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About The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 9, 1916)
THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS THURSDAY NOV. Oth. iot; gAQg FOUR ... . . - ACTIVITIES OF OTHER COMMUNITIES TOLD BY CORRESPONDENTS THURSTON Miss Kethel Urownficld of Eugcmj spent ti e weekend at lie ho.uo of Ml. ami Mrs. Frank Taylor. Mrs. Will Ronnie has returned homo Xrom n pleasant visit with relntivef it. Salem and Portland. Iloss Mathews and fntutly visited ftnsduia Mathows In Eugene Sundiy Misses Mabel and Myrtle Kolker of i agent- spent the weekend with Misa "Mnrlo Hastings and nttondol tho dance Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Uaugh and iauilly of Kiucnid Park visited Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hastings Sunday. Air. and Mrs. Walter Edmiston wcr f o clock dinner guests of Mr. and Mir, "Wayne Yaniell, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Mahon enter- :ined at dinner Sunday, Mr. nnd Mrs. x td Gray of Davis. 0,:i n and Mr tml Mrs. John Frite. vifty two numbers were sold at the dance Saturday ovenlng. Good music -was furnished by Mrs. Dike Harbert and Mr. King of Walterville and Mr. J)ydj a senior at tho university. A bis interest was taken in the election here yesterday, very little ner vousness or uneasiness was exhibited towever, as each party seemed to 3ce jure of his candidate. MARCOLA ilarcola, Nov. S. Earl Walker reg istered at the M. H. S. Monday. Italph Crenshaw of Donna transact 1 business In Marcola Monday. A number of people from here at flended the foot ball game between Oregon and Washington, Saturday. Mrs. Mary Sullivan was-a guest at the home ot Mrs. J. J. Lewis Thursday, P. L. Crenshaw of Donna and Mr, Ca?sill of Yarnell transacted business at Marcola yesterday. A dental office has been opened at 3darcola by Dr. C. N". Barrett. This office will be open every Sunday tram 9 a. 111. to 4 p. m., and will be operated as a branch of the main office at Eugene. . Alfred Walker and Mr. Orr of Eu gene transacted business here the lat ter part of the week. The Marcola schools closed Tuesday afternoon in order to give the teach ers and janitor an opportunity to cast . "their votes. Mr. and Mrs. Mart Endlcott of Springfield visited in Marcola last :sveek. R. P. Endicott made a business trip t to Eugene last week. Miss Pearl Smith and Floyd Harris were married today at the formers home. Mr.. Orr, of Eugene, has bought the icercnanuise stock from M. S. Currier. DONNA Dcnna, Nov. 9. W. A. Heck made a business trip to Eugene Saturday Nov. 4. Mrs. .J N. Kennedy made a trip to tEugene Saturday to attend to some i business. H. V. Hammitt made a trip to Hen drick's Saturday. Mr. Hammit owns a Xarm there. On Tuesday November 7th, election day, the Royal Ne'.ghbors gave a dinner, charging 25 cents a meal. They took In over seven dollars. The leader of the Chritlan Endea vor for next Sunday evening Is Miss Elsie Jleck. A buggy which was drawn Into a Held near here Hallowe'en is still standing there, the owner having no far. we, 01 J r- , f-TTSf r . -rvv CAMP CREEK ,uf t'amr Creek, Nov. "jrr. and Mi'3." j,nl i. ..'iinilnB and Viniy of Spring Yit-id lutve mr.Ved R. W. Makensoj's TMicir-.3 'moved up on it. IH&sid Hartley is working in the lumber camp at Donna. Vji-hni) is closed nov on account f Xio j:iness of our teacher, Mr. Pen ly 4 i: Wiltons of Wa'terville is hafl it g 1 1 nij'klus from J. A, Crabtr's l-i in Mr Wray is heo visiting iiU .laughtw, Mrs. J. J. Chase. I MlbS Archer of Walterville, Mrs. 2Ui!)cl Chase, and nay Chase of Eu gene were visitors at the Chase home iire funday. The Reverend Chile held service Here f' J R TlattH and Fred Crabtreo have fl.nlied digging thulr potatoes. liu ey Coo of Sp'ligneld in lwro -vorklng for Robert btopnens. SPRINGFIELD'S VOTE For President to a w a n o m a a ti a a a 2. V! o 3 I o o 2 3 a. a fa 3 a a o Hughes 75 143 132 10G CS 'C7 571 Wilson 65 72 CG 74 63 40 3G- llanley 3 2 3 5 2S 21 Benson 9 10 24 7 63 2 11C Representative First District Hnwloy 63 91 97 73 61 42 407 Illchards 7 5 14 G - 14 , 2 3fL Weatherford 3S 50 54 45 3S 31 . 25'G Secretary of State Cannon 15 IS 27 17 23 4 104 Olcott 10S 173 1G3 114 . 90 74 752 Justice of the Supreme Court Bright 34 24 31 41 . 20, 10 160 Burnett 72 140 12S 111 70 ; Gl 6S2 Hosmer 22 26 30 18 ' 2l' 2 119 Moore 62 127 113 93 53 52 600 Oliver 4G 48 42 53 " 53 - 27 269' Dairy Commissioner 4 McKlnnon 29 19 36 21 26 4 135 Mlckle 75 139 131 112 65 66 5S3; Hempel 16 11 1G 26 11 11 9i' Public Service Commission Butchtel 6S 10S 117 99 '...G3t 5 499 Van Dresar 41 49 34 40 35 22 221 Judge Second District Buchanan 59 90 91 75 42, ... 46 403 Coke 86 119 113 ,112 73. G7 570 Hamilton 57 61 66 74 62 36 356 Potter . 63 105 106 SI 62 '53 470 Skip worth 75 104 S2 103 65 45 476 Representative Third District Bean 70 129 120 108 71 53 551 Eaton 74 118 126 110 76 50 660' Jones - 68 115 119 97 G3 54 51G Calvert 43 50 43 53 35 23 252 King 54 5S 66 60 39 35 312 Tuttle 45 49 43 50 30 28 245 District Attorney Devers 54 70 83 77 33 56 37a Ray 71 109 93 94 78 33 47S County Assessor , Bryant 38 47 42 43 25 26 221 Burton ' 56 10S 100 87 60 53 464 Keeney 36 43 "54 51 35 8 227 County Clerk Russell 112 174 177 193 106 73 835 Sheriff ' - BarnaVd 62 10S 96 96 52 54 4jiS Parker G3 91 95 90 6S 37 444 County Treasurer Taylor 79 144 13G m S2 cl 623 Thomas ' 44 45 47 55 30 25 24U County School Superintendent Moore 100 101- 160 144 89 82 736 County Surveyor . " Hamble 51 56 50 55 42 23 277 Llbby 71 a49 12S 100 c:, "7 County Commissioner Porter 4S 5S 53 67 42 . 31 " 291 Spencer .72 119 127 103 65 56 542 County Coroner Branstetter 74 103 103 S9 53 53 4S0 Veatch C4 S9 85 SS 57 39 412 Snigle Item Veto Yos S3 107 116 96 82 484 No 23 49 37 55 17 181 Ship Tax Exemption Yes 70 93 76 69 C6 ' ' 371 No 28 4G .69 52 66 " ' '225 Negro Suffrage ' Ves C7 86 90 70 , 57 370 Xo 43 73 . 76 72 52 316 Single Tax Yea 9 27 23 33 25 ' V, 117 Xo- 93 124 132 109' 74 $ 532 Pendleton Normal ) t Yes 64 S6 98 86 tk 'jjl 395 No- 51 67 ,! 79 66 49 " . 31J Anti-Vaccination jf es ' 01 63 91 J 66 62 k;Mk 343 54 92 J 79 f 70 39 ' 'i? 331 Sunday Closing Repeal ' . f Ye? 53 109 90 " 71 35 f ' ; 379 NO. , ci 70 9 .84 57 7' 36 J Dr"Ter8- Bill f . Yes 43 72 57 48 29 5' J 249 Np 40 83 ' 68 lit 84 ir 545 Bone Dry Bill J. 7 Yes 72 109 130 lit T4 490 No 46 S3 G8 .59 . 45 301 Rural Credits f i' Yes 63 S4 91 72 65 f 2T So 42 06 06 64 -36 274 Tax -Limitation r Yes 55 83 97 61 ' 60 ' 35-) No ,, 48 59 ' 57 73 34 271 WEST SPRINGFIELD TWest tprlngfleld, Nov, 8, Ira Hnuo irenurned from Hood River Suiu'af iivenulg ' lMria J P. Bll6on.amo down Mon .day turn comp 10 to visit her sen, SCIme'". who Is In the hospital at Ku 4-cne suffering from 0 severe Injury t his eyo, wlflch ho recleved iom rtn t ico while at the camp. Eveiy ii.Tor vr ,i!ade 1) hub tue oyc Hit 4r've-I Uu'Uess, ani ".' nu'ir.ber Wi8 setanv V -du ii'',' Blight May Yet Be Prevented , Orchard owners of Western Oregon have an unusual opportunity to mak up for the failure to spray early, and Elill may get ahoad of the rains, which are responsible for the Infection per iods. Spray at once for apple-tree anthracnose and for peach blight. Use Hordeau 6-G-50, or lime-sulfur 1-8, and cover every particle of bark and every bud. Effective results cannot usually l.n obtained so late in the season, but due to the lateness of rains this ye.v 'much good can bo accomplished yet It tho wrok Is done at once. aceptuble sources o( each. Plans for meals and sugntlve means an for other prau'eal JtaUurcs. "Morals Depend on Food" That the health and morals of a pocple depend upon the .kinds jot fojd they eat, is made the basis of a now Oregon Agricultural College Bui letin, "Food for the family," copies ct which may be bad on request. It uolntu out tho five great classea of food- -protein, carbohydrate, fata, water, and minerals naming the utnl NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE Notice is hereby given that by vir tue of an execution and order of sale Issued out of the Circuit Court of tin State of Oregon for Lane County, Octo ber 10th, 1910, upon and pursuant to n decree given and made by said Court en the 13th day of September, 1910, In a suit therein pending It) yUleh The First National Bank of Springfield, Oregon, wag plaintiff and Oliver W. Johnspn, Charles H. Crawford, Elu E. Crawford and Edward V. Huker were defendants! whfcli executTon'was to me directed, and commanded me to levy upon and sell tho real property here inafter described, to satisfy certain charges, liens, and costs of the plum tiff in said cause, specified In said de cree. I have levied upon and wii on Friday the 17th duy of November, 1910, at 'h hour of 1 o'clock P. M. a, the southwest door ot the County Cvirf Hfusi Eugene, Lane County, Oro- gon, offer for sale and sell at auction ror cftsn, buujoci to reueinpuou an pro Tided by law, all of tho right, title nnd Intorcnt of tho dotondant Oliver W, Johnson, and of all persons claiming by, through or undor him, or any ot them, since tho 31st day ot July, 1914, in or to (no following described real property, towit: Beginning at tho northeast corner of lot 1 block 1 of Hunt's Addition to BnrliiRllohl. Lnno County. Oretron thence South 64 feet, thenco West ICS foot, thence North 64 foot, and thoncu 154181 to the plnco of beginning. Also: Lots 9 nnd 10 in block 70 of Wash burno's Subdivision of tho Sprlngnold Investment nnd Power Company's Ad dition to Sprlngriold, Lnno County. Oregon. JAMES C. PAIlKHIt Sheriff of Lnno County. Orenon Oct. 12, 19, 26, Nov. 2, 9. NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE Notice is hereby given that by vlr- tuo of an execution nnd order of sale of attached property Issued out of the Circuit Court of tho State of Oregon. ror Lnno County, uctober 10 h 1916. upon nnd pursuant to n Judgment giv en nnd entered by said Court on the 13th day of September, 1916. In nn ac tion therein pending In which the First Mitional Bank of Springfield, Oregon was plaintiff nnd Oliver W. Johnson was defendant, which execution was to mo directed and commanded mo to levy.. upon nnd sell tho real nroncrty nttachod In said action and hereinafter described to satisfy said Judgment, cer tain cimrgos, lions and costs of the plaintiff In said action specified In said Judgment, I have levied upon and will on Friday the" 17th day of November, ii6, at tne nour or two o'clock p. M. at tho southwest door of tho County Court House In Eugene, Iann County, Oregon, offer for sale and sell at pub lie auction for cash, subject to redomn tlon as provided by law .nil of tho right, title, nnd Interest of the defend ant, Oliver W. Johnson, nnd nil persons claiming by, through or under him since the 24th dny of July, 1916, In or to tno rollowing described real pro porty, to-wlt: All of lot number 8 In block number 3 In E. E. Kopncr's Addition to Spring field, Lane County. Oregon. All of lots numbered 4 and f In block number In Packard's Addition to Eugene. Lane County. Oregon . Declnnlne at tho northeast corner of lot I block 1 of Hunt's Addition to Springfield. Iino County, Oregon, thenco west 157 feet on the North line of said lot, thonce south 60 feet on tho West lino of said lot, thence East 157 feet parallel with the North lino of said tot, thenco North 60 feet on (he East lino ot said lot to tho place of beginning. In Springfield, Lane County, Oregon. JAMES C. PARKER, Sheriff of Lane Cgunty, Oregon ct. 12, 19, 26, Nov. 2, '9. W It's tho uniform unvn- fi 'I tlu rvinu lirnf nf 11 ifruvl rill I at SUMMONS FOR PUBLICATION lU FORECLOSURE OF TAX LIEN Inthe Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Lane County H. L. Studloy, Plaintiff, vs. Marllda J. Neal McCluro, Albert Noal Mary M. FerlB. John Doe Forls. Charles R. Neal. Mrs. Charles R. Neal, Ervln F. Neal, James Neal, Silvio M. Neal, Mrs. Albert Neal, and all porsous unknown, If any, hnvlng or claiming an Interest or estnto in nnd to the hereinafter described real property, Defendants. To Marllda J. Neal McCluro, Albert Neal, Mary M. Ferls, John Doe Fori. Charles It. Neal, Mrs. Charles R. Neal. Ervln F. Neal, Jnmos Neal , Sil vio M. Neal, Mrs. Albert Neal. and all porsons unknown, if any, having or claiming an Interest or estate In and to the hereinafter described real property the nl-o- e nT.ic.l dof'-ndants. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: You aro horcby notified that H. L. Studley the holder of Cer tificate of Delinquency numbored 1229 Issued on the 7th day of October, 1UI3 by the Tax Collector of tho County of Lane State of Oregon, for tho amount of $10.80, the same being the amount then due and delinquent for taxes for the year 1912 together with penalty, interest and costs thereon upon the real property assessed to you, of which you are the owner as appears of rec ord, situated In said County and Stnto and particularly bounded and de scribed as follows towit: N. E. K of N. E. Y ; S. Vi of N. E. M: N. W. Yt of S. E. V Section 26 Township 16, South Range 2 East of the W. M. in Lane county, State of Oregon, being 160 acres more or less. You are further notlHeu that said H. L. Studloy has paid taxes on said premises for prior or subsequent years witli tne rate or interest on saiu amounts as follows: On March 21, 1914, tho sum of 112.19 taxes for tho yoar 1913. On March 31, 1915 the sum of ? 13.33 taxes for the year 1914, On April 5, 1916, tho sum of $13.00 taxes for the. yoar or iitu. All of which amounts bear interost from date of payment at the rate of 15 per cent per annum. , Said above named defendants as the owners of the legal title of tho abovo described property as tho samo appears of record, and each of tne otn or persons above named are horoby further notified mat u. u siuuiey will anulv to the C rcult Court of tlio County and State aforesaid for a de cree foreclosing the Hen against tho nronertv abovo clescrlneu, ana men tioned In said certificate. And you are hereby summoned to appear witnin sixty days after the first publication of this summons exclusive of the day of said first publication, and defend 1 ti Ik net on or rnv tno amount quo ns above shown together with costs and accrued Interest and m caso or your failure to do so, a docree will bo rend ered foreclosing the Hen of said taxes and costs against tho lund and prom ises above named. This summons is published by order of the Honorable John S, Coke Judgo of tho Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for tho County of Lane and said order was made anil dated the 13th day of September, 1910 and tho date of the first publcatJon of this summons is tho 14th day of Soptoin ber 1916. , , All process and papers In th pro ceeding may be served upon the un dersigned residing within the State of Oregon, at the uddross hereinafter mentioned. R TRAVIS AUornoy for th Plaintiff Addrew Eugene, Oregon Sept. 14, 81,28, Oct,G,12,!?,20.Nv !.(1Q stove, nnd tho perfect control, that keops tho juices Inthat pro serves the savory Roodnes9 of the meat and gives that even brownness all ovor. tuiciei tastier f oast $ a cleaner, cooler kitchen, and lost fuel expense NEW PEFJECTION SI All thoconvcnUnctof K. Cooks vtrythlng ny woodorcoal ring wilt cook, but kevpt your Aioien cool. Th long blut chlm nyi do away with all molt and smtll.ln I, 2,3and4-burnrsltes, ovtns separata. Also cablntt modals with Flraltts Cooking Ov 11s. Ask your CoaUr today. STANDARD OIL COMPANY 1 1 IS OIL CQCmjOVE Smf lhlt Rttulti Vtt Ptarl on For 8ale By BBAVER-HERNDON HARDWARE COMPANY. ONLY ONE NIGHT EN ROUTE A New Train Portland to Sen Francisco Lv. PORTLAND S:120 A. M. Ar. SAN FRANCISCO 5:50 P. M. STANDARD AND TOl'RIST SLEEI'INO CARS STEEL COACHES i)INlN(! CAR Willamette Umpqua Sacramento VALLEYS DAYLIGHT TWO OTHER DAILY TRAINS Sjiasta Limited San f rancisco Express Lv. 3.50 p. m. ' Lv. 8 00 p. m. SHASTA ROUTE CONNECTIONS FOR ALL EASTERN AND T SOUTHERN POINTS r". Ask Local Agent for Information " JOHN M. SCOTT, Genl'ra! Passenger Agtmt PORTLAND Southern Pacific I The Springfield Bakery Starling today, November (J, we will Bell all our Bread at 5 Cents per Loaf with no reduction In quan titles, on account of tho high price of Flour. As soon bh the flour conies down, avc will Bell again as before Wo try to satisfy everybody with our Ureiul and Pastry Springfield Bakery F. A. WESALOWSKA, Proprietor S'XilJ'gJliil JUS Why not save and aonoslt in our SavlngB Dopavtmont one-twelfth of your total taxca each month? By bo dis tributing the tax burden over the entire yoar. itwlll not seem bo heavy. 4 per cont on savings. FIRST NATIONAL BANK, EUGENE, OREGON. Dr. ADALINE KEENEY FERRIS Homeopathic Physician and 8urfftn Ofllco, llaptlut ParBonrtCP Corner Second and O tltrnotit HOURS; 9 TO 12. ' WOVE 40 W. F. WALKER UNDERTAKER FUNERAL DIRECTOR Office Plionj Qg; RQMftnQ0 67-J West Wfl'n 0)