MONDAY, OCTOUKUTJS, 1016 Hn SpriiEfiili , News J. C. DIMM, WALTER R.'BIMW Editors and Pubfeht.ri Published Every Monday and Thursday RATES OP SUBSCRIPTION Oae Year .... $1.50 Blx Months .75 Three months ... .50 Advertising rates furnished on application. fuso allogteaca against ui because our Government has rccognlted his author ity, Boforo ho takes tnoasuros to take- hla Statu Ideal Carrnnta must' endeavor to make It hnhltablo and to establish Its credit. When that Is dono, tiio actual' suppression allko of bullfighting and capital punishment will favorably impress tho rest of mankind. OUR CORRESPONDENTS CAMI CnfiElC Ru'bjr Grabtreo MARCOLA Audrey Lewis j THUUSTON,, Mrs. Walter Edmistoa WALTER VII1LE, Mallna Mbmb WEST SPRINGFIELD, Gladys tab DONNA Charles Heck COBURG Elslo Anderson CEDAR.' FLAT MVs. 'Anno Morse Member of the Wllfarttettd Valley Editorial Association. ECHOES FROM STATE W. C. T. U. CONVENTION Mrs. Mary B Campbell. Lnno county president of the Women's Christian Tcmperanco Union, has Just returned from tho state convention hold at Pen dleton from Tuesday evening, October 17 until Friday evening Octobcf 20, and has given tho following sketch of i the trip and meeting. "I lqft Eugono at 4:30 Tuesday morning, and' went to Portland from where about 60 of us left at 10' o'clock In' a special car. Wo had n fine trip. Among other pleasures, a five mtnuto stop was mado at Multnomah falls. Stat of Ohio. CHy of ToloJo, I Prank J. Chcnry niAkci oMh that h la n.fe will iIia miNintKrt noMiAttff fur -nei una ev. tty ran of Catarrh that cannot b riin by th um of HAM.'HCATAimH CUHK. KItANIC J. CHKNICV. Sworn' tb bfprw nm nnrt siibucrlhctl in my pi A. IV irccncc, tins w .ny ot Bectmwr, lSStL Notary Public. lIaH Catarrh Cure In tnki-n Internally nnl nets directly upon tho blood ixnrt mu con iturfnces of iho ayatcin. Sml for tc-stlmonHK frwv T. J. CHRNRT A CO.. Toledo, O. bom ny an nrusjpMn, tm. i'iiii Take llitll' Fnmlly fur ronitlpktlon. hcrta Pnrvln. Tholmn Crouch, Lcota McCrackert, and Eunice Parker. ASHLAND PRESIDENT FAVORS PENDLETON above shown toxothcr with costs and accruod Interest and In caao of your failure to do so, a docroo will ho rend ered foreclosing tho lien of said taxos and costs against thd land; and promt' sos nbovo named. This summons is published by order ot tho Honorable J. W. Hamilton Judge ot tho Circuit Court ot tho Statu ' ot Orogon tor tho County ot Lnno and said order was mndo nnddatod this, lGth day of Soptombor 1010 and tho dato ,ot tho. first publication ot this . summons Is tho 18 th day ot Soplom-, mhor, 1910. i All procosH nnd pnporn In this pro ceeding mny bo served upon tho under- signed residing wltjiln tho Stnto of i Oregon, nt tho address horulnnftcr monttoncd. I U M. TRAVIS I Attorney for Plaintiff , Address, Eugene, Oregon. i Sept. 18,25. Oct.2,0,1 0,23,30. Nov.0,13,20 NEED OF EASTERN SCHOdL FULLY1 8H0WN BY' B. F. MULKEY, FORMcR HEAD OF ASHLAND SCHOOL. CALL FOR WARRANT8 Notico is horoby given that I will pay Upon presentation nt my olllco. i warrants of School District No. 10 of Springfield. Orccon up to nnd Includ OREGON Ing Warrant No. 002. imureai ceases niior uciouur i, 1916. Dated this 19th day of October. 101C. Oct. 19-23 A. P, McKLNSSEY, Clork Portland, Ore. The Honorablo B. F. j Mulkey, ex-Prealdont of tho Southern i Oregon Notmal School at Ashland, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of tho Interior, U. ItfONDAY. OCTOBER 23, 1916 ' 0n0 interesting event of tho trip was says, concerning the establishment of Land Olllco at Rosolmrg. Orogon S. "MEXICAN VAGARIES" In an, editorial on tho aspects w T v or tne exican atutaao towara , ..Wo. t00k a atraw volo of nU tho the United States the New ork passengerg on tho traln aad naeelei Times aims to set straight some WItaon by maJorily of 2i . The vote of the short sighted politicians , was wllson 49. n 2S. HanI who are going about the country 2 -tVe also took a vote on tho Brow- the discovery of a mother and a family an additional School at Pen- of flvo girls; tho small dnos being j dleton: "1 shall support tho invasuro triplotts. Wo recruited these for tho ) heartily for the reason that tho present formal School, tuougii'ouo oi rue neat with their "57 varieties" of sol- ment iiuiingming nas oeen mo loremosi : national pastlmo in Mexico. Tho toreador has been the people's hero. j crs amendment and on tho dry amend- by the people at tho ntli'.o far iho main In tho country, cannot bo adequate rr meet the needs of so large' a state as Oregon. There Is no institution that touches tho masses of the pooplo so cbscly as lbcs the Xomal School and the boa i fit derived from the taxos paid ' tahllsh claim to tho hind above do- Soptombor 29, 1910 Notico Is horoby given thnt Harry Thomas Honro. ot Vldn. Ortgon, who, i on Juno 3, 1913. mndo Homestead En try, Sorlnl No. 0S917, for tho U V4 of N B U. N W U ot N 15 U and N 12 U of N W U of Section L Township 17 S, Rnngo 3 E, Willamette Merid ian, has fttod notico of tntontlon to mnko Ffnul Thrcoyenr Proof, to es- Tho former was defeated by 91 to 6 and tho lntter carried by 91 to 5. "Wo arrived at Pendleton nt flvo nVlrtffr In fnn nftarnnnn tn n l.lln.ttnr. , , A f, . , , i sandstorm. We wero met nt tho train is generally crowded at all notable br a doleRaton with automobllw. who exhibitions There is no que. Ion in t0Qk ug tQ Qur eg northern minds of the brutality and morn,ng!ng wag froMn unfairness of tho sport. A PltoT(S0 stlff that tho groun(, fa-,r,y k. may bo gorod to death or crushod by p. Vn r.nn,or nran . , "Tho meetings wero splendid. A his falling horse once in a while, but; the poor bull has never a' chance. The ' horses sent Into tho ring aro doomed to slaughter. good year was reported all through. ThA rilffornnt pnniUHnne nrat-fiHInr. In Tho smell of their the dry and wot g&teg anfl the tenattco of wuoh ohools i "turns direct ly to' tho man and woman who paU the tcxas nud Is conferrod directly up on them and their children. fc e pease of maintaining a gaod Normal i Schhol in Eastern Oregon to a tas pny-1 or on an assoesed valuation of $4000.00 would each year be under the cost ot n good Havana c'.rar. I sincerely hope that the coming election will grant to , the people ot Eastern Oregon the re- 1 lief they seek in a Normal School." ! Despondency' When you fool discouraged nnd doa- scribed, before I. P. Jlewltt, U. S Commissioner nt his olllco. at Eugene. Oregon on tho Gtli day of Novombor, inn;. Claimant names as witnesses: Mtlo Thompson, of Vldn. Oregon. Michael Hunloy, nt Vida .Oregon'. John Lowe, of Vldn. Oregon. James RMidos, of Vlda. Oregnn. W. II. CANNON, Register Oct. 2, C, 9, 12. 16. 19. JS, id. 30.Nov.8.6 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Departtnont of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at Roseburg. Oregon. September 27. 191G Notico Is hereby given that Carl Dehno. ot Vlda. Oregon, who. on April I'M l.Pi'i 'H N-42 THE "FEDERAL RESERVE" SYSTEM OF BANKS, OF WHICH OUR BANK IS A MEMBER, WAS THOUGHT OUT BY THE BEST BRAINS IN THE BANKING AND BUSINESS WORLD. THIS SYSTEM DEMANDS THAT A BANK BE SOUND BEFORE IT CAN BECOME A MEMBER BANK. WE CAN TAKE CARE OF YOUR BANKING BUSI NESS AND SHALL. BE GLAD TO HAVE YOU COME IN AND "MAKE YOURSELF AT HOME." BANK WITH US 96-333 St ill . I' Ti. blood seems to intoxicate the specta- ,on of" tho m& nmomlmmtavonacat do not give up but take a ' Vta&aS tors The seats In the lower tiers are wag TcM U)0 themo of th n,eotngg j dose of Chamberlain's Tablets and you , serial No. 071SS for Tot. 4. S. 0 and .a.muo, tUuCa. luv ,The game omccrg wore returned are nimoei ceruim to reel nil right ,S E Vi o lean can get to the carnage, the better , wUh th(; exceT!tIon of the v,co , ' within a day or two. Despondency is JIP" he like? it. Sober-minded observers dent Mrg JennI(J K , vory ofteu duo to indesdgestion and I f'" and are almost certain to feel all right , S G VI ot N W i ot Section C. Town has fllod notico of tntontlon KMnnl Klvn.Ynnrp Prrrnf. tn on. bllllosness. for which these tablets aro tabllsh claim to tho land nbovo do- I CSDOCiallv valunhle. Ohtnlnnhln nvnrr. srrlhnil. linfnrn I. P. Hewitt. II. S. Com missioner, at nis omco ai eugeno, where. hibltlons have been essential to. thei .... Hntl, . welfare of the Stae as they have enngi Qniong other numbora oi tho. satisfied a craving of the people which program wag a wtet. of Indlan8 who would, have found inore "gerous out- ln the UmaUlla to u waa lets If bullfighting, were. abollshelS , But at th,s tImo that MayoIi Bat and thQ Cmp) has abojished biillfjghtlng repre8entatIveB of, flve. offlcIal 1 with a stroke, of the peq for wloui Mdresseao0f welwpie. excellent, reasons which commend , ..0n' Thursday evfinW there was a themselve,s to the humane. He d medafC0t..tKe. medal bp- clares that the needless endanger.,- byWlVlUi,Q-f.NaWbui ino lives pi Hieniunure uo ""-Tho w. ol-r rnnfa.,nl. rn h 1 Townnhln 1C S. HnXTO 5 R Wlllnmln I .' . . I MoHdlnn. h O H fllnrl nnflr-n nf lnfnnllr.n NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Inforior, V. Land Office at' Rbsoburg, Oregon, September. 23. 1916 Notfco Is, herciy. given, that.AudlO' m Tt nM n v. w T.r j : . i 4 .-it i. uuuuuu, ui viuu, uri'suu, tiio, on. oepiemDer is, litis, maue Homestead Entry, Serial N6 09093, for Lots' 6 arid 7 and. B- i of' 9 W of Section- ISi Yoke sanguinary sentlrnen,ts,, program wft5 an Indian, who, made a- Meridian, has filed noUce of Intention. ine lives oi, men, nowever, v, , t,, ...j . i iu buuid riaai inrco-year rrooi, 10 oa- been needlessly endangered In many, ZAZ 'TJ. I W other ways In Mexico e?r since r--1S: S.lSSSTt fcta lltoKtn?: - --"- . - ;ea a great qeai.iiKe. tne Dass notes or uou, iicic uao ucpu ...UJo , organ bauche.ry of killing. That disregard for I human life continues. In Northern Mexico no decent man or woman Is Bafe; and admirable as Carranza's de cree against assassination hacked by force would be more, timely. It Is by no means certain that he can pre vent bullflghting by making it illegal. Assassination is. illegal in Mexico, but the nprthern assassins ara unquelled. .Another remarkablo manifestation WHO SAYS MYSTERJES BELONP TO THE PAST? n Local Girls Organize Queen's Court With Miss Jean Fisher Ruler Deepest Secrecy Prevails Who says there are no more" good mysteries and that the days when the queen reigned supreme over her of the awakening of the humane spirit court filled with beautiful ladies, and among the Mexicans is the. demand In which the Jester played no small of the. Republican. Rationalist Party, part, are past? We have them both, which proposes to have- something to ! a baffling mystery and a queen's )say about the choice of a. new Con-'court filled with ladies as fair as one gress. and the legislation, to be. enacted, I could wish to see. Last Saturday for the abolition, of capital punishment, afternoon a party of girls met at the Until lately it has been the Mexican ( home of Miss Eunice Parker on fifth custom frequently to put criminals, to and B streets for the purpose of or deajh without even the formallty. of a , ganizing a Hope Needle Club, trial, and death has often-ieen-.thepun- j It was organized as a Queen's Court lslmient for. trivial crimes. That the with the Queen of Hope, Jean Fisch new movement-is, more than a mere 'er; Princess Evol, Dorris Slkes; Lady bid for foreign, .approval will generally j ln-waltlng, Dutee Fischer; Lady Yvon bo bplieved- Carranza. is undoubtedly . ne, Eunice Parker; Duchess of Truth, sincere ln bis desire to suppress bull-. fight.lng.and, to, turn the minds of the people toward gentler sports. In an era,, when illegal .killing has not been suppressed,, the - Republican Rational ist bpnestly opppso legal killing.. As a. hscholplcal manifestation this is Intending. As an indication of tha development of a people toward a sound fdo'd if self-government It may bo comparedjwith the transformation by the French Jacobins of tho Cathe dral of Notre L'njno into tho temple of their flaraboyjut Goddess of Rea son. They revoUi against years of misrule and intijul in the Church as the Mexican leaders have revolted against the tyranny , "Wat substituted force and cruelty for, Justice and catered to .the worgt passions of the people in order to keep them in sub jection. Ab a stop in th upbuilding oi a uiate u is auin to putting orna ments on (tho rqof before ffio fqunda tions aro laid. There is yet, no sign of th fonpa-. Hon of a stabl,o Government in Mp'x,-, Ico. The rebellion against Carranza has not bepn suppjeastLj Thcou.n.tjy Is liable (qru,5p damages NcjtinB.lla, -done to peeLthelre;qu.irfinipnt,otithe Bltuatlpn. Carraza-'p ,Cpmm.isafpners frittqr away,;ino,in Athintiq Qitj) by peTsUfng,(th9lT,qmnd ihat we Bhal p9aprjauUpflfl,,aain8ttte Oregon, on the 3rd day of November 1310 Claimant names as witnesses: Lloyd Tuckerj of Vlda, Oregon, Verne Chllsou, of Vida, Oregon, Julius Beck, of Vlda, Oregon. , Benjamin Minney, of Vida, Oregon. W. H. CANNON, Register Sept. 25, 28, OcL 2,5,9,12,16,19,23,20,30 SUMMONS FOR PUBLICATION IN FORECLOSURE OF TAX" LIEN In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon. For Lane. County. H. L. Studley, Plaintiff vs. Sterling Fdster, Adele 0. Foster, N. L. Nelson, Mrs. N. L. Nelson, L. Hoffen miller; and all persons, uuknown. It any, hayiug. or claiming an, interest or estate in and to the' hereinafter described real property, defendants. To Sterling Foster, Adele G. Foster, N. L. Nelson, Mrs. N. L. Nelson, and all perogns ugknow,n, If any, having or claiming an interest or estate1 In and to the hereinafter described real property tho above named -defendant. IN THE, NAME-OF THE- STATE: OF OREGON? Ypu.are hereby, nptlfled that.H. L. Studley the.hohler of Cer tificate of Delinquency numbered 1155 Issued on the 7th day of October 1913' by the,Tax,Colloqtor.oCitho-County-of Lane, State pf Oregon, for tba amount of Eighty-six, cpnts, the same being the amount thed due and delinquent for taxes for tho year 1912 togethqr with penalty, Interest and-costa theroon up on tho real property, assessed to you,, of which you are the owner as appears of record, situated ln said County and' State, and particularly bounded and de scribed as follows, to-wit: Lot nupibpr nine (9), In block num- nt his ofllco at Oregon, on tho 6th day ot Novombor, 1910. Claimant names as wltneasos: Mllo Thompson, of Vlda, Oregon. Michael Hhnlby; of Vlda, Oregon. John- Lowe ot Vldat Orcgom. James Resides, of Vlda. Orogon. ' Wn.CANONRoslstor 8eit,;2r. 0et2.fcI2;ifiitfc.18(rtN0Tt E.. O. PO.TTE.R Republican, Nominee for Circuit, Judge 2ND. JUDICIAL DISTRICT A native of Lane County and a practicing lawyer In Eugene for 2G years. (Paid Advertisement) Fresh Vegetables We always havo a good supply of frcHh vegetables on hand to 1111 ypur wants. They aro tho beat that are grown in Lnno County and arc sold at tho right prices. Phono your orders and lot Ub deliver your veg etables and groceries. Theliftft.SfeatfiM$ THOS. SIRES) Prop, PHONE 22 Wanna McKlnney; Court Matron, Leo- fca- McCracken; Barbness of Faith, Bee Holbropk; Court Dunce Rita Johnson; Madame Snoope, Lucille Smith; Court Jester, Alberta Parvin; and pages, Thelma Crouch and Hel en Stevenson. The beautiful Queen of Hope then took charge of her court and appoint- her twenty-four (24); and lots number ed as her advisory council the Prin-llW0 1S'- "ireei.jj. rour tj, ana nvoj cess Evol Ladv-In-waltlnir La,lv Yvon.' K"' m ,,10tK nuauor lyvemy-Bevun v&i) eess fcypi, t,aoy in-wauipg, iuy yyon-. , Mc Kenzo Park Lano Cpunty stqto ne, and the Duchess of . Truth. Slip , 0f Pregon. . then announced that there would ho You aro further notified that said a forpia.1 gathering of .her court on the,. n- Ij -Studley has paid tuxes on said eveninc of November the hpcohiI Tho 1 rremlMB. for prior or subsequent years evening pi November tne, second. Tho ,th ra( of ,nterC8t on BaIa mystery will, prpbbly be given over , amonts as follows: at this time into Uiq keeping of the On March 21, 1914, tho sum of ?.76 Baroness of Faith who wIJ take a sol- taxes for 1,10 Voar lt)13- .mq vpw to keener secret from a,l j "JJ Jg of Ml On April 5, 1916 the sum of $.50 taxes tpr -the year 1915.' All of said aniqunts bear Interest froin. dtq of payment M .the rate of 15 per cent per annum. Said Sterling Foster, N. L. Nolson as tho owner,, of the legal title, of the above described, property .as tho-samo uppeara, ,ort rec9rp., atat each of tho JA.MES CALVERT of Junction City, Democratic Candidate for REPRESENTATIVE I favor the reduction of taxa tion and the abolishment of useless commissions. I oppose bond issues to please paving companies. I am. unalterably opposed to tho transfer of tho school district unjt to tho, county unit. I favor the stato printing jits own - schopl. books and -selling the same, to .students, and. patrons at: cost, as other states are doing. save .those fajored fqw, tho queen's cpurt. Tho occasion, will, be the biggest gathering of the season. Tho queen's palace llglted,,frpin,),cel! rret).and.,thp.,sp,o,clov8 JialjB. wl ro: souijd with jthe soiinfls of .rqyelry an.d, nierrjijieni, When leaving, each paid due hom-, age to the queen, and wished her a prosperous, reign,. Those .invijod wore EJla pppDnha,veDprr4aBoke, Helen Kcpnor,, LHUan ..MulligaBy.Jteta, John' son, , Florence?. Xfpn , Bee Holbrook,. Jean.i Fischer,, MaiiasfoWqite;, Lucila' Smith., Hebfja Stojewpni Ruh Scott, Wanjui.cKlaaey, Putyispjiei?, A. other persons above named aroih'proby m k. -.iiA-.r i t. , . ti- ....., iiiiuci uuiiucu ui OLUUioy- will-apply. to.theiClrcolt Xourt ,of the Count pd fltate.afarpsatd'.for. a creq fqrqclpsin, Hen against,. .the, prpperty above described, and mentlbp ed in said certificate. Ana you 'aro' hereby summoned. (tb appear within sixty dayn aftor th.p, first, .puhMfiftiqn of this summons .ejtcyujiye qt tho day ot said first publication, and def,6nd this action qr pay the pmouit du m TTLTOM'S FIS Fresh Salmon, Halibut and all other fish in season. Chickens and head cheese. Fifth Street home-made near- Main O. R. Gullion Mi D. Practice Limited tl Eye, JEfLt, Nose, and Throat. Graduate Nurse Attending 306, White . Temple, Eugene. CAREFUL, CONSCIENTIOUS DR.J, E. RICHMONP, PHONES Office, 3; nel4. 11, OvrCammercial,Jinkf( , Why not savo and deposit in our Savings Dopartmenl one-twelfth of your total taxes each inontE? By so dis--tributing tho tax burden over tho entire year, Itwlllrnot seem so heavy. " 4 per cent on savings. FIRST NATIONAL BANK, EUGENE, OREGON. Not tli COR'tiPst'St We are mocern date in our m6tHods. andJmaT., chinery. The, old. way. was, good", enough, in its. dayv but . itL is now out of date. We aim to give, your, Printr ing the same uprto.rdateness. that marks the difference be tween "The New. Way! and'. "The Old. Way," This change in character will make if a source.of,profit;in8tcad ,ofv'a. bill .of i expense. , Wcsolicit'a' trial -'ordorV The Springfield ., - Phones 2 v.' di I'. V f . v.- fif- in V f o rt A' r t V 1 a- 5' t . I?