The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, November 06, 1916, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    MON'DAY.'NOVfiJMnran, 0 10,10.
Enlargements of your Kodak
Pictures will make excellent gifts
An enlarged picture of yourBcIf, the children, tho old
homo or other appropriate Hubjecl, will umko an excel
. lnt gift for your friends and rolatlvCH.
'jl Such pictures Hhould he attractively mounted on
good cardH or folders.
Our prices on mounted enlargements arc ah follow:
7 x 11 75 centH
0 x 13 $1.00
10 x in $1.25
10 x 17 $1.50
1.0 x 20 $1.75
1 If you have any work of thlH kind bring It In now,
Bo'that wo may give II careful, personal attention.
' iUIUfH!U..i
Catarrh Cannot Be Cured SCHOOL
Willi XXHfAh Al'I'MCATIONfl, nn th-y
rniinot roach the lent of till dlinfl. Oft
tnrrli In a liloort or coridtllullotml (linen.,
rind in onltr to enrn M you mint tnho In
ternal remedlm. IIiiII'm Cntnrrli Cure If
tcihon Iniornnlly, nnl avU directly upon
Dm tiloori nnd riiiicoim nurtaco. Hall'
(.'ntrtrrh ('urn In not ft imr-lc mi'dlolnc. It
wnii prrn'Tllicd y ono of tlio lie"! pliy
MtclniiM In I hl I'hiinlry for yenm nnd In
n nmiliir ir-Kcrltlon, It In composed of
Ilia let loiili- known, with llio
itnt lilood purifier, nrllng directly on Ui
murium iirfncr. Tim perfect eomlilnn
llon of tlia two InftrrdlnnU I what pro
duce ouch wonderful itiiIi in rurlnu
catfirrll, Henrt for tn'tlmonlnl, fren.
I. J. (JIIMNIcy A CO.. l'rop Toledo, O,
fold hr liriKKliin, irli Tfic.
Tk. HtU'a Family Mil for conillpatlon.
for Nutritious
Direction! for Nutritious Dewed
Suitable for Children
I Town and Vicinity
' D. 8. Ilcala loft Saturday evening for
a day's buulnoett (rip to Itlddlo.
' JatncB Nolond of Cronwell wan doing
tlunlncHB In Sprlngflold Friday.
' Eld Tolllvor waa restored at the
Ellto 'hotel yoHtcrdny.
;4W. It. Jophcott. Btorokocpor of Fall
Crook, -pent Friday In town.
Vote 300-X-Yos. Mary J. Holler, IM.
MIbh Juno Mallear visited her sltUer,
Mr. Helen. Palmer at Uoavorton over
tho weekend.
Mrs, John WlnrenrloiJ left Friday
for Portland whoro alio will visit with
hor daughter, Mr. Jo'o I.einon.
Upto-dato Shoo fixing, Wolf & Mil
ler. Mra. ir. J. Downing of Wendllng ilo
Hod at tho homo of Dr. aitif Mrs. V.
O. Itobhnn the latter part of the week.
MIkh Allle Sharp, of ltosohurg. arriv
ed Friday evening and will spend n
week vIhKIiib with friends. .
Tom Abono arrived Friday from
Condon, eastern Oregon, whoro ho has
Ccon for some time.
Just nrovo, 21 cases of shoos. Wolf
&' Miller.
Thoro will bo a -regular monthly
mooting of the school board this even
ing. Miss Mary Putmnn of Snlom visited
with friends hero Batunlay nnd attend
ed tljo Orogon-Wniihlngton game.
After -ponding a fow days in Spring
field, Frank Houtln has returned to
hlH homo nt Hayfleld, Wisconsin.
, Thoro will bo nn Important moot
ing of tho official board at the Christ
Ian church this ovcnlng.
B. B. Morrison went to Drain last
ovonlng In tho Intorost of his potato
Hunk examiners wero checking up
tho accounts of the Commercial Stato
Dank tho latter part. of tho week,
t Goo. A. Johnson, of tho nay City
.Meat Market at North Bond was In
tho city today on business.
Voto 300-X-Yon. Mary J. Holler, Pd.
' Mr. and Mrs. II, L. Lnko of Browns
ville nrrived hero last evening to spond
tho day visiting nnd transacting busi
ness. , Morrill Dinwiddle of Jlrownsvlllo,
.pent Friday, Saturday nnd Sunday
visltlng Vnnco Cngloy,' nnd attending
tho big gnmo, Saturday.
I T. W. McKay of McKcnzle Hridgo,
'Asa A. niilnovautt and, W. C. Miller
woro roglstored at tho Sprlngflold ho
tel yestordny.
A business mooting and party will
bo hold by tho Deroan class In tho
Sunday school class rooms at tho
Christian church Frldny ovonlng,
Wllmot Foster, a studont nt tho
University of Oregon school of modi
clno In Portland, visited over the
wookond with friends In this ety.
- Born! to Mr. and Mrs. Otto, Rico, at
tho homo of B. B. Drattnlilj In SprlnP
flold, Sunday, Novombor 6, 1016, nn
eight pound son.
No iise i be sick whoa Dr. Murahr
thtf magnetlo healer is la eur, midst,
offlee Is 39S Mala street, Sprlagfleld,
' Miss Eva nrattain was In from Wal
ton whero'uho Is teaching school, vis
iting her parents, Mr, and Mrs, B. B.
Brattnln, Saturday and Sunday.
t R. O. Richardson, a mochanlc of
Douglas, Alaska, is visions with Dan
Qoro. Mr. Richardson Is thinking1 of
locating at Springfield.
A reservation was made In tho Eu
gene Thoatro for a body of Springfield
Republicans, for Mrs. Hanloy's spooch
Friday night.
. Juvenile officer, John Perkins took
16-year-old Robert Kecer of Junction
City to ho reform school at Salem
riday morning.
Mr, and Mrs. A, Poston end family
B7e moying Into one of the small
nouses on Fourth street, bctwoen Main
and A,
" Mrs. II, A. Cox, and daughter, Dor
othy Cox, of Portland, aro making a
visit at (ho homo of tholr son and
brother, H, J, Cox and family.
Mr. Ashhatigh from Fischer's camp,
who Was operated on for appendlcitM
Wednesday Is reported to bo doing
James Parnell, K. Robldcn, Leba
non; J. Whltcmnn; L. W. McKay; T
E3. Abecuo, and W. C. Miller woro reg
istered nt the Sprltigriold hptel FrldaV.
Wenill M,cKlnney whh operated
oil at tho Eugeno hospital for acuta
lppondlcltls Thursday ovonlng. llo
Ih getting along very well.
Qood rollahlo fire Insurance. No ns-
40ssmonts; no mcmborshlp foe. Pay
Tho following BUggestlons are do
slrablo sweets or simple desscrto for
children nro taken from Farmer's Uul
Ictlri 712, School Lunches:
Fruit and Nut Confection
1 pound figs, 1 pound nut nioutn.
1 pound dried prunes or seedless rais
ins, Confectioners' sugar.
Provides twenty-four 2-ounco por
. . . , . I Wash, pick over, nnd stem the fruits
t HprlnBflcIcI hotel Saturday; F. Robl- lhrou a mcat chonpcr and mx
den, Lebanon; L. W. McKay, McKcn- thorouBh)y. Ilol, out t0 a thckncg3
zlo Hrldgof OIo Sololm, Jasper; Mf 'of about ono.,mlf jnch'on a board
,nnd Mrs, A. K. Temple, Spokane; W ,,rodBO( w)th confect0ncr' sugar, nnd
C. Miller; N. O. Lud, R. E. McPhorson. ; cut' ,nt0 Rma pIeceg Jf tMn can,,y
Hurt Miller, Mabel; II. J. Wilson, San , ,, kon. for .omo llm h. n,es
I Francisco; Paul McIIcnry and I. L. 8hould bo scparatcd'by means of par-J
ir,omDlor- laffln paper.
Harold Moung camo down from Pert- -n,,,, confection, In addition to being J
lana to eo tno orogon-wasiiington nutritious and well liked by children,
, football gnmo nnd to visit with hi ha8 Bome vniue ,n preventing constl
I sister, Miss Amlo Young, In this city. ' nation..
Candled Fruit Peel
Tho candled peel of oranges, grape
fruit, kumquats, and other citrus fruit
makes a good sweet which is cconom-
Mrs, C. V. Culp from Fischer's camp
underwent a major operation at tho
Eugene hospital Thursday, She Is
doing nicely.
Frances Pitney, tho Junction City
player who was Injurod In the foot
ball game hero Friday, was able to
leal because It utilizes materials which
might otherwise be thrown away. Its
preparation makes an Interesting
ho taken to his honHj this evening. ( school exercise. The skins can be
Tho attending physician states that kept In good condition for a long tlrao
tho boy suffered a partial dislocation In salt water, which makes It possible
of ono of tho vertebrae of tho neck, ' to wait until a large supply Is on hand
and that he will bo allrlght soon, ox j before candying them. The salt water .
Mr. and Mrs. George Catching re- takes out some of the bitter taste. TI13 j
turned homo from tho North Dead skins should bo washed In clear water
II. E. Walker country Thuroday evening. Mr. .Catch-' nfter removal from the salt water,
onca and von nrn ilnnn
tt the Cltv Hall ' i Inc has been employed nt North Bond , bl,e'l un"1 tender, cut Into small
" ' i t A I 1 M .1 il. 1-1.
A committee meeting of the Rohek- for the past five months, nnd Mrs. v, u w.un ".-u " a uBr ,
hs was hold tho last of tho week at! Catching has been vl.dtlng relatives WW -hey are transparent,
the homo of Mrs. N. Grimn In connoc-!nt North nend, Coqulllo and Marsh-, Thoy should then he lifted from the,
tlon with tho Tkanksnlvfnir box for tho field for three weeks. Both are home nna a,loweu 10 C00J ln BUCn a
Idd Fellow's home In Portlund,
Mrs. John C. Pnrkor submitted to a
to stay.
Why pay two dealer's profits? We
1 way that superfluous syrup will run
off. Finally they should he rolled ln
pulverized or fine granulated sugar.
Dolled Cuetard
2 cups hot milk, 3 egg yolks, 4 cups
slight operation at a local physician's : ,niy direct from tho mill and sell dl
office Friday afternoon for tho removal , rcct to the consumer. Johnson's best
if a crowth on thr, in ulrin nf lu.r Flour at tho prices listed below:
Th n . . 'imnn sugar and salt. Pour the hot milk over
V. G. Henvlo. Portlnnd; Mrs. Jolvln :'1C00' '.,. mIx,ure Rtrrlnc constantly
- i aii. m ,r, .:. Ivnn Main Ih confined to his liom ,11,s 'ure. stirring constantly.
viiniuy. Jiwi - . - rnnk In n rinnhlo holler, stlrrlnir until
The Springfield Feed company, re-,
I Springfield Feed company. 1 sack lot, 8UKnr' SPcck saU- Flavoring.
I $1.70; 4 sack lot. $0.00; 10 sack lof.j Beat the ,0,ks Mhtt and add 1,10
I ' 1 1 1 A T1 it.. (11. .
Ivan Male Is confined to his home
or; nnd Clair Mcllonry, Springfield, 1 w,th "'W'I'tls-
wero registered nt tho Ellto Frlduy.
Tomorrow Is n legal holiday and
both the Commcrclnl State and tho
First National Hank will be closed.
Tho post ofilco v.-l!l hp oren for only
ono hour, from 8 until 5 o'clock !n thn
Ralph Coffin of Salom attended tho
Oregon-Washington football game Sat
urday nnd visited with his. parents,
Mr, and Mrs. J. W. Coffin In this city,
for a short tlrno, Saturday afternoon.
Voto 300-X-Yes. Mary J. nol!cr,Pd.
Saturday at tho Ellto hotel, tho fol
lowing woro registered; N. J, Cornwall
or Portland; Jack Wotson, San Fran
clsoc; A. C. Rose, Portland; Foster
Roso, Portland; J. S. Baker and wife,
Portland; R. C. Richardson, Klrkland,
Washington; and James Anderson, of
Mrs. R. II. Miller has boon Inld up
with n bad cold and In grippo for over
a month. Mrs. Miller snys this cl.
jmoto does not ngreo with her, nnd that
she may spend the remainder of the
, winter In Newport or California.
Howard Cotton In 11 practice game
coating on the sroon. Cool and flavor.
If the custard curdles, beat with a
Dover egg beater.
If the whites of the eggs are to be
celved n carload of flour from Albany
Mrs. J. C, Dlmm has been sorlouslv
111 nf hnr linmn fnr fhn Inuf tvn rlnvfl
Mrs. Robert Hnyse. who submitted "Rcd- ,,cat ,hem v.ery Bt,,ff ",n'1 ad1
to a major operation at tho Spring- lnrcc fr-
field hospital last week is Improving by sooonfulls on water which ,s
i hot but not boiling. Test occasionally I
Albert Wachsmuth fell from a ladder ' b putU"B, R kn,'f ,?,,' U cn, UH !
last week and fractured two ribs. He "one nou'",B W,,M ,0, "e I
. , , . , Remove from the water with a wire I
ir rei'uvuniiH Kwu Biiupu.
Sufferer From Indigestion Relieved
"Before taking Chamberlain's Tab
lets my husband suffered for several
years from indigestion, causing him to
havo pains in the stomach nnd dis
tress after entlng. Chamberlain's Tab
lets relieved him of these spells right
away,'' writes Mrs. Thomas Casey,
Geneva, N. Y. Obtainable everywhere.
J egg beater or split snoon 'and put on
, tho top of the pustard.
(Continued from Page One)
Do You Have Sour Stomach?
If you are troubled with sour stom
ach you should cat slowly and masti
cate your food thoroughly, then taka
one of Chamberlain's Tablets immed
iately after supper. Obtainable everywhere.
end of the gnmo. the ball was In mid
Royal Neighbors Plan Visit j
At tho regular meeting of the Royal
Neighbors, It was decided that all local
members, should prepare to go to
Eugene on November 23, when the Su
preme Oracle, Mrs, Enrlght, will be
nresent At this time, the Eugene
lodge plans a big meeting, and is pre-
Tho gnmo was close from the start
of fnntlmll YVnilnnminv nvonini- im.i . to the finish and tho line men had a
his Hp wna cut and a physician had lo ard tlmo keeping tho excited on-1 rlng to adopt nt least 100 new mem-
tako thrqo stitches to close tho wound. ,ookor8 from KUnB onto the field. uors-
This Ir thn flrnt unrlmts nrnll tint i v. The Individual plays of tho Soring-1
suiting from footbnll cU !"en could not bo beaten and! Tnat Leaky Roof cnD 00 repaired
Mr. nnd Mrs. A. D. Ruddlmnn plan , lf liad on' liad team to practice very quickly and perfectly with ourj
to move to Eugene this weok, as Mr I w,u, U1U' wouiu ceruuniy nave ." -
winning team. Hut the. men allowed ueuuquuners ior ruuuus yupor. u. v.
they could bo losers nnd in tho return iHolhrook.
game, expect to bo good winners.
The Springfield line up was: Beare, 1
Ruddlman's headquarters nro to bo In
that city Instead oiS hero in the fu
ture. Ho will bo roundhouso foreman
ns before.
One of tho most unique socials to
bo hold this year is promised by tho
local Royal Neighbors for Decombor 7.
H. C. Pickett, a former Sprlngflold
business man, was In tho city from
Portland Friday.
No use to bo sick when Dr. Mufpbyi
the magnetic- healer Is la eur midst,
office Is 896 Mala street, Springfield,
Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Herndon and
Tho following pntents we're Just is
sued to Northwestern clients, reported
Bally, McKay, Wolloy. S. Hill, Grand, . by D Swift and Company, patent law
Dlmm, B. HJ11. Bry. Hester, Cotton, 'yors, Washington, D. Cwho will fur
and Gosslor. Iri tho second half Col-' lsh copies of any patent for ten cents
tori substituted for Kester ns center. nplece to our readers. Oregon; S.
Black, Jr., Portland, raln-shleld; W. E.
Real Estate Transfer Caderholra, Rainier, Rotary woodwork-
,. B. A. Washburn ct al to J. F. Ral-!jngutter; M. R. Colby, Portland,
ston -Part of lot 2 all Iota 3 and 4, grapple for hoisting and convoying
part of lot 7, all blk. 3, Douglas Gar- machines; B. L. Blakeslee, Portland,
dens, $750. ' paraffining machine; E. P. W. Hard-
James r .iiaision ot ux to sianoy ni
family plan to raovo from F street to and 4, and N.lot 7 nil ln blk. 3, Doug-
tho houso on B boot woen, Sixth nnd las Gardens, $10,
Seventh streets, now occupied by Mr
Ine Portland. Vlseniren containing
Cuthburtson E of lot 2, nil oV lots 3 . phenolphthaleln; J. S. O'Gormau, Port-
1 t 1 t fa 1 1 1 1.11. n '
land, baby-pen.
nnd Mm A. D. Ruddimnn as soon fts
tho RuddlmanB move to Eugene,
Dr. Sheldon, rop'resenllng tho Ameri
can Rod Cross socloty, gave a first
nld to tho Injured talk to the employ
es of tho Booth-Kelly Lumbor com
pany this noon.
Now Lookout
When a cold hangs on ns often hap
pens, or when you havo hardly gotton
o'Vor ono cold boforo you contract
nnothor, lookout for you are liable to
contract Bomo vory serious disease
This succession of colds weakens the
pystom and lowers tho vitality so that
you aro much more llablo to contract
chronic catarrah, pneumonia or con
sumption, Cure your cold while you
can. Chamberlalns Cough Remedy
hns a groat reputation. It is rolled
upon by thousands of people and
never dlsnppolnts thorn. Try It. It,
only costs a quarter. Obtainable ev
Royal Neighbor News
At the last regular meeting -of the
Royal Neighbors It was agreed that
!o,U II ay id Neighbors. Should go to
Eugene on Novembor 23, when our
Supremo Oracle, Mrs. Enrlght would
be present. Also tho local neighbors
will help Eugene adopt 100 now mem
bers. Wo are going to give t ono of
tho most interesting socials hold this
year on December 7, And Inst but not
least three of our most efficient work
era surprised ns with a delightful treat
springfield astonished
by simple Mixture
Springfield people aro nstonlshed at
tho INSTANT action of simple buck
thorn bark, glycerine, etc., ns mixed In
A!der-!-ka. ONE SPOONFUL removes
such surprising foul matter It relloves
almost ANY CASfej constipation, sour
stomach or gas. BocauBo Alder-i-ka
nets on BOTH lower und. uprer bowel,
a fow dosos often rellovo or prevent
appendicitis. A short treatment helps
chronto Btomnch trouble. M. M. Peery
Dr-u company.
It Is dangerous to put, anything
into tho mouth except food and drink?
Sanitary instruction Is even more
Important than sanitary legislation?
Tho U. S. Public Health Service Is
sues free bulletins on tuberculosis?
Tho continuous liberal use of alco
holic boverages lowers efficiency andj
menaces longevity!
Moderate exercise in the open air
prolongs life?
Now Its cold; but just try one of my
new thoroughly guaranteed heaters
and the cold and gloom will soon bo
forgotten.. J. C. Holbrook,
Call for Warrants
Notice is hereby giverf that I will
pay upon presentation at my office
Warrants of School Dlst. No. 19, of
Springfield Oregon, numbered from
903 to 88 Inclusive Interest censes
after Nov, 6, 1916. w
Dated this 2nd. day ot Nov. 1916,
A. P. McKINZIB, Clerk
Owing to the present market
conditions the prices listed below are
very worthy of your consideration.
These are our regular prices and are
subject to market changes.
15 lbs. White Beans
16 lbs. Rice - - -
4 pkgs. A. & H. Soda
1 pkg. Golden Rod Oats , ; -1
pkg. Albers Oats
1 lb. Royal Baking Powder
1 lb. Schillings Baking Powder
1 lb Cake Pure Honey
6 bars White Bear Soap
5 lbs. Borax Powder - .
2 bottles Red Ribbon Vinegar
3 cans Aster Milk' - ,;r
5 lbs. Pure Laird - -
50 lbs. Blue Ribbon Dairy Salt
50 lbs. Stock Salt
100 lbs. Stock Salt
12 lbs. Best Berry Sugar
100 lbs. Best Berry Sugar,
See us about Farm Produce
To the Voters of the Gity of .Springfield
In asking you to do this, I am only asking for a
square deal.
1st. We were voted into the city without our
2nd. We are two and one quarter (23A) miles
from the business part of town.
3rd. We recleve no city benefits. And being so
far removed it is utterly impossible to participate in
any way with benefits accruing from expenditures
of city funds.
4th. The taxes on this place have been around
$215.00. The rental value is about $250.00 for farm
ing purposes which is the only use that the land can
be put to. And the present taxation is practically
(Paid Advertisement)
Mary J, BoUer
The Springfield Bakery
Starting today, November 6, we will siSfcall our
Bread at 5 Cents . perjLLoaf
with no reduction in quantities, on account of tho
high price of Flour.
As soon as the flour comes down, we vrtk sell again'
as before
We try to satisfy everybody with our Br6anuMl Pastry
Springfield Bakery
P, A. WESALOWSKA, Proprletp
Edwards & Brat tain
For Farm and City Property
Exchanges a Specialty
Phone 90
PHDNS Offlc, 3; nevluctiue, 11
Over Commercial Banjfi,-'-Springfield,