The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, September 14, 1916, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    v ;
Marcola, Sept 13. II. M. Anderson
and family movod to Coburg Monday
to reside. Mr. Andoreon has bought a
store thoro which ho Intonds running.
Or. Palmer ot Mabel visited tho
Bally camp Monday, Sept. 11.
Mrs. A. I. O'ltollly and children or
rived at Marcola tho first part of tho
Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Arnol aro spend
ing tho week in Eugene
Mr. and Mrs. P. A Nlckorson left
Monday for Dallas, where they Intend
to live-
Mrs. G. Hoath and children from
Portland and Miss Alice Sullivan from
San Francisco aro hero visiting their
mother, Mrs. Mary E. Sullivan.
A number of people from hero aro
attending tho fair and round-up.
Mrs. Howard Lydy was taken to
the Eugene hospital Monday evening J
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for Lane County
II. L. Studloy, Plaintiff,
Adam Keller, Mrs. Adam Kollor, and
all persons unknown, It any, having
or claiming an interest or ostnto in
and to tho hereinafter described real
nroDorty. Dofondants.
To Adam Kollor, Mrs. Adam Kollor,
and all persons unknown, If any, lim
ing of claiming an Interest or cstato
In and to tho hereinafter described
renl property, tho abovo named de
OltEQON: You aro hereby notified
that II. L. Studlcy is tho holdor ot
Certlflcato of Delinquency numbered
1193 issued on tho 7th day ot October,
1913 by the Tax Collector ot tho
County ot Lane, Stnto of Oregon, for
tho amount of $2.49, tho samo being
tho amount then duo and delinquent
for taxes for tho year 1912 together
with penalty, Interest and costs there
on upon tho real property assessed to
you, of which you aro tho owner as
appears ot record, situated In said
County and Stato. and particularly
bounded and described as follows, to
Lot number fifteen (15), In block
number forty two (-12) In Chicago
to be operated on for appendicitis. Addition to tho Town of Florence,
She has undergone the operation and
Is getting along very nicely.
Fred W. Titus and family will stay
in Eugene this week to attend the
round-up .
There will bo a big dance at the
Lane county, Stato of Oregon
You aro further notified that said
H. U Studloy has paid taxes on said
premises for prior or subsequent years
with the rato of interest on said
amounts as follows
On March 31, 1915, tho sum ot $.S6
for taxes for tho year of 1914
1. W. A .hall Friday ntght after the On April 5, 1916, the sum of $1.22
chnv for taxes for tho year of 1915,
I All of said amounts bear interest
from date of payment at the rate of
15 per cent per annum,
Said Adam Keller as tho owner ot
the legal title of the above described
property as the same appears of rec
ord, and each of the othor persons
above named are hereby further not!
fled that H. L. Studloy will apply to
the Circuit Court of the County and
State aforesaid for a decree foreclos
Ing the Hen against the proporty
above described, and mentioned In
said certificate. And you are hereby
summoned to appear within sixty
days after tho first publication of
this summons exclusive of the day of
said first publication, and defend this
action or pay the amount due as above
shown together with costs and ac
crued Interest and In case of your
failure to do so, a decree will be rend
ered foreclosing the lien ot said taxes
and costs against the land and prem
ises above named.
This summons is publtshod by order
of the Honorable John S. Coke, Judge
of the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon tor the County of Lane and
"West Springfield, Sept 13. Miss
Stachy Craighead and brothers are
picking prunes at CreswelL
Wesley Ware ot Wendllng is visit
ing his mother, Mrs . Inman, this
Mrs. Irene Perkins of Wendllng was
shopping in Eugene Monday and
visited friends in West Springfield.
Loran Perkins of Wendllng visited
friends In West Springfield Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Forest Frltts and
baby of Wendllng are visiting their
parents here.
Mr.- Spragen and family intend to
start to Idaho Wednesday in their
Levi Neet and Rev. M. F. Childs
went to Cottage Grove Tuesday even
, Ing to attend services. Rev. Childs
did not return.
Rev. M. F. Childs filled his appoint- said order was made and' dated the
xnents at Landax Winberry and Fall
Creek Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Crawford are visit
ing in Cottage Grove this week.
Jack Lemon, who has been with his
father in Cottage Grove, returned
13th day of September 1916 and the
date ot the first publication ot this
summons Is the 14th day of Septem
ber. 1916.
All process and papers in this pro
ceeding may be served upon the un
dersigned residing within the State ot
Oregon, at the address hereinafter
Attorney for Plaintiff
Address, Eugene, Oregon.
Thurston. Sent. 9. Mrs. James Far-
xel of Eugene is visiting her daughter, j H.21.28,Oct.5,12,19,26.Nov .2.9,16
Mrs. W. McKlln of Springfield visit- URE
with her sister. Mrs. Roy Edmlston g &S
recently. or 8aie i88ued out of the Circuit Court
John Hastings and family have mov- of the State of Oregon for the County
ed into the Cobb house. I of Lane on tfle 11th day of Sept,. 1916
The Whitehead family who have &SE 5l?K Xffi
lived on the Thurston Heights for wherein L. K. Page was plaintiff and
some time have returned to Portland I Tony C. Schulhauser, Blanche M.
Ross Mathews has charge of a store ' Schulhauser and B. R. Woods were
at Creswe,. and his wife has charge of f SrSSiSt
one at Knights during the hop pick- fendants for the sura of $125.00 and in
ing season. . terest thereon at the rate of 10 per cent
, Mrs. Taylor Needham, Mrs. Anna ' Per annum from February 25th. 1915,
Teeters, Laura Mitchell, Ray Mitchell. P" j Q as attorneys rees
and Melvin Needham motored to New
port Friday and returned Sunday.
Rev. Norton Ferris, Minister
Bible school at 10 A. M. We want
to urge upon every member of our to me directed, commanding me In
and for $70.00 and Interest thereon at
the rate of 10 per cent per annum from
March 13tn 1915 until paid and $20.00
attorneys fees and $25.00 costs and
disbursements which Judgment was
enrolled and docketed In the office ot
the clerk of said Court on the 11th
day of Sept,, 1916 and said execution
Kompp and Uolen Kompp for the sum
ot Twotvo Hundred Twonty-throo and
15-100 ($1223.15) Dollars with Inter
est thorcon from tho 12th day ot Aug
ust, 1916, at tho rate ot 8 per cent por
annum, and Ono Hundred Fifty and
no-100 ($160.00) Dollars, Attorneys tees
nnd the further sum of Thirty-two and
40-100 ($32.40) Dollars cods, which
Judgment was enrolled and dockotod
In tho oRlco ot tho Clerk of said Court
In said county on tho 14th day ot
August, 1916, and said Execution to
mo directed commanding mo in tho
name of tho Stato ot Oregon In order
to satisfy said Judgment, nttornoys
fees, costs, and accruing costs to sell
tho following doscrlbod real property
Lots numbered 1, 2 ,3, 4, 5, 6, 7, S,
9, andlO In block 13 and all ot lots
1, 2. 3, 4, 6, 6. 9, 11, 12 ,13, 14. 15, 10,
In Block 19, nnd lots 1, 2, 3 ,4, In
block 20 in tho Story Subdivision ot
College Crost addition to Eugene Inno
County, Ore. as platted nnd ot record,
being pago 41 ot plat book number 4
ot tho records of Lane county, Oregon.
Now, therefore, In tho namo ot tho
Stato ot Oregon, nnd In cAmpllnnco
with said execution and order ot salo,
I will on Saturday tho 16th dayot Sop
tomber, 1916, between tho hours ot
9 o'clock n. iu. nnd 4 o'cloch p. in.,
to-wlt, at ono o clock p. m. on said
day at tho southwest door ot tho
County Courthouse at Eugono, Lnno
County, Oregon, offer for salo and soli
at public auction subject to rod o mo
tion all tho right, title and interest
ot tho abovo nnmod dofondants in ami
to the said roal proporty.
Sheriff ot LanoTJounty, Oregon
By D. A. Elktns. Deputy.
Aug. 17, 24, 31. Sopt. 7, 14.
Bible school the importance of this the name of the State of Oregon, in
-work and earnestly request their co- order, t0 Batsfr Ba,d1t lament and
. . . . , ,, accruing costs to sell the following
operation. Our great Captain calls described real property to-wlt:
for volunteers. Gilbert Miller Supt. , ALL OF LOTS Numbered Five (5)
Divine Worship at 1:100 A. M. Theme and s,x 6) m block numbered four (4)
,of sermon by Rev. Ferris. 'Rarin gKltBg
Go, a message suggested by tho slo- wtn the tenements hereditaments and
gan for the Round-up. Every man ' appurtenances thereunto belonging or
and woman should hear this. Solo I ,n any w,se appertaining and the pro
by Mr. Norton Pengra. Senior and J? of Baid BaIe be aPPI,ed 38 M'
Junior meetings 6:30 P. M. Evening j First: The expenses of said sale
service of song and sermon, 7:30 P. M. j and tho plaintiff's costs and disburse
"Walter Bailey will preach the ser-1 ralntB of, this suit and attorneys fees:
on, Theme. "What Story are you j JnTofsXiS f
telling?" Our young people will give I Third: The balance If any there be
"Walter a good hear'-. This being It" be disposed of as the Court may
xalld day. special music and decora-, jOW tggFIgZf ZZJS
t 41ons will grace the occasion. All aro j nf ,25 A the execution
cordially invited. Strangers always and order of sale, I will on Saturday
welcome. j the 14th day of October, 1916, between
the hours of 9 o'clock a. m. and four
V Prepares to Receive Teachers. 0 clock P. M. to wit at the hour of one
Miss Estella Martin has rented tho .?lc'?c! f 8a'd day at the south
J. P. Fry house on Sixth and A streets, In Eugene. Lane County, Oregon of
where she will keep three or four of fer for sale In one parcel, for cash,
the teachers during the coming school . subject to redemption, all tho defend
term. The house is undergoing T'Sn 2$Z
pairs and will be ready for occupancy right, title, interest claim and equity,
me nrsi oi me weeK. xvuss uess in anil to tne said premises herein-
Palmer of FobsII, Oregon, arrived
Tuesday and Is stopping at the Elite
hotel until Miss Martin Is able to
move. Miss Palmer taught in the
grades here last year,
Miss Verna M. Tagg Weds.
Announcements have been received
ot the wedding of Miss Verna May
Tagg, formerly tho commercial teach
er of the Springfield high school, to
Edward Grenvlllp Bates, September
7, 1916, at the homo ot the bride's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tagg at War
Teuton, Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. Bates
-will1 be at borne at Gearheart .Oregon,
after October 1st
liefore described and every part there-
Sheriff of Lano County, Oregon.
By D. A. Elklns, Deputy
Sept. 14, 21, 28, Oct. 5, 12.
Notice Is hereby given that by vir
tue of an execution and order of sale
Issued out of the Circuit Court of the
Stato of Oregon for Lane County on
tho 14th day of AugUBt, 1916, on a
Judgment reridored In said Court In
said County on the 12th day ot Aug
UHt, 1916. In a suit wherein the Plain
tiff, W. II. Shelley, as administrator
of tho estate ot John Shelley, deceas
ed, re -overed Judgment ag-lnBt the do
fendents, James W. Jones, C, 1C.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oreaon for Lane County
H. L. Studloy, Plaintiff,
Nicholas Sorglovsky, Mrs. Nicholas
Serglovsky, and all persons un
known, If any, having or claiming
an Interest or estate In and to the
hereinafter described real property,
To Nicholas Sorglovsky, Mrs. Nlch
olas Sergievsky and all persons un
known, If any, having or claiming an
Interest or estate In and to tho herein
after described real property, tho
above named defendant.
OREGON: You are hereby notified
that H. L. Studloy the holder of Cer
tificate of Delinquency numbered 1260
Issued on the 7th day ot October. 1913
by the Tax Collector ot tho County ot
Lane. State or Oregon, for the amount
of $5.89 the same being the amount
then duo and delinquent for taxes for
the year 1912 together with penattv,
Interest and costs thoreon upon tho
renl property assessed to you, of which
you are the owner as appears ot rec
ord, situated in said County and State,
and particularly bounded and describ
ed as follows, to-wlt:
Lot 5, Block 21 .Emerald Heights .In
I he Town of Sirlngfleld, Lane County,
You are further notified that said H.
L. Studley Una paid taxes on eald
premises tor prior or subsequent years
with the rato of Interest on said
(.mounts as follows:
On March 21, 1914, the sum ot $4.95
for taxes oi the year 1913 .
On March 31, 1915, the suratof $4.26
for taxes oi the year 1914.
On April 5, 11') 6, the sum ot $4.15 for
taxes of the year 1915.
All of the above amounts bear in
terest at the rate of 15 per cent per
Said Nicholas Serglevsky as the
owner of the legal title ot the above
described property as tho samo ap
pears ot record, and each of the other
persons above named are hereby fur
ther notified that H. L. Studley will
apply to the Circuit Court of the
County and State aforesaid for a de
cree foreclosing the lien against the
property above described, and men
tioned In said certificate. And you
are hereby summoned to appear with
in sixty days after the first publica
tion of this summons exclusive of the
day of said first publication, and do
fend this action or pay the amount
due as above shown together with
costs and accrued interest and In case
of your failure to do so, a decree will
be rendered foreclosing the lion of
said taxes and costs against the land
and premises above named.
This summons is published by order
of the Honorable G. F. Sklpworth,
Judge of the Circuit Court of the
State ot Oregon for the County of
Lane and said order was made and
dated this 21st day of August 1916,
and the date o fthe first publication of
this summons is the 24th day of Aug
ust, 1916.
All process and papers in this pro
ceeding may be served upon, the under
signed residing within the State of
Oregon, at the address hereinafter
Attoreny for the Plaintiff
Address, Eugene, Oregon.
Aug. 24,31,Sept.7,14,21,28, Oct.5,12,19,26
County and 8tato, and particularly
bounded and doscrlbod s follows, to
wlt: Lot numborod (1) ono In block num
bered (1) In E. E. Kopnor'a Addition
to tho town of 8prlnKtlold, Lano
county, Stnto ot Oregon.
You aro further notified that said
II. L. Studloy has paid tnxos on said
promises for prior or subsequent yoars,
with the rate ot lntoroat on said
amounts na follows:
On March 21, 1914, tho sum ot $2.97
for taxes for tho yoar ot 1913.
On March 31, 1915 tho sum ot $2,55
for taxes for tho year ot 1914.
On April 5, 1910, tho sum ot $2.07
for taxos for tho yoar ot 1915.
All ot tho amounts bear Interest
from dnto of payment at tho rato ot
15 per rout por annum.
Said U. II. Kepnor as tho owner
f tho Ihri1 tltlo of tho nbovo do
crlbod .roperty as tho atxmo appears
ofrecou. and each ot tho other per
sons nbovo nnmod are hereby further
notified thnt II. L. Studloy will apply
to tho Circuit Court of tho County and
Stnto nforennld for ix decree foreclos
ing tho Hen against tin proporty above
doscrlbod, nnd mentioned In mild Cer
tlflcato. And 'ou aro horoby summon
ed to nppcnr within sixty dnys utter
tho first publication of this summons,
oxcluslvo of tho day ot said first pub
lication, ami defend this action or pay
tho amount duo as nbovo shown, to
"e'lior ,,tb c!s ird ncT'cl
nnd in enso ot your fnlluro to do so, n
decree will bo rendered foreclosing tho
lien of sail taxes and costs against
tho land and premises nbovo named.
This summons Is published by order
of tho Honorable O. F. Sklpworth,
Judge ot tho Circuit Court ot tho Stato
of Oregon for the County ot Lnno and
said order wns mado and datod this
31st dny of July 1916, and tho dnto of
tho first publication ot this summons
Is the 3rd day ot August, 1916.
All process and papers In this pro
ceeding may bo served upon tho under
nlgncd residing within tho Stnto ot Oro-
gon at tho address burolnaftor men
Attorney for Plaintiff
Address. Eueeno. Orogon.
Aug. 3,10,17,2431: Sopt 7.14,2l,28,Oct.5
Department ot tho Intorlor, U. S
Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon,
August 2, 1916
Notice Is hereby given that Melzar
A. Rice, of Fall Creek, Orogon, who,
on January 31, 1913, made Homestead
Entry. Serial No. 0S559, for the S. B.
U of N. E. A ot Section 20, Township
18 S., Range 1 E., Wllllmotto Meridian,
has filed notice ot Intention to nake
Final Three-year Proof, to establish
claim to the land above described,
before I. P. Hewitt, U. S. Commission
er, at his office, at Eugono, Oregon, on
the 18th day ot September, 1916.
Claimant names as witnesses:
Adolphus Kintzley, ot Fall Creok,
Oregon. ,
Ed. Shoults, ot Fall Creek. Oregon.
Logan Neet, of Fall Creek, Oregon.
John Kissinger, ot Fall Creek,
W. H. CANON Register
.vug 7.ic.ii.i7.2i.?4..t: sopl
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for Lane County
II .L. Studloy, Plaintiff,
II. B. Kepner, Mrs. H. B. Kepner, and
all persons unknown, if any, having
or claiming an Interest or estate in
,and to tho hereinafter described real
proporty, Defendants.
To H. B. Kopner, Mrs. II. B. Kep
ner, and all persons unknown, if any,
having or claiming an interest or es
tate In and to tho hereinafter describ
ed real proporty, the abovo named de
OREGON: You are hereby notified
that H. L. Studloy the holder of Cer
tlflcato ot Delinquency numbered
1196 issued on tho 7th day ot October,
1913, by the Tax Collector of the
County of Lane, Stato of Oregon, fpr
the amount of $2.17, tho same being
the amount tlion due and delinquent
for taxes for the year 1912 together
with penalty, interest and costs 'there
on upon the real property assessed to
you. jf which you are the owner as
appears ot record, situated in said
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Lane County
H. L. Studloy, Plaintiff,
William R. West, Mrs. William R
West, and all persons unknown, It
any, having or claiming an Interest
or estate In and to the herolnaftei
described real property, Defendants.
To William R. West, Mrs. William
R. West, and all persons unknown, li
any having or claiming an interest or
estate in and to the hereinafter do
scribed real property, and tho above
named defendant.
OREGON, You aro hereby notified that
H. L. Studley the holdor of Certificate
of Delinquency numbered 1290 Issued
on the 7th day of October, 1913, by
the Tax Collector of the County of
Lane, State of Oregon, for the amount
of $7.45, tho same being the amount
then due and delinquent for taxes for
tho year 1912, together with penalty,
Interest and costs thereon upon the
real property assessed to you, ot which
you are tho owner as appears of rec
ord, situated In said County and State,
and particularly bounded and describ
ed as follows, to-wlt:
Lot number (6) six, In Block num
ber (6) Six, In Midway Park, In Lano
county, State of Oregon,
You are further notified that said
H. L. Studley has paid taxes on said
premises for prior or subsequent years
with the rate of Interest on said
amounts as follows:
On March 31, 1915, the sum of $.52
for taxos of the year 1914.
On March 5, 1916, the sum ot $.52
for taxes for the year of 1915.
All of tho above amounts bear In
terest at the rate of 15 per cent per
Said Willam R. West as tho owner
of the legal title of the above describ
ed property as tho samo appoars of
record, and each of the othor persons
above named are hereby further noti
fied that II. L. Studley will apply to
the Circuit Court of tho County and
Stato aforesaid for a decree foreclos
ing the Hen against tho property above
described, and mentioned In said Cer
tificate And you aro hereby sum
moned to appear within sixty days
after tho first publication ot this sum
mons, exclusive of tho day of said
first publication, and defend this ac
tion or pay the amount duo as nboyo
fchown, together with costs and ac
ed Interest, and In case of your failure
to do so, a decrco will bo rendered
foreclosing tho lien of said taxes nnd
costs against tho land and premises
abovo named.
This summons la published by order
of tho Honorablo G, F. Sklpworth,
Judge of tho Circuit Court of tho
Stato of Oregon for tho County of
Lano and said order was mado and
dated the 31st day of July, 1910, and
the date of the first publication of this
summons Is tho 3rd day ot August,
All process and papers in this pro
ceeding may bo served upon tho under
signed residing with tho Stato of
Oregon at the address hereinafter men
tioned. L. M. TRAVIS
Attorney for Plaintiff
Address Eugne, Oregon
Aug. 3,10,17,24,31, Sopt7,14,21,28, Oct.5
' Oregon has but ouo Normal Hohool. This school
Is located at Monmouth. Excellent a U tho work
of this school It Is ullerly unable to supply but a
iraall part of tho need for trained, teachers for tho
B, Oft(nior th.n t.000 tehool t.ichtri In th Pubtlj jehoolj
ot Ortgon, but 1J Pr etnt hv bun trlnd tor tlnlr
profiaaion of tochlno In Norml school!. ,.... i
It Is a woll established fact that our ono Normal
School cannot supply tho needs of the entire sluttt.
That Is why wu ask for your work and vote for tho
proposed Eastern Oregon Stato Normal School ut
Pendleton, Oregon.
Bioht eountlti In tho WIIUmMU VdlUy hy mploytd
durlno th pM flvo yri. 201 ttehri who hwt ardii.
t!d from the Monmouth Normal nolnt 39 Monmouth
Normal School 0radi.tti tor tho !lo"l Hd.nU eountl!!
'DurtnahS'pMl'flv. yaara the att.ndanc. of itud.nta
from nln WlllamttU Vullty countlta was 177 HudtnU
ia agalnal it itudont! from nln. of tho loading countlaa
O'owli?gr0tho0crowdd condition of our ono Normal
at Monmouth and also tho distance and oxpmie of
attending, tudents from Eastern Oregon aro com
' polled to go to neighboring states to secure their
training as teachers.
Tho annual malnUnanci coit of tho propoitd Stito
Normal School In Eaattrn Oraoon amount! to but onj
29th of a mill or 4 cnta on a thoutand dollara of tatKabl
proptrty. lan't It worth thla to hv! your chlldran tralnod
to bacomo uaaful and productive cltlianaf
Among thoso who strongly ondorse the ritablliih
ment of the proposed Eastern Oregon Normal School
aro Governor Wlthycombo, J. II. Ackcnnan. Presi
dent of tho Monmouth Stato Normal; W. J. Kerr,
President of tho Oregon Agricultural College! P. L,
Campboll. President of tho Stnte University; Robert
C. French, former President of the Weston Normal,
and practically all of thu leading educators of the
State. J. A. Churchill, Superintendent of Public In
struction, voices tho sentiments of those who aro
most familiar with the need of more adequate Normal
facilities when he saya:
"Oraon'i aratet naad for Ita rural oehoola li thi
taachor who haa had full preparation to do hir work.
Such preparation can boat coma through Normal School
""'"truat that thi votir! of thi itat! will aailit In railing
tha itandard of our ichoola by oatabllahlng a Stato Nor
mal School at Pondlatan. Tho location la central, tho In
toraat of the people of Pendleton In education moat excel
ent, and the large number of puplla In the public echoolo
will give ample opportunity to atudenta to get the amount
of Uaehlng practice required In a itandard normal echool."
All the above educators Insist that a Standard
Normal School must bo located In a town ot C000
or more population and having enough grade pupils
for teaching practice.
y voting YES for No. JOS you will, help to give to the
achool children of Oregon the aame advantagea enjoyed
by the achool children of our neighboring italic.
Veto YK8 fer No. JO.
Eastern Oregon State Normal School Committee
By J. H. Qwlnn, Secy., Pendleton, Ore.'
(Paid advertisement)
High Grade
rs. ML N. Thompson
Ready for Inspection
No Formal Opening
T W :
Rrf yourself
in HERplac
Why not get a good
oil stove so that dur
ing the hot weather
your wife or mother
orsisteror daughter,
can prepare the
meals in a cool, com
fortable hitchen?
Thero's no overheating
the kitchen withanup-to-date
oil cook stove. It's
just like cooking with city
gas. The burners con
centrate tho heat at tho
different cooking points.
Rt suits
i I aalf WaalfJf tm
No wood or coal or
ashes to lug. No
waiting for fires to
catchup. The long
bluo chimneys do
nway with all
smoke and smell.
In 1, 2, 3, and 4-burner
tlzes, with or without
ovens. Also cabinet
models with Plreleis
cooking oven. V
For Sale By
-JJ.i iu
m ,