The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, December 04, 1916, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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MONDAY, DlflO. 4, 1B1C.
-Marcola, Decombor 2. M. J. Arncl
I188 taken another contract ot fur
utshlnB beet for the Const Range
I.utnbor company.
.Miss Jcnno Turner who has been
attending Institute In Eugene last
eek, arrived homo Friday morning.
Tho pcoplo or this road district nut
Inst week, and voted a threo mill
Pearl n. Sullivan made- a business
trip to Eugeno today.
iJJ. R. Haydco, Charles and Johii
Spores, 3. U. Green and Lcono Bargor
cX Donna transacted business hero th's
Mrs. Elizabeth Workman attended
he funeral of Mrs. Yates ot Eugeno
last woek returning home Thursday.
Oscar Yates is hero visiting with
ls grandmother Mrs. E. Workman,
i Miss Alma Dickort who Is attending
fiigh school in Eugeno returned home,
to spend her vacation, this week.
P. W. Titus and family motored to
Eugeno and Springfield tho latter part
of tho -week.
Ralph Garoutte. Iyman Yockey and
JWlllls Blakloy left Friday mornln
for Corvallls whore they will attend
Jhe boys conference. '
1 West Springfield. December, 2 Mr.
ISVelbourne has recently completed a
41ne Job of plastering on Mrs. "V. II.
(Collins home.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Neet spent
Thanksgiving with their daughter Mrs.
Virgil Casteel of Springfield.
Reverend and Mrs. M. F. Childs
and Mr. and Mrs. George Crawford
were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. 1C
31. Crawford, at dinner Thanksgiving.
Levi H. Neet spent Thanksgiving
at the home ot Oscar Knight of Low
A company of people met at tho
homo of Reverend and Mrs. Childs
Saturday evening to practice some
special music for Christmas.
Jack Lemmon went to Cottage Grove
Wednesday evening to spend Thanks
giving with his father: He expects
to return Sunday morning.
local rnstor and his wtfo Mr,
Mrs. William llatrd ot EiiRono.
An unusually largo crowd attended
tho dance hero Thanksgiving evening
and everyone seemed to enjoy him
self."''' "
Cedar FJaV December; 2. Frank
Morse Is here from Seattle.Washlngton
visiting his uncle. Cane Morse and
lamlly. ....
A sod many Cedar Flat folks r
tended the dance at Thurston, Thanks
giving evening. Everybody had a
good time.
Mr. and Mrs. G. Flnkerton were
Springfield callers Tuesday.
George Willlns saw mill Is busy
sawing lumber every day now.
Miss May Guthrie Is spending vaca
tion week at home.
Donna, Oregon, November 29. D.
A, Conloy, Ray Sunderman, M. D.
Weatherman, and Frank Crenshaw,
going together shipped a carload of
potatoes from hero Tuesday.
N. W. and Elmer Swafford are cut
ting wood near here.
Leo Soavcy returned from Corvallls,
whore ho went to sec tho football
game, Monday.
Tho leader appointed for Endeavor
Sunday is Floyd Kennedy.
Mrs. John Mlckcl, who lives oa
Maple Creek near Florence spent a
few days visiting at the homo ot W.
A. Heck hero. Mr. and Mrs. Mlckol
and Mr. Heck were neighbors for sov
oral years, about threo miles southwest
of Eugeno and havo not seen each oth
er for over six years. Mrs. Mlckel
says she likes the Mohawk Valley
as much as she has seen ot It.
Cough Medicine for Children.
Mrs. Hugh Cook, Scottsvlllo, N. Y
says: "About five years ago when
we were living In Garbuttl N. Y., I
doctored two ot my childreu suffering
from colds with Chamberlain's Coujh
Remedy and found It Just as represent
ed In every way. It promptly chocked
their coughing and cured their colds
quicker than anything I ever used."
Obtainable everywhere.
Makes Final Recommendations As To
Items It Believes Should Be
Included This Year.
Camp Creek, December 2. Clara
Masterson is spending the holiday
with her parents here.
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Long from Har
Tlsburg are here visiting their daught
er, Mrs. Walter Stephens.
Roy Penney has returned home from
Eugene where he has been attending !
the teachers Institute,
At a general meeting of the budget
committee of the taxpayers' associa
tion held at the county court house
on Friday afternoon, that body made
its' final recommendations as to items
that it believes should be Included
In the Lane county tax budget this
year. The committee will continue
its' work until tho annual budget meet
lng to be held the latter part ot this
.month, and plans to have a m6re com
prehensive report to make at that
As far as has been gone, the work
of, some ot the various committees
now stand as follows:
The roads and bridges sub-commlf-tee
completed Its report Tuesday when
It decided to approve the tentative
1road, bridge and supervisors' budget
as prepared by the county court.
.The various sub-committees which
have been Investigating the items of
county expense, made their report to
the general committee at a meeting
held late this afternoon.
The sub-committee .on court house
expenses, Fred Flske, chairman, com
pleted Its work Friday morning and
recommends as follows:
"We. the sub-committee on couit
' house, recommend that the circuit
court 'fund be divided Into two Iteni3
to be known as the grand jury fund
and the circuit court fund, and that
the clerk be Instructed to keep sep
arate accounts thereof."
The sub-committee reported that It
hail examined the budgets of last year
.Mr. and Mrs. Myren Craig are the rand thIs year- and ru"d,the al,owanc3
prcud parents of a baby girl burn
this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Stephens were
in Eugene on business Thursday.
Miss Emma Cosalcr is home from
Thurston spending the holidays.
. Mrs. A. Horn has returned to her
heme In Pendleton' after a two weeks
visit -with-'ber brother J. D. Ritchey.
Jaza Crabtree has returned to Wat
tervllle after spending the holidays
: at her home here.
.Albert Simmons was In Springfield
on business Friday,
Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Jack and fam
ily spent Thanksgiving day with Mr.
&nd Mrs. Jim Commlngs.
Oren Masterson Is home now from
for the county court bad been Increas
ed by $240, and that other officers had
reduced their budget amounts as fol
lows: County clerk, $fu00; sheriff, $1460;
treasurer, $61; assessor $1600; survey
or, $400; district attorney, $502. Clr
cult court and court house same as
last year. ,j -
Thurston, December, 2. Walter
Tr .1 .1 tnnlnx 1 .. nin fin nil n ti I n hnma
JUIlilllDlVll 2) bUilim m mid
"With a severe cold.
Hugh Price ot Notl, Oregon Is visit
ing his son John Price and family.
Mrs. Willie McKlin of Springfield
Is visiting relations at this place.
Aliases Anna and Veta Taylor of
Eugene spent Thanksgiving at tho
homes of Frank and Charles Tay
lor at Bon Ton acres.
Mrs. Stanley Grey returned homo
yesterday from Eugene, where she
iaB been attending tho Institute.
3Wrs. Bud McPherson, and daughters,
Mabel and Esther and son Virgil ot
Springfield, spent Thanksgiving at
She home of Mr. and Mrs. John Ed
Winston. Misses Alberta and Margaret Math
tews, and brother Alex are visiting
their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Math
owe at Pleasant II)1.
Mr. and Mrs.. Jolpt Bogart of Wllla
Jceazle attondeg the dance hero Than
ksgiving evening.
A thanksgiving box of all kinds'
Of good eatatlea was donatod (q our
Announces Subjects For Teachers For
Each Day of Session.
Following Is the subject schedule
for the coming quarterly teachers ex
aminations to be held In Eugene on
December 21, 22 and 23. The exams
will be held In the Y. M. C. A. assem
bly room. ,
Wednesday Morning, United States
history, penmanship, music and draw
ing; afternoon, physiology, reading
manual training, composition, domes
tic science, methods in reading, course
of study 'for drawing, methods in ar
ithmetic. Thursday morning, arithmetic, hla
toryof education, psycology, method
in geography, mechanical drawing, do
mestic art, grammar, geography, ste
nography, American literature, phys
ics, typewriting, methods in language,
thesis for primary certificate.
Friday morning, theory and prac
tice, orthography, physical geography,
English literature, chemistry, physical
culture; afternoon, school law, geology,
algebra, civil government.
Saturday morning, geometry, boU
any; afternoon, general history and
tho alcRcd 1 swlnuloNot A.' 'UTTlosson,
a Camp Creek tanner, has boon
continued over inll 4ho February
torm ot court. E. J. Prosier tnado an
Impassioned appeal to tho covirl to
sot tho cases foij trial nt this term,
ton account of his wlto and children,
but tho Judge said tho matter was uno
ot law, not of sentiment.
Miss Mary Roberta who underwent
un operation nt tho Springfield hos
pital on Friday wbb rocolvod nt hor
homo Saturday.
Dopnrtment of tho Interior, V, S.
Land Olllcc, nt Rosoburg, Oregon.
November, 4, 1916.
NOTICE Is hereby given that Frank
P. McCnnn, of McKonzIo llrldgo, Ore
gon, who, on January 20, 1913, made
Homestead Entry, Sorlal, No. 0SB32.
for Lots 7 and S and S. W. 4 S. W. M
Sec 15, and N. W. N. W. U.f
Section 22, Township 16 S, Rango 5 B,
Willamette Meridian, has filed notlco
of Intention to mnko Final Three-year
Proof, to establish claim to tho land
above described, botoro I. P. Howltt,
U. S. Commissioner, at his odlco, at
Eugeno, Oregon, ou tho ISth day ot
December, 19C.
Claimant names as witnesses.
Charles L. Taylor, ot McKenilo
Bridge, Oregon.
Arthur Belknap, ot MoKcnilo
Bridge, Oregon.
Georgo II. Moody, ot McKenxlo
Bridgo. Oregon.
Walter Boone, ot McKenilo
Bridge, Oregon.
W. II. CANNON, Register.
Nov. 6, 9, 13, 16. 20. 23, 27, 30, Dec. 4.
Department ot tho Interior U. S.
Laud Offlco at Roseburg, Orcgen.
November, 4,1916
NOTICE IS hereby given that Char
les L. Taylor, ot McKenilo Bridge,
Oregon, who, on October 25, 1910,
made Homestead Entry, Sorlal No.
06697 for tho S M S. W. S. E. S.
M S. E. U S. W. U. Sec 15. and N.
W. N. E. U, N. S. W. U N. E. U.
N. S. S. W. hi N. E. U, N. E.U,
N. W. M, of Sec. 22, Tp. 16 S. R. Ser
iaj No. 0S574 for tho S. S S. W. U
N. E. 14 ot Section 22 Township 16 S.
Range 5 E, Willametto Meridian, has
filed notlco of intention to make Final
Five-year Proof, to establish claim
to the land above described, before
I .P. Hewitt, U. S. Commissioner, at
his office at Eugene, Oregon, en the
18th day ot December, 1916.
Claimant names as witnesses:
George Croner, ot Eagcno, Oregon.
Alice Cronor, of Eugeno, Oregon.
George Frlssoll, of McKenxlo
Bridgo, Oregon,
Arthur Belknap, of McKenzIo
Bridge, Oregon.
W. H. CANNON. Register
Nov. 6, 9,13,16.20,23,27,30. Dec. 4.
Classified Ads
I For Sale, Rent, Wanted, Eto.
Cases Are Continued Over.
The cases of the State of Oregon
versus E. J, Frasler and John H, Per
kins who are charged with haying
pbtalned money under fatso pretenses
In connection with C, H, Mathlson,
WANTED Good gentle milk cow to
milk for her feed for the noxt 3
or 4 months. Phone 13F13, Spring
field. J. W. NEET.
FOR SALE Rubber tired buggy, in
first class shape, cheap. Phono
115 J or write box 191.
LOST. Auto filler fountain pen, eith
er at Methodist church or on 6th
street between ,C and A, or between
6th and Sth on A. Leave at News
FOR SALE, Good milk cow, also Steel
Range. Call 138-w.
FARM LOANS At tho lowest rate
and on tho easiest terms to be bad.
J. C. Holbrook, Springfield.
POR SALE at a bargain. 11 acres of
land in cultivation on Main McKcn
zle roa4. mile from .Thurston store
Must bo sold as owner Is going
east.Address Mrs. Cornelia E. George
Corner of 8th and B Sts., Springfield,
a bazaar and silver tea on Wednesday,
December 13, In the room next Swarts
& Washburne's market.
FOR INFORMATION regard mg home?
stead entries in Central Oregon,
write enclosing stamped envelope to
A O. King or D. D. Tusslng, Broth
ers, Oregon.
born pure bred O. A. C. strain, six
months old, $1.90 each. Call at 710
C street.
FOR SALE Practically new Ollvor
Typewriter number C. Machine Is
equipped with tabulator uud back
spacer. It Is In good runnlug order.
Call at the News ofJIce and have it
demonstrated. Terms.
FOUND: Small key on wire. Owner
may liave same by calling at the
News office and paying for this nd.
OR BALE Nine acre farm one fourth
mile east of Croswell. River bottom
land all in cultivation. lias four
acres ot loganberries, 0110 audjioven
eighths acres In rod raspberries n
DcArlhg .Intermingled with four year
old Apple trees. Has. house, barn,
nd trio.dern. chicken 'jiduso with
fancetl Jji pal ks. Can be Ijaijl .at, a
1 barkJdjii Addrot' A31. care of The
'.XftpTtAitiU 'Npw'j.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, For Lane County
H. h, Studloy, Plaintiff,
Clara 12. Luso. John Doo Luso, Emnm
Not, John Doo Nel. Lofa Livingston,
John Doo Livingston, Stanford Pro
Mo, Jano Doo Problo, and City ot Eu
gono, a municipal corporation, and
all persons unknown, It nny, having
or claiming an Intorcst or estate In
and to tho horolimftor dosorlhod
real proporty Defendants.
To Clara E. Luso, John Doo Luso,
Emma Nel., John Doo Nol. Loto Llv
lngston, John Doo Livingston, Stanford
Problo, Jnno Doo Problo, anil to all
persons unknown, If any, having or
claiming an Intorcst or cstato In and
to tho horolnnfor described real pro
perty, tho above named defendants,
OREGON: You are horohy notified
thnt H. L. Studloy tho holder of Cer
tificate of Dollnnuoncy numbered 1208
Issued on tho 7th day of October 1013
by tho'Tax Colloctor of tho County of
Lano. Stato of Oregon, for tho amount
of $32.78, tho samo being the nuiount
thon due and delinquent for taxes for
the year 1912 together with ponalty,
Interest and costs thereon upon tho
real proporty asscssod to you, ot which
you aro tho owner as appears of re
cord, situated In said County and
State, and particularly bounded and
described as follows, to-wit:
, Lots number ouo and two (1 & 2)
In block number two" (2) In Fnlrmount,
now a part ot tho city ot Eugono, Lano
county, Stato of Oregon
You nre further notified that said
ll. L. Studloy has paid taxes on said
premises for prior or subsequent years
with the rate of Intorcst On said
amounts ns follows:
On March 21, 1914, tho sum ot $30.00
taxos for tho year of 1918.
On March 31, 1915, the sum of $!8.M
taxos for the year of 1914.
On April 5, 1916, tho sum ot $26.55
taxes for tho year ot 1915.
All of said amounts, boar Interest
from dato ot payment at tho rate ot
15 per annum.
Said defendants as tho owner of tho
legnl title ot tho abovo described pro
porty ns tho samo appears of record,
and each of tho other persons abovo
named aro hereby further notified that
H. L. Studloy will apply to the Circuit
Court ot tho County and Stato afore
said for a dscree foreclosing the lion
against the property nbovo described,
and mentioned in said certificate. And
you are hereby summoned to appear
within sixty days aftor tho first publi
cation of tills summons exclusive of
the day of said first publication, and
dofend this action nr pay tho amount
duo as abovo shown together with
costs and accrued Interest and In
case of your falluro to do co, a decrco
will be rendered foreclosing tho Hen
of said taxes and coBts against tho
land and premises abovo named.
This summons Is published by order
of the Honorable G. F. Sklpworth
Judge of the Circuit Court of tho Stato
of Oregon for tho County of Lane and
said order was mado and datod this
17th day of November 1916 and the
date of first publication of this sum
mons Is tho 20th day of November 1916
All process and papers In this pro
ceeding inny be served upon tho un
dersigned residing within the Stnte
of Oregon, at the address hereafter
Attorney for Plaintiff
Address Eugene. Oregon.
Nov. 20,27;Dec.4,11.18,25;Jnn.l,8,15,22.
Our Regular Grocery Prices
Subject to Market Changes
12 lbs best granulated sugar
16 lbs rice . ' .
100 lbs potatoes
15 lbs white beans
6 lbs roast coffee
4 lbs white figs . - .
3 lbs macaroni
4 lbs A. & H. soda . . .
3 cans Aster milk .; .. ,.
6 pkgs matches
1 pkg Golden Rod oats
1 pkg Albers oats
1 lb. Royal baking powder'
1 lb. Schillings baking powder
6 bars White Bear soap
6 bars Clean Easy soap
Cottolene, large size
Cottolene, medium size
Crisco, large size
50 lbs Blue Ribbon salt
50 lbs half ground salt
100 lbs half ground salt
r 25c
See us about farm produce
2 of f for cash or on accounts if
paid in full in 30 days
COX & COX, Springfield
O. R. Gullion, M. D.
Practice Limited tl
Eye, Ear, Noae and Throat.
Graduate Nurse Attending
306, White Temple, Eugene.
Homeopathic Physician and Surg.or
Office, Baptist Parsun.igo
Corner Second and C Streo's
HOURS: 9 TO 12. PMO.ST f
Office Fhoru 5' ''''Hence C7-
West Main St.
PHONES Office, 3; Residence,
Ovor Commercial Bank,
Springfiold, Oregon.
And Buy Your
Before Jan. 1, 1917
Some Special Offers
American Boy and Boy's Life $2.50
American Magazine and WomaiiB Home Com-....
panlon 3,00
Century Magazine and St. Nicholas .7:00
Delineator and Everybody's 3 00
Home Needlework and .Modern PrlscIUa 1.75
Ladles World, McClures and Boy's Life 3.00
Review of Reviews and Youth's Companion G.00
I can make good prices on renewals.
Walter R. Dimm
News Office Phone 2 Springfield, Ore.