The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, October 05, 1916, Image 1

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.n.wtiininMwiu oiHHntn
VOI XVi HO. 72.
Will Talk In Springfield en SaiuMay
Evenlnf, October 14.
A tolophono mossago received this
morning by J, C, Dlmm annquncod
that Bonntor Ooorgo E. Chamberlain
would apeak In tlio city on Saturday
ovonlng, Octobor 14. Tho Senator will
mnko only two spoochus In Lano
county, talking In Kugono on Friday
ovonlng, Octobor 13.
Tho national issues of tho campaign
will bo tho thomo for tho talk to bo
govon horo, nt?l Mr. Chamborlaln wish
oa It known that what ho has to say
will lio of ospoclal Interest to laboring;
mon una tholr wives.
Slxtoen Spend Day Inspecting
.Logging Operations Above
Manaqar A. C. Dixon Gives Visitors
Oood Idea of Extent of Lunv
, berlnu -Industry In Lane
(Ily Waltor It. Dlmm)
Sixteen men from Eugono and
Springfield, each representing a dif
ferent enterprise, were tho guests of Hon. A. E. Clark of Portland Extol
tho Booth-Kelly Lumber company on
a tour of Inspection of Us logging oper
ations at camp number 10, located 12
miles oast of Wendllng, yesterday.
"Tho purpose of this tour," accord
Ins to A. C. Dixon, manager of the
Dooth-Kolly company, "Is to havo tho
representatives of the newspapers,
educational Institutions, chambers of
commorco and banks got a more Inti
mate knowledge of the oxtent of Lane
county's blggost Industry: lumboring. Mon(lny ght
ii la remaraaDie,-' continued Mr. uix ,
on. "how llttln th r!M hr ' ,n ,h ,tt9t tW0 tbrw We
, , ,..... ..... ..... havo had extraordinary conditions to
confront. These problems have bees
Republican Candidate for
"Wo aro not only engaged In the
task of selecting a president, but we
are engaged In the study of tho great
est problems that bare been confront
Ing this nation for the last half cen
tury," said Hon. A. B. Clark, of Port
land, in opening his address at tho
Hughes rally hold at the Bell theatre
home know, about the business that
brings Into tho community Its great
Insurance Policies on Buildings
Accepted; Changes Made
For First Grade Pupils
Move That $25 Be Allowed for Play
Apparatus; Recommend Change
In Some Schedule Hours
At tho regular monthly meeting of
tho school board held Tuesday even
ing In the office of Clerk A. P. Mc-
klnzoy aoveral Insurance policies
wore read and accepted, the regular
monthly bills were read and ordered
paid, a truant officer was appointed, a
recommendation that Mrs. L. K
Page's school classes be divided Into
two sections was carried, it was moved
and seconded that a sum of money
be allowed for play apparatus at the
school buildings, -and theMtae of the
opening and closing ef some of the
dally sessions of the high and grade
schools were changed.
The following insurance policies
wero read and accepted: la the Cal
ifornia Insurance company for $3500
Fred Bosserman Attacked With
perebal Congestion While
! Carrying Wood
' 4
Careful Treatment Has Brought Him
: Through In Fine Shape
'Home New
till nfflflfl In aMtnVi n mn w t at . . . .
est wealth. The Booth-Kelly people "T" rfc" ..' Uf. rB r"u"i. 00 ino WBC0,B ounawjiB -we uon
...... .. ." suminisiraiion inai mo industries or
the northwest and. of the east have
Veen paralyzod
feel that those who mado this trio
will holp to educate the people at
homo of the Importance, of this In
,Tho party loft Eugene early In the
ti IIW.,. .1 1 In Tit. 11a. '
y ure up to the standard sett In a little
returning in the evening. When they ,.,, . .-- .
.11-,.. -.1 x ,v. . more u,aa flvo yers. ho wrote a name
.... . !.... ... j for himself In his state and second to
necticut Fire Insurance, comaanr.
$1400 on tho Lincoln building; 1b the
Insurance Company of Pennsylvania,
b. jii. , . " 1 , ' V nne la, this country. , Today .there are
. " .i ' -
"We are going tq eject the future ,$60fcoa the Llacola building-, and $1800
president of tljis country this falL oa the high echool building and fix
Does the candidate we espouse meas- tares.
J. W. Perkins was appointed truant
officer for this school year at IBM
per calendar month,
A raomauHtdatioh thatnheipuplls
la, Mrs. L. K. Page's class be divided
into two sections at, her discretion was
moved, seconded and carried. Under
the proposed new arrangement. It Is
planned to have one section recite
lrew'9 At Xjintll 12. Aj. M ashe l
ouier one recite rrom 11. M. to 4 P.
II. Tho reason for this Yccommeda
tlon Is that there is now neither seat-
ot for the company, carried the party f 0 n ,.t,-Mv te.Srance
to camp lea. The big 100 ton mallet companIej! tffJoJS m iaw8
locomotive waa soon winding IU way meR b J of Charle,yEva
up to an elevatloa 200 feet above w on book- Qt w YotVlt
"Wendllng. lcode
nooth-Kelly company', system of 'im ho" was elected govoraol
logging rallroads-frmbraces 26 miles of of lho W0Mt boM.rl(ldon Btal0 ln the
standard guago track spanned, with unlon 0 mAt
many promises be-
60 pound steel. Tho company builds fnrA ,,, ,, hn .t,i,, ., M.
roost of its own track and keeps about dufv ta mlt ,hoflfi -.. Ing room nor room for additional deaka
he bad taken tie Wh bflfee,, ' I fV . the pupils in Mrs. Page's grade.
In discussing the Adamson bill deal
Ing with tho recent railroad trouble.
Mr. Clark Bald. "Tho Aflamnon 'fcUf P'0?
40 men busy, tho year roupd In main
talnlng tho railroad. At prosont a
construction crow Is busy adding a
mllo spur to tho system which will bo
used this winter to haul logs from tho
foot. of Mt Nobo ,0 1,10 ,ntl,s- Thret)
locomotives and about 30 flat cars
Twenty five dollars is tho sum tho
This morning Fred Bosserman was
praetleally all right again; he was able
to be dreseed and to sit up He will
probably be taken home this after-
noea, the doctor said.
"Oh, I ut worked a little too hard,
and thought I'd rest a few minutes,"
sald'Fred Boseenaaa, when J. A. Allen
fbaekl him leasing against the wall ia
the aail last eatatde, the tatter's real
estate, office la the Commercial State
Bank building at about 11:20 Tuesday
morn lag.
Fred had been carrying la wood for
Mr. Allen from where It was sited oa
Mate street to the woodrooea adjoining
ta real estate office upstair. Before
coming to this work, he had already
Imiti la oae halt a lead et wood for
StvW. C Rebhan. bat this did not
kfsja him from working aa fast as
peetlble to get the second Job flatsa
ei. . Mr. Allen waa la Eugene when
Fred started work and when he retara
ed he found the boy leaning against
the.'eflce wall Bftatairs.
After saying he thoaght. he'd rest.
Fred went into Mr. Allen's office, stag
gerfeg and falling, however, before .he
reaehed a chair. As he fell, he cover
ed his face, with his hands, and hail:
turned. o that ho strack his left cheek:
ofl & table as he went pown. .Mr.
AHen helped him to a chair, and al
though he was hot and perspiring, he
seeaied to be alright -again, after he f
Domaler Natfs Mere Heern
Handle Increaeed Sufrie
Bccauso of the increase in his busl
ness, Ed Dompler, proprietor of the
blacksmltbing and 'horseshoeing shop
at Second and A streets, will begin
enlarging his shop next week. A 20
by 30 addition, to bo used as a wood
workroom and a paint shop, will be
bu'lt Jamas Shahan will do lho
About 25 or 30 customers, mostly
farmers aro served at tho shop each
day, Mr. Dompler said. About one
third of his patrons come over from
Eugene. He now has four workmen
Miss Vera Williams flans New Fea
tures for Indoor Gymnasium
.Work at Schsel
A new featare whieh will probably
be Intredace late the girl's athletics
at the gpriaefMd high school this
winter will he the giving of some phy
sical training work along with the
basket hall games aad other Indoor
sports. This faformatioB was gives
oat by MM Vera WKliaaM, teacher
of history, who will he the basket sail
coach, if the game is played this wia-
Reverend Moore Outline Wha
Next Year's Methodft Ses- ,
Ion Means to Town 1
Conference Just Clseed at Lebanon li
Prs-netineed Sttseess, Mainly
Due to Blehe Huhea 5
Approximately 396 people will be kt"
attendanee at the Oreajea Method let
coafereace to be held la this city aezt
fall, according to James T. Moore, pas
tor of the Jamee A. hAeert memorial
Methodist Epleeopal ehareh ef Spring-
field, who with Mrs. Moore aa Mhw
Margaret Morris, has Jaet retaraed
from the coafereaee cleeeeT at Lobaaoa,
Moaday evealag. The date of the aezt
year's coafereaee not yet deeided,
Reverend Moore said, hat it is aeaalllri
daring the first, aoeoad, or third week
of September. This Js decided hr tha
bishop. Of the aasahor to he expected
here, ahoat 1M w4H he athiioterf, and
Aa reeaaiader larmea.
When asked wt what the eoafer-
eeee wKl bmb to ,8tr1gtfA. Rerer
" wiH Mean tho
As plaaaed hy Miss Williams the d Moore aaM:
physical caltare work to be takes ap bfingiag to the tewa of a aasaher of
will lactase the Swedish exercises, of e repreeeatatlve, men of the Metho
the folk names. Her idea Is to get diet church from (Her8t pacts of the
every girl Interested hi athletics and United State, a she briaajae s all
tt the training week. I the .MethoeHst adaptors wsthla the
Althoagh bo ergaaleatfea for the Oregoa conforoasa,, territory- K wilt
season has heea perfected as yet, meaa. accordtogly. the, hringiatr to .tho
since the weather is stall too pleasant town of the roprefloataUve mm et
to start tBdoer work, several plans Oregea Methodism,
are ia the" air. Oae ef these concerns i "it will -make' these raea aetaaiated
a faculty women's Basket hall team, -with the town and with everythtog
whloh would pravide material for the that goes to make SBrmgield what tt
high school team to Py;ijahnt,ajsti u- It wilf rtve tea aeeWaa aa
so add zeat to the games.aMalMi taalty to get a asore eomprohonstve
prevent the necessity of haaUng. fr sonoopMoa, of oar ehareh aad -wht M.
Organ- stands for as4 it's pteas.for tae fatara
oatside teams to match, with.
hnhra:drt8fc.ot witerjandhjaj itto, tort.lHwV tWvwaiaicrwiBe hB aiveawr -
rested about live minutes, " 1"b" perfected in abou a week. Miss.- ..' Vfihr'ceaJereneSlo
Ho got up and said he guessed he
wouldn't work any moro until after
dinner, walked down stalra, and was
taken homo by Milton BaUy ln his car.
Williams said.
school board moved bo allowed for.Mn Ba,,y Hced nothing wrong with
apparatus at the Lincoln and tb0 bor' DUt moy happened to he
goos Into offect ln January and con
gress meets lu the first week In De
cember. What will congress do then
Tho motion ,ro,nB n,B After getting out of.
itho car at his home on North Fifth
aro continually in uso. i jn t),0 mcnn tjrao tno railroad men wltl
Every mnn, Including tho heavy navo t0 work un(lor lno old conditions
weights, W. W. Calkins, J. S, McCal- nd under tho old rates of pay until
lum and C. I Scott, successfully climb- ti,0 now um Koeg jnt0 on-ecti Tho rail
od Mt Nebo 4000 feet high. This road men havo been sold the most
mountain stands at tho.diyldo botwecn ' splendid specimen of gold brick you
tho McKonzfo and the Mohawk val- have ever seen.
high school buildings,
was seconded.
It was moved, and seconded that he, '? ,n ' " Ba,te-. ,He
Sections one and two of article ono I 5arr,cd ,na,do and. a Physlc,an
of tho rules and regulations bo chang
ed to read as follows: The dally ses
sions of tho high school shall "be dis
missed af 3:15 Instead of 3:30 P. M.
and that the noon recess for the high
school be from 12 P. M. until 1 P. M.
lovs. From the summit of Nobo one . nvn have no coast ilnfn(io on th
could soo the.prlmovftl forest, stretch-. Pacific coast and we need It. This recesses for the fifth', sixth, seventh
This waa abput J:i5 and when the
doctor came he, found Fred free from
pain, although there was evidence of
a colebral congstlon. At.. a little before
ono, the boy had tonic, convulsions
Mrs. Dunlap Easier
Springfield" should create aa atmos
phere for righteousness and for better
things that wHl be loag felt Hpoa tho
woral and spiritual Hfe of the towa."
Of the conference last closed; the
"T 1 C ' . ui iae co
1 OUeVY OaVS JLOCtOr pastor said: "Our conference this
kV a
Was Found Unconscious Mon
day Morning; Trouble is
Castric Poisoning
instead of until ljitf. and that'tho noon of 8Uch "verity that bo was, taken to
tne hospital, and. given chloroform to
Ing out over thousands of, acres from administration has plckod out a man and eighth grades begin at 12 M. In
Diamond Teak and the' Threo Sisters as secretary of the navy who dooantt-j oteal of 11:60 A. M. The' motion was
to tne uoourg nuis, anu as inr norm , Know a dreadnought from a steam , earned.
and south as vision would carry. ghoveL We should have a navy and
Practically all of this timber, 97 per an army that are large enough to lu
cent fir, two per cent hemlock, and one sure protection, at home and to be
por cent cedar, Is ripe and Is ready to' respected abroad. ,
cut. ' '' "In the selection of a man for prest-
Tho view fiponi the moantaln'a crost ;dent'." ; concluded Mr. Clark, "wo need
disclosed a. largo part of 136,00 acres one-thit 'dan' 'meet the cjndltlons con"
ironiing us. t. itugnos possesses
thoao qualities."
Betoro tho rally 'began tho Spring
flold band assembled In front of tho
theatre and played sovoral selections
of timber lands held by thojUooth
Kelly company In this countyv Mnny
baldod hills wero monuments to tho
000,000,000 foot of timber that this
company nlono has marketed during to attract a crowd. It also played dur-
tho last 17 years. Thoro are still 20,
COO acros left In tho Booth-Kelly tract
to bo logged which aro tributary to tho
Springfield and Wondling mills.
Promptly at 12:30 tho hungry party
eat down toa real logger's dinner in
tho moss houao at camp ten. From
tho manner ln which the beans, pota
os, roast boef, salad, biscuits, lomon
pie, cako and fruit disappeared one
would havo oxpoctod that thoso wero
men of tho forost.
After dinner, Secretary Bennett of
tho Dooth-Kolly Y. M. C. A. showed tho
slghtsoors through his car and ex
plained tho work that Is dono for tho
lumberjack. Tho Y. M. C. A. main
tains a car 14 by 60 feet, with n road
ing room, pool tablq, vlctrola, boxing
glove's and many games, that travels
from camp to camp making two wooks
stops. Tho car Is used by tho mon as
tholr headquarters for entortnlnments
and religious meetings, This project
has boon In oporatlon slnco May 8,
this year, ,
Tho Booth-Kelly company omploys
from 300 to 400 mon in Wendllng and
t.ll8 camps nbovo Wondling which cut
" approximately; 250,000 foot of timber
, (Ceatlaaed on rage 3)
Ing the rally.
W. F. Walker, president of the local
Hughes club Introduced threo county
candidates boforo introducing Mr.
Clark. They woro Stacy M. Russell,
for county clork; C. B, Barnard for
sheriff; and W. W. Branstetter for
county coroner.
This tho first rally was fairly well
attended and a keen Interest in thinga
political was demonstrated,
relieve the pain,
Tho physician pronounced, the trou
ble to be overwork accompanied by
cerebal congestion.
T-atsifctf nir'n 1 1 Aimwi) Aii I Fred Bossernaan has attracted Con
. .-v . I Kliinrnnin ntfnntlnn In Rrirlntrffnlrt
, ... ....... ... . ...
Dr. and Mr. C. Harold Palrn'4'r, ef through his efforts to .make his ovpr
way. He works chiefly at running
errands and doing odd ions, sucn as
throwing In wood.
The boy has. been blind from baby
wedding occured at 1:30 P. M. Sun-1 hood, suffering from traumatic catar-
day at tho Baptist .parsonage, Rever
end W. Norton Ferris, officiating, aro
Mabel, Drive to Eeatern;bregon'
Br. a Harold,' Palmer and Miss
Erma M. Barr, both'Xiaoefr whose
n , n n n w nnnl, a A . , n , 1 1 n t rt , n '
UIUI CAI,U Do( uuui a tun cup
ago when tho merchants of Springfield
took up a collection to defray tho cost
John Qllfrey Able to Return Home
Mr. and Mrs. John Qilfrey arrived
this morning for a few day's visit
at tho homo of Mr. GUfrey's uncle,
John Wlnzonrlod. Mr. Qilfroy has
boon at tho Mercy hospital at ISugono
suffering with a broken leg, for somo
timo paBt, but will now be abo to re
turn homo to Croswoll. Tho injured
momber is not honied, but la getting
itlong no, tho attending physician
Is Suffering With Rheumatism
Mrs. Emily F. Stevons has boon
qulto 111 with rhoumatlsm for the past
sovoral days, Sho ts at hnr homo at
720 'North-D street, and. Miss Lllle
Qlbbs Is' staying with her
now on a wedding trip of 10 days or
two wooks to tho homo of Mr. Pal- j of an oporatlon. As a result of this
mor s parents in eastern Oregon. Tho 1 operation mo youin was enaoiea 10
young couple aro making the trip
to Prinevllle in their car, going by
way of the McKenzlo Pass, and aro
expecting to return via tho Columbia
Dr. Palmer, who Is a. practicing
physician in Mabel,, in a friend of Dr.
W, C. Rebhan of this city, who with
Mrs. Robhan, was tho only .outside
guest prosont, at thq wedding. .
distinguish light from dark, and within
tho past year ho was able, by effort, to
distinguish colors If tho contrast were
Odd Fellows Win In Debate
Waltervlllo, Oct. Af Last Saturday
night tho Odd Follow and tho Wood-
2 Councllmen, Recorder and Treasur
er to be Chosen? Judges and
Clerks Appointed
At a special session of tho city coun
cil hold in the recorder's office on
men Lodges gave an entertainment i Tuesday evening, October 3, a roa.
A dobate was hold. The question bo-, olutlon was passed authorizing a city
ing, Resolved that tho horse is a I election to bo held hero on Novom-
greater friend to humanity than the . ber 7, and clerks and Judgos for tho
dog. Tho speakers on tho Odd Fel
lows' or affirmative side, were Mr. In.
man and Mr. Dovor and' on the Wood
men or the negative feldo -wero Lee
Fountain and Everett Wearln. The
Judges appointed were Matt Emmer
ich, Frank Pago aad Miss Cera Devor
and tho decision was made Jn favor
of tho affirmative. .
Afterwards n blg-auppoMcas sorvod.
There was a largenrorowd and t hoy all
reported a"verV''lioodftlme;'';-.
occasion .were appointed.
The election, which Is to bo held in
tho city hall, Is for two councllmen,
a recorder and a treasurer. The elec
tion Judges will be. J. F, Powers, L. E.
Thompson, and H, C Ethell, and the
clerks appointed are Miss Florence
Coffin and John O, Mullen.
Mayor Morrison and all members of
tho counctl were present at tho special
session held Tuesday evening, begin,
ning at 7; 30 o'clock.
year as compared with other years was
considered by all to be oae ef the most
pleasant and profitable sessloas that
has been held in recent years.
"This success was largely due to the
spirit and executive ability ef the pre-
Mrs. W. L. Dunlap 'has not suffered aiding' bishop, Matt S. Hughes. Hi
so much for the past 12 hoars, and is Impressed every member of the con;
resting easier this morning. Consld- -fereace with his simple, approachable',
erlng the malady, gastric poisoning, brotherly 'spirit The whole confer
she 13 getting along as well as can be ence was permeated, by that spirit aad
ere oi ex
expected .This Is the statement given there was a general atmc
put today .by the attending' physician. ; pee'tancy, and KopefBlaeee that filled
Mrs. Dunlap seemed all right Mob-5 every' member with delight"
day mornlagswhea Mr. Dunlap leftj1 AmoW. the appo'lntmeata as anX
home, but-when he returned at noon. B0K8ced by the bishop Monday, which
he found her upon, the floor, uncon-1 m4y be rf iaterest to leeal folks are
scions. A doctot was ailed at once.jtae .tollawlog: Reversed James tL
and everything possible was done toMeore returned to Springfield; Dr. a.
relieve the, latense pain she was suf-'H parklnsoa returned to Bageae;
,rnB I Reverend R. S. Bishop returned to
Miss Loyus Anna Lees, of the Mercy Creawell. JoMph Kaox MarshfieM
hospital In Eugene is In attendance Lent to Cottege GroTe; aad'Reveread
upon Mrs. Dunlap. who is at her homo' 08CRr Hcath returned to" Junctioa
on Sixth and D streets.
County Fair Clinic Gives Dorothy May
Richmond 100 Per Cent
Score I
Dorothy May, little daughtor of Dr.
J. E. and Nellie Gilbert Richmond of
this city Is the only baby of the 100
examined at tho county fatrlast month
to recolvo a perfect score of 100 per
cent which was announced today.,
Little porotby May is a fresh air child
who has always slopt out of doors,
excopt ln extremely bad weathev
When examined ho was Just 24 months
old, weighed 29 pounds, stood 34
inches high, circumference of head
was 19 Vi inches, chest 20 ft inches,
abdomen 19 inches, arm length 13
Inches, leg length 15 Inches. The
little girl Is Just a trifle largor than Is
proscribed for a perfect child.
W. O. WHas qood Meeting
A very Interesting program was giv
en Tuesday night hy the Woodmen of
the World at their hall. A, three round
pillow fight was fought between H. 0.
Bird and Winnie Thompson. Then
the delightful refreshments .can
Many local people, appeared In.
tations ana musical numbers wa
ar Aaa ' Wahw i munlx amIavaJ "
; City. Another Item which may Inter
est Is tho fact that James Mdore, D.
D. of Albany has been appointed dis
trict superintendent with his head
quarters at Eugene. Reverend Moore
Is said to be one of the strongest
preachers and best executive members
of the conference
Among the Springfield folks ln at
tendance at tho coafereaee Just closed
were: Reverend and Mrs. James T.
Moore, and Miss Margaret Morris, the-
latter of whom was lay delegate to
the laymen's sesston. These three
members were present during the en
tire session. Others who attended
during ono or two days of tho confer
ence were: Dr. and Mrs. W. H. Pol
lard. Mr. and Mrs.. It. W Smith, Mr
and Mrs. L. May, Mr. and Mrs. C.
L. cott, Randall Scott, and Fred
J. T. Donaldson Returns From Idaho"
J, T. Donaldsdn returned yesterday;
morning after a two and one hall
weeks' absence spent in Idaho, visit
ing with bis daughter, Mrs. Jennie,
Durand and with his three bobs, S. J.
Donaldson, Charles Donaldson aaoT,
George Donaldson. Mr. Donald sob.'
Vu he was over most of the c own try)
5a "1 . a . ak a v t -l' a
sjm Twin rails io rocaieno, aaa ass
a'd thls fino country, and that kf
U a good visit with his children;