The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, November 06, 1916, Image 1

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VOL. XV. NO. 81
Um mttcruii(lf iclof OoiiKtu oIM tuU'mv
City and County Authorities ut
- - Everett, Washington Re
fuse I, W .W.s Landing
r J
Boat Carrying 500 Industrial Worker
; , fl , .L A..
Turn Back to'Seattle Without
Dlieharglng Single Pauenger
4; '
Soattlo, Wash., Nov. C.--8oven woro
;kllled arid 37 wounded In' a battle at
jUvt'rott this afternoon between Indus
trial Workers of tho World and tho
authorities of tho city of Everett and
Snokomtah county, supported by tho
mora or less nrmod citizens or both
city and county.
Tho dead Includes, Lieutenant C. O.
Curtis of Company L, National Guard
of Washington, lately pn special ro
emitting duty at Everett,
Shorlff Donald McRno of Snohomish
county was shot In tho leg and Josoph
i Irving, an Everett lumberman, was
shot through tho lungs and perhaps
fatally wounded
:,"" . . . ,.,'os the other books,
ruur . . wi uv vu uWlu
nnd two more wounded were dropped
nvcrboanl and perished In tho harbour
of Everett.
Battle Precipitated by l.'W. W.
Tho battlo was roclpntrd by 300
Industrial Workera of tho World, ro
r.mited from tjio harvest fields and
timber forests of tho Dakotns, MInno
fotn, Montana, Idaho and Washington,
that numbor leaving Hnattle for Ev
iorctt today on tho Pugot Sound steam-
JioatM unconvinced purpose of holding
Ktrtof mootlrigs 'Cu (lib city of EvoYott,
Sheriff McRno and other nuthoritloi
of Evorott and Snohomish county stld
no I. W. W. atreot corner oratory., nnum(incnt8, Mr. Patoy tolll of
nrould bo permitted. ho Qf volinK n fMm o( th(J
In recent weeks several I. W.. W.nrowor8. bll , ,cUlnB booIO lm 8oh,
Irnnds making tholr way to Everett wthmt R ,ccnB0 e ot tno bon.
Bomo from tho Dukotas and Montana ( oflU of U)(J preposod now prohibition
juid othora from Sonttlo, had boon ninonjmcnt Tho speaker also asked
driven out by tho Everett nnthorltlpa (hat lJ0 Sundny c,ognB ,aw bb 8US.
not permitted to stop In tho city or ,0jnoij
Itn environs. ' I
Four I. W. W.'s Taken to Seattle ;
W. W-'s Taken to Seattle
Four of tho dond L W. W.'n nnd 21 j TIl0 trftn Wj,cj, d. 8. Denis
nf tholr wounded wcro brought bnck j wont to niddlo this week end was
to Senttlo this evening on tho stoam-1 wrocied nt tho first tunnol below that
lioat Verona, along with survivors of lQVin Ju8t n fow n,inutos rldo further
Hho totnl of 203 cmbnrklng on tho boat nI,4 TJu, cngineor waalmrt somewhat,
from thla port Tho unwoundod I. W. nnil a COQ)t w,g BCnided, but no ono
'W.'s woro marched to the city Jail by woa 8ori0usly Injured. However, tho
aquoda of police and naval resorves, pa8BonBer8 woro compelled to walk
tho latter having been called out about aroun,i tho tunnol to reach the train
C o'clcok. j which had como to Uio other end for
. Sixteen Everett wounded wcro ro- tj,0,ni Tno wreck affected Mr. Deals
Tuov'ed to Evorott hospitals and homes. tn Umj ho waB u,reo hours late In ro
A crowd of 40 I. W, W.'s on tho turning home.
steamboat Onllstn bound for Evorott. j - -
Hiad no part In tho fighting, tho mas- Endeavorers Have Unique Program
jijr of tho vosbo! having turned back j A vory original, as well as unique
xm reaching Mukilteo when ho hcartl ; proBram was carried out In the En
of tho battlo In progress. doavor meeting at tho Christian
. Battle 8tarts When Boat Arrives I ohurch Sunday evening. Miss Mabel
: Tho battlo was roclpatod when tho janunPy was tho loador wlio conducted
Btoanibont Ceronn, .which reached ,hj8 8pi0,i,Ud meeting. Tho members
jfevcrott nt 2:20 p. m. attempted to tie woro BOated In a circle uround an Inv
nip nt tho city wharf so as to tlla- Nation camp flro. Tjio ropm was
"liarge her passongorB. The line had henutlfully decorated to ropresent nn
licen thrown out. but ob It was about outdoor mooting. During tho evening
to. bo mndo , fast Sheriff M.cRno, a ' a vocfti 800 wnB rondered by Miss
' m a I 1 1. . 1 .1 ....
force of many doputlos nnd hundreds
"of cltlronB, with seemingly one volr,
warned tho vossol's officers nnd thoso
w . .. . i" i .t
Biioara mat no ono wuuiu uu unuwuu
to como ashore
Jllardly had tho warnlng been given
When tho battle began. Two shots n V n
?ang out in quick succosslon. Then , Stunlny wore: Peter Gnnrdner, of
Sme a fulllsado. Men began to drop Sprlngfleld, native .ofWor-w? Chris
7n the decks of tho Verona and on itsk tenaen te:.8"n Wnd Ing. na ive
!,... O.....,noonnnni,vof Denmark; Mlko Brassier, Spring-
woro flrod
"( Battle Lasted Five Minutes
, Tho I. "W. W 's flay nt loaat a scorq
of them that Hiobo oBhoro woro em
ploying n machine gun, j
$j Tho battlo Jastod five minutes. By
this tlmo nearly ovorybody nhpard tho
monmor had Bought tho lower doptha
of tho vessel, There was a mad scram
ble. a Tho engine room waB flllod with
ffrlghtonod liuninn,tty, State rooms-
fere packed, Offlcors of tho boat
oro as batUy frlglitenedv that tjioy
(Sliught cover wltfit'the snmo despera
tion as ifiQ'Bhdt-rUldlcd 1. W. W.'s. -jjl
The pilot house nnd supply works
pf tho Veronn woro shot full pf holes,
Ifjot a whole pane of glass remained. ,
if Beat Heads NacJ to Seattle
With everybody aboard driven to
Volunteer Oet Hurry Coll
Fire hroko out In a chimney
In tlio Tilly Lutlior houso on
Fifth street between P anI G
4 HtrooU nt threo 'slock this
nftornoon and wrh Imnfodlntoly
responded to by a number of
voluntoorrt, A record break-
Ing run was mado to tho scono
of tho dnngor. Whou tho firo
lighters with tholr, apparatus
trailing to Vln Williams' track
arrived, tho flro was out.
' ' ' , ' .
Regular Reader Number 52 During
Past Month; Entire Report
la Excellent
Tho Springfield public librarian Iws
nn oxcollont report for tho month of
October, aa followa: Number of visitors,-
141; number of readers, GG2;
now readers, 10; books repaired, 25;
Hooka wuro donated by Mrs. Anion,
Mrs. 11. h. Stewart and MIbb Murv
Roberts; besides which a number nf
magazines, woro Riven.
Thoro are more women tlinn men
who uso tho books from the library,
among tho oldor peoplo, while among
tho children Uiero aro raoro boya
than girls. Nlnoty per cent of tho
books circulated Is fiction. The Spring
Hold public library now has n com
plete sot of tho "History of Rome,"
constating of 10 vo'umos. Theso 'can
bo taken from tho library tho samo
committee on books had a spoc
Tuog ovcn,nB ,0 work
on n new Hot of books. This com
nilttoo has Its regular meetings tho
first Tuesday of each month.
Tho Springfield public library has
altogether a very ,good lot of books,
and if it hasn't any- books called 'for
theso can bo secured by writing to tho
state library at Salem.
Speaks at Union Meeting
Jfaiues C Patoy of.McMlnnvllleadf
dressed a largo audience in union
sorvices at tho Baptist church last
nvnnlnir on tho nrohlbltion nnd Drew-
comes Close to Belna In Wreck
Ruby Sonsenoy.
Would Be U, S,Citlzens
Among tho 22 applicants for cltt-
"Trl rZ
flld. nntive i
field, native of Bavaria; Samuel Syl
vester, Ml,li native qf Scotland.
cover, the firing from ashore begnn to
slacken and whnn It hnd ceqaed en
tirely, tho Voroim pulled nwny froin
tho wharf and luuulod back to Seuttlo.
Not nn I, W. W. had gotten nahore.
With tho first volley from nBhoro,
three wounded men fejl overboard, but
ono of theso woro recovered. The other
two, If not killed outright, drownod.
That throe of their number woro
loBt ovorboard was attested to by
every . surviving ! W. W. 'returning to
Seattle bnfho Verona, A
The-1. W, W.'a to a man say tho;
Kverott authorities or citizens oponed.
flro first. The Everett authorities and
oltlfienii nil claim the 1. W, W,'a began
Uio bootln?.
Will Hold Open Discussion of
Principle Measures on
State Ballot
Every Person Will Be Given Chance
to Champion Ideas Concerning
Proposed Legislation i
Tho people of Springfield will hold
a mass meeting at tho Iiaptlst church
at 7(30 this evening to discuss the
measures on tho Oregon ballot It in
not the purpose of the meeting to have
j mo voters ccnio ana inen msiruci ;
j them how to voto from ono person's
I point of vlow. Special emphasis wilt
I bo placed on tho following .measures:
Hingio ucm veto, snip tax exemption,
Negro Suffrage, Slngio Tax, Anti-Compulsory
Vaccination, Rural Credits
Amondment, and Tax Indebtedness
Each person Is asked to bring his
election pamphlet and to come pre
pared to discuss the measures, L. L.
Ray of EUgone, democraUc candidate
for district attorney, will bo at tho
meeting to tell of tho legal aspects of
tho proposed measures. Several local
people will bo present well primed to
j express tholr vlowa on somo of tho
amendments that aro to bo voted on
If yod havo any good reasons why a j
measure should be upheld or defeated, j
come out and tell others why. If yon
mvo not decided which way to act, I
. coma to tho meeting and ask ques
tions. Perhaps somoone will be able' dear up tho difficulties. J
this is a citizen's meeting tor tno j
development of better citizenship so'
. that ballots cast in Springfield may
' be Intelligently marked for the bene
fit ot all who will coino under the pro
tectlon of the laws of Oregon.
Farmers Come In Spite of Rain
Dcspito the rnln and muddy ronds,
many out-of-town folks camo In to
Springfield to transuct business on
Friday and Saturday. Among theso
woro: Ooorgo Spawn, , of Hayden
Rridgo, Mr. and Mrs. It S. Wynd ot
j Hayden Dridgo; Arthur Sunderman
jan.d H. Wagnor, "Slrlngtown,"; W. D.
Wallace, Jaspor; Frank Dartholomow
'and H. F. Dennis, Hayden Dridgo; Mrs.
;J. Devlno, Jaspor; and Ira Gray, "of
Theoron Coglll Win Guessing Contest
TMcoron Coglll won tho recent
"Kwlk-llto" guessing cbntest conduct
ed by the DeaveHerndon Hardware
store. The light on which the guess
was made burned 18 hours and 37
. mlnutos! Mr. Cogill's guess was 18
! hours and 40 minutes. Ho recolved a
2.00 flashlight as a prize,
Pino Circle numbor 41 will meet on
Tuesday, November 14, at tho home
of Mrs. Cora Hlnson. where Mrs. Ma
son and Mrs. N. Griffin will bo Joint
hostessos. Officers ot tho club are!
(Guardian neighbor, Lily Muy Ktser;
I'adviBer, Ellen Thompson; banker, Era
illy Dorrlty; clerk, Nina McPhorson;
magician, Corn Hlnson; captnin ot
guards, Edytho Larimer; attendant,
I milium uuuiu, hiiiua oumiuuii tv.......
i Mooro; managers, noiuo uagan, mary
Maglll. Vorgle Towneond; musician,
;B. A. Van Vnlzah.
, A delicious dinnor served at noon
was tho feature of tho regular meet
ing or tho Ladies of tho G, A. R-, )ukn
Circle numbor 28, which was held in
tho Woodmen hall Friday, Members
and tholr families, Invited. The de
partment president, Vnlnrle Benvje of
Tortlund, tho assistant department In
spector, Eva Carnegie ot Albany, and
Wra J. Oi Barholt of Eugeno wore
spoclal guosts. Tho visitors compli
mented Iuka Circle on It's good work
and organization. f
Mrs, A. P, MoKlnzey was hostess to
Society Doings of the Season
News to Havo Force of 14 Busy
toAKeep Springfield People
Bell Theatre Will Throw Results on
Screen During Early Part of
f Evening Post Bulletins
By-' 8:30 Tuesday night the Nows
office will bo receiving reports on the
progress of the national election. -Alt
arrangements aro com pie to to fur
nish every detail of the national count
to the people of Springfield, and vicin
ity, as fast as they can be gathered
by telegraph, A force of 14 people will
bo kept busy by the News so that
every posslblo bit of informaUon may
bo gathered and compiled for tho pub
lie 1b the shortest space of time.
During the early part of tho even
ing News reports will be shown on
the screen nt Uio Dell theatre in ad
dition to tho bulletins that wilt be
posted at tho News office. The public
is invited to como to this office during
tho evening. Uso tho News telephone
Not 2 and recelvo tho returns at your
Ths count from seven local precincts'
will be reported to this office direct
from tho voting places. They are
the four ward precincts in Springfield,
tho city hall for the town election,
the Edwards precinct and the West
Springfield precinct -
Practically all of thq work of. col
lccttnVand disbursing tho returns will
be dono by members ot the Springfield
High School Press Club. Tho stu
dents who will help are: Lulu Hamp
ton, Mary Harding, Lloyd McKay;
William Hill, Wanna McKlnnoy, Be
atrice Holbrook, Ruth Scott Lillian
Mulligan, Dernico Cagloy, Leota Mc
Cracken and Marlon Whlto.
More Chinese Pheasants Liberated
In addition to tho 12 dozen Chinese
pheasants that were liberated in the
county twp wdoka ago, six dozen more
were set free during the past week.
If tho weather Is mild this winter and
tho rains in the spring are not too
cold it Is predicted that these birds
and those left ot tho old stock will
multiply in such numbers that it will
not bo necessary to close the season
tor a year or two, as has been talked
Sewing Club Meets Thursday
Tho Artisan sowing club will meet
with Mrs. M. M. Male on Mill and B
streets Thursday November 9 at 2 p.
m. All Artisan l&dles are urgently
requested to be present
the Prlscllla club nnd a fow Invited
guests on Friday afternoon. The time
was spent fn fancywork, after which
Mrs. McKlnzey served delicious re
freshments. Tho next meeting will be
hold with Mrs. John Parker at her
homo on Fifth nnd B streets. The
members present Friday were: Mes
dames W, L. Rouse, William Donald
son, J. M. Wlthorow, "Walter Herndon,
Paul Brattaln, I. D. Larimer, M. J.
McKlin, nnd A. P. McKlnzey. The
guests woro Mrs. Carl Fischer, Mrs.
H. M. Stewart ami Mrs. S61ulvenor.
Tho annual "High Jinks" nnd Inltla
tion ot the Needlecraft was hold at
tho homo of Mrs. M. M. Bally on Fifth
nad F stroots. Mrs. E. E. Martin, Mrs.
R. P. Mortonson nnd Mrs. O. H. Jarr
rott, woro taken Into tho mysterlos
ot tho club, after which a delicious
two course luncheon was served. The
members .present were; Mrs. Map
StovonBon, Mra. C, Flscher,-Mrs. W. H.
Pollard, Mrs, R. Drury, ,Mrs. M. Ballyi
Mrs. II. Walker, .Mrs. W. F. Walker
Mrs.'J, Pv Fry, Mrs. A. M. -Beaver,
Mrs, Geo. Catching,. Mrs J.E Rlqb
mond, Mrs, RVL. Kirk, and Mrs, O, U,
Jarrett, Mrs.. H. E. Martin, and,M.r8.
It ' P. Mortonaqn. The ioxt eguter
afternoon meetlug will be hold with
Mrs. J. P, Fry.
Will of Deceased Physician Is Ad
mitted to Probate Appraisers
Are Named
Tho will of J)r. Robert .Grlor.Van
Vnlzah, who died in this city on Sep
tember fi, ha" been admitted to pro
bate. M. M. Peory, Charles L. Scott
and Harry M. Stowart aro named as
appraisers of tho property of the es
tate, which is estimated to be worth
J17.000. Mrsi 11. O. Van Vaizah and
her son Robert C. Van Vaizah aro
named as administrators.
Tho will, which was signed last
May, provides that 13000 be given, to
his Bona, R6bertC a-nd Gerald on
their 25th birthdays, or, if they so
desire,' they may use a part ot this
money in securing an educatles. Fif
teen shares of stock In the W. K. tl
ford conpany of Philadelphia, are giv
es to each' of the three feeks; S. Laurie,
Robert arid Gerald.
Personal and real property are giv
en to tho widow for her use.
Springfield High School and Alumni
Will Claah For' Honors en
Election day will bring other cos
tests than those political; The Alum
ni of the Springfield will try to uphold
fhplr Hm famcA rAirn nf vfcAnrv
against the present football team of
the high school. The game will begin
at three o'clock on the athletic field.
The dope is In favor ot the present
defenders, of the glory of the Spring
field high school, but the old gradds
say they have been practicing signals
night and day and sometimes In their
sleep for more than a week .and they
expect to come back In great style.
.The probable lineup on the alumni
side will bo: Drattain, q; HiJlfb;KMc,
Klnney, rh; Cairns, lh; Coeley, c;
Hlnson, rg; R. Scott, rt; Bailey, rej
Vaughln, JgJ Perkins, It; 4'Qgra, le.
Oregon Agricultural College Is Pro
moting Loganberry Culture
Corvnlils, Ore. Nov. 4. Tho exact
production of Loganberry Juice in Ore-
gon tills season, and the amount andNv00Iia took his place,
condition of the unsold portion, arn Springfield had the ball and made
objects of Inquiry by the committee ot a piace fcjek. Another Junctloa man
the North Pacific Loganberry Manu-1 knocked out but after resting a
facturera Association. Tho commit- fe?r minutes he stayed in the game,
tee consists of C. J. Pugh, Falls Ctty, Springfield .punted, a Junction City
Geo. W, Brown, Albany, and Professor j man got the ball and brought it back
C. I. Lewis', of O. A. C. several yards. The first half ended
"A considerable percentage of the!
Juice remains unsold at the present
time," says Professor Lewis, secre
tary of the committee," and it is in !
Uie interests of the manufacturers j nne playing showed 'what a man caa
that we ascertain how much and la ,jo even If he has been hurt. Spring
what condition. There are four ge made geod yardage but was pea
classes of Juice raw, which is un- Hzedand had to give up the ball. June-
sweetened; beverage, sweetened 'and
diluted ready to drink; concentrates
sweetened but not diluted for drink
ing; and syrups, for the confection
trade. In reporting tho class should
be designated.
"In ord'er to move the unsold por
tions promptly and profitably the
supply and the grades should be
known as early as possible. Manufac
turers are earnestly appeared to in
tho interests of the Industry to cor
respond with the secretary concern
ing these points."
Maple School Social Is Success
Twenty nine dollars and seventy
cents is the sum realized from tho
basket social and entertainment given
at the Mnplo school Friday evening.
In splto ot the rain, thoro was a largo
crowd, and everyone seemed to .en
Joy the affair greatly. A truckload of
Sprlngfleld folks were in attendance.
Can Explodes. .Air Is Heavy
A curious accident was that which
happened nt the Cox and Cox store
Tuesday. A can of spoiled tomatoes
had been thrown into the heating
stovo; when tho can became heated
it exploded, tearing down the pipo
and sowllug ashos In all directions.
It is reported that the air was quite
heavy after the accident
Clover Bring?. High Price
C. C. Yeater of Pleasant Hill sold
44 sacke of clover seed to the Spring
field Feed company a few days ago for
$982, This (s a vory good price for
his clover crop. The Feed company
ox'poct'a ,to' ah,lp a car of cloyer si$
to Pfcrtlakd within a.fe.w weeks, Growi
Ing wnwftrclclayer sod ia almost
pew InrtviBtr h'sectlpn and looks
as Jf It will he a pMtfng crop ts Mr,
Lyon's opinion.
Teams Were Evenly Matched
and Played Hard fer &
SfiifU Score . I
t v j
Sfefwa. Uj ' WjeM 'AgalMt
On Friday afteraoea tka 8prteg
field high school foot hall team set
the Juacttoa City bSgk scaool ajsgr
gation on tk Jocal grtdlroa. A large
crowd of re&tors wtoh4. Uw ksbm
which reMhkd. ia a vletary .for Um
JuactioR City teaaa, with a score of 7 to
9, The AeM was te good ceaditlo
hi spite et the driasJlag rata.
The referee blew his whlsUe aad
JuBcUos City kicked the ball at th?
start, thus giving It to the Sprikgfietd
men. They made 8ae yanhme to-
l"B w the W until verymear their
goal, (rat they were peaaltaed aod had
to give up the ball. Through a fan'
hie Springfield regained the ball asd
panted. The visitors attempted a
forward pass but it was maauceeaefal
and the local team took poonoocloa of
tho ball. They could aot make yard
age and had to give It up. The rst
quarter ended with SprtegSeid ia pos
session of the balL i
At the hegmniag at Uie feeeett4
quarter Woolley made a loag ed ma
and advanced the line sevefed jarfa.
Owing to the noiee along the aMe
the number of downs at one, time.
Junction City was penalized for hav.
Ing a man over the- line. In a scrim
mage Frances J?itaey, halt back for
tho -visiting team, was Injured and a
physician had to be called. He was
unable to continue the game and
with the ball in possession of the
In the third quarter Cotton took his
former place aa Ceater and wRh 'his
tion made a remarkable good forward
pass but a few mlnatee tr when,
she attempted a place kick, the leoal
team got' the ball. Members et the
vislUng team had to have time eat
several times to have their hands
bandaged. The tea rib and the referee
had a dispute because the referee
said Sprlngfleld crawled with the ball
The local team went back to avoW
fight but a short time later Junction
City was penalized and Springfield
regained as mucli as she had lost
The visitors attempted another for
ward pass, and they carried the ball
several yards, coming within a few
yards of their .goal. At tho end of
tho third quarter Junction City was
within about three yards of there
At the begtnnin of the last quarter
Junction City made a touch down, and
got the kick-off, When the ball weRt
back to the center Junction City kick
ed It and Dimm of Sprlngfleld got it
and carried it back several yards..
Hill, also of Sprlngfleld made a long
end run with the ball, The visitors
were penalized for having their left
end over the lino.
During ono ot tho long, runs we saw
the referee sprinting across the field
followed by a mob of players, but be
didn't prove to be lha one they were
Another Junction City man waa
hurt, "Knocked on the noodle," as
Mr, Moora xproseed it, but ,ke waa
able, to ..continue the game, Jn tae
Scrimmage following;, anotuer juncnw
City, man ,was hurt but nc aerluid-.
Springneld. punted and the Mora
iweghti.ihe ball WksveW.t yafd.
TkW.the visttwf'fWftted ad;te 1
cay Ww-"Ht Ka V- 'fflaHeW
triads aubtjior pli'co 1 kick Hkt at '