The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, December 11, 1916, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    MONDAY, DBC. It, 101
Delay in Gift Buying
May Mean Disappointment
TWO last fow dnyn boforo ClirlfltninB nro always days
of hurry and rush. Such conditions arc apt to
catmo Indiscriminate buying. Avlnlt to our store
now will nettlo all of yoijr gift problems. Your money
will go farther hero, bocauBo wo bought In largo quan
tities and are giving our customers the advantago of
(ho navlng. Extra help hns been provided bo that
you may bo auro of prompt attention when you come.
The early buyers got the cream.
It -"K -TlJiriuriCLU, J'"JWBP"5iiy?'
I Town and Vicinity?!
, Henry Wngawrwu In from Hayden
Bridge on fetmfef;
Nelion Whlta Ins gone to OaklanJ,
California, where be haa employment.
Claronco I Kill camo down from Camp
Crook lo Hond tlio weekend at homo.
Tony" Wlttora hna returned from
Kaatorn Oregon, whore bo lias boon
at work for tho pat novcral month.
Clark and Waliuurne. old 10 droaacd
liojjit to tho SwnrlB and Wnshliurnc
Moot company Saturday morning.
; I havo noiiio Itoautlful oil hand paint,
od plcturoa, on honvy canvnea nt a
vory roaaonablo Christmaa price. 8ojjJohn80n of sprnBn0d
worn, j. u. noinrooK.
Tho Oloanora will meet with Mrs.
HUoy Snodgrass on Tuesday Decombcr
J. W. Huth of Jasper purchased
a rubber-tired buggy of J. W Uarkor
on' Thursday.
r E. E. Kepner la varnishing tho tab
ic and fixtures In his store on Main
'street, a rosewood tint.
H. E. Pitta, who had qulto a eerlous
attack of the grip, was feeling a little
better Saturday morning. - v
' Mrs. Joe Neal la clorklng at tho Cox
and Cox department atoro for tho holl.
day season.
Tho Ladles of tho Christian church
will hold a Uaxzar, Saturday, Dcembor
Lloyd Carrlck of Portyand, stato
Christian Endeavor president, was id
Springfield visiting on Saturday,
Miss Molllo Fair of Slgourney, Iowa,
Is, a. guest of hor friend, Mrs. H, A.
Korf, of this city.
Mr. nnd Msr. 8. H. Heller of Eugono
woro visitors nt tho homo of Mr. nnd
Mrs. Vln Wllllanm on Frldny evening?
Mra. C. E. Swnrts upont Sunday with
hor son ami daughtor, Mr. and Mrs.
p. A. Swnrts, nt tlio lattor's ranch home
vnonr Natron.
G. W. Spawn and his daughter, Miss,
.Ella, of Hoyden Brldgo, wero trans-
. acting business in Sprlngflold Sat
urday. Miss Francos Prater,' 'a student at
tho Unlvorslty of Oregon, wrts a guest
dt tho homo of her undo, Goorgo
Catching, on Friday,
Good reliable 11 ro Insurance. No as
sessments; no membership foo. Pay
once and you are deno. 11. E. Walker
-at tho City Hall.
Miss Druco Barnes, who has boon
suffering with a bad cold, In almost
ontlroly well again, oxcoptlng for a
slight hoarsenoss,
Loona Dowdy, W. C. Miller, O. L.
Parsons, and Marrlson Tato of Vlda,
woro reclsterod at tho Springfield hotel
Lloyd McKay, a senior at tho Spring,
field high school, has gono to Portland
whoro ho has employment with tho
Southern Pacific company,
Mr, and Mrs. S. II. MoBhlor spent
Saturday ovonlng and part of tho day
yostorday as guosts at tho homo of
novorond Johnson In Eugono.
Mr. and Mrs, Harry Drummotto aro
at Jasper, whoro Mrs, Brummetto'a
on, Wob Walsh, underwent an oper
ation yostorday morning.
.. Mrs. Geatvor of Auhland, who has
boon visiting hor daughter, Mrs. Ray
Palmer left tills morning to visit a
eon at Mabol, , '
Mrs. Jack Littoll returned to .hor
homo in Portland Saturday morning,
aftor having visited for a week, with
her sister, Mrs. B. Sutton, Mr. Littoll
TVas hero for throo days, returning
idome eatlfer In the week,
Latest Iteprlnta 60 centa at Poory'a
Web Wolah, aon of Mra. J. II. Drum,,
motto of thin city, who waa oporatcd
on at tho Pleasant Hill hospital yes
lorday, la reported to bo Retting alonu
as well as can be expected,
Mr. and Mra. Waltor Trotter and
family aro moving back to Springfield
after a three year's absenco spent at
Marcola. Mr. Trottor was fonncrly
In tho rootnlnn houso business hero.
Trofessor A. It. Swoctser, head of
tho botany department of tho Unlvcr
ally of Oregon, delivered nn Illustrat
ed lecturo to tho botany class of the
Springfield high school Friday morning
Hyron J. Dunton of Dolso, Idaho,
arrived Thursday to mako a visit with
bin brother, II, L. Dunlon nt Camp
Creek, nnd his aunt, Mrs. Ellon M.
Xmas stationery bought beforo tho
ralso ut Poory'a
Mrs. J. V. Wlthrow Is visiting In
Portland wlU her daughter, Mrs.
J. Williams, and Mrs.. C. C. Alrohnrt.
Tho latter tins boon III in tho hospital
for tho past throo wooks, j
Among those who saw the "Winning i
of Uarbnra Worth" in Eugene Satur.
day night wns a party consisting of
1 , . I , n v . . M .
iu. aim Airs. u. x). ncasuy, u. Li ?A-arts
an" Miss Edna Swarts.
Word has boon received from Vance
rpinv rnonnttv itnntvrw. t... '
tho Snrlneflnld 'NewR. ihlii hn In nni:
pioyd by the Ornco Printing company Mrs. Raker and the children,
at Portland.
I Little Dolbcrt SIkes Is oxperlencnlg
A range, heater, nig, rocker, sow- n cut finger on tho right hand as (ho
lng machlna and many other articles result of experimenting with his fath
jln my atoro will mako your wlfo hap- era knife,
py nnd homo brighter, J. C. Holbrook.
j Mrs, M. Klovdahl suffered such a
J C. Durns who has been nulto 111 severe cut on tho end of the thumb
at tho homo of son-in-law, J. W. Baker1,
on C street, was foellni: somewhat
better Saturday, and It he continues
to Improvo will bo able to, bo moved
to his homo about tho mlddlo or the
wook, says tho attending physician".
An order wns received by C. L.
Egglmann Inst night from Miss Alfco !
Stnnlgcr, a former Springfield glvl '
who Is now teaching nt Waldo, for lit!
pounds of Christmas candy for her
youngsters.- ' I
Leo Catchlnc nnTT son. Vlrclfarh
i,oro from Shushann, Alaska, for n
short vlsjt.nt tho holne of tho former':
brother, Ceorgo Catching, after which 1
tho visitors will go on to Riddle to'
BPond a short lino with relatives there
Tho brothers havo not seen each other
for about four years. i
Tho Emanon LadloB will scro a
ton cent tea at tho bazaar on Satur
day, December 1C, one door west of
Swarts and Wnshburno's moat mar
ket 2t
Mrs. A, Mlddloton was on the pro
gram at a rocont recoptlon given by
tho Unlvorslty of, Oregon School of
Extension faculty In Portland for tha
Portland students at tho Central Lib
rary. Mrs. Mlddloton's rondltlon of
ono of Mrs. H. M. Parson's compos!-
Hons was much enjoyed.
Among tho out-of-town peoplo who
woro shopping nnd conducting other
bualnoss In Sprlngflold Saturday wero:
Tom Soltom from Camp Creek; O.
Rourko from Waltervlllo; Harry With
ors from his homo up tho Wlllamotte;
Mrs. J. Dovino of Jaspor; Jim Cum
mngs from Camp Crook; Stlllmnn
Pratt from Bally; D. II. Mastorson
of Camp Creek; Mrs. Westfall and
daughtor from Thuraton; John Hern,
don from Cedar Flat; and Mrs. Ira
Gray from Thurston.
Cough Medicine for Children,'
Mra, Hugh Cook, Scottsvillo, N, Y
says; "About five years ago when
wo woro living in Garbutt, N. Y., I
doctored two of my children1 Buffering
fromTcolds with Chamberlain's fcough
Remedy and found It just nsroprcsont-
od In every way. It promptly checked
their coughing nnd cured their coldd
qulckor than anything I ever -used."
Obtainable everywhere,
Jim CoWdon waa la from the Mo
hawk SaturJa.
?Vif . aowliir r.n in f
Crook on Saturday.
Mr. and Mra, D, W. Hanson
In from Uoshnn Saturday,
Xmas Seals and StlcKert, at PocryV
Mr. and Mrs. E. 0. Hadloy nro In
from Thurston today,
Ills friends (or at leant ono of thorn)
nay Dan flora has gono into tho milk
goat business.
Cliff Lybarger. has a position an
cook with one of tho county road crews
operating near tho coast.
Miss Lcona Dowdy was in from Spo
res' sldnlg on a shopping trip Satur.
J. C. Mullen returned Saturday mom.
In'g from a fow day's business trip to
Dr. Joseph L.-Schafor was In Spring.
field a little while Saturday on the
way to his farm up tho McKcnzle.
Love Conrodo and W. H. Warren
wore In from Douglas Gardens on Sat
Dora: To Professor and Mrs. A.
Ouston of Donna, anelgut-and-a-naur
(cr pound son on Frldcy afternoon.
Xmas boxes at Pecry'a .
Nifty perfumes in boxes at Poery'i
Marjon Adama camo down from
i Rally Saturday to visit over Sunday
with friends.
0. N. Llvosly of Lebanon, and E.
I H. Hcaton of Marcola were registered
at tho Elite hotel Saturday. .
W. H. Halght la rebuilding a Uro
place at the home of Charles Hardt
on South Second street.
Krank aibbs went to Marcola yes
terday to conduct tho moving picture
show. '
Mr. and Mrs. Ransom Miller and
small son, Charles, nro all sufferlnt;
with attacks of la grippe.
Mrs. Earnest Conlcy and small
aaiiKmor, raunno uruco, are spenuing
a wueii wmi airs, uomey s moiner,
Mrs. Nets SIgnor.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl TItua aro moving
to Springfield from Marcola because '
. . . .... ... ...... .
or. tno in iieaun or. tnoir iniant daugn-
Clair Dakcr Is preparing to return
t cm. ui. 1. .1
nii. h.vim, nm iim.
on Saturday, that a physician had to !
bo called to attend tho wound.
Z. K. Johnson, who was operated
on a week ago for the removal of a
tumor In the stomach region, Is doing
The Ladies of the Christian church
will hold a onzanr and food sale Sat
urday, December 1C, ono door wqst
of Swnrts and Washburne's moat mar
ket. 2t - ' .
The Booth-Kolly basket ball team
was defeated at Elmlra Friday evening
by tho Elmlra team by a scoro of 4"
to 12. Waltor Dtram refereed.
Mrs. J. L. Cark, who has been quite
HI at hor homo In Salem with ptomaine
poisoning, was somewhat Improved oh
W. C. Miller, potato dealer, shipped
out six cars of potatoes on Friday.
throo of which went to California, and
threo to Eastern points.
Mrs. F. W. Strubln nnd hor brother,
Henry Fawver, visited with another
brothor, Samuel Fawver, at Harris
burg yesterday.
Socond Lloutcnant Lonnle II. NIxou
or Fort Stovens is here for a short
visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
H. M. Nixon.
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Cnskey and hor
small daughters, Violet and Marguer
ito, aro In from Wcndllng on a shop
ping trip today.
S. A. Gay commenced work on tho
carriage at the Booth-Kelly mill Sat
urday morning. Ho has been em
ployed nt (similar work at tho Flschor
Boutlu mill,
Friends of John and Mattlo Spnrka
who formerly roBldod hero' havo re
ceived word to the offoct that they
may return to this city from Kansas
in tho Spring.
Goorgo Carson cume down from tho,
Fischer-Boutin camp nt Bally Friday,
ovonlng to spend tho weekend nt the
home of his .parents, Mr. and Mrs. Q,
W. Carson.
Mr. and Mrs, George E. Randall
nrrlvod hero from Oregon City Fri,.
day evening for a visit at tho homo
of Mr. Randall's elator, Mrs. W. !L
Tke U mot Catarrh In thf weMM at
ttw eoujitrr than nil other tHsws fi
!outMr. and until tho last faw jreM
vtM uf0ood ia b Inrurnble. For a
ereat many year doctor pronounced K a
local dliraim itnd pruxrllwl local rnm
dirt, and ty constantly fnlllrm to cur
with torn! treatment, pronnunced It Incur
flt)l8, H-lonco tins prown Catarrh to b a
constitutional llicn-, 'and therefore r-
iliurrx voniiuuiionni irrairnrm. linn
Curarrli Cure, manufactured br V. 3.
Chcnejr & Co., Toh-do, Ohio, is the only
tnken Intarnally, It acts directly on tin
Diooa una mucous surraces or tno -ydiom.
They offer one hundrrd dollars for any
cn It fnlli to curs. Bend for circulars
ana tefiimoniai.
Aiiltnl V. J. CHRXK7 A CO., Toltda. O.
Bold tiy Drt gcltl-. He
Take Hall' Kamllr far cor-fn-tloD
Mrs, A, V, Lucas of Mabel was res.
Istercd at tho Springfield hotel yes.
Miss Marion While veiled over
tho weekend with her parents in Cot
tago Drove.
Mrs. A. A, Adams and daughter, Mlas
Grace, came in from Winborry to do
somo shopping this morning.
FOUND Ladles brown glovo on main
street. Finder may get it at tho
News office and pay for this add.
Roy Drabhan was up from Santa
Clara to visit over Sunday with hit
parents, Mr. and Mra. O. W. Drabhan.
James Hcadgate, Salem; E. W. Heat
on, Wcndllng; and John Owen, Call
fornla, were registered at the Elite
Grand Warden W. F. Walker made
his official, visit to tho I. O. O. F.
lodge at Lorane last Saturday even
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Drabhan of
Santa Clara spent yesterday in this
city at tho homo of Mr. Brabhan'fi
brother, O. W. Drabhan.
Mrs. Herbert Snecd Is expected from
Waltervllle tomorrow to visit for a
fow 'days with her mother, Mrs. Al
Montgomery, and to do somo Christ'
mas shopping.
..Buy Useful Presents for your famllvj
nnd friends for Xmas and people will
havo a good opinion of your Judgment. I
I have them. J. C. Holbrook. "
Mrs. Vin Williams, who has been
fill fnr nnmrt limn atlll rnnflnlfptt In
Miss Jennie Dossen, for three years
school supervisor of Lane county, has
'tendered her resignation to E. J. Moor
county school superintendent, to take
. . ... .
enect January i. miss uossen nas noi
,yet announced her future plans.
S ?" V " . " 7 "
'orcnara nounwoai 01 10 wn is near
(h0 vetal of death-at
a hospital-at
Watertown, South Dakota, according
to a telegram received here this morn-
lnr Mr MrElhnnnv nnd hln fnmltv
left hero about six weeka ago to visit 8oluteIy prove necessary from a reve
in tho middle west "ue, "polnt. further revenue-pro-
jduclng departments could be created,
Good For Constipation. iu ,a declared.
Chamberlains Tablets ore excel- " Tho amendment It Is estimated,
lnnt fnr rnnullnntlnn Thnv nm nlnno.
ant to take nnd mild and Kentle In
Obtainable everywhere.
(Continued from page one)
No abatement of the increase is in
sight it Is stated.
Tho secretary recommends that moro
stringent regulations governing tho op
eration of motor boats' bo provided.
He' says the amateur motor boat op
erator Is a menace to navigation.
Brave the wind
woa iPiOr logs
ever invented
,1. ... x..
Dealers PAwywKora
Our 80 lit year.
Homeopathic Physician and Surgeon
Ofllco, Baptist Parsonage
Cornor Second and C Streets
Office Phone. CC; Residence 67-J
West Main St.
Oeanbg,, Prefeipg
,' MacJo to IVleftsufjavSuits .
Lemley Suit House
Phone 75
i rnBllart
Coburg, December 6. Mr. H. M. An
dorson and daughter, Miss Elsie, motor
D ,n Kiiepn Titpnrlnv
i ..l -ucnc Tuesday.
Walter Tylor motored to Eugene
Itay Pirtlo was In Eugene last week
on business.
William Dittls drove to Harrisburg
Ceo. Diffenbackcr, has sold his ranch
and moved to town this week.
Mrs. Earl Simmons returned from
Eugene hospital last week.
N. J. Nelson of Harrisburg trans
acted business here today,
Clyde Sldwcll was In Springfield
last, week.
On December G in Coburg the first
real snow of tho winter began failing
at eight o'clock ia the morning and
continued with increasing density until
The Royal Neighbors and Modem
Woodmen held lodge in the I. O. O. F.
hall Wednesday evening. X large
namber attended'.
Invitations are out for the dance
to be .given here Friday evening, In
tho L O. O, F. hall.
West Springfield, December, 9, The
1adIcB of the West Side M. L C. met
with Mrs. Charles Kingwell Tuesday.
from 2 to 6 Pi M. Fancy work was
the order of the day,
Nathan Carpcntar who has purchas
ed the property on Henderson Avenue
lately owned by sir. Ramey, was here
a few days ago looking over the pnv
perty, and has returned to his mine
in Idaho,
Mrs. Carpentar has gone to Spokane
George Burton has rented Nathan
Carpentaria place.
Continued from page one.
'Poratlon commissioner, the insurance
commissioner, the inheritance tax
.t.iWMAnt- 4 1. .... l.M J I
department, the automobile depart
ment and the banking department
slight increase In the fees of such de
partments would mean added thou
sands to .the treasury department,
and also would make a number or
departments operated on a semi-fee
basis self-sustaining. Should it ab-
1 Will Create a deficiency 01 ODDrOTl
mately ?5S0,000 next year, and the
foregoing program It is
j would largely meet that
in the Roman Catholic Sisterhood, 18 years of which
was served in St. Vincent's Hospital, Portland, will
deliver two lectures in
Tuesday Evening, Dec. 12
8 O'clock
"The Grip of Paganism
explaining the Convent System. Everybody welcome-
Wednesday Afternoon, Dec. 13
2 o'clock, Miss Schoffen will deliver her popular lec
turo to Women Only, dealing with the confessional.
No girls under the age of 16 admitted to this lecture.
Admission to each lecture 25 cents,
Logger's Shoes
Best hand made 12 inch, full calf Schroeder Log
ger's shoe, tripple seam, leather lined, ttasble sole.
No better leather put in shoes. Pric $S,H.
Sold for 17 years In Oregon Logging tJwHps,
Water proof your shoes -with "Miller'e Shoe GreM."
eons" tat4 mm are aHlit(f
-Mibject t aps-dtcHI than w-
SprlngfieM tef le shoala kMWf
few doffed a( mri ncckthona
bark, glycerine, Ue., a mixed In AU
der-i-ka, often reWevtj or prevest 9
pendlcltls. ThfaT mixture rsmav
such surprising ftkri patter that OXJK
SPOONFUL reltevs almost AKT
CASE constipation,' sour stomach or
gas. Tho INSTANT, easy action oZ
iAlder-i-ka is sarprfshtg. M. M. Peers'
by virtue of aa vxecation and ordr
or salo iogHcd oat of tfce Circuit Courc
of tho Stato of Orcgoa for tho Count?"
of Lane on the ISth day of November
lVie on a judgment rendered In sM
Court on the 18th day of November.
1916 In a suit wherein Stewart McKajr
was plaintiff and Herbert T. RaasdelE
and MIUIo J. Ransdell his wife, R. II.
Drown and Jeanfe Irown his wife,
were defendants, ad wherein the
plaintiff recovered a adgmnt Bgatnst
sakt defendant Horbert T. RaaadeM
and MltUe J. Ran4elf his wife for taw
sttra of Six Hundre-1 and twenty dollars
together with tatareat thereon from
March 25th, 1914 afitfl sahl at tho rate
of nine per cent pr aanum and th
rmm of $4.99 and iatereet thereon froa
July 14th 1916 until paid at tho rata
of 6 per cent per anaam and tho sb
of $76.90 aa attorneys fees therein anal
'the costs and disbursements of salt
taxed at UA8 which judgment wat
enrolled and docketed in the office oC
the Clerk of said Conrt on the 10th day
of November, 1916 and said exeoutioak
to me directed commanding me in the
name of the State of Oregon in ordex
to satisfy said Judgment and attorneys
fees and costs and accrueing costs tr
sell the following described real projr
erty, to wit
All that part of lot number nine (S
lying south of the center of the Coast
fork river In section eleven In towd
shlp 18 south of range 3 west of Will
amette Meridian containing twenty
acres more or less In Lane County,,
Oregon together with the tenements,,
hereditaments and appurtenances
thereunto belonging or in any wise ap
pertaining and tho proceeds of sale
bo applied as follows;
First: The expenses of said salar
and the plaintiff's costs, attorney's
fees and disbursements of this suit
Second: The payment of tho Judge
ment of said plafatia.
Third: The balance, if any there bev
to be disposed of as the Court mar
deem meet c
compliance with the execution and or
der of sale, I will on Satsrd&r the X6tw
day of December ,1916 between th
hours of 9 o'clock A. 'M. and 4 o'cloelc
P. M. to wit; at the hoar of 1 o'clock:
P. M., on said day, at the south weat
door of the County Court house in Ku
gene, Lane County, Oregon, offer for 1
sale in one parcel, for cash, subject te
redemption, all of the right title, In
terest .claim anil equity of . the, defend--ants,
Herbert T. Ranedell, Mlttle X.
Ransdell, R. H, Brown and Jeanla
Brown, in and to said lands and prem
ises hereinbefore described and ever3
part thereof.
j. C, PARKER:.
Sheriff of .Lane, County, Oregonr
By J), A. Elklas, pepnty
Nov. 13, 29, 27, Dee. 4, 1L '
OffteKVfn City Hall, Snrlnsflelci. Orsr
liMR a