TIOCSyiUNQFIELD NEWS i MONDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1916 -.EAGJCJOUR Society Doings or the Season EtfTERTAlN FOR "lROSH" Of courso a freshman reception wouldn't bo a freshman reception If ' some of iho 'Frcshlcs" weren't ducR cd.'Tso the boys of the upper ciassos ducked some of (he new boys' heads in the wator. But they were "game" ' and took It the right way. The recep tion was held at Stevens' Halt on Friday evening and everyone got no quatntcd with ovoryono else. Last year's graduates were Invited and all Expressed the wish that thoy were back again this year. Tho entertain mcnt commlttco has planned a de lightful program which consisted of several musical numbers and speeches. Hill Hill, our student body president, urged tho students to back up the boys In athletics, said they would show Kood results. Audrey Perkins, vlco "president of tho freshman class thank wl the upper classmen In behalf of tho freshman class for the party. MY. Stroud, Mr. Moore, our football coach, Wlss Williams," and Miss Campbell, ach talked and all backed up our president In Ills sentiments on school siflrlfc' and loyalty1. Albeit. Boa re, football captain, ended his masterful wailon with "If hard work will get m 'there, we certainly will get there." And then tho refreshments why, they looked so good to some of the .out siders that they Just came and helped themselves through the window. But who wouldn't when there were punip Wn pies and cider all around? The party brokOj up when the dear little 'Ireshmen began to nod their heads and close thel'riired eyes for of coiirse they aren't used to being up so lat3. JWhlle a crowd at the piano was saylug "Good Night. Ladies," and "Home Sweet Home"' the party came to an end with everybody declaring thai ,they had a perfectly delightful time. FEAST ON 'cOljN MEAL A ieal "cira party, even to the re freshments, which were corn meal jnush, corn, flakes,, popcorn and cider, -was tho feature ot Ihe party enjoyed by about 35 members and guests of the 'Ch"Hst6nTBa!'eavor society after the. jnonthlybttsIaess, session. attho Mrs. Dolbcrt Bucknum, and Misses ' Noll Nixon and Franco Travis. Among tho young folks enjoying tho affair woro: Mr. and Mrs. Sarga Sneed, Mr, and Mrs. Dolbcrt Bucknum, Mrs. Ar thur McCrackcn, Misses Oortrudo WltltamB, Ethlyn Powers, Jean Lam bort, Doris Lybarger, Ellon Lambort, Minnie nemo, Vera Sensonoy, iluby Sonscnoy Opal Whltoloy, of Eugeno, France Travis, Mlnnio Beaver, Nell Nixon, Helen Roberts, Marjorio Knott, Elslo Woddle. and Mossors. 'Walter Mountjoy, Harry Nixon, Russoll DImm, Pnt Conloy, Roy Cairns, Harold Per kins, Tom Nixon, Orlo Nettleton, Wal ter Gus8ler, Reverend Chris. JonBon, Clifford Jope and Carol Roberts of Eugene. HAS FIRST MEETING OF FALL Ten members of the Ncedlccrnft club met for the first time slnco early summer at the home of Mrs. W. H. Pollard nt 464 A street, Thursday afternoon. Tho yearly business meet ing was held, and three new members Mrs. O. H. Jarrett, Mrs. E E Martin, and, Mrs H Sandgathe, wero olocted, . after which a delicious two course .luncheon was served The noxt meet 1 ing will be held at the homo of Mrs. R. L. Kirk on Seventh and F streets, . on Thursday, October 19. Those pros ' ent at tho first meeting were: Mes ' dames Georgo Catching, R. L. Kirk, Carl Fischer, MUton Bally, W. F. Walker, H. R Walker. A. M. Beavei R. Lk-Drury, Mae Stevenson and W. H. Pollard. .Christian church Friday evening. Tho ."winners of a popcorn race, Rusself (Dimm and Miss Elsa "Weddle,. were chosen King and Queen for the even-' Ing. Many games, all pertaining to the grain in some way, made the evening an enjoyable onej The party was In charge of the social committee. PARTY MOTOR TO SPRINGS Two automobile, loads of Springfield folks made up a party spending yester day at' London Springs. In the B res Bier's car were Mr. and Mrs. E, E. Martin, Mrs. M. 0. Bressler and -small grandson, , and Fred Bressler, whllcj Mr. and Mrs. L. May, Miss. Beatrice, Holbrook, illss Dorris Slkes, and Win ifred and Verdon May enjoyed the; (trip in, f ho former's machine. PRISCILLA CLUB MEETS , , Tho Priscllla Club held its first meet ing; of ,tbe fall at the home of Mrs. Walter Herndon on F, between Sev enth" and Eighth streets' last Friday afternoon. The afternoon 'was spent with fancy work. Guests of the club" were: Mrs. R. L. K'lrk, Mrs. Agnes Herndon of. Ashland, Mrs. Aldred Beaver. Tho members present were Mesdames M. J. McKltn, J, M. With-i row, A, J. McKnejr, William ,Pppald son, Norman Howard, W. ,C R.obhan I. D. Larimer, D. 8. Deals, W,U Ilouso, Waltor Horndon. Tho noxt mooting of tho club will bo hold with Mrs. Nor man Howard nt hor homo on East Main street. Q. A. R. MEETS Tho ladles of tho 0. A. 11, mot Fri day afternoon In tho W. O. W. hall for n regular Bosslon. Mrs. inmnn was tnlatod into tho ordor. Visitors from Eugeno wero Mrs. L. King, Mrs. II. A. McDowell, Mrs. W. J. Fox, Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Plank, Mrs. Warner, and Mrs. C. J. Barhlto, Mrs. W. I Arnold, of Trent, and mother, Mrs. McGco. After tho business, session refresh ments wero served. On tho noxt moot ing, Novcmbor 3, a chicken dinner will bo sorved for members and tholr fnm. lllos. ENJOY ALL DAY OUTINQ Tho Millcs Lulu Gilo, Estolln Martin, Bess Palmer, Amlo Young, Edna Swarts, Efllo Rhodes and Florenco Cof fin enjoyed n trip to tho Fish Hatchery yostordny. Tho young women woro taken up In a Wlnton Six drtvon by J. W. Hoyl of Eugeno, In tho morning, spent tho day nt tho Hatchery and re turned in tho evening. YOUNGSTERS ENJOY PARTY In celebration of tho fourth birth day of hor small daughter. Miss Joan, Mrs. Edesso Cox Invited olght of tho neighboring children to her homo on Fifth and F streets, from throo until flvo Saturday afternoon, Tho lUtlo ones had a happy afternoon playing games a,nd enjoying tho blr.thdy cake with candles and other .refreshments. ALTA KING Cottage Grove, Oregon Democratic Candidate for , . LEGISLATURE I FAVOR: Lower taxes, to induce' Immigra tion and investment,- 'Rural credits, for farm development, Fewer commissions, -In the Inter est of economy. Mortgage notes iree from taxation, that interest may be lowered and money brought into circulation. t , (PaId.AdvertIsement) SPRINGFIELD WILL w SHIP 100 CARLOADS OF LATE POTATOES E. E. Morrlion Predicts Lane County Crop to ie 600 Carloads This Year Of tho COO carloads of potntooa, which ho ostlnmtos will bo produced In tho county this year, E, E, Morrison, mayor and potato denlor of this city, will ship about 100 carloads himself, Ho has boon buying a good many po tatoes lately, and ho has contracts for a largo quantity for which ho furnished sood Inst spring.' Somo potatoes have Btartod coming In already, although tho bulk of tho crop Is not expected ror somo little time. Mr. Morrison Is using tho gar age building on tho corner of Mill and Main streets for n warehouse. Harvesting, however, Is well under way, and largo quantities of tho po tatoes will soon bo coming In to tho warehouses. Inquiries from tho big buyers nro bo far confined to lnfgo stock, and they say thoy will, not bothor with small potatoes or with badly graded stock. "I am preparing to Install a largo potato grader In my warehouse," Mr. Morrison said, "and I will grado and repack all tho potatoos that I buy. There will bq three grades, tho largest of which will bo for table stock. Tho other two grades will bo saved fori seed, ami 1 have a market for all tho culls, to bo used as hog food by a farm er near Springfield." Tho principal potato growing sec tions of Lano county aro in tho vicinity of Springfield, near Creawolt, and in tho territory around Junction City. Tho crop this year Is showing vory llttlo evidence of blight, and if tho rains will hold off for a short timo thoro will bo practically no loss from this source Thoro aro somo plants Infected, and, If. It should rain tho spores would bo washed down Into the ground and affect tho crop. Mr. Morrison entered tho potato bus iness thrco yoars ago 'when the ship ments from Lane county wero rather Classified Ads for Sale, Reat, Wanted, Eto; FOn JBALE-rl'mcttcally now Ollvnr Typewriter number 6. Machine Is equipped with tabulator and back spacer. It Is In good running ordor. Call nt tho Nows ofllco and have It demonstrated. Terms, For DJSTRICT ATTORNEY FOR SALE Second hand Ukololo and Instruction book, good ns now, will soil chonp. Inquire nt Nows otllco. FOR RENT Furnished cottngo. qulro 287 Cth ntroot. In- OR SALE Nino aero farm ouo fourth mllo east of Creswell. Rlvor bottom land nil In cultivation, Has four acres of loganberries, ono and seven eighths acres in rod rnspborrlcs In bearing Intermingled with four yonr old npplo trooB. Has houso, barn, and modern chicken houses, with fencod In parka, Can bo had nt a bargain. Addross A31, enro of Tho Sprlngfiold Nows. IjV'jfBBBBSBBtaBBB L. L. RAY (Paid Advertisement) FOR SALE OH TRADE Small fruit ranch within sight or Creswoll. Will consldor trade on Sprlngfiold real donco proporty. Address, 0 31, Sprlngfiold News.' D. W. ROOF. JEWELER SPnlNOFIELD, f . OREGON FINE WATCH REPAIRING . .. . A syPeECMpTy,, , . CAREFUL, CONSCIENTIOUS , Dwxtistry ' " '15ft. I El RICHMOND Yr OyerComrriercritttlk, Springfield, OregJW. .i DrvKDALINE'REENEY FERRIS Homeopathic Physician and SurgMn Office, Baptist Parsonage, Coraer Second and C Streets 1 HOURS: 9 TO 12. PHONE id small. Two years ago h'otsent from fVj ' ' j p! ' Sprlngfiold somo seven carloads of SLtLyfELYQS OL fSTSLtttXlTl the crop and: last year oven fifty. HERBERT WALKER . NOTARy. . - x . pUBttd 9ffl n City Hall, BprlnansH. Qrn For Farm and City' Property ' Exchanges a Specialty Springfield Phone 30 Or ego i 1 R. Y. PORTER Candidate for County Commiss ioner on the Democratic Ticket I Htund for n conunon-BoiiHo ndmlnlstrntlon of county ))ub dubs, want a dollar's valuo for ovoiy dollar spout and If elected will bco to It that tho tax payor receives Uile. I want an econo mical admlnlatratio'n of county affairs nud If elected will do my uttcrmoat to hco thut thla con dition provalla, rogardlcsH of politics. Ji reside near Walker. Ofro., and havo for 38 years. I am a former and hayo,madp ,aBtudy of yie road question. I.fuvor each distrlqt having Its allotted amount of road monoy, If elect ed will exert my best efforts to nee that all parts of tho county recolve fair troatniont at tho hnndtj'of tho County C6urt. . RBNFROW Y. PORTER. "(faid Advertisement) ' Cr. F. SKIPWORTH A of Eugene, Oro, I ii.. ... . i ( , Present Circuit Judge ' For Lano, Douglas, Rontoti, Lin coln', Coos and Curry Counties Candidate for Re-election (Paid Advertisement t ' -r- "TTT See Moody ! and See Better See Moody and See Better T People are now beginning to real ize that in order to secure perfect optic al aid, something more is necessary than an examination in which are used but a few sight testing charts. . fl Accuracy in the science of optomet ry is quite as important as in mathema tfes, and' skill and good judgmeritl'are as essential as in the practice of medi cine. " If Thqrpugh training and, long exper ience alone can assure these. The necessary equipment must also be com plete ' . , . . U By the skillful use' of the Opthal moscop.q and Retinoscope we can tell your not only the kind of. glasses you need but also the general systematic condition as well, so if you need the at tention of a specialist in medicine we can so inform you. If The eye itself cannot be trusted to indicate its needs; an examination by the most scientific instruments is nec essary. No matter how excellent the me chanical work in a pair of glasses, It counts for nothing unless the formula from which the lenses are ground is the correct one for your eyes. If The formula will only be correct when it is based upon the result of a careful, scientific examination. ft Consequently, a thorough examin ation and diagonis is the first requisite for a satisfactory pair of glasses. Our system of diagnosing, and test ing has no superior. If Our 27 years experience is behind thla system and gives us the courage and assurance to refund your money when you are not perfectly pleased. If If your frames or mountings get bro ken or fail to give entire satisfaction at any time In the .year, we wil) repair pr replace thm with how ones free of charge. That Is the kind of service wo give and It costs no more for-a-that. til ' i . ; t i 1 T"- '?Jriro e "Kryptok .Glasses" THE ONLY 'INVISABLE BIFOCAL Made by us, cost no more than Kryptoks made by other opticians, but tho Kryptoks supplied by us are better, being finished on specially made machines and in one of the best equipped retail optical factories In Ore gon. 1f Besides, we do all the work under ono roof from the examination of your eyes to the accurate fitting of the finished glasses. We guarantee all of our work for one year and your money back If you are not perfectly satisfied with our glasses, ft That is what "Moody Service means to you, BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBJBBBBBBBBBM HHh9i,Bb1bbb BBBBBBBVIMilBBBSBlH Broken Lenses Replaced IB Factory on Premises SHERMAN W. MOODY Successor to Burgess Optical Co. OPTOMETRIST 881 Willamette St. Eugene, Oregon. . EDUCATIONAL DEMANDS . If, Bciorc, the School Bell Rings seo to It that your children's eyes aro thor oughly and scientifically examined; ' If ' You, as ' pardrits, owe- this precau tion to them and. should not fail to dp your part to Anfip'ln the 'bud" visual troubles' that might otherwise lead to failure mid 111 'Ifealth. 1 ' ,'t " jf Defective, Eyesight, Js the,,n)QBLcom mdn. causq of ' failures of 'clmdrep, In tliel'r studies,, plso pfT hcailachej,. nerv ousness' inability to concentrate their minds for Only a,brlcf period of timo.etc. If infective vision in . children, is tho cause of tho dull or backward scholars more than, nny other bodily ailment. If Wo furnish . you with . dependable .service, prescribe glasses that wo are sure will prove satisfactory and will re fund your monoy any time In tho year If perchance they do not give the relief we promise, If No other cost to you except for broken lenses. YOUR' SALARY DEPENDS ON ' YOUR EFFICIENCY If Your ofilclcncy depends on (your eyesight. ' ' 1 ' 11 Your pyeslght depends on , haying correctly made and fitted glasses. 1f' The Moody optical service must please you. if Our methods of examination aitd diagnosis are tho very nowest 'and best. If We have tho latest scientific Instru ments ant( a coihpleto equipment for tho grinding of lenses and know tho work is done right. If Wo iiso tho best lenses obtainable In our work. 11 Back of this Is 27 years of constant application and oxporldnco In sight test ing. If Our guarantee means that any lens changes will not cost you anything for ono year, 11 That you can havo your monoy re funded if you want It. That any break ago of frames or mountings will be re paired or replaced free for ono yoar.. V. t