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About The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 9, 1916)
THE SPIUNGF1TCLD NEWS T1 1 URSDAX NOV. 0, 1016 The Springfield News tho upper classmen formed the two t THE LWYSHTSUUS THg O.QOP UUDqt ABOUT) ITHt arUBBOKH ONI ' reglstcrlnic precincts whllo the Fresh men, Sophomores, Juniors nnd Senlon formed tho four voting precincts. Tho polios closed nt 12:55 nnd tho returns itfiKUitt J. C. DIMM, WALTER R. DIMM Editors and Publishers were posted at 1;4G. They Rave Wil son SC. Hughes 51, and Benson 4, Much excitement was caused by the election, nnd electioneering had been Published Every Monday and Thursday , RATES OP SUBSCRIPTION Ono Year .... $1.50 Blx Months . . .75 Three months .50 Advertising rates furnished on appll cation. going on for some time. Severn! class es had been having political speeches and debates for tho Inst week. Every ono anxiously nwnltpd tJio returns from the national election to sec It it went the snnlo ns their school election did. tAQB TWO mmmmmmmmmwmmMmmmmmBmmmmmmnmmmmmmmma ! uucac, look Kf that miowhl FACE-ALWAYS CHUCK PULL OP . ORDINARY TOBACCO. SCKM9 J I AM SUIXK Mt.l . SOWS Or HIS rUlBHDS WOULD WOULD APPRSCIATC) TILL HIM ABOUT V CUT, j ' IT OUR CORRESPONDENTS CAMP CREEK Ruby Crabtreo MARCOLA Audrey Lewis THURSTON, Mrs. Walter Edmlston WALTER VI LLE, Mallna Momb "WEST SPR1NQF1ELD, Gladys Loo DONNA Charles Heck COBJJRQ Elslo Anderson CEDAR PLAT Mrs. Anno Morso WEST SPRINQFIELD. Mrs. Clara Childs Member of the Willamette Valley Editorial Association. THURSDAY, NOV 9, 1916 4. SOCIAL EVENTS J. W. GEARY POST HELPS CELEBRATE It was a very happy event when tho J. W. Geary Post and W. R. C. camo In to help Mr and Mrs. Albert Bishop celebrate their 50th wedding anniver sary on November 5th at their home j nt 2042 onyx at., tiugene, urcgun At- I ter congratulations were orer the J. W. deary Post presented Comrade Bi3hop ! with Ave dollars In gold, and the W. It. f C presented Mrs. Tllshnn with five collars in goiu, nesiues kuisu iucj . . i t I ii.n.a i ceived other nice gifts. During the j afternoon luncheon was served. Those j nront besides Mr. and Mrs. Bishop! were. Mr. and Mrs. Will Bishop, Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Bishop, and son Wayne, Mr. and Mrs. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Phetteplace, W. Wheeler, .Mrs. Stick les, Mrs. Jackson, Mr. and Mrs. Circle, Mrs. Phoebe Marsh, Mrs. Collm, Mrs. Yerington, Mrs. Susan Hill, Mrs. Cas telle, Mrs. Liggett, Mr. Thieband, Miss Lowry, Mrs. Butterfleld, Mrs. Kreamer, Mr. Paxton, Mr. and Mrs. Beytlen, Mrs. Watts, Mrs. L. M. HM. Mr. and Mre. Plank, Mrs. J. S. Moore and Dorothy Moore. Late In the afternoon the guests left for their homes wishing Mr. and Mrs. Bishop much happiness and good health. Besides the two sons living here, there are two sons and two daughters in Minnesota, also twenty-two grandchildren, and several great-grandchildren. ANGELINE FISCHER ENTERTAINS On Tuesday afternoon little Angel ine Fischer entertained a number of her playmates at her home on Emerald Heights. The occasion was the birth day of the dainty miss. The guests arrived at 3:30 and from then until 6:30 they were kept busy as could be by the round of games prepared for them. Much merriment was caused by the main feature of the afternoon a stunt given by each one of the little guests. During the afternoon refresh ments were served consisting of a de licious birthday cake and la mange. The guests were Constance Rebham, Doris Gerard, Alice Beshard, DeEtta Duryee, Charlotte Stewart, Jule Pol lard, William Pollard, Louis Stewart, Joe Bally, and Leroy Nice. ENJOY JOINT BIRTHDAY DINNER Mrs. Cliff Lybarger gave a family birthday dinner Monday evening for Mr. Lybarger and her father, F. A Fischer, In honor of the birthdays of both. Mr. Fischer's birthday occured on October 24, but as it was not con venient to celebrate the occasion thee, the event waa remembered Jointly With Mr. Lybarger's hlrthday, which occured last Monday. Members of the family present at the dinner were: H". A. Fischer, Cliff Lybarger, MIu Edna Fischer, Miss Doris Lybarger, and Mrs. Cliff Lybarger. To The Voters of Springfield I fully appreciate the Judicious ac tion taken by the voters of this city at the polls Tuesday in removing my farm from the Springfield town limits, and I want to thank each voter who extended me his or her support MARY J. BOLLER HIGH SCHOOL PUPILS RE-ELECT PRESIDENT Wilson Recleves 56, Hughes Benson 4 Votes at Real Election 51. As a result of the efforts of Miss Vera Williams a presidential election was held at tho high school Monday afternoon, November sixth, re-electing Woodrow Wilson president by a small majority. The studentB registered and voted accbrding to classes; there being two registering precincts nnd four voting JTecJncts, The Jpwe? classmen and Receives Shipment of New Dimes The First National bank has Just recieved a consignment of the new coinage of dimes. Anyone who de sires may secure tho coins at this place. At the Christian Church C. II. Jensen, Pastbr The sermon subjects for next Sun day are as follows: Morning. "Tho Lord's Supper," Evening, "Tho Christ Ion Soldier.' If you are not attending elsewhere, pay us a visit next Sun day, nnd remember we begin promptly at 9:45 a. m. The Endeavor at 6:30 p. m. Topic, "How to Be Stropg" Lead ers. Travis and Nixon. Teachers' 'Training Class at the church every Tuesday evening. Prayer meeting on .Wednesday evenings. You are Invit ed. Special subject. "The Ministry of John The Baptist." Baptist Church Rev. Norton Ferris, Minister. Bible school at 10:00 tu m. Divine worship at 11:00 a. m. Dr. Keeney Ferris will preach. Theme, "Life's addition table" An educational and I inspirational message, needed by I everyone. Do not fail to hear It. Sen- lor and Junior meetings at 6:30 p. m. Evenlnc service of sour nnd svninos-"or I a .won tti r t n a iuih at kou. wjit-u ian Louies 10 , Himself." you will enjoy this. All are j cordially Invited. StrangeVs always i welcome. ' Classified Ads For Sale, Rent, Wanted, Etc. COCKERALS FOR, SALE: White Leg born pure bred O. A. C. strain, sir months old, $1.00 each. Call at 710 C street APPLES WANTED: I want some apples of the following varieties. Winter Banana, Spice Sweets and Bell Flower. Call 103-J FOR SALE CHEAP: Young Jersey cow. Inquire at the Springfield Bakery FOR SALE Practically new Oliver Typewriter number 5. Machine is equipped with tabulator and back spacer. It Is In good running order. Call at the News office and have It demonstrated. Terms. FOUND: Small key on wire. Owner may have same by calling at the News office and paying for this ad. OR SALE Nine acre farm one fourth mile east of Creswell. River bottom land all in cultivation. Has four acres of loganberries, one nnd seven eighths acres in red raspberries In bearing intermingled with four year old apple trees. Has house, barn, and modern chicken houses with fenced in parks. Can be had at a bargain. Address A31. care of Tho Springfield News. FOR SALE OR TRADE Small fruit ranch within sight of Creswell. Will consider trade on Springfield resi dence property. Address, C 31, Springfield News. CALL FOR BIDS Bids for the carpenter work on two houses to be erected at Second and B streets will be recieved. Plans and specifications can be seen by calling Dn Rev. James T. Moore. All bids will be subject to accept ance or rejection. MARGARETJIORRIS Springfield, Oregon, November, 1, 1916. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon. Novemher, 4,1916 NOTICE IS hereby given that Char les L. Taylor, of McKenzie Bridge, . uic&uu, nUU uu utiura isiu, made Homestead Entry, Serial No. . 06697 for the S S. W. '4 S. E. V. 8. S. E. Vi 8. W. '4, Sec. 15, and N. W. N. E. 4, N. S. W. U N. E. '4, N. S. S. W. M N. E. 4. N. E.4, N. W. V of Sec. 22. Tp. 16 S, R. Ser ial No. 08574 for the S. S S. W. 4 N. E. '4 ot Section 22 Township 16 8. Range 5 E, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make Final Five-year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before I ,P. Hewitt, U, S. Commissioner, at his office, at Eugene, Oregon, on the 18th day ot' December, 1916. Claimant names as witnesses: George Cronor, of Eugene, Oregon. Alice Cronor,, of JSngene, Oregon. George Frlasell, ol Mclfenzle Brldgo, Oregon, Arthur Belknap, of HoKenzie Bridge, Oregon. W. IL CANNON. Reglsfor Not. , 9,18,10,29,83,27,89, Pec, 4, YOU'RE not sorry for gophers and monkeys with their faces all swelled out they are built that way, pockets in their checks to hold stuff till it's feeding time. But you ca't help fceltnf sorry for a mm with a bid wad of old kind of tobacco-he Itn't even fetttni latiiUctioa. W-U CUT it ritk to baeco full of latlifiction Unit tine, is ritittitt, aad It cut out to much chewlaf aad tplttiof , tUh hf WETHAN-MUTON COMPANT, 58 Uta Snr, Ntw Tk Oly SUMMONS FOR PUBLICATION IN FORECLOSURE OF TAX LIEN In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Lane County H. L. Studley, Plaintiff. vs. Adam Keller, Mrs. Adam Keller, and all persons unknown. It any, having or claiming an Interest or estato In and to the hereinafter described real property, Defendants, To Adam Keller. Mrs. Adam Keller, and all persons unknown, If nn, hav ing of claiming an Interest or estate In and to tho hereinafter described real property, tho above named de fendants. , IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OK OREGON: You aro hereby notllled i that H. L. Studleyis tho holder ol Certificate of Delinquency numbered . wsueu on tno 7tn nay or uetouer 1010 It... P.llnflin. lk County'or ine State of Oregon, foi the amount of 2.49. the same being tho amount tlton due and delinquent laxes ior me year iau logemoi with penalty. Interest and costs there on UDOn tho rCttl nronrtv nasBRKfid ti you. of which you aro the owner at appears of record, situated In salt County ami Stnto. and particular!) bounded and described as follows, to 'wit: i Lot number fifteen (15), in block -number forty two (42) in Chicago i Addition to the Town of Florence, Lane county, State of Oregon. You aro further notified that said H. Ik Studley has paid taxes on said premises for prior or subsequent years with tho rate of Interest on said amounts as follows: On March 31, 1915, the sum of $.86 for taxes for tho year of 1914. On April 5, 1916, the sum ot $1.22 for taxes for the year of 1915. All of said amounts bear 'Interest from date of payment at the rate of 15 per cent per annum. Said Adam Keller as the owner of the legal title ot the above described property as the same appears of rec ord, and each of the other persons above named are hereby further noti fied that H. L. Studley will apply to the Circuit Court of the County and State aforesaid for a decree foreclos ing the Hen against the property above described, and mentioned In said certificate. And you are hereby summoned to appear within sixty days after the first publication of this summons exclusive of the day of said first publication, and defend this action or pay the amount due as above shown together with costs and ac crued interest and in case of your failure to do so, a decree will be tend ered foreclosing the lien of said taxce and costs against the land and prem ises above named. This summons is published by order of the Honorable John S. Coke, Judge of the Circuit Court of tho State of Oregon for tho County of Lano and said order was made and dated the 13th day of September 1910 and the date of the first publication of this summons is the 14th day of Septem ber, 1916. Alt process anl papers in this pro ceeding may bo served upon the un dersigned residing within the Stato of Oregon, at the address hereinafter mentioned. L. M. TRAVIS Attorney for Plaintiff Address, Eugene, Oregon. Sept 141,28,Oct.5,12,19,26.Nov .2,9,16 CITATION In the County Court of the 8tate of Oregon for Lane County In the Matter of the estato ) of ) John Bornhardt, deceased ) To Corlnne Bernhardt, and Sadie Sauers, GREETING: , In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby cited and required to appear in the county court of the state of Oregon, for the county ot Lano, at the court room thereof, at Eugene, in the county of Lano, on Monday the 4th day of December, 1916 at 10 o'clock In the forenoon of that day. than and , there to show cause If any you have, j why an order should not bo made i authorizing and directing the admin- lntr..: c' said estate to sell tho foi- iow.Jg ,jMCrlbba ,ea' o'operty belong- ; fcBlOtO, lO-Wt, ill? West halt ot the Souti:wpf iiuarter f IV of S W V4), In Section number twenty eight (28), and the East half of south west quarter (E of 8 E 4) of Sec tion numbor twenty nine (29), all In township number eighteen (18), South of Range ten (10), West ef Willamette Meridian, containing 160 acres of land in Lane connty, State ot Oregon. This citation is published by order of tho Hon. Harry L. Bown, County Judge of tho above entitled court, which .said order was duly signed upon the 26th day of September 1916, com manding this citation to be published for six weeks- In the Springfield News, and the data of tho, first publication Is the 28th day of September, 1910. Witness the Hons Harry L. Bown, Judge of the County Court of the State ot Oregon for the county of Lane and the seal pf said court affixed, this 27th day of September, 1916. Attest: H. M. RUSSELL. Clark eopt 28, Oct. 6. U, IP, 89, NPV, Brave the wind AND STORM 1 1I IIW PVSbV Wlil woathor tofls cvor mvorxtod th FISH BRAND REFLEX SLICKER $000 y., irutnitu;- if PROTECTOR HAT 75 Dealers everywhere. s RAH - vjurouyuur. ' . A.J. TOWER CO. BOSTON f D. W. ROOF, JEWELER SPRINGFIELD, OREGON FINE WATCH REPAIRING A SPECIALTY HERBERT E. WALKER NOTARY PUBLIC Office1 (n City Hall, Sprlnaneld, Ore See Edwards & Brat tain For Farm and City Property Exchanges a Specialty Springfield Oregon Phone 30 CAREFUL. CONSCIENTIOUS Dentistry DR. J. E. RICHMOND PHONES Office, 3; Residence, 116-J Over Commercial Bank, Springfield. Oregon; NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of tho Interior, U. S. Land Office, at Roseburg, Oregon. November, 4, 1916. NOTICE is horeby given thnt Frank P. McCann, of McKenzio Brldgo, Oro gon, who, on January 20, 1913, made Homestead Entry, Sorlal, No. 08D32. for Lots 7 and A and S. W. V S. W. 4 Sec. 15. and N. W. V N. W. H of Section 22, Township 10 S, Rango G E, Willametto Meridian, has filed notice of Intention to mako Final Three-year Proof, to establish claim to tho land abovo described, before I. P. Hewitt, U. S. Commissioner, at his office, at Eugene, Oregon, on tho 18th day of December, 1916. Claimant names as witnesses. Charles L. Taylor, of McKenzio Brldgo, Oregon. Arthur Bolknap, ot McKenzio Bridge, Oregon. Georgo H. Moody, of McKenzio Brldgo, Oregon. Walter Boone, of McKenzie Bridge, Oregon. W. H. CANNON, Register. Nov. 6, 9, 13, 16, 20, 23, 27, 30, Dec. 4. 4 . 'Mm m uKaa Ciknawi. COOK THE "FEDERAL RESERVE" SYSTEM OF BANKS, OF WHICH OUR BANK IS A MEMBER. WAS THOUGHT OUT BY THE BEST BRAINS IN THE BANKING AND BUSINESS WORLD. THIS SYSTEM DEMANDS THAT A BANK BE .SOUND BEFORE IT CAN BECOME A MEMBER BANK. WE CAN TAKE CARE.OF YOUR BANKING BUSI NESS AND SHALL BE GLAD TO HAVE YOU COME IN AND "MAKE YOURSELF AT HOME." BANK WITH US GO EAST UNION PACIFIC SYSTEM SUPERIOR SERVICE Through Sleeping Cars PORTLAND to Chicago. Kansao City, Omaha, Denver and intermediate points. Dining Cnr Sorvlco sccond-to-none. Tho Route is via tho famous Columbia River The "Old Oregon" and "Pioneer" Trails wonderful in scenic and historic interest. Automatic Slgi nnls guarding the entire main lino, and 1,140 miles ot double-track are guarantees of the high standard the Union Pacific sets. UNION PACIFIC SYSTEM JOINS WEST AND EAST WITH A BOULEVARD OF STEEL Tickets, reservations and travel sorvlco to suit your needs upon application to CITY TICKET OFFICE, Washington at Third Wm. McMURRAY, General Passenger Agent, Portland w The Farmer's Store This Is tho Htore where tho fanner goes, We always take his produce and pay tho highest market prices. He Ib always sure of getting tho host quality groceries so ho trades here. Ask tho farmer, ho will tell you to go to Slkes' when you want good groceries. The Fifth Street Grocer THOS. SIKES, Prop. IE. WITH Oregon Power PHONE 22 ' 1 GAS ' f