The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, October 16, 1916, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    ' wv a
A Question of Quality
QUALITY, rogardlcBB of price should be the chief
consideration of ovory careful drug buyer. Cheap
driigncun uovor tnko the place of tho pure high
grade kinds, Wo aro particular drug buyers and al
ways Insist on getting quality goods, Our care extends
further, for while goods are In stock, we guard agalnBt
deterioration. '
This caro Is exerted so that tho best Interests of our
customers may bo conserved.
Anything you buy at our storo Drugs or Sundries
will always bo of right quality nnd tho prlco will be
right, too,
If you nro "cranky" on tho oubjoct of
quality lot us be your regular druggists
ttt ef OWe, City of Tei4e, l .
FrnnK J. CUtrnty mahm oath thut h I
m r imrlnar of Ilia Arm of F. J. Cliny
ft Co., dolnr btislnr in tho Cltr of To;
Ifdo, County and Htnte aforeMld, and
tti nt anld firm wilt pay llio aunt of ONI3
ilUNIIU5I) DOi.I.AIlH for each and av
rry rain of Cntnrrh that cannot be runc
by the uaaof JIAf.tHCATAIlltllCimB.
Barorn to beforo tno and aulwcrlbcil In
my nrewnce, tlila Cth !ay of December,
a. n. ltx.
(Seal) A, v7. OM5AB0N,
Notary Public.
Haifa Catarrh Cure la takan Inti-rnnlly
nnd nrta directly upon thn blood nnd mu
com aurfarra of tlio ayitem. 8nl for
tMtlmonlnla, trtn.
V. J. Ctir.Nrcr A CO . Toledo, O.
Hold by nil tiniKBtaia, w.
Tk Hall's Family IMIla far conillpatlon.
Town and Vicinity
I'oto Donnoy spent Friday In Spring'
Mrs. W. H Knott was in tram Boa
voy's Kerry Saturday.
Bliormnn Sjiong was down from
Mnrcoln tho last of tho weak. -
IX II. Donton drovo In from his farm
up tho McKonzto IllYor Saturday.
Water wings at Poory's .
Tho Simmons boan htillor Is at work
In tho Sprlngflold vicinity,
J. II. Oglo nnd family have moved
from this city to Klamath Falls.
J. C. Stownrt of Lowell npont Sat
unlay lnBprlngflold nnd Eugono.
, Professor Glass, n music toachor
from Eugono, wan In tho city Satur
day. iUptodatb Shoo fixing, Wolf & Mil
ler. . - ;
jjFriday ye&it gingham apron day at
tho High School and various borrowed
and unique, garmonU wcro In evidence.
jfj. W. Baker wishes It known that
his telephono numbor has been chang
ed from 37 to 115J.
A number of Sprlngflold members
attended 'tho danco glvenTby'lho Elks
lodgo In Eugono last Friday evening.
Mrs. Prico's canning powders at
Poory's Drug Storo. j
Tho Pino Ncodlo club will meet
with Mm. I. D. Lnritnor nt her homo ,
at 403 D strcot Tuesday afternoon.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Ray Lomloy nro tho
proud parents of a baby boy born Sat
urday, October 7. I
Mrs. Lou Krlckson nnd small dnugh-,
tor were down from Wondllng Satur-j
, 1
For Sale, near 4Uiand Malln, Shoos,
glovos, rubbors, nhlrta, box, ovornllB,
harness, elioo grenB., Wolf & Mlllor.
Adam Rltchlo, station ngont at Jon
por, wob In Sprlngflold on buBlnoss,
Saturday. ( j
Mrs. M. F. arlflln of Eugcno and
Mrs. L. Vaughn of Brooks wont to
Jasper for a visit Saturday,
Mr. and Mrs. E. 0. Krnusbay hsvo
moved from B Btroot between Second
nnd Third to tho Scoflold Iioiibo on O
street and) Kelly Boulevard.
Members of tho Sprlngflold Wood
row WUsea: league were presented
with a subscription for funds to sup
port the local campaign, Saturday.
Miss Edna Murphoy, who has boon
attending school In Salom, Is hero for
a short visit with her parents, Dr. and
Mrs. J, E. Murphoy.
Now namos added to tho subscrip
tion list of tho Sprlngflold News tho;
Inst of tho wook nro C. T. Wilson, Mar
cola. J. B. Oodard, and E. J. Roynolds,
No ubo to bo sick when Dr. Murphy
tho magnetic hcalor Isiln our midst,
ofllco Is SOS Main street, Sprlngflold,
Mr. and Mrs. S. I. Makenson and
niece, Miss Mabel Makenson, of Tur
lock, California woro shopping In this
city Saturday.
Among tho Camp Crcok visitors In
Sprlngflold Saturday woro Jim Rltchlo,
V. Dunton, N. B. Oonnlor, and W. A.
Mr. and Mis. Fred Makonson and
family of Turlock, California, are vlu
Itlng with Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Maken
son and family' at'CanYpCropk. , , .
Good reliable fire Insurance. No as
sessments; ae membership fee. Pay
(race and yea are dene. H. E. Walker
at Ike City TtaM.
Mra. D. Harris of Spencer Creek Is
In tho Morcy hospital at Eugono, con
valescing from an operation performed
Little Mis sMargarot Swarts, of Na
tron, Is visiting at tho homo of her
grandparents, Mr. and- Mrs. C. E
Chaflle Engol returned homo to
Fall Crook Saturday after having spont
tho past seven or olght months in
Koop tho flies off tho cows with "Fly
Bouncer" 7Gc a gallon at Peery's.
B. II. Lyons and nlcco, Miss Cora
Davis of Walton, pnsscd through
Sprlngflold Saturday on tholr way to
Mr. Lyons' homo at Jnspor.
Mrs. L. Motion and daughter, Miss
Molbn, of Corvallls, and Mrs. E, D,
Smith of McMlnnvllIo aro visiting at
tho homo of her parots, Mr. and Mrs.
J. II. Morclock,
Mr, and Mrs. Tad Luckoy and Mrs,
J Jim Stowart roturnod Friday ovenlng
I from a fow days' trip In tho former's
car to Q rants Pas. Mrs. W. Dana
mado tho trip down with them.
Mrs. M. J. Derrick has returned from
Medford where sho has been visiting
relatives. Sho will make her home
horo with her daughter, Mrs. Charles
Hardt on South 8ccond street.
Mrs. M. B. Holcomb of Eugcno pass
ed through Sprlngflold Saturday on
hor way to Oakrldgo whoro sbo will
koop houso for her daughter, Miss
Edna Stephens, who Is teaching there.
C. W. Walkor, who .formerly- owned
a hardware storo on Main street is
now located in Corning, California,
whoro he has opened a store and Is
manager of a big hardware business.
James McCallum, student at the
University of Oregon and tho Eugene
Blblo University, preached at Jasper
both In tho morning and ovenlng, yes
terday. Truo economy Is what we save In tho
long ran. The wise man fcods his eolt
to make It grow. He pastures his cow
to got a good flow of milk and paints
his hoHBo to make it last It ctsts
very little more now to paint a boose
Qmn It did ;a lyear age; Prefeabft' gt,j
more than 13.19 ea an avesBg!fake I
roar aome beaaUful with the keet
palfct ea the market PfccMlx Pure
Pafat, Qaar&nted. SoM y J. G. Hoi-
Reverend M. F. Childa claims to beat
all previous "whopper'' stories with
his talo of a spud which is 15 Inches
long and 10 Inches around. Those jck Bentlr snent Friday in the coun-
measurements do not Include several i enjoylng an outing while Mr. Bry
buds which protrude from the sides. It an tried his luck pheasant hunting.
-wolghs 2 lbs, Ui ounces.
w.FTosh, or Gazelle; cat:, o.- H.
Word has been received to the effect nibbs.and J. Welch were among those
I that A. D. Moo, lately of Springfield, registered at Uie Snrincflfild hotel
has started a tailoring establishment yesterday.
In Kellogg, Idaho, and that he Is doing
"... ...
Mrs. Hamilton of the flltiftlaw coun
try, is visiting with Mrs, W. II. Halgbt,
Miss Vera Williams spont the week
end at homo In Eugene.
W. C. Mlllor, potato buyer, arrived
In Sprlngflold yostcrday.
C, Taylor was registered at
Sprlngflold hotel this morning,
Mrs. B. P. Ambler and mother-in-law
of Eugene woro in Springfield to
day on busines.
Bom: To Mr. and Mrs. B, A, Sank
oy, a 10-pound girl yesterday morning.
Mrs. M. N. Thompson has just re
ceived a fresh shipment of tho new
velvet hats In the prevailing models.
Cora IL Farnham, poatmlstres of
Waltervlllo, spont Saturday In town
Miss Esther Campbell attended a
picnic enjoyed yesterday by tho girls
of the Mary Splller house of Eugene.
Mayor E. E. Morrison who is In Port
land on business, is expected to ar
rive home this evening.
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Lyons drovo to
Brownsvlllo and vlsit6d with friends
Miss Francis Elizabeth Baker of
Eugene, spent tho week end here with
Miss Esther Campbell
He'rberf Sfheed atflr fatlferrof ' Wal
terville spent Thursday In town and
finished loading the last of their hops.
Mrs. Wright of Marcola was down
this morning to have an abscess on
tho right band, opened up.
Charles Dorrity, commander of Iuka
post, O. A. R., at Sprlngflold, was in
Eugene Friday on business at the court
Small girls were busy all day Sat
urday selling "Keep Oregon Dry" tags
under the auspices of the local W. C.
T. U.
U-JMrj. -Mr- W. 'Emery departed for
Portland Saturday momingstb visit her
mother and sisters, Mra. Win. Mosser
and the Misses Mosser.
Henry SInnar of Wcndllng, was In
Springfield Saturday and visited at
the home of his son, John SInnar and
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Bryan and Mrs.
I. I). Oodard Is laid up with n broken
rib, caused by his being struck in the
.right sido with n plow. handle. The
Injury Is very painful, nnd Mr. Oodard
Is unnblo to movo about very much.
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. January and
small son nro moving from tho Olon
Anderson farm near Nntron Into ono
of Miss Marian Harper's houses on E
between First nnd Second streots.
well; Mr. Moo- intends returning to
Sprlngflold sometime during the win
ter. Tom Oodard and family nnd Frank
Oodard have returned to Springfield
for tho winter. Since leaving hero
last May, tho men havo been working
in tho harvest fields, mainly around
! Proscott, Washington. Thoy state that
work Is plentiful.
Dr. Porcival Lowell, a, noted East
ern astronomer, Mrs. Lowell, Mrs. P.
L. Campbell anil Karl W. Ontlmnk.
Bocretary to Presldont Campboll of
tho University of Oregon, woro In
Sprlngflold Frldny, visiting tho Booth
Kelly Lumber mill hero.
Tho simple mlxturo of buckthorn
bark, glycorino, etc., known as Alder-i-ka,
astonlshoa Sprlngflold people
BocauBO Aldor-l-ka acts on BOTH low
er nnd upper bowol, ONE SPOONFUL
relieves almost ANY CASE constipa
tion, sour stomach or gas. It remove
such surprising foul matter that a few
dosos often rollovo or provont nppon
dicttls, A short treatment holps
enronio trouhlo. Tho INSTANT, easy
action of Aldor-I-ka 1b astonishing. M.
M. Poory Drug Co,
No ubo to bo sick whon Dr. Murphy
tho magnotlc hcalor is In our '.midst,
ofllco Is 395 Main Btroot, Sprlngflold,
Ltttlo Miss Vivian Sonsonoy is Buf
fering with a crackod collarbone
caused by a fall whllo ekntlng. This
Is tho second tlmo rocontly tho samo
shoulder has boon hurt.
Tho houso ownoil by Myors and Mc-
Phornon on A street bolwoon Fourth
I Rev. J. W. Cook and family of Fossil
Oregon woro guests at tho Gilbert
Miller homo yesterday, at the request
of Pastor Forrls. Mr, Cook occupied
tho Baptist pulpit at tho ovenlng sor
Ivlco nnd preached a most excellent
sormon on the Power and Purpose of
tho Gospel.
How Catarrah la Contracted
Mothers nro sometimes so thought
less as to neglect tho colds which
their children contract. Tho Inflam-
and Fifth, in which Mr. nnd Mra. .T. I I"n,lon of ho mucus mcmbrano, at
0. Mullen and family aro living, Is flrst ncuto' becomes chronic and the!
bolng ropaporod.
For a Muddy Complexion
Tnko Chamborlaln's Tnblota and
adopt a dlot of vegetables and ceroals.
Tnko outdoor oxorclso dally nnd your
complexion will bo greatly Improved Cough Remedy Judiciously used, nnd
within a fow months. Try It. Obtain-' all this trouhlo might havo been avoid-
child hns chronic cntarrah, a dlsoaso
that is seldom cured and that may
provo a llfo'8 burden. Many persons
who havo this loathsome diseaso will
romombor having had frequent colds nt
tho tlmo it was contracted. A llttie
forethought, a bottle of Chamberlain's
nblo ovorywljore.
od. Obtainable evorywhoro.
Some of the best shoe values that ever struck Springfield
In Men's work, Dress, Hi-cut and Sport Shoes
And BoysJ4Hi-cut, Button, Lace, Hard Knocker and Stub
; Proof Toe Shoes
First-Class Repairing by the Doctor
Superintendent and MrsJL-L.' Kirk
and son, Charles, and Dr. and Mrs. W.
H. Pollard motored to Wendllng yes
terday afternoon.
Mrs. George Catchtng has gone to
North Bend to visit with her husbaul
who Is working there. Both expect
to return to Sprlngflold within a few
Rev. and Dr. Keency Ferris of the
Baptist church are in Salem this week
attending sessions of the Annual Con
vention of Missionary Baptist. They
return Saturday p. in.
Archlo Machen left Thursday night
for Portland wore he will tnko an ex
amination for locomotive fireman. He
has worked on tho switch engine and
gravel tralnB for the past three years.
Mr. and Mra. J. N, Denny and daugh
ter, Miss Edith, are moving into the
Cash Mead houso on South D street,
from their farm one mile south of
Tho Springfield Feed company's
scales, which formerly stood on South
Socond street, have been reste in the
warehouse which is a convience to all
Mr. and Mrs. S. IL. Baker, Mrs. Mae
Stevenson, Miss Helen and Laruo
Stovenson, niotorod to Corvallls yes
terday and were luncheon guests of
friends at Waldo Hall.
Mrs. M. N. Thompson, milliner, Is
moving from the Kepuer buHdlns to
thq quarters fonnorly occupied by
Mrs. Grace Harbit, in tho Rankin
Floyd Keator has been elected foot
ball manager. A big football rally
will bo held Friday, October 20. Thoro
aro prospects for a good team this
year and an effort will bo mado to
have some rousing games.
A card received from Harry M.
Coffin, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Coffin
of this city, states that he is leaving
Douglas, Arizona for Montana, where
t the troops are to be mustered out. Mr.
Coffin was n member of Company D of
the Second regiment, First battalion,
qf Montana,
Senator Georgo E. Chamberlain,
Ralph Watson, special correspondent
for .the Oregon Daily Journal, Harry
M. Stowart and Wolby Stevens were
I dinner guests at tho homo of Mr. and
Mra. M, M, Peery on Fifth and F
streets, Saturday events,
Pendleton Normal School
Proven Necessity
(Copied from Portland Oregonlan.)
MONMOUTH, Oro., June 26-The Oregon Normal
school opened this week . . . studentn enrolled 780,
largest on record for state Normal In Oregon ....
how to caro for large student body a problem ....
800 being crowded Into auditorium with seating ca
pacity of CuO. Galleries filled with extra chairs in
aisles. Moro than 150 students seated on platform.
Now boarding houses completed, additions to room
ing houses built and tents uisd. One hundred girls
sleep on upper floor of school.
The official school report gives ISO', grade pupils
a Monmouth, foe .teacher practice.
Read what those you have elected ta handle the
affairs of your state and who arc thoroughly informed
regarding school conditions in Oregon have to say
concerning measure 308 on the ballot at the coming
By James Wlthycornbe, Governor of Oregon:
"On-con I unijumUonaltly in need of ni'tiu normal
Hthool work and i'endleton ia thn logical place fur a
school of this class In Ilisteiii Ottgon "
By J. A. Churchill, State Superintendent of Public
"I trust that the voters of the State will aurtnl in
raisins; the standard of our school by elubl)xhliiit u
State Normal School at l'endteton.'
By P. L. Campbell, President of the University ef
"At least one additional Normal Kchool Is urgently
needed In Oregon."
By W. J. Kerr, President of the Oregon Agricultural
"Since the peopte of Pendleton are Initiating- a measure
for the establishment of a Normal School at that place;
'It will glve'tne pleasure to support this measure."
By J. H. Ackerman, President Oregon Normal School,
at Monmouth:
"A careful analysis of the situation wilt convince any
one that Oregon needs a Normal School In Eastern Ore
gon and Pendleton fills alt the government requirements."
By the County School Superintendents cf Oregon:
"Resolved, that It Is the sens of the County School
Superintendents of the Slate of Oregon, In convention
assembled, that the best Interests or the schools of the
State demand Increased facilities for the training of
teachers, and that we, therefore, endorse the iiiltlutlve
measure to establish a Normal School at Pendleton."
By Mrs. Charles H. Castner, Presldept of the Oregon
Federation of Women's Clubs:
"I most heartily endorse the location of said Normal
School at Pendleton."
Prof. Robert C. French, Former President of the
Normal School Located at Weston:
"An Immediate establishment of such a school at some
central point such us Pendleton would prove a great asset
to the State of Oregon."
B. F. Mulkey, Ex-President Southern Oregon Normal
School: '
"I shall support the locatloa of an Kastera Oregon
Kormal.ctHKrl aj,Pend,lelon."
State Board of Regents of Oregon Normal School
declares that "the necessity for additional Normal
school facilities in Oregon is apparent."
Portland Chamber of Commerce endorses measure
308 and say Pendleton most logical location Tor Nor
mal school in Eastern Oregon.
308 X YES is a vote for your children
Eastern Oregon State Normal Scnoo) Committee.
(Paid Adv.) JBy J. H. Owlnn. Sfcey.. lVnUlcton, On.
Department of the Interior, U. S.
Land Office at Jtgseburg, Oregon.
September 27, 191G
Notice is hereby given that Carl
Dehne, of Vlda, Oregon, who, on April
13, 1911, made Homestead Entry,
Serial No. 07128 for Lots 4. 5, 6 and
S E M of N W of Section 6. Town
ship 17 S, Itange 3 E, Willamette
Meridian has filed notlca of intention
to make Final Five-Year Proof, to es
tablish claim to tho land above de
scribed, before I. P. Hewitt, U. S. Com
missioner, at his olllce at Eugene,
Oregon, on the Cth day of November,
Claimant names as witnesses;
Mtlo Thompson, of Vlda, Oregon.
Michael Hanley. of Vlda, Oregon.
John Lowe, of Vlda, Oregon.
James Resides, of Vida, Oregon.
W. H. CANON, Register
Sept. 28, Oct2,5,9.12,lC,19,23,36,30,Nov2
Department of thjj Interior. U. S.
Land Office at Rosoburg, Oregon.
September 29, 1916
Notice is hereby given Uiat Harry
Thomas Hoare, of Vlda, Oregon, who,
on June 3, 1913, made Homestead En
try. Serial No. 08917, for the E of
N E N W U of N E A and N E
4 of N W of Section 4, Townshl?
17 S. Range 3 E. Willamette Merid
ian, has fllod notice of intention to
make Final Three-year Proof, to es
tablish claim to the land above de
scribed, before I. P. Hewitt. U. S.
Commissioner at his office, at Eugene,
Oregon on the 6th day of November,
Claimant names as wltnessos:
Milo Thompson, of Vlda, Oregon.
Michael Hanley. of Vlda .Oregon.
John Lowe, of Vlda, Oregon.
James Resides, of Vlda. Oregon.
Oct 2, 5. 9. 13. 1C, 19, 23. 26, 30,Nov.2.6
Republican Twmhiod Tor Cucuil
.litctgo '
fl A native of Lan County and
a practicing lawyer in Eugen?
for 26 years.
(Paid Advertisement)
of Roseburg
! Democratic t0'ninee for Judge
of the Circuit Court of the 2nd
; Judicial District. Judge Haniil
' '.on 1ms n record of 18 year's ser
vice on the bench in this d strict,
which has been marked by hia
economical methods and abso
lute fairness cn all questiona
coming before his court. A vote
for Judge Hamilton is a vote for
efficiency and service.
(Paid Advertisement)
Edwards &Bra tain
For Farm and City Proi- -ty
Exchangea a Speclalt)
Springfield - Oregon
Phone 30
Homeopathic Physician and Suraecn
Office, Bar 1st Pprgonngo
Cornor Second and C Streets
HOURS: 0 TO. 12. PHONE 40
W. f. tvaLKER
UNtffcrt. FU'
Office Phona 0 '
Residence (B7-J
V t 1-!n 8t.
PHONES Office, 3; Real. ".
Over Commercial VnnK,
Spring. Jd, OH