The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, November 23, 1916, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    TflUllBDAV, NOV. 23, 1010.
Thanksgiving Offering
J2vory Woman will want one
I'rciimrort by Janet McKonzIo Hill, Editor of tho
JJonton Cooking School Magazine
Valuo $1.00
With every purchaflo to tho amount of ono dollar
or moro made at our Htoro on Saturday, Nov. 2Gth
wo will fjlvo you abBolutoly freo of charge ono of these
Hplondld Cook Hooka.
Out of I own ordora will bo accepted this week but
tho goods will not bo mailed until tho 2Gth.
Dr. W. C. Itobhan mode a profes
sional trip to Worldling thin morning.
j K.K. Morrison received a carload of
stumping powder today.
Mr. Fouls of tho Modford Grocory
company wan In town on luminous yes-
Mm, Itono Montgomery wont to Wal
torvlllo this afternoon for a abort vis
It with lior daughter, Mrs. llorbort
: Town and Vicinity
Tim city band held band practlco
Monday evening at the city ball.
H. A. Taylor was In from Kail Creek
on business Tuesday.
Mrs. II. B. Darling loft Tuesday
for Lebanon on business.
Chicken hot tnmalcn, ID ccntH, at
It. D. Wilson ban been confined to
IiIk homo on account of Ulnous,
Mrs. M. J. MnKlln la Buffering with
a Hovero attack fo rheumatism.
'Grandma" llurton Ib Hiifferlng with
an affection of tho eyes.
This cold call for ono of Holbrook'M
now heaters.
their household effects to Jaspor wboro
thoy will npend tho winter.
Tho notarial certificate of J. P.Fry,
of Springfield, was filed for record
Monday with tho county clork.
Tho Springfield garage reports tho
ealo of a Ford roadster to M. ,C.
Drossier and Son Tuesday.
No uso to bo sick when Dr. Murphy
tho. magnotlc healer Is In our midst,
offico Is 895 Main street, Springfield,
Dud Griffin and Poery Illchurdson
left for Wendllng whero they have
employment Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Totton loft Wed
nesday afternoon for the Hot Springs
at Paso Rubles, California.
Enrlo D. Dlltard and family have
moved Into tho brown bungalow for
merly known as tho O. W. Johnson
houso on II struct and Ninth.
Good rollablo II ro Insurance. No
Bossmonta; no membership foo. Pay
once and .you are done. H. E. Walkur
at tho City Hall.
C. L. Gano Is
In Springfield.
II, J. Drumwoll will open a barber
shop In tho room Just west of the
Springfield hotel, Saturday.
J. W. Collin, who lias boon lllfor
sovoral days, entered tho Eugono hos
pital for treatment yesterday morn
II. N. Griffin and Ilay Mulligan were
candidates for initiatory degroo at tho
mooting of tho Springfield lodgo, I.
O. O. F. last night. After tho business
session, refreshments woro enjoyed.
Mrs. Hayes, of Waltervlllo, a' nclco
of Mr. and Mrs. Win Thompson, left
Tuesday for her homo. Bho under-
a business visitor wont nn operation at tho Eugene hos
Ipltal threo weeks ago. Slnco Sun-
day she has been visiting with her
Slip a few Prince Albert
smokes into your system!
J. W. Coffin, of Springfield, was undo and aunt.
admitted at tho Kugcne hospital yes
terday for medical treatment.
A number of townspeople nro plan
ning to hear tho Schumann-IIelnk con
cert Thursday night.
On Monday ovonlng sovornl mom
bors of tho Itobokah lodgo entertained
Glho rcmulnlng ulsters nftor tho lodge.
Light refreshments wore served.
Tho girls enrolled In tho domestic
art coursa at tho Lincoln school bavo
boon busy lately muklng Jholr cos
tumes for tho Thanksgiving play.
t,G. II. Kroutz, who fonnorly lived
hero but who has boon making Suver,
Oregon, his homo for tho past two
years, moved back to Sprlngftold Mon
day. Your Heater may not bo all you
want .If you will try ono of ours, you
ivlll bo satisfied try one. J. C. Hoi
John Winzonrold loft Monday nftor
noon for Portland on' business and to
Join his wlfo and daughter, Mrs. Joo
Lomon. Ho will probably romuln
sovoral wooks.
O Mrs- Mallnda J. Blair roturnod to
hor homo Monday morning nftor spend
ing sovoral wooks visiting with hor
daughtor in Falls City, Oregon, and
hor son in Portland,
Why pay two dealer's profits? Wo
buy direct from the mill and sell di
rect to the consumer. Johnson's best
Flour at tho prices listed below:
I Springfield Food company. 1 sack lot,
I fi.fu, Dawn iui, fv.ou, av navA iui,
Chicken hot tamales, 1C cents, at ic.00.
Kgimunn's. j Ji)(,g0 0 v skpwort, hns slgnod an
Lot no ono forgot Thanksgiving Day order cancelling tho certificate of title
Service. 7:30 P. M. Daptlst church, to lot 5 In block 21, Emerald Holghts
Sormon by Uovorond C. II. Jenson, addition to Springfield, Issued to Nick
appropriate music by Chorus choir, olas Sorgloynky, slnco tho property
has been sold for taxes to H. L. Stud
It. D. Wilson Iiiih returned to his )oy ,. i,, M. Travis, and Serglovsky
work at tho IloothKolly mill after a hn8 tho certificate of title with him
couple of days' layoff nursing a bad Bomowhoro In Eurono.
C0 1 ' Tho largo black and white spotted
Mrs. Earnest Kcster, of Eugeno, dog that has caused so much excite
spent Tuesday with Mr. Kester's par- 'ont of late In town, was shot Tues
cuts John Kestor and family. . day morning by tho chief of police
Edwards. Tho dog seemed to be
In tho Interest or stato missions friendly and good naturcd, although
Uovorond W. N. Ferris Is to speak ,1C woulll not 8tnnd for tho children'
on the coming Lords day at Wells- toa8ng, nnii (n two Instances has bit
dale and Palestine. lc )0 young8ter8.
i ltkiiib, truant omcor
You've heard many an earful about the Prince Albert
patented process that cuts out bite and oarch and lets vou
smoke your fill without a comeback! Stake vnur hnntr mil that
u proves out every nour ot the day.
Prince Albert has always been sold
without coupons or premiums. We
prefer to give quality I
There's sport smoking a pipe or rolliner
your own, but you know that you've got
to have the right tobacco I We tell you
Prince Albert will bang the doors wide
open for you to come in on a good time
firing up every little so often, without a
ike your bank roll that
the national joy smoke
regret You'll feel like your smoke past
has been wasted and will be sorry you cannot
back up for a fresh start.
You swing on this say-so like it was a tip to a
tnousand-aoiiar Dill I It s worth that in happi
ness and contentment to you, to every man
wno knows what can be
gotten out of a chummy
jimmy pipe or a makin's
cigarette with
Prince Albert for
Wiaataa-Saba. S. C
Till 1 h ravtrs
km oi u utr
rra do
T"HE Prlnco.
arrested Luther Armstrong of Elmlra
who has refused to send his 13 year
old son, Guy to school.
No uso to bo sick when Dr. Murphy
tho magnetic healer Is In ur mldBt,
offtoo Is 39B Main street, Springfield,
C A. Townscnd left last night for
Southern points. Ho will go as far
us Kay, Arizona beforo returning to
Mr. and Mrs. II. C Fawyor of Seat
tle. Wash., arrived Monday afternoon
for an Indefinite stay. Mrs. Fawyor
Is a daughtor of Mr. and Mrs. Ed
Mrs. Ilert llholmonschuldor of Wond
ling, who has boon spending sovoral
days hero with her sister, Mrs. Emily
Slovens, returned to hor homo Tues
Morgan Workman of Mabel had his
oyo removed by a local surgeon this
morning . Tho inombqr was Injured
about two months ago by a pleco of
Mrs. Vallra Martin arrived Tuesday
noon from Los Angoles, Cal to visit
with hor parents, Mr. und Mrs. Ira
Young. Mr. Martin's business will
detain him u little longor.
Chicken hot tamales, 15 cents, nt
Chris Hosottlor, of Saginaw,; who
has boon visiting with his sister, Mrs.
N. A. Itowo, has returned to his homo
Mr. Hostottlor Is recovering from nn
Injury to his oyo aftor an operation
at tho Eugono hospital.
Tho ladles of the Methodist Aid
society gathered at the. Now Meth
odist church building yesterday after
noon for a general cleaning and
putting In order of tho dining room
and kitchen and the ladles' aid room
The pews ore being arranged and tho
last of tho art windows aro bolng put
in, all getting readiness for tho dedi
cation services December ,3.
Word comes from William G. Ttybolt,
of Eugene, who recently enlisted In
tho regular army, and Is now at Vau-
1 a.
,4 V . ...vr BYUV,
Albert tldv-
rid tin. and lea.
act, ererr Prince
Albert Dackaee. han
a real rnea taje-to-yooi
on Its revert side. Yo-oTO
read: "Proceu Patented!
July 30th, 1907." That means
that the United State Govern
ment hat granted a patent on thai
procets by which Prince Albert in
made. And by which tongue bite mndt
tnrtxtt psren mm cut out i btery
. .where tobacco it told you'll And!
Prince Albert awaiting; your
lntoppyredbaEa.3c. tidy
red tint, 10c; handsome
pound and heir-pouncl
tin humidors and lot
that clever crystal
elast humidor, witha.
tponze motttener
top. that keeps that
tobacco in suet
ftne conditleer-
1 Lincoln School Children May Have
FORESTS INCREASE Hot Food After Vacation.
The student luncheon room at the
' Lincoln school will be reopened Im-
Will Be Gradually Made To Equal mediately after the Thanksgiving ya-. Northern Washington And Oregon
Two-thirds of Private Changes
For Service-
That tho National Forest ranges In
And Mutton Production.
cation, It was announced yesterday. Wooded country la Unexcelled Beef
.New equipment, sucn as soup dowis ,
and spoons, is being received riow, .
j , i MA,-dnt.f. . m i. r
uuu a uctv uiuiu uuu siu: ii i uq in
District Forester George H? CeciV.
Thp nlnn nn which ihr lunrh rnnm I
Northern Washington arc among the ... 'Portland, Oregon, announces that af?-
couver barracKs that he T. E.Abe-1 greatest beef and mutton producers 7' -
one, ana Loyal K. Atkinson havo of any open range land In the country.
Joined the signal corps of tho army , is Indicated by reports from the Ok
tnrv nf AmHMilliipa hn flnnrnvpfl nm
ance, when soup Is to bo served, the . , . . , . . .
.... .... . .. Increase in the fce3 to be charged for
ooaru wm lurnisn me meat, wnue ,.,,, ,, '
to Honolulu to Join tho general hospl-.ped from these ranges this year, r.v ..., . v ' ' .T" This increase will 1 nmdn .-.ri.r.
A-i..Aua .. ... . nut iui iiiai liiu cKciuuita. xruu .
, 4 . . . . v. r Doaru wiu rurnish the meat, wnue
York vlnnr a mil J7 T, ff? FreS! who wish to avail them-1
L .y,6.0"- ) m,am8 'f B0lnR , the i weights , of sheep and cattle ship- 8e,vea of the lunch room prlvl,
jcently received by District Forester ab,y a charge of about flye centg a 'ally for the nest three years, untlfi
f! nnmrn T I nrt I nf Tirft Innrl v .
Taxidermist Says Early Visit of Few
Indicates More on Way.
E. A. King, a taxidermist of Uo
county, has
George H. Cecil, of Portland.
Shipments of lambs direct
these ranges averaged from .92 to men
month will be charged each pupil to the cUar8es reach a point equivalent
cover the cost of lunch room eouiD- to two-thirds of tho charges made by"
95 pounds at the stockyards, while
ono shipment of Roan Shorthorn-Here-
private owners for grazing stock oa
The domestic science girls, under tne,r Iand
tho guidance of Miss Anne Copen- Stock associations are being advls-
recontly been Eiven n ,oru 8U-ers erageu uob pounus , instri,pnr u-ni iv ih v. ed of this decision in or,W thni Ktnf-
white arctic owl to mount ot tho samo each with the shrinkage off. Tho av- ,ng nml 8erving A students who ments regarding the views of their
variety lis tho ono shot hero a short erageon tho Okanogan Forest for toy ,br,ng ,cold ,unches wU, be Beryedi members may be submitted to th
time ago by Arthur Shovo. The lat-.uoot tn'8 Reason will exceed 1300 aUhough any chlh,( whether he bring Forester by February 1, 1917. in casa
tor specimen was. shot near Eugeno. ' P"ntl8- 'his Hindi or not, is privileged to they desire to discuss the matter.
Mr. Hlrd says that tho. bird's early; "u Dlut;n- m .r.ureai stay
Marcola Epworth League Meets,
:A business meeting? of tho Epworth
Leaguo of Marcola was held at tho;m,ml0'r of tno associations havo
MotJiodlst church Thursday evening, i ,,ollght 8Uch bul,s whlch nre a on
Investigation .of rental values frona
i time to time, eaj-s Mr, Ctfcil, has re
BAPTIST CHURCH jvealed that the Government charge
Rev. W Norton Porrla. Mlnlstr-r . ? , m .
lems of jho stock business aro.thresh- ., c;;hno, in"im ' nin- . . ,
..d mir nt acninnn ma00 I ulDl0 Scho1 at 10:00 a.m. Divine are only one-thlnLof the market value?
vu. uiu ui. mo usbuciuiion iiiHUinifcH. worshln at 11:00 n
l-sd that each member may prollt from Dr -Keenv Fen-is P nnT, P , ,T 1 "UBrT, ,7,V
. ... tur- eeu Ferris. Senior and junior resources should bo disposod in Hkei,
Ilia TJAIUI IWItO Ul UlU U111UIH. monHnp-c, nt fi-dfl r. to n.g,,. ..
.. . , . ., . , , , meetings at o:JO p. m. Evening serv- manner.
It is expected thnt In the near fu-,,ce of sonir d sernion nt 7.on Mr , " J 1
ture only high grade bulls will Tie per- 'SI A7,:3 - Natlonal Poreats were create
Already a I v. ror tno primary purpose of consoir-
. ,, mg mo. timoer ami water supply-
Rumor Is Believed Untrue. . Tho , a r ... ...i.w
i.a .inr.n.n.,, mr.tnl1 n,i n.i Service coo dc rat o tUrouch twelve lo
unusually heavy woathor provallB; thoy , cal 8t0C,t firovtora associations In the ;
migrate southward. They havo been iJKanogan country. . Tiie various pron
shot occasionally in .this, section.
Mr. Illng says, t,hat tho bird's .early
visit indicates mote ot Its kind aro
coining during tho wlntor, ' '
mltted on 'these ranges.
Rumors have been afloat in Spring-
Aftor tho business transactions wore , md0T past was rouna to wn en active con.
completed tho evening was turned ! v,co r P"ratod according to tho
ovor to tho social entertalnmenf. ' ,mnller of cows ho turns out on the
Miss Vorena Ulack favored (ho Lea- "'"S0,
... I mi. - 1 a II.. M i a-a 1
KUe With sovornl vnnnl sntnst nfioi- " urn. oi me roresi oorvice in
Cavln Uurns, Is much Improved from
a fall ho received Friday evening
when a horso ho was rldlncr beenma
frlghtonod and throw him to tho refreshments woro served. Those organizing these local associations ' ,n Eu had b km d
I ltn 1.I fta-t 1. i-!.. tt 1 . . A I -
I. A f cnn ah 41.- a
...... u u uuu. ol luo lWo ooys, treated as a secontjary matter and!,
Sam loung Jr.. and Will Young, who only a portlon of thjJ admlnl8lmt0rfe
went from Springfield a year ago to cost of handi,nB tno Forests was asfc
Join a Canadian regiment for service ed as a grazing feo.
ground. Ho Is visiting his parents
Mr. and -Mrs. .J C. nurns.
-R. Howard, an omployo of the Booth.
Kelly Lumber company, was lilt up
on tho head by a pleco of slab wood
from tho hog- Tuosday aftornoon, A
painful scalp wound was Inflicted.
Roy Lovo" and family havo movod
proscnt woro: Mr. and Mrs. Morris, , has Iod to Ul forming of a County Mr8- A Di nuddlman. who W!
b . OA Ante f (KA ar i van A AAMlnil.M ... 1 1 1. k '
Mr. anu Mrs. Hymos, Mr. and Mrs.
Walker, Mij. an,d Mrs. Nichols, Mrs.
Lock, Mrs, Nottlo Noll, Miss Verona
Dlack, Clara Johnson, Pearl Walker,
Lela, Hennls, Madeline Miles, Pauline
Dugld, Iva Titus, Georgo Pierce, Sher
man Spong, Eart Walkor, Mjaurlco
Gorloy, and Lyman Vockey.
Stock Growers Association with J f ren,i 0f Mrs young when both fainl- 11 receipts from Nation
which all these local associations aroiltes ,lve ,n Springfleldi state8 gho al Forest business to the extent oC
nflllluinil I. OR rtfm punt ttln rovAnua rt tha.A.
has reveived no wortl of even an in-' . . ... , . . "
Jury, but feels quit certain she would Ivislo materia"y ,DCrea8ed
If You Doll Up You'll Be Fined For the flscal year endinS June 30.
If folks come dressed up, thoy'H me.,the states of Oregon and Wash
bo fined. So declaro ini nnj.niow : ,nBton received J32.820.65 as their-
in speaking of their '"Poverty" social Bharo of tho srazlng receipts from the
I Since the National Forest stateei
For a line of
Boys' School, Hi-cut and Dress
that can't be beat for quality and price, I have 'em.
Seeing is believing. Come and see.
First-Class Repairing With the Best of Leather.
Tho District Forester says that tho
Forest Service has been Instrumental
in organizing over sixty stock grow
ers associations In Oregon and Wash
ington, which, have been recognized
undor National Forest regulations nn l
aro n6w actively cooperating with tho
Forest officers In their efforts to bet
tor stock and range conditions in the
National Forests of tho two states.
C. H. Jensen, Pastor.
Subject Sunday morning, "Moses as
a Typo of Christ." Sunday ovonlng,
"Another Man's Wlfo.". Endeavor
mooting at 6:30 aubJect, "Tho Grace
p( Gratltudo" Prayer meeting Wed
nesday evening;' .subject:. I'Tho Temp
tation of. Jesus.'f. Rniember. that, all
services .begin on tlmo. ' r ' .
Domestic Science Teacher To. Speak;
Miss Anno McCormfck, domestic
,scIonco and 'domestic .art teacher,, will
tniK on "What Wo Mean By Homo
Economics" nt tho next mooting of
scheduled for Saturday evening, Dec
ember 2. The chargo for tho event
Is ten cents, refreshments included,
and everyone Is cordially Invited. The
money secured will be used by the
Robokas toward tho furnishing pf n
room In the I. O. O. F. home in Portland.
Urges Band Members to Turn Out
Tho president of tho .band urges ev
ery member to turn out for practlco
npxt Monday night at 7 s 30 sharp. Tho
organization will begin preparation for
concerts ,to be held. In. the near future-.
A, E. Wigg, who la employed at tho
Ed Domptor blacksmith shop rocelv
ed a bad temple brulso and injuries
the Springfield grango. which will bo to the left arm. when kicked by a
hold on Saturday, December 9. horse Tuesday atteraoo.
National Forests within their bordors.
Without considering increased re
ceipts from other forest resources thias
figure would bo double by the advance!
in grazing rates.
To Decide Most Popular Girl.
Tho Marcola high school student:
body mot last Friday afternoon. AI5
the meeting U was decided to sqtmSI
two of the M. H. S, boyB to CorvalUty
December lto .3, td attend tho boy
conferenco there. To raise mopejt
to defray the expenses It was de
cided to vote oa the" moat popular
young lady ki Use jM.' H. 3. at. ai
penny a "vote. Much Interest has
boon shown and overt wolvo dollars;
havo bqen talsoil within two daya'i.
The contest lasts until Friday' even
ing. Tho results are very uncertain
as yet.