SALE at a bargain. 11 acres of
land in cultivation on Main McKea
zle road mile from Thurston store
Must be sold as owner Is going
eaet-Addreas Mrs. Cornelia E, George
Corner of 8th and B Sts., Springfield,
a bazaar and silver tea on Wednesday,
December 13,. In tho room next Swarts
& Washburne'e market
FOR INFORMATION regarding home
stead entries in Central Oregon,
write enclosing stamped envelope to
A. O. King or D. D. Tusslng, Broth
ers, .Oregon,
born pure bred O. A. C strain, b!x
months old, $1.00 each. Call pt 710'
C street.
for HALE Practically new Oliver
Typewriter number C. Machine is
equipped with tabulator and back
spacer. It is In good running order.
Call at the News office and have it
demonstrated. Terms.
Small key on wire.
may have same by calling at the
News office and paying for this ad.
OR BALE Nine acre farm one fourth'
ttilo east of Creswoll. Rlvor bottom!
Jand. IJ in cuJUtation. Has, fottrj
acres of ivcahborrioa, one and seven
eighths agree In red raspberries ja
bearta Ii6haiaglca with four year
.old K)e frees. Has honpe, -barn.
and ifcoderii chicken 'houses, with'
fenced lb parks. Gun bo had at a
iMK6 A'ai- Caro Of Th
In The Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, For Lane County
11. U Studloy, Plaintiff,
J. D. Howard. Mrs, J. D. Howard, 8. R
String, and nil porsons unknown, It
nny having or claiming nn Interest
or cstnto In and to thu horolnnrtor
described real propertyDofondnnts.
To J. D. Howard. Mrs. J. D. How
rail, and nil porsons unknown, If nny
having or claiming nn Intorust or on
tnto in and to tho horolnaftor dcsclh
cd ronl property, the above nnmod do-fondants.
OREGON: You nro horeby notified , cluslvo of thu day of nnld first publl
tlmt 11. U Studloy tho holder of Cop cation, nnd defend this notion or pay
Hflcato of Delinquency numbered 117-1'
Issucd on tho 7th day of October 1013
f by tho Tnx Collector of Hio County of
Lane, Statu of Oregon, ror tno amount
of $40.16, tho snmo being the amount
thou duo nnd delinquent for taxes for
tho year 1912 together with ponalty.
; Interest and costs thereon upon tho ;
rem uruiioriy hbbushuii ui iuu, ui
i which you nro tho owner ns appears
of record. Bltuated In said County and
i . ... , ......... ... i..
Stnto, and particularly bounded
described ns follows, to-wlt:
Lot number two (3), In block num
ber six (6) in Ellsworth's Addition,
to tho city ot Eugene, Lano county,
Stnto ot Oregon.
You are further notified that said
II. L. Studloy has paid taxes on snld
promlsos for prior or subsoqucnt yearn
with tho rato of Interest on snld
amounts as follows:
On March 21, 1914, tho sum ot $37.50
taxes for tho year ot 1913.
Made in Springfield
The House of Quality I "T,w PARME"'S ,END
PTfln at cough with
L 1 1 U EGGIMANN'S Buggies', Wagons, Ilaclts, Haniess, Saddles,
UlUr Menthol Cough Drops Il0r8C8 a"d Catl, for 8nte
I buy and sell all kinds or juuk
EGGIMANN'S CANDY KITCHEN phone 61 Phono 29 South 2 and A Streets
The Boo,h KeUy Lumber Co.
"Mado in Springfield." , F0R
n 4 foot Slab Wood. $2.00
Oregon Power Co. per cord at the mui
I HAVE RETURNED c c 1J 171 nr-n
to Springfield with a good, up-to-date stock of Opringtield K lOUT MlilS
hand-mado harness nnd accessories, and am DAKORE Hard Wheat Patent
ready to servo my old customers again nnd Try mo. Oct acquainted. You will llko mo. Dost
welcome now ones. Shoo repairing dono vaua for your money of any Uour In Springfield,
hotter for less money. This Is my specialty, NOXALL
jAll 1 ask Is a trial. Vou know j ftm wo lho(1 by n brond ,nnker8
Dafiuann nAnit a -j , (.., Wo glvo you raoro for youn money flour nod feed
Between Main and A, next door to Sikes of nil kinds tLnn uny othor placo In town.
, ; . . .-,-.
jtnd Buy Yojas;
Some Special Offers
American Boy and Boy's Life $2.50
American Magazine and Womans Home Com- ....
panlon a ; 3:00
Century Magazine and St. Nicholas 7.00
Delineator and Everybody's 3 00
Home Needlowork and Modem Prlscllld , i;75
Ladles' World, McCures and Boy's Life 3.00'
Review of Itovlews and Youth's Companion '....6.00
I can mafte gbod prices on renewals,
Walter R.
Newi Of free Phone 2
On April R, 1010, tho mini of 'fHM0
tnxoH for tho year of 1015.
All of which amounts draw Intorost
at rate of 15 per annum from tlnto
of pnymeitt.
Said J. 1). Howard nn owner of tho
legal tltlu of tho above described pro
perty as tho samo upponrs of record,
and each of thu oilier porsons nbovo
named are hereby further notified
that II. L. Studloy will apply to tho
Circuit Court or tho County itml Stnto
aforesaid for n docroo foreclosing tho
lion ngutnst tho property nbovo des
cribed, nnd mentioned In snld certifi
cate. And you nro hereby summoned
to appear within sixty days after thn
first publication of this summons ox-
the amount duo na nbovo shown togttlh-
or with costs and necrued Intorost nnd
In enso ot your failure to do bo, a de
cree will bo rendered foreclosing tho
lion of snld taxes and costs against
tho land nnd promises nbovo named.
This summons Is publUhod by nrdor
of tho Ilouorublo O. F. Sklpworth
Judgo ot tho Circuit Court of tho Htnto
of Oregon for tho County of Lnno ami
snld order was mudu nnd dated this
7th day of December 1916 and tho
dato or tho first publication of this
summons Is tho 11th day ot Doccmbur
All process and mtpnrs In
this procccodlng may bo served upon
tho undersigned residing within the
Stnto ot Oregon, at tho address hero
aftor mentlonod,
Attorney for Plaintiff
Address Eugene, Oregon.
Dec. 1 1.1 8,25 ; Jan. 1 ,8.1 5.22,20 ; Fob.5,12,19
Before Jan. 1,
6.R. Gullion, M.D.
Practice Limited tl
Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Q
Graduato Nurse Attending
306, White Temple, Eugene.
78, A. M. F Auoltmt nnd
Accepted Scottish Rita Uul
versa! nnd Symbolic Freo
Masons moots first nnd third
Friday ovonlng In W, O. W.
hall. Visiting brothfirs wol-
T. 11. Harris
V. A.
IL W. M.
ft The
Springfield Garage
H. 3AND0ATHE Proprlotor
RopntrinK a Specialty
Main. Iqt Fourth and Fifth. Phono 11 Q
Springfield, Ore,
5 f1 i