The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, September 14, 1916, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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(NIGHT "fe
: Town and Vicinity
Water wings at reery's .
. Mr. and Mrs.. Klinnr Ferguson at-
tended tho fair yesterday.
!,Mr. wiliougiwy or coimrg irnnsnci'
cii business hero Tuesday,
J,M. C. Hrosiilor loft this morning
for a short, business trip to Ashland.
j,lvan McKlnnoy and Harold McKln
noy woro expected homo today from
a few doy'n Hunting trip to Drjscow
f Iralrio.
Keep tho fllos oft tho cows with Fly
Douncor'' 76c a gallon at Poory'a. j
J,Mr. ond Mrs. John Soavoy drove In
from tho Hop Island ranch to do somo
shopping yestorday afternoon. I
i' I
0. E. Swnrls and Pratt Holvorson
woro among tho Springfield folks whol
,'attondod tho oponlng of tho Lano;
' . I
cyuniy rouna-up aim mir m cut-"u
jiFor tho best npto-date shoe, ropalr-
Ing, try Hall tho Shoo Doctor. Fifth
a'd Main streets.
. i . -. it . if aiMwnvt
motored tq scq tho,,round-
, up parodo yesterday afternoon.
Sherman .'Spong camd In Tuesday
ojonlng froinTi'Mflrcbla.
JjMlss AnnoBrlham .returned horo
londay after: an , cjte.ndod visit In
iiGteves, overalls, ahlrta and.(soxJ,at
UXL ft'MIHej'B,
IMiss Bessie Spencer.toolt.charge ,of .
. r . If l-w
$.Tbo Methodlsf Ladles' Aid mot with
lMra. N. M. Emery, on South Second
' stroot,' Wodnosday afternoon.
ifiectrlc .shoo repairing. -Wolf &
M.iC. Brosslor bocamo tho owner of
t a fino now Bulck Btx automobile tho
l'flrst of tho wook.
' 0. B. Kossoy.'and Wolby 8tovena
lwont to Oakrldgo Wednesday oven
'Ing on buslnoss.
L. R Donks, operator nt tho Oregon
Power plant, began a two wookB va
cation yestorday.
UOtJND-UP. lCc for a Ilound-up spoc-
lal at Egglmnnn's.
Claud Slgnor, who Is employed at
.Hampton's store, went to tho Bound
; ;up and Fair Wodnosday.
Mrs. J. Lydy, wlfo of tho Southern
' Pacific section foreman at Marcola
, was .brQHgh't to tho local hospital Mon
day night at 11 o'clock -and submit
ted to an oporatlon for" appendicitis,
t Sho Is getting along' nicely. .
. Miss Allle Sharp of Albany return
od from a trip to Itosebur. and will
remain In Eugono for the' Fair.
Good' reliable Are Insurance, No as
sessments; ho membership feo. 'Pay
onoo end yon Ate dene 1L JS'. Walker
at the City Hall.
Tho .Booth-Kelly company . Is .put
ting In now planks in tho road way
west' ffom 'the ofllco. 1
Leslie Ooddard of CotUigo Grovo vls
itod atUie homo of his uncle, J. F.
Goddnrd, Tuesday evening on, his way
to Corvallls where ho will attend
Try bur Ico croam once and youjil
novor buy olsowhoro. Egglraann's.
Dr. W. H. Pollnrd spent yostordny
afternoon in Eugono oxamlnlng child
ron for; tho Bettor Babies contest
Hugh Brassier .who has .boon In
Bond a year roturnod to Springfield
Tuesday. ,
Mr. nnd Mrs, E. E, Brnttnln and fam
ily rqturnod tho first of tho wook
of tor' cnm'plng sovornl wooks; at "Mop
eltoqil )Mr Ilrattaln brought sn load of
cattle as far as Yalo,
Truo economy is what wo snvo in the
longirun. Tho wlso man foods his colt
r. ,- . ... . . .
tft got ft good flow o milk and pain s
hls-houBO to make it lnsL It costs
vocyilItUo more now to paint n houso ,
than it did a year ago. Probably not
more than ?2.00 on an average. Mako
your homo bountiful with the best
point on tho markotr-phooulx Puro
Paint, Qunrantood. Sold by J. C. IIol-
brook, .
Tuo boat mons' shoos at Wolf &
Word Iiiih boon received from tlio
8. Young family of Portland and for
niorly of Springfield, Hint tlio two
sons, Bam and Will, who havo boon
drilling for tho army In London, havo
, Moon called to tho front In Franco.
Two loads of whoat woro rocotvod
I at tho Springfield Flour mill Tuesday.
. Miss Marjory Oambor, who has boor)
visiting with hor olotor, Mrs. Jackson
returned Wodnosday to hor homo In
Dos Moines, Iowa.
Z. T. Klntzloy nrrlvod from Jasper
yesterday morning to visit hero rtt tho
homo of Mr. nnd Mrs. J. V. Vrv nml In
nUond Ul0 KuRono f0und up and fair.
Do ybu wish to bocomo wellT If so
on Dr. Murphy, a drugloss hosier,
3E9 "ATaln street.
Dr. H .C. Palmer of Mabel was a
Springfield visitor Tuosdny.
Chnrles Walkor of Jasper was In
IfllL'n trnnUflf.(lll..llll.lnn.a THA..I.M
Oliver W. Johnson of this city has
somo pretty; ombroldory exhibits at
tho county fair.
M r H HwnPl. ,Rf, v.,ftr,t
I .v..-...
i .... , ,
family, C. E.- Swarts, nt Natron
'.Mrs. .Prico's canning powders at
Reery's .iJniE Store,, "
Mrs. M. J. Derick 19ft Sunday for
Cottago Grovo, whore sho will visit
with hor brother, Dr.' OglosbyV and,
from ,thorq wlU go to Grants Pass.
..Extra cars woro put on tho Soring-figld-Eugone
trolly' lino at 0 o'clock
this morning to' accommodate the pod-
riln rt . ,Vil wkn .III mn-Ja 111
i&ir ana una-up today.
'Rolrlmmlng hats In latest stylos
given careful attention at Mrs. Tuompj
son's. '
Mrs. L. Jacobs and son of Klamath
'Falls aro guests at tho horaoor 'the
farmer's daughter, Airs. Jamos Stow,
art of thlB city. Mrs. Jacobs is the
mother of Miss Waive Jacobs, who
was ono of tho roso quoen maids al
Portland last Juno.
C. E.' Simmons and family left Sat
urday for Baker, Oregon, whore they
will mako their homo. Thoy havo
lived on tho Goshon road for tho past
twolvo years but aro going to locato In
eastern Oregon on account of Mrs.
Slmms hoalth. Thoy will rent their
ranch horo.
Ladlos' and childrons' shoes. Wolf
& Mlllnr.
Mr .and Mrs. T. C. Tucker and fam
ily of Lebanon nnd fonuorly of Spring
field, stoppod horo Tsday to see
friends on their way up, the McKenzIo'.
J. p. Shoppard and family moved
Monday from Ninth and. B .streets to
a residence on' Fourth strcot-'botween
C and D.
v Mrs. Rose Washburn retnraed to
8prlpgfleld "Friday. ' , '
Throo flat cars have seen sent to
the local Southern Pacific yards tf)
have wood racks built oa them and
Will be used hero.
How' about those freab,'Bome-;nade
chocolates in fancy .boxes at Eggt
mann'B7 1
, Mrs. S. A. Smith of Salem, Is visit
ing with her s!storMra, A. 8, Walker
since Inst Frlduy
The Wendllng Booth-Kelly mill has I
closed for today and Friday for tho
mir auu iiouna-up.
Mrs. Loulo Jacobs and small son
aro visiting at tho homo of Mrs. Stew
art's daughter, Mrs. J. E. Stowart.
Dave Fountain of Wnltorvlllo came
to a local physician Wodnosdny tq
havo a carbunclo on his nock treated,
Tho small daughter of Mrs. II. V,
Couch ot Eigpno, was pporatod on for
tonsils and adenoids yesterday morn
Ing at tho olllco of a local physician
Do you wish to beceme well? It ad.
call on Dr, Murphy, a drugless healer
369 Main stroot.
Mr. nnd Mrs, J. C. Ilolbrook and
Mrfl B
UoK .
Chnrles Brattjiln and I.owoll Slkes,
returned lute luHt n! finni tho 8lu
slnw wtib a fim 1. .d vi bvit' t-itao
which tylr. Ii ,n.i.n v: . . iluj
woro bout a wook uat'. . i i
Mr. Porter of Portland was here
Wednesday to loot: after his property
on fifth street: Mr. Portor was pleas
od with Springfield and said It had a
V. D. Harnett, clilof clerk at tho
Oregon Power company ofllco begins
a week vacation today.
Hov. Ilonnott of Junction City will
npoak nt tho Christian church a week
from Sunday for morning and oven
Ing services.
(loorgo Spores and family of Yarncll
woro In town today.
Mrs. Thomas Hikes received a card
this morning from La Orando, written
by her sister, Mrs. C. T. Wilson, stat
Ing that thoy woro enjoying their
trip to Missouri. '
Mrs. Victor Vangotz of Portland
arrived Tuesday and Is spending a faw
days with Dr. and Mrs. N. W .Emory.
W. C Myors of Hoyden brldgo stop
ped hero on bis way to tho Fair
John Wlnzonrlcd brought his heph
j ow, J. P .Gllfroy, from Pleasant Hill
to a local doctor yesterday to have his
broken leg examined. Tho cast will
bo removed tomorrow.
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Bally went to
tho Sluslaw Wcdwncsda'y for a fishing
M. J. Warren of Waltcrvlilo was a
shopper hero Wednesday.
Dick Adams was down from tho fish
hatchery yesterday.
Y. M. C. A. Band Gives Concert
Tho Eugeno Y. M. C. A. Boys' Band
cnmo 10 Springfield at soven-thlrty
. Tuesday evening nnd played on tho
aimyio iui uuuui uu uuui uutuiudiu
tho Round-up to be held at tho county
seat this week. There were 27 boys
In tho band all dressed in typical wild
west stylo with their sombreros and
legglns. Each boy had a white leather
band on his hat telling of the Round
up. WhLIo tho band was here it play
ed many beautiful selections which
were appreciated by tho people of the
Librarian Makes Repprt
Although 'August Is gorierally con-J
Bidored'ns tho vacntloilmcfnth irnadcJ
no difference, with' tho progress of the
Bprtngfleld Public Library in, its set-
vice to tho nubile Tji.f mnnth corporation; having dbjdctlbrfs .'td :mevCountyrjand 'jtate oratio; rdr ae
ii1 .h .If I T v the'completion-of W.-rli'mky'do to&Mi5nk thd'lfei'alflst'he
new readers signed up for books as t8a , within tw6 weeks' of.thi'aaW-orthe property above described, irod'meV
regular patrons; J32 books were Is-
suea; and there woro 77 visitors to. tho
reading room.
Springfield, Babies Are jExamlned.
Tho' following parents of" Sprnlg
field had their children examined at
tho Bottor Babies Clinic, held In con
nection with the Lane county fair at
Eugono yesterday. C. W. Hanson,
Emory Richardson, Walter Herndon
and E. It. Oano. The folllowing
Springfield parents will present their
bablos'to bo examined today: Dr. J.
E. Richmond and L. E. Danks.
Street Improvement Delayed.
The work of improving South.. Sec-
ond street COO feet south of E street ' real property, the above named do- ceedlng may be served upon the Wi
lms been delayed as engineer L. E. fondants. dersigned residing within the State
men nnu teams necessary to accom- that H. L. Studley the holder of Cer
pllsh the, work. Mr. Parsons secured , tlflcato of Delinquency numbered 1233
ono man to work ono day last week. Issued on the 7th day of October 1913
i i,ii.i , ,, .
but Is now obliged to suspend nv-,
provement uniu no can secure neip
Conduct C. E- Rally at Florepcet
Miss Ruby Sensonoy and WalteoR.
tilmm of this cliy and' Miss Edna
Whipple of Eugene were In charge
jof a Christian Endeavor rally hold
at Florence Sunday. Mr. DImm return
ed Tuesday evening, and Miss Whipple
and Miss Sqnsoney aro expected home
Tho National Forests of Oregon and
Washington contain thousands ot de
slrablo summor home sites that may
be leased at reasonable torms for a
porlod of years .
Musicians Attention
All porsons interostod In band music
aro requestod to meet at tho Deals
building on Fifth street between the
hours of 6:30 and 8 o'clock Monday
owning, oaptomper is. At mat time
I will orgnnlzo a class for instruction
in band music.
Brave the wind
!lfttvI iuiKbcst wot
woathor -togs
' cvor mvcn.(cdv
Dealers everywhera
Oxir 80 & yonr.
1 pJSii
JgS I tiff
in tllpy tTd bat! stt'tfj riS than to walk into the nearest place that sells
'&.S7tfEZjSZZ3i tobacco, and ask for "a supply of P.' A." You pay u,
thatclmrrT, pomn4 . 1 Vi,. :. V, U ,y
namiaor with ipMrfiMiiltiifP uui a utuc wiJtuigc, lu uc
1 ringe Albert
R. J. ReyneMer Ttheeo
Sopt 7, 14. 21
Coarity Clerk
runui,i.uouc ur i a uun
-J' - - -
NOTICE . Said Joseoh.OIea and J, W. Mathen
All persons' Intertpted arj iiotlfled ish'irwtierd 6f the lefealTUUe 6j jthe
lhat the" contractor; on Co. Itoaa'Noi aboVe, 'described iroVerty' ai'Ufe 6amer
In SeciSL'Tp., 16' a 'Ei,,WJ M.paWiotvrec,pdi'
ha'a'cpnipletWhiB workancVtlieCountyw flrabntf, abov'fed'.'reoy
Surveyor has 'flled hlsr-c'ertlflcatoAfufnrtfiJrJnoHlOeVlU& H. LV''Bt&&leri
nmtIoMnn' anil ilrV florinH Wrmu.rnV'fchUw-WA',r-tHfr,tfH' Afiha
yuui.i-ALtwu ui uiia huuv, u uic lUJJUi ill tjAlll tci UUWIV. AUU juu aig
-oTO'ce of the 'County "Clerk. ' ' 'Hereby 'idmnionea; t6, dpiifeaf Ifhln
Dated SenL B. 1916. i VlrtV rfkVn yftcV the first nnblleatton
v f
In the Circuit Court' of 'the State or failure to do bo; a Taecreef will be'rend-
Qregon, for Lane County rered foreclosing tho 'lien ot said taxes
H. L. Studley, Plaintiff, - dnd" c'dsfs against th'enand anbTVr'em-
' vs. ises above named.
Joseph Oles, Mrs. Joseph Oles, J. W.
Mached, Dora L. Machen, and all
persons unknown, If any, having or
claiming an interest or estate in and
to the hereinafter described real
property Defendants.
To Joseph Oles, Mrs. Joseph Oles, date ot the first publcatlon of this
nnd all persons unknown, If any, hav- summons is the 14th day of Septem
Ing or claiming nn interest or estate, ber 1916.
in and to the hereinafter described All process- and papers in this pro-
OREGON: You are hereby noUfled
by tho Tax Collector of the County ot
rne StaW of Oregon, to 'the imount
of $2.30. the same being the amount
then due and delinquent for faxes for
the year 1912 together "with' penalty,
interest and costs thereon upon the .
real property assessed to you, of '
which yoU are" the owner as appears .
ofrecordrsituated In said County and
State, and particularly bounded "and
described as follows, to-witi
Lot' nineteen' (19), In block nine (9),
in McWilloma Addition to tho Town
ot Springfield, Lane 'county; State' of
You aro further notified that said
II. h. Studley has paid taxes on said
promlsos for prior or subsequent
years with the rate ot interest on said
amounts as follows:
On March 21. 1914, the sum of $.74
taxes for tho year 1913.
On March 31, 1915, tho Bum ot J.C7
taxes for tho year, of 1914.
On April 6, 1916, the. sum of $.73 taxes
taxes for the year 1915.
All of said, amounts bear Interest
from date of payment at tho rate ot
15 per cent per annum.
Oregon Power
cigarette unless you get on talking-terms e
Vith Prince Albert tobacco!
P. A. comes to you with a reetl reason for all the J
goodness and satisfaction it offers. It is made by
a patepted fjrocess.,fha, jero0.Vesc bite fhd Pfrchl
iou ctmsnoKe 11 101
back! Prince .Albert
coupons or premiums,
Prince Albert affords the keenest pipe and cigarette
enjoyment! And that flavor and fragrance and
coolness is as good as that sounds, v P. A. just
ansiveri ihe 'uriiyersal demand for tobacco
without biiep&tch sr kick-back!
Introduction to Prince Albert isn't any harder 7
C, WinteB-Slm, N. C CepyriglM J91S
- of-'thfo suinmbW6luiive; day
ofL said .first publication, anof' defend
kboVe showh'tqgelher. wlth costs and
tnis action or pay me amount aue as
accrued .Interest and In case ot, your
This summons Is published by order!
of the Honorable John S. Coke Judge
of the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for the County of Lane and
said order was made and dated this
13th day of September, 1916 and the.
Attorney for the Plaintiff
Address Eugene, Oregon
Sept 14, 21,28, Oct5,12,19126,Nov.2,9,16
Amblers Dancing Academy
EugSne ' Phone 345
Larrj to d.ance before fall season
opens. , Three classes weekly.
Children 'sfancy danclBg, Saturdays
'2 p'.t bi. Jlafesj' Reasonable
Pa'cific Conservatory of Mu3io
731 Willamette Street
Tho School ot Music where all the
Legitimate Instruments and Musical
Studies are Instructed.
Ellsworth Crocker, President,
Mrs. Ellsworth Crocker, Sec and Treat.
P. A. puts, flew joy
into the sport of
smoking !
YOU may live to
be 110 and never
feel old .enough to
vote, but it's cer- i?
tain-sure you'll not 1
lnow the joy and
contentment of a
friendly old jimmy '
pipeora hand rolled
it long anil fiar&jmiit & cpme- , "(
Ibert has always en.sold, without ,
We prefer to give quality! v
aiuc, uul us uc wiicci' r
by R. J. KayaeM Tefcaeaa Ce. 19
' ' '" ' "
. r"DR. J. E. RICHMOND'0
,pyjwr ,(3cjmrnercial jjuik,
Springfield, Oregon.
Ed wards & Brattain
'ForFarm and City Property'
Exchanges a Specialty. " .-j
Springfield - Oregon
Phone 30
L$frk. fn City Harl, Sprlng"elda Or.
Homepaalhle Physician and SwrgMti
Geraer Secea and C Streets
HOURS': 9 TO. 12. PHONB 4
Attended to Promptly
Springfield and. Vicinity
LcaTo orders at the News Office
Office Phone .62; Kesldence 67-4
West Main'' 8L
Rv I i ,