The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, September 28, 1916, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Fix Roada ror Winter; Logger Killed;
Newa From$cliools In Their
Mnrcoia, Sept. 87. Sovoral now stu
dents havo roglstorod la tho high
Behoof dopartfuont slnco Monday
werp Miss Pearl Wnlkor, Kcnnoth
Conloy. Willis Ulakloy. Otto Lydy, Win
Bilker, Miss Stolln Slack and Ilussol
Sirs. Fnulo Uargor of Donna was In
Marcola this week on business.
Foss E. Mapto and others motored
to Eugcno Tuesday returning the same
The Marcola high school girls and
boys are preparing to organlxo a bas
ket ball team, as the gymnasium of
the school wns made Into an assembly
room this year, tho teams will uso tho
M. W. A. hall.
Thoro will be a big dance at Mablo
Saturday night
The whooping-cough, now Is almost
n thing ot tho past as thero are only a
tew cases.
Rot. Workman preached to the peo
ple ot Marcola Sunday.
Several pcoplo from hero went to
the circus In Eugeno Tuesday.
Miss Maudo Allen Is taking lessons
on the piano from Miss Verona Black.
Her music will count as a credit us
she is taking lessons from one ot tho
high school teachers.
About one hundred and fifty new
books were added to the high school
library at tho commencement of
The first assembly ot the Marcola
schools was held Monday. Songs were
sung, Miss Black sans two sqlos and
professor O'Reilly gave a. short talk
and It was 'deemed tnat tno .scnoois
-would Halve an jfasembly every Monday
and that the .different classes In high
school would furnish entertainment
The Senior class will entertain next
Monday. . , , ,
The sudden death ot Olio Carson
-was quite a shock to the Marcola
people. Mr. Carson was working In
tho woods at Bally, when a limb about
thirty-five feet long sturck htm on the
head killing him Instantly. The part
of tho limb which struck htm was
about one Inch and a halt in diameter
Tho Dr. said he could not find any
fracture Whore the limb hit him.
Coroner Veatch ot Eugene was up
yesterday shortly after Mr. Carson's
death and It was decided that an In
quest was not necessary The fun
oral services will bo held tomorrow
Jn Springfield.
Donna, Ore.. Sept. 27. H.E. Hum
mer of Eugene was here between
trains Sunday.
Carol Auld and family were here
visiting friends Sunday.
Robert McMurphy visited at the
home of J. D. Adams last Sunday.
While hunting a few miles from here
Saturday J. R. McGee got a fine seven
pointed buck.
The following fiave sone to the up
per Willamette for several days bear
hunting, Joe Betting, Ralph, Mr. Castle
and Mr. Kerns.
W. W. Stafford and family who have
been picking hops and prunes at Cor
vallis returned home Sunday.
W. C. Seavey hauled two loads of
wheat to Marcola Monday.
School started here Monday but
.many pupils will not start for some
time on account of the circus and work
to be done.
W. C, Seavey made another trip to
Marcola Tuesday.
Leo Seavey went to Eugene Tues
day to see the circus and attend to
come business.
Mrs. Jackson returned home Tues
day after viBltlng a few days with her
brother, A. B. Kelly.
F. J. Ardath, John Robertson and
two children, George Hill, Jona Gilles
pie and Mr. Brandt were passengers
on the train Tuesday to see the circus.
John Adams Is building a shed pro
jection on bis new barn.
F. J. Spores and family, and W. W.
Swafford and family drove to Eugene
Tuesday to see the circus.
John Robertson ran his small mill
Monday to finish out a car load of ties.
Several men have been working on
tho road the last tew days. It has
been In poor repair all winter and is
now being fixed up.
West Springfield, Sept. 27.. Ernest
.Lee came, home from Buell to aid his
'mother In preparation for moving.
They wil) go Friday If possible.
Mrs. Rose's sister has been visit'
Ing hero this week,
(Continued from page one)
'Mast winter, tab' dtfreHnte woald be
VAfrreapond'lngly Wfef tff 'irete'r. i
Accorilnc to the rfcboft, these fig-l
urea tmow that all foresta in thia rej
IrAa. eVaitfa'Ui tho' National Fcffestj
i!rSa ta tflili nsountalha, an? YeTM
valuable for conserving tho spring
.water supply, Vntl should bo carefully
protected. Denuded forest arena
should bo restocked with trees and pre
tccted from flra and all othor des
troying influences.
(Continued from Page Ono)
Brnttnln, Borttlo Bruco, Matilda Grun
nlng, Lcota McCracken, Edna Piatt,
Fa' Smith and Grnco Thomas.
In tho grammar school, Bopnrnto
lunch rooms for boys and girls, with
teachers In chargo each day, havo
boon provided. Thoro is now also
dally supervision ot tho playgrounds.
When tho weather grows colder, tho
members ot the domestic science do-
partmont will servo hot soup or a hot
drink each day, tho Ingredients to bo
furnished Jointly by the school board
nnd tho children. For instanco, sup
posing thoro wore to bo a vcgotnblo
soup, tho school board would furnish
a soup bone, and tho pupils who wish
ed to havo some ot tho food would
bring a potato, onion, or other vege
At a meeting at tho high school held
Inst evening to decide whothor thoro
would bo a football team this year, It
was found that there was plenty of
enthusiasm, but not very much mater
ial. Thero aro very few largo boys
In school (his year, but it is hoped
others may como In in tho next few
days. It is probable that a team will
be organized, according to Principal
P. M. Stroud.
Classified Ads
FdrSale, Rent, Wanted, Etc.
GREY OATS for sale, Virgil Moon,
Phone 29F11, Springfield.
HOUSE FOR RENT : Partly furnish
ed, on south Second street Apply
to A. E. Huntley.
seven room house located in good
residence section of Eugene, haa
large front porch, two screened In
Ack porches, bath, cabinet kitchen,
pantry, gaa rfnd electric light, la
plastered and modern throughout
Will consider trade for home in
Springfield. Address B3L Care ot
Springfield News.
WANTED: At Springfield Bakery, a
boy over 16 years of age to learn
the trade.
ROOM AND BOARD: Corner Fourth
and F streets, Phone 107 W, t2
OR SALE Nine acre farm one fourth
mile east of CreswelL River bottom
land all In cultivation. Has four
acres, ot loganberries, one and seven
eighths acres In red raspberries In
bearing intermingled with four year
old apple trees. Has house, barn,
and modern chicken houses with
fenced in parks. Can be had at a
bargain. Address A31. care ot The
Springfield News.
WANTED Experienced girl for gen
aral house work. Apply to 710 C
street. Springfield. t2.
In he Circuit Court of the State ef
Oregon for Lane County
H. L. Studley, Plaintiff.
WlUlam R. West Mrs. William It
West, and alt persons unknown. It
any, having, or claiming an interest
or estate In and to the hereinafter
described real property, Defendants.
To William R. West. Mrs. William
R. West, and all persons unknown, if
any having or claiming fin interest or
estate in and to the hereinafter de
scribed real property, and the above
named defendant
OREGON. You are hereby notified that
H. L. Studley the holder of Certificate
of Delinquency numbered 1290 Issue
on the 7th day ot October, 1913, by
the Tax Collector of the County of
Lane. State of Oregon, for the amount
ot $7.45, the same being the amount
then due and delinquent for taxes for
the year 1912, together with penalty,
Interest and costs thereon upon the
real property assessed to you, ot which
you are the owner as appears of rec
ord, situated in said County and State,
and particularly bounded and describ
ed as follows, to-wit:
Lot number (6) six, in Block num
ber (6) Six, in Midway Park, in Lane
county, State of Oregon.
You are further notified that said
H. L, Studley has paid taxes on said
premises for prior or subsequent years
with the rate of interest on said
amounts as follows:
On March 31, 1915, the sum ot $.62
for taxes of the year 1914.
On March 5, 1916, the sum ot $.52
for taxes for the year of 1915.
All ot the above amounts bear In
terest at the rate of 15 per cent per
Said Wlllam R. West as the owner
of the legal title ot the above describ
ed property as the same appears of
record, and each of the other persona
above pawed are hereby further noti
fied that H. J Studley. will apply to
the Circuit Court ot the County and
State aforesaid for a decree foreclos
ing the lle&tagajnst the, property .above!
deicrfWj, tad weationt'd in said Car
(&(. Ana yew are heresy earn
BA0nb to. appear wlthfb sixty days
after the first publication of this stfm-
mP5K4H!ul,!0 UMuday ot said;
flrtft inVrKaticra. and defend this ac
tion or pay the eaat de as above J
shown, together with coats and ae
ed Interest, and In caae of your failure
to do ao, a docreo will be.rendored
foreclosing tho Hen of iw'ld (wees and
costs against tho land and promlsoa
abovo named.
This summons la order
ot, the Honorable, Q F. Jgklpworth,
Judgo ot tho Circuit Court ot the
Stnto ot Oregon for tho County of
Lnno and said order was made and
dated tho 31st day ot July, 1016, and
tho date of tho. first publication ot this
summons (a tho 3rd day ot August,
All process and papers in this pro
ceeding may bo servod upon tho under
signed residing with tho Stnto ot
Oregon at tho Address horolnattor men
Attorney for Plaintiff
Address Kugno, Oregon
Aug. 3,10,17,24,31, Sopt7,14,Ul,2S, OcLG
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for Lane County
I! .L. Studloy, Plaintiff,
11. B. Kopnor. Mrs, H. B. KoDner. nnd
nil porsons unknown, If any, having
or claiming an interest or cstnto In
and to tho horolnattor described real
property. Defendants.
To H. B. Kopnor. Mrs. H. B. Kop
nor, nnd nil porsons unknown, If any,
navmg or claiming an interest or cs
tate In nnd to tho horolnattor doscrlb
ed real property, tho abova named de
OREGON: You nro hereby notified
that H. L. Studloy tho holder ot Cer
tificate of Delinquency numbered
1196 Issued on tho 7th day ot October,
1913, by tho Tax Collector ot the
County ot Lane. Stato ot Oregon, for
tho amount ot $2.1". tho same be ns
the amount then duo and delinquent
tor taxes for tno year 1912 togethor
with penalty, Intorost and costs there
on upon tho real property assessed to
you, of which you aro the owner as
appears ot record, altuatod In sail
County and Stato, and particularly
boundod and described as follows, to
wlt: Lot numbered (1) ono in block num
bered (1) In E.E.Kopner'a Addition
to tho town ot Springfield, Lano
county. State of Oregon.
You aro further notified that said
H. L, Studley has paid taxoa on aald
premises for prior or subsequent years.
wjta the rate ot interest on said
amounts as tollowai
On March 21. 1914. the sum ot $2.97
ror taxea tor the year of 1913.
On March 31. 1915 the sum of $2.55
for taxoa for the year ot 1914.
On April 5. 1916. tho sum ot $2.07
ror taxes ror the year of 1915.
All of the amounts bear interest
from date ot payment at the rate of
15 per rent per annum.
Said H. B. Kepner as the owner
.'f the legal title ot the above do
rcrlbod irowsrty as the same annaara
of recora. and 'each of the other per
sons above named are hereby further
notified that H. L. Studley will apply
to me uircuu uourt or the County and
State aforesaid for a decreo foreclosing-tho
lien against tho nronerty above
deacrlbod, and mentioned In aald 'Cer
tificate. And 'ou aro hereby summon
ed to appear within sixty days after
the first publication of this aummons.
exclusive of the day of said first pub
lication, and defend this action or pay
the amount due as above shown, to-
ihr Hb cs ard nccid !nn'r,.
and In case of your failure to do So, a
decree will be rendered foreclosing tho
lien ot sail taxes and costs against
the land and premises above named.
This summons is publlshod by order
3f the Honorable G. F. Sklnworth.
Judge of tho Circuit Court of the State
of Oregon for the County of Lane 'and
said order was made and dated this
31st day of July 1916, and the date ot
the first publication of this summons
Is the 3rd day of August, 1916.
All process and papers In this pro
ceeding may be served upon the under
signed residing within the State of Ore
gon at the address hereinafter men
Attorney for Plaintiff
Address, Eugene, Oregon.
Aug. 3.15.17,2431: Sept 7.14".21.28;Oct6
Summons for publication in
foreclosure of tax lien
In the Circuit .Court of the Stale of
Oregon for Lane County
11. L. Studley, Plaintiff,
Nicholas 8argleyBkyv Mr. Nicholas
Serglevaky, and fl persons un
known, If any, Jiaxing or claiming
an interest or estate in and to the
hereinafter described real property,
To Nicholas Sergiersky, Mrs. Nich
olas Serglevaky and all persona -va-known,
if any. having or claiming an
interest or estate In and to the herein
after described real property, the
above named defendant
OREGON: You are hereby notified
that H. L. Studley the holder of Cer
tificate of Delinquency numbered 1260
Issued on the 7th day, of Octobor, 1913
by the Tax Collector of tho County of
Lane, State ot Oregon, for the amount
of $5.89 the same being the amount
then due and delinquent for taxes for
the year 1912 together with penal tv,
inierest and costs thereon upon the
real property assessed to you, of which
you are the owner as appears ot rec
ord, situated in said County and State,
and particularly bounded and describ
ed es follows, to-wit:
Lot 5, Block 21 .Emerald Heights ,1n
i ho Town of Springfield, Lane County,
You ore further notified that said H.
L Studley Iiks paid taxes on said
premises for prior or subsequent years
with the ruto ot interest on said
amounts as follows:
On March 21. 1914, the sura ot $4.95
for taxes o; the year 1913 .
On March 31, 1915, the sum of $4.26
for taxes ot the year 1914.
On April 5, 1P16, the sum or $4.15 for
taxes pf the year 191ET. ,
All of the above amounts hfar la
teresl at the rate ot 15 per cent per
Saia Nicholas SerglevnVy as the
gwnT of the legal Utle .of the above
ecrfe property as the tame ap
reara of rjenord, and. each ot the other
persons above named are hereby fur
ther no ,111 t n. L. Studley will
nnl in the Circuit Court of the
Count? and "State afofeeald for a 'de-
croo foreclosing tho lien against tho
proporty Above described, and men
tioned In snld certificate And you
nro hereby summoned to nppoar .with
in sixty days nttor tho first publica
tion or this summons oxciusivo or tho
day ot said first publication, and de
fend tills action or pay the amount
duo na nbovo shown togothor with
costs and accrued Interest and In caao
of your failure to do so, n docreo will
bo randarod foreclosing tho Hon ot
said taxes nnd costs against tho land,
and promises abovo namod.
This aummons la publlshod by order
ot tho Honorable Q. F. Sklpwnrth,
Judgo or tho Circuit Court ot tho
Stnto or Oregon ror tho County ot
Lnno and snld ordor wna mndo nnd
dnted this 21st day ot August 1916.
and tho dato o f tho first publication of
this summons Is tho 24th day of Aug
ust. 1916.
All process and papers In this pro
ceeding may bo served upon tho under
signed residing within tho Stnto of
Oregon, nt tho address horolnaftar
Attorony ror tho Plaintiff
Address, Eugeno, Orogon.
Aug. 24.31,Sopt.7,H,21,28. OcL5.12,19,26
In the Circuit Court of the 8tate of
Oregon, for Lane County
H. L. Studloy, Plaintiff,
Adam Kollor, Mrs. Adam Kollor, nnd
all porsons unknown, It any, having
or claiming an interest or ostnto in
nnd to tho horolnnftor described real
proporty, Defendants,
To Adam Keller, Mrs. Adam Kollor,
and nil porsons unknown, It any, hav
ing or claiming an Intorost or cstnto
In and to tho horolnaftor described
real proporty, tho abovo namod de
OREGON: You are horoby notified
that II. L. Studley Is tho holdor ot
Certificate or Delinquency numbored
1193 lesuod on tho 7th day or Octobor,
1913 by Uio Tax Collector of tho
County of Lane. Stnto of Oregon, for
tho amount ot $2.49, the saino botng
the amount thon dUo and delinquent
ror taxes ror the year 1912 togethbr
with penalty, interest and Costs thuru.
on upon tho roal proporty assessed to
you, ot which you aro the ownor. aa
appears bt record, situated in, said
County and Stato, and particularly
boundod and described aa follows, to
wit: Lot number fifteen (15), in. block
numbor forty two (,42) In Chicago
Addition to tho Town ot Florence,
Lane county, Stato ot Oregon.
You aro further notified that aald
H. L. Studley has paid taxes on aald
premises for prior or subsequent years
with tho rate ot Interest on aald
amounts as follows:
On March 31, 1915, the sum ot $.86
for, taxes for the year of 1914,
On ' April S, 1916. the sum ot $1.22
for axes for tho year ot 1915.
All or said amounts bear interest
from dato ot payment at tho rate of
15 per cent per annum.
Said Adam Keller as the owner of
the legal title of the abovo described
property as the same appears ot rec
ord, and each of the other persons
abovo named are hereby further noti
fied that II. u Studloy will apply to
the Circuit Court or the County and
State aforesaid ror a decreo foreclos
ing tho lien against tho proporty
above described, and mentioned In
said certificate. And you aro hereby
summoned to nrrear within slxt''
days after the first publication ot
this summons exclusive of tho day of
said first publication, and defond this
L..UH or pay the amount due as abovo
shown together with costs and ac
crued Interest and in case of your
failure to do so, a decree will be rend
ered foreclosing the Hen ot said taxes
and costs against the land and prem
ises above named.
This summons Is published by ordor
of the Honorablo John S. Coke, Judgo
of the Circuit Court or tho State or
Oregon ror the County or Lane and
said order was raado and dated tho
13th day or September 1916 and tho
date or the first publication of this
summons is the 14th day of Septem
ber, 1916.
All process" and papers in this pro
ceeding may be served upon tho un
dersigned residlsg within the State of
Oregon, at the "address hereinafter
mentioned. ..
Attorney tor Plaintiff
Address, tEugene, Oregon.
Sept 14,21,28,OcL5",12,19,26.Nov .2,9,16
by virtue of on execution and order
ef sale Issued out of the Circuit Court
of the State or Oregon for the County
of Lane on the 11th day of Sept. 1916
on a Judgment rendered In aald Court
on the 11th day of Sept., 1916 1n-a suit
wherein L. K. Page was plaintiff and
Tony C. Schulbauser, Dlanche M.
Schulbauser and B. R. Woods were
defendants, and wherein plaintiff re
covered a judgment against said de
fendants for the sum of $125.00 and in-
torest thereon at the rate or 10 nor cent
per annum from February 25th, 1915, County ana stato atoresaiu tor a uo
until paid and $25.00 as attorneys fees oree foreclosing the lion against the
and for $70.00 and Interest thereon at property above described, and men
tho rate or 10 per cent per annum rrom I tioned In said certificate. And you nro
March 13th 1915 until paid and $20.00 1 hereby summoned to appear within
attorneys fees and $25.00 costs and i sixty dnys after tho first publication
disbursements which judgment waa of this summons exclusive of tho day
enrolled and docketed In the office or
the clerk of said Court on the 11th
day of Sept., 1916 and said execution
to me directed, commanaing me in
the name or the State or Oregon, in
order to satisfy said Judgment and
accruing costs to sell the following
described real property to-wlt:
ALL OF LOTS Numbered Five (5)
and six (6) In block, numbered four (4)
In the E. E. Kepner addition to Spring
field, Lane County, Oregon together
with the tenements hereditaments and
appurtenances thdreunto belonging or
In any wise appertaining and the pro
ceeds or said aale ba applied as fol
lows: First: The expense ot ead sale
ind the SlBlnUra' costs' and dhibae-
ments of thw Salt aadaUpraeys fees,:
aaa aiioraeya xeef,;
ty'nent of mM uag.
Secoad: Ts payaae&t at mm ju
iHt ot aald slalatlff : . .
Third: TkataSaBee'tf axry thoro ft
to t illapoaed of aa the Court "Star
- BHHllllllllllBaiBB-
It's tho uniform unva-
rying heat of a good oil
I stovo, and the perfect
' control, that keens the
Juices In that pre
serves tho savory
goodness of the moat
and gives that even
brownnuss all ovor.
new perfection
oil cqmStove
All thoconvenleneoof
gas. Cooks vwrythlng
any wood or contraries
will cook, but Aeeps
your kitchen coal.
The long blue chim
neys do nway with all
smoke and smell. In 1,
2, 3 and 4-burnor alios,
ovens separate. Also
cabinet models with
Firtlesa Cooking Ov
ens. Aak yourdoaler
For Sale By
I and in compliance with tho elocution
and ordor ot sale, I will on Saturday
tho 14th day ot Octobor, 1916, between
thohoura of 9 o'clock a. ra. and four
o'clock P. M. to wit at tho hour of ono
p'clock P, M. of aald day at tho south
west door of tho County Court houso.
In Eugene, Lano County, Oregon of
for for aalo In ono parcol, ror cash,
tiubjoct to redemption, all tho defend
ants' Tony C. Schulhausor. Dlancho
M, 8chulhausor and D. It. Woods,
right, tltlo, Interest claim and equity,
In and to tho aald premises h ore In
boforo doscrlbod and every part there-,
of. ' I
Sheriff of Lano County, Orogon.
Dy D. A. Elklns, Deputy'
Sept 14. 21, 28, Oct. 5, 12.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for Lane County
H. L. Studley, Plaintiff, i
vs.- i
L. M. Tozler, Mable C Tozlor. J. M.
Deods, Mrs. J. M. Deeds, and all
persons unknown, if any, having or
claiming an Interost or estate In
and to the hereinafter described
real property. Defendants.
To J. M. Deods, Mrs. J, M, Deeds
and all porsons unknown, If any hav
Ing or claiming an Interest or estate
In and to the herolnaftch doscribo
roal property, thu abovo named do
OREOON: You are hereby notified
that II. L. Studley tho holder of Cer
tlflcato or Delinquency numberod 1280
issued on tho 7th day ol Octobor, 1913
by tho Tax Collector of tho County of
Lane, Stato of Oregon, for the amount
of Sixty one cents, the same being
tho amount thon duo and delinquent
for taxea for the year 1912 togethor
with penalty, Interest and costs there
on upon the Teal property, assessed o
you, of which you are the owner as
appears of record, situated In aald
County and Stato, and particularly
bounded and described aa follows, to
wit; Lot number eighteen (18), In block
number twenty seven (27) in Fntster
t- Hyland'e Addition to the City ot
Bagene, Laas county, Satte ot. Oregon.
Yob are further notifiod that aald
II. 1. "Studley haa paid taxea on said
premises for prior or subsequent years
klth the rate of interest on said
amounts as follows:
On March .31, 1915, the sum of $.25
for taxes for the year of 1914.
On April 5, 1916, tho sum ot $.34 for
taxes for tho year of 1915.
All of the satd amounts bear Inter
est from dato of payment at tho rato
of 15 per cent per annum.
Said L. M. Tozler as the owner
of the legal title of the abovo des
cribed property as tho same appears
of record, and each of tho oth
er persons above named aro hereby
further notified that II. L. Studley
will apply to the Circuit Court of tho
oi saia nrsi puuucauon, nnu ucicnu
this action or pay the amount due as
abovo shown together with costs and
accrued Interest and In cose or your
failure to do so, a decree will be rend
ered foreclosing tho' lien of said taxes
and costs against tho land and prem
ises nbovo named.
This summons is publlshod by ordor
of the Honorable John S. Coke Judge
of the Circuit Court of the State or
Oregon ror the County ot Lane and
said order was made and dated this
13th day ot September, 1918 and the
date of the first publcation of this
summons Is the 14th day of Septem
ber 191.
All process and papers In this pro
oeedt&i may he served vpoa the" Ua
aeratfaed residing within the State
pi Oragoo, at the address hereinafter
Attorney tor the PbMfcK
Addrtai AktaBBi Ortcea
Sep. 14. Zl8;"Oct5.l5,19,26,NpvJ!.9,16, '
tastier f oasts
a cleaner, cooler
kitchen, And less
fuel expens
Beat it
Keeps out all the -wet
Waterproofs, TfW&S
Absolute. lfsfefr.
are Ahrktd thus t6nw&
HONE8 Office, 3; Residence, 118-J
Over Commercing 0nk,
Springfield, Oreetfi.
Edwarids & Br attain
For Farm and City Property
Exchanges a Speolalty
Wic-na SO
sRifTdpiEub. . orfedoW
Amblers Dancing Acadfem'y '
Euoene Phone 345
Learn to danco boforo fall sonson
opons. Three classog weekly.
Children's fancy dancing, Saturdays
2 p. ra. Hates Iteasonablo
of Roseburg
Democratic nominee for Judge
of tlip Circuit Court of the 2nd
Judicial District. Judge Hamil
ton has n record of 18 years ser
vice on (he bench in this dlsfjlct.
which has been marked by his
economical methods nnd afysq
lute fairness on all questions
coming before his court. A vote
for Judge Hamilton is a vote for
efficiency and servico.
. d'a'd Advortlsomont)
Homeopathic Physician and Surge'en
Office. BaptlBt Pnraoaage
Corner Second and C Street a
JIOUR8: J TO 12.
J i nam
Phene H; Ntalasnar IT-J
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tn city KaH, Sprht4HM, :rf.