THURSDAY NOV. PAQK TWO THE 8PIUNGPIKLD NEWS If, 1910. The Springfield News J. C. DIMM, WALTER R. DIMM Editors and Publishers Published Every Monday and Thursday RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION Ono Year .... 11.50 Blx Months .... .76 Three months .... .60 Advertising rates furnished on appU cation. OUR CORRESPONDENTS CAMP CREEK Ruby Crahtroo MARCOLA Audrey Lewis THURSTON, Mrs. Walter Edmlsten tyALTERVILLE. Mallna Momb WEST SPRINGFIELD, Gladys Leo DONNA Charles Heck COBURQ Elsie Anderson CEP All FLAT Mrs. Anne Morse WEST SPRING FIELD, Mrs. Clara Childs Member ef the Willamette Valley Editorial Association. rope and that Is only temporary there Is a certain kind or trade that Is being developed by Amer ican exporters that will be per manent. Before the war In Europe the United States ranked fifth or sixth in the trade with South America. Germany, England and Franco controlled practically ev ery market In South America. The merchants and manufac turers of the United States could not compete with Europe for this trade. When German banks were closed after the war opened, Amcricanswent into the same cities and opened up American branch banks. When English and French manufacturers could not fill their orders on account of the war manufacturers step ped in and sold their goods to the merchants of Latin America. With this new trade new steamship lines have been start ed between ports in the United States and those in the Southern continent. Means of commun ication have been improved. New York has become the wor- THURSDAY NOV. 16, 191G. WHAT IS WRONG WITH ORE GON? iin.r to tit a matter -with firn- txru t k wtfii Md's financial center in place of gou? What is the matter with ...., the Willamette valley? What - er In South America. This will be permanently established business that will increase each year and will remain after the war in Europe is ended. is the matter with Lane" county financially? Some say it Is the Democratic administration. Oth ers say it is the result of the Democratic free trade policy. Still others say it is the war in Europe. Who is right? Does an administration, or tariffs, or a war that is remote to the people of this state claim the responsibility of causing a financial depression in our com monwealth? It seems that pro ducts produced and sold on the markets of the world should have a strong , influence on a state's wealth. Does Oregon produce enough manufactured or agricultural products to make it financially Independent? Is this state not short in her pro duction of marketable products? Does this condition have any re lation to our financial prosperi ty? We hear It stated many times that the free trade policy of the Democratic administration has caused disaster to Oregon's lum ber trade. This policy may have caused many mills to cease operation, but this condition should not effect the whole state. The lumber produced in Oregon in the best times has only been one seventh of the state's total commercial production. Practically three fourths of the products of the soil that are Bold on the foreign market are products of the soil. Oregon is primarily an agricultural state The people of Oregon must de pend largely on their natural re sources and on the products of the farm for their incomes. If ouYnlain source of wealth is the land' theit we should develope the land, , Bpsides .wealth derived from timber and mines in Lane county our largest 'income is from tho farm':'' There are (582,592 acres of tillable land in Lane county that are owned, .Only 12$,32 acres,,, or less than one fifth, of. i tho available land for cultivation Is nut1 to actual use In this fco'iinty. If "we warit'prosi-' perity in this part of the coun try why dpswe,nQt Becure more roaLfarmers tq till theland. We need agricultural advance ment in this county-more, than any -other kind of industrial pro gress. Wo havo-the farms, but we do not have the farmers We'nded to ralsd-crops to sell tYbm 'dur'land Instead of raising viijijuu iu Jou uu jan.u ior Hjiec- UJatW!),,,, , , !, ... I " WAR" BENEFITS ' 'During the" first nine months of' ioiG 'the' United States export cdi.?.3,Ml,880.QQQ w.Qrth of com- madltjos. ....At.lqast 25p,er of tho total or '$997,970,0001 was freeelvod'Tor munitibnsof' war. (fhik'Is th'o crdatest: exnort'huBl- In Bpito of the fact that most of the business la done with Eu Tho good thnt was done. Well n change has como and tho younjr- folks now Would not feed a ilg nor milk a cow, They would not oven put tholr old parents to bod And If they asked for a drink They would throw It at tholr head. And as for giving a tender cake, to poor old Ned Ho'd ho to hlnnio It ho did not hYo false teeth In his pray old head. Of Twenty Century hair dye, Rolf shoes Twould bo his own fault to bo old If he did not Improve the chance And theso now slim legged pants. If Mrs. Drown caught tho meascls they must ho slow, Let her got rid of them whero sho got them, thats all I know. Ilut I for ono will go without the chicken and cako Rather than live In an ago Whero tho peoplo had no more learn ing than a garden rake And when girls wore twelve breadth In tholr every day gown, And the men wero as awkward as a circus .clown When no ono could say, or turkey trot And when they had to pay cash for all that they bought Whero the preacher was so solemn that he could not wink I'll stay with old nineteen hundred and sixteen I think. At the Christian Church. Jensen, Pastor Chris H. Next Sunday will be observed as "members homecoming day." A genu ine surprise has been planned, tho samo to be sprung at the close of tho morning sermon. 11 members are especially invited to be present. Wo also extend a hearty Invitation to all others who wish to attend. Be on hand to enjoy the surprise. Subjects for Sunday are as follows: Morning, "Three Creat Questions;" Evening, "The Christian Soldier." C. E. topic, "Why Christianity is The Hope, of Our Country." Come to a well attended prayer meet' Ing next -Wednesday evening. Sub ject, "The Temptation of Jesus." n v r i . ?,? , n derslgned residing within tho Stnto of R. Ncal. Mrs. Charlos R Oregon, at the address hereinafter Lrvln R Neal. James I mnnV ' ,, HALLOWE'EN (By Mao- E. Sullivan, Marcola, Ore.) This old festival once known as All Saints day, has sort of taken another nature. It might now be refered to as All D s day. In England, 'Scotland, and Germany, it was originally a sacred, fire-side gathering evening, referred to in Burns poem Hallowe'en. Have you heard of the Halloween or , long ago? Before the world got wicked and heart less you know, Before our present age of gold In a German legend 'tis banded down, And this is the story it told. In the far distant days, when saints walked about Wore hats, coats and rather crude shoes, And that was of course, before clg arett and rats, Short skirts, and the daily news. Well all young folks were saints, It was lung ago bear in mind Everyone was loving, Germans, and true, Thoughtful, genial, and kind. And Halloweo nwas always the night to shlno Not In Jewelry and fine awray But to see who could help the needy and poor, Thus bless and hallow the day. SUMMONS FOR PUBLICATION IN FORECLOSURE OF TAX LIEN In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Lane County II. L. Studley, PlalntltT, vs. Marllda J. Neal McCluro, Albert Neal Mary M. Charles Neal. Neal. Silvio M. Neal. Mrs. Albert Neal, and all persons unknown, if any, having or claiming an Interest or estate in and to the hereinafter described real property. Defendants. To Marllda J. Neal McClure, Albert Neal, Mary M. Ferls, John Doe Perls, Charles R. Ncal. Mrs. Charles R. Neal. Ervln F. Neal, James Neal , Sil vio M. Neal, Mrs. Albert Neal. and all persons unknown, If any, having I or claiming an interest or estate in and to tho hereinafter described real property the abovo named defendants. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: You are hereby notified that H. L. Studley the holder of Cer tificate of Delinquency numbered 1229 issued on the 7th day of October, 1913 by tho Tax Collector of the County of Lane State of Oregon, for the amount of $10.80, tho same being the amount then due and delinquent for taxes for the year 1912 together with penalty, Interest and costs' thereon upon the real property assessed to you, of which you are the owner as appears of rec ord, situated in said County and Stato and particularly bounded and de scribed as follows towlt: N. E. U or N. E. V : S. Vc of N. E. U: N. W. M or S. E. M Section 20 Township 16, South Range 2 East of the W. M. in Lane county, Stato or Oregon, being 160 acres more or less. You are further notified that said H. h. Studley has paid taxes on said premises for prior or subsequent years wltn the rate of Interest on said amounts as follows: On March 21. 1914, the sum of $12.19 taxes for the year 1913. On March 31. 1915 tho sum or $13.33 taxes for the year 1914. On April 5, 1916, the sum of $13.00 taxes for tho year or 1915. j All or which amounts bear Interest from date or payment at the rate or 15 per cent per annum. , Said above named defendants as the owners of tho legal title or the abovo described property as the same appears or record, and each or the oth er persons abovo named are hereby further notified that H. L. Studley will apply to tho Circuit Court of the County and State aforesaid for a de cree foreclosing tho lien against the PTQMTly above described, and men- tjn in said certificate. And you aro MPry summoned to appear within sixty days after the first publication of this summons exclusive of the day or said first publication, and defend tills action or pay the amount due as above shown together with costs and accrued Interest and In case of your failure to do so, a decree will be rend ered foreclosing the Hen or said taxes and costs against the land and prem ises above named. This summons is published by order or the Honorable John S. Coke Judge or the Circuit Court or the State or Oregon for the County or Lano and said order was made and dated the County of Lnno. Stnto of Oregon, for tho amount of $2.49, tho samo being tho nmonnt then duo and delinquent for taxes for the year 1918 toitothot with penalty, Interest and costs there on upon tho real property assessed tc you, of which you are tho ownor ni appears of record, situated In salt! County and Sluto. and particular!) houndod nnd described as follows, to Lot number fifteen (15), In block number forty two (42) In Chicago Addition to tho Town of Florence, Uno county. Slate of Oregon. You nro furthur notified thnt said H. I Studley has paid tnxos on said premises for prior or subsequent years with tho rato of Interest on said amounts as follows: On March 31. 1916, the sum of $.S6 for taxes for tho year of 1914. On April 5, 1916. tho sum of $1.22 for tnxos for tho year of 1915. All of Bald amounts bear Interest from dnto of payment at the rato of 15 per cent por annum. Said Adam Kollor as tho ownor of tho legal title of the above described property as tho samo appears of roc. ord, and each of tho other persons abovo named aro hereby further noti fied Uiat H. L. Studley will apply to tho Circuit Court or tho County and 8tato aroresald for a decree foreclos ing tho Hen against the property abovo described, and mentioned In said certificate. And you aro hereby summoned to appear within sixty days after tho first publication or this summons exclusive of tho day of said first publication, and defend this action or pay tho amount due as above shown together with costs and ac crued Interest and In caso of your failure to do so, a decro will bo tend orcd foreclosing the Hen of said tftxot and costs against the land and prem ises abovo named. This summons Is published by order or the Honorable John S. Coke. Judge of tho Circuit Court or the Stato ol Oregon for the County of Lane and said order was made and dated the 13th day or September 1916 and the date or the first publication or this summons is the 14th day of Septem ber. 1916. I All process anl papers In this pro ceeding may bo served upon tho un WW II ,''7' W i fin 1 nf Inn first nmilrntlnn nr thin AnM J.K,V,KS a,,(1 1,10 hens wero re,1 j summons is the 14th day of Septom- nu,iue fiisnes were wasnea, anu trie uer into. bread In the sponge, I An process and papers In this pro- h'o?m.i ...i, 'ceedlng may he sorved upon tho un- "vt.r.MF,.-, ,0r8lKncd resldlnc within the State ..(.. W MVth.W u?d- I of Oregon, nt the address hereinafter And a candle. beside them and chair mentioned. And water to drink, and matchna thfirn. ' L. M. TRAVIS ) r-lir,HJ7- . "I, T . , , TJlnlr.,1 Then th(! vounif fnfVH wfr rnmlv in ... ' . AiMroFH Eugene Oregon Sept. 14. 21,28, Oct.5,12,19,261Nov.2,9,16 go. Go to whedibloBsIngiTon tho young and tlie old i .., 8UMMON8 FOR PUBLICATION IN Nob tn rt,u,rnv.,nr,u,,u- M,Ai. ' FORECLOSURE OF TAX LIEN gend'itold. 1 I. A cak&'m'UHt he 'glvdn 'to 'old Mrs. ' "'BroWn',' '' ' ' j Who' long Bln'6'6' with 'tho' nibasels bad been taken down. ''' : Another m.ust, be fiv,on .to ppor old ... ... ',.! ,,Who hasfl, a. 1,90th In.hls pld gray, ...head,.,, , . it ' " A . MM FP&i i ?? '-fti, HtthV ... ,., 9fll?DI,r,i.$e?,B-. . And for hia wife a now dress, And so thoy wont from homo to liome, And I oan't becJu, to till you In the Circuit Court of the 8tate of .. Oregon, for Lane County If. lu Studloy, Plaintiff, '" vs. Adam Keller, Mrs. Adam Keller; and all pnruons unknown, if any, having or mqlmjng an interest or estato lu and to tho hereinafter described real p'rdperty, TJ6fendants, Td' Adam 'Keller, Mrs. Adam Keller, ami alJ.ner;8onH,,ujnftn6wn, If any, hav ing of claiming an Intorost or estate 1' . J ' i ill' Lil.l dl-- J 11.. J iu ui.u u, mo iiuruuiuiiur uuBcnutMj rear tlroporty, the above named tie fenaunts. . , IN TH.E NAM?, PP ,THJ? STATfD OF w ifvouw; iou a erepy nqiineo tUa- uru Studloy1 In the-holder of CeVtintat 'of 'Dolttiqacncy numbered 113 Issued on the 7th day of October, 113 by tk Tax Collector ef tht mentioned. L. M. TRAVIS Attorney for Plaintiff Address. Eugone. Oregon. Sept 14.21.2S.Oct.5,12.19.26.Nov .2.9,16 LEGAL NOTICE OF SALE OF $871.09 IMPROVEMENT BONDS OF THE TOWN OF SPRING FIELD, OREGON Sealed bids will be rocolved for the purchaso of $671.09 Town of Spring field Improvement Bonds, by tho Town Recorder of said Town at his office In the Town Hall, until the 20th day of November, 1916, at tho hour of 7:30 o'clock P. M. of said day, at which time and place the bids will bo opened and considered by the Common Coun cil of said Town. Said BondB will bear Intorost at a rate of not to exceed 6 per cent per an num, payablo semi-annually, shall bo dated January 1st, 1916, shall bo In denomination of $100.00 excepting ono bond of $71.09, as may bo convenient. Said Bonds will bo sold for the high est prlco obtainable, but not less than par and accrued Interest. Bids will bo considered for tho purchase of all or any part of said bonds. The right Is reserved to reject any or all bids. A certified check of $35.00 will bo required as evidence or good faith on the part or the blddor to ac cept Bald bonds, If awarded to him, and for falluro to accept said bonds if so awarded such chock shall bo for feited by the bidder. These bonds aro based on street im provements and offered under tlie terms of tho Bancroft Bonding law as provided by Chaptor V, Title XXVI of Lord's Oregon Laws, and as directed by ordlnanco No. 429 of tho Town of Sprlngflold, Oregon. Dated October letii, l'Jio. HERBERT E. WALKER Town Recorder Oct. 19-26-Nov. 2-9-16. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of tho Interior, U. Land Office, at Roseburg, uregon. November, 4, 1916. NOTICE Is hereby given that Frank P. McCann, or McKenzIo Bridge, Ore gon, who, on January 20, 1913, mndo Homestead Entry. Serial, No, 08632, ror Lots 7 and 8 and 8. W. S. w. V Sec. 15, and N. W. V N. "W. ot Section 22, Township 16 S, Rango 5 E, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice or intention to make Final Throo-year Proor, to establish claim to the land abovo described, fcororo I. P. Howltt, U. S. Commissioner, at his ofllco, nt Eugene, Oregon, on tho 18th day or December, 1916. Claimant names as witnesses. Charles L. Taylor, or McKcnrlo Bridge, Oregon. Arthur Belknap, of MoKonile Bridge, Orogon. George H. Moody, of. McKensle Brldco. Oregon. Walter Boone. of' UcKonIe Bridge, Oregon, W. H. CANNON, Register. Nov. 6, 9, 13, 16, 20, 28, 27, 80, Dee. 4. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of tho Interior, U. S, Land Ofllco at Roseburg, Orogon. November, 4,1916 NOTICE IB hereby given that Char les It. Taylor, of McKonsio Bridgo, Orogon, who, on October 25, 1910, made Homestead Entry, Serial No, 066D7 ror tho S S. W. Vl S. E. Vt, S JA 8. E. U 8. W. Vi. Sec. 15, and N. W. A N. E. Hi, N. a. VT. N. B. V, N, S. S. W. U N. E. Vt. N. , N. W. U of Sec. 22, Tp, 16 8. R. Ser ial No. 08574 for tho S. S S. W. M N. B. of Section 22 Township 16 S. Rango 6 E, Willamette Meridian, has fllod notlco of Intention to make Final Flvo-year Proof, to establish claim to tho land above described, boforo I .P. Howltt, U. S. Commissioner, nt his office, nt Eugene, Oregon, on tho 18th day of December, 1916. Claimant aames as witnesses: Coorgo Croner, of Eugene, Oregon. AUce Croner, of Eugene, Oregon, George Frtesell, et UoKonzle Bridge, Oregon, ArthMr Belknap, f UoKn! Bridge, Oregon, W. H. CANNOV, JUfrttw Nev. 6, 9,f3,l,W,.il7vt. . 4. I EVERYONE KNOWS THE STORY OF THE ARAB WHO COULDN'T SAY NO, AND WAS FINALLY CROWDED OUT OF HIS TENT. ..SOME PEOPLE CANT SAY "NO" TO THE GLIB STRANGER WHO HYPNOTIZES THEM INTO INVESTING IN SOME THING THAT EXISTS ONLY ON A PIECE OF PAP ER. SOME PEOPLE "BITE" AT THE "GET-RICH-QUICK" SCHEME BECAUSE THEY BELIEVE A STRANGER INSTEAD OF THEIR OWN BANKER. LISTEN, IF THAT GET-RICH.QUICK SCHEME IS SO GOOD, WHY DOES A SMOOTH STRANGER HAVE TO PEDDLE IT TO YOU? BANK WITH US - V iVf " -v N The Best At Sikes' Tho best never coBts more than the cheaper grade of groceries. There Is great advantage iu knowing the host, and in being sure of tho best quality on the market. You always gain when you Invest In Slices' groceries. Your credit is good. Let us deliver your orders. The Fifth Street Grocer THOS. SIKES, Prop. PHONE 22 Why not save and deposit in our Savings Department one-twelfth of your total taxes each month? Dy so dis tributing the tax burden over tho entire year, It will not seem so heavy. 4 per cent on Bavlngs. FIRST NATIONAL BANK, EUGENE, OREGON. Note the Contrast We are modern and up-to-date in our methods and ma chinery. The old way was. good enough in its day, but it is now out of date. We aim to give your Print ing the same up-to-dateness that marks the difference be tween "The New Way" and "The Old Way." ' This change in character will make it a source of profit instead of a bill of expense. We solicit a trial order. The Springfield News Phone 2