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About The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 9, 1916)
THURSDAY. NOV. D 3.916 TUB SPRINGFIELD NENVF PAGE THRBET fll Enlargements of your Kodak Pictures will make excellent gift II An enlarged plcluro of yourHclf, tho children, tho old lioino or other appropriate niibjoct, will make an excel lent f;lft lor your friends and relatlvcH. V Such pIclwrcH Hhould bo attractively mounted on good cardH or fohlorn. Our prlcoH on mounted enlargcmcnlH arc an follows: 7x11 75 cents 1) x 13 M $1.00 10 x 16 $1.25 10 x 17 $1.50 10 x 20 $1.75 V If you have any work of this ltlud bring It In now, bo that wo may glvo It careful, personal utteiitioii. PHONE 31 : Town and Vicinity : Mrs. W. 8. Thurlow arrived yester day from fortland for a visit at (ho homo of hor mother, Mm. Eugeno Kontor. Try Egglmann's for a smooth doll clous diah of Ico Crunm. Claudo Slgnor Icavcr thin evening for Wood, Cnllfoniltt, whore ho will bo employed In tho dry Roods depart incut fo tho Wood Lumber company's department storo. Mrs. Sylvia Munn ot Tulnro, Call on) I a, Is visiting nt tho homo of A. II. Lewis. Junt nrovo, 21 ensos of shoos. Wolf & MlHor. Mr. Elfzuboth Drown of Wlnthrop, Washington, Is visiting at tho homo of her son, A. II. Lowls. It. a. Hall of llluo Itlvor left Wednen day for an Indoflnltu visit In tho onst. A. J. I'crkliiH' returned Tuesday noon from n sovcral dnys' huslnoss trip to Portland. Orlontnt paste ami fmlt flavored Jolly drops at Eggimnnn'H. Harry Withers was called to Port land Tuesday morning on ocount of thu suden death of a friend. CJood rellablo flro Insurance. No as sessments; no membership foo. Pay onCe and you are dena H, 12. Walker at (he City Hall. Tho following; were registered at UM Sprlngflold Hotel Tuesday; J. 1. Hoff man, Pine Dluff ; John Downing, Wend ling; W. J. Hennls. WendllnR; J. U, Stafford, Mohawk; Edd Tolllver; nud Caeslll and Holcomb. Oleii Anderson was In Springfield Good line of hot drinks at Eggl mnnn's. on business yesterday. Mrs. II. C. Cook left today to visit with her parents nt Grants Pass. Tho now rear axlo for O. W. John son's Packard truck which was smash- No uso to bo sick when Ir. Murphy the magnetic healor Is In our midst, offtoe Is 395 Main street, Springfield, Oregoa. Hay Itlchardson of Douglas, Alaska, Is visiting horo at tho home of I). M. Goro. Mr. Itlchardson owns property In Springfield and expect to move hero with his family In tho near fu ture Mr, and Mrs. Hnrmon L-wls of Wa tt rop, Washington, viitod a wcr-k this city at tho homo of Mr. Lewis' brother, A. II. Lewis. Why puy two dealer's profits? Wo buy direct from thu mill and soli dl rcct to tho consumer. Johnson'R best Flour nt tho prices listed below r Springfield Feed company. 1 sack lot,' $1.70; 4 sack lot, $C.C0; 10 sack lot, 110.00. Mr. and Mrs. A. I). Iluddlmnn und daughtor, Marjoric, are moving from this city to Eugeno today. In tho 3000 majority, HUGHES LEADS IN LANE COUNTY VOTE FOR THE PRESIDENT Democrats Elect Sheriff, Coroner, and District Attorney; Mot . Measures Carry Returns from 87 out of tho 00 Lnno county products glvo Hughes a lead of 1,394. Tho total from these coun ties stands: Hughes 0033; Wilson, mo. Tho county gavo Hnwloy, Ropubll canProgresslva, a majority of 1C2'J over Mark V. Woathorford Democratic Prohibition. For secretary of state, Hen W. Olcott, Republican-Democratic Progrosslvo Is tho choice with a voto of 0512. Tho two winners for Justice of the supremo count according to Lano county's voto, are George II. Durnctt, nnd Frank A. Mooro, both Republican John D. Mlckla is the county's cholco for dairy and food commissioner as is Fred G. Duchtcl for public service commissioner. For Judges of tho socond Jndlclal district, Lane county would elect John S. Coke, K. O. Potter, and O. F. Skip- worth. As representatives from the third district. L. E. Dean, Allen Eaton, and Waltor I). Jones nro given prefer enco over James Calvort, Alta King, and Joseph E. Tuttle. Leon L. Hay, democratic nominee Is tho choice for district attorney by a voto of 0103 to C2QS over J. M. Do vers, Hepubllcan-Progrcssivo cand1 date. D. P. Ilurton, Republican-Progressive, Is the cholco for county ns- sensor. Stacy M. Russell is returned ns county clerk. For county sheriff, James C. Parker, Is given qui to a lead over Charles P. Ilaniard. There Is no race at nil between S. W. Taylor and Free Thomas for Coun ty Treasurer. Hollls W. Llbby la re elected qr County Survoyor by about latter city their home will be at 541 Adams Street That Leaky Roof can be repaired very quickly and perfectly with our Roof Cement, guaranteed Wo arc headquarters for roofing paper. J. C. Holbrook. Mrs. S. L. Walker and her brother-in-law, E. A. Porter of Solma, Call- In tho ruco for County Commission er It. Y. Porter is defeated by E. R Sponccr by nt least 2500 votes. Tho Coronershlp Is not definitely decided. At present Murion Veatch Democrat is leading W. W. Uronstetor. Republican, by nearly 300 votes. , Tho returns show Lane county's stand on tho amendments as follows; ronila who lias been visiting here for Favor Slnglo Item Veto. Ship Tax tho past week, left Tuesday for Selma. ' Exemption, Compulsory Vaccination, whoro they will visit with relatives , Sunday Closing, Bono Dry Bill, Rural Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hurndon and family aro moving into tho houso on B street, between Sixth nnd Seventh, Just being vacated by A. D. Ruddlman nnd family. Mrs. John Horn of Pendleton a school girl friend of Mrs. M. M. Mnlo visited nt tho Male homo Wednesday. She went to Jasper In tho evening to. visit relatives. L. E. Durrin, machinist nt tho local plant of tho Oregon Power company has resigned his position to tako offec. as soon us a man can bo found to tuke his placo. Ho has been with tho Ore- Credits, and Tax Limitation. The voters aro opposed to Negro Suffrage, Single Tax, Pendlton Normal, Brew era' Bill. Something Special Is Planned Wednesday, November 15, helm? the regular social night for the United Artlsnns tho committee In charge Is preparing something that the mem bers cannot afford to miss. They re quest each member to bo presont with u friend or two. Refreshments will bo served. COMMITTEE Council Ratifies City Election At an ajourncd meeting held in the Kon Power comrmnv fnr tho Innt lr ca up some tlmo ago, litis arrived, nnd years. thtimnchlno will probably bo repaired Now Its cold: but lust trv ono nf mv nnd ready to bo nut back on the city hall last night, thu council mado Sprlngllold Eugene run tho first of tho Rnd tho cold and gloom will soon bo ' ,l e rWrt anA ratified tho results of wt)0k. forgotten, J. C. Holbrook. Tuesday's town election, declaring the Up-to-date Shoo fixing, Wolf & Mil- Tho flro Uwl broka 0lH , tho Luthcp j H'cer8 elected, tho town boundary or. hoUB0 ,nst Thurtl,,ny wns , ,0 hoU8Q .amendment passed, and tho reasscss- Mr. nnd Mrs. Jlmmto Gny leavo to- owno,i ty jIrs j.-orcnco iutnor r ,nc,,t nicasuro lost, ns wns voted. May- day for Raymond, Washington, where Kugeno and not that of Mrs Tllllo ' or R R' J,orrl80n ftn'1 n eouncilmen, they will make their homo. Lutht)r wnt roort0(Ii c,al,;, LaH. , with tho exception of Melvln Fenwlck, Mr. nnd Mrs. F. M. Buttorworth anil t,nrrv i ...i. ... . wore present. flro broke out. 1 1 vjLwtm liTntfACCO K PRFPARED . J. I fipR5M0KERStHDEftTrld ' !'R0CESSbiSCOVERD.lH !!'. MXKlH(:EXPERlMtHTSiTO UGHTfULAMD WHOLE!- SOMET0BACC0F0R CIC-! TTt AHB,nP,t5OritJt5. fi,; ;waptfp7iji , fod.S3NOT,B,TEiTrlE:TP,HGUE 1! 1,1.', I ,l! Print Albert h td mvirytahen in toppy rid bags, Set tidy fd ttnt, iOet hand torn mound and half-pound tin humidors and" that cfopwr rytaf'gta$ pound humidor uith ponaomoftncr top that hoop tho tobacco in och tpUndid condition. , P. A. puts new joy into the sport oi smoking ! YOU may live to be 110 and never feel old enough to vote, but it's certain-sure you'll not know the joy and contentment of a friendly old jimmy pipe or a hand rolled cigarette unless you get on talking-terms with Prince Albert tobacco! P. A. comes to you with a real reason for all the goodness and satisfaction it offers. It is made by a patented process that removes bite and parch! You can smoke it long and hard without a come back I Prince Albert has always been sold without coupons or premiums. We prefer to give quality! Prince Albert affords the keenest pipe and cigarette enjoyment! And that flavor and fragrance and coolness is as good as that sounds. P. A. just answers the universal demand for tobacco without bite, parch or kick-back! Introduction to Prince Albert isn't any harder than to walk into the nearest place that sells tobacco and ask for "a supply of P. A." You pay out a little change, to be sure, but it's the cheer fullest investment you ever madel MUNCEt ALBERT R. J. Reynold! Tobacco Cov, Winiton-Salem. N. C Copyright 1916 by R. J. Reynold Tobacco Co. ft Ii V I", LEGAL NOTICE OF SALE OF $o1.0y IMPROVEMENT BONDS OF THE TOWN OF SPRING FIELD, OREGON Scaled bids will bo received for the purchase of JG71.09 Town of Spring field Improvement Bonds, by the Town Recorder of said Town at his office in attorneys fees, ahd principal and in terest due the plaintiffs herein, and for such other and further relief as to the court may teem equitable In the premises. This summons is published in the Springfield News, a newspaper of gen eral circulation Dublished at Soring- the Town Hall, until the 20th day of ! field, Oregon, by order of the Hon. G. ; Address Eugene, Oregon November, 1916. at tho hour of 7:30 F. Skipworth. Judge of the Circuit: Sept 14, 21,28. Oct.5,12,196.Nov.2.r. o ciock i'. w. oi said day, at wnich ' uourx oi me sinie oi uregon, ior lane - ber 1916. All process and papers In this pre ceedlng may be served upon the uat derslgned residing within the State? or Oregon, at the address herelnaftee-mentioned Ii. M. XKAVlt Attorney for the Plain KBS 1C time and place the bids will be opened county, which' said order Is dated the i SUMMONS FOR PUBLICATION tti3 and considered by the Common Coun- 3d day of October. 1916, and the date FORECLOSURE OF TAX LIEN ell of said Town. i of the first publication of this sum- In the Circuit Court of the State of! Said Bonds will bear Interest at a 1 mons Is the 5th day of October. 1916. Oreaon. for Lane Countv r. rate of not to exceed 6 oer cent ner an- and the date of the last publication i II. L. Studley. Plaintiff. A num. payable semi-annually, shall be of this summons la the 16th day of vs. dated January 1st. 1916, shall be in , November, 1916. ; Joseph Oles, Mrs. Joseph Oles. J. W denomination of $100.00 excepting one L. M. TRAVIS bond of $71.09, as may be convenient. Attorney for plaintiffs Said Bonds will be sold for the high- ucl o, 12, 15, 26, not. z, 5, 16. est price obtainable, but not less than par and accrued IntercsL Bids will be SUMMONS FOR PUBLICATION IN considered for tho purchase of all or' FORECLOSURE OF TAX LIEN any part of said bonds. . In the Circuit Court of the State of Tho right is reserved to reject any' Oreaon. for Lane Countv or nil bids. A certified check of $35.00 H. L. Studley. Plaintiff. will bo required as evidence of cood ; vh; fnlth on the part of the bidder to ac- L. M. Tozler. liable C. Tozler. J. M. cepi sam oonus, u awarded to him. and for failure to accept said bonds If so awarded such check shall be for-' felted by tho bidder. These bonds are based on street lm-' provemonts nnd offered under tho I Machen, Dora L. Machen. and alE persons unknown, if any. having or clnimlng an Interest or estate in andi to tho hereinafter described reaE property Defendants. To Joseph Oles, Mrs. Joseph Ote,. and all persons unknown, If any, bar ing or claiming an interest or estates in and to the hereinafter describes real property, tho above named de fendants. Deeds. Mrs. J. M. Deeds, nnd all I IN THE NAME OP THE STATE OH' persons unknown, if any, having orOREGCN: You are hereby notlSedU claiming an Interest or estate In j that H. L. Studley the holder of Cer and to the hereinafter described ! tificate of Delmquency numbered 123S" real prorerty, Defendants, 1 issued on the 7th day of October 191- To J. M. Deeds, Mrs. J. M. Deeds, ! by the Tax Collector ot the County eT -terms of tho Bancroft Bonding law as and all persons unknown. If any hav- i Lane State of Oregon, for the amount nroviueu oy unapior v. Title A.wi or ing or claiming an Interest or estate or ?2.3G, tho same being tho amousst Mr. nnd Mrs, Irn Buttorworth or I'runo vlllo leave Saturday for Oklahoma whero they will rusldo. I. Papnthatoa of Chlco. California,! Kansas Democratic Kansas City, Kan., Nov.8. Returns la in Springfield on business connected from 1718 out of 247-1 Kansas precincts with, potato oxchango. Iglvo: Wilson, 223,396; Hughes, 197.- no use to &e sick when Dr. Murphy 1 SOD. the. magnetic healor. It In our midst, of!! co is 3S5 Mala street, Springfield, Oregon. By Bpeclal request Rot. Forrls will rcach for tho Wollsdalo and Palestine Cburchoa on tho coming Lords day. Br.;Ferrls will occupy tho pulpit hero. Henry Korf la able to bo at work again at tho Springfield garago, nftor having been laid up with an abscess VI, bis arm for several days. H. Fccloy and It. Henderson of Portland, Sylvia J. Klbby of Mabol, aadJEdd Tollvor of Mabol, wore re- 1 . .... ... 1 . Kisiuroa a mo isiuo yesterday, The Royal Noighbors social club Meets Tuosday, Novombor 14 nt tho komo of Mrs. P, v. Strubln. i In tho race for Governor return In the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Lane In tho mater of tho Estate of Robort Grlor Van Valzah, Deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: That tho undersigned. Ada B. Van Valzah and Robort CInrk Van Valzah Lord 8 Oregon Laws, and as directed In nnd to the hereinafter described by ordinance No. 429 of tho Town of real property, the above named do-, fendant. then due and delinquent for taxes fer tile year 1912 together with penalty Interest and costs thereon upon th real property assessed to you, at which you are tho owner as appease; of record, situated In said County- aiaEt State, and particularly bounded unit, described as follows, to-wit: gavo Wilson 45,988. Hughes 45,869, a Charles A .Hardy. First National Bank plurality for Wilson of 119. Building, in Eugeno, In Lano County, In statements Issuod tonluht imih Oregon, within six months from the Republican and Democratic state head- n-w-'ot?006, v, , ,,,. niinH,.rn Hnimn.i mi. n , uatod this 9th day or Novombor, 1916. quarters claimed North Dakota for 1 ADA. B VANVALZAH tholr Presidential candidates. ROBERT CLARK VAN VALZAH Returns from 1243 proclncts out of Executors or tho ostato or Robert Grlor 1859 in tho state provlously gave tVn.n Vnllah uoccasod. Hughes 40,650 and Wilson 39,561. SSlt'lt; 238? Dec? rrom 1536 Knnsas precincts g'vo: 1 have been duly nppointbd executors of Govonior Cnppor (Rop.) ,208,201 ; tho ostato of Robort Grlor Van Valzah, Landson (Dcm.j, 123,388. i deceased by tho County Court of tho ) Stnto or Oregon ror Lano County, and r,rn ,, .,. have qualified ns such tfxecutors, and Fargo. N. D., Nov. 8. President Wll-; all persons having claims against snld son ngaln took tho load In North Da- ostnto aro horoby notified and request kota at nildnlcht. whnn rntnmp from ed to prosont the same, verified as re- ,rn. , . : ouirod by law with the nronor vnuph. 'ea against you m the above, entitled 11 P,,nCtB ""Lf "6l ,n UiQ 8,010 . said f executor , attoo om?o ot ?.ult wU.h,n "f wek8 V. e date of : iiin 11101 iJuum-ttwuu 01 lUiu auinmons, and tr you rail to answer for -want thereof, the plaintiff will take decreo Cgalnst you as prayed for In the complaint, namely: for judgment against you In the sum of t00.0Q with Interest at 8 oer cent per annum from July 15, 191? and for reasonable at torney foes, and for costs and dis bursements in this suit; and ror de cree modifying and corrocting the mortgage herein to Include the person al property described lp the complaint and for an order to sell the personal property nnd following described real property towit: All that part of the Southeast quarter or the Southeast quarter ot Section Twenty six (26) in Township Eighteen (18) South of Range One (1), East ot the Willamette Meridian, lying south of tho center of Fall Creek; more particularly de scribed as beginning at the southeast cornor ot said section, and running thenca north on section line to the center of Bald creek, thence westerly down center ot tald creek: to a point 20 chains west or said section line, thence south to the south line of Bald section, and thenco east 20 chains to the place or beginning, eontalnlDg B5 acres more or less, In Lane county, Oregon,' and that the same be sold at nubile auction In the' manner provided by law, and that the money received from sala"Brtle be fr-jplled, lst.dn "pay ment of a former mortgngo held b the Eugeno Ionh'and Savings Bank, a cor norntlon; 2d. in nnvmfcnt of costs' nnd disbursements ot suit and reasonable Springfield. Oregon Dated October 16th, 1916. j IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OP HERBERT E. WALKER 1 0REGON: You aro hereby notified Town Recorder that H. L. Studley the holder of Cer Oct. 19-26-Nov. 2-9-16. tlficato of Delinquency numbered 1280 o. ! issued on tho 7th dav of Oetohor. 191.T In the Circuit Court of ithf. by the Tax Collector or the County of! Lot nineteen (19). in block nine (9 Orenon for Lane County uiic, oiuiu ui uivsuu, iur iuu umuuui . iu iutn uiuuiu nuuuiuu iu mo iuwu. Chns. A. Logan and Hattie C. Logan, sxt one cents, the same being; of Springfield, Lano county. State oC Plaintiffs i the amount then due and delinqueut Sregon. ' " VB ! for taxes for the year 1912 together You are further notified that sait Thomas G. Cain and Olive Cain somo-'w,tn Pena,ty, Interested costs there-; H. L. Studley baa paid taxes on saldR times known ns Olllo Cain his wife i on upon tne real PrPerty assessed to i premises for prior or subsequent appears of reoord, situated In said ' amounts as follows: County and State, and particularly I On March 21, 1914, the sum oC ?.7fe bounded and described as follows, to- taxes ror the yer 1913. wit: J On March 31, 1915, the sum of .GTT Lot number eighteen (18), In block , taxes ror the yonr ot 1914. number twenty seven (27) in Fnjsler . On April 5, 1916, the sum ot $.78 taxeoa Eugeno Loan & Savings Bank, a cor poration, and Blrdcll Carter, Defend ants. To Thomas G. Cain and Olive Cain, sometimes known as OIHe Cain, bis wlfo: IN THE NAME OP THE STATE OP OREGON: You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint ; YOU KNOW YOU WOULD like to wear shoes that are backed up by the retailer and manufacturer j- Hall has 9 em Men's Work, Dress, Sport and Hi-Cut. Boys' Hard ; Rocker,. Button, HiCut and Dress Eirst-ClassRepcxiring. W. A. Hall, the Shoe Doctor QUALITY FIRST Main Street, Between Fifth and Sixth & Hyland's Addition to the City ot Eugene, Lane county, Satto of Oregon. You are further notified that said taxes for the year 1915. All or said amounts bear interest- from date of payment at the rata. oiC H. L. Studley has paid taxes on said , 15 per cent per annum. premises for prior or subsequent years with the rate or interest on said amounts as follows: On March 31, 1916, the sum of $.25 ror taxes ror the year or 1914. On April 5, 1916, the sum or $.34 ror taxes tor the year ot 1915. All of the said amounts bear Inter est from date ot payment at the rate of 15 per cent per annum. Said L. M. Tozlor as the owner of the legal title ot the above des cribed property as the same appears ot record, and each of the oth er persons above named are hereby rurther notified that H. L. Studley will apply to tho Circuit Court ot the County and State aforesaid for a de creo foreclosing the lien against tho property above described, and men tioned in, said certificate. And you aro hereby summoned to appear within sixty days after the first publication ot this summons exclusive of the day of said first publication, and defend this action or pay the amount due as above shown together with costs and accrued interest and In case ot your failure to do so, a decree will be rend ered foreclosing the Hen of said taxes and costs, BgAhiBt the land and prem ises above named. This - bug &ons Is 'published by order of the ?Ioaorable.Jphn S, Coke Judge of tne Circuit Court of tho State or Oregon ror the County ot Lano and said order was mado and dated Oils 13th day of, .September, 1916 and the, data ot tho first publcatlon ot this summons la the 14th day ot Septem- Said Joseph Oles and J. W. Macb"otr as the owners pt tho legal title ot ths above described property as the snm' appears ot record, and each ot the oth er persons above named are herebyr further notified that H. L. Studle -will apply to tho Circuit Court of thee County and State aforesaid for a de cree foreclosing tho lien against thr. property above described, and men tioned In sold certificate. And you arr hereby summoned to appear within: sixty days after the first publications of this summons exclusive of the day or said first publication, and defend!' this action or pay the amount duo a-s above shown together with costs ancC accrued Interest and In case, of your fallure to do so, a decree will be res ered foreclosing the Hen of said taxes and costs against tho land and prom ises above named. This summons Is published by order bf the Honorable John 8. Coke Judg ot tho Circuit. Court ot tha State oCf Oregon for the County ot Lane aadte said order was ma and dated tBte: 13th day ot September. 1916 and. mm date ot the flrej, publcatloa ot tittmt summons fa) the 14th day ot SeptasW ber 1916. All process and papers in thle prw; eeedlag may be served upon the ust derslgned residing within the StaUe Of Oregon, at the address hereinafter mentioned. M. TRAVIS AlKornoy for tho Plaint t Address Eugene, Oregon Sept lii 21,28, Oct.5,12,l,20,Nsr.2,