The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, December 04, 1916, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    MONDAY, PRC. 4, 1916.
if age Timwr
RESOLVED-To Make this
A Practical Christmas
THAT'S a Rood resolution. Instead of giving a lot
UHOful things an gifts. Our Btoro offers tho wld
of useless glincracks, glvo only sensible, practical
cat rnngo of choice for tho practical giver. AlhiOBt
everything In our storo Ib n needful nrtlclo. Here's
a suggestion. Come In and tell us what you want to
pay and to whom you want to glvo and wo will namo
you a host of practical articles that (Ills tho bill.
' w
:! TbWi and Vicinity
lr. ami Mr. W. A, Jack wore In
frotn Camp Creek Friday.
Jk(ni. Charlca Townnd and children
spent Thanksgiving at Crcswell.
;R. Fox waa In from Douglas Gar
dens Saturday.
, James CtimmlngB waa In from Camp
Creek Saturday.
0 Mro. B. 8. Harding waa In from
Douglas Gardens on Saturday.
Mlsa Mabel Fandroin la omploycd at
tho ltnckct store.
JV, ,T. Cuvor waa In Springfield
from hla home at Thuraton Saturday.
Mlsa Eatollu Maglll apent Thank
giving at Donna with her mothor.
II. Wagrior waa in from Haydeu
Drldgo Saturday.
Mlaa Emma Mn,ssce of Portland
visited over yesterday at (ho homo
of her slater, Mrs. N, W. Bmery.
;J. W. .Coffln la slowly Improving
from hla recent Illness. Ho la again
at his borne here.
,lra. A. W. Tldd and daughter, Miss
Bgatrjce, were, Thanksgiving day
ests Of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bikes.
1 U
t. t . . , .. . .. .
hero oyer Thanksgiving with hla moth
or, Mro. N. A. Ilowe.'
Dolbort Crouch returned Thursday
evening from Coos county, whero bu.
inesa has kept him for some time.
- .
W. A. Rodmond and family wore In
from tho J. A. Cox ran oh near GoBhon
on Saturday. '
Mrs. F, A. Nlckorson of Mnrcola
hail spent a few days visiting Miss
Mary Itoborta.
.Mrs. L. arconburgcr, who la 111 at
tho Springfield hospital, Is somowhat
Miss Ida Carson has boon employed
as bookkoopor nt tho Cox and Cox
oro during a portion of tho vncatlon.
' Archlo Moachnm returned to Port-
lapd Friday nftor having spent a fow
aays wmi nir parents noro.
,Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Itoof and chil
dren apont Thanksgiving and tho wook
end with friends In Portland,
(Tho Sprlngflold Flour Mill finished
tho loading of two cars of flour, bllod
for Portland, on Saturday.
Mrs. VIn Williams, who has been
qulto ill, wuh reported to bo fooling
somowhat hotter Saturday afternoon.
Miss Stella martin was a Thanks
glynlg day guost of Mlsa Nora Sor
onson. i L, Miller was among thoso ro
giaterod at tho Sprlngflold hotol Sat
urday, JlP- Homonwny was a Saturday
visitor from his homo in South Spring
lipid. jIra, W, N. Williams and chlldrou
visited wlli Mrs.,. Williams' sister,
Mrs. Whltton 's'wafford, In Bugonn
jJMr. and Mrfl. .Charles Ilay, of cast
orn Oregon, aro visiting ovor tho
holidays with Mr. and Mrs, William
jMlsa Graco Collins, telephone op
erator at tho local oxchango, Is con
llnod to hor homo with an attack of
Ir. and Mrs. Mark Young,. iuid( .lit
tle son of Albany, Bpcnt Thanksgiv
ing hero at tho homo of Mrl Young's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jra Young..
' ' ' v i 1 ! n
Lottora romalnlng uncalled for In
tbj Sprlngflold post ofllco on Novem
ber 27 aro, Mr. Henry George, Mr,
IJarloy Ilomlngton, and Mltos T. Car.
cf A chargo of ono cent Is mndo on
nilyortleed Jotters. i
D. B. Cox arrived In Springfield
Saturday to Join hla family hero. .Mr.
Cox has been employed In tho logging
camp at Landax.
Mr, and Mrs. J. W. Carson of Mar
cola, spent Sunday at tho homo of Mr.
Carson's parents, Mr. and Mrs, 0. W.
Orvllle Howard returned home to
Portland Saturday after a few day's
visit with his mother, Mrs. A. D. Itud
dlman, and with friends hero.
Mrs. Mnttlda Ilutler and Mrs. Char
les Hastings were among tho Thur
ston folks sliopplng in Springfield
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Llttell arrive I
Saturday for a visit at . the homo ol
Mrs. Uttoll's brother, Mayor K. E. Mor
Tho funeral sorvlco of Barl Philip
Saul, throo-months-old son of Mr. and
Mrs. Philip Saul, waa held In Bugeno
on Wednesday morning, In tho gnwo
of tho Catholic cemetery.
Mr. and Mrs. Halph Martin and lit
tle daughter Iluthind Mrs. Urown, ol
Bugcno, enjoyed Thanksgiving, dinner
at tho homo of Mr. and Mrs, -Edgar B.
Martin, on C street.'
Mrs. Grace Roberts, who has bcea
In charge of tho Rackot storu slnto
Its establishment here, is now em
ployed In tho dry goods department
at the Cox and. Cox department, store.
Miss Madeline Meyers of Portland,
who Ib an O. A. C. . student, was n
Thanksgiving weekend guest of Mr.
and Mrs. S. H. Uaker and Mrs. Mao
The Misses Graco Male, Olive Smith,
Kate Lansbcrry, and MyrUo Copcn
haver returned to school at Monmouth
yesterday, after having spent the boll
day here.
Mrs, F. C, Mich ton and two small
daughters, Ruth and Rosomarlo, of
Honolulu, nra visiting hero at tho
home of Mrs. Mlghton's sister, Mi i.
Gladys Smith.
Mrs. It. 11. Miller Is being visited
by her daughter from Oj-ltlsh Colum
bia. "Grandma" hadn-lvory sovero
fall a week ago which has kept her
confined to tho house
Mr. arid Mrs. A. C. Taylor and sons,
Harold and Vernon, of Tho Dalles,
who spent Thanksgiving with rela
tives at Creswoll. aro visiting for a'
S .1 . ..... -..'..(.! .i V
Taylor's brothor, C. L. Scott.
Mr. and Mrs. P. 11 Emory wero
host arid hostess at thoir East Sprlng
flold libnio for Dr. and Mr. N. AV. Bint
ory of this city, and William Light
foot and family of Portland, on
Thanksgiving day.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Morrow and son,
old-timo Sprlngflold folks', are visit
ing here wiUi Mr. and Mrs. Uob Reod
in Stewart addition, enrouto to Marsh
Hold, whero Mr, Morrow will be em
ployed. George D.Valller, formerly of Spring
field, but now at Richmond, Califor
nia, has let his friends know that ho
Is anxious to return to Sprlngflold
and that ho hopes to bo ablo to' do
so in tho near future.
Mr. and Mrs. Blnor Ferguson of
Jaspor and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur W
lklosky of this city wero Thanksgiv
ing guests of Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Loo.
Mrs. Ferguson Is a daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Loo,
Harry Withers of .Donna, Wnllaco
Carnoy, of Thurston, Mrs, T. A. Nes-
bit of tlio Vitus addition, and 0. W.
Smith of Mount Vernon wero ajnong
tho out-of-town visitors In Sprlngflold
Saturday. '' , , ;
Roth Will and Snm Young, former
Sprlngflold boyo .wljo.areat tho front
in Franco,' aro "well, according to a
card rocontly received by A, D, Rud
dlman, Tho card states that thu
boya aro In tho tronchos and that
heavy pngage.menta with great- losa -of'
llf ftro In progroso.
Catarrh Cannot Be Cured
with I .OCA I, APPLICATION, a thof
cannot reach thn sent of the dltA. Ca
tarrh U a blood or comtltutlonnl illteme,
nnit In ordur to curn It you munt take In
ternal ttmedm, llnll'n Catarrh Curn li
tnken Inlornnlly, and act directly upon
th Mood ntid inucou turfne. Hull's
Catarrh Curs Is not n qunok medlefns. tt
w prnncrltwd by one of the best phy
sh'lHtiK In -till country for yenrs and la
it rrRiilsr pr-crlptlon, It I compoied of
the lMnt ionics known, combined with the
b?t blood purifier, nrilng directly on the
mucou eurfnres, The perfect combina
tion of the two Ingredient I what pro
duces such wonderful remit In curing
rntnrrh. Rend for teetlmonlal. free,
K. J. CIIKN1CY tt CO.. Prop., Toledo, O.
Hold by Druif lH, price TBc,
Tk )ll' Family Mil for eonttlpallon.
John Wlnzcnrdld nttendod th'b Elks'
Memorial service at Bugeno yester
day. 0, K. Johnson of Bast Sprlngflold
was oporatod on at tho Bugcno hos
pital at ono o'clock yosterday.
J. W. Collin, who has rocontly been
quite ill, was ablo to bo up town
this morning.
Dr. Bugeno Kester Is having his
ofllco rooms In the Stevens-Perkins
building repainted and kalsomlncd.
M, C. Drosslor returned Saturday
ovpnlng from Salem whero he has
spent a few days on business.
J, E. Darling of Portland' is spend
ing a few days with his son, William
Darling and family.
Al Perkins of Portland Is visiting
here al tho homo of his father, W. J.
Miss Florenco Co (Tin and Miss Lulu
Gilo were dinner guosts of Miss Es-
tolla Martin for Friday evening,
A number of Bpworth Lcaguo mem
bers and somo of their parents, put
In somo good licks Suturday afternoon,
getting tho new Methodist church in
readiness for tho dedication yester
Kctcl's drugstore is among tho first
of tho local business houses to call
attention to tho approaching holiday
season, having hold Its' holiday open
ing Saturday, with appropriately dress
ed windows and counters.
Sidney Elmer Russell, wall know-.i
piling and logging contractor, was di
vorced from his wife, Ada Gertrude
Russell, on Friday, Ho Is given tho
caro and custody of their minor child
Bernlce, although her mother Is al
lowed to visit her at times.
Alex Datlcy, who has a brick yard
threo miles west of Eugene, on Fri
day loaded a carload of fire brick,
containing 13.7C0 brick, for tho Doo(h
Kelly Lumber company's mill at Wen
dilng. Tho shipment Is to includo
100 sacks of fire clay.
Mrs. Ora Ruasoll and Miss Mnttl)
Peory of Rosoburg called on Mrs.
Gcorgo Catching ono day last week,
Tho threo are old friends, nnd Mrs.
Catching had not seen tho two' visitors
for eight or ten years until a few
days ago.
This cold calls for ono of HolbrooVs
now heaters.
J. W. Perkins and Nathan Rowo wer8
present at tho county form for tho
big chicken dinner flo'rvod which wn
served to tho 24 persons living there
by Mr. nnd Mrs, B. F. Russell, who
aro In charge, on Thanksgiving day,
Mr, Perkins was asked to conduct
tho days devotions.
Your Heater may'; not be all you
want. If you will try ono of .ours, you
will bo satisfied try ono. J. C. Hoi
brook. v. 1
Miss Orona May nud Miss Naoma
Rowers, of Oregon City, who hnvo been
visiting since! Thursday at tho home
of thoir brother Lawfcnco May, ro
turhod homo last, evening. They
wero accompanied by their mother
Mrs. N, A. Bowers, who has been
visiting hero for somo time.
H, F. Dennis was In from Hayden
brjdgo yesterday. Mr. Dennis ex
pected Mrs, Dennis and two children
homo yesterday from Indopondencs,
whero thoy havo boon for tho
threo wcjoks. The ctilldron wont
there for a short visit, but wore takon
down with pnoumonla almost im
mediately. They aro Just now recov
ered. Paul Brat'taln, accompanied by his
son, Paul Brattaln, Junior, returned
homo Friday evening from Central
Oregon, whbro thoy have boon on a
business trip for tho past six monthn.
Thpy will remain In Sprlngflold now.
Good reliable flro Insurance, No as
sessments; no membership foo. Pay
oncd and you aro done. H. E. Walker
at tho City. Hal.
.Thpso 'who havo usdd it In Spring
field are astonished nt tho INSTANT
action ot slmplo buckthorn bark, gly
cerine, oct., as nilxqd in Alder-l-ka.
Becahs.0 tt acts on. BOTH lower, and
upper bowel, ONE SPOONFUL Aldor-i-ka
rellovos almost ANY CASE con
stipatlon, sour stomach or gas , It re
moves Mich surprising foul matter
that a fow doses often rollove or pre
vent. apnondicUis, A phort treatment
helps, ehronlc stomaeh trsubla. M. M,
Peery Drug company,
Miss Anna Doehiinger and Miss
Nell Coppock pf galem visited wth
Mrs. B, E. Morrison on Saturday after
noon, N. White, II. Wagner, O. W. Craw
ford, N. V. Mann, and S. Johnson, all
of Vitus addition, wore Saturday visi
tors In Sprlngflold.
Miss Eva Brattaln, who is teaching
at Walton, spent tho vacation hero
with hor parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. B.
Miss Ellen Lambert is compelled
to limp around on crutches, because
of an Injury to tho right foot caused
by slopping on a nail Friday evening.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hart
at their homo near Waltervillo, Satx
urday, December 2, 1910, a daughter.
The Ladlos of tho Christian church
"will hold a Bazzar, Saturday, Dcembcr
Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Bowen and Dr.
J. M. MlUcr wero araonp the Eugene
peopio wno aiionaea tne format open
ng of the now church yesterday
Mr. and Mrs. A, A. Lowe ap'd small
daughter, Dorothy, of Portland, visit
ed over Sundar at tho homo of Mr.
and Mrs. J. w Coffln,
C. A. Bonnclt and wife of Portland,
C H. White of Cottage prove, and
C J, pemster of Wond.llng,., re
gistered at tho Elite hotel yesterday.
Little llss Ethel Neal of Marcola
had her tonsils and adenoids remov
ed at the Springfield hospital yesterday.-
Miss! Emma Massee returned to
Portland this morning after a short
visit hero at tho home of Dr. ana Mr.
N. W, Emory.
Saturday at the Springfield hotel:
P. L. MlUcr. Mrs H. Aucust. St. Paul:
Harry Corsaw and wife, Marcola; amli
Phillip Blshop'of Coburg.
J. W. Calkins has returned to his
homo after having received treatment
at the Bugeno hospital.
J Mr. and Mrs. Harry Chase entertain !
ed Mr. and Mrs. M.M. Male, MIs Grace
Male, and Ivan Male, at dinner on
Friday evening.
Roy Reynolds of Brownsville, H.
Foelcy and It. Henderson of Portland.
were registered at the Elite hotel yes
terday. Mrs. M. J. McKIln who spent, last t
I week visiting her sister, at Thurston
I Mrs. Roy ."Edrolnston, returned" homo
yosterday afternoon.
Mr. Cobb tho butcher at Marcola,
has been suffering with an Injured
hand, occasioned by a cut from tho ,
meat cleaver. I
" v I
Miss Mary Roberts, who recently
underwent a major operation at tho '
Springfield hospital, is now at her
home, and was reported this morning
as doing nicely.
Mrs. Harry Russell of Thurston un
derwent a major operation at the
Springfield hospital this- morning.
Tho following were registered at
ho Springfield hotol yesterday: J.
B. Stafford, Mohawk; C. E. Glass, Eu
gene; E. P. BIgelow; P. l! Miller; li.
A, Andrews, Drain; and Robert Wil
liam, Waltervillo.
Made in Springfield
The House of Oualitv I " PARMER'S ftaEND I
1 lie House or quality D D0Mp,ER I
We put up Bon Bon Boxes to your order. m
Pan Goods aro unexcelled Buggies; Wagons, Hacks, Harness, Saddles, H
Chocolates are fresh every day Horses and Cattle for sale
All our candles are Home Made ; 1 j u , , , , , K
4 buy and sell all kinds of junk
EGGIMANN'S CANDY KITCHEN phone 51 Phone 29 South 2 and A' Streets
E L ECTRICITY Boo Kelly Lumber o.
For light, heat and power.
"Made in Springfield." F0R
4 foot Slab Wood. $2.00
Oregon Power Go. per cord at the mm
ts1, R!TtEtDck0; Springfield Flour Mill
to Sprlngflold with a good, up-to-date stock of
hand-made harness and accessories, and am BAKORE Hard Vyaat jp4nt
ready to serve my old customers again and Try me. Get acquainted. Yo 'wiH'iie as. Beat
welcome now ones. Shoe repairing done valuti fer yur 1aef;v.6t7B117 Sprligfleli.
bettor for loss "aVoney. This Is my specialty; t .... . (l fjr)ipi.k, . ,
All I ask Is a. trial. You Scasw I un wM liked" fey all breaty natoa.
GEO. SETTLE, FIFTH STRE.ET we give y siw lir your mcmeyfe flur ad f4 'B
Between Main and A, next tjoor to Sikes ' t a w4Un nay 'other place -te tw. m
Keep Warm! Keep Dry!
I. J . I J. L ..l .. r J J . JJ-q
Our Mackinaws are the newest styles and are niado
of the best wool. Come In and select yours while
the stock Is large.
You will keep dry' when It rains If you wear our
water proof shirts and slickers.
White soled, high top athletic shoes at the old price
while they last, Men's sizes $1.00; Ladies sizes $.90.
Water proof your shoes with "Miller's Shoo Grease."
Hugo Sandgathe bas begun suit a
gainst Ella Yarnell et al to quit title
to 1S3.9C acres of land on the Mc
kenzie river.
Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Davis and Mr.
and Mrs. M, G. Bally and. spa, Joe,
spent Thanksgiving at Yoncalla at
tho home of L. A. Bass and family.
Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Smith, who have
recently .returned to Springfield, went
to Jasppr Friday for a visit with Mr.
and Mrs. Paul Hadley and family.
Mr. and Mrs. J. E, Edwards and
Mr. and Mrs. Elzy Sutton were guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Skinner on
Dr. W. H. Pollard arid Superinten
dent R. L. Kirk returned Saturday
from a four day's duck hunt on Coos
Mrs. Otto Rice, and baby who baye
been visiting Mrs. Rices' parents here.
Mr. and Mrs." E. E. Brattaln for the
past two months, returned home to
Mapleton yesterday.
The Springfield Sand and Gravel
company resumed work again Fri
day morning after having remained
Idle for some time. The company
received a big contract for crushed
Mrs. W. M. Erskino of Portland, vis
ited .friends In Springfield and at ten J
cd the dedication of the , new Metho
dist Memorial church here yesterday.
Her husband, Reverend W. M. Ers
kiae. was pastor of the M. E. church
here about 10 years ago.
Robert Hughes, editor of the Chris
tian Advocate, came down from Port-
i0ud yesterday to attend the dedica
tion services. While here,- he wa?
entertained at dinner by ""Dr. and
Mrs. W. H. Pollard, Mr. Hughes and
Dr. Pollard having been students at
Willamette university at the 6ame
On Wednesday from 2:5(0 until .V
the losing side of the recent Metho
dist Ladles Aid will entertain the
winners of the recent membership
contest in the Ladles Aid room in
the new Methodist church. Mrs. O.
B. Kessey's team will be the guests,
since they slightly outstripped Mrs.
L May's workers in the contest.
Nervous Women.
When tho nervousness is caused by
constipation, as often Is the case, you
will get quick relief by taking Chs
berlaln's Tablets. These tablets also
Improve the digestion. Obtainable
Misses Lucille Shcafor and Ramona.
Stover, Eugene Bible University; "stu
dents, were Thanksgiving and weekend
guests of Miss Ruby Senseney.
G. D. Halsey and' family of. Clear
field. Pennsylvania hare recently coato.
to Springfield and &are decided Mo Jt-:
cate here. They are Jiving in ,tfca
Bowmaa house between Fytb, asd
Sixth on C street,
Jtfr. and Mrs. Ocorgo SetUeweat.
to Lebanon on. Thujsday to vlsltMr-,
Settles' brother and to. attend a sort,
of family .reunion. While awayx tejr
aleo visited with their grandchildren
Mrs, Settle returned Friday, and Mr.
Settle came homejjn Saturday.
Believes Troops Should Come Homr.
Urging that the 300 Oregon, mem"
still on the border be sent home anct
released from further service. Gov-,
ernor Wlthycombe .has sent a letler-.
to the department at WashlngVoiu
The men about 300 In number belong;
to troop A, Oregon Cavalry, andl
battery A, Oregon artillery, and they
bave been In the federal service sit
Convert 80 In 2 Weeks.
Chris H. Jensen, the Pastor of the;
Christian church here, reports a .coni
munlcation from Tb,e Kellems .Bro
thers Evangelistic Co. now at Nrth-'
Yakima, Washington, stating that Hfeat .
far they have had 80 additions tol&
church, during, the first two wBte.
of the revival there. These talenlo
young evangeJisiiwUl conduct a re
vival in. .-the "Springfield Christian
church', beginning March L
Real Estate Transfers.
James T. Foster ot, ux toGeorge K.
Prettyman Tract adjoining . Valler
View addlUon to Springfield; $200
Jack Llttell et nx to L. K. Pager
lot 6, block 4, Kelley's add. to Springy
field. ?250. '
L. K. N. A. McPherson; lot
'block 7, Kelley's add. to Springfield. -$250.
Box manufacture .ranks first among:
the wood using industries of Wash
ington. Sitka spruce and western;,
yellow pine are the chief woods useL,
amounting together to approximatelyr
ninety million board feet annually.
The largest consumers are the can
neries and orchards'.
There are 392 consumers of tannin,
in the United States, who use an
nually 625,000 cords of hemlock barkv
290,000 cords of oak bark, and 389,
000 cords of chestnut wood.