?jmrom Arirrrir rc ! .COMMUNITIES TOLD Yby CORRESPONDENTS WALTER VI LLE WaUervlllc, Oct 18. Walter Bailey Tt Springfield, preached horo last Sun day night and there was a largo crowdi Miss Winnie Piatt went to her homo at Springfield for tho week end. Miss Myrtle Parnham went to Eu gene Saturday. Mrs. Z, C. Potter Is very 111 and was taken to the Eugcno hospital Tuesday txnornlng, and will undergo an opera tion. Miss Lctha Collins left for her homo sat Springfield last Sunday after an extended visit with her sister, Mrs. Xestcr Mcllcan. Mr. and Mrs. M. Momb spent Sunday - afternoon at the Kaldor home. Miss Gall Wearin came home last Saturday and commenced working In CeBauer's store Monday morning. Miss tillma Kaldor spent Sunday with Miss Malena Momb. Nearly all the farmers tn this com munity are through filling their silo. Thos. Tengs, who is staying up hero "went to his home in Spencer Cerek for -the week end. 34lss Myrtle Farnhamand Miss Jo - 'epha Wilson took dinner and spent the day with Mrs. N. Y. Brown Sunday, The freshmen reception was held out In the open air on tho hillside of "Mr. Mllllcan's land. They had two r -roaring bon fires and toasting of marsh mallows was one of the main features - of the evening. Besides appropriate - games were played, singing and telling ot stories. Sweet elder and wafers " "were served. There was a large crowd xind all reported a good time. THURSTON Thurston, Oct 18. Miss Alberta "Matthews spent the week end visiting friends at Marcola. Mrs. Steve Paxton of Falnnount -visited at the home of Chas. Hastings Sunday. George W. Rouse of Pheonlx .Arl--zona who has been visiting J. A. Olsen rand family for several days left for Eugene Monday where he will spend t a few days and then return home. Ho -was delighted with this country. The high school reception given last . "iFriday evening for the Freshmen was a most enjoyable affair. A good pro- gram was rendered, games and sports t "were indulged In. ice cream and cake were served in abundance. j Mr. and Mrs. Ross Matthows and , family motored to Goshen last Sunday i and spent the day with E. Matthews 'rand family. They were accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Perry Edmlston, Mr., -.- and Mrs. Walter Edmlston and daugh-' ter, Willa, who visited at the homes of -Jim and Dave Copenhaver. COBURG "Coburg. Oct.lG. Mrs. Claude Down ing and Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Maple of "Marcola passed through here Sunday enroute for Soda Springs. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Anderson and -Jamily motored to Brownsville and Harrlsburg Sunday returning taame day. Sam Green has purchased a Tord car. Geo. Johnson, Ray Pirtle, N. J, -son, Jr., and Elmer Cook, who motored from here last week to Marshfield, Medford and Grants Pass, returned Sunday. Dick Jones motored to Eugene Mon day. E. Durfllnger of Eugene was in Springfield Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Anderson and Monday. Charles Tyler motored to Eugene Saturday. William Zachary was in Springfield TSunday. f r UUNNA "Donna, Ore. Oct 18, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Morton and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Morris visited at the home of Frank Mrs. E. E. Good is paying an extend ed visit to her daughter, Mrs. Frank -Rhone. W. A. Heck and daughter Elsie were tin Eugene over Saturday on business. Miss Lillian Weatherman left here for Walla Walla Washington Saturday. There will be a Christian Endeavor "business meeting and social here next IFrlday night Pie will be served and all the ladles are requested to bring one. E. L. Warren made a business trip to Eugene Friday, Charles Heck was digging potatoes Jbr George Hill Saturday, George has jfe"en digging for several days. WEST SPRINGFIELD 'West Springfield, Oct. 18. West wJfae has a new bridge. The approach will be completed by "the end of this week. G. W. Prater who has, purchased the large peach orchard on Glenwood ave nue near the rail road track, commenc ed spraying on Tuesday, The Glenwood quartett was enter tained at the Freo Methodist parson .ago Wednesday ovening. t ... MARCOLA -.Marcola, Oct. 18, "the ftfoshiaaa class hold a Eueetlag yesterday for the purpose of electing 'class, officers. Thopo elected wore: prcsldont, Lavollo Darger; vtco president, Willis .blakley; secretary, Maurice Qourloy and treas urer, Stella Slack. The basket ball girls of tho M. It. iSgW last night at tho M. W. A. hall for tho first practice of tho year. ' Wilson Is tho man for tho Marcola high school students ncordlng to a s taw vote tnken at assembly Tuesday, Sixty ballots were handed out and fltty-seron wero returned. Tho votes rati ns fotlows. Wilson 34, Hughos 23. J. Downing sold ovor forty head of cattle to Mr, Norwood of Harrlsburg, this week. Miss Edna Nyqulst has been added to tho teaching faculty of tho Marcota public school. Tho grades aro arrang ed. as follows: Miss Minnie- Evans, the first and third grades; Miss Edna Nyqulst, the second; Miss Evnngellno Jennings, tho fourth and fifth; and Mrs. Minnie Morris the sixth and sov nth. J. J. Lewis made a business trip to Cugene and Springfield today. The Rebekas met last night and held their weekly meeting. Tho basket ball girls met Monday and organized their taems. Tho line- ,uP 13 a8 follows; first team, forwards, i Lucy Vander Sterre and Eva Titus; guards, Marie DIcket and Flova Smith; center Agnes Purcell; Second team; , forwards Pearl Walker and Stella Slack; guards. Olive Yockey and Iva Titus; center Mary Volgamore. Rev. L. Chlls from the Portland district will be the pastor at the Meth odlst church for the coming year. Miss Gertrude Carter of Harrlsburg was here Sunday vlMtlng her friend Miss Jennie Turner. Miss Leona Barger of Donna was up to Marcola Saturday on a shopping trip. William Baker and Rev. Chiis was in Springfield Sunday. MANY EARN TWO-BITS: DARK MEANS HINTED AT Local Rebekas Have Original Methods For Securing Cash But Seem Timid About Telling "Well, I got 10 cents for helping put in wood; then I mowed and rak- ed a man's garden for which I receiv- ed 15 cents but I had to pay a nickel of that to an assistant Then I made some candy to earn that back again. Tiiis is the way one woman earned her quarter for the Rebekas "Exper- ience" social last Monday night There seems to be some dark mys- tery about the affair, however, for she was the only one who could ac- count for, or was Induced to tell how she earned the cash, and she didn't tell until after being assured that her name wouldn't be used. However there are dark hints of splitting kindlings, selling suckers and sich, inducing someone to buy a show ticket, tending office for a day, and of hauling five of the sisters to lodge In an auto for a nickel apiece. Anyway, the social was a success as regards both fun and finances. the There were about 60 present, and I $13 was taken In. Before the "ex new perlences" were told, Mrs. Mabel Ken nedy was initiated Into the order. Nel- Classified Ads j For Sale, Rent, Wanted, Eto. WANT WORK: Must have work at once. Call on 10th and C streets, or telephone 22. Mrs. Greenberger. COCKERALS FOR SALE: White Leg horn pure bred O. A. C. strain, six months old, $1.00 each. Call at 710 C street OR SALE Nine acre farm one fourth mile east of Creswell. River bottom land all in cultivation. Has four acres of iiganberrles, one and seven eighths acres in red raspberries in bearing intermingled with four year old apple trees. Has house, barn, and modern chicken houses with fenced in parks. Can be had at a bargain. Address A31. care of The Springfield News. FOR SALE Practically new Oliver Typewriter number 6. Machine Is equipped with tabulator and back spacer. It is in good running order. Call at the News office and have It demonstrated. Terms. FOR SALE Second hand Ukelele and Instruction book, good as new, will sell cheap. Inquire at News office. FOR RENT Furnished cottage, quire 287 6th street In. FOR SALE OR TRADE Small trait ranch within sight of Creswell. Will consider trade on Springfield reel- , dence property. Address, C 81, Springfield News. FOUND: On the street Tuesday, a fountain pen, Owner may have same by identifying proporty and paying for this ad, thai nv hoi NOTICS l HklHII'F iAL Notice' te hereby ftvcv teat fey yir tue of on executle Mt4 order etsale of attached property teeued out of tho Circuit Court ot tho State of Oregon, for Lane County, October 10th 1916, upon and pursuant to a Judgment giv en and ontored by said Court on tho i;tth day ot September, 191$, in an ac tion therein pending In which tho First Notional Bank of Springfield, Orogon was plaintiff and Oliver W. Johnson was defendant which execution was to mo dlrocted end commandod mo to levy upon and soil the real property attached In said action and hereinafter described to satisfy said Judgment, cer tain charges, lions and costs of tho plaintiff in said action specified in said Judgment, I have loviod upon and will on Friday tho 17th day of Novombor, 1916, at the hour ot two o'clock P, M. at tho Bouthwest door of tho County Court House In Eugono, Lano County, Oregon, offer for salo and soil at pub lic auction for cash, subjoct to redemp tion ns provldod by law .all of tho right, title, and Interest ot tho defend ant, Ollvor W. Johnson, and all persons claiming by, through or under him since tho 24th day of July, 1916, In or to tno roiiowing described real pro perty, to-wlt: ' All of lot number 8 In block numbor 3 in E. E. Kopnor's Addition to Spring flold, Lano County, Oregon. All of lots, numbered 4 and 6 In block number 5 In Packard's Addition to Eugono, Lano County, Oregon . Beginning at tho northeast corner ot lot 1 block 1 ot Hunt's Addition to Springfield. Lnne County, Oregon, thence west 157 foot on tho North line of said lot, thonco south 60 feet on tho West lino ot said lot, thenco East 167 feet patallel with tho North lino of said lot thonco North 60 feet on the East line of said lot to the place of beginning, tn Springfield, Lane County, Oregon. JAMES C. PARKER. Sheriff of Lano County, Orogon yet 12,. 19, 26, Nov. 2, 9. NOTICE OF FORFEITURE Lano County, State of Oregon. July 24. 1916; To Martin Mattsoa and V. Mitchell.. You are hereby notified that I have ex. ponded $200.00 In labor and Improve ments upon tne Pflneesa and Creases lodes as will appear by certificates fllod July 24, 1916 la the effiee of Re corder of said county U order to hold said premises under the provisions ot section 2324 Revised Btatatea of the United States, betas- tie amount re- quired to hold the some ter the year ending December 31st 1916. And if within ninety days from the servloe of this notice of publication) you fall or this notice ot publication) you fall or rofuse to contribute your nronortlon of such expenditure aa co-owner, your in terest in said claim will become the property of tho subscrlber'nnder sec tion 2324. CHARLES DAVIS. Cc-owner Thur 7. 27, to Oct St. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department ot the Interior. U. s. Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon, September; 3, 1916 Notice' Is hereby given that Audio T. Donoho, of Vida, Oregon, who, on September 18, 1913, made Homestead Entry, Serial No. 09093, for Lots 6 and 7 and E V, of S W U of Section 18. Township 16 S, Range 2 E. Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of Intention to make Final Three-year Proof; to es tablish claim to the land above de scribed, before L P. Hewitt- U. S. Commissioner, at his offlce.at Eugene, Oregon, on the 3rd day of.November 1916 Claimant names as witnesses: Lloyd Tucker, of Vlda, Oregon, Verne Chllson, of Vlda, Oregon, Julius Beck, of Vlda, Oregon. Benjamin Mlnney, of Vida, Oregon. W. H. CANNON. Register Sept. 25, 28, Oot 2.5,9,12,16,19,23,26,30 SUMMONS FOR PUBLICATION IN FORECLOSURE OF TAX LIEN In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Lane County H. L. Studley, Plaintiff, vs. Marilda J. Neal McCIure, Albert Neat, Mary M. Fens, John Doe Feris, Charles R. Neal. Mrs. Charles R. Neal, Errln F. Neal, James Neal, SUvIe M. Neal, Mrs. Albert; Neal, and all persons unknown, If any, having or claiming an Interest or estate In and to the hereinafter described real property, Defendant. To Marilda J. Neal McCIure, Albert Neal, Mary M. Feris, John Doe Feris, Charles R. Neal, Mrs. Charles R. Neal, Ervln F. Neal, Jamea Neal , Sil vio M. Neal, Mrs. Albert Neal, and all persons unknown, If any, having or claiming an interest or estate In and to the hereinafter described real property the above named defendants. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: You are hereby notified that H. L. Studloy the holder of Cer tificate of Delinquency numbered 1229 issued on the 7th day of October, 1913 by the Tax Collector of the County of Lane State of Oregon, for the amount of $10.80, the same being the amount then due and delinquent for taxes for the year 1912 together with penalty, Interest and costs thereon upon tho real property assessed to you, of which you are the owner as appears of rec ord, situated In said County and State and particularly bounded and de scribed as follows to wit: N. E. V of N. E. M; S. of N. E. '4; N. W. Y of S. E. Section 26 Township 16, South Range 2 East of the W. M. in Lane county, State of Oregon, being 160 acres more or less. You are further notified that said II. L. Studley has paid taxes on said premises for prior or subsequent years with tho rate of interest on said amounts as follows: On March 21, 1914, the sum of $12.19 taxes for the year 1913. On March 31, 1916 the sum ot $13.33 taxes for the year 1914. On April 6, 1916, the sum of $13.00 taxes for the year of 1916. All of which amounts bear Interest from date of payment at the rate of 15 per cent per annum. , Said above named defendants as tho owners of the legal title of the above described property as the same appears of record, and each of the oth er persons above Baaed are hereby further notified that H. L. Stuiloy will apply to the Circuit Court ot the County and State aforesaid! for a de cree foreclosing the Ilea against tho property above described, and men tioned in said certificate. And you nre hereby summoned to appear within U6 towrw. ibtty Iliyj'afUf tsalaWtu'bftcatteti ot this WBwesi exclusive et ne dtjr of said ttret' jrabllMOot &b4 idefeatl Utls action or pay the amount duo as abovo shown togothor with costs and accrued. Interest and In case ot ypur failure to do so, n dacreo will bo rend ered foreclosing tho lien of said taxos and costs against tho land and prom ises nbovo nnmeu. This summons is published by ordor ot tho Honorable John S. Colco Judgo ot tho Circuit Court ot tho State of Oregon far the County ot Lnnn and said ordor was mado and datod tho 13th day of September, 1910 and tho date ot tho first puhlcntlon ot thin summons Is tho 14th day ot Septum bor 1916. All process and papers In this pro coodtng may bo served upon tho tin derslgnod residing within tho State ot Oregon, nt tho address hereinafter mentioned. U M. TRAVIS Attorney for tho Plaintiff Address Eugono, Oregon Sept 14, 21,28, Oot6,12,19,20,Nov.2,9,16 3UMMON8 FOR PUBLICATION IN FORECLOSURE OF TAX LIEN In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Lano County II. L. Studloy, Plaintiff, vs. L. M. Toxlor. Mabln C. Toiler, J. M. Doods, Mrs. J. M. Doeds, and all persons unknown, If any, having or claiming an Interest or estate In and to tho horolnattur doscrlbcd real proporty, Defendants, To J. M. Deods, Mrs. J. M. Doeds, and all persons unknown, If any hav ing or claiming an interest or estate in and to the hereinafter doscrlbod real proporty, tho nbovu named do fondant. JN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: You aro hereby notified that 11. L. Studloy tho holder of Cer tificate of Delinquency numbered 1280 Issued on tho 7th day of Octobor, 1913 by the Tax Collector ot tho County ot Lano, Stnto ot Oregon, for tho amount of Sixty one cents, tho same bolng tho amount then due and delinquent for taxos for tho year 1912 togothor with penalty, interest and costs thorc- on upon tho real property assensod to you, of which you aro tho owner as appears of record, situated in said County nnd stnto, ana particularly bcundod nnd described as foltows, to wlt: Lot numbor eighteen (18), In block numbor twonty seven (27) In Fraslor & Hyland's Addition to tho City of Eugcno, Lane county, Satte of Oregon. You aro further notlfiod that said H. L. Studley has paid taxes on said promises for prior or subsequent years Kith tho rate of intorest on said amounts as follows: On March 31, 1915, tho sum ot $.25 for taxes for tho year of 1914. On April 5, 1916, tho sum or $.34 for taxes for tho year of 1915. All of tho said amounts boar Inter est from dato of payment at the rata ot 15 per cent per nnnum. Said L. M. Tozler as tho ownor of the legal tltlo of the above des cribed proporty as tho same appears of record, and each ot the otu or persons aboye named aro hereby further notified that H. L. Studloy will npply to tho Circuit Court ot tho County and State aforesaid for a de cree foreclosing tho lion against tho property above described, and men tioned In said certificate. And you nro hereby summoned to appear within sixty days after tho first publication of this summons oxcluslvo of tho day of sold first publication, and defend this action or pay the amount duo as abovo shown together with costs and accrued luterest and In enso of your failure to do so, a docree will bo rend ered foreclosing tho lion of snld taxes and costs against tho land and prom ises abovo named. This summons Is publlshod by ordor of tho Honorable John S. Coko Judgo of tne Clrcutt Court ot tho State of Oregon for tho County of Lano and said order was mado and datod this 13th day of September, 1916 and the date of tho first publcatlon of this summons Is the 14th day of Septem ber 1916. All process and papers in this pro ceeding may bo sorved upon tho un dersigned residing within tho State of Oregon, at the address herolnaftor mentioned L. M. TRAVIS Attorney for tho Plaintiff Address Eugene, Oregon Sept. 14, 21,28, 001.5,12,19,2602,9,16 SUMMONS FOR PUBLICATION IN FORECLOSURE OF TAX LIEN In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Lane County H. L. Studley, Plaintiff, vs. Nicholas Scrglevsky, Mrs. Nicholas Serglevsky, and all persons un known, It any, having or claiming an interest or estato in and to the hereinafter descrlbod real property, defendants. To Nicholas Sorglevsky, Mrs. Nich olas , Serglovsky and all persons un known, If any, having or claiming an Interest or estate in and to tho herein after doscrlbcd real proporty, the COOK of a match All the convenien ce of gatbetter cooking and a cleaner cooler kitchea 1 NEW PERFECTION OIL CdMSJOVE r . A TbtNw Perfect Fir Bat Rtiulti Utt PtarlOil For 8ale By BEAVER-HERNDON HARDWARE COMPANY. nbovo nnmod dofondant IN THE NAME OP THE'STATB OP OREGON: You are hereby notified that II. L. Studley the holder of Cer tificate of Delinquency numbered 1260 issued on the 7th day of October. 1913 by tho Tax Collector of the County of Lane. Stato ot Oregon, for tho amount , ui to.o? iuu narao uoing mo amount then due and delinquent for taxos for tho year 1912 together wth pena'tv, inturcnt nnd costs thereon upon tlx rnl proporty assessed to you, of which you aro tho owner as appears ot rec ord, situated in said County and Statu, and particularly bounded and describ ed aa follows, to-wlt: Lot C, Iilock 21 .Emorald Helghti ,1n Iho Town of jrlngnold, Lano Comity, Oicgon. You aro furthortnotlflcd that sai l II L. Studley Una paid taxes on mild prtmlsoB for prior or subsoquout yeara with the rato ot Interest on s.ild amounts as follows: v On March 21, 1914, tho sum of $4.9S for taxes ot the year 1913 . On March 31, 1916, the sum of $4.26 (or taxes ot tho year 1914, On April C, If IB. the sum of $4.1r lot taxes of the year 1915. All of tho abovo amounts bear In' ierest at the rate of 15 por cunt pe innunt. Said Nicholas Sorglovsky as th owner of tho legal title ot tho abov dcrcrlbod property as tho snmo a t ears of record, and each of tho olhe tersons above namod aro horoby fur thor notlfiod that H. L. Studloy wl apply to tho Circuit Court of th' County and Stato aforesaid for a do croo foreclosing the lien against th" property nbovo doscrlbcd, and men tloned tn said certificate. And yqti aro hereby summoned to appoar with in sixty days after the first publica tion of this summons exclusive ot the day of said first publication, and do fend this action or pay the amount duo as above shown together with costs and accrued Interest and In case of your failure to do so, a decrco will be rendorod foreclosing the Hen of said taxes and costB against tho land nnd promises above namod. ' This summons Is published by ordor of tho Honorablo O. P. Sklpworth, Judge ot the Circuit Court of tho Stato of Oregon for the County of Lano and said order was mado and dated this 2ist day of August 1916. and the dato o ttbe' first publication ot this summons Is tho 24th day of Aug ust, 1916. All process and papors In this pro coedlng may be served upon the under signed residing within the Stato of Oregon, at tho address hereinafter mentioned. L. M. TRAVIS Attoreny for the Plaintiff Address, Eugono, Oregon. Aug. 24,31,Sopt.7,14,21,28, Oct.5,12,19,26 WITH Oregon Power Co. Bakes, broils, roasts, toautn. Moro efficient than your wood or coal otovo, and costs less to operate. Your cooking is bottcr, too, becnuflo you have hen t -control liko n Ros stove Perfection gives a clean, odorleii, sootlea(Ume became of the long blue chimney. Cuta out the drudgery of wood or coal. Ketpt your kltahen cool. In 1, 2, 3 and 4-burner ilxrs, ovens separate. Also cabinet models with l'lre leia Cooking Ovens. Aik your dealer today. Standard Oil Co. (Cillfttilt) For DISTRICT ATTORNEY L. (Puld L. RAY Advertisement) R. Y. PORTER Candidate for County Commiss ioner on tho Domocratic Ticket I stand for a common-senso administration of county busi ness, want a dollar's valuo for every dollar spent and If elected will sco to it that the tax payer receives this, I want an econo mical administration of county,, affairs and if elected will do myfBf. uttermost to see that this con- x ditlon prevails, rogardlcBS of politics. I resido near Walker, Ore., and have for 38 years. I am a farmer and have made a .study of the road queBtlon. I favor each district having its allotted amount of road money. If elect ed wll exort my best efforts to sec that all parts of the county recoive fair treatment at tho hands of tho County Court. rtENFROW Y. PORTER. (Paid Advortlsomont) D. W. ROOF, JEWELER 8PRINGFIELD, . OREGON PINE WATCH REPAIRING A SPECIALTY GAS