The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, October 05, 1916, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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West SprtngfteH. Oct WeJt
Springfield Is ttndcrjfolnjc some repairs.
A. C Peterson et Euscce is restilng
ling besides making other repairs on
his house south ot the west side school
Z. T. McHargue la m&klnR the ad
dition ot a new wood-shed and porch
at the back ot his house.
The repairs on the railroad trestle
west ot the Pacific highway are com
pleted. Frank Crawford 'has stopped work
at the Booth-Kelly lumber company
mill and Is attending business college
at Eugene.
U. Z. Crawford who has been visit
ing his brother, E. M. Crawford, left
Monday for Washington.
Orvllle Collins ot Gardner, Montana
has purchased the property on Hen-
Thurston, Oct 4. There was quite
a heavy frost and some ice here last
The clover huller Is busy at this
Blace and the clover Is turning out ;
The Thurston public school started
Monday under the management of j
Mrs. Stanley Gray. I
Mrs. Homer Phetteplace Is boarding 1
the hleh school teachers this term. 1
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Edmlston and
daughters spent the week end with
Mrs.' TV. McKlin in Springfield.
Messers Beaver and Hemdon of
Springfield spent Sunday at the, Wal
ter Edmlston farm hunting birds.
Misses Alberta and Margaret Math
ews and brother Alex of Pleasant Hill
have rented rooms here for the winter
Miss Alberta is teaching at Davis,
Margaret is attending high school and
Alex is attending public school at this
Camp Creek. Sept 29. Mr. G. Hart
ley Is home from Donna where he has
been working in the Fischer-Boutin .
lumber camp.
Hugo Breaks is hauling his grain
to WaltervUle.
Inxa Crab tree, Esther Chaffee, Matt
Chaffee and Harold Hartley started
' to high school at WaltervUle Monday.
Walter and Leonard Stephens are
"working on the roads below the Hay-1
dea bridge.
X K. Platts and Fred Crab tree ac
companled by Clarence Hill of Spring
field attended the fair at Salem this
S. E. Llbby from Eugene was out at ,
his ranch here this week.
Mrs. G F.' Hartley and Mrs. J. J.
Chase were Eugene visitors Friday
Clara Masterson is atending high
school at Salem
P.6y Penny went to Springfield on
business Friday evening.
WaltervUle,- Oct 4. Miss Gall
Wearln went to Eugene Monday where ,
she has taken' a position to work. j
N. N. Kaldor returned Tuesday from
his farm west bt Eugene, where he .
has been working for the past week
or more. '
Robert Hayse is doing the freight
ing for Max GeBauer.
The high school has opened with
Miss Wllson'Jas pilncipal and Mrs.
Davidson assistant and there are 21
In attendance.
The grade school teachers for thia,
year are Miss Gladys Archer and Miss.
Alva Rossey both of Eugene. ,
The business Endeavor meeting was
sld In the church last Wednesday i
night and was well attended.
Miss Wlnnte Piatt, who Is teaching
the Rocky Point school spent the week
end with her folks at Springfield.
Thomas Tengs of Spencer Creek
Is up here helping Mr. Momb In put
ting up a silo.
Z. C. Potter was very ill Monday
but Is reported some better now.
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Devor and family
and Mrs. Devors sister, Mrs. Kenner
who Is here visiting took dinner with
McNutts and spent the day Sunday
Donna, Oct 3. J. R. Hayden has
received a silo. It came in a box car
which J. B. Robertson loaded with
Mr. and Mrs. W C Seavey left here
Thursday afternoon for Wallace, Idaho
where they expect to spend at least
three weeks. Their son, Vance, went
there to live last summer and they
have gone to visit him.
The woodsaw of Frank Stafford has
been here and sawed all the wood in
the vicinity which needed sawing.
H. V, Hammltt made a business trip
to Marcola Thusday.
After scRool started here it was de
cided to purchase a football as soccer
-was about the most popular game. All
the pupils large enough to play do
nated, and a new one was purchased.
Mrs. X H. Kngedy was in town be
tween trains Saturday.
W. H. Stafford and son John were in
Eugene Saturday on business. -
Mr. and Mrs. M. Hill. Mr. and Mrs.
J. C Nicholson and Mr. and Mrs. F.
L. Crenshaw motored to Florence to
represent the grange here
Lee Searcy put what wood ho could
In the wood shed Saturday, and piled
the rest up outside.
H. V. Hammltt was busy working
on the root of the store hero Friday
and Saturday. It baa been In poor
condition .and Mr. Hammltt says ho
will fix it up or put up a new one.
1L W. and Elmer Stafford were load
ing a car ot ties for J. B. Robortson
Mr. Rodgers of Marcola was In Don
na Sunday on business.
Marcola. Oct 4. A meeting of th
M. H. S, student body was called to
order by professor O'RIelly, Monday
for the purpose ot electing officers to
take the place ot those "who served
last semester. The new officers elect
ed were: Miss Pearl Smith, president;
l.iin Hennls vice DresldenURalph
Garoutte, secretary; Lawrence Brtags,
Bert Rupp who- traded his farm
north of Eugene for the J. F. Volga
more place moved his household goods
to his new homo Monday,
Harry Royer has go no to Ashland
to transact some church business.
Mrs. Minnie Morris, Ora Larson,
Mrs. Mary E. Sullivan and daughter,
MIss Pearl, spent the week end In
Springfield and Eugene.
J. F- Volgamore finished moving his
household goods to Marcola Monday.
Miss Rose Baxter left Tuesday for
Yarnell where she will visit with rel-
Ben Stafford ot Yarnell transacted
business at Marcola Tuesday. "
Mrs. X S. Churchill returned to
Marcola Monday, after having spent
a few days In Eugene on business.
The Bally camp started up again
Mrs. F. W. Titus has been very sick
the last tew days with the tonsilltus.
X. R. Workman transacted business
in EnjeWlast Thursdays
Mri. Walter 'Price left this morn
ing for Portland where she will visit
Mr. and Mrs. F. Jackson from Eu
gene were in Marcola visiting their
friends Mr. and -Mrs. E. P. Shinn.
Classified Ads
For Sale, Rent Wanted, Etc.
FOR SALE Practically new Oliver
Typewriter number 5. Machine is
equipped with tabulator and back
spacer. It is in good running order.
Call at the ts'ews office and have it
demonstrated. Terms.
FOR SALE Second hand Ukelele and
instruction .book, good as new, will
sell cheap. Inquire at News office.
OR SALE Nine acre farm one fourth
mile east-of CreswelL River bottom
land all Ja cultivation. Has four
acres -of nsganberrles, one and seven
. eighths acres in red raspberries In
bearing Intermingled with four year
old apple trees. Has house, barn,
and modern chicken houses with
fenced in parks. Can. be had at a
bargain. Address A?l. care of The
. Springfield News.
ranch within sight ot Creswell. Will
consider trade on Springfield res!
dence property. Address, C 31,
Springfield News.
Department of the Interior. U. S.
Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon.
September 29. 1916
Clu"ria rtwy wven uiai warry
Thomas Hoare, of VIda, Oregon, who,
on jne , i913. made Homestead Enl
try. Serial No, ,08917, for the E of
N E K. N W of'N E i4 and N E
4 oi W w or section 4, Township
17 S, Range 3 E, Willamette Merid
ian, has filed notice of Intention to
make Final Three-year Proof, to es
tablish claim to the land above de
scribed, before I. P. Hewitt. U. S
Commissioner at his office, at Eugene,
Oregon on the 6th day of November,
Claimant names as witnesses:
Mllo Thompson, of VIda, Oregon.
Michael Hanley, of Vlda .Oregon.
John Lowe, of Vlda, Oregon.
James Resides, of Vida, Oregon.
Oct 2, 5, 9, 12, 16, 19, 23, 26, 30.Nov.2,6
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Lane County
H. L. Studley, Plaintiff,
Nicholas Sergievsky. Mrs. Nicholas
Serglevsky, and all persons un
known, if any, having or claiming
an interest or estate In and to the
hereinafter described real property,
To Nicholas Serglevsky, Mrs. Nich
olas Serglevsky and all persons un
known, If any, having or claiming an
interest or estate In and to the herein
after described real property, the
above named defendant
OREGON: You are hereby notified
that H. L. Studley the holder of Cer
tificate ot Delinquency numbered 1260
issued on the 7th day of October, 1913
by the Tax Collector of the County of
Lane, State of Oregon, for the amount
of $5.89 the same being the amount
then .due and delinquent for taxes for
the year 1912 together with penaUv,
interest and costs thereon upon the
real property assessed to you, of which
you are the owner as appears of rec
ord. Bltuated in said County and State.
and particularly bounded nod deacrlb-j
ea as follows, to-wlt:
Lot 6, Block SI .Ewerakl Heights a
Ibo Town or &i rlnffleld, Laae County,
Oi cgon.
You are further Bottled that tal l H.
L. Studley list paid taxes on uld
premises for prior or subsequent years
with the rato of Interest on saA
amounts as follows:
On March 21, 1914, the sum ot SOS
for taxes o.' tho year 1913 .
On March 31, 1916, the sum ot $4.26
for taxes oi the year 1914.
On April 5, in 6. the sum ot $4.15 for
taxes ot the year 1915,
All of tho abovo amounts bear In
terest at the rato ot 15 per cent por
Said Nicholas Sergtovsky as the
owner ot tho legal title ot tho abovo
dcrcrlbed proporty as tho samo ap
reara ot record, and each of tho other
persons abovo named are hereby fur
ther notified that H. L. Studley will
apply to tho Circuit Court of tho
County and Stato aforesaid for a de
cree foreclosing the lien against th
property abovo described, and men
tloned In said certificate. And you
are hereby summoned to appear wrth
in sixty days after the first cubllca
tlon ot this summons exclusive ot the
day of said first publication, and de
fend this action or pay the amount
due as above shown together with
costs and accrued interest and In case
ot your failure to do so, a decree will
bfl rendered foreclosing the Hen of
said taxes and costs against tho land
and premises above named.
This summons is published by order
ot tho Honorable G. F. Sklpworth,
Judge of the Circuit Court ot tho
State ot Oregon for the County ot
Lane and said order was made and
dated this 21st day ot August 1916,
and the date o tthe first publication ot
this summons is the 24th day ot Aug
ust. 1916.
All process and papers In this pro
ceeding may be served upon the.under-
signed residing within the State ot
Oregon, at the address -hereinafter
Attoreny for the Plaintiff
Address Eugene, Oregon.
Aug. 24.31.Sopt7.14.21.2S, Oct5.12.19.24
In the Circuit Court of the State of
OrMCft. for Lana County
H. U Studley, Plaintiff.
Adam Keller, Mrs. Adam. Keller, and
all persons unknown, If any, having
or claiming an Interest or estate In
and to the hereinafter described real
property. Defendants,
To Adam Keller. Mrs. Adam Keller.
and all persons unknown, if any, hav
ing ot claiming an Interest or estate
la anq to the hereinafter described
real property, the above named de
OREGON: You are hereby notified
that H. L. Studley Is the holder of
Certificate of Delinquency numbered
1193 Issued on the 7th day ot October,
1913. by the Tax Collector of tho
County ot Lane. State of Oregon, for
the amount of $2.49, the same being
the amount then due and delinquent
for taxes for the year 1912 together
with penalty, interest and costs there
on upon he real property assessed to
you, of which you are the owner as
appears of record, situated -(la said
County and State, and particularly
bounded and described -as follows, to
wit: Lot number fifteen (15). la block
number forty two (42) Jn . Chicago
Addition to the. Town of Florence,
Lane county, State of Oregon
You are further notified that said
IL L. Studley has paid taxes on said
premises for prior or subsequent-years
with the rate ot interest on said
amounts as. follows; ;
On March 31, . 1?15. the sum of $.86
for taxes for the year of 1914.
Cn AprU 5r 1916,- the sum ot $1.22 '
for taxes for. the year ot 1915.
All of satd amounts bear Interest
from date of payment at tho rate ot
15 per cent per annum.
Said Adam Keller as the owner of
the legal title of the, above, described
property as the same appears of rec
ord, and each of the other persons
above named are hereby further noti
fied that H. L. Studley will apply to
the Circuit Court ot the County and
State aforesaid tor a decree foreclos
ing the lien against the Drooertr
above described, and mentioned In
said certificate. And you are hereby
summoned to appear within sixty
aaya alter tne first publication .ot
this-summons exclusive of the'dav of
said first publication, and defend this
action or pay the amount due as above
shown together with costs and ac
crued Interest and in case of your
faUure to do so, a decree will be rend
ered foreclosing the lien of said taxes
and costs against the land and prem
ises above named.
This summons Is published by order
oi me Honorable jonn 3. Coke. Judge
pf the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for the County of Lane and
said order was made and dated the
13th day of September 1916 and the
date or tne first publication of this
summons Is the 14th day of SeDtem-
ber, 1916.
All process and papers in this Dro-
ceeaing may be served UDon the un
derslgned residing within the State of
Oregon, at the address hereinafter
Attorney for Plaintiff
Address, Eugene, Oregon.
Sept 14.21,2S,Oct5,12,19,26.Nov .2,9,16
Department of the Interior. U. S.
Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon,
September, 23, 1916
Notice Is hereby Klven that Audle
T. Donoho, of Vlda, Oregon, who, on
September IS. 1913. made Homestead
Entry, Serial No. 09093, for Lots 6 and
7 and B of B W M of Section 18.
Township 16 S, Range 2 E. Willamette
Meridian, has filed notice of intention
to make Final Three-year Proof, to es
tablish claim to the land above de
scribed, before I. P. Hewitt, U. S,
Commissioner, at his office, at Eugeno,
Oregon, on the 3rd day of November
Claimant names as witnesses:
Lloyd Tucker, of Vlda, Oregon,
Verne Chilson, of VIda, Oregon,
Julius Beck, of Vlda, Oregon.
Benjamin Mlnney, of Vida, Oregon.
W. II. CANNON. Reclstcr
Sept, 25, 28, Oct. 2,5,0,12,10,19,23,26,30
In the Circuit Ceurt at the State ef
Orefon, far Lane County
II. L. Studley, Plaintiff,
Josoph Olos. Mrs. Joseph Oles. J. W.
Machen, Dora L. Machen, and all
persons unknown, If any, having or
claiming an Interest or citato In and
to the hereinafter described real
property Defendants.
To Joseph Oles, Mra. Joseph Oles,
and all persons unknown, It any, hav
ing or claiming an Interest or ettato
In and to tho hereinafter described
real property, tho above named de
OREGON: You are hereby notified
that 11. L. Studloy tho holdor ot Cer
tificate of Delinquency numbered 1233
Issued on tho 7th day of October 1913
J by the Tax Collector of tho County of
7 T CUtn nt nNsn fVts llM M tnniln t
i of $2.36, the same being the amount
then duo and delinquent for taxes for
tho year 1912 together with penalty,
Interest and costs thereon upon the
real property assessed to you. ot
which you are the owner as appears
ot record, situated In said County and
State, and particularly bounded and
described as follows, to-wlt:
Lot nineteen (19), In block nine (9).
In McWlllama Addition to tho Town
ot Springfield. Lane county, Stato of
You are further notified that said
IL L. Studley has paid taxes on said
premises for prior or subsequent
years with the rato ot interest on said
amounts as follows:
On March, 21. 1914. the sum ot $.74
taxes for the year 1913.
On March 31, 1916, the sura ot $.67
taxes tor the year ot 1914.
On April 5, 1916, the sum of $.73 taxes
taxes for the year 1915.
All of said amounts bear Interest
from date ot payment at' the rate ot
15 per cent per annum.
Said Joseph Oles and J. W. Marhen
as the owners ot the legal tltlo of tho
above described property as the samo
appears ot record, and each, ot the oth
er persona above named are hereby
further notified that . H. L. Studley
will apply to the Circuit Court ot tho
County and Stato aforesaid for a de
cree foreclosing tho lien againBt the
property above described, and men
tioned In said certificate. And you are
hereby summoned to appear within
sixty days after the first publication
of this summons exclustvo of the day
of said first publication, and defend
this action or pay the amount due aa
above shown together with costs and
accrued interest and in case of your
failure to do so, a decree will be rend
ered Torecloslng the Hen ot said taxes
and costs against the land and prem
ises ahove named.
This summons Is published by order
of the Honorable John S. Coke Judge
ot the Circuit Court ot the State of
Oregon for the County of Lane and
said order was made and dated this
13th day of September, 1916 and tho
date of the first publcatlon ot this
summons is the 14th day of Septem
ber 1916.
All process and papers tri this pro
ceeding may be-served upon the un
dersigned residing within the State
of Oregon, at the address hereinafter
Attorney for the Plaintiff
Address Eugene. Oregon
Sept 14. 21,28, Oate42.19tNv.2,l
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon for tane County
In tho Matter of the estate )
of )
John Benhar!t ('ecessed )
To Corinne Bernhardt, and Sadlr
In the name of the State of Oregon,
you are hereby' cited arid required to
appear id the County court bf the state
of Oregon, for the county of Lane, at
til eowrt r0M thereof, at Eugene, In
tka ceuaty ef Lane, en Monday the
4th day of December, 1916 at 10 o'clock
In the forenoon of that day, then and
there to show cause If any you have,
Why an order should not be made
authorizing and directing the admin
istrator of said estate to sell the fol
lowing described real property belong
ing to said estate, to-wlt: The West
half of the Southwest quarter (Wft
of 8 W U), in Section number twenty
eight (28), and the East half ot south
west quarter (E ft of S E U) of Sec
tion number twenty nine (29), all in
township number eighteen (18), South
of Range ten (10). West of Willamette
Sfgridjan, containing 160 acres of land
la Lane county. State of Oregon.
This citation is published by order
of the Hon. Harry L. Bown, County
Judge of the above entitled court,
which said order was duly signed upon
the 26th day of September 1916, com.
mandlng this citation to be published
for six weeks In the Springfield News,
and the date bf the first publication Is
the 28th day ot September, 1916.
Witness the Hon. Harry L. Bown,
Judge of the County Court of the State
ot Oregon for the county of Lane and
tho seal-of said court affixed, this 27th
day ot September, 1916.
Attest: S. M. RUSSELL. Clerk
Sept 28, Oct 5, 12, 19, 26, Nov. 2, 9.
Oregon Power
Speaks at Eugene
Friday, October 6, at 9:45 A. M.
(Paltl Advertisement)
Reese Bros. Africander Co.
Band and Orchestra
Musical Comedy, Minstrel and Jubilee Singers
A Musical and Novelty Performance that Will
Delight and Instruct Ypu
Springfield, Sunday, October 8
i General Admission 25c and 35c Reservod 'Seats 50c
Soat3 on Sale at the usual place
of Eugene, Ore.
Present Circuit Judge
For Lane, Douglas, Benton, Lin
coln, Coos and Curry Counties
Candidate for Re-election
(Paid Advertisement
Nominee for
of United States
PHONES Office, 3 Rtshtafict, 116-J
Over Commercial fiffcik, .
, Springfield. Or" iff.
Edwards &Brattain
For Farm and City Property ,
Exchanoee a Specialty
Springfield - Oregon
Phone 30