The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, October 23, 1916, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    MONDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1910
I n Ml J, i I i iMi 1 I i . I I 11 - . ' w - i
, , i,. ,; , i i . i iiii UKIW i . 1 1 I'll' ! -
Fou PlhfMed-a
tfatlawe'en Party
Tho IlnlloWo'cu HcBtlvltlos may bo enlivened through
tho uho of Special DceorntlonH.Approprlato Favors, IStc.
Docoratlvo Cropo Pnpor, Tnblo Fnvoro
Pool Cnrdo, Candy Boxoo and Novolty
Candy Holdorn In tho form of Black
Cato, Wltchoo, Pumpklno, Kottloo, Etc.
are boiuo of tho thlngg which wo aro offering. Como In
anil boG our Btock, It Ih full of Happy Hallowe'en Sug
gestions Wo shall 1)0 glad to help you plan any Bpeclul
(locora(loi)B which you may have In mind.
I Town and Vicinity
Clnrenco Will spent tho week end Jn
J. W. Collin vloltoil with his Don,
Italiili', ut Hulom over Sunday.
Moriilco Itonnot linn returned to lior
homo at CiiHlinuin.
Mrs. 1'rlco's canning powders at
I'oory's Drug Store.
Mrs. Itoliurt Drury wont to Coburg
"rlduy to visit with rolntlvos there.
Icup tho (Hob ofHJic cows with "Fly
Ilounoor" 76c u gallon nt I'oory's.
Hoy Richards of Lebanon Is visit
Iiigat thu home of It. I-8ldwull.
Tom McKlnnln of .Uouglus Cardans
was trading In town Saturday.
A, hunting llconso was Issuod to
Rny. Stafford, of Springfield, InHt wouk.
Water vvliigs nt recry's .
Up-to-date Shou fixing, Wolf & Mil
or. Cnr llacknmnn. a forroor rosldont'
of Eucono now of '.Ilalnlor, Is visiting
hla ' daughter nt Springflold.
Is visiting at tho
Mr. and Mrs.' O.
O. h. Htncey of. Wulturvlllo was I"
Springfield Saturday.
Mr, ami Mrs. 8. Fields of WondllriK
woru Sprlngflold business visitors Sat
urday. K. R. Martin wa ndded to tho sub
scription jlnt of tho Springfield News
QVoftW AVDrtW 6t (SbbW Was a
Bp'rfiigfiold1 vlwltoV ydstofaaV.
Mrs. Harr fllidhari Is spcridih'Ka
fdwldhys In Eugene with her' mother,
Mrs. OUrlon.
Mr, and Mrs, Alfred llrummelto
of EiigoriO called on Mrs. Emily
Stovoris yostorday.
Raynor Ellcr returned to Mabol
to'dnynftor spending a week at Coburg
with' his parents.
Ilovcrcnd W. N. Forrls preached at
tlo Baptist church nt Cottago drove
i Inbl' ovonlug.
Miss Dora Nelson and Hoy Con
' nenbn of Coburg visited ylth Miss
(Jert'rudo Williams Saturday.
, Mrs. Vln Williams' and son Gotfrgo",
and Mrs, a. F. Hollor of Eugene mo
tored to Coburg Saturday.
Miss Frances Bartlctt Is proud pos
sessor of a now Ludwlg piano which
sho rocolvod last weak.
Hay Terry and Clnrenco III!!, who
aro teaching school at Camp Creek,4
spent tho week-end In Springfield.
Dig masquerade ball at ho Stevens
Perkins hall, Saturday, October 28
Everyone Is Invited .Gross orchestra.
Mn. Cllvo Taylor and son, Harold,
Mrs, Alice 'Hatch, nnd Mrs. Clarence
B. J. Ffnzlor and C, B. McGlnnls of ( Taylor of Coburg visited relatives In
Kimono wore business - visitors In Springfield yesterday.
Sprlngflold- Saturday. , ,
I Mr. and Mrs. Howard Parsons, for-
Dan Hnugh and Irn Oray wore morly of Sprlngflold, but now of Mor-
anionif tlio Thurston folks doing bunl- sbtloid, nrent Saturday and Sunday
noas hero Saturday.
, Work has been commenced on Mill
street which Is to bo eroded from A
street and roAurfacod from U to O.
with relatives here.
Floyd Xollotlt fa tnfforlng from an
Inflamed eye,, cnusod by the thrbwl"B
of gouo shot by another boy. Two of
, . . . .... i the bits of lend lodged In tho rnembor
Corald Tlehner. of this city T burs-! M ,mo Ume.
day ontered th RitKono botipltnl fori
niMllcnl treatment for i ul'sht Injury, There was a good crowd In nttend-
... . . i , , r. i nt tho weekly dance given by
No use to bo s uk when Dr. Murphy i , , , , . . ,
tho nmKnotlo healer Is In our mlSst.f roe8,f firn ,Ml Sniuy ,n,G,ht-
olllco Is 396 Main street. Springfield, An ',od J "u w" lh eiala
iij ii&icm iivii uuuituii uuu u rill i
Mrs; Elalo Davis, I
homo 'of nor parents,
II. Holvoreon.
1. Y1, Rbmen, circulation rnanagor
ot tho Bugono tluard, wan doing busi
ness In Springfield Saturday:
Tor Safe, hcarMth'and alln, Shots,
gloves, rubbors, shirts; box, ovoralls,
harness, shoo grcas. Wolf & Miller. ,
Mrs. Veda Olds ot Portland visited
at tho homo ot Mrs. John C. Parker
on Fifth and 13 street.
J. B. Heller, of Bugcno, Is assisting
Al Sonsoney in IiIb blacksmith shop on
Fifth BtrooL
Honry Hukrlodo has six- potatoos
ont display at J, A. Alton's rent ostato
ofllco which wolgh 13 pounds.
M. C. Jlrosslor returned Friday from
a two days' visit to his ranch botweon
payton and Salom.
Now BUbcsrlbors added to tho
Springfield News Saturday aro: Mrs
HFosallo Letklowtz, now proprietor ,
offCllft'B Cafo and M. V. ndlcott of Mor, Mrs. J, P. Shoppard
tho'O. K. Darbor shop.
Word has been rocolvod hero of tho
marriage, of MIhb I.cnn Itlchurduon aii I
Sam Jucijuos ut Chohalls,' Washing
ton. , i
' It. h. Kirk, superintendent of tho
SprlngfllilU schDblk.'uUdrusHCd'tho nor-'
mai training class at the Eugene high
jicfiooY 'Friday? afternoon.
Word -has"boon rocolvod from Fr6d
"Westorii a former rosldbrit 'wfib' Is" noW
at Crass Lake, Minn., that ho Is Jll
wun aainmav
It wa8- Mrs; William Donaldson whot
was appolntod conductor for tho Ho
bokah lodge district convention next
'yoar, Instead of Mrs . J. T. Donaldson.
Good rollabla Are Insurance. No w
Bcsfltnents; no membership foe. Pay
oucj snd you are dene. ii. E. Walker
at tho City flail.
nvrnn.l nn.l Mr- Chrin Tnn.nn ! f SeIma' California, but lately of EU
moVed Into tho W. F. Walker house ' KCno' lJave moved to Springfield an J
on Fourth and II streets Friday oven-'" ,n Mr' SUmlger's house at
I 263 Sixth. Btroot. Mr. Jensen is em-
! ployed nt tho Booth-Kelly mill.
C. O. G-arnor nnd family of Soupleo, I
Oregon, aro moving Into one of Miss Tho pupils of tho Maple school on
Marian Harper's houses on First an I iaB,t .Ma,n, f111 nro P"n "
D Btreots I unB'50 80C'aI nnI aro preparing n mus-
' I leal program to ho hold November
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Kutil of Croswell 3. Tho money raised is to apply on
loft Saturday nttor a .two days' visit tho cost of an organ and play shod
hero at tho homo of Mrs. Kuul'a sis
quartet from Eugene.
Mr. and Mrs. John Wlzenreld and
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gordon motored
to Croswell yesterday, where .thoy
spent tho day with' Mr. nnd Mrs. W.
II, Gllfroy. Mrs. Gordon, M'- G"'
frey and Mr. Wlflonrted' aro sisters
and brothers.'
Mrs; R. M. Wagner, accompanied
by her daughters, MrsI'.EdgarThpm
and MIas. Qladjrs Wagnor. were, .here
frop Junction 'City1 vlsitlng''wltfc' MW.
Wdgnor's slstor, Mrs. William Don-
Frienda. of Mrs. Bernlpo Van- Val
rah have rocolyed word from her that
sho will return 'to Springfield' the last
of this month. Mrs. Van Valzah
has been on nn cxtendod trip through
tho eastern states.
Mr. nnd Mrs. II. P. Jensen, formerly
A. T1S
Prmce AJmrt gives
s m ok e r s sue
delight, because
. Us flavor is so tliFferent and so
delightfully good ;
it can't bite your tongue;
it can't parch your th'rbat;
you can smoke it as long and
as hard as you like without-any
comeback but real tobacco hap-"
piness! 1 ' '
On the reverse side of every Princ
Albert package you will read; ,-
JULY 30tm, J907" .
That means, to. you a lot. of tpbaccp derj-
joyrqent I?r(ince Albert, has" alwaysbcen
sold without coupons pr premiums. We,
prefer to give quality.!
TotMceo Co.
P1 it ttttMumrti.i'iM.'i
e national joy smoke
"ITOU'LL. find ehnrr howdy-do on fp no
L milter how much of a ttranttr you mn in th
nck ofih wood you drop into. For, Prince
Mlurt it MM then it the Brtt puc row
pan tht mtllt tobmcca I Ihr toppy rra
btt mctlt for a nicktlmnd the tidy red
tin far dime: then ihrre'm the hand
some pound end hsSf'POund tin
humidor Mnd the pouna
crytMl-lt humidor with
iponge-moittener top
that keep the to
bacco in tuck
bang-up tnm
in goodness and
in pipe satisfaction
is all we or its enthusi
astic friends ever claimed
for it 1
It answers every smoke desire you
or any other man ever had! It is so
cool and fragrant and appealing to your
smokeappetite that you will get chummy with
it in a mighty short time 1 - v
Will you invest 5 c or 10c to prove out our say
so on tKe national joy smoke?
R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO., Winston-Salem, N. C
j iJOSACCOtSi WEfeifel l
' PROCESS Discovte):m t
t noAniirt tuc uner
,',0ME T03,CW ro.Clp- 4
Thu b Ike reren tiae of-th
Prince Albert lidr red tin. Read
thl " Patented PreceM" mouia-'
to-jou and realise what it m'eana
in maLinr Prince Ainert ao mucb
to your Eking.
John WInxonrled, A. J. PcrkinB and
F. J. Gordon have Just about finished
W. C. Mlllor, J. M. Sottlo of Ouk- asphalting tho roofs of tho buildings
and good digestion go
hand ill hand, and one
of the biggest ' aids to
good digestion Is a rogu
lar dish of
This -wonderful delicious
wheat and barley food Js bo
processed that It yields Its.
pourislilUg gbod,riesB to 'the
pystpm in-about one hourv
a recordr-for ease bf ''dlges'-"
Take it-aUi'i-oud, Grapef
luts contributes beautlful
y to Bturdlitealof b'add!
i i radiant, happy persona?-,
Svery.iale('$hpuldfhavd ltd 1
dallyTralloti bf 3raW-Kutd. 1
4Ther' Reason"
land, M. J. Adklps of Corvallls, and
W. Montgomery woro roglsterdd at the'
Sprlngflold hotel Friday.
Andy Stovons, C. II. Ward, Qeorgo
Fischer and Olo Pololm woro among
tho Camp Crook visitors to Sprlng
flold Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Carney and fam
ily ancj Mrs, H. U, Carney were. In
from their ranch abova Thurston pat
No use to bo sick when Dr." Murphy
the moBiiotlc hoalor Is In our midst;,
office Is 395 Ma'in' Btreot, Sprlhsr,61(l,'
belonging to Vlnenried and Pecry,
and ' Winzenricd and Perkins. The
mon'havo boon busy with this wbrk
for tho past two weeks.
Dr. and Mrs. W. II. Pollard and Miss
Lucllo Smith arid ftuth Lansbory' left
In the Doctor's car' Saturday,' Missed
Lansbory and Sriilth to visit at Mon
mouth, nnd Dr. and Mrs. Pollard at
TlgnrdVlllo over th6 woolt end; Tho
party Is expected to return tonight'
Pendleton. ,Ore.-oVe1on is one ot
the most rrfy'cqulppeIrsSfe's'inth
Union, for' the' trarnlnty bf teichers,'
according to'the 'United States BUreau
of Education
Oniy five, states In the tynIon have
less Normal equipment than7 Oregon.
Oregon has' one Normal" School and
forty 'states' have 'mo'fe'th'ari one. New
York has 18, Pennsylvania "i87 Massa
chusetts 12, California 8,' Washington
3 and Idaho 2.
The report of the Bureau of Edqca-'
tion shows that even the little state, of
Idaho, with a population only half as
large as that ot Oregon, is spending
mora than' twlco as much for Normal
Schools as' 'is this state.
The sarae'repdrt urges that Normal
SchoolB be ' located, in the railroad'
centers with public schools' sufficient
ly large to give teaching practice -to
the Normal students.
State Superintendent ChurphllJ's an:
nual report shows that ot the C055
teachers In Oregon last .year but
or 13 per c6nt, were Normal School
graduates. The sanitf offlclal"estlra
ated that 1000 new teachers are need
ed each year and the present Normal
school Is turning out but 150. TH6
majority of Normal trained ' teachers
are shown to be teaching within a
small radius ot Monmouth, although
Eastern Oregon pays on the average
ot '$10.41 a month mbro for teachers
thaii does Uie ' AVlllamette Valley.
Epworthlaris to Celebrate
If whon"j'ot aro aged'nnd aro dronm
Ing of thq "gobd old days" you want I
to rocall soma gloriously spent Hal-
II. S. Tilton, who rocontly started up lowo'ori Just come to the Epworth
tho fish market again states that bus)- I-oaguo Hullowo'on social next Monday
noss Is. pretty good. When nskod as evening. Tho plafio, which is to be
to tho hours ho kept opon he said, announced later, will bo one In which
"From Monday morning until SatUr- wltelios, Jack-o-lantbrnn., spirits and
day night." I guests may freely ritlnglo. And eatai
I Well; thoy will be the host ovor.
Mrs. L. May, Mrs. J. W. Collin, Mrs. Th0 commlttoo In charge of this
, D,unl(l"' Mrs- N- W. Emory nnd grnnd and "spooky" affair consists of
Mrs. Julia Kennody visited with Miss Runi Pn,w Mr w ti Pniinffi
Margaret Morris at hor country homo nlia ' Johnson, Ituth Scott, W. S.
'nnnt rvf 4ne.M T7ll .1 i ML m .It... i f
i iuwi. r,uuy uuomoon, THO , Wr irh fWn il fHshn nnd flrRnn
party mado tho trip in tho May car.
When You Tiiko. Cold
With tho average nian a cold is a
sorlouB' mnttor and' should hbt be Irlf-
Jod yHUf as' somo of tho iridiSt Uarifor
,ous dlsoases start witl a tombn" cpld.
trdkv' Chamborlaln'a, I Cough ,v Remedy
and got rid ot your cold -ob, (quickly as
possible YOU aro not oxnerlmontlnr
whon ypd usb 'thU'Voroody, ss It hiftf
been In' use for many years and haB
van estabUshod roputatlon. It contains
.no opium or other nircotle. Obtain-"
Tboso who havo used It' In Spring
field aro astonished at' tholNSTANT
action of'slmplo bdektborri bitrk, giy
cerlnn lect'as'imixed' 'ln'HAl'deV-i-ka.
JQecauao It cls1' on.' JJOTflVlowei" arid
upper'0owel;'ONB SPOONUTJb-'AIdoV-i-ka
rolljovos. plmo.s.t tANV CASE con
.sUputlon, sour stomach or gas , It re
moves 'such purbrlaing foUTf mattor
that a tow iIobob oflon rollovo or pro-
vijuiiupiJauuiviuH? a snori ireaiment
helps, chrqnlo stomaqh.trouhjis, , . M.
How Catarrah. Is Contracted
Motliers aro sometimes so thought
less as to. neglect tho colds which
their children contract- The Inflam
mation of tho mucus membrane, at
first acute, bocomes chronic and tho
child has chronic catarrah, a disease
that is seldom cured arid that may
prove a life's burden. Many persons
who havo tills loathsome disease will
romombor having had frequent eolda at
the time It wad contracted. A llltie
forethought, a bottlo' of Chairiborlaln'a
Cough Remedy Judiciously used, and
all this troubla might havo been avoid
ed. Obtainable overywhore.
To the people of Springfield and icinity:
I will saw your wjpod andeWtiboe's'wqo'd'utf
sawed. No matter how small your order maJy'be'! wEtt'
saw' it. The man wittf a cpraHwa'n'tsit Bawetf jtiktaa
bad 'as the; mail with' more.
Mnd friends let me say one word in regard to your
pilipg wood. Pile your wood on.the oppositeside of the
alloy from where you want the wood after it-is-cut.
Or leave 8 feet, 10 feet is better, between your pile of
wood and the wood shed. Then you can have your:
wood where you want it when it is cut and many times
lots of It will be put in the shed. " :
I have good
Leave your order with
J. J. Browning, or phone to my home
Phone after six o'clock in the evening
Phone Springfield, ,28 F 3
GEO. !. DEAti
Franklin, Oregon of Eugene, Ore.
Candidate for Present Circuit Judge
MNa uuuw 1 1 coin, Coos and Curry Counties .
Will conduct the office as econ
omically as good business will Candidate fbr Re-election,
permit, and' equalize assess Rlld Advertisemerir
ments to the best of my Judg-- ...
ment. .
(Paid Advertisement) , HERBERT: E. WALKERr
The pu.buc
, - Office fn City Hall, "Sprlnsfleld, Ore-
SptiligMd Garage . v , ,
Repairing a Specialty Homeopathic Physician and Surgeon
..., ... . . Office, Baptist, Parsonage
Main, bet Feurth and Fifth. Phone 11 Corner Second.' arid C Streets
Have Eugene Prices Backed Off
the Boards
On4 lines of MettY Sport Siloes"
4. .
" 10.
ti Mi
ti it
it i tt
uress '
W: AHAIJL, trie Shoe tiot
rcery Drug comCahy.