The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, September 21, 1916, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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Wmim nrA 1Tonv 1
t x4..
J. H, Parker of Pleasant Hill was n
Sprlngriold visitor Tuosday.
Horn: To Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Chaso,
on Friday, Boptomber 16, a,glrl.
a. II. Ilitrnntl of Jasttor visited at
tho 8 .II. Hnkur homo 8unday.
Llttlo Annotto Wllllamn has boon
111 with a bad cold for two or throo
Water wings at Totry's .
Mrs. J. C. Dlmm Jvas boon 111 nt-hor
homo on Seventh and 0 streets for a
few days.
Mr. and Mrs. W, B. Miotics and son,
of Marcola, woro trading In tho city
13. V .Ilean, formerly of this city,
Is at present employed In a store at .
Corning, California.
Ladles' and chlldrons' shoos. Wolf
& Miller.
. Mrs. K. A. Wesoloska who has boon
confined to her bod for tho paBt weok,
Is able to bo up again.
Mrs. (Jeo. I. Dean entered tho Eu
Bono hospital Tuesday to undorgo an
operation Wodnosday.
John Wlnxonrold's now Bamplo room
bn Fourth street betwoen Main and A
Is now completed nnd ready for uso.
Ono of tho members of tho local
HughoB-t'alrbankB club reports that
tho membership la growing rapidly.
J. S. Kllnck of Eugono, and Mary,
Harold and Frank Dowdy of 8poros
woro registered at tho Elite Tuosday.
MIbbob Eatclla Martin, Efflo Ithodos
and Dosb Palmer moved Into tho J. P.
Fry house on Sixth and A strootB Tues
day. Shoos and rubbers at Wolf and Mil-
Mary Simmons, who has boon visit-1
. . . . . 1 . M .1,.' (inn, '
weok, roturnod to hor homo at Junc
tion City Sunday.
Born: To Mr. and Mrs. Arthur
Peterson, Monday ovenlng, twins, a
boy and a girl. Tho dnughtor llvod
only until Tuesday ovenlng.
J. A. Allen Is suffering with a sprain
ed anklo, Incurred yostorday when ho
. foil from tho bnck porch of his homo.
' Wonder where ho got tho stuff.
Mrs. lllloy Snodgrass and children,
Kenneth nnd Maxlno, roturnod homo
Tuosday ovenlng from n two wook's
visit nt California and Novadu points.
Mrs. J, E. Jones Is moving her
household goods from Sprlngflold to
Hlakolyvlllo, whoro Mr. and Mrs.
Jones' now homo has Just boon com-
Gloves, overalls, shirts and box at
Wolf & Minor's.
Earl DildorbacK, Hpringnciu, jonn
, C. Trotter, J. Welch, Albany George II.
Glbbs, C. O. Foster, J. J. Smith, Gard
,, Inor, and F. M. Good woro registered
at tho Sprlngflold hotol Tuesday.
" Miss Ella Docson has returned from
'Haydon Drldgo to spond tho winter In
Sprlngflold again. Miss Booson will
" stay attho homo of Dr. and Mrs1. W. II.
Pollard and attend high school.
Mrs. A. n. McMunn camo In from
Jim 8oavoy'B hop yard Tuosday, and
,. plana to loavo Saturday for Hoqulam,
Washington, whoro sho will Join. Mr.
McMunn, who has wnploymont thoro.
For tho host up-to-date shoe repair
ing, try Hall tho Shoo Doctor. Fifth
and Main strootB.
For r. short tlmo Tuosday morning
tho stroot cars camo only to Socond
atroot, a tolophono polo nnd fallon
acrosa tho trolloy wire tho night bo
foro. Tho troublo was soon ropalrod.
Mr. and Mrs. Horbort McDonald and
children of Tlgardsvlllo vlslte'd horo
nt tho homo of Dr. nnd Mrs. W. II.
Pollard and nt tho "Wally Prlco homo
In Marcola Sunday.
' Mr. and Mrs. E. M Mlllor and fam
i, lly loft Tuesday morning for Bond
J, whoro thoy oxpoct to mnko tholr homo.
Thoy nro traveling In a wagon and
plan to bo about a wook on tho road.
Miss Wllma (Whlto and brother,
Oordon, loft yostorday for Cottago
Grovo whoro thoy will enter school.
They hnvo boon visiting tholr sister,
Miss Eleanor and Miss Marian, horo.
Good reliable Are insurance. No ao
sossments; n membership foe. Pay
nee and yo are dono. H. . Walker
nt tbe City HaW.
Rf John Holfrloh of Glenburn, Callfor
ila, after a visit of Bovornl weeks at
tho homo of his daughtor, Mra. E. M.
Mlllor, of Sprlngflold,. and at tho homo
of a son, B. B .Holtrlch of Vlda, loft.
for Uls home Sunday,
1b 80 years of age,
Mr. Helfrlch
. .
... . r,i . ...
Miller's 8hoo (Jronso at Wolf & Mill-
i . ..'
Koop tho Hlos off tho cows with "Kly
IJou,lcor" 7fic n K""0" ut I'oery'u.
K. H. IJrattnln Is on a trip down tho
coast on cattlo business.
a00rgo Walker of Walkor's station,
spent Tuesday In town on business.
w 0, Nomlth loft yesterday morn-'
Inu tn mmml llin wlnlnr nt Illun Hlvnr
Mra. j, 8 my nnA ,iftUK,tor nn,i
Mrs. C. W. Walker of Jasper spent
yesterday In town.
Do you wish to becomo well? If bo
call on Dr. Murjphy, a druglcss healer,
3&0 Mnln atreot
J. 8. Morndon of Itosoburg arrived
Monday ovenlng to visit with his son,
Waltor Ilerndon, and family.
Win. nunty. of Marcola. who iltt.
boon hero for tho oast week. Ill with
rheumatism, loft Tuesday for Kltson
ICrnest Conly, of Cedar Flat,, spent
.,.i ...... ...... ..,..,
Monday In town nnd was accompanied
homo by his cousin, Miss Avis Tliomp
son who will visit for a week.
Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Dockott of Mc
Connollsvlllo, Ohio, havo nrrlvod for
a visit lor sovorni weens ni tno nomo
of their daughter, Mrs. A. Mlddlelou.
Mrs. Price's cunning powders at
Poery's Drug Store.
Mrs. J, E, Richmond undorwont a
minor operation at tho Springfield hos
pital yesterday morning, nnd Is now
roportod to be doing nicely.
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Sinced and
son Olcn spent Tuesday with Mrs.
Smood's parentB, Mr. and Mrs. Al
Montgomery, ,
Just rccolvod, ft nlco now Una of
school supplies and tablets at Nlco &.
Miller's. Every pupil buying 25c worth
of us wo will glvo a pencil and, clip
froo .
Hoy Cairns of Sprlngflold will play
with tho Harrisburg baso ball nlno
which Is to play thevqorvallls team
. fl ... 1 1 1 T1 .1 ... ' 1 C? .. -.1
of tills week.
Miss Annlo Young of Portland,' who
will teach in tho local schools tho j w,,,' ta' 0it a,i8ryour the
coming term, Is oxpectcd to nrrlvo to-. relief prayod for in tho complaint, to
day. Sfto will mnko hor homo with tho wlt, tho dissolution of tho marriage
other teachers nt Miss Estella Martin's
Lowls Grandy of Uockspringa, Wyo
ming, arrived' Friday and will attend
tho winter with his grandparents, Mr.
nnd Mrs. W. J. Graves. Mr. Grandy
will attend tho high school hero this
Do you wish to becomo well? If so
call on Dr. Murphy, a drugloss honlor,
3fil) Main street
Whllo working in tho lumber yard of
tho Booth-Kelly mill yesterday morn
ing, Glonn Whoolor. a University
student, wns struck by tho ohd of n
heavy piece of lumber, which crackod
onu of his ribs on tho right side.
Ollvo Holland, tho West Sprlngflold
girl, who escaped from tho state indus
trial school at Salem with 11 other
girls n fow dnys ago, has been roturnod
to tho institution. Only throo of tho
girls who ran away ara now at largo.
Onp ovidonco of prosporlty about
Sprlngflold Is the. fact that tho Com
mercial State bank roporto tho pay
mont of about $3700 In railroad pay
chocks this month. This amount, is
moro than usual.
Mrs. Goorgo J.Doan who Uvea on
the Goshen road undorwont n mnjor
oporatton nttho Sprlngflold hospital
yoBtorday. Tho oporatlon was a sor
ious ono, but alio is roportod to bo do
ing ns well as can bo oxpoctod.
Quito n numbor of slashings aro be
ing burned at Oakrldgo this wook.
Ono on tho Hoy Horbort homostead
was roportod boyond control Tuesday
aftornoon, and all tho nvatlablo men
In tho neighborhood woro called out
to holp fight it
A .F. Fay and family, who Uvo on
tho Goshon rond, aro moving to Eug
ono, having trndod tnolr placo for
Eugono proporty. Mrs. E. O .Bnkor,
of Rapid City, S. D., who la a daughtor
of Mr. and Mrs. Fay, will romaln thoro
until tho first of November,
Trao economy is, what wo savo in the
long run. Tho wlso man foods his colt
to mnko it grow. Ho pastures his cow
to got a good flow of milk and paints
his houso to mnko It last. It costs
very llttlo moro now to paint a houBo
than it did a year ago. Probably not
moro than $2,00 on an average, Mako
your homo beautiful with the best
pafnt on tho mnrkot- Pheonlx Pure
Paint, Guaranteed, Sold by J, G, Hol
brook, W. F. WALKER
offlee Phono 62; Residence 67-0
West Main s"t. '
An a farawoli tq MIbm Dorothy Mil
lor who won to leavo tho next day for
Dond to hmko licr homo, a numbor
of tho members of tho youngor not
enjoyed a parly nl tho homo of Ml
Dorrl HlkoH on I) street last Monday
ovcnlriK. Among tho other morrlmont
of tho ovonlng, n inock wedding wns
nolomnlzoil, In which Mlns SprlngfloM
Lnno In tho person of Miss Itntli Scott
wns unltod to Mr. 8. P. Kliops, on less
n Miui till! tllll
. -....- . . . .
iiMvuiviutin irvMiniunni ...... liuiur
I"1U worninn nynio omciaioa anu miss
,,,, , , ,,, ,,
oil tlio lmppy couplo. Hosldos this big
ovont, gnmcs woro playod and lator lo
I tho ovonlriB, dainty refreshments woro
' sorvod. Tho guests woro ; Dorothy
I Mlllor, Marian Whlto, Lillian Mulll-
Noatrlco Holbrook, Leota Mc-
jCrncken, Audrey Porklns, Carmen
I,nrwood' Edna Dury0' Ilolft Jo''"".
""" Mc(m "OTTiB UIKCB, Ulll MUCnon,
Dill Hill, Orson Vaughn, Hill Itoden-
baugh, Olcn Wooloy, Creed Ilrattaln,
Vordon May, and Norman Dyrno and
John Dlmm.
In celebration of tho OCth annlvcr
cury of tho founding of tho lodge, tho
members of Jaunlta Itebckah lodgo
numbor 85, of this city, held a six
I o'clock dinner and social session last
. Monday ovonlng. tho regular entertain-
numt nlht" nur,"B 1,10 cour80 of tho
! ovonlng, Grand Warden W. F. Walker
j - - -
. , , , . ... .... .
10 wlllch h0 responded by tolling of
tho lodgo ns first Instituted. After
tho dinner, games hold tho attention
until quite Into In tho evening. He
tween .10 and 40 mcmbora of tho local
! i0(B0 woro present
About IE mombers of tho ladles' aid
society of tho Methodist church met
for an afternoon of fancy work and sew
ing at tho homo of Mrs. O. D. Kessoy
on Ninth and A streets, yesterday.
Tho noxt meeting of tho aid will bo
hold noxt Wednesday at tho homo of
Mrs. J. W. Coflln' on Tenth nnd A
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for County of Lane
Hugh Urnshcar, Plaintiff,
i vs.
Margaret Drasbcar, Defendant
To Margaret Drashear. Defendant:
OUEGON: You are horcby required
to QDDpar nnd nnswnr thn rnmnlnlnt
j "f"'"8' ,'" 'V1?.11?0 en,l,tlC(J
f fc nvw.vo 1 Ulll V.l U uu; V
tho first publication hereof or of per-
sonal sorvlco If served without tho
istato of Oregon, and if you fail to ans
wnf fn ii'nni thnmnf tUn rtlnlnirP
roiniion now existing noiween
plaintiff and dofendant
Tho order directing tho scrvlco of
summons herein by publication the ro
of was uiado and entered of record In
snld suit on Sept. 19th, 1010 and di
rects publication thereof onco each
wook for six weeks, and that defend
ant appear and nnswer within said
tlmo, nnd tho dato of tho first publi
cation liorcot Is Sept. 21st. 191C.
Attorney for -plaintiff
Sept. 21, 28, Oct. C, 12, 19, 20.
Lin the Circuit Court of the State of
II .1 Studloy, Plaintiff,
H. B. Kopner.-Mrs. H. B. Kopnor. and
all persons unknown, it any, having
or claiming an Interest or estate n
and to tho hereinafter describod roal
' property, Defendants.
To H. B. Kopnor, Mrs. H. B. Kop
nor, and all persons unknown, if any,
having or claiming an Interest or es
tate In and t,o tho hereinafter describ
ed, roal prop'orty, ho above named de
OUEGON: You aro horoby notified
that,. II. L. Studloy tho holdor of Cer
tificate of Delinquency numbered
1196fsaued on tho 7th day .of October,
1913, by tho Tax Collector of tho
County of Lano, Stato of Oregon, for
tho amount of $2.17, tho samo bolng
tho amount then duo and delinquent
for taxes for tho year 1912 together
with penalty, intorost and costs there
on upon the roal property assessed to
yqu, of which you aro tho owner ns
appears of rocord, situated. In said
County and Stato, and particularly
bounded and doscribed ns follows, to
Wit: Lot numbered (1) ono In block num
bered (1) in E. E. Kepuor's Addition
to tho town of Sprlngflold, Lano
county, Stato of Oregon.
You nro further notlflod that said
II. L. Studloy has paid taxes, on said
premises for prior or subsequent years,
with tho rate of Interest on said
amounts ns follows:
On March 21, 1914, tho sum of $2.97
for taxes for the yoar of 1913.
On March 31, 1915 the sum of $2.55
for taxos for tho year of 1914.
On April 5, 1916, tho sum of $2.07
for taxes for tho yoar of 1915.
All of tho amounts bear Interest
from dato of payment at tho rata of
15 pev ront por unnum.
Said H. B. Kopnor as tha ownor
t tho iHgnl tltlo of tho abovo do
"crtbed ;:operty aB tho samo appears
of rocoi'4, and each of tho other per
sons above namod aro horoby further
notified that II. L. Studloy will apply
to tho Clrcrlt Court of tho County and.
Stato aforesaid for a docreo foreclos
ing Iho lion against tin projerty nbo'yo
doscribed, and mentioned In said Cer
tificate And 'ou nro horoby summon
Pd to npronr within sixty days aftor
tho first publication of this summons,
pxcluslvo of tho day 'of sard first pub
lication, and d.fehd this action or pay
tbvtnmonnt duo ns abovo aUowa,' to-
r v,t! coa ts'l d '' ".
'ft TV"ti
11 M
Gvcnjlhin? about
v, ardinijdau seems
K to sau,
to keep drq,
to work in
. comfort .wear
A. J.Tower Co - Boston
and in case of your failure to do so, a
docreo wll bo rendered foreclosing tho
Hon of sail taxes and costs against
the land and premises abovo named.
Thin summons Is published by order
of thn Honorable G. F. Sklpworth,
Judge of the Circuit Court of the State
of Oregon for tho County of Lano and
said order was mado and dated this
31st day of July 191C, and the dato of
tho first publication of this summons
is the 3rd day of August, 1010.
All process and papers in this pro
ceeding may bo served upon the under
signed residing within the State of Ore
gon at tho address hereinafter men
tioned. L. M. TRAVIS,
Attornoy for Plaintiff
Address, Eugono, Oregon.
Aug.3,10,17,2431: Sept 7,14,21,28,OcL5
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Lane County
II. U Studley, Plaintiff,
William It West, Mrs. -William JL
West, and all persons unknown, If
any, having or claiming an interest
or ostato In and to the hereinafter
.described real property. Defendants.
To William IL West, Mrs. William
It West, and all persona unknown. If
any having or claiming an interest or
estate in and to the hereinafter do
scribed real property, and tho above
namfid defendant
OUEGON, You aro hereby notified that
IL L. Studley tho holder of Certificate
of Delinquency numbered 1290 Issued
on the 7th day of October, 1913, by
tho Tax Collector of the County of
Lano. State of Oregon, for the amount
of $7.45, the -samo being the amount
then duo and delinquent for taxes for
tho year 1912, together with penalty,
interest and costs tbereen upon the
real property assessed td you, of which
you are tho owner as appears of rec
ord, situated in said County and State,
and .particularly, bounded and describ
ed as" follows, to-wit:
Lot number (G) six, in Block num
ber (6) Six. in Midway Park, In Lano
county. State of Oregon.
You aro further notified that said
H. L. Studley has paid taxes on said
premises for prior or subsequent years
with the rato of Interest on said
amounts ns follows:
On March 31, 1915, tbe sum of $.52
for taxes of tho year 1914.
On March 5, 191C, the sum of $.52
for taxes for the year of 1915.
All of tho above amounts bear In
terest at the rate of 15 per cent por
Said Willam IL West as the owner
of tho legal title of tho abovo describ
ed property as tho samo appears of
record, nnd onch of tho other persons
abovo named are hereby further noti
fied that H. L. Studloy will apply to
tho Circuit Court of tho. County and
Stato aforesaid for a decree foreclos
ing tho Hen against tho proporty above
doscribed, and mentioned in said Cer
tificate. And you arc hereby sum
moned to appear within sixty days
after tho first publication or tnis sum
mons, exclusive of tho day of said
first publication, and defend this ac
tion or pay tho amount due as above
shown, togother with costs and ne
ed interest, and in case, of, your failure
to do bo. a decree will be rendered
foreclosing the lien of said taxes and
costs against the land and premises
abovo named.
This summons is published by order
of the Honorable G. F. Sklpwortli,
Judge of tbe Circuit Court or tbe
Stato of Oregon for the County of
Lane and said order was made and
dated the 31st day of July, 1916, and
tho data of the first publication of this
summons is tho 3rd day of August,
All process and papers In this pro
ceeding may bo served upon the undor
stgnod residing with the State of
Oregon at the address horefo&f tor men
tioned. , U TRAVIS
Attornoy for Plaintiff
Address Eugne, Oregon
Aug. 3,10,17,24,31, Sept7.14,21,28, Oct5
The Commercial State Bank
at Sprlngflold, Oregon in tho Stato of O regon at the closo of business, Sept
12th, 1916.
Coons and discount)
Overdrafts, secured and unsecured
Bonds and warrant
Stocks and othor securities
Banking houso r -
Furniture and fixtures - ..
Other real estate owned -
Duo from banks (not reserve banks)
, Duo from approved reserve banks
Checks and other casn items
Exchanges for clearing houso .
Cash on hand .
Capital stock paid in
Surplus fund
Undivided profits, less expenses and
Dividends unpaid
Duo to banks and bankers
Postal savlncs bank deposits
Individual deposits subject to check
Demand certificates of deposit
Cashier checks outstanding
Certified checks
Tlmo and savings deposits
Notes and bills rcdlscounted
Bills payable for money borrowed
Reserved for taxes
Other liabilities '.
STATE OF OREGON, County of Lane, ss: ; '
I. O. B. Kessey, Cashier of tho above-named bank, dp, solemnly swear
that the above statement is true to the best of my knowlege and beliet
Subscribed and sworn to before me CORRECT Attest:
this 16th day of September, 1916. M. M. PEERY
Notary Public. ' , Directors
My commission expires Oct 10, 1916.
June 30th 1916 Resources
Sentember 12th 1916 Resources
Net crain since June 30th, ..
We are gratetui to our customers Tor aavising meir mcnu
that this bank is giving "The best that any bank can give" which
auuuuilis, ill a. laigs iimasuio iui vu wv....v.wv. . . . w . ... -
nac.- Wa ovVonH 9 haartv inviminn tn everv one in this vicinitV
to carry their accounts with 'us
doing tneir Danxing Dusiness ouisiue ot oprmgumu.
You cannot obtain better banking facilities than we are daily
.extending to our trade.
Commercial State Bank
Why not coolc with
a modern oil stove this sum
mer and be comfortable?
Bakes, broils, roasts, toasts.
More efficient than your wood
or coal stove, and costs less to
Better cooking because the
long blue chimneys give stead
ier, more evenly distributed
heat, under perfect control
like gas. No smoke or smelL
In 1, 2, 3 and 4-burner sizes,,
ovens separate. Also cabinet
models with Pireless Cooking
Ask your dealer today.
For Sale By
Orfegdii Power Co.
. 170.93
. 6,723.33
... 5,G00.0ft
taxes paid
. 679.05
' i u. $95,421.81
. $84,458.56
, 11,962.45
and especially those who may ba
Cook m a
cool Kitchen,
All the heat is concen
trated where it is needed
keeps you cool and
makes for better cooking