The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, October 02, 1916, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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v Along Wtffr Autumn
; J ' Gomes Coughs and Colds
Tho Hint cough of tho Bonnou Ih apt to provo annoy
ing ami If nogloctod may become BcrlotiH.
Uso Ponolar Whito Pino nnd Spruco Bnlsmm
It will get nt tho foundation of tho trouble nnd roniovo
tho ciutHo, It 1b free from opinion and Is as anfo for
children ub adultB.
Prico 25o nnd 50c
I Town and Vicinity f
Water wings at . Peery'a ,
55. T. Klntzloy la In town (rom Jas
por today.
Mrs. 8. D. Farrier of Lawlor spent
Friday In town ,
C.l.-Gorria ot Douglas Gardons.spont
Friday In town,
Mrs. M.B. Gnrrlson of Marcola spent
yestorday. In town.
Hurt Millar ot Marcola, returned .to
Swlsshomo Friday.
' Eddlo Martin wont to Wendllng FrI
day on business. ,
8. II. Tllton reopened tho fish mark
et on Fifth Htroot.
Keep tho fllcu off tho cows with "Fly
Bouncer" 7Gc a gallon nl Poory's.
- Mr.- and Mrc. Truman Chaso and
family spent tho' weekend In Salem.
Earl TltiiB who underwent an op
eration Wednesday 'la getting along
nicely. ,
Horn: To Mr, and Mrs. A. L. John
son of Sprlngflold, a 0-pound girl this
Mrs. Will Darling who has boon
quite sick for a few .days, is reported
as doing nicely.
Miss Helen Robinson of Klncald
Park was giving music lossons in
Springfield Saturday morning.
Mr. and Mrs. Tad Luckoy. and son
drove to Salem to tako In tho fair tho
latter part of tho week.
ltUBBoll Dlinm Bpont from Friday
ovonlng to Sunday evening visiting
and seeing tho stato fulr at Salem.
Hunting and trespassing Is posl
tlvolyoly forblddon on tho Brnttaln
No uso to bo sick when Dr. Murphy ;
tho magnetic hcalor Is in our midst
olllco is 395 Main utroot, Sprlngflold,
Mr. nnd Mrs, Hnrry Buinott of
Wendllng, spout Friday in town, on
routo to Mnrcoln whoro.thoy will ro
Miss Pearl Snook roturnod. homo to
Fall Crook this morning after a two
aays visit uoro witu nor zatnor nnu
John Ashworth has resigned his
position with tho Booth-Kelly Lumber
company and will leavo soon for Wood,
II. W. Greon of Portland is In
Sprlngflold on a fow days' business
trip Mr. Groon formorly ownod a cafo-
torla in this city,
Tho 18-month-old child of Mr, and
Mrs. R, N. Plquot of Mabel wbb opor
atod on for tonsils, and adonolda at tho
offlco of a locul physician Thursday.
Mrs. W. P. Illllla of Fall Croek, who
was taken to tho Eugeno hospital
Thursday morning with n burstod up
pondlx nnd undorwont an oporatlon
that afternoon, Is roportod to bo doing
Boys' School Shoes
Boys' Dress Shoes
Boys' High Top Shoes
"See Our
.Urn. Prlco" bahrifng' oofydora a(
Peory'a Drug 'Store.,'
A. C. Dixon of Eugene spent Friday
In town on business.
Joo Wakoflold of Blue Itlvor Tvns a
Sprlngrtold visitor yestorday.
Mrs, Sylvester Snook and son, Hurt,
of Fall Creek aro Sprlngflold visitors,
Mr. nnd Mrs. Harry Carson loft Fri
day for thlor homo In Marcola.
Roy Doffonbachor of Maploton Is
sponding two weeks horo and in Co
burg. Johnnlo Walsh of Jnsper camo down
Friday to visit his mother, Mrs. Harry
Mr. and Mrs, Horbort Smoed and
little son of Waltorvlllp spent Friday
In town.
J. Welch and O. H. Qlbbs woro
among thoso registered at, tho Spring
Oeld hotel yostorday.
Wyllo James and family moved In
yestorday from Prunevlllo to ono of
tho Gosslcr houses on A stroot
E. C. Neat; C, Heaton, Drain; and
R. E. Wilson, of Borkoioy, Cal.. were
roglsterod at Uio Eltto Saturday
A marrlago llcenso was Issued to
fJuy Dolalso Moshlor and Miss Ira
Knight, both of Sprlngflold, on Friday.
A marrlago llcenso was issued. Fri
day by Stacy Russell, to Dr. Harold C.
Palmer and Miss E. M. Barr, both of,
A big prlzo dance is advertised to
bo hold hero by Hydo's orchestra In
tho Stovons hall noxt Tuesday even
ing, Octobor 3.
Good reliable fire Insurance.
No as-'
sossmcnts; no membership foo. Pay
onca and you are dene. H. E. Walker
at tho City flail."
A rniriy targe crowu nttenucu nnu
enjoyod tho danco given In tho Stovons
hall horo by tho Gross orchestra of
Eugeno last Saturday night
Reverend and Mrs. Jamos T. Mooro
and Miss Margaret Morris aro expect
ed homo this ovonlng after having boon
attendance at tho MothodlBt Con-
foronco nt Lobanon,
All mombors of tho United Artisans
aro .requostod to bo present nt tho
regular meeting Wednesday evening,
aa thoro Is Important businesyj to
Many of tho light sleepers in this
community were rudely wakened early
yostorday morning by tho booming
ot shot guns, and aftor they had como
to their senses sufficiently they real
ized that tho pheasant, season waq on.
Many of tho hunters of Springfield
salllod forth yestorday to get tho first
shots of the season alas many came
homo only with a fow shells loss than
beforo they startod.
Thoso roglsterod nt tho Sprlngflold
hotel Saturday Include tho following:
F, T. Corbln, Salom; . H. Drnth, Sal
em; S, B. Larimer, Walla Walla, Wash
ington; CWillford nnd wlfo; Dan Craln
M, Workman, Mabel; D. R. Coloman,
Burns; D. Walch; Goorgo Howo; Q.
Woavor, Thurston; D, C. Andorson
nnd wlfo. ,
Men's Work Shoes
Men's Dress Shoes
-Men's High Top Shoes
Men'sSpbrt SIfoes
First Class Repairing
Main Between 5th and 6th
: tttT T-t
Mt ef Olite, City' of Tofoetyl' J' .
Luch county. J."1. . ,
Frank X, Ctienry makes ontn tlmt he H
tenlor tmrtnor ot tlio firm of F, 3. Clunsy
.A Co,, no In g tiulncM in th City of To
Mo, County awl fJtnte nforrimld, - and
that nlil firm will lay the nam ot ONB
lUlNDJiRt) for each anaev
try ma of Cntnrrh that cannot be riiref
Uy tho un ot HAr.r.'H catahuh cunts.
flworn to before nto nnd subucrlbit In
my prpoence, this Clh Cay of December,
a. n, im
(Seal) A, TV, dLKAflOM.
Notnry Public.
If nil' Catarrh Curn la taken Internally
nnd nrlR directly lion tha blond nnd mu
coti surfare nf tho system, Bend for
icfiimonmm, rrei.
A CO., Toledo, O,
Hold ?y mi urwtewn, ir-e.
v nil DrnirclMn. tr.
Tike Halt's Totally IMlla Mr eanitlpallon.
Mr. and j.n. II. E, Walker spent tho
weok end In Salem
Harold Pcory spont tho week end
pheasant hunting at Sclo,
M. C. Bronolor wont to his ranch,
1C miles out of Salom Friday.
Mrs. Helen Qulnor of Eugeno was a
Sprlngflold business visitor Saturday.
Marlon Adams roturnod to the Fis
cher Boutin camp near Marcola yes
torday, Norman Andorson returned Thurs
day from an extended trip through
C. TI. Jensen of Spokane is employ
ed in tho drygoods section ot tho, Cox
and Coxstoro.
Miss Ethelyn Powers Is employed as
"extra" stenographer at tho ofTlco of
tho Sprlngflold News.
Mrs. Mark Young and llttlo son, of
Portland, aro visiting at the homo of
Ira Young and family.
Big Danco, Tuesday, October 3, Ih
tho Slovens Hall Prlzo Danco
Everybody welcomo.
Mrs. W. P. Elliott of Fall Creek had
planned to lenvo tho Springfield hos
pital for her homo today.
Mrs. Carl Yancey of Marcola, who is
In tho Sprlngflold hospital, will be ablo
to return to her homo soon. ' ,
Miss Naomi, returned tho last of tho
. -1, !. Tl. Cnnv hnn I
Harry Klefer', local bricklayer, haff
Just completed a chimney at tho Tilllo
LuthQr rsldenco on Sth and G streets.
.j Mrs. Panl'Brattaln spent Thursdayj
with Mr: and Wfrs. John Renny at tho;
uenny CQitago, ,t;ugowooa ,,ai uiuo
River. ' ' 1 '
' Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Skeols and Mr.,
and Mrs. R. D Wilson spent the week
end In -Cottage Grove, visiting rela
tives Mrs. N. W. Emery left Saturday
morning for Portland to bo with her
mothor, Mrs. W. M. Masse, who is j
seriously ill.
R. C. Howard purchased tho Henry
Coiglll property on Eighth nnd C. i
streets Friday, and intends fixing it
up for a homo.
Mrs. W. F. McBeo and son, Merle,
of Fall Creek, roturnod Friday from
tho uaucs, wnoro uiey navo ooen
visiting relatives.
No use to bo sick when Dr. Murphy (
the magnetic healer Is In our midst, ;
ofllco is 30G Main street, Springfield,
Miss Vivian Haines nnd Vadron Gar-
tin of Eugene woro Sprlngflold visitors j
Saturday afternoon and evening. Miss
Gartln plays a violin with tho Gross
Nols Jensen of Horrlsburg, who has
boon qulto 111 for tho last few months,
was In Sprlngflold Saturday, He, says
ho Is much Improved 1m health and
will bo as good as oyer soon.
Mlssos Marjdrlo Knott and Ruby
Sonseney woro dinner guests at Rehm
Jlnll at tho Eugone Biblo University,
Friday ovonlng. The affair was in
honor of Mrs, E. C. WIgmoro.
Mrs. S. A. Sao, of Eugeno was In
town on business Saturday morning.
"Dad" Palmer of Wost Springfield
la suffering with rheumatism In his
Mrs. W. P. Hills, ot Fall Crook, un
dorwont an operation nt tho Eugeno
hospital Thursday night and was re
ported recovering Saturday, Mrs. W.
J. Williams, of this city who Iiub boon'
at tho hospital, was discharged. Friday.
Slio roturnod homo.
yi n i 1 I 'i i r,
, Mefril Dinwiddle, . of, Brownsville,
passed through .Springfield on his way
home this morning, after spending a
few days With friends In Eugene, ' .
W. B. Knott and George, CrawfoH
of Hay don Bridge will leave tomorrow
for Stanford, Montana, to spend two
or thrco wooknr on business,
Tho nttondanco ot scholars at the
G I on wood school In West Springfield
Is not as largo as last year and they
iro mostly all small children.
' Tho llttlo son of Mr. nnd Mrs. if.
Piquet underwent an operation for the
removal of tonsils and adenoids, ono
day late last weok.
J. E. Murphoy of Sprlngflold receiv
ed a thoroughbred Ncubln billy goat,
which was bred at Madison, Nebraska,
today. Tho goat Is a splendid speci
men and Is only a year old.
Tho family of H, E. Lee, of West
Springfield, moved to Sheridan Friday,
whero they will make their new home,
Mr, Leo is employed as a cruiser for
tho Sheridan Lumbor company,
The team scales of the Springfield
Feed company have besn moved from
South Second and. Main street to the
company's warehouse on the railroad
and South Second
The Southern Pacific construction
stock which was used in the building
of tho Willamette Pacific railroad has
boon pastured out between Natron
and Oakridge.
Mrs. Blllle Llghtfoof. and son, Blllle,
of Portland arrived Saturday to visit,
with . Mrs. Llghtfoot's father, P. II
Emery. Mr. Llghtfoot arrived Sun
day. Mrs. Louie Jacobs and son Rudolph',
who have been visiting In this city for
some time with Mrs. Jacob's daughter,
Mrs. James Stewart, returned home to
Klamath Falls Saturday.
Mrs. Harry Shnhon, who underwent
an operation for appendicitis and com
plications at the Eugene hospital late'
'?tlrek, '8 rePrtCd 10 b dlng
Miss D. Whelpley returned the last
of the week from Grants Pass where
she has been, visltj'ng soybral weeks,
1 ('. V. ' 1 . . I ' MM '.1,1
make her home here With another'' fits -
ter, Mrs. E. J, Reynolds' ' '
ur. ana Mrs. w. . rouara ana Mr.
and Mrs. R. W Smltji drove to Lcba -
non in Uie lormera car Saturday after-
noon to (attend the annual, Methodist
iconference The party eurned' homo
last evening.
tl t i- ' T '
Workmen were busy Friday and
Saturday tarring the cracks along the
Main street carllne, and In doing other
small Jobs to finish up the work of
replnnklng the track which was be
gun some time ago.
Mrs. Grace Roberts and family have
moved from Seventh and South Main
street to the Robert Vitus residence
on Fourth nnd C streets. Mrs. Roberts
1 mvinW w, f, tua, wh
,8ays moving was easy for the high
BPi.nn, Hrt Hdi thn wnrk
flplinni fMria it I r 1 thn xirnrlr
C. E. Swarts. O. B. Kessev. W. F.
Wnlker, C. E. Wheaton. B. A. Wash-
burn0( E E. Kopner, John Mullen.
and Fenner Travis, attended a Re
publican rally held at Croswell Fri
day night A fine time Is reported.
The Christian Endeavor society ot
the Christian church will hold a "Corn
Social" at the church Friday evening
ot this week. All young people ot
Springfield are Invited to attend, on
condition that they come clad in
overalls or calico.
True economy is what we save In the
long run. The wise man feeds his colt
to make It grow- He pastures his caw
to get a good flow ef Milk and' paints
his, house to make It last. It casUf
very jittle more bow to paint a house
than it did a year age. PreVaWy act
more thaa ?2.6e en aa average. M&ke
your home beantjful ' with, tlie Tsesi
paint on the naarfc t-PheoBlx,' ?um
Paint, Guaranteed, ffiby! J. Cv Bfel
brook. Card of Thanks
Wo wish in this way to or a
llttlo of tho thankfulness that is in
our hoarte.for the loving kindness ot
those who helped us when Borrow en
torod our homo. The prayers, the
words of comfort, the flowers, tho
loving hearts, the kind deeds, madi
our loss easier to bear.
Springfield pooplo should know that
a few dosos of simple buckthorn bark,
glvcorlno. eta, as mixed la Aldor-lka
often relieve or 'prevent appendicitis.
This simple mixture romovcB such' sur
prising foul matter that ONE SPOON
FUL relloves almost ANY CASE con
stipation, sour stomach or gas. A
short treatment helua, chronic etom-
nch trouble. Alder-I-ka has epluat
nn'l mrRt Minrn'-1! rflnn nf nnvtlilne
jwo over sold. M, M, Puery Drug Co.
1 o
25 50 75
A number of people from Lebanon,
Brownsville, Cottage Grove and
Springfield met at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. C. E. Lyon yesterday morning
and drove to the fish hatchery up the
McKcnzie. They were: Thad Sterling
and family. Lebanon; Mr. and Mrs.
Chas. Sterling, Andy Poe and family-1
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gustaveson ,o
Brownsville; Dave Sterling and family
of Cottage Grove; Mr. and Mrs. C. E.
i Lyon' M,8S- Mae Lyon' ?ra-
and. Mr. Holverson of Springfield.
Mrs. Cleo Durrln and Mrs. Vina Mo
'jan served tea In the dining room
0f (no odd Fellows' ball last Saturday
afternoon to fie members of the
SDrincfleld Rebekah lodce who were!
assembled at that time to work on a Wns u jurjuien tor uie uciouer
ruilt whkh Is to be cent with a well lenn selected Friday 'by County Clerk
filled box to the Odd Fellow and Re- Resell and,SheriffJParker are Taylor
bekah home in Portland at Thanksgiv- Needham, Springfield number 2, farm
ing time. There were 10 member er G- w- Carson, Springfield, laborer;
present, and all enjoyed the occasion an1 - Stephens; Springfield num
greatly. er farmer. The October term con-
venes on the 16th.
Tho Kensington club met at the
home of Mrs. Walter Herndon Friday
afternoon and the afternoon was spent
dolnc fancv work after which dalntv
y aainty
refreshments were served. The guests
. . . n.
: ot tue ciuo were mrs. Aiirea mower.
'",ss u'wer na Airs. erncon.
Club members present wore Mrs, W.
H. Whitney, Mrs. Fred Walker, Mrs.
Lawrence May, Mrs. H. A. Korf, Mrs'.
J. C. Holbrook and Miss Edna Swarts.
The next meeting will be held at the
home of Mrs. O. B. Kessey,on A
street '
After the Springfield chapter of the
Knlchts and Ladies of Security, held
installation last Thursday evening, a
social hour and refreshments were en- and Mr. Bell drove down Saturday ev
Joyed. Members of the Eugene lodge enlng and were Joined at Shedd by
who were visitors were: Mrs. L. H. Mr. Beals' brother. By about 10 o
Elspass. president, and Installing offl- dock the next morning, each had tha
cer, L. H. Elspass, Mr. and Mrs. Uhl, limit, number ot birds, five. Mr. Beals
Mr. and Mrs, B. B. McKinney, Mrs. 8ay8 the pheasants are not so plentl-
Della Smith, Mref Margaret Klzer,
Mrs. Sumner, Ray Chase, Mr. and-Mrs.
J. E. Cross, Mrs. Collins, and Mrs. A.
M. Simon.
Tho Epworth League of the Meth-
odist church entertained the young on, tho Natrpn road, about four and.
people of the congregation at their ae half miles from Springfield. But
first party last Friday evening. Tho better still, ho was able to fill it lm
flrst part qt the evening was taken up medtaly with fine yellow stock com
with a buBlnoss meeting presided over
by Randall Scott, president of the
League. Routine business was dlspos
d of nnd a nom,natlng committee np-
pointed to select a second and fourth
vlco president. The large number of
young people who were present were
entertained with guessing contests
and popular games during the latter
part of the ovonlng. While the galtlea'
woro In progress the committee on
refreshments doled forth with largo
schooners ot fresh apple cider and
flno big sugared .sinkers,
Many Farmers Shop Here Saturday
Among the farmlpg folks who were
shopping In Springfield Saturday were:
GUy Mosler, Hnyden Bridge; Andy
Fischer, Waltervllle; W. A. Jack, Mr.
and Mrd. Charles Ward, and R. W.
Makenson, Camp Creek; George and
Joo Hart, Cedar Flat; Tom Solelm.
Camp Qreok; W. T. D,. Franklin, man
ngor of the J, W. Seayoy hop ranch;
Ceorge Campbell, from hlu farm on
the River Roa'd; W. S. Dodd, Natron;
Nols Gusslor, Camp Creek; V, Dunton,
j Camp Creek,
A. sClV;
Want 30,00. Yard, of Gravel
C. R. Dean ot the Dean and Brown
Paving company of North Bend and
W. H. Wann of the Murphy-Wann
Building Material company of "Marsh
Held were in Springfield yestorday try
ing to contract for some gravel. They
Tf '.g?? Bt JMa"h;
30,00 yards of material for this pur-
Ipose. The Springfield gravel com
pany will probably tAA for this con
Portland People Come Here to Live
I Mr, and Mra, J. W. Walker of ,Port-
d their daughter, Mrs. K. Let
kowltz and small' daughter, arrived
here from Portland Tharsday evening
and ,wiU make, this city their boko.
Mr- and Mrs- Walker ar,the,parenW
HTB- F- A- weeolowska and.or,Mlss
LetkpwRz of the Sprhjgfleld Bakery,
Three Springfield Men on Jury
I a : ii 'a -1 a! 'a
Loca, Lodge Members Work on Box
x. . .-w..
.u- 0
' , b oa.uu, B-
noon Bewlng m names on quilt blocks.
Tllo nm wl ftnn nt tM.
year.a box from the SprIngfleld Re.
bekah and Qdd Pellow homo ,n Por.
,and It made by the ,ocai lodga
Women, who are giving members ot
either lodge on opportunity to hava
their names worked on one of tha
blocks by paying five cents.
Get Limit of Birds In a Short Time.
D. S. Beals of Springfield, John Bell
of Eugene, and Will Beals ot Shedd
found fine pheasant hunting at Shedd,
Linn county yesterday.
Mr. Beals
tu as they "were last year.
Buys New Silo, nnd Fills It
C. A. Swarts ot this city has Just
purchased a new 10, by 24 foot alio.
and has had it Installed at his ranch
, raised on tno place, alter which there
were still 400 bushels left for tho pigs.
The bIIo wbb bought from the Flsher
Boutln Lumber company.
S. P. to Inspect Tracks
Things around the local railroad.
yards aro beginning to tako on their
very best appearance. Track foreman.
S. Jacobson, is having his men clean
things up for tho annual inspection
which will take place the last of this
week. The Inspection train will leave
Portland today and will go through
Springfield Thursday or Friday of this
A Good Position
Can be had by any ambitious young
man or young lady in tho field of
Railway or Commercial TelGKraphy,
Slnco the- passage, of the eight hour
law; by Congress, It haB created a
great demand for, Telegraph Opera
tors, Positions paying from $7C. to
$90 per month with men ''loirr , tor
advancement Jt will pay you wrlta
Railway Telegraph Ins't of Portland,
Oregon, for full particulars.