The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, November 23, 1916, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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' 1 -
THURSDAY, NOV. 23, 1010.
4 Donna C. E. Enjoys Social.
' Tho Christian endeavor bUBlnciss
mooting was held at tho hall .last Frl
lay night. Many games were play
ed, and the committed gave each
girl some beans, wrote each boy's
name down on a plcco of paper with
i number, and then auctioned them off
Xor partners for supper. Thero was
some disappointment as to partners.
Itevcrcnd N, It. Workman spoke
herofiast Sunday morning.
Several young peoplo attended the
Christian endeavor meeting here last
Friday night. !
(jebrge Hil has been appointed
leader of the Endeavor here for next
Sunday evening.
H.!V. Hnnuhttt and Joseph Dltttng
have finished building a chimney In
the back of the store here..
Frank Spores has shipped a car
load of wood to Springfield.
A. now floor is being laid on tho
bridge which crosses the Mohawk
fcbout a half milo from here. New
Approaches are also being put In.
i M. D. Weatherman has been build
ing a new house for J. R. Hayden.
'' .Several people from hero attended
$he cattle sale at Creswell last Wed
nesday. Mrs. H. Yancey, Mrs. Garoutte, Mrs.
X I. O'Reilly and Mrs. J. J; LewU
were visitors at tho M. 11. S. last
After tho Are alarm was sounded
at the school last Monday the build
ing was emptied In 32 seconds. This
Is the best record made this year
tut it is not the standard ' that Mr.
O'Reilly is working for.
Oliver Barr, tho yell leader of the
Tdarcola high school student body,
called a meeting of the students yes
terday for yell practice. Great en
thusiasm was shown and the students
yelled so loudly that the teachers
had to stop up their ears,
The boys basket ball team will
play the business men. of the town
next Friday night
v Miss Frances Brown Is visiting with
friends In Springfield.
G. F. Hartley Is home now from
Donna where he has been working.
S; E. LIbby was here on business
this week.
Horace Long from Harrlsburg s
working for Dave Stephens here.
Mrs. Mabel Chase is visiting with
Iter parents here.
. Marion Chase is hauling his spuds
to Eugene.
Walter and Leonard Stephens have
teen hauling spuds to Springfield for
3lr. Masterson.
Rev). B. H. Alberts, financial agent
for the Seattle Pacific College, of
the Free Methodist church, Seattle,
"Washington, is- spending a few days i
at the home of Reverend and Mrs.
"M. F. Childs and will speak at the
JFrec Methodist church Thursday even
ing In the Interest of the college.
Mrs. J. W. Neet was shopping In
Eurone Tuesday. ,
-December 20,21,22,23, Is Time, Eugene
. - Is Place; Sources of Questions
if Are Given Out-
''The following are the sources of
questions for the quarterly examin
ations for teachers of Lane county
rhlcb will be held In Eugene, Decem
ber 20, 21, 22, and 23, according to an
announcement Just made by E. J.
JVfoore, Superintendent:
J, 'Arithmetic One-sixth from the
-course of study and five-sixths from
Watson and White.
Jlvil government Relnsch and cur
rent events.
Geography One-sixth from the
course of study and five-sixths from
-TTarr and McMurray.
'Grammar One-sixth from the course
Kit study and five-sixths from Kimball's
.Elementary English, Book II.
History One-sixth from the course
of study and five-sixths from Mace
3tnd current events.
Orthography" One-sixth from the
course of study and five-sixths from
"Hick's Champion Spelling Book.
Physiology One-sixth from the
course of study and five-sixths from
Conn and Buddington.
Vteadlng Course of study.
' School law Oregon School Laws,
3915 edition.
Theory and practice A Brief course
in tho teaching process by Strayer.
.Writing The Palmer Method of Bub'
triebs Writing. s.
Algebra New High School Algebra
Iby.'WoilBa.p.d' Hart.
CorapoBlUoi) .English Composition
Books 1 and' 2,, by Brooks.
Literature, American Two-thirds
from American Literature, by Aber.
taeUiy, and one-third from American
. Physical rreorajby Elor tnts o!
Physical Geography by Hopkins. ,
Psychology An Introduction to
Psychology by Head. j
Uookkcoplng Lyons' Bookkeeping
llotnny Practical Botany by Ber
gen and Caldwell.
Geology Lo Conto's Compond of
Geometry, Tlano Wcntworth's
Olano and Solid Geometry, 1911 edition.
History, general History of tho An
cient World by Uotsford, and Medio
val and Modern History, revised by
History of Education Tho History
of Modorn Elementnry Education 'jy
Literature English Two-thirda
from English Literature by William J.
Long, and one-third from English
Physics A First Courso In Physics
by Mtlikln and Gale.
Chemistry Mcpherson and Hen
derson. (For graduates of non-stand-ard
colleges or unlvorsltios only).
Pupllt of First 6 Grades Will Enter
tain Parents and Friends To
morrow Afternoon.
yho pupils ot tho first flvo grados
and of the sixth B grade of tho Lin
coln school will give a Thanksgiving
program, beginning at two o'clock to
morrow, Friday in tho Assembly hall
at the Lincoln school. Following
is the program, which nil parents
and friends are cordially invited to
Song, Over the River and Through
the Wood 1st and 2nd grades.
Thanksgiving exercise, 1st grade.
Why we are Glad . ..1st grado
Recitation Robert McCulloch,
Margaret Baker, Dorene Larimer,
Miriam Rice, William Pollard, Dar
rel Regan,
Little Puritans 1st grade
This Is the way we chopped the tree3
1st grade.
Song, We nre Little Pilgrim Malden3
lst grades
Harvest Time, A dialogue by 2nd grade
Harvest Exercise.
Sailor Boys First.
Indian . Clair Coe
Orange Exercise.
Pear Exercise.
Peach Angellne Fisher
Song - All.
Recitation, "A Warning"
Alice Bouchard
Turkey Gerald Bird
Sailor Boys Second
Song, "Happy Havest Time"
L All.
Recitation, "Thanksgiving Table"...
. Constance Rebhan
Recitation, "Preparation"
Doris Meyers
Recitation Thelma Layson
Exercise, "Four Winds" ....Four boya
Recitation Lawrence Moo.
Exercise, "Novembers' Party"
Thirty children
Recitation Vera Root
Recitation Frank Balnbrldgo
Recitation, Helene Richmond
Thanksgiving and Harvest HomeFes-
tlval 5th grade
Columbia and two attendants Dorothy
Phelps, Madge Warner, and Ethel
Howard. '
Colonial scene, Song of the Autumn
Leaves, Jack O' Lantern
Primary grades
Recitation, "The Pumpkin"
. Alfred Townsend
Song of the loaf of bread,
Evelyn Dompler andMyrtlo Bales
Song, Thanksgiving.
Recitation, Earle Beebe, Jack Webb.
Folk dance by the harvesters.
Song, "Why the Goblin Changed Hit,
Dialogue by a group of boys.
Harvest song Classes
The Story of the Pilgrims, Exercise
Entire class.
"Thanksgiving at Grandma's" Reci
tation Wilbur Hayden
"Thanksgiving" song Entire class
"The Puritans Thanksgiving" .Reci
tation, Walter Thomas
"Give Thankn for What?" Recitation
- -...Harry Dinkel
In the County Court of the 8tate of
Oregon for the County of Lane
In tho mater ot the Estate of
Robert Grler Van. Valzah, Deceased.
That the undersigned, Ada B. Von
Valzah and Robert Clark Van Valzah
have been duly appointed executors of
the estate of Robert Grier Van Valzah,
deceased by tho County Court of the
State of Oregon for Lane County, and
have qualified as such executors, and
all persons having claims against said
,estate are hereby notified and request
ed to present tho same, verified as re
quired by lavf, with tho proper vouch
ers, to said executors at the office of
Charlea A .Hardy, First 'National Bank
Building, In Eugene, in Lane County,
Oregon, within six months from tho
date of this notice.
Dated this 9th day of November, 1916.
Executors of the estate of Robert Orior
VaaVabtah, deceased.
.Charlea A Hardy Attorney for Estate.
Nov. P16; 23, 30, Dec. 7.
Farmers Benefit By Rural
Credits Act
(Continued from pago ono)
$17, 600,000 ot loans would bo S8S7
G00, n saving ot 632,G0O to tho farm
ers who nro now paytng 8 por cent
for tho same amount ot mortgage mon
oy. Would Aid Farmers
It would scorn probnblo that tho
state nmendmont would largely bo
nbla to tako caro ot existing demands
from Oregon fnrmors. In tho first placo
n largo percentage of existing farm
mortgages nro very probably given by
mon who nro not actively engaged In
operating farms owned by them, un
der which circumstances they would
not bo able to take ndvnutngo of tho
rural credits amendment, limited as
It Is to those actively engaged In own
ing and operating their farms. In the
second placo, money rates for mort
gage loans will suroly drop In tho faco
of federal and state rural credits nets,
which will mnko prosont mortgages
slow to reloaso oxlstlng mortgages
prior to their maturity and mora quick
to renew loans in competition with
the rural credit rates. At any rate,
between the relief afforded tho farm
ers by both tho state and federal acts,
Uioy are facing a long desired period
In which thoy will bo accorded bank
ing considerations which have up to
this tlmo been denied them by tho
lenders ot the world.
Pupils Give Program
(Continued from pago one)
Flnude Townsend, Clara Vollstedt,
Juanlta Reed.
Scene I. A Modorn Homo.
Scene H. Tho Land et tho Past.
yil. Thanksgiving Festivals ..8A and
B grados. Dlrectod by Mrs. L.
I. Humanity.
"2. Jewish Harvest Scene.
Song."BrlngIng In tho Sheaves"
. School
3. Greek Harvest Scene.
Girl's Quartet. "Father wo Thank
Thee" .
4. Old English Harvest Home.
Boys' Quartet. "Thanksgiving
5. Indian Harvest Home.
G. Indian Chiefs' Quarter.
8. Immigrants Eulogy.
Song Columbia, Tho Gom -of The
Ocean School
Thanksgiving Invocation.
Song America Audience.
S. P. Increses Equipment
(Continued on pago two) v
motive miles were run nnd 3S2.592
862 passengers were carried an av
erage of 42.48 miles or 13,959,745,230
passengers carried ono mile.
Classified Ads
For Sale, Rent, Wanted, Eto.
'LOST On Wednesday evening a large
dark agate pin broach. Finder re
turn to Mrs. Hammond, Room 14
Elite Hotel. Reward.
FOR SALE at a bargain. 11 acres of
land In cultivation on Main McKen
zle road mile from Thurston store
Must be sold as owner is going
east.Addrees Mrs. Cornelia E. Georgo
Corner ot 8th and B Sts., Springfield,
a bazaar and silver tea on Wednesday,
December 13, In the room next Swarts
& Washburne's markot
LOST: Last Thursday7mTd1inBT
A silver friendship bracelet, llnki
all engraved. Finder please leavo
at Egglmann's candy kitchen.
FOR INFORMATION regarding home
Btead entries In Central Oregon,
write enclosing stamped envelope to
A. O. King or D. D. Tussing, Broth
ers, Oregon.
born pure bred O. A. C. strain, six
months old, $1.00 each. Call at 710
C street.
POR SALE Practically now Ollvor
Typewriter number 5. Machine la
equipped with tabulator and back
spacer, It Is In good running order.
Call at tho Nows office and have it
demonstrated. Terms.
FOUND: Small koy on wire. Owner
may have same by calling at the
News office and paying for this ad.
OR SAUB1 NJa are farm one fourth
bUTo east ot Creswell, River bottom
land all in. caltlrAtfan. Has tour
HCHed'Ot IvgaRberrio!), one aad sevan
eigbflu ojtqs in rt)d raspberries (a
begrime (taftnaJejrta wllfe four yflar
o!A gpjtls trB. H!i a hoaae, barn,
uti woderri chtyfrto honeds with
ftM" fb tarks. Can be Kad at a
.barmta. Address A-31. Care of TUo'
ydypngfimH News.
In the Circuit Court of tho State of
Oregon, for Lane County,
D. H, rlorco & liurnoy
May, l'lulntllTa
Tho Unknown Heirs nt
Law of David Arthur and
Mary J. Arthur, Deceased; SUMMON?
and Also All Othor Por-
sons and Pnrtlos unknown J
claiming nuy right, title
estate, lien or Interest Inf
(he real estate described ln
tho Complaint; Defendants
To thu Unknown Heirs nt Imw ot
David Arthur and Mary J. Arthur, do
censed, and All other Persons nnd Par
Hon unknown, clnlmlng any right, tltlo,
estate, Hen or Interest In tho real pro
perty described In thu complaint and
horeln; Defendants:
OF OREGON: You nro hereby re
quired to appear and answer tho com
plaint (Hod against you In tho above
entitled suit on or before tho 30th day
ot December, ltUfi; and If you tall so
to answer, for want thereof, plaintiffs
will tako decree against you ns prayed
for In snld complaint, vie,
That their tltlo bo forever quieted
to tho following described lands, In
Ijiuu County, Oregon towlt: Begin
ning nt tho Intersection of tho West
lino of tho David Arthur nnd Wife
donation land claim In Tp. 18 South
nig. 2 West of Wll. Mor. with tho
South line ot tho railroad right of way
of the Southern Pacific Company, be
ing 16 chnltiB South from tho NW. cor
ner ot snld claim, and run South
33.9S chs., East 33.60 elm., North 20.20
chs. to tho South line of snld railroad
r'ght of way and thonco Westerly along
said lino to thu place of beglnnlng;nnd
that you bo forever barred from claim
ing any right, title, Interest or estato
in or to tho Bame.
This summons Ib served by publi
cation thereof onco each week for bIx
successlvo weoks In tho Sprlngflold
News by order of Hon. John S. Coke,
Judge ot said Court, tundo November
14th. 101C, nnd the first publication
thereof was made on tho lCth day of
Novombor, 1916.
Attorney for PlnlntlfTs.
Nov. 16, 23, 30; Dec. 7, 14, 21.
Department of tho Interior, U. S.
Land Oltlco at Rosoburg, Orcgen.
Novembor, 4,1916
NOTICE IS heroby given thnt Char
les L. Taylor, of McKcnilo Bridge,
Oregon, who. on Octebor 25, 1910,
mado Homestead Entry, Sortal No.
06697 for tho S W 8. W. U S. E. . S.
M S. E. U S. W. U. Sec. 15. and N.
W. M N. B. W. N. S. W. Vi N. E. ,
N. S. M s. w. u N. E. U. N. E.14,
N. W. M Of Seo. 22. Tp. 16 S. IL Ser
ial No. 0S574 Tor tho S. S i S. W. &
N. E. Vi of Section 22 Township 16 S.
Rango 5 E, Willamette Meridian, hns
filed notice of intention to mako Flnnl
Flve-yoar Proof, to establish claim
to the land abovo described, before
I .P. Hewitt, U. S. Commissioner, at
his offko. nt Eugene, Oregon, on tho
18th day ot Decembor, 1910. i
Claimant names as witnesses: !
George Cronor, of Eugene, Oregon.
Allco Cronor, of Eugene, Oregon.
Georgo Frlssoll, ot McKenzIe
Bridge, Oregon,
Arthur Bolknnp, of McKenzIe
Bridge, Oregon.
W. H. CANNON. Register ,
Nov. 6, 9,13.16,20,23,27,30. Dec. 4. 1
Department of tho Interior, U. S.
Land Office, nt Rosoburg, Oregon.
Nnvembor, 4, 1916.
NOTICE Is heroby given that Frank
P. McCnnn. of MrKonzlp IM'Igo. Ore
gon, who, on January 20, 1913, made
Homestead Entry, Sorinl, No. 08532,
ror I,ots 7 and 8 and S. W. 4 S. W. Vi
Sec. 15, and N. W. Vi N. W. V4 of
Section 22, TownshVn 16 S, Rango 5 E,
Willamette Morldlun has fllod notice
of intention to make Flnnl Throo-ycnr
Proof, to establish claim to the land
abovo described, bofore I. P. Hewitt,.
U. S. Commissioner, at bis office, nt I
Eugene, Oregon, on the 12th day of
December, 1916,
Claimant Dames da witnesses.
Charles L. Taylor, ot McKenzIe
Bridge, Oregon. i
Arthur Belknaf, of AUKenzIs
Bridge, Oregon.
George TL Moody, f McJCenzls
Bridge, Oregon.
Walter Bone, f AIoKettzfe
Brides, Oregon.
rr. K. CANNON, RsirMer.
Nv. , 9, IS, 16, 2. . 37, 3t, Dse. 4w
Offlc in City Hall, Sprlnofleld, Ore
PHONES Office, 3; Residence, 110-J
Over Commercial Bank,
Springfield. Oresj&h.
lighter, dflafeer
Fir But
Uu -Ptarl
llko cooking with
city gas.
haven't a
fection you've missed
comfort for vcars. Bakes,
broils, roasts, toasts. More efficient
than or
m k,tKM mm,
-- i - -
CblnttMoJ!i with VlrtUta
For Sale Dy
Thanksgiving, Nov. 30th
Low Round Trip Fares
between nil stations In
on Southern Pacific LJnea-
On Sale Nov. 29th and 30th j
Return Limit Doc. 4th.
also N
15-Day Round Trip Tickets
at reduced rateH to all .stations in
on Southern Pacific Lines
On Sale Nov. 23lh, 27th and 28th
Auk local agent for dotallotl Information or write
JOHN M. SCOTT, .- .Genoral Paasongor Agont
Portland, Orogon
Southern Pacific Lines
Buy Meat That's Best
Beef Bolls 10 and 12 cents pound.
Good Steaks , 12 cents pound.
Pork IB cents pound.
Sausage 15 cents pound.
Veal .ft 12, 15 and 18 cents pound.
PEOPLE'S MARKET Chas. Hardt, Prop.
Oregon Power ed.
Steady, evenly dis
tributed heat, un
der perfect control
makes a good oil
stove wonderful
for baking.
good oil
Is just
If you
New Per
ttBva.and ISttiltll t OB
Tlia tan. ktua chlmnava mavant
- - - - r- -
Cooking Ovtnt. At your dtalir today